Parrying remarks. Objective criticism and subjective criticism. When to respond to comments

Organization marketing activities

Marketing planning system. Any company must look forward to be clear about where it wants to go and how to get there. Things cannot be left to chance. To model its own future, the company uses two systems at once: strategic planning and marketing planning.

Strategic planning is based on the fact that any company has several areas of activity (for example, the production of perfumes and cosmetics, the production of equipment for beauty salons and the production of plasters), each of which can be represented by several products. However, not all areas of activity and not all products are equally attractive. Some industries are growing, others have stabilized at the same level, and others are declining. If all production were to decline at the same time, the firm would be in serious trouble. To maintain its growth, the company must develop new promising production facilities and offer new products.

Marketing planning- This is the development of plans for each individual production or product of the company. This means that a strategic decision regarding all production has already been made. Now for each of them you need to develop a marketing plan in detail. Let's say that a shampoo manufacturer decides to continue offering its branded shampoo to the market, since the potential for sales growth is very high. In this case, the company develops a marketing plan that is designed to achieve the desired growth.

The company is developing two plans - long-term and short-term. First, a long-term plan is prepared for three to five years or more. It outlines the characteristics of the major factors and forces that will influence the shampoo market during the coming period, defines the objectives and key strategic techniques to gain the intended market share. The size of the intended profits and necessary costs are indicated. Every year (more often if necessary), this plan is reviewed and adjusted so that the company always has a valid plan for the future.

Then a plan is developed for a year or more short term, but lasting no less than the operating period. Usually this is a detailed version of a three-year plan for the first year of its implementation. The annual plan describes the current marketing situation, lists existing threats and opportunities, goals and problems relating to this product, sets out the marketing strategy for the year and the action program. They draw up budgets, that is, they indicate the amounts of estimated allocations and determine the control procedure. This plan becomes the basis for coordinating all types of activities - production, marketing, financial.

Marketing service organization system. The company must develop a marketing service structure that will allow marketing work to be carried out in full, including planning. If the company is very small, all marketing responsibilities may be assigned to one person. He will be entrusted with marketing research, sales organization, advertising, and customer service. This person may be called a sales manager, marketing manager, or marketing director. A large company usually employs several marketing specialists: salespeople, sales managers, marketing researchers, advertising specialists, as well as those responsible for the production of various products, market segment managers and customer service workers. All marketing functions are managed by the Marketing Department.

Marketing departments can be organized according to different principles. Each company creates a marketing department in such a way that it best contributes to the achievement of its marketing goals.

Functional organization. The most common scheme is the functional organization of the marketing service. In this case, marketing specialists lead different functions marketing activities. They report to the Marketing Director, who coordinates their work. For example, a department may have five such specialists: a marketing service manager, an advertising and sales promotion service manager, a sales service manager, a service manager marketing research and new product manager. In addition to them, there may also be a customer service manager, a marketing planning service manager, and a product distribution manager.

The main advantage of a functional organization is ease of management. But as you grow product range and the firm's markets, this scheme loses its effectiveness. It becomes increasingly difficult to develop specific plans for each individual market or product, as well as to coordinate the marketing activities of the company as a whole.

Organization on a geographical basis. In companies trading throughout the country, the subordination of salespeople is often organized on a geographical basis. The firm's marketing department includes a national sales manager. He manages regional sales managers, who report to local sales agents. When organized by geography, sales agents live within the territories they serve, know their customers better, and work more efficiently.

Organization for commodity production. Firms with a wide range of products and a variety of product brands use a commodity or brand production organization. It does not replace the functional organization, but is another level of management. All commodity production is managed by a product line manager, to whom several product group managers report, who in turn report to product managers responsible for the production and sale of a specific product. Each product manager develops his own production plans, monitors their implementation, monitors the results and, if necessary, revises these plans.

An organization for commodity production justifies itself in cases where the products produced by a company differ significantly from each other or when there are so many varieties of these goods that with a functional marketing organization it is no longer possible to manage this entire range.

Organization based on the principle of commodity production was first used in 1927 by Procter and Gamble. Its new soap, Camey, was doing poorly in the market, and one of the young executives, Neil H. McElroy, later president of the company, was assigned to focus entirely on refining the product and stimulating its sales. The work was a success, and soon other product managers joined the company.

There are a number of advantages to having a commodity production organization. First, the product manager coordinates all marketing activities for that product. Secondly, he can respond faster than other specialists to problems arising in the market. Thirdly, smaller, secondary brands of goods are not ignored, since the production of each of them can be managed by a separate manager. Fourthly, product production management is wonderful school for young leaders. In this job, they are involved in almost all areas of the firm's operational activities.

However, these benefits also come with costs. The management system for commodity production gives rise to conflict, since commodity managers often do not have sufficient rights to effectively perform their duties. While product experts, product managers rarely become functional area experts. Product management systems are often expensive due to the cost of paying employees. But experience shows that in critical situations this is the most effective method.

Organization on a market principle. Many companies sell goods in markets of different nature. For example, JSC Kuznetsk Metallurgical Plant sells steel to railway organizations, enterprises in the building materials industry, and many others. Using a market-based organization is desirable when purchasing habits or product preferences vary across markets.

Organization on the market principle is similar to the system of organization on commodity production. The Market Operations Manager in the Marketing Department supervises the activities of several market managers. individual markets. The Market Manager is responsible for developing long-term and annual plans for sales and other types of functional activity. The main advantage of this system is that the company builds its work in relation to the needs of consumers who make up specific market segments. Many companies have restructured their structure along this principle.

Organization on a commodity-market principle. Firms that sell many different products in many different markets can use either a product organization system, which requires product managers to know widely different markets, or a market organization system, which requires market managers to be familiar with the wide variety of goods purchased in their markets. A third option is also possible: the company simultaneously employs both product managers and market managers. This type of organization is called a matrix organization.

However, such an organization system is costly and raises many questions. Here are two examples.

1. What should be the organization of the sales staff? Should separate sales staff be provided, for example, for the sale of viscose, nylon and other fibers? Or the company should group sellers into men's, women's, and children's clothing markets. Or maybe you shouldn’t specialize your sales staff at all?

2. Who should set the price for a particular product in a particular market? In the above example, should the nylon production manager have final say in setting the price of nylon in all markets? What happens if a market manager men's clothing will feel that nylon will not succeed in this market without price concessions?

Most managers believe that the introduction of separate positions of product and market managers is justified only for the most important products and markets of the company. Some are not at all bothered by conflicts or costs; they are confident that the advantages of a matrix organization outweigh them. Especially if it is supplemented with a developed system of self-government.

System marketing control. As you implement your marketing plans, there are likely to be many surprises. The company needs to monitor its activities to ensure that its marketing goals are achieved.

Three types of marketing control can be distinguished: control of the implementation of annual plans, control of profitability and control of the implementation of strategic objectives. The task of monitoring the implementation of annual plans is to make sure that the company achieves all the indicators included in the annual plan. Profitability control consists of periodically analyzing actual profitability for various products, consumer groups, sales channels and order volumes. In addition, the firm may engage in marketing effectiveness research to find out how to improve the effectiveness of various marketing activities. Monitoring the implementation of strategic guidelines involves periodic “stepping back”, which is necessary for a critical assessment of the company’s overall approach to the market.

From the book Marketing author Loginova Elena Yurievna

8. Concept and structure of marketing activities The marketing philosophy is quite elementary - the company must produce a product for which demand is ensured in advance and which will lead the company to the intended level of profitability and maximum profit. The essence

From the book Marketing: Lecture Notes author Loginova Elena Yurievna

9. Methods of marketing activities When carrying out its activities and achieving its goals, a company can operate with several marketing methods.1. Product or service orientation method. Producing a good product (service, product) is only

From the book Marketing. Lecture course author Basovsky Leonid Efimovich

49. Types of control in marketing activities In modern practice, there are four types of marketing control (according to F. Kotler): analysis of annual plans, profitability control, efficiency control and strategic control.1. Analysis of annual plans includes: 1) analysis

From the book Marketing: Cheat Sheet author author unknown

51. Methods for assessing effectiveness About marketing activities Some scientists believe that effectiveness marketing policy in relation to a specific enterprise or industry is found by summing up the results of improving production and sales

From the book Marketing Management. Business communication of a marketer author Melnikov Ilya

12. The concept of marketing activities The marketing philosophy is quite elementary - the company must produce a product for which demand is ensured in advance and which will lead the company to the target level of profitability and maximum profit. Essence and

From the book Marketing Activities author Melnikov Ilya

13. Methods of marketing activities When carrying out its activities and achieving its goals, a company can operate with several marketing methods.1. Product or service orientation method. Producing a good product (service, product) is only half

From the book Marketing Conveyor [fragment] author Ivanov Leonid

15. Structure of marketing activities The structure of marketing activities is a complex of elements to achieve set goals and satisfy the target market. The structure includes a product (service), product distribution (sales), promotion and pricing. For

From the book Technology of Achievement [Turbo Coaching by Brian Tracy] by Tracy Brian

3. Types of control in marketing activities In modern practice, there are four types of marketing control (according to F. Kotler): control of annual plans, profitability control, efficiency control and strategic control. Let's look at them in more detail. 1. Analysis

From the book Take it and do it! 77 maximum useful tools marketing by David Newman

6. Methods for assessing the effectiveness of marketing activities In order to carry out marketing activities that have a positive impact on production and increase competitiveness, organizations need to regularly assess effectiveness

From the author's book

Goals of marketing activities Marketing, one way or another, affects the interests of everyone, be it a buyer, manufacturer, seller or an ordinary citizen. But these people may have goals that contradict each other. What should society expect from a marketing system?

From the author's book

From the author's book

Control of marketing activities When implementing marketing plans, unforeseen situations and surprises may arise, which makes it necessary to constantly monitor the progress of their implementation. Marketing control is also necessary to ensure

From the author's book

The essence and basic principles of marketing activities Currently, the development of market relations is causing profound socio-economic transformations, requiring managers and specialists of enterprises to master new management methods and techniques,

From the author's book

Technology for deploying marketing activities at the company Program of activities at the first stage 1. Organization of the workplace.2. Determining the degree of marketing orientation of the company.3. Marketing management functions.4. Choosing the structure of the future marketing


1. The essence and concepts of marketing activities

1.1 The essence of marketing an organization

1.2 Concepts of marketing activities

2. The process of marketing management in an enterprise

2.1 Development of the marketing mix

2.3 Organization of marketing activities

3. Improving the marketing activities of the enterprise

3.1 Creation of a marketing service

3.2 Carrying out special marketing events


List of used literature


In a highly competitive environment modern market Marketing plays an important role in the activities of any company because it allows for the establishment of an optimal relationship between the organization and the environment of which it is a part. Today, marketing is understood as the expression of a market-oriented management style of thinking, characterized by creative, stable and often aggressive approaches.

The marketing activities of an enterprise should be aimed at the long-term existence of the company, its sustainability, strong and long-term connections with consumers or other market participants, and increasing the competitiveness of the services and goods offered. To achieve these goals, the enterprise’s marketing service needs to answer questions that reflect the essence of marketing, these are:

1) What does the market need, and in what quantity?

2) Determine the market segment and your client?

3) At what price should I sell to cover costs and make a profit?

4) How to promote a product or service on the market?

Answers to these questions are obtained with the help of marketing research, the results of which are analyzed, and based on these analyzes a marketing program is developed that is aimed at a specific market segment and group of buyers.

The relevance of the chosen topic lies in the fact that currently not a single enterprise in the system of market relations can function normally without a marketing service at the enterprise. And the usefulness of marketing is increasing every moment. This happens because the needs of people, as we know, are limitless, and the resources of an enterprise are limited. Each subject has its own needs, which cannot always be satisfied efficiently. Everyone needs their own individual approach. Therefore, in the new conditions, the enterprise that can most accurately highlight and capture the diversity of tastes survives. Marketing contributes to this.

The subject of the work is marketing (from the English market) - market. Marketing is a type of market activity through which constantly changing needs and demands are anticipated and satisfied. Therefore, a person working in this area must have not only business intuition, but also extensive knowledge.

In this course work we will consider the following issues: the essence and concepts of marketing activities, development, planning and organization of marketing activities, ways to improve marketing activities.

The purpose of the work is to study the theoretical significance of marketing in the activities of an enterprise.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved:

Consider the essence of marketing activities;

Study the concept of marketing an organization;

Consider ways to improve marketing activities;

Study the process of enterprise marketing management, namely planning and organizing marketing activities

The information base of the course work is such textbooks as “Marketing and Market Research”, authored by I.S. Berezin, “Marketing Activity Scheme”, authored by V.P. Gruzinov, etc. Also, when writing the course work, articles from the magazines “Marketing in Russia and Abroad” and “Management Accounting” were used.

1. The essence and concepts of marketing activities

1.1 The essence of marketing an organization

Marketing is a system for organizing and managing the production and sales activities of enterprises, studying the market in order to create and satisfy demand for products and services and make a profit.

As a management function, marketing is no less important than any activity related to finance, production, scientific research, logistics, etc.

As a management concept (business philosophy), marketing requires a company to view consumption as a “democratic” process in which consumers have the right to “vote” for the product they want with their money. This determines the success of the company and allows it to optimally satisfy the needs of the consumer.

Since marketing is a way of convincing the masses to make a purchase, most people mistakenly equate this concept with sales and promotion. The difference is this: Sales primarily involves face-to-face contact—the salesperson deals with potential buyers. Marketing uses means mass media and other ways to capture the attention and convince many people - people who may not have any direct contact with anyone in the sales company. Creating demand. Effective tips and tricks for marketing your products and services.

Marketing is a complex, multifaceted and dynamic phenomenon. This explains the impossibility of giving a complete description of marketing that is adequate to its essence, principles and functions in one universal definition.

Basic principles follow from the essence of marketing. However, in domestic and foreign literature“Marketing principles” mean quite different things. Having examined the positions of various authors and compared them, we will highlight the following fundamental principles:

1. Careful consideration of the needs, state and dynamics of demand and market conditions when making economic decisions;

2. Creating conditions for maximum adaptation of production to market requirements, to the structure of demand (and not based on immediate benefits, but on a long-term basis);

3. Influence on the market, on the buyer using all available means, primarily advertising.

Marketing activities are a set of activities focused on researching issues such as: analysis of the external (in relation to the enterprise) environment, which includes markets, sources of supply and much more; analysis of consumers, both current (current, buying the company’s products) and potential (who still need to be convinced to become relevant); studying existing and planning future products, that is, developing concepts for creating new products or modernizing old ones, including their assortment and parametric series, packaging, etc. obsolete goods that do not provide a given profit are removed from production and export; planning of product distribution and sales, including the creation, if necessary, of appropriate distribution networks with warehouses and stores, as well as agent networks; providing demand generation and sales promotion (fosstis) through a combination of advertising, personal selling, prestigious non-profit events (“public relations”) and various types of economic incentives aimed at buyers, agents and direct sellers; provision pricing policy, which consists in planning systems and price levels for exported goods, determining the “technology” for using prices, loan terms, discounts, etc.; satisfaction of technical and social norms the country importing the goods of the enterprise, which means the obligation to ensure adequate levels of safety in the use of the goods and protection environment; compliance with moral and ethical rules; proper level of consumer properties of the product; management of marketing activities (marketing) as a system, i.e. planning, implementation and control of the marketing program and individual responsibilities of each participant in the enterprise, assessment of risks and profits, the effectiveness of marketing decisions;

The marketing process begins with studying the buyer and identifying his needs, and ends with the purchase of goods by the buyer and the satisfaction of his identified needs.

The market in which marketing entities operate can be divided into a “seller’s market,” where the enterprise sells its own products, and a “buyer’s market,” where it purchases the necessary production components. Thus, marketing is mainly beneficial to both sellers and buyers of goods.

However, before establishing contacts with partners of interest, it is necessary to establish:

Is the other party interested in this?

Are there technical means of communication (telephone, telefax) and a person responsible for communication?

Communication and business conversation with actual and potential partners is the most important part of marketing.

1.2 Concepts of marketing activities

The task of marketing management is to influence the level, timing and nature of demand in a way that will help the organization achieve its goals. Simply put, marketing management is demand management. There are five main approaches (concepts) on the basis of which commercial organizations carry out their marketing activities:

1. concept of production improvement;

2. concept of product improvement;

3. concept of intensifying commercial efforts;

4. marketing concept;

5. concept of social and ethical marketing.

The use of each of them is mandatory and, first of all, raises the question of what should be the balance of interests of producers, consumers and society as a whole. Indeed, quite often these interests come into conflict with each other.

1. Production concept, or concept of production improvement. Enterprises that adhere to this concept have predominantly serial or large-scale production with high efficiency and low cost, and the sale of their goods is carried out through numerous trading enterprises. The main prerequisites for the existence of this concept of managing marketing activities include the following: a) most of the actual and potential consumers have low incomes; b) demand is equal to or slightly exceeds supply; c) there is a rapid reduction in high production costs (usually by new products), which leads to gaining a larger market share.

2. The main idea of ​​the concept of product improvement is to orient consumers towards certain goods or services that technical specifications and performance characteristics are superior to analogues and thereby bring more benefits to consumers. At the same time, manufacturers direct their efforts to improve the quality of their goods, despite higher costs, and, consequently, prices. The factors supporting the existence of such a marketing concept may include the following: a) inflation; b) monopolistic market restrictions; c) rapid obsolescence of goods.

3. The sales concept, or the concept of intensifying commercial efforts, assumes that consumers will buy the goods offered in sufficient quantities only if the company makes certain efforts to promote the goods and increase their sales.

4. Marketing concept. This concept replaces the marketing concept and changes its content. The difference between the sales concept and the marketing concept is as follows: activities based on the sales concept begin with the product available to the company. Activities based on the concept of marketing begin with identifying actual and potential customers and their needs. The firm plans and coordinates the development of specific programs to address identified needs.

5. Social and ethical concept of marketing, characteristic of modern stage development of human civilization, is based on a new philosophy of entrepreneurship, focused on meeting the reasonable, healthy needs of the carriers of effective demand. Its goal is to ensure the long-term well-being of not only an individual enterprise, but also society as a whole.

The above concepts characterize the various periods and major social, economic and political changes that have occurred in developed countries in the past century. The dominant trend of the changes that have occurred is a shift in emphasis from production and goods to sales, as well as to the problems facing consumers and society as a whole.

2.1 Development of the marketing mix

The marketing complex is the link between producers and consumers who form market segments and includes: product, price, means of promoting the product to the market and distribution channels. Essentially, any product is a packaged service to solve some problem. The task of a market worker is to identify the hidden needs behind any product and sell not the properties of this product, but the benefits from it. Of course, the characteristics of the product - its size, color, packaging are also very important. But other factors are decisive. Consequently, the ultimate goal of manufacturers is not to produce specific products, but to provide them with the ability to perform certain functions efficiently.

Price, like product, is an element of the marketing mix. A company pursuing a certain pricing policy actively influences both the volume of sales in the market and the amount of profit received. Commercial results and the degree of efficiency of all production and marketing activities of a company or enterprise depend on how correctly and thoughtfully the pricing policy is structured.

An enterprise's pricing strategy is an activity that involves a continuous process of adjustment. The pricing strategy needs to be revised:

1. When new products are created.

2. When products are improved.

3. When it changes competitive environment On the market.

4. When a product goes through different stages of its life cycle.

5. When production costs change.

The most typical problems solved through a well-thought-out pricing policy are:

1) Entering a new market

2) Sequential passage through market segments.

3) Introduction of a new product (policy of “cream skimming”).

4) Stimulating complex sales.

5) Price discrimination.

6) Following the leader.

Maintaining a pricing policy requires excellent knowledge of the market situation, highly qualified decision makers, the ability to foresee possible changes market situation. When setting prices, you should not only know their lower and upper limits, beyond which their use is not economically justified or causes punitive sanctions, but also flexibly maneuver prices within these limits so that at a certain point in time these goals would be optimal for the seller , and for the buyer.

Means of promoting a product to the market, the purpose of which is to stimulate demand, are one of the most important components of the marketing mix. The main ones are: advertising, public relations, organizing exhibitions, fairs, providing discounts, trading on credit, etc.

2.2 Marketing plan as a basis for planning

Marketing planning is carried out differently in different organizations. This concerns the content of the plan, the duration of the planning horizon, the sequence of development, and the organization of planning. Thus, the range of content of the marketing plan for different companies is different: sometimes it is only slightly wider than the plan for the activities of the sales department. Some organizations may not have a marketing plan at all as a complete document. The only planning document for such organizations may be a business plan, drawn up either for the organization as a whole or for individual areas of its development. In general, we can talk about the development of strategic, usually long-term, plans and tactical (current), usually annual and more detailed marketing plans.

A strategic (long-term) marketing plan, developed for 3-5 or more years, characterizes the current marketing situation, describes strategies for achieving goals and those activities, the implementation of which leads to their achievement.

A marketing plan is developed for each strategic business unit of an organization and, in terms of formal structure, usually consists of the following sections: management brief, current marketing situation, threats and opportunities, marketing objectives, marketing strategy, program of action, marketing budget and control.

Executive Summary – The initial section of a marketing plan that outlines brief summary the main goals and recommendations included in the plan.

The current marketing situation is the section of the marketing plan that describes the target market and the organization's position in it.

Threats and Opportunities - A section of the marketing plan that identifies the major threats that the product may face in the market. The potential harm of each hazard is assessed, i.e. a complication arising from unfavorable trends and events that, in the absence of targeted marketing efforts, can lead to the undermining of the survivability of the product or even its death.

Marketing goals characterize the target orientation of the plan and initially formulate the desired results of activity in specific markets. Usually they try to express goals quantitatively. However, not all of them can be defined in this way.

Marketing strategy includes specific business strategies for target markets, the marketing mix used and marketing costs. Strategies developed for each market segment should address new and launched products, pricing, product promotion, product delivery, and how the strategy responds to market threats and opportunities.

A program of action, sometimes simply called a program, is a detailed program that shows what must be done, who should fulfill accepted orders and when, how much it will cost, and what decisions and actions must be coordinated in order to carry out the marketing plan.

There are three types of marketing programs:

A program for transferring the enterprise as a whole to work in a marketing environment;

A program for certain areas of the marketing mix, and, above all, a program for developing certain markets with the help of certain products;

Program for mastering individual elements of marketing activities.

In the opinion of domestic marketers, the greatest interest for enterprise managers is in programs to enter the market with certain products.

Typically, the program also briefly describes the goals towards which the program's activities are aimed. In other words, a program is a set of activities that must be carried out by marketing and other functions of the organization so that, with the help of the selected strategies, the goals of the marketing plan can be achieved.

Marketing budget is a section of the marketing plan that reflects the projected amounts of income, costs and profits. Costs are defined as the sum of the costs of production, distribution and marketing, the latter are described in detail in this budget.

In practice, various methods are used to determine the marketing budget; Let's look at the most common ones:

1. “Opportunity Funding.” This method is used by firms focused on production rather than marketing.

2. The “fixed percentage” method is based on the deduction of a certain share of the previous or expected sales volume. This method is quite simple and is often used in practice.

3. The maximum expenditure method assumes that as much money as possible should be spent on marketing. Despite all the apparent “progressiveness” of this approach, its weakness lies in the neglect of ways to optimize costs.

4. The method of accounting for a marketing program involves careful consideration of the costs of achieving specific goals, but not in themselves, but in comparison with the costs of other possible combinations of marketing means.

Section - control - characterizes the procedures and methods of control that must be carried out to assess the level of success of the plan. Measuring the success of the plan can be carried out for an annual time interval, quarterly, and for each month or week.

All of the above sections characterize both strategic and tactical plans, but the main difference between them is the degree of detail in the elaboration of individual sections of the marketing plan.

Marketing planning is increasingly used by many companies in the Russian Federation, although it encounters many opponents. There are cases when enterprises, having adopted this powerful tool of market economy, subsequently abandoned it. There is a completely logical explanation for these facts. The fact is that the planning system in general and strategic in particular cannot be blindly copied, which was observed in most cases. Any enterprise has individual characteristics, Related organizational structure, values, technology, personnel, scientific potential, etc. Thus, organizations, in order to achieve maximum economic effect, it is necessary to adapt the existing system marketing planning to the environment in which it operates.

2.3 Organization of marketing activities of the enterprise

The implementation of the marketing concept in an enterprise requires the creation of an appropriate marketing service. Currently, without such a service that provides marketing research to study the prospects of demand, consumer requirements for a product and its properties, trends in these requirements under the influence of various factors, it is difficult for manufacturers to survive in competition. The ultimate goal of the functioning of marketing services is the subordination of the entire economic and commercial activities enterprises to the laws of existence and development of the market. Both manufacturers and consumers of products are interested in this. In the evolution of marketing departments, four stages of development can be distinguished, each of which is also found in the activities of today's companies.

Stage I – marketing as a distribution function. Marketing of goods at this stage was relatively simple. The sales department plays a relatively important role.

Stage II – organizational concentration of marketing tasks as a sales function. The emergence of sales problems and a better understanding of the role of marketing led to significant organizational changes.

Stage III – separation of marketing into an independent service, characterized by the emergence specialized service marketing, which has equal rights with other divisions of the enterprise. The marketing manager makes decisions about appearance, packaging, product name.

Stage IV – consists of orienting all areas of the company’s activities to marketing requirements. Marketing is seen as main function companies. Essentially, most companies are in the third stage of marketing development.

IN real life there are many various forms organization of a marketing service, however, we will limit ourselves to considering only some basic organizational structures:

1. Functional structure of marketing. This form of organization means that marketing acts on an equal basis with other functional departments of the company. Problems associated with such an organization: a) group egoism, difficulties with coordination; b) the solution of problems that go beyond the limits of competence is transferred to the top, which entails the danger of excessive centralization; c) employees do not always understand final goal, i.e. motivation decreases.

2. Organization by products. The more diverse the program, the more diversified the company, the more dynamic the market, the better the product organization fit. When organized by product, functions related to all products are usually transferred to the upper levels of management.

3) Organization by clients. When organizing customer marketing, each department is assigned a specific group of customers or part of the market. This structure is justified if the market segments are large enough and differ significantly from each other.

4) Organization of marketing on a geographical basis. Such structures may be suitable for companies with a large sales volume, within which there are regions with different requirements for the product.

5) The matrix marketing organization is based on at least two structuring criteria. With their help, companies are trying to overcome the problems inherent in one-dimensional management structures.

3. Improving marketing activities at the enterprise

3.1 Creation of a marketing service

In the difficult economic conditions of the modern market, the marketing service plays one of the key roles in the structure of the company.

Specialists in the field of marketing in enterprises are called marketers. The main tasks of marketers are researching the market, products, competitors, consumers and other areas.

The marketing service is engaged in the development of tactics and strategy of the company and the implementation of product, pricing, sales and product promotion policies on the market.

IN modern conditions the presence of a marketing service at the enterprise is prerequisite Not only effective activities and development, but also, often, a necessary condition for the survival of the company.

What does the marketing department of an enterprise do?

Firstly, marketing services examine various aspects of the market with which the enterprise comes into contact in the process of operation.

Secondly, marketing services develop and implement tactics for the company’s behavior in the market.

The company must develop a marketing service structure that is able to take on all marketing work, including planning. If the company is very small, all marketing responsibilities may be assigned to one person. He will be entrusted with marketing research, sales organization, advertising, customer service, etc. this person may be called a sales manager, marketing manager, or marketing director. If the company is large, it usually employs several marketing specialists.

Today, marketing departments can be organized in different ways. Each company creates a marketing department in such a way that it best contributes to the achievement of its marketing goals.

Functional organization. The most common scheme is the functional organization of the marketing service. In this case, marketing specialists lead different types(functions) of marketing activities. They report to the vice president of marketing, who coordinates their work. In the diagram in Fig. 1 presents five such specialists: a marketing service manager, an advertising and sales promotion service manager, a sales service manager, a marketing research service manager and a new product manager. In addition to them, there may also be a customer service manager, a marketing planning service manager, and a product distribution manager.

The main advantage of a functional organization is ease of management. On the other hand, as the company’s product range and markets grow, this scheme loses its effectiveness more and more. It becomes increasingly difficult to develop specific plans for each individual market or product, as well as to coordinate the marketing activities of the company as a whole.

Rice. 1. Functional organization

Organization on a geographical basis. In companies trading throughout the country, the subordination of sellers often takes the form of an organization on a geographical basis. The diagram in Figure 2 shows one national sales manager, four regional sales managers, 24 zonal sales managers, 192 district sales managers, and 1,920 sales agents. When organized geographically, sales agents can live within the territories they serve, get to know their clients better, and work effectively with minimal travel time and expense.

Rice. 2. Organization on a geographical basis

Organization for commodity production. Firms with a wide product range and/or variety of products use a commodity or brand production organization. The commodity production organization does not replace the functional organization, but is another level of management. All commodity production is managed by a product manager, who is subordinate to several product group managers, who in turn are subordinate to product managers, each responsible for the production of their specific product (see Fig. 3.). Each product manager independently develops his own production plans, monitors their implementation, monitors the results, and, if necessary, revises these plans.

Fig.3. Organization for commodity production

Organization for commodity production justifies itself in cases where the products produced by a company differ sharply from each other or there are so many varieties of these goods that with a functional marketing organization it is no longer possible to manage this entire range.

Organization on a market principle. Many companies sell their range of products in markets of different nature. Using a market-based organization is desirable when different markets have different purchasing habits or different product preferences.

Organization on a market principle is similar to the system of organization on commodity production, presented in Fig. 3. The market manager manages the activities of several managers for individual markets. The Market Manager is responsible for developing long-term and annual plans for sales and other types of functional activities. The main advantage of this system is that the company builds its work in relation to the needs of consumers who make up specific market segments.

Organization on a commodity-market principle. Firms that sell many different products in many different markets face the challenge of whether to use a product management system, which requires product managers to have knowledge of widely differing markets, or to adopt a market-based organization system, in which managers Working with markets must be familiar with the wide variety of goods purchased in their markets. And a company can simultaneously have both product managers and market managers, i.e. apply the so-called matrix organization.

3.2 Carrying out special marketing events

The main task of the marketing service is to promote the goods or products of a particular enterprise.

Promotion means the totality various types activities to convey information about the merits of the product to potential consumers and stimulate their desire to buy it. Modern organizations use complex communication systems to maintain contacts with intermediaries, clients, and various public organizations and layers.

Product promotion is carried out through the use of advertising, sales promotion methods, personal selling and public relations methods in a certain proportion.

In modern conditions of fierce competition, advertising is a necessary element of production and sales activities, a way to create a sales market, and an active means of fighting for the market. It is precisely because of these functions that advertising is called the engine of trade.

Although advertising costs are significant, especially when publishing advertisements in the foreign press, participating in exhibitions and fairs, etc., these costs are completely justified. Firstly, the funds allocated for advertising are included in the calculation of the price of the product, and the sale of the corresponding amount compensates for the costs. Secondly, without advertising, trade, as a rule, is sluggish and brings losses, often many times greater than advertising costs. As shown international practice, advertising costs average 2-3% of the cost of goods sold industrial purposes and 10-15% for household goods.

Preparing advertising materials is a complex and responsible task that requires special knowledge and considerable practice. We must learn the truth that in terms of advertising skill, quality advertising texts and photographs, the potential consumer forms the first impression of our exporting company and involuntarily, subconsciously transfers his opinion about the quality of advertising to the product we produce. To change this opinion in better side, you will have to spend a lot of labor and money. Therefore, advertising must be impeccable, otherwise it turns into its opposite - “anti-advertising”.

Sales promotions are short-term incentives to promote the sale or distribution of products and services. If advertising calls: “Buy our product,” then sales promotion is based on the call: “Buy it now.” You can look at sales promotion in more detail - but keep in mind that it includes: stimulating consumers, stimulating trade and stimulating the sales force of the organization itself.

Stimulating consumers is aimed at increasing their purchase volume. The following main methods are used: provision of samples for testing; use of coupons, partial price refunds or trade discounts; package sales at reduced prices; bonuses; souvenirs with advertising; encouraging regular clientele; contests, sweepstakes and games that give the consumer a chance to win something - money, goods, travel; exposition and demonstration of signs, posters, samples, etc. at places where products are sold.

Exhibitions and fairs play a prominent role in marketing. Their important advantage is the ability to present the product to customers in its original form, as well as in action. In any case, visitors come to the pavilions with a clear intention to learn something new for themselves, and this attitude actively contributes to the introduction of new products and services to the market. Personal contacts between stand staff (representatives of the seller) and potential buyers help create an atmosphere of trust and goodwill, which contributes to the development of business relationships.

However, work at the exhibition will be effective only if it is carried out strictly according to plan and purposefully. Specialists at the stand must clearly understand for what commercial purposes the company (enterprise) is participating in the exhibition, and do everything in their power to ensure that this goal is achieved.

Personal selling means oral presentation goods for the purpose of selling them in conversation with one or several potential buyers. This is the most effective tool for promoting a product at certain stages of its sales, especially for creating a favorable attitude among buyers towards the products offered, primarily towards products for industrial purposes. However, this is the most expensive promotion method. American companies spend three times more on personal selling than on advertising.

Public relations involves creating good relations with various government and public structures and layers by creating a favorable opinion about the company, its products and by neutralizing unfavorable events and rumors. Without knowledge of promotion techniques, it is impossible for a modern company to survive, since without advertising (one of the methods of promotion), simply no one will know about it.

Internet resources play one of the leading roles in improving marketing activities. Internet resources when conducting marketing research can be used in the following areas: using search tools and Internet catalogs, conducting surveys of visitors to your own server, researching the results of teleconferences, using data from surveys conducted on other servers.

Studying competitors can be done by visiting their servers and obtaining information about connections with their partners.

When researching the market, it is useful to find out who is visiting the company's server; use a variety of secondary information from the Internet.

When conducting marketing research via the Internet, it should be borne in mind that users, primarily in Russia, are organizations and not individual individuals, which potential buyers, most likely, belong to innovators with an above-average income, having high level education; that the product cannot be inspected and tried on. The art of sales is one of the important aspects of electronic activity commercial enterprise. The company's product managers must decide which products can be sold on the Internet and how best to present them. Consumers are already accustomed to various promotional activities, so these activities need to be included in the marketing campaign. This is an excellent way of sales promotion, encouraging consumers to buy goods and services.

Most publications about marketing on the Internet now come down to advertising on the Internet. Indeed, Internet advertising most clearly highlights the differences of the Internet, its new forms; advertising is aimed at the end consumer and therefore it is “in plain sight.” However, reducing marketing on the Internet only to Internet advertising greatly narrows the actual functions and capabilities of the Internet. Its marketing capabilities can be identified by considering in general the production cycle of an enterprise in any field of activity:

1. Market research, information marketing.

2. Production of goods or services.

3. Implementation.

4. Service and after-sales activities.

At each of these stages, to a greater or lesser extent, the Internet provides the enterprise with additional opportunities to improve its business, additional trump cards over competitors who do not use the Internet. The role of the Internet is great in the formation of image communications. Image communications are designed to form the image of a company in the eyes of clients, business partners, and society as a whole. If an enterprise manages to create a positive image of itself and its activities among public groups that are interested in it, including its own employees, then this will greatly facilitate the achievement of its goals. Many problems, for example, attracting young specialists and selecting other employees, as well as their perception of the goals of the enterprise, are solved much easier if the company has positive image. Advertising from such enterprises is perceived with great confidence.

The first and most important element advertising campaign is a corporate Web server. All other elements refer to it, which means that if there is no server, then the campaign is practically meaningless. This channel for disseminating information about goods and services is becoming as important and indispensable for manufacturers as any other. Internet users value information most of all. Therefore, the content of web pages is one of key points, which you need to pay attention to when developing a website, and which will give the company a huge advantage over competitors if the information the user needs is posted.


This course work discusses such current issues, as the role of marketing activities in the enterprise, the essence and concept of marketing; principles of development, planning and organization of marketing activities and ways of improvement.

As market relations develop, marketing will become increasingly integrated into common system enterprise management, when the basis for making almost all production, sales, financial, administrative and other decisions will be information coming from the market.

Thus, marketing is becoming a very promising field nowadays. Managers must understand that there is no point in producing something that no one will ever buy, which means it is necessary to have people on their staff who know and understand the needs of the population. This is the only way to ensure stable growth of the company’s profits and take its rightful place in the international sphere of economic relations.

Drawing a conclusion about the theoretical justification of the relevance of such a topic as management of marketing activities, it is necessary to answer that marketing is an integral part of the life of society. It is the process by which activities are analysed, planned, implemented and controlled to establish, enhance and maintain profitable exchanges with target customers in order to achieve specific organizational goals. A marketing specialist must be well able to influence the level, time, and nature of demand, since the existing demand may not coincide with what the company wants for itself. Therefore, interest in this activity is increasing as an increasing number of organizations in the field of entrepreneurship and in the international sphere realize how marketing contributes to their more successful performance in the market.

IN Russian Federation Marketing has not yet become widespread, but an increasing number of businesses are beginning to successfully use its basic principles in their work.

List of used literature

1. the federal law No. 184-FZ “On technical regulation” dated December 27, 2002

2. A.V. Prikhodko, E.A. Slow down. Marketing: Answers to Exam Questions: tutorial for universities - M.: Publishing house "Exam", 2006

3. F. Kotler, G. Armstrong, J. Saunders et al. Fundamentals of Marketing-M.: Williams Publishing, 2006

4. Berezin I.S. Marketing and market research-M.: Russian Business Literature, 2004

5. Gruzinov V.P. Scheme of marketing activities - M.: Infrv-M, 2005

6. Firsanova O.V. Formation of an internal marketing information system//Management Accounting No. 3, 2007

8. Golubkov E.P. On some fundamental concepts of marketing//Marketing in Russia and abroad No. 2, 2005

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