Passive active interactive learning model presentation. Presentation “Interactive forms of learning. In pedagogy, there are several teaching models


CLASSIFICATION OF METHODS  Passive: when the teacher dominates and the students are passive. Such methods within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard are recognized as the least effective, although they are used in individual educational lessons. The most common technique of passive methods is a lecture.  Active (AMO). Here the teacher and student act as equal participants in the lesson, interaction occurs along the teacher-student vector.  Interactive (IMO) - the most effective methods in which students interact not only with the teacher, but also with each other. Vector: teacher student student.

SIGNS OF ACTIVE TEACHING METHODS Active methods are based on “teacher = student” interaction patterns. That is, the teacher involves children in the learning process.  activation of thinking, and the student is forced to be active;  long time of activity - the student works not sporadically, but throughout the entire educational process;  independence in developing and searching for solutions to assigned tasks;  motivation to learn.

ACTIVE LEARNING METHODS  Presentations are the simplest and most accessible method for use in the classroom. This is a demonstration of slides prepared by the students themselves on the topic.  Case technologies - have been used in pedagogy since the last century. It is based on the analysis of simulated or real situations and the search for solutions. Moreover, there are two approaches to creating cases. The American school offers a search for a single correct solution to a given problem. The European school, on the contrary, welcomes the versatility of decisions and their rationale.  Problem lecture - unlike the traditional one, the transfer of knowledge during a problem lecture does not occur in a passive form. That is, the teacher does not present ready-made statements, but only poses questions and identifies the problem. The students themselves come up with the rules. This method is quite complex and requires students to have some experience in logical reasoning.  Didactic games - unlike business games, didactic games are strictly regulated and do not involve the development of a logical chain to solve a problem. Game methods can also be classified as interactive teaching methods. It all depends on the choice of game. Thus, popular games, travel, performances, quizzes, KVN - these are techniques from the arsenal of interactive methods, as they involve the interaction of students with each other.  Basket method - based on simulating a situation. For example, the student must act as a guide and give a tour of historical museum. At the same time, his task is to collect and convey information about each exhibit.

DEFINITION OF AN INTERACTIVE TRAINING METHOD AND ITS OBJECTIVES  Inter active methods are based on interaction patterns “teacher = student” and “student = student”. That is, now not only the teacher involves children in the learning process, but also the students themselves, interacting with each other, influence the motivation of each student. The teacher only plays the role of an assistant. Its task is to create conditions for children's initiative. Objectives:  To teach independent search, analysis of information and development of the correct solution to the situation.  Teach teamwork: respect other people’s opinions, show tolerance for another point of view.  Learn to form your own opinion based on certain facts.

METHODS AND TECHNIQUES OF INTERACTIVE TRAINING  Brainstorming is a flow of questions and answers, or suggestions and ideas on a given topic, in which the analysis of correctness/incorrectness is carried out after the storming.  Clusters, comparative charts, puzzles - search for keywords and problems on a specific mini-topic.  Interactive lesson using audio and video materials, ICT. For example, online tests, working with electronic textbooks, training programs, educational sites.  Round table (discussion, debate) - a group type of method that involves students’ collective discussion of problems, proposals, ideas, opinions and a joint search for a solution.  Business games (including role-playing, simulation, hole games) are a fairly popular method that can be used even in primary school. During the game, students play the roles of participants in a particular situation, trying on different professions.  Aquarium is a type of business game that resembles a reality show. In this case, 23 participants play out the given situation. The rest observe from the sidelines and analyze not only the actions of the participants, but also the options and ideas they propose.  Project method - students independently develop a project on a topic and defend it.  BarCamp, or anti-conference. The method was proposed by webmaster Tim O'Reilly. Its essence is that everyone becomes not only a participant, but also an organizer of the conference. All participants come up with new ideas, presentations, and proposals on a given topic. Next comes the search for the most interesting ideas and their general discussion.

WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE GEF, IT IS IMPLIED TO USE ACTIVE AND INTERACTIVE METHODS, AND EFFECTIVE  Case method. A situation is set (real or as close as possible to MORE EFFECTIVE AS reality). Students must explore the situation, propose options for resolving it, and choose the best possible solutions.  The project method involves independent analysis of a given situation and the ability to find a solution to the problem. Project method combines research, search, creative methods and teaching techniques according to the Federal State Educational Standard.  Problematic method - involves posing a problem (problem situation, problematic issue) and searching for solutions to this problem through the analysis of similar situations (issues, phenomena).  Heuristic method - combines a variety of gaming techniques in the form of competitions, business and role-playing games, competitions, and research.  The research method has something in common with the problem-based teaching method. Only here the teacher himself formulates the problem. The students' task is to organize research work to study the problem.  Modular teaching method - the training content is distributed into didactic block modules. The size of each module is determined by the topic, learning goals, profile differentiation of students, and their choice.

TYPES OF LESSONS ACCORDING TO GEF  Type “lesson for mastering new knowledge.”  Type “lesson on the complex application of ZUN (consolidation lesson)”.  Type “lesson on updating knowledge and skills (repetition lesson).  Type “lesson on generalization and systematization.”  Type “lesson on control accounting and assessment of knowledge and skills.”  Type “lesson on correction of knowledge and skills.”  Type “combined lesson” - can combine There are several types of lessons and, accordingly, forms of delivery.

CLASSIFICATION OF FORMS OF LESSONS  Lessons in the form of competitions and games: KVN, quiz, tournament, duel.  Lessons based on non-traditional presentation of material: lesson revelation, lesson understudy, lesson of wisdom, creative report.  Lessons that resemble public speaking in form: conference, seminar, briefing, auction, discussion, report, interview, panorama, teleconference, debate.  Lessons that imitate activities: business games, investigation lesson, Academic Council, lessoncourt.  Lessons in the form of activities: excursions, travel, walks, role-playing games.  Fantasy lessons: fairy tale, performance, surprise.  Integrated lessons.

THE CHOICE OF METHOD DEPENDS ON MANY CONDITIONS:  learning objectives;  level of preparedness of students;  age of students;  time allocated for studying the material;  school equipment;  theoretical and practical preparedness of the teacher.  Each teaching method contains its own set of techniques that help to most effectively implement the method in practice.

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As society develops, priorities in education also change. Only recently have we begun to introduce active learning methods. And today, many major methodological innovations are associated with the use of interactive teaching methods.
The main components of interactive lessons are interactive exercises and tasks that students complete. An important difference between interactive exercises and assignments and ordinary ones is that by completing them, students not only and not so much consolidate the material they have already learned, but rather learn new ones.
Interactive teaching methods and technologies
Pedagogical technology
is a model of joint pedagogical activity on design, organization and conduct of the educational process with unconditional support comfortable conditions for students and teachers (V.M. Monakhov)
Educational technology
A set of forms, methods, techniques and means used in any activity. (A.V. Khutorskoy) two-sided nature of the interconnected (joint) activity of the teacher and students; a set of techniques and methods that are closely related to each other; design, organization, orientation, correction educational process;availability of comfortable conditions; management at all stages, levels, groups.
In pedagogy, there are several teaching models:
1) passive - the learner acts as an “object” of learning (listens and watches); 2) active - the learner acts as a “subject” of learning ( independent work, creative tasks); 3) interactive – interaction (modeling life situations, using role-playing games, joint problem solving).
Types of teaching methods
Towards interactive teaching methods
include those that promote involvement in the active process of acquiring and processing knowledge: “Brainstorming” (attack) Mini-lecture Checklist or test Role-playing Game exercises Project development Solving situational problems Inviting a visitor Discussion of a group of experts Interview Dramatizing Playing out situations Acting as a teacher Discussion of plot drawings Poll-Quiz (control), etc.
Interactive teaching methods
IndividualPerforming practical tasksTraining
Discussion Group discussion Analysis of situations of moral choice Analysis of incidents from practice (case method) Brainstorming Presentation Discussion Debate
GamingBusiness gameOrganizational activity gameOperational game Role-playing game Didactic game, etc.
Training methodsSocial and psychological trainingTraining business communication Psychotechnical games
Educational technologies
1. Lecture – oral or using modern technical means, presentation, etc.
Indispensable when transmitting a relatively large amount of information in a structured form.
Lack of feedback
2. Seminar – collective discussion of a specific problem or topic curriculum disciplines in various forms
activating the perception of information through interaction between teacher and student
Limitations on duration, number of participants, their preparedness
Classification of interactive learning technologies
Educational technologies
2.1. An imitation game is a model of the living environment that determines the behavior of people and the mechanisms of their actions in extreme situations (“Conflict”, “Shipwreck”, “Robinson”, etc.)
Allows you to gain adaptation skills to a new environment
A teacher who does not have communicative competence will not teach new experience.
2.2. Business game – a model of interaction between students in the process of achieving goals, simulating the solution of complex problems in a specific situation
Allows you to master a system of skills, abilities, behavior patterns and socio-psychological relationships in a real situation.
The mechanism of cognitive and mental activity of participants is not always developed, which provokes the teacher to use only his experience and intuition (not always effective)
Classification of interactive learning technologies
Educational technologies
2.3. Role-playing is a method of playing roles (dramatization)
One’s own experiences are remembered vividly and persist for a long time.
The game contains some risk and brings results only when the group is ready to get involved. It is not always possible to reproduce a real life situation
2.4. Situational analysis (case study, case study, incident, basket method)
Provides an opportunity to explore difficult or emotionally significant issues in a safe environment rather than real life with its threats, risks, anxiety about unpleasant consequences in case of a wrong decision
When faced with a real problem, the learner is unlikely to have the same time, knowledge, and safe laboratory conditions to deal with it
Classification of interactive learning technologies
Educational technologies
2.5. Heuristic technologies for generating ideas: brainstorming, synectics, associations (metaphors)
Ideas are generated by all participants in the process, intuition and imagination are activated, and there is a movement beyond standard thinking.
Inept leadership on the part of the teacher can lead to avoidance of the real problem, loss of time, poor synergistic results, etc.
2.6. Training – active acquisition and development of knowledge, skills and abilities
Allows you to master practical, effective skills in a short period of time
Aimed at mastering only highly specialized skills without mastering general models and methods of work
compliance with the logic of the educational process
compliance with the goals and objectives of schoolchildren’s education and development
compliance with the didactic objectives of the lesson
compliance with the content of the lesson topic
compliance with the age and intellectual capabilities of schoolchildren and the level of their training and education, the characteristics of the class as a whole
compliance with the training time frame
compliance with the professionalism and experience of a particular teacher
compliance with the method of management educational activities
Criteria for selecting teaching methods
To implement these criteria, a serious analysis of the content is required educational material and, on the basis of this, identifying its accessibility for assimilation by schoolchildren
The use of interactive teaching methods allows us to solve the following problems:
to create interest in the subject being studied; to develop students’ independence; to enrich social experience students by experiencing life situations; feel comfortable in the classroom; show their individuality in the educational process
Algorithm for conducting an interactive lesson.
1.Preparation of the lesson;2. Introduction; 3. Main part; 4. Conclusions (reflection).
Option to include interactive teaching methods in the lesson structure
Beginning of the lesson – challenge stage (knowledge updating)
Hook (parable, game, “hook”)
“Brainstorming” (individual, pair, group, frontal)
Cinquain ("oriental verse")
Discussion of home creative work
The semantic part is the presentation of new material (independent acquisition of new knowledge, teaching each other)
Advanced lecture (during the lecture the text is correlated with primary information: + - knew before; - thought differently)
Supporting notes
Visual project (drawing up questions based on the text, composing a retelling of a passage in the first person)
Various forms of discussions
Game methods
The form of group interaction is a “big circle”.
Reflection – receiving feedback
Mini essay
Glossary (compilation of a dictionary)
Haiku (haiku) - Japanese 3-verse
Humorous story
Fairy tale
Unfinished sentence
When assessing the results of interactive learning, the following should be taken into account:
group work; self-esteem of a group work participant; freedom of thinking; mastery of cultural forms of work; communication in educational dialogue;...
The method of specific situations is a method of active problem-situational analysis, based on learning by solving specific problems - situations (solving cases). The purpose of the method: through the joint efforts of a group of students, analyze the situation that arises in a specific state of affairs, develop a practical solution; the end of the process is the evaluation of the proposed algorithms and selection of the best one in the context of the problem posed.
Mandatory research stage of the process Collective learning or group work Integration of individual, group and collective learning A specific type of project (research analytical) technology Stimulating student activity to achieve success
According to certain rules, a model of a specific situation that occurred in real life is developed, and the complex of knowledge and practical skills that students need to obtain is reflected.
Illustrative educational situations – cases, the purpose of which is on a certain practical example teach students an algorithm for making the right decision in a certain situation; Cases with the formation of a problem - cases in which the situation in a specific period of time is described, problems are identified and clearly formulated; the goal is to diagnose the situation and make an independent decision on the specified problem; Cases without forming a problem are cases that describe more a difficult situation where the problem is not clearly identified, but is presented in statistical data, the goal is to independently identify the problem, indicate alternative ways to solve it; Applied exercises - a description of a specific life situation, a proposal to find ways out of it; the goal is to find ways to solve the problem.
Basis of classification
Types of cases
Presence of a plot
Plot casePlotless case
Time sequence of material
Case in mode from past to presentCase – memory with time scrolling backPredictive case
Method of presentation of material
StoryEssayAnalytical noteJournalistic investigationReportEssay
Short (mini)MediumVolume
A case is a single information complex. Typically, a case consists of three parts: supporting information needed to analyze the case; description of a specific situation; assignments for the case.
Printed case (may contain graphs, tables, diagrams, illustrations, which makes it more visual).
Multimedia case (the most popular recently, but depends on technical equipment schools).
Video case (may contain a film, audio and video materials. Its disadvantage is the limited possibility of repeated viewing  distortion of information and errors).
1. Assimilation of new information
1. Creation of an original product
2. Mastering the data collection method
2. Education and achieving personal goals
3. Mastering the analysis method
3. Improving communication skills
4. Ability to work with text
4. Gaining experience in making decisions, acting in a new situation, and solving problems
5. Correlation between theoretical and practical knowledge
this is a poem that consists of 5 lines according to certain rules. 1 line - Noun (name of the topic) 2 line - Two adjectives (definition of the topic) 3 line - Three verbs showing actions within the topic. Line 4 – a phrase of 4 words, expressing the author’s attitude to the topic. Line 5 – conclusion, completion of the topic expressed by any part of speech. For example: on the topic “Constitution of the Russian Federation”: The Constitution of the Russian Federation is the Fifth, democratic, Establishes, guarantees, obliges. It would be nice if everyone complied with the Basic law of the state.
– the active reading method makes it possible to maintain interest in the topic and text of the textbook. Text markings “v”, “+”, “-”, “?”
« + »
« - »
« ? »
Put this mark in the margin if what you read matches what you know or thought you knew.
Place this mark in the margin if what you are reading is new to you
Place this mark in the margin if what you are reading contradicts what you already knew or thought you knew.
Place this mark in the margin if what you are reading is not clear or if you would like more detailed information on the subject.
is a role-playing game in which 2-3 people take part, and the rest act as observers, which allows some to “live” the situation, while others analyze the situation from the outside and “empathize” with it. Advantages of the method: Effective when it is necessary to demonstrate a skill, ability, emotion, state when there is a shortage of time. Students can act as experts and analysts. Stimulates participants to practical work.
“Six thinking hats” (Edward de Bono method):
- technology for developing and evaluating innovative ideas when teaching design to schoolchildren. Why hats?
Firstly, each of the six hats has its own, individual color, making it easily distinguishable from all the others and endowing it with characteristic features and qualities unique to it alone - the color difference makes each hat special, unique. Each colored hat indicates a role, a certain type of thinking and activity.
Information. Questions. What information do we have? What information do we need? Emotions. Intuition, feelings and premonitions. There is no need to give reasons for feelings. How do I feel about this? Advantages. Why is this worth doing? What are the benefits? Why can this be done? Why will this work? Caution. Judgment. Grade. Is it true? Will it work? What are the disadvantages? What's wrong here? Creation. Various ideas. New ideas. Offers. What are some of the possible solutions and actions? What are the alternatives? Organization of thinking. Thinking about thinking. What have we achieved? What needs to be done next?
Secondly, the hat is very easy to put on and take off. This is always important, in all situations, when a person must be able to use all the resources of his thinking, be able to change the type of thinking and activity depending on the task at hand. Putting on a “thinking” hat is intended to help a person achieve the desired state of consciousness and concentrate on performing certain operations. Third, Thinking Hats provide a structure for using parallel thinking and avoiding arguments. The use of “thinking” hats opens up the opportunity to negotiate with the interlocutor and come to an agreement. The symbolism contained in hats is convenient for asking someone to “turn” the flow of their thoughts in the right direction. The most important advantage: with the help of six hats, certain rules of the game are established: “a person who is currently thinking and acting this way.”
Risks of unreasonable use of interactive methods
Lack of understanding of what interactive is. Theoretical lack of preparation when working with certain interactive methods. Unsystematic use of interactive methods. Lack of a clear idea of ​​the effectiveness of using methods (“method for the sake of the result, not the method”). Excessive enthusiasm by teachers for interactive methods (this is a tool , not entertainment for students).
Have productive work!!!

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The use of active and interactive forms of conducting classes in the educational process, as the implementation of a competency-based approach author - compiler: Tkachenko S.V.

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One Chinese parable says: “Tell me and I will forget; show me and I will remember; Let me do it and I’ll understand.” These words capture the essence of active and interactive learning.

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Today, the expression is often used - active and interactive teaching methods and techniques. Let's try to figure out what it is, which methods are considered active and which are interactive. Methods and techniques: similarities, differences and fundamental features In the specialized literature there are different interpretations of the terms “teaching method” and “teaching technique”. In essence, it is a way of interaction between a teacher and students, through which knowledge, skills and abilities are transferred. The difference is that the technique is a short-term method that involves working with one specific skill. And the method is a long process, consisting of several stages and including many techniques. Thus, the method of teaching is only component one method or another.

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Classification of teaching methods Methods are classified according to various criteria: according to the nature of educational activity: problem-based, research, search, reproductive, explanatory and illustrative, heuristic, etc.; according to the degree of activity of the teacher and students: active and passive; by source of educational material: verbal, visual, practical; by the way of organizing educational and cognitive activities: methods of developing competencies, methods of obtaining new knowledge, methods of testing and assessment

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One of the requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main educational programs based on the Federal State Educational Standard is the widespread use in the educational process of active and interactive forms of conducting classes in combination with traditional forms in order to form and develop key competencies of students. Why the Federal State Educational Standard gives preference to active educational technologies is obvious: competencies are associated with the implementation of any action, they are formed and manifested only in activity, therefore the competency-based approach on which the Federal State Educational Standard is based implies a transition in constructing the content of education from knowledge to methods of activity.

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What are active learning methods? Active teaching methods are based on the “teacher = student” interaction scheme. From the name it is clear that these are methods that require equal participation of the teacher and students in the educational process. That is, children act as equal participants and creators of the activity. The idea of ​​active learning methods in pedagogy is not new. The founders of the method are considered to be such famous teachers as J. Comenius, I. Pestalozzi, A. Disterweg, G. Hegel, J. Rousseau, D. Dewey. Although the idea that successful learning is built, first of all, on self-knowledge, is found among ancient philosophers.

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Signs of active learning methods are activation of thinking, and the student is forced to be active; long time of activity - the student works not sporadically, but throughout the entire educational process; independence in developing and searching for solutions to assigned tasks; motivation to learn. Classification of active teaching methods Most general classification divides active methods into two large groups: individual and group. More detailed ones include the following groups: Discussion. Gaming. Training. Rating.

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Methods and techniques of active learning During the learning process, the teacher can choose either one active method or use a combination of several. But success depends on the consistency and relationship between the chosen methods and the assigned tasks. Let's look at the most common methods of active learning: Presentations are the simplest and most accessible method for use in the classroom. This is a demonstration of slides prepared by the students themselves on the topic. Case technologies have been used in pedagogy since the last century. It is based on the analysis of simulated or real situations and the search for solutions. Moreover, there are two approaches to creating cases. The American school offers a search for one and only correct solution to a given problem. The European school, on the contrary, welcomes the versatility of decisions and their rationale. Problem lecture - unlike the traditional one, the transfer of knowledge during a problem lecture does not occur in a passive form. That is, the teacher does not present ready-made statements, but only poses questions and identifies the problem. The students themselves come up with the rules. This method is quite complex and requires students to have some experience in logical reasoning.

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Methods and techniques of active learning Didactic games - unlike business games, didactic games are strictly regulated and do not involve the development of a logical chain to solve a problem. Basket method is based on simulating a situation. For example, a student must act as a guide and give a tour of a historical museum. At the same time, his task is to collect and convey information about each exhibit. Brainstorming (brainstorming, brainstorming) is a widely used method of generating new ideas for solving scientific and practical problems. Its goal is to organize collective mental activity to find unconventional ways to solve problems. A round table is a method of active learning, one of the organizational forms of students’ cognitive activity, which allows them to consolidate previously acquired knowledge, fill in missing information, develop problem-solving skills, strengthen positions, and teach a culture of discussion.

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Interactive teaching methods Interactive methods are based on interaction patterns “teacher = student” and “student = student”. That is, now not only the teacher involves children in the learning process, but also the students themselves, interacting with each other, influence the motivation of each student. The teacher only plays the role of an assistant. Its task is to create conditions for children's initiative.

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Objectives of interactive teaching methods: To teach independent search, analysis of information and development of the correct solution to the situation. Teach teamwork: respect other people’s opinions, show tolerance for another point of view. Learn to form your own opinion based on certain facts.

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Methods and techniques of interactive learning Brainstorming - a stream of questions and answers, or suggestions and ideas for given topic, in which the analysis of correctness/incorrectness is carried out after the assault. Clusters, comparison charts, puzzles - search for keywords and problems on a specific mini-topic. Interactive lesson using audio and video materials, ICT. For example, online tests, working with electronic textbooks, training programs, educational sites. Round table (discussion, debate) is a group type of method that involves students’ collective discussion of problems, proposals, ideas, opinions and a joint search for a solution. Business games (including role-playing and simulation) are a fairly popular method that can be used even in elementary school. During the game, students play the roles of participants in a particular situation, trying on different professions.

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general characteristics interactive learning Inter" - this is "mutual", "act" - to act. INTERACTIVE LEARNING - learning built on the interaction of the student with the learning environment, the learning environment, which serves as an area of ​​mastered experience. Interactive methods are based on cooperative learning or learning through interaction, the essence of which is expressed by the Chinese proverb: “Tell me, I forget, Show me, I can remember, Let me do it, And it will be mine forever.”

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Types of activities inherent in interactive learning Physical - change workplace, are transplanted; speak, write, listen, draw, etc. Social – asking questions, answering questions, exchanging opinions, etc. Cognitive – they make additions and amendments to the teacher’s presentation, find solutions to problems themselves, act as one of the sources of professional experience, etc.

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The goals of interactive learning are the implementation of a subject-subject approach in the organization of educational activities; formation of active cognitive and mental activity of students; increasing motivation to study the subject; creating a comfortable, favorable atmosphere in the classroom; exclusion of monologue presentation of educational material and duplication of information that can be obtained from available sources; development of students' communicative competencies in various forms.

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Objectives of interactive learning Interactive learning solves three problems simultaneously: cognitive, which is associated with the learning situation and mastery educational information; communicative and developmental, which is associated with the development of basic communication skills within and outside a specific group; social orientation, which is associated with the education of civic qualities necessary for adequate socialization of the individual in the community.

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Interactive tasks are the basis of the content of interactive learning. The main difference between interactive exercises and tasks from ordinary ones is that they are aimed not only and not so much at consolidating the material already studied, but at learning new things. When performing interactive tasks, the dominance of any participant in the educational process or any idea is excluded. An interactive task always presupposes such an organization of the learning process in which it is impossible for students not to participate in a collective, mutually complementary process of cognition.

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Types of interactive tasks tasks for working in small groups; educational games; social projects; discussion of complex and controversial issues and problems; resolving educational problems; creative tasks.

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Formulation of tasks: Formulate the concept. Prove it. Explain. Analytical and problematic questions: “Why? What follows? What does it depend on?" “Who can ask the most questions on a certain topic in a minute?” *

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A creative task is the basis of any interactive method. By creative tasks we mean those educational tasks that require students not to simply reproduce information, but contain a greater or lesser element of uncertainty and, as a rule, have several approaches.

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Creative tasks Composing mathematical problems. Making mathematical crosswords. Writing fairy tales whose characters are numbers or geometric shapes. Mathematical essays. Reports and abstracts. Drawings or applications to individual topics of the mathematics course. *

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for example Analytical Reading Read the educational text and select the most important sentences and paragraphs in terms of mathematical content. Selected fragments in short form record Discuss the result in a group (or with a neighbor at your desk). Compiling tasks When repeating the topic “Interests”, a task may be proposed: compose and solve a problem that is close to the real life situation in your family, draw it up on sheets of paper standard size for subsequent binding of all problems into a problem book.

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Active forms of classes * Non-imitation Simulation game non-game Problem lectures Problem seminars Brainstorming Round table Business game Educational game Mini games Role-playing games Situational games Analysis of a specific situation Trainings Action according to instructions Work with documents

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Forms of interactive learning The main feature of interactive learning is that the learning process takes place in joint activities Group form of training - independent completion of a task and checking it in a group, independent search for an answer to the question posed. . Advantages of the group form of organizing educational activities: all students work and, if they have difficulties, receive timely help from a senior or teacher.

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Forms of interactive learning A collective way of learning is a form of organizing educational activities when one person teaches everyone, and everyone teaches everyone. Advantages of CSR: everyone acts as a student and as a teacher, there is constant monitoring of task completion, the possibility of error is excluded, students receive individual help from their comrades, mutual learning takes place

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Structure of an interactive lesson 1. Motivation – to focus the attention of students (or event participants) on the problem and arouse interest in the topic under discussion. 2. Announcement of predicted results (learning tasks) - to ensure that students understand the meaning of their activities, i.e. what they should achieve as a result of the lesson and what the teacher expects from them. 3. Providing the necessary information - give students enough information to perform practical tasks on its basis. 4. Interactive task - the central part of the lesson - practical mastery of the material, achieving the set goals of the lesson (solving educational problems). 5. Summing up – reflection, awareness of what was done in the lesson.

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Models of interactive learning Innovative models - aimed at improving the existing socio-culture (culture of teaching and culture of learning). These include: active learning technology; problem-based learning technology; heuristic learning technology; Innovative models are aimed at a targeted radical change in socio-culture (the culture of teaching and the culture of learning). These include: project-based learning technology; game learning technology; information and computer technologies for education

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conclusion Interactive forms and methods are innovative and contribute to the activation of students’ cognitive activity and independent comprehension of educational material. They are a condition for self-realization of students’ personality in educational activities. Interactive forms and teaching methods help create situations of success, which is a powerful incentive for students. Helps improve the quality of learning.

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As society develops, priorities in education also change. Only recently have we begun to introduce active learning methods. And today, many major methodological innovations are associated with the use of interactive teaching methods. Master class for teachers of the philological cycle A. Vasilevskaya and Polyakova T.G.

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The main components of interactive lessons are interactive exercises and tasks that students complete. An important difference between interactive exercises and assignments and ordinary ones is that by completing them, students not only and not so much consolidate the material they have already learned, but rather learn new ones.

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Pedagogical technology is a model of joint pedagogical activity thought out in all details for the design, organization and conduct of the educational process with the unconditional provision of comfortable conditions for students and teachers (V.M. Monakhov)

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Educational technology A set of forms, methods, techniques and means used in any activity. (A.V. Khutorskoy) the bilateral nature of the interconnected (joint) activities of the teacher and students; a set of techniques and methods that are closely related to each other; design, organization, orientation, correction of the educational process; availability of comfortable conditions; management at all stages, levels, groups.

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In pedagogy, there are several models of learning: 1) passive - the student acts as an “object” of learning (listens and watches); 2) active - the student acts as a “subject” of learning (independent work, creative tasks); 3) interactive – interaction. (modeling life situations, using role-playing games, joint problem solving).

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Types of teaching methods Passive Active Interactive Teacher Student Student Student Teacher Student Student Student Teacher Student Student Student

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Interactive learning methods include those that promote involvement in the active process of obtaining and processing knowledge: “Brainstorming” (attack) Mini-lecture Checklist or test Role-playing Game exercises Project development Solving situational problems Inviting a visitor Discussion of a group of experts Interview Dramatization Playing out situations Acting as a teacher Discussion of plot drawings Survey-Quiz (control), etc.

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Interactive teaching methods Group Individual Execution of practical tasks Training Discussion Group discussion Analysis of situations of moral choice Analysis of incidents from practice (case method) Brainstorming Presentation Discussion Debate Gaming Business game Organizational activity game Operational game Role-playing game Didactic game, etc. Training methods Social-psychological training Business communication training Psychotechnical games

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Classification of interactive learning technologies Educational technologies Advantages Limitations 1. Lecture - oral or using modern technical means, presentation, etc. Indispensable when transmitting a relatively large amount of information in a structured form. Lack of feedback 2. Seminar - collective discussion of a specific problem or topic of the discipline curriculum in various forms of enhancing the perception of information through interaction between teacher and student Limitations on duration, number of participants, their preparedness

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Classification of interactive learning technologies Educational technologies Advantages Limitations 2.1. An imitation game is a model of the living environment that determines the behavior of people and the mechanisms of their actions in extreme situations (“Conflict”, “Shipwreck”, “Robinson”, etc.) Allows you to gain adaptation skills to a new environment A teacher who does not have communicative competence does not will teach new experience 2.2. A business game is a model of interaction between students in the process of achieving goals, simulating the solution of complex problems in a specific situation. Allows you to master a system of skills, abilities, behavior patterns and socio-psychological relationships in a real situation. The mechanism of cognitive and mental activity of participants is not always developed, which provokes the teacher to use only his experience and intuition (not always effective)

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Classification of interactive learning technologies Educational technologies Advantages Limitations 2.3. Role-playing is a method of playing roles (dramatization). One’s own experiences are vividly remembered and retained for a long time. The game contains a share of risk and brings results only when the group is ready to get involved in it. It is not always possible to reproduce a real life situation 2.4. Situational analysis (analysis of specific situations, case study, incident, basket method) Provides an opportunity to study complex or emotionally significant issues in a safe environment, and not in real life with its threats, risks, anxiety about unpleasant consequences in case of a wrong decision In a collision With a real-life problem, the student is unlikely to have the same time, knowledge, and safe laboratory conditions available to deal with it.

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Classification of interactive learning technologies Educational technologies Advantages Limitations 2.5. Heuristic technologies for generating ideas: “brainstorming”, synectics, associations (metaphors) Ideas are generated by all participants in the process, intuition and imagination are activated, going beyond standard thinking Inept leadership on the part of the teacher can lead to avoidance of the real problem, loss of time, weak synergistic result, etc. 2.6. Training is the active acquisition and development of knowledge, skills and abilities. Allows you to master practical effective skills in a short period of time. Aimed at mastering only highly specialized skills without mastering general models and methods of work.

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compliance with the logic of the educational process METHODS compliance with the goals and objectives of the education and development of schoolchildren compliance with the didactic goals of the lesson compliance with the content of the lesson topic compliance with the age, intellectual capabilities of students and the level of their training and education, characteristics of the class as a whole compliance with the time frame of training compliance with the professionalism and experience of a particular teacher compliance with the method management of educational activities Criteria for selecting teaching methods To implement these criteria, a serious analysis of the content of educational material is necessary and, on the basis of this, identifying its accessibility for assimilation by schoolchildren

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The use of interactive teaching methods makes it possible to solve the following problems: to create interest in the subject being studied; develop student independence; enrich the social experience of students by experiencing life situations; feel comfortable in class; show your individuality in the educational process

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Algorithm for conducting an interactive lesson. 1.Preparation of the lesson; 2. Introduction; 3. Main part; 4. Conclusions (reflection).

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Option for including interactive teaching methods in the structure of the lesson Beginning of the lesson - stage of challenge (knowledge updating) Hook (parable, game, “hook”) “Brainstorming” (individual, pair, group, frontal) Sinkwine (“oriental verse”) Discussion of home creative work work Clusters

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The semantic part is the presentation of new material (independent acquisition of new knowledge, teaching each other) “Insert” Advanced lecture (during the lecture the text is correlated with primary information: + - knew before; - thought differently) Basic outline Clusters Visual project (drawing up questions based on the text , compiling a retelling of a passage in the first person) Various forms of discussions Game methods Form of group interaction - “big circle”. "Aquarium"

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Reflection - receiving feedback Essay Mini-essay Glossary (compilation of a dictionary) Hokku (haiku) - Japanese 3-verse Humorous story Fairy tale Unfinished sentence

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When assessing the results of interactive learning, the following should be taken into account: group work; self-esteem of a group work participant; freedom of thought; mastering cultural forms of work; communication in educational dialogue; ...

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CASE METHOD The method of specific situations is a method of active problem-situational analysis, based on learning by solving specific problems - situations (solving cases). The purpose of the method: through the joint efforts of a group of students, analyze the situation arising in a specific state of affairs, develop a practical solution; the end of the process is the evaluation of the proposed algorithms and selection of the best one in the context of the problem posed.

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FEATURES OF THE CASE METHOD: Mandatory research stage of the process Collective learning or group work Integration of individual, group and collective learning A specific type of project (research analytical) technology Stimulating student activity to achieve success

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CASE METHOD TECHNOLOGY According to certain rules, a model of a specific situation that occurred in real life is developed, and the complex of knowledge and practical skills that students need to obtain is reflected.

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CLASSIFICATION OF CASES Illustrative educational situations - cases, the purpose of which is to teach students an algorithm for making the right decision in a certain situation using a specific practical example; Cases with problem formation - cases in which the situation in a specific period of time is described, problems are identified and clearly formulated; the goal is to diagnose the situation and make an independent decision on the specified problem; Cases without forming a problem - cases that describe a more complex situation, where the problem is not clearly identified, but is presented in statistical data, the goal is to independently identify the problem, indicate alternative ways to solve it; Applied exercises - a description of a specific life situation, a proposal to find ways out of it; the goal is to find ways to solve the problem.

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CLASSIFICATION OF CASES BY GENRE Basis of classification Types of cases Presence of plot Plot case Plotless case Temporal sequence of material Case in mode from past to present Case - memory with time scrolling back Predictive case Method of presenting material Story Essay Analytical note Journalistic investigation Report Essay Volume Short (mini) Medium Volume

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TYPES OF CASES A case is a single information complex. Typically, a case consists of three parts: supporting information needed to analyze the case; description of a specific situation; assignments for the case. Printed case (may contain graphs, tables, diagrams, illustrations, which makes it more visual). Multimedia case (the most popular recently, but depends on the technical equipment of the school). Video case (may contain a film, audio and video materials. Its disadvantage is the limited possibility of repeated viewing  distortion of information and errors).

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RESULTS POSSIBLE WHEN USING THE CASE STUDY METHOD Educational Educational 1. Assimilation of new information 1. Creation of an original product 2. Mastery of the data collection method 2. Education and achievement of personal goals 3. Mastery of the analysis method 3. Increasing the level of communication skills 4. Ability work with text 4. The emergence of experience in making decisions, acting in a new situation, solving problems 5. Correlating theoretical and practical knowledge

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