Evgeniy Popov’s affiliate program is a good way to make money. How to make money on affiliate programs: affiliate program from Evgeny Popov! Evgeniy Popov affiliate program

Any affiliate program involves the sale of some kind of product. So I already talked about the Gameboss affiliate program, which offers to sell casual games where you need to create a separate project in order to start earning money.

Popov offers a program for an already created thematic project on the topic of website building, Photoshop and Seo, that is, his information product is intended for the target visitor to my blog - novice webmasters. That is, by placing a link to one of Popov’s discs on my project, and if it is sold, I will receive a commission in the amount of 30% of the cost of the disc and 5% of the amount of sales of my referrals.

In addition, the system has a cumulative system: after selling 50 discs, your reward percentage becomes 33%. The same applies to prospective second-level referrals. If a partner I invited to the system sells 50 discs, I will already have 6% of his income.

The offer is quite tempting, considering that there are no special requirements for the project that contains links to educational disks.

Yes, there are restrictions on working with the affiliate program. This:

— the use of spam is prohibited. Having discovered this, your account is blocked and commissions are not paid.

— it is prohibited to buy discs yourself using your referral links

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1popov.ru is an affiliate program for the sale of information courses from the famous author Evgeny Popov. The network is one of the very first in the affiliate marketing niche, and provides favorable conditions for partnership cooperation.

The program will be of interest, first of all, to webmasters who have access to a target audience interested in the information business, website building, programming, blogging, etc.

Earning Opportunities

1popov.ru has a 4-level affiliate program, the purpose of which is to sell information products, the recommendations of which are carried out by the program partners.

In the case of placing and paying for an order by an attracted user, the webmaster receives a reward in the amount of 30% to 45% of the cost of the course itself, as well as 2-5% from orders of attracted partners of the second, third, and fourth levels.

At the moment, about 20 information products are available in the system. Considering that the minimum price for courses is 1,500 rubles, webmasters who actively attract new customers will be able to earn consistently high earnings.

Rules of participation

It is strictly forbidden to purchase courses using your affiliate links, as well as attract traffic through spam or other illegal means. If these rules are violated, the partner's account will be blocked.

It should be noted that the order is assigned according to the “last partner” principle, i.e. whose link the client last visited and subsequently placed an order.

Getting started at 1popov.ru

After registration, the webmaster enters his personal account, where he can familiarize himself with the current commission percentage rate, as well as increased commission levels that can be received by attracting a certain number of orders required to receive it. There are a total of 6 affiliate levels available:

You can get the type of links you need by going to the “Affiliate Links” section. By clicking on “Affiliate links leading to advertising pages (minisites) of courses”, the partner will see a list with all the information products, in each of which links will be generated to attract buyers.

In the same section you can also get links to attract 2nd level partners (referrals), to the catalog page, to free promotional courses, to the page of any website and to sales funnels.

Owners of their own thematic platforms can use ready-made promotional materials (banners of various sizes, pictures, advertising texts, letters, rotators) available on the “Advertising Materials” page.

The system also provides various tools that are designed to make the work of the webmaster convenient and the process of attracting partners effective. These include:

    • certificates to confirm the right to advertise courses in Google Adwords and Yandex.Direct;
    • system of discounts for clients;
    • the ability to create an archive of a promotional course;
    • the ability to generate affiliate links to orders at a discount;
    • short link generator;
    • “Advertising campaign” is a tool for tracking statistics on various traffic sources, as well as redirecting users to any affiliate page.

Working in the system is facilitated by a large number of video tutorials on working with the system, which explain in detail the principle of operation of a particular tool, as well as basic questions about the work.

PARAMETERS 1popov.ru

Beginning of work: 2007
Accepted countries: Russia, CIS
Required website: No
Cookie storage period: one year
Payment currency: rubles
Payment mode: on request and automatic twice a month (1st and 15th of each month)
Minimum payout: absent
Payouts via: WebMoney (WMZ, WMR), Yandex.Money, PayPal, cashless payments (for legal entities)
Referral program: 5%
Technical support:


The purpose of this review is to introduce you to the profitable affiliate program of the Runet information business guru, Evgeniy Popov, which allows those who want to earn good money by promoting high-quality information products.

Before we begin the review of Evgeniy Popov’s affiliate program, I would like to introduce you to the author of the affiliate program, so that you can understand who is offering you participation in a mutually beneficial affiliate project.

While still finishing his studies at the Ural State Mining Academy, Evgeniy began doing business on the Internet, in which he achieved remarkable success in a relatively short period of time. His path to financial well-being confirms the well-known truth that anyone can achieve what they want. If he puts in some effort to achieve his goal.

In his successful information business, Evgeniy does not work alone. He has selected a team whose members help him improve and expand his business - these are not only programmers and experts in their fields, but also employees, for example, answering questions received at the support service, on the forum, etc.

Without exaggeration, we can say that a whole generation of webmasters has grown up on Evgeniy’s video courses, for whom they are mainly intended. The quality of the courses produced by his company is confirmed by the fact that most of the latter are sold in thousands of copies.

In addition, to comply with the trends of the times, previously released courses are constantly updated and edited. The list of training courses is quite extensive, and there are both paid and free versions, so there is plenty to choose from.

Evgeny not only constantly improves himself, but also passes on his knowledge and experience to others, participating in conferences on doing business on the Internet, both in Russia and abroad, and in 2012 he learned from famous Western Internet millionaires - Yanick Silver and Mike Fillsaime. Back in 2014, Evgeniy held a seminar at a large-scale event - “Info-conference 2014”.

Evgeny Popov is a versatile person. He is a master of sports in orienteering, rides a bicycle, enjoys tennis and Formula 1, loves to travel, studies English and is constantly improving. Popov is married and has two children.

The success of Evgeny Popov directly follows from his life in style Kaizen, which involves continuous improvement. Evgeniy shares with his readers how he does this, and also releases monthly video reviews in which he talks and shows how he achieves his goals.

Kaizen is a Japanese philosophy or practice that focuses on continuous improvement in manufacturing, development, supporting business and management processes, and all aspects of life.

The kaizen philosophy was first applied to a number of Japanese companies (including Toyota) during the recovery period after World War II, and has since spread throughout the world. The term “kaizen” became widely known thanks to the book by Masaaki Imai (1986, Kaizen: The Key to Japan’s Competitive Success).

In Japanese, the word "kaizen" means "continuous improvement". The Kaizen philosophy suggests that our life as a whole (work, public and private) should be focused on continuous improvement. According to psychologists, the application of kaizen principles contributes to the development and achievement of success, both in professional and personal life.

Affiliate program of Evgeny Popov

It is clear that being involved in the information business, Evgeniy Popov offers those who wish to become a partner in distributing his training courses. At the same time, in the affiliate program you can earn money not only from attracting new customers, but also from your referrals.

Considering the experience and reputation of the author of the affiliate program, you can rest assured that on the site you will find all the necessary information and help. Let me briefly introduce you to what awaits you. After registering in the affiliate program, you will be able to log into the “Affiliate Account Control Panel”. Below is a fragment of this page:

As you can see, here you can get almost all the information you need (for a more in-depth analysis, you can go to the “Statistics” section). But the author did not stop there, to make it easier for his partners to work, he offers 13 short video lessons where everything is shown and explained:

  1. Basic Features
  2. Affiliate links
  3. Partner Certificate
  4. Promotional materials
  5. Bonuses for clients
  6. Promo courses
  7. Discount coupons
  8. Discount link
  9. Advertising campaigns
  10. Short link service
  11. Utm tags
  12. My structure
  13. Other options

A good assistant for successful work is the constantly updated “Affiliate Product Rating”, compiled based on the number of sales over the last 30 days. First place is awarded to the product with the most sales and then places are distributed in descending order.

Evgeniy invites you to earn money in a four-level affiliate program. For every course you sell, you will receive 30% before 45% its value (depending on the total number of your sales). You can also attract referrals and receive royalties from their sales too.

In this case, if someone went to any author’s website using your affiliate link and registered as an affiliate, then from that moment you will, without making any effort, receive 5% of his earnings.

In turn, your second-level partners will attract third-level partners to you, from whose orders you will receive 3%. Third-level partners will attract fourth-level partners, from whose orders you will receive 2%. And you can have a lot of such partners, and gradually your percentage of earnings will increase.

Commission interest rates at various levels

Below are explanations of the affiliate commission system.

First level commission interest rate

First level commission ( L1) is awarded for paid orders that you directly attracted using your affiliate links or coupons. Its size depends on the number of paid L1 orders you attracted.

At the moment you have attracted paid L1 orders: 0 .
Your current L1 commission interest rate: 30% (Bronze level).

Shown below existing L1 commission levels and their corresponding interest rates. Your current commission level L1 are highlighted in green, passed ones are crossed out, and unreached levels are displayed with information on achieving this interest rate level.

L2 commission interest rate (second level)

The second level commission (L2) is awarded on paid L2 orders that were attracted by L2 partners registered in the affiliate program using your affiliate link. L2 commission interest rate is 5 % .

L3 commission interest rate (third level)

The third level commission (L3) is accrued on paid L3 orders that were attracted by L3 partners attracted to the affiliate program by your L2 partners. L3 commission interest rate is 3 % .

Commission interest rate L4 (fourth level)

The fourth level commission (L4) is accrued on paid L4 orders that were attracted by L4 partners attracted to the affiliate program by your L3 partners. The L4 commission interest rate is 2 % .

Commission payments are made twice a month - on the 1st and 15th.

Characteristic features of the affiliate programEvgenia Popova

The main features of the affiliate program in question include:

  • high-quality information products;
  • a well-thought-out system of training and assistance to partners;
  • withdrawal of commissions is not limited;
  • cookies are stored for a year;
  • high commission: profit from sale - from 30 to 45%;
  • four-level referral system;
  • the opportunity to offer those who wish a free course, which will allow them to retain their position;
  • wide selection of promotional materials;
  • Availability of discount coupons.

As I noted earlier, most of Evgeniy’s courses are devoted to teaching various aspects of running a successful Internet business. In particular, a lot of attention is paid to the issues of website building, creating information products, attracting subscribers, etc. Among the most popular in the first months of 2017, for example, are the following video courses:

  • Quick creation of online stores on the InSales platform.

Today is a review of Evgeniy Popov’s affiliate program. Who is Evgeniy Popov? This is the creator of the popular Internet projects Photoshop Master (where he collected lessons on working with Photoshop from all over the world), Hosting Ninja (this is an independent hosting rating), Ruseller.com (lessons on website building) and many others. The total number of subscribers on all his projects exceeds 700,000 people. Evgeniy has been involved in online business for over 10 years. Having learned to create, promote and monetize websites on his own, Evgeniy wanted to teach this to others. He has written 75 different information courses on website building and working on the Internet, which have already been purchased by 75,000 people to date.

Evgeniy also has his own affiliate program, which allows him to sell his video lessons in even greater quantities. How much E. Popov’s partner can earn, and what is needed in order to cooperate with this affiliate, we will now look at this.

Offers of the system

As I already said, the offers of this affiliate program are information courses for webmasters - people who develop websites, promote them to the top search engines, increase the number of subscribers and, ultimately, make money on the Internet. In total, the PP currently has 47 different courses, their options and combinations.

The top 3 offers of the system today include information products “Secrets of Practical SEO”, “Master of Time”, “Secrets of Productive Computer Work”.

How to work in the system

Earnings and payments


Evgeniy Popov’s affiliate program specializes in selling information courses on creating and promoting websites, as well as on the peculiarities of working on the Internet. The system’s offers are quite in demand in certain circles. To date, several thousand people have already purchased the courses.

The affiliate program provides webmasters with attractive promos (you can feel the hand of the masters). Commissions are transferred after clients pay for the courses they ordered. There are no complaints about the delays in payments to the PP.

The affiliate business on the Internet is quite developed; many users offer to purchase various products and receive a reward for this. The scheme by which affiliate programs work is extremely simple: its organizer receives clients, you receive affiliate royalties, and the client receives the product he needs.

Evgeniy Popov’s affiliate program is one of the most profitable affiliate programs, using which you can sell information products and receive substantial affiliate rewards. If you have access to an audience (for example, if you have a website about making money online) that is interested in doing business on the Internet, then this affiliate program is ideal for you.

Earning money from information products from Evgeny Popov

Evgeniy Popov is a successful entrepreneur on the Internet, about whom many users have already heard. He began his acquaintance with the Internet in 2005. Over several years of actively studying business on the Internet, this man gained a lot of useful knowledge, which he openly shared in his mailings and training courses.

Information products from Evgeniy are in enormous demand, and are also accompanied by numerous positive reviews, so you can rest assured that by advertising his products, you will definitely receive a large number of sales.

Positive aspects of partnership with Evgeny Popov

Unlike many similar affiliate programs, working with Evgeniy, you will receive the following benefits:

  • There are no minimum withdrawal amounts.
  • Cookies are set for a year.
  • From each sale you will receive 30-45%.
  • Four-level referral system according to the scheme 5%-3%-2%.
  • You can offer free courses (to secure the visitor to you and if he makes a purchase of a paid course in the future, you will be awarded a reward);
  • Detailed statistics will be determined for each link separately.
  • A huge number of effective advertising materials.
  • A system of discounts is provided (if necessary, you can create discount coupons, and if the buyer indicates a coupon code when purchasing, then regardless of which partner he is attached to, you will receive a deduction).

As you can see, The affiliate program is quite profitable, and given Evgeniy’s active work, you should have no doubt about the stability of his project.

As with any other system, there are some limitations that you should definitely consider:

  1. When registering, you must provide a real phone number and email address.
  2. You cannot purchase courses yourself using your own affiliate links.
  3. To attract buyers, you cannot use prohibited methods, including spam.

If you violate these rules, you may lose your account, and even if there is money in the account, it will not be possible to withdraw it.

What will you be selling?

One of the main questions is, what products does Evgeniy Popov offer for sale? The list of available information products is regularly updated with new products. Currently, courses are available on creating websites using popular CMS, on creating online stores, on how to attract subscribers and many others from the field of e-business.