Irina was faced with a dilemma about what to do. Workbook for performing practical work in the discipline “management”, topic “conflict management”. "Your conflict resolution style"

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OGBOU SPO "Novgorod Agrotechnical College"


for execution practical task № 8

in the discipline "Management"

SUBJECT:Conflict and stress management.

Job title : Analysis of conflict situations.

Goal of the work: developing the ability to resolve conflict situations.

Form of organization of the lesson: frontal, group

As a result of completing the practical task, the student must


Types of conflicts;

Conflict management methods;

The essence and nature of stress;

Methods for relieving stress.

be able to:

Identify types of conflicts;

Find possible ways to resolve conflict situations;

Workplace equipment : instruction card, PZ notebook.

Standard time: 2 hours.

Special safety instructions : No


1. Kaznachevskaya G.B. Management. Tutorial/ G.B. Kaznachevskaya.- Publishing house 2nd, add. and edited - Rostov n/d: “Phoenix, 2002.-352 pp. (Series “Textbooks XX 1st century").

2. Korolev Yu.B. Management in the agro-industrial complex. Textbook / Yu.B. Korolev, V.D. Korotnev, G.N. Kochetova, E.N. Nikiforova. Ed. Yu.B. Queen/. – M.: Kolos, 2003. – 304 p.: ill.



1. Write down the number of the practical lesson, topic, name, purpose.

2. Carefully read the conflict situation “Dilemma for Irina.”

3. Write down questions

4. Before completing the task, address the situation and give answers to them.

5. Answer the control questions in writing (they are given at the end of the practical task).

Practical lesson. Topic: “Conflict and stress management”



Irina was faced with a dilemma: what should she do? She recently started working for an accounting consulting firm and has already encountered an issue that could affect her future relationships with the firm. During an audit of one company, she discovered that a large amount of money actually paid to the company's employees was not properly channeled through the fund. wages. This practice was quite common in many commercial and government agencies and helped hide a significant portion of the cash from taxes.

Irina believed that this practice was incorrect and illegal and should be reflected accordingly in the audit report. She raised this issue in a conversation with Nikolai, a senior member of her audit team. He acknowledged that such a problem generally existed, but did nothing to move forward in resolving it. Nikolai suggested that Irina talk to the head of the company, if there was something in this matter that did not satisfy her.

Before going to the manager, Irina thought about this problem for a long time. The auditing classes she continued to attend and which were offered periodically by the firm emphasized the ethics of professional auditing and her firm's commitment to high ethical standards.

This finally convinced her of the need to meet with the head of the company. However, the visit to the management was unsuccessful. Alexey Petrovich, the director of the company, agreed that the practice discovered by Irina is generally not correct. However, he noted that other clients with whom they had to deal did similar things. Alexey Petrovich even went so far as to tell Irina about the possibility of losing a client if the fact she discovered was reflected in the audit report. He made it clear that he was not happy with this outcome of the case. From this meeting, Irina was left with the feeling that if she went further in resolving the problem, she would certainly acquire an enemy. Her state of dissatisfaction and anxiety did not go away, and she decided to discuss this problem with one of her colleagues.

Irina turned to Boris and Mikhail, who had been working at the company for about two years. It turned out that they had encountered similar cases before in their audit work. They were surprised that Irina turned to the director of the company, bypassing her immediate supervisor - the head of the audit department. Boris and Mikhail drew her attention to the fact that if she insisted on having her way, they could not avoid trouble. They recognized that the clients' actions were fundamentally wrong, but they were hesitant to reflect this in the audit reports. They were pushed to this by the knowledge of the fact that the company’s management was looking at this “through their fingers.” So they 6didn't want to create problems. Boris and Mikhail called on Irina to be a member of the “team” and remove this issue.

Irina was faced with a choice. In principle, she could have insisted on her own over the head of her immediate superior. She understood that even if she was forgiven, she would immediately have to change jobs. And what is absolutely certain is that her actions will not be to the liking of her colleagues. Of course, you could just forget about what happened and do nothing. With such an outcome, as she believed, the company's employees would be satisfied and this may have helped her make a career in the company. The only problem she would still have to deal with was her conscience. There was very little time to decide.

Questions for a specific situation:

What types of conflicts take place in the situation? Explain and support with facts.

What conflict resolution style was used by each of the participants in the events? Support with facts.

What would you suggest Irina do in this situation?

Guidelines for question 3:

After studying the theoretical description of conflict resolution styles, determine which one was used by each participant in a particular situation.

Interpersonal conflict resolution styles:

"Escape from conflict." Lack of personal persistence and desire to cooperate with others with its permission. Usually in this case a person tries to stand aside from the conflict and strives to become neutral. Using this style may indicate an individual's decision to allow the conflict to develop. With this approach to the conflict, two sides lose.

« Resolving conflict by force." Great involvement and interest in eliminating the conflict, but without taking into account the positions of the other side. It's a win-lose style. To use this style, you must have power and physical advantages. This style can in some cases help achieve individual goals. However, as in the previous case, others have an unfavorable impression of the individual using this style.

« Collaborative style." Characterized by a high degree of personal involvement in it and a strong desire to join forces with others to resolve interpersonal conflict. With this approach, each party benefits.

« A style that encourages you to put yourself in the position of the other side.” The desire to cooperate with others, but without introducing one’s own strong interest into this cooperation. This lose-win style certainly has a touch of altruism. This style helps in the desire to realize the desires of others. Owners of this style are generally assessed positively by others, but at the same time they are perceived by others as weak natures, easily susceptible to the influence of others.

"Compromise style" consists in such behavior in the course of resolving interpersonal conflict that moderately takes into account the interests of each party. The implementation of this style is associated with negotiations, during which each party makes certain concessions. Compromise is widely used in conflict resolution, and those who use it are generally viewed favorably by others. It's a win-win style. In many situations, the compromise style allows for a quick resolution of the conflict, especially in cases where one of the parties has clear advantages.

Control questions:

What constitutes an incident?

List the most common causes of conflicts.

Name the most optimal method of conflict resolution.

List the causes of stress among employees in organizations.

Criteria for evaluation:

“5” - tasks completed in full. The student worked independently.

There are no comments on the content or design.

“4” - tasks completed in full. The student worked independently.

The work may contain 2-3 inaccuracies in the content of the material.

“3” - tasks completed in full. Answers to assignment questions are presented briefly, with errors.

“2” - tasks completed in full. The material is presented haphazardly, with significant errors, and carelessly designed.

Task 2. Read the proposed situation and fill in the table.

Conflict with the teacher

Imagine that you received an unsatisfactory grade in an exam. This marked the beginning of an interpersonal conflict between you and the teacher. Try to describe this conflict in appropriate terms by filling out the form below.

Description of the conflict

Irina was faced with a dilemma: what should she do? She recently started working for an accounting consulting firm and has already encountered an issue that could affect her future relationships with the firm. During an audit of one company, she discovered that a large amount of money actually paid to the company's employees was not properly processed through the payroll. This practice was quite common in many commercial and government agencies and helped to hide a significant portion of cash from taxes.
Irina believed that this practice was incorrect and illegal and should be reflected accordingly in the audit report. She raised this issue in a conversation with Nikolai, a senior member of her audit team. He acknowledged that such a problem generally existed, but did nothing to move forward in resolving it. Nikolai suggested that Irina talk to the head of the company if there is something in this matter that does not satisfy her.
Before going to the manager, Irina thought about this problem for a long time. The auditing classes she continued to attend and which were offered periodically by the firm emphasized the ethics of professional auditing and her firm's commitment to high ethical standards.
This finally convinced her of the need to meet with the head of the company. However, the visit to the management was unsuccessful. Alexey Petrovich, the director of the company, agreed that the practice discovered by Irina is generally not correct. However, he noted that other clients with whom they had to deal did similar things. Alexey Petrovich even went so far as to tell Irina about the possibility of losing a client if the fact she discovered was reflected in the audit report. He made it clear that he was not happy with this outcome of the case. From this meeting, Irina was left with the feeling that if she went further in resolving the problem, she would certainly acquire an enemy. Her state of dissatisfaction and anxiety did not go away, and she decided to discuss this problem with one of her colleagues.
Irina turned to Boris and Mikhail, who had been working at the company for about two years. It turned out that they had encountered similar cases before in their audit work. They were surprised that Irina turned to the director of the company, bypassing her immediate supervisor - the head of the audit department. Boris and Mikhail drew her attention to the fact that if she insisted on having her way, they could not avoid trouble. They recognized that the clients' actions were fundamentally wrong, but they were hesitant to reflect this in the audit reports. They were pushed to this by the knowledge of the fact that the company’s management was looking at this “through their fingers.” So they didn't want to create problems. Boris and Mikhail called on Irina to be a member of the “team” and remove this issue.
Irina was faced with a choice. In principle, she could have insisted on her own over the head of her immediate superior. She understood that even if she was forgiven, she would immediately have to change jobs. And what is absolutely certain is that her actions will not be to the liking of her colleagues. Of course, you could just forget about what happened and do nothing. With such an outcome, she believed, the company's employees would be satisfied and this, perhaps, would help her make a career in the company. The only problem she would still have to deal with was her conscience. There was very little time to decide.
Questions for a specific situation What type of interpersonal conflicts occur in the situation? Explain and support with facts. Is there a constructive side to the conflict described in the situation? If yes, then what is it expressed in? Are there conflicts at levels other than interpersonal in the situation? Which? Explain and support with facts. What style of interpersonal conflict resolution was used by each of the participants in the events? Support with facts. What would you suggest Irina do in this situation?

Irina was faced with a dilemma: what should she do? She had recently started working for an accounting consulting firm and had already encountered an issue that could affect her future relationships with the firm. During an audit of one company, she discovered that a large amount of money actually paid to the company's employees was not properly processed through the payroll. This practice was quite common in many commercial and government entities and helped to hide a significant portion of cash from taxes.

Irina believed that this practice was incorrect and illegal and should be reflected accordingly in the audit report. She raised this issue in a conversation with Nikolai, a senior member of her audit team. He acknowledged that such a problem generally existed, but did nothing to move forward in resolving it. Nikolai suggested that Irina talk to the head of the company if there is something in this matter that does not satisfy her.

Before going to the manager, Irina thought about this problem for a long time. The auditing classes she continued to attend, which were offered periodically by the firm, emphasized the ethics of professional auditing and her firm's commitment to high ethical standards.

This finally convinced her of the need to meet with the head of the company. However, the visit to the management was unsuccessful. Alexey Petrovich, the director of the company, agreed that the practice discovered by Irina is generally not correct. However, he noted that other clients with whom they had to deal did similar things. Alexey Petrovich even went so far as to say to Irina O the possibility of losing a client if the fact discovered by her is reflected in the audit report. He made it clear that he was not happy with this outcome of the case. From this meeting, Irina was left with the feeling that if she went further in resolving the problem, she would certainly acquire an enemy. Her state of dissatisfaction and anxiety did not go away, and she decided to discuss this problem with one of her colleagues.

Irina turned to Boris and Mikhail, who had been working at the company for about two years. It turned out that they had encountered similar cases before in their audit work. They were surprised that Irina turned to the director of the company, bypassing her immediate supervisor - the head of the audit department. Boris and Mikhail drew her attention to the fact that if she insisted on her own, then they could not avoid trouble. They recognized that the clients' actions were fundamentally wrong, but they were hesitant to reflect this in the audit reports. They were pushed to this by the knowledge of the fact that the company’s management was looking at this “through their fingers.” So they didn't want to create a problem. Boris and Mikhail called on Irina to be a member of the “team” and remove this issue.

Irina was faced with a choice. In principle, she could have insisted on her opinion over the head of her immediate superior. She understood that even if she was forgiven, she would immediately have to change jobs. And what is absolutely certain is that her actions will not be to the liking of her colleagues. Of course, you could just forget about what happened and do nothing. With such an outcome, she believed, the company's employees would be satisfied and this, perhaps, would help her make a career in the company. The only problem she would still have to deal with was her conscience. There was very little time to decide.

Situation 14 Situation for analysis of communications in the company "Electro"

"Electro" is a company of 150 employees that specializes in the production of electrical appliances: coffee grinders, razors, juicers, mixers. Eight years ago, the head of the company, certified engineer Ivanov, began producing coffee grinders; every six months he released a new model.

The company has expanded greatly since Ivanov created it with a team of eight people. The success is due to two reasons: the devices are of first-class quality and reliable; The decisive factor for success, however, is the product distribution system: Ivanov sells his 4 types of products with a team of 120 people exclusively to private individuals. Responsible for sales is Mr. Kashirin, who was previously Ivanov’s first deputy.

Sales service:

a) clearly organized and works only on a commission basis;

b) sales workers are very well trained;

c) sales receive 50% of the income from each device sold.

TO general rules Ivanov's conduct of business also includes the following:

a) each device is guaranteed for a year;

b) devices that have deteriorated over time are not repaired, but replaced with new ones. The buyer simply sends his defective device along with a guaranteed coupon to the company and receives a new one in return. This means that customers do not have to deal with complaints. The average share of returned goods over the past three years has been approximately 2.5% of total sales.

But recently there have been rumors that Ivanov is going to sell his enterprise to an American company. They allegedly made him a very lucrative offer. Kashirin, who travels almost constantly throughout the service area and supervises groups of sales agents, heard about this from one of his people during a joint dinner. That agent found out about this from his wife, whom he calls every evening. My wife works at a company in the quality control department. All the employees of the group in which Kashirin is currently located, without hesitation, declare: if this rumor is true, then they will look for another job. They are not going to work under American leadership.

Kashirin, worried, returns to the company. The next morning, he learned from the chief secretary that Mr. Ivanov had allegedly quarreled with his wife and wanted to get a divorce. They say that he literally threw his wife out into the street at night. However, she considers the story about the sale to an American company a joke. After all, she, as Ivanov’s secretary, would have known about it if such negotiations were taking place. By the way, no one else can contact the boss for the entire week.

Commercial Director company, Mr. Dubin informed Mr. Kashirin that Mr. Ivanov was currently in Paris. He doesn't know anything else.

A week later, on April 1, the director appeared again. On the same day - for the first time in the entire existence of the company - the director's assistant begins his work. His last name is Zhalev and most recently he worked for the French subsidiary of Siemens Electric.

Mr. Ivanov sends all employees an internal open information letter in which he denies any intention to sell the company. These are supposedly irresponsible rumors. On the contrary, he is preparing a further expansion of the company; the company intends to include the sale of microwave ovens in its product range in the future. Therefore, he expects each of the employees to continue to take responsibility for their work, as before. In addition, in this letter, Mr. Ivanov scheduled a production meeting for the last day of this month, i.e. for Friday 28 April.

During this month, the most incredible rumors circulated: on April 19, Mr. Dubinin allegedly went to Hamburg to secretly negotiate with the Japanese there. The sales service will be dissolved and reorganized; in the future, deliveries will be made only to wholesale trade enterprises; all agents, if they remain with the company, will receive a fixed part of the remuneration and additional remuneration from turnover.

Kashirin, greatly concerned about these rumors, turns to the director in the middle of the month. As one might expect, Ivanov reacts uncontrollably. He always believed that the company's policy and sales were his business. Workers, both in production and in sales, should be glad and grateful that Ivanov, being a gifted engineer, invented devices that, due to their quality and reliability, are in great demand. It will never even occur to him to ask anyone for permission to implement new ideas.

During a production meeting, Ivanov states the following:

1. He doesn’t understand why these stupid rumors could have arisen.

2. Everything remains the same, except that instead of its own invention, the Electro company will release a microwave oven in about three months, which will be offered on the market at a price of less than DM 300. The device is installed in Russia under a Japanese license, using equipment manufactured in Japan electronic elements switching Also, this device will not be repaired and in case of breakdown, it will be exchanged for a new one. The commission percentage on this new device should be reduced to 25% of the sales price, but this device sells very well because... it does not go into trade as usual.

After Mr. Ivanov’s speech, the entire staff was silent. Neither agreement nor objection was visible from him. After no one expressed a desire to speak, including the leaders, Mr. Ivanov silently and shaking his head left the hall.