Aerobatic team “first flight. Domestic weapons and military equipment A wonderful gift for October

Lecture 38

Terrestrial radio stations

To communicate with the aircraft, PCs or independently functioning radio transmitters and receivers are used. The principles of their construction are basically similar to the principles of constructing on-board PCs. Main operational specifications terrestrial radio communications of the MB range are given in table. 1. The table shows that most ground-based PC transmitters provide higher radiation power and higher frequency stability compared to airborne PCs. "Baklan-RN - Baklan-5"). More efficient antennas are also used on the ground than on board. To reduce interference to radio reception, terrestrial transmitters are grouped in the transmitting, and receivers - in the receiving radio centers, which are spaced apart at a certain distance. Remote control of transmitters and receivers is provided.


Transmitter "Sprut-1", receiver "R-870M"


"Flight-1", "Flight-2"


Transmitter "Yasen-50", receiver "R-870M"

Frequency range, MHz

Number of channels

Frequency spacing between channels, kHz

Radiation power, W

5 (“Polyot-1”)

50 (“Polyot-2”)

(AM, AMn) – 150

J3E (OM) – 500

Frequency stability

10 -5 and 3·10 -7

Carrier frequency offset, kHz

0; ±2.5; ±4; ±7.5; ±8

Receiver sensitivity, µV

Time of transition to transmission or restructuring, s

Emission class

Mean time between failures, h

2500 (“Polet-1”)

1500 (“Polet-2A”)

3000 ("Flight")

Table 1

Consumption power

from 380V network


local or remote


W×D×H, mm

460 x 600 x 710

570 x 670 x 220

570 x 420 x 1000

Weight, kg

RST "Polet-3" can operate in the mode of ground-based tropospheric radio links

Designed for transmission/reception of TF messages and data in the channels of the aviation fixed communication service of civil aviation, including for use in ARC

JSC Vladimir plant "Electropribor"

The fundamental feature of the new generation of terrestrial radio transmitters of the MB range is that they provide a radiation mode with a shift in the frequency of carrier oscillations. In this mode, the radiation frequency is shifted by a fixed value of several kilohertz. This mode is used if the PC is installed at a relay point hundreds of kilometers away from the transmitting center. The radiation zones of the main transmitter and repeater at high altitudes overlap each other, and therefore, due to frequency instability and differences in Doppler effects, interference in the form of interference whistles may occur when receiving signals from both transmitters tuned to the same frequency. Shifting the frequency of one of the transmitters eliminates the possibility of such interference.

Using the Polet PC and the Yasen-50 transmitter, it is possible to automatically exchange digital data with the on-board systems of the aircraft. The operational and technical characteristics of terrestrial PCs in the UHF range are given in Table. 2.

The most favorable operational and technical characteristics are distinguished by PC MB "Baklan-RN", "Polet-1", "Polet-2", radio transmitter "Yasen-50", PC DKMV "Yastreb", "Kashtan", radio transmitters DKMV "Bereza" ( with receiver "Brusnika"), "Cedar". The Baklan-RN radio station is a Baklan PC, supplemented with a microphone amplifier and an additional ULF to provide remote control. The Polet-1 radio station includes the Polet-1A radio transmitter and the Polet radio receiver. In the Polet-2 PC, instead of the Polet-1A transmitter, the Polet-2A transmitter is used. The exciter of the Polet-2A radio transmitter with a radiation power of 50 W is the Polet-1A radio transmitter, the power of the output signals of which is 5 W. The Polet-1A and Yasen-50 radio transmitters provide for a carrier frequency shift.

The frequency grid step in the MB range is selected equal to 25 kHz, in the DKMV range - 100 Hz. The stability of the frequency of transmitters and receiver local oscillators lies within 10 -5 ...2·10 -7 , due to which the possibility of establishing non-search and non-tuning communication and the implementation of OM is achieved.

In 1987, the development was completed and state tests were carried out of the ground-based stationary PC “Polyot-3”, designed for the exchange of telephone messages and data in aeronautical radio communication networks, as well as for organizing communications between interacting airports, sites of local air lines, support bases and points of operation. aviation works. A characteristic feature of the Polet-3 PC is the formation with its help of channels of tropospheric propagation of radio waves, providing stable communication with similar ground-based PCs at distances of up to 200 km when using radio emissions with OM, up to 150 km - emissions from AM and with aircraft on the ground up to 80 km when using emissions from AM. Some other values ​​of the operational and technical characteristics of the Polet-3 radio station are given in table. 4.3.

The Polet-3 radio station is designed to work with the Chinara-0.25 antenna-mast device, 30 m high, with a gain of 20 dB.

The antenna is characterized by weak directivity in the horizontal plane, and high directivity in the vertical plane (the angle of the radiation pattern in the vertical plane is approximately 4°).

table 2





Frequency range, mHz

Frequency spacing between channels, kHz

Radiation power, W

Frequency stability

Receiver sensitivity, µV

Resource, h (service life, year)

Mean time between failures, h

Main technical characteristics of the PST “Polyot”

Table 3

Name of characteristics




Frequency range,

100 – 149,975

Frequency grid step, kHz

Radiation classes

and front views. information

A3E (TF - AM); A2D (data transmission)

J3E (Single Sideband Suppressed Carrier TF)

Drive power, W

in classes A3E and A2D:



average in class J3E

PRM sensitivity, µV at SNR 10 dB (not worse):

in class A3E

in class J3E

Power supply voltage 50Hz, V

Basic technical characteristics of REO "Pheasant"

A new series of unified ground-based VHF radio-frequency systems that meet the requirements of ICAO, international and Russian standards, which are not inferior to the equipment of leading foreign radio-technical companies and make it possible to implement the modern concept of building a promising air-vehicle system in air traffic control systems of various levels of automation.

Table 4

Power, W

Operating frequency range – 108…155.99(7) MHz

Grid step – 8.33 kHz


Relative instability 1·10 -6


Articulation characteristics - not lower than class two according to GOST 1660-72 with an SNR of 20 dB


Control and monitoring: local and remote control (AKDU “Vzlyot”, LAKDU “Vzlyot”)


Power supply: 220V (+22; -33), 50Hz


Requirements for survivability and resistance to external influences - GOST V20.39.304-76, gr. equipment 1.1 UHL

Technical resource

100,000 hours.

Operating temperature t o C - 40 o C

Service life – 12 years

Switching time 0.5s


United Instrument-Making Corporation has completed the development of a security radar optical complex (RLOC) for perimeter control state borders and especially important facilities, the corporation said in a statement.
“The complex developed by our Vega concern allows us to obtain complete and reliable information about the situation in protected areas and objects,” said Sergei Skokov, Deputy General Director of the United Instrument-Making Corporation. “Unlike most radar systems, it is capable of detecting not only ground targets, but also low-flying drones, which significantly increases the effectiveness of such a monitoring system.”
The system includes the Forpost all-round radar and the Polet-1 optical-electronic module, which are capable of detecting the movement of vehicles, people and even small UAVs at a distance of up to 20 kilometers.


Joint Stock Company "Chelyabinsk Radio Plant "Polyot", part of OJSC "Concern "Vega", in short time developed and released a fundamentally new product that is innovative for the enterprise - the Polet-1 optical-electronic module. OEM “Polet-1” is designed for round-the-clock monitoring of territories and can be used to protect particularly important facilities (nuclear and hydroelectric power plants, oil and gas pipelines, airfields, dams, oil storage facilities, etc.), infrastructure of cities and enterprises.
The Polet-1 OEM integrates:
color television camera with a lens that provides a continuous change in the field of view;
high-sensitivity black-and-white television camera with a lens providing a fixed narrow field of view;
a thermal imaging camera based on a cooled photodetector, allowing for round-the-clock surveillance and detection and recognition of a “human” object at a distance of up to 4 km.
The OEM “POLET-1” workstation software implements:
object tracking algorithm;
object motion detector;
FullHD high resolution support;
program monitoring system;
image stabilization algorithm;
panoramic view;
software correction of video stream;
Possibility of archiving still images.
For monitoring territories when protecting particularly important facilities (nuclear and hydroelectric power plants, oil and gas pipelines, dams, oil storage facilities, etc.), infrastructure of cities and enterprises, as well as for other surveillance cases. The design of the module allows for search, detection and recognition of moving and stationary targets at any time of the day, panning of the observed area in a 360° sector, setting preset points, software control of scanning priority observation areas, automatic and manual capture (fixation) of the observed object with output of its trajectory movements on the monitor, performing freeze frames at the operator’s command, automatic tracking of objects, software correction of the video stream to improve image quality, as well as archiving video recordings and still frames.
video unit: black and white, color and thermal imaging cameras;
rotary support device (ROD);
personal computer and monitor (PC);
software workstation OEM "POLET-1";
electrical cabinet;
LAN cable.
Advantages over analogues:
improved technical and economic indicators;
original software;
possibility of integration with any systems of technical security and surveillance equipment;
the development and production of main components, including a thermal imaging device, is carried out at domestic factories;
repair and service maintenance thermal imaging devices on site Russian Federation(without export abroad);
high-quality technical support of products throughout the entire life cycle;
development and manufacturing are carried out in accordance with State standards.
The main components of the module are manufactured according to State standards at domestic factories.
To obtain an image, the module uses three channels: thermal imaging – for working at night; color and black and white - for observation during the day.
The original software, developed at JSC Chelyabinsk Radio Plant Polet, passed metrological examination and State registration V Federal service intellectual property. A patent for a utility model has been issued.
Repair and maintenance of the module, including the thermal imaging channel, is carried out by specialists Joint stock company“Chelyabinsk radio plant “Polyot” (without export outside the Russian Federation).
The prototype of the Polet-1 OEM passed operational tests, where it showed high technical characteristics and established itself as a reliable means of round-the-clock surveillance.
On February 20, 2012, the Interdepartmental Commission signed an Act on assigning the documentation for the Polet-1 OEM product the letter “O1” for organizing serial production. On May 17, 2012, an Act and a Decision on completion of testing were signed with a recommendation on the advisability of accepting the module for supply.
Currently, work is underway to integrate the Polet-1 OEM with the Forpost radar station, developed and manufactured by Vega Concern OJSC.
United Instrument-Making Corporation, part of the Rostec State Corporation, is developing automated system technical monitoring (ASTM) of the infrastructure of an oil producing company. The system, with the working title “Dome,” combines optical-electronic devices for border protection and radar detection equipment. It is capable of providing round-the-clock all-weather monitoring, monitoring any actions on the territory of the facility, distributing target designations to various modules within the system, and will also be able to distinguish attempts at theft from planned work on the pipeline and detect oil leaks. The development provides for the possibility of integrating aerial surveillance systems using drones and other information subsystems.
“The system is being developed by our Chelyabinsk radio plant Polet,” said Alexander Kalinin, director of the department of JSC OPK. – The new invention is an example of the use of defense technology in the civilian sector. The system includes the Polet-1 optical-electronic module developed for border protection with improved technical performance. The modernized Polet-1 is equipped with three cameras: thermal imaging, highly sensitive black-and-white and color, as well as active illumination. It is capable of detecting a person at a distance of up to 6 km.” “In the case of an oil field, the task is very complex: it is necessary to provide surveillance throughout the facility with a 360-degree view. To do this, we decided to combine optical and radar modules into one complex,” says CEO ChRZ "Polyot" Evgeniy Nikitin. – ASTM records all moving objects in the controlled territory. Initially, the object is detected by radar, which is capable of automating the search for moving targets and “seeing” them much earlier than optical surveillance cameras. The system then gives a targeting command to the optical module, which focuses on the desired area, conducts additional reconnaissance and records the incident. The system receives a visual image of the object, by which it can be recognized in detail, and this can be done both with the help of the operator and with the help of software in automatic mode."
OEM was successfully tested at several sections of the border in the Troitsky and Oktyabrsky districts. The border guards liked the Polet-1 OEM so much that they were clearly reluctant to part with these units after a year of operation in state testing mode.
The optical-electronic module operates fully automatically, and in any inclement weather. Periodic maintenance is, of course, necessary. But, the first maintenance is in a month continuous operation, TO - 2 in six months, TO - 3 after a year, the next one after two years. The rest of the time, the module does not require any maintenance at all, except for supplying electricity via cable or from the engine, or from its own autonomous solar panels.
The Polet-1D long-range module sees a person at night and day, in fog and rain, at a distance of 6-7 kilometers, a car at a distance of fifteen, and a hare at four kilometers! Now we are developing a series of modules that are much cheaper for the consumer: medium-range, when optics can distinguish a person at a distance of four kilometers in any weather, and short-range - at one and a half kilometers.


field of view angle, degrees 1.45 x 1.08
matrix size, pixel 768 x 576
human detection range, km 8…9
human recognition range, km6…8
min illumination, lux, not less than 0.0001
max illumination, lux, not less than 30,000
resolution, TV lines570
rotation angle, degrees
-in azimuth 360
-by elevation angle -40…+40
angular velocity, deg/s
- in azimuth 0.03…65
- by elevation angle 0.03…30
pointing accuracy
azimuth and elevation, mrad 1
field of view angle, degrees 1.45 x 1.08 / 31.01x23.58
matrix size, pixel 752 x 582
human detection range, km 7…8
human recognition range, km 5…7
min illumination, lux, not less than 0.03
max illumination, lux, not less than 100,000
resolution, TV lines 450
field of view angle, degrees 9 x 6.75 / 3 x 2.25
digital zoom 2
human detection range, km 6…8
human recognition range, km 4…5
time to reach mode, min, no more than 5
working wavelength range, µm 8…12

Sources:, United Instrument-Making Corporation,,, etc.

In the history of mankind, this date is engraved in golden letters: on April 12, 1961, the first person, a citizen of the USSR, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, flew into space.

Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin

It all started early in the morning. At 06:07 GMT or 09:07 Moscow time, the Vostok-1 spacecraft took off with Gagarin on board. The trajectory of its less than two-hour flight was just one revolution around our planet in low-Earth orbit. Already at 10:55 Moscow time, Vostok-1 made a successful landing in the Saratov region.

Creation of the Vostok-1 ship

Two years before the historic flight, at the level of the USSR Government, an equally important decision for history was made to create the Vostok manned complex. The initiator of this project was D.F. Ustinov, who at that time held the position of deputy. Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and concurrently head of the Commission on Military and Industrial Issues under the Council of Ministers.

This was a serious step, the purpose of which was to promote the USSR to the leaders of the space race. Due to the tight deadlines on many issues during the creation of the Vostok-1 apparatus, hasty decisions were made. Thus, the emergency rescue system at the start and the soft landing system were abolished, and backup brakes were also eliminated. The life support system on board the ship was designed for only 10 days. This was explained by the fact that Vostok is launched into a relatively low orbit (up to 200 km), from which it will in any case descend within the specified period of time due to natural braking on the layers of the atmosphere.

Design features of the Vostok-1 apparatus

As for the parameters of the device itself, its mass is about 4.725 tons, and the maximum diameter is almost 2.5 m. The porthole is made of quartz glass, created by special order in the experimental design laboratory at the glass factory in the town of Gus-Khrustalny.


Engine aircraft Vostok-1 was produced at the Voronezh Chemical Automatics Design Bureau. Its design uses elements of the RD-0105, the world's first engine launched in outer space.

In addition to the internal contents of the spacecraft, ground equipment responsible for Maintenance and the direct launch of the Vostok-1 spacecraft into space. The machine-building plant of the city of Novokramatorsk was responsible for its production.

The role of the astronaut in the first flight

During the first space flight with a man on board, the role of the astronaut was rather passive - he, in fact, was a passenger of the ship, controlling automatic systems. A special two-way radio communication system was created between the astronaut and the ground station. Pilot State space station was constantly under the supervision of specialists using radiotelemetric and television devices.

However, a system for switching to manual control was provided in the ship. Psychologists had serious concerns about the general condition and behavior of a person under conditions of prolonged exposure to weightlessness. Theoretically, the astronaut could turn off the automation and perform any unexpected actions. Therefore, the manual system could only be activated after entering a special code hidden in a sealed envelope. Everything was thought out so that only a person in adequate condition could read the code and take control of the ship. Nevertheless,

The US repeated the success of the Soviet “satellite fighter” only 18 years later

Everyone knows that the Soviet artificial Earth satellite was the first. But not everyone knows that we were the first in the creation of anti-satellite. The decision to develop it, made on June 17, 1963, was put into practice on November 1, 1968. On this day, the Polet-1 spacecraft intercepted a target spacecraft for the first time. And five years later, in 1972, the IS-M complex of the anti-space defense system (PKO) was put into trial operation.

The US led the way in the pursuit of anti-satellite weapons. But only 18 years later, on September 13, 1985, an F-15 fighter with an ASM-135 ASAT missile was able to hit the inactive American scientific astrophysics target satellite Solwind P78-1.

History of IP creation

Already in May 1958, the United States launched a Bold Orion rocket from a B-47 Stratojet bomber to test the possibility of destroying spacecraft with nuclear weapons. However, this project, like a number of others, was considered ineffective until 1985.

The Soviet “answer” was the creation of a PKO system, the final element of which was a complex called IS (satellite fighter). Its main elements are a spacecraft interceptor with a charge explosive, launch vehicle and command post (CP). In total, the complex included 8 radar nodes, 2 launch positions and a certain number of spacecraft interceptors.

The PKO and IS system was developed by the team of the Central Research Institute "Kometa" under the direct supervision of Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences Anatoly Savin and Doctor of Technical Sciences Konstantin Vlasko-Vlasov. The famous Soviet scientist and general designer of rocket and space technology, Vladimir Chelomey, was responsible for the entire project.

The first flight of the Polet-1 interceptor spacecraft was made on November 1, 1963, and in the summer next year a radio engineering complex was created at the command post of the PKO system. In 1965, the creation of a rocket and space complex began to launch an interceptor spacecraft into orbit. At the same time, the Cosmos-394 target spacecraft was also created. A total of 19 spacecraft interceptors were launched, of which 11 were considered successful.

During trial operation, the IS complex was modernized, equipped with a radar homing head (GOS), and in 1979 the Rocket and Space Defense Forces put it on combat duty. According to Vlasko-Vlasov, the complex, designed to intercept space targets at altitudes of up to 1000 km, could actually hit targets at altitudes from 100 to 1350 km.

The IS complex was based on a two-turn method of targeting the target. After the interceptor spacecraft was launched into orbit by a launch vehicle, the radio engineering nodes for detecting satellites OS-1 (Irkutsk) and OS-2 (Balkhash) on the first orbit clarified the parameters of its movement and targets, and then transmitted them on board the interceptor. He made a maneuver, on the second orbit, using the seeker, detected the target, approached it and hit it with a combat charge. The calculated probability of hitting a target of 0.9–0.95 was confirmed by practical tests.

The last successful interception took place on June 18, 1982, when the Cosmos-1375 target satellite was hit by the Cosmos-1379 interceptor spacecraft. In 1993, the IS-MU complex was removed from service, in September 1997 it ceased to exist, and all materials were transferred to the archive.

US response

It is clear that the United States, which was the first to develop anti-satellite weapons back in the late 1950s, responded to the creation of the IS. However, the attempts were far from successful. Thus, the program for using an anti-satellite missile with supersonic bomber B-58 Hustler. The program of anti-satellite missiles with powerful nuclear warheads, which the United States tested in the 1960s, also did not develop. High-altitude explosions in space led to damage by electromagnetic pulses to a number of their own satellites and formed artificial radiation belts. As a result, the project was abandoned.

The LIM-49 Nike Zeus missile defense system with nuclear warheads also did not give a positive result. In 1966, the project was canceled in favor of the Program 437 ASAT system based on Thor missiles with a 1-megaton nuclear charge, which, in turn, was phased out in March 1975. The US Navy's project to use anti-satellite missiles from carrier-based aircraft was also not developed. The US Navy's project to launch anti-satellite weapons from a modified UGM-73 Poseidon C-3 SLBM came to a disastrous end in the late 1970s.

And only the above-mentioned project with the ASM-135 ASAT missile was implemented. But the successful launch in January 1984 was the only and last. Despite the obvious success, the program was closed in 1988.

But all this was yesterday. What about today?


Today, no country officially has deployed anti-satellite weapons systems. In the early 1990s, by unspoken agreement, all tests on these systems were suspended in Russia and the United States. However, the creation of anti-satellite weapons is not limited by any of the existing treaties. Therefore, it would be foolish to think that work on this topic is not being carried out.

After all, it is space reconnaissance and communications means that underlie modern concepts armed struggle. Without satellite navigation systems, the use of the same cruise missiles and other high-precision weapons is problematic; accurate positioning of moving ground and air objects is impossible. In other words, the removal of the necessary satellites from service will have a sharply negative impact on the capabilities of their owner.

And the work in this direction, as well as the expansion of the club that owns such weapons, is confirmed by the facts. Earlier, the head of the US Air Force Space Command, General John Hyten, named Iran, China, North Korea and Russia among those leading such work.

Back in 2005 and 2006, China tested such a system without actually intercepting satellites. In 2007, the Chinese shot down their Fengyun-1C weather satellite with an anti-satellite missile. During these same years, the Pentagon reported facts of irradiation of American satellites by ground-based lasers from Chinese territory.

The United States is also conducting anti-satellite work. Today they are armed with the Aegis ship-based missile defense system with the RIM-161 Standard Missile 3 (SM-3) missile. It was precisely such a missile that shot down the American military satellite USA-193 on February 21, 2008, which did not enter the intended orbit. According to American media reports, the Pentagon has already created a new generation of anti-satellite systems based on so-called non-destructive technologies that force the satellite not to carry out work or send “false” commands.

According to other reports, in the 1990s, stealth satellites were developed and tested in the United States under the MISTY program. Their detection in orbit is almost impossible using existing means. The presence of such invisible satellites in orbit is admitted by the head of the international network of amateur astronomers, Canadian Ted Molzhan.

What about in Russia? For obvious reasons, this information is secret. However, in May of this year, a number of foreign and domestic media reported the successful testing of a rocket as part of the Nudol development work. And in December 2015, Bill Hertz, an author for the American publication The Washington Free Beacon, reported that Russia had tested an anti-satellite missile. In 2014, Russian media reported about the test " new rocket long-range for air defense systems,” and the information that this weapon is being developed within the framework of the Nudol R&D was confirmed by the Almaz-Antey air defense concern to the Rossiya Segodnya news agency back in 2014.

And one last thing. A book of memoirs of the creators of the “satellite fighter” and military veterans is currently being prepared for publication. In the preface to it, Lieutenant General Alexander Golovko, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces, says: “... our country is currently working on creating new means of combating the spacecraft of a potential enemy.” Here, the General Director, General Designer of JSC Kometa Corporation, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Viktor Misnik also expressed his opinion. According to him, “the means created in the country will be capable of hitting space targets in the required quantities.”

As they say, he who has ears, let him hear. In other words, “we are peaceful people, but our armored train is on a siding.”

The aerobatic team of the First Flight aeroclub was created in 2009. Today it is the only professional aerobatic team in Russia using piston aircraft.

The “First Flight” aerobatic team includes representatives of sports aviation. These are young sports pilots, winners of the Russian Championships and the World Aerobatics Championships: group leader: Dmitry Samokhvalov, right wingman: Anton Berkutov, left wingman: Roman Ovchinnikov and in the role of tail wingman Irina Markova.

The performance program includes Yak-52 and Yak-54 aircraft. The YAK-52 training aircraft, developed at the A.S. Yakovlev Design Bureau, was adopted back in the USSR for initial flight training of young pilots in the DOSAAF system, still occupying a special place in world sports aviation. The Yak-54 was developed on the basis of the aerobatic Yak-55M in 1993. Designed for training sports pilots, teaching aerobatics and participating in aviation competitions.

Piston aircraft have their own characteristic features during performances, for example, low speeds and small turning radii. The demonstration program area fits into a square of 1.5 x 1.5 km. All this allows the viewer to observe in great detail the nimble planes, spectacular figures and coordinated work of the pilots.

Each aerobatic team has its own unique style of piloting. Clarity and confidence in management, minimum distances between planes, incredible figures, synchronicity and ease of execution characterize all programs of the First Flight aerobatic team. During the performance, the emotional tension of the audience, the graceful gliding of the planes, the roar of the engines working at the limit, the hard work of the pilots, each individually and the entire group as a whole, merge together, and this is how the holiday atmosphere is born.