Ost West Auto on Altufevsky and Trade Union. Reviews about "ost-west" Travel company ost-west

Good day, dear people, it so happened that the time has come to change the car to a newer one, I want to note that I wanted to take a car with minimal mileage, clean and without chips, so as not to paint it, as they say, I sat down and drove off. I arrived at the West Auto st. Irkutskaya 5/6 building 2. A one-year-old car worth half a million suited me, making a down payment, namely 10% of the cost of the car, was the promised rate from the lending department, for a loan of 14%. Previously, I bought a new car for 5 years and my interest rate was 14.5%. It so happened that I have an excellent credit history and there were no and there were no delays in payments. While I was driving to the car dealership, several banks also called me with loan approvals. However, completely different figures emerged in the lending department. At home, before leaving, I calculated all the options for 3 years, 4 and 5 years; for a car that cost half a million a month, the payment was no more than 15 thousand rubles. even taking into account that their rate will be 25%. As it turned out, the car dealership includes compulsory life insurance, and over five years, taking into account the cost of the car, this will amount to 100 thousand rubles. total 600 tr. although the lending department assured us that this insurance is already included in the price of the car, no one shows printouts of what principle they use, you want openness and in the end you are scammed out of the blue. What I did was take the amount of 600 rubles. and multiplied by the number of percent, I got 700 with a little t.r. the amount of overpayment was about 250 tr. Well, that didn’t go anywhere yet. Looks like it's true. However, when the answer came from the bank, it came 2 hours ago, and the employees of this company keep their clients in the dark, went to lunch and you sit and wait for who knows what, they sit and watch you on a video camera until you get tired and are ready to sign any documents. After they had lunch, going to the second floor, they saw that they had alcohol on the table and they were sitting stupidly at their workplace and drinking. I was called to the second floor after they had lunch/drink, they called me and said that unfortunately you were approved for a loan from only one bank, it immediately makes me wonder how it was from one, although while I was on my way to them, three more banks called me with loan approvals . Doesn't matter. I was told the payment amount was almost 20 thousand rubles. I also took 20 thousand rubles. multiplied by the number of months and this is 60 over five years, in the end this is 1 lyam 200 tr. for a car that costs half a million, what is their interest rate on the loan, asking such a question in front of me they tore up supposedly my documents with an answer from the bank and there were comments addressed to me with threats allegedly that they would now issue a refusal and I would not be able to take out a loan from within 3 months

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The Ost West Auto company has been specializing in used cars for many years. The company offers its customers a wide selection of used cars at affordable prices. Thanks to Ost West Auto, drivers can sell or buy a car at a profit without making unnecessary overpayments. The company's catalog includes cars for every taste and budget. We have both budget models and business class cars. Each car sold at Ost West Auto undergoes a thorough inspection and pre-sale preparation. All cars are legally clean and checked for repainting and mileage. Each client of the company can count on competent service and detailed advice. After purchase, customers have a complete understanding of the condition and features of their car. In addition, Ost West Auto allows customers to make purchases on credit through various banks. The company also provides assistance in car insurance and provides personal advice on this issue. "Ost West Auto" has its own service center, which carries out repairs and pre-sale preparation of cars.

We chose East-West on the advice of friends who sent their child on vacation with this company. They gave the phone number of their manager, who turned out to be the director! She is a nice girl, a little impatient in terms of conversations, but quite sociable and, most importantly, she has information. →

Travel agency rating:

Olga Nazarova: Last year my daughter was in this hotel. She was 11 years old then. I haven't heard anything bad from her. The conditions are very good. Food too. There is free Wi-Fi on site. My daughter called on Skype several times a day. →

Travel agency rating:

We went skiing to Slovakia with the OST-WEST company in 2013. I recommend that all future tourists purchase a “package with a ski pass”. The company highly recommended it to us, but we decided that we would solve everything on the spot! It was something! A lot of time is wasted on this!!! Nevertheless! The skating, as they said in the office, is great! Lifts and yokes work very well, everywhere and a lot! You can ride almost anywhere - you are not tied to one specific mountain (where the hotel is located). →

Travel agency rating:

With the Ost-West company we went skiing to Jasna for the first time. We knew that this tour operator makes children's holiday camps abroad. We chose Eastern Europe based on price and level of skiing - we were traveling for the first time, so many questions arose when booking. →

Travel agency rating:

I remember the English lessons at the beloved Woodline camp best of all) Maria Turenkova will help you in mastering this difficult in English like no one else! do you want entertaining →

bus tour

Travel agency rating:

Hello to all travel lovers! We went on a bus tour with the OST-WEST company. The trip turned out to be eventful, interesting and very active. We were a little unlucky with the weather - it was very hot, but again some tourists were delighted with the heat. →

Travel agency rating:

Malta - the best! I was on holiday at a camp where I learned English from OST-WEST. I liked everything - the hotel, the counselors and the children themselves were great too! My studies are probably good too, although, honestly, I don’t know if I learned anything new in English, but by communicating with new people in English, I improved my speaking a lot! A great holiday with very interesting excursions. →

The Ost West Auto dealership offers a variety of services in the used car market. Customer reviews tell about the experience gained in communicating with managers and administration of the salon, as well as about the quality of the cars offered.

Field of activity

The Ost West Auto car dealership sells used cars of Russian and foreign brands, acting as an intermediary between the seller and the buyer. Sales are carried out in more than ten centers, where the consumer is given a choice of cars of various price categories - from premium class to budget cars.

The main service of the company is the sale of used cars. The salon provides pre-sale preparation of the car, evaluates its value based on the condition and level of costs for repair work, carries out maintenance and checks the history of the car.

Additional offers

For the convenience of clients, the Ost West Auto car dealership offers a range of services for vehicle registration, several loan programs from different financial organizations and much more.

Main range of services:

  • Acceptance of a car for sale under three programs - trade-in, urgent sale, commission sale. Car owners can use the service of exchanging their car for any other one presented by the company. Amount of surcharge for new car determined on the spot.
  • Lending. The car dealership provides loans to buyers, offering loan programs from leading banking organizations, provides documentary support for the contract and helps to choose best option credit program.
  • Car insurance. In the case of program proposals from leading Russian agencies and small companies. Insurance is issued according to the wishes of the buyer and includes programs such as OSAGO, CASCO, etc.
  • Tires and wheels. This department offers a wide range of products for any category and car brand. New and used products are presented.
  • Consultations in choosing a car. A salon specialist will help you choose a car according to the client’s requirements and provide full support for the transaction.
  • After-sales service - repairs, installation of new equipment, modernization, etc.
  • Legal services. The company checks the history of cars through the traffic police, FSSP and other structures.

What do they write in negative reviews?

Thanks to active advertising campaign And pricing policy many clients come to the Ost West Auto salon. Reviews about the quality of the cars sold are some of the most vivid based on the impressions and descriptions received. Most buyers note that car dealerships only imitate repairs in order to sell the car, and no one cares what happens to it next.

Negative reviews about the Ost West Auto salon in Moscow note the following shortcomings:

  • engine operation diagnostics are not carried out;
  • Problems with the body are not eliminated, but only the rusted areas are painted over;
  • the actual mileage of the car is underestimated.

Many buyers are not advised to contact the Ost West Auto car dealership (Altufyevo). Reviews are filled big amount described cases of forced additional repairs, the cost of which often exceeded the price of the purchased car. People write that contacting the company with complaints leads nowhere, since the concluded agreement does not provide for the consideration of any claims after the completion of the transaction.

One of the unpleasant surprises from a car dealership is the lack of a test drive service for the purchased car. Clients recommend persistently demanding the opportunity to drive the chosen car or immediately refusing to purchase it if the manager does not meet the buyer’s wishes.

Positive points

There are clients who were lucky with their purchase and were happy to contact the Ost West Auto salon (Altufevskoye Highway) more than once. Positive reviews indicate that the staff is polite and knowledgeable. Buyers claim that salon managers answer all questions posed on the merits and provide comprehensive information.

Clients praise the company for many other things. The “Ost West Auto” salon received “plus” reviews for its rich selection of car models and brands, flexible system discounts and speed of registration of the purchased car (including registration with the traffic police, the procedure took just over an hour). Many wrote that the whole atmosphere in the salon is friendly and businesslike. This allows you to comfortably complete a transaction and go about your business in a new car.

What are the pitfalls?

Stated prices and the lineup attract a large flow of consumers to the Ost West Auto showroom. Customer reviews urge you to be more careful when purchasing and deciding on a loan. Buyers are recommended to come to the showroom with an expert and be sure to personally check all the characteristics of the car they like. This applies to checking the paint layer, the condition of the engine, body, chassis and other parts.

Consumer reviews note that the honesty of managers is questionable on many issues, and in some cases they were caught clearly deceiving the buyer of the Ost West Auto salon. The reviews give an overview of some types of manipulations, for example, it is indicated that the amount of the loan agreement always includes huge interest for the company. This point is almost always at the very end and a tired client rarely notices it when confirming obligations.

It is also noted that the salon makes offers that they cannot fulfill - when telephone conversation A car with certain characteristics and price is recommended for purchase, but on the spot it turns out that the car has a different production date, build, color, price, mileage, and often also make. Many considered this to be a deception, which is the norm of behavior for managers of the Ost West Auto car dealership. Reviews with such stories are not isolated; in them, clients compare the service and level of service with the markets and often put an equal sign.

What other advantages are noted in the work of a car dealership?

Some buyers were satisfied with the transactions completed with the Ost West Auto company. Reviews about the salon demonstrate the loyal attitude of customers to the actions of the manager, the policy of the enterprise and the result obtained. Based on the impressions left, it becomes clear that many took advantage of the trade-in system, organizing the sale of an old car and the purchase of a car with new characteristics in one day. It is noted that all procedures were carried out in as soon as possible, and the purchased car met all the requirements that were put forward.

Experienced car enthusiasts have left several recommendations for those who wish to use the services of the Ost West Auto salon (Altufyevo). Reviews from buyers of this type say that initially you should not hope to buy an excellent car in a showroom that sells used cars.

In any case, a car that has traveled hundreds of kilometers and has been in the hands of one or more owners will certainly have shortcomings, breakdowns, repairs and possibly accidents. It is worth deciding what shortcomings the buyer is willing to put up with and what is not acceptable in any case, and build on this list when purchasing.

Cons of services

Clients, dissatisfied with the company’s work on many points, criticized the Ost West Auto salon. Customer reviews indicate an impolite attitude of showroom managers towards those who want to clarify the full picture of the car’s condition and therefore ask a lot of questions. Visitors said that specialists are not above insults, delays in answering and obvious manipulation of facts, and if they are caught in this, they try in every possible way to avoid responsibility.

The management of the salon has also accumulated many questions about the sales policy and the legal irresponsibility of the directors for the obvious deception of the buyer. To all complaints, the company responds that their work ends with the sale of the car, and if there are complaints about the purchase, then when choosing a car, it should have been inspected more thoroughly.

The vast majority of customers recommend contacting other car dealerships for a used car or finding funds to buy a new car, which in the end will be more profitable than concluding a deal with East West Auto. Those who sold their car through this car dealership claim that the assessment of the car’s condition was made incorrectly; the amount turned out to be significantly lower than the market average, which made the exchange for another used car completely unprofitable.

Employees about the company

The company is constantly expanding and the number of employees is steadily growing, the staff of the OST West Auto car dealership is being filled and updated. Feedback from employees does not characterize the company from the most favorable side. Former managers strive to warn new colleagues that each of them will have financial plan which must be completed by the end of each working week. will entail penalties expressed in a reduction wages.

Some reviews mention that most of the cars have undergone cosmetic repairs, the purpose of which was to make them presentable. appearance, but no one cared about the other quality characteristics and there were no costs for major repairs.

What did you like about the job?

In positive reviews we're talking about about a friendly team capable of fulfilling any financial tasks and finding an approach to any consumer.

It is noted that working at Ost West Auto has become an excellent school for practicing extreme sales, training stress resistance and expanding your own knowledge base about car manufacturers and the problems of each car model that has been in the showroom. Former employees talked about an opaque system for calculating bonuses, delayed wages and strict discipline. In conclusion, I would like to note that reviews of the work of the Ost West Auto salon in Moscow, both positive and negative, express the subjective opinions of people, each of whom has their own evaluation criteria. Therefore, in order to form your own opinion about the company, you need to use its services.

Helpful information

The Ost West Auto car dealership sells exclusively used cars in the capital market, offers a range of related services and is located at the address in Moscow - Altufevskoye Shosse, building No. 31, building 1.

Travel by public transport:

  • From the Vladykino metro station, take minibus No. 53, 359 (stop "Avtobaza Goskino"). Next, you should cross and walk between the Rolf showrooms and reach the Ost West Auto showroom.

Products and Services: - Cars, - Service, - Trade In, - Redemption, - Commission, - Car loan, - Insurance The Ost West Auto car dealership is an official partner of the companies Genser, Avanta, Avantaym, Mitsubishi on Kolomenskaya , "Avtoport" and "Irbis". as well as large banks, insurance and leasing companies, thereby the company offers customers to purchase cars accepted through the Trade-In system.


Review of the salon on Altufevskoye Highway. contacted many times. happy with the cars. The staff is sociable and cultured. This is our third car purchased from this dealership! Of course, now, compared to three years ago, there are fewer cars, unfortunately... But now you can see the time is like this... But despite this, we turned to them for the third time. We bought a car. everything is fair, fast.. chose.. Paid and left by car.. cars in different price categories

People, don't waste your time. The cars are terrible. In the photo they are cut out and beautiful, in fact they are scrap metal. The cars are broken and can be seen with the naked eye. I don't recommend going there. You'll only waste time.

I bought used wheels for a Ford Focus 2 at a car dealership, as stated in the ad, in fact without additional investments They are not suitable, they refuse to return the money. The representative of the car dealership behaves rudely, when talking on the phone with a young man, he is rude and says everything was sold correctly, they don’t give you a book of complaints. Do not contact this organization! !!

We bought a car from OstWestAuto! The staff is very welcoming: responsive and competent, but unobtrusive! Thanks to Al..yu and A..e, who helped with the purchase of the car, well done guys! A very friendly atmosphere in the salon, machines with legal purity, everyone can punch you and provide information. We left the salon with a purchase and a good mood!)))

I called the company by phone. I wanted to find out about the availability of wheels. In response I heard obscene language. When I asked to speak to a senior manager, I heard continued obscenity. 20 minutes later my daughter called this company. The result was almost the same. People, don’t fall for this charade. companies where employees communicate with customers this way good quality there is no product. on the phone with a client

People, run around this "Eastern" for a thousand kilometers! The workers are parasites, no matter where the director of this establishment is looking!!! There are a lot of employees, but there is practically no sense! We were at the salon for about 2 hours, the employees mostly constantly drank coffee, smoked - draw your conclusions! The senior manager was rude to us - N... the bark is very rude, not stress-resistant!!!, but that’s half the trouble! laughter and sin ahead! - we wanted to buy a silver car, but the vehicle was given a registered color - white, They said that a mistake was made by the traffic police, they didn’t give us the title for inspection, then it turned out that the title was a duplicate! Conclusions?! again with this.. We ask the employees a question about the STS, the manager A... Sandr answers like this - you still have to change the STS for yourself, what difference does it make? It’s canceled! We were shocked! They are looking for worse people, but alas, not everyone is like that! People be careful and stay away from this eatery while these m...nicks are working! Be careful! We almost got caught!!!

Disgusting company. The boorish behavior of the manager, who allows obscene language addressed to the client, intolerance, and the complete lack of skill to introduce a constructive dialogue, leads to the conclusion that since such a thing “happened” to work in the company, then it is not worth dealing with it. Avoid them!

Last year I bought three cars from them, they told me everything about all the problems with the car (replacements, paint jobs, mileage checks), one had the mileage checked by the old owner, I’m happy with everything. The seller is A... Xander.

This is our second time coming to this salon. We came on purpose because we were pleased with our first visit. The first was Renault Fluence, the second was Suzuki Cx4. Special thanks to Manager R..mis.

This year we took a second car from them, the first was Getz, now Logan. We are very pleased, all the cars are clean, all the imperfections on the body are visible. Well, the rest all depends on the buyer

In January we purchased a car from OstWestAuto. Very happy with the purchase and the service at the salon. Special thanks to the manager Ni....Yu, I completed the purchase quickly and without problems, I booked the car by phone call, I didn’t force it, I immediately told all the details, we knew exactly what we were going for. The salon itself made a positive impression: there are a lot of cars, all washed, as they say, “in the lights.”

Two weeks ago we bought a car from this dealership, thank you very much for that! The service was very good, the purchase and sale agreement was drawn up professionally and flawlessly, so not a single question arose when registering the car. Guys, thank you all so much! We are very pleased! Special thanks to L...o and A...ne, all the best to you and may the Lord bless you.

I was in this salon. A huge selection of cars, all the cars are clean, polished, I chose a car for myself and bought it, and was satisfied, and Dear, if you say that there is a “commission store”, then are you even talking about the salon? there are all used cars from Official Dealers! By the way, the prices are very reasonable, and by the way, about the repair work that was carried out on the car, they told me about this absolutely correctly! I just ran through the advertisements in the showrooms, and what do you think, half of the showrooms in Moscow are run by “non-Russians”, and the advertisements are posted inflating the years of the cars, incorrectly listing the equipment, terribly twisted mileages, etc. I couldn’t see anymore. These faces are not Russian!! And in this salon everything is clean and clear, all the information is valid in the advertisement, there are no commissions!!! Pleasant managers, in short, an excellent salon, I recommend it to everyone!!!

Disgusting consignment store, the mileage on the cars is just flat out, I bought a car, and then found out that 150,000 km had been taken from it, the sellers are rude rednecks, I'm hitting my ears like a roller... If you decide to buy a car there, then I advise everyone, come with a professional in this in fact, and if there isn’t one, then you’ll be setting yourself up for a lot of money later... Good luck to everyone.

Nice salon, good attitude towards the client (Hyundai Santa Fe car)

Good Day!!! I am an older person and have visited many different salons, I decided to buy myself a car (Duster) but with mileage. I went to this car dealership on January 3, 2016. The car dealership was open, I was politely greeted by the guys from the staff of this salon (Nick..y and Ar ..on), showed me the options for the car, measured it with a device, did a diagnostic of the car, drove it, overall I was satisfied!!! I came home, talked to my family, read the reviews, went to a bunch of different car dealerships... but I don’t know!!! I liked it! I liked the attitude of the guys towards the clients (the most important thing was that there was no imposition), we went for a drive in the car again with the whole family))) my grandmother asked a bunch of different questions (annoyed the guys), but nothing stood up))) I recommend it to everyone, a very good CAR SHOWROOM ,The cars are all clean, it’s nice to get into the car and not like what I went to see, in a word Thank you - Especially me.N..l.yu and A...e

They are louts working, not going to sell anything, talking like newly released prisoners. It is not clear what kind of office it is.

They make a fool of you. Everything that the former owner leaves, they appropriate half of it.