Why are birds called feathered? Why are the birds called so: Mallard, Starling, Rook and Jackdaw. Finger gymnastics “Lark”

Why are birds called feathered? Objectives: 1. Find out why birds are called birds. Objectives: - educational: 1. To become familiar with the meaning of the word “feathered”. 2. Get to know the types of feathers, their structure and purpose. - educational: 1. Cultivate curiosity. 2. Foster a caring attitude towards the animal world. - developing: 1. Develop the ability to work with literature and the Internet. 2.Teach the rules of communication.

Feathered These are adjectives meaning birds, formed from the noun perno - feather, which goes back to the same stem as feather and has related words in other Indo-European languages. Krylov's Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language A bird is recognized by its feathers, the Germans say, and this very correctly distinguishes birds from all other vertebrates. FEATHER FEATHER, feathers pl. peri Wed, church. bird clothes, instead of wool. The feather consists of a stem and a flywheel, flywheel or beard; stem: from the butt, trunk or pipe with the core or cord, and from the turnip. The pipe ends with a butt, which sits in the body. Dudka ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Feathers are the most complex, but at the same time very light horny formations of the skin. They were transformed in the process of evolution from the scales of ancient reptiles. Feathers make the surface of the bird's body smooth, and when it is in flight, the air flows around its body without much resistance. Thanks to the feathers, lift and thrust are created. In addition, with their help the bird regulates the direction of flight (tail tail feathers). Retaining heat, elastically springing and at the same time very strong, they form a uniform layer that protects birds from all kinds of harmful influences. environment overheating, cold, dampness and wind, and prevent heat loss.

Most birds shed or shed their feathers at regular intervals, usually once a year (a process called molting). Molting is a highly organized process that occurs gradually, which does not allow bare spots to appear on the bird’s body. This process is so highly organized that the flight and tail feathers are lost in precise pairs, one on each side, so that it maintains balance.

Conclusions: The feather is a strong but light structure. Birds need special types of feathers to fly. They must be strong enough to support the bird's weight in flight. The central branch running down the feather is called the shaft. The shaft is connected to smaller branches called barbules. The barbules are further connected to each other by structures called barbules. The interconnected structure of each feather gives it its strength. When a bird flies, hundreds of contour feathers allow it to push off the air and propel itself forward.

“The feather is a miracle of natural engineering. It is both extremely light and at the same time structurally strong, much more flexible than the stretched skin of a bat, with which it supports itself during flight, or the rigid structure of airplane wings, and it is much faster to repair or replace when damaged. Despite the fact that it is almost weightless, it is quite strong. The strong shaft of the feather provides rigidity when support is needed, but becomes softer towards the tip when flexibility is required to maneuver in the air in a matter of seconds. Touch the fan - it feels smooth and soft to the touch, but still durable. Separate the beards; bring them together again by passing them through the tips of your fingers, as a bird does when it cleans them with its beak. The complexity of this design can be appreciated by examining the feather under a microscope.”

We took animal hair and poultry feathers and put them in the water. As we watched, we saw that the wool became wet and began to sink, while the bird's feathers remained floating dry on the surface of the water. Conclusion: Bird feathers do not get wet and this helps birds stay dry while swimming. And why? This means that the birds lubricate them with something. Let's say fat.

Flight is the main method of movement for most bird species, helping them search for food, migrate and escape from predators. Flight is the most specific form of movement of birds, which determined the main features of the organization of this class. Birds' ability to fly has given rise to a number of adaptations to support flight, takeoff and landing, spatial orientation, and navigation.

Experiment 1: “Which flies better?” We took two sheets of paper. One of them was crumpled into a ball. They threw him up and saw that he fell down like a stone. We also threw up another sheet, and it smoothly began to fall down. Why? A non-crumpled sheet is wide, it rests on the air due to the fact that it has a large surface, and does not fall down, but flies.

We launched paper birds and watched them fly. The bird with its wings spread was in the air longer, its flight was smoother and more beautiful. And the bird with folded wings quickly fell down like a stone. Experiment 4 “Which bird will fly longer.”

On both sides of the wing, two autonomous air flows are created, each of which moves at its own speed, while the speed of the air flow that goes around the top of the wing (and travels a longer distance) is greater. Higher speed is ensured by lower air flow pressure at the top of the winglet. The pressure difference creates lift. The difference in speed ensures that the two flows simultaneously reach the tip of the wing, which is necessary for flight. The wing shape is important factor, which determines the type and characteristics of flight of which the bird is capable. Different wing shapes provide different trade-offs to achieve desired characteristics, such as flight speed, energy expenditure and maneuverability. So, wings are the main parts of the body adapted for flight.

Wing shape is an important factor in determining the type and characteristics of flight that a bird is capable of. Different wing shapes provide different trade-offs to achieve desired characteristics, such as flight speed, energy expenditure and maneuverability.

Elliptical wings Short and rounded, with a slight extension that allows birds to maneuver in confined spaces, such as dense vegetation. Such wings are characteristic of forest birds of prey (for example, hawks) and many passerines.

Wings for high-speed flight. Wings for high-speed flight are short and pointed, have a high wing load and provide a high flapping frequency for the highest possible speed at the expense of significant energy expenditure. This type of wings is typical for small birds and is characterized by a very large relative length of the wing brush.

Wings with relatively high aspect ratio. Relatively high aspect ratio wings are very long and slender, and are typically characterized by low wing loading and are used for slow flight, almost soaring. Such wings are characteristic of petrels, terns, nightjars and birds that are able to switch to dynamic soaring over waves to conserve energy, which is common among seabirds. A special case of this type are the wings of giant petrels and albatrosses, which are best suited for prolonged soaring.

Wings for Soaring Wings for soaring are relatively wide and are characteristic of large land birds such as eagles, vultures, pelicans and storks. Deep grooves at the tips of the wings between the flight feathers reduce the force of air resistance, and the relatively short size allows them to rise from the ground without the need for significant acceleration.

Tail The tail feathers can move apart, significantly increasing the area. The tail can also move in two directions using six pairs of muscles. Although most birds have tail feathers of approximately the same length and form a flat, open tail, the shape of the tail can vary.

Body structure. Birds have a special body structure and a unique keel bone. In all species of birds, the outer surface of the chest protrudes noticeably forward, thereby forming a keel. The bird's skeleton is especially rigid, which ensures that all the bones are tightly fused with each other, that is, the bird's spine is very tightly fixed!

Breath. Birds have a unique respiratory organ - the air sac. When a bird inhales, the air passes through the small tubes called bronchioles of the lungs into these same air sacs. Thus, birds have double breathing, which significantly increases the level of oxygen supply to the body, which is vital when flying. Air bags

The heart of a bird is quite large, and its ratio to body weight is several times greater than that of mammals. Such a large heart is necessary for accelerated blood circulation, without which flight would not be possible, since the bird simply would not have enough strength and energy. Surprisingly, the bird's heart is capable of making 1000 beats per minute, despite the fact that the pressure rises to 180 mm Hg.

One of the species of the squirrel family, the flying squirrel, has special folds on the skin between its front and hind legs, and thanks to this they can easily glide in the air at a distance of more than 400 meters. She controls her flight using her tail. And fish, for example, can fly more than 100 meters in the air, although only special fish are flying. They can jump out of the water thanks to the peculiarities of their tail, and their pectoral fins act as wings, opening in the air. Even wood frogs have the ability to glide short distances thanks to the membranes between their toes.

The bat is the only mammal that flies like a bird using its wings. Hers are not solid, but consist of sectors and resemble a brush with fingers. This allows her to fly at low speeds and gives her great maneuverability. The wings of a mouse are formed by a thin membrane of skin without fur, connecting the forelimbs with the sides of the body. The bat is a nocturnal animal.

The largest - the largest The largest bats are bats or flying foxes. They are called so because of their elongated muzzle, similar to a mouse or fox. Representatives of this species live on the island of Java, their wingspan is 1.7 m, and the length of the folded wing is 42 cm. The smallest bat lives in Thailand, it weighs 2 g and its length is 3.3 cm. Group 1 - birds of prey. Birds of prey have a special beak structure that ends in a powerful hook, and toes that end in powerful claws. All this helps them capture and hold prey. They feed on rodents, other birds, and hares.

Quantity existing species The number of birds that can be found on Earth today includes completely unimaginable numbers. And they all have their own names. And today we want to figure out why the birds are called Starlings, Mallards, Rooks, Jackdaws, because the history of the origin of their families is complete interesting facts.

Why is the bird called "Mallard"

We are all used to calling ducks ducks, and most people don’t even think about the fact that the duck family contains a whole list of genera of birds that have separate names.

For example, the mallard is one of the birds of the duck family. It is noteworthy that if you saw wild ducks, most likely they were mallards, since they are the most common of the wild ducks.

And, if you know that the mallard belongs to the genus of ducks, you can easily draw a parallel with the reason for its name. After all, like many other ducks, the mallard calls “Quack.” This is how the name of such birds appeared.

Why are birds called "Starlings"

Birds with long straight beaks are called starlings. They are not the largest in size, and often have a spotted chest. These birds belong to the genus of songbirds, which explains that they can also be recognized by their specific and beautiful singing.

Exactly as in the case of the mallard, starlings received this name because of the sounds they make. Many years ago, people described the singing of these birds as “squawking”, so over time they began to be called starlings.

Why are birds called "Rooks"

The name of birds, rooks, is also very common among us, and most people have heard about it. This is a fairly large bird, the length of which can reach 50 centimeters. You can recognize rooks by their purple tint, noticeable over the entire surface of the plumage.

The origin of the name rooks has its roots in the Old Russian word “grak”, which meant “cry” or “sound”. Over time, this word became an onomatopoeia for the calls that birds make, and so the rooks acquired their name, known to us today.

Why are birds called "Jackdaw"

Another fairly common bird in our country is the jackdaw. This type belongs to the corvid family, and has a raven-like appearance. A significant difference between jackdaws and ravens is their size, which turns out to be significantly smaller.

If you believe one of the most popular and reliable theories, the name of this species of bird comes from the Proto-Slavic word “galъ”, which literally translates as “black”. Considering the color of the plumage of jackdaws, it is quite obvious that people gave this particular name to this species of bird.

Irina Nazina
Summary of a lesson on speech development “Our feathered friends”

Subject speech development classes: « Our feathered friends»

1. Activate children's vocabulary with verbs and adjectives. Improve your ability to write descriptive stories about birds. Exercise children in matching words in a sentence. Develop the ability to clearly and clearly pronounce words in a tongue twister.

2. To consolidate children’s accumulated ideas about birds, connecting specific environmental knowledge into certain connections and dependencies.

3. Foster a kind, caring attitude towards feathered friends; to create a desire to take care of birds, to cultivate curiosity and empathy.

EQUIPMENT: pictures with images of migratory (crane, heron, starling, swallow, rook, swan, wagtail) and wintering (sparrow, crow, magpie, tit, woodpecker, owl, bullfinch) birds; image of the sun and snowflakes; bird emblems (according to the number of children, 3 hoops, audio recording; pencils, sheets with images of birds and their food (by number of children); ball.


B. The topic of our classes you will learn, if you guess right riddle:

We are different -

Green and red

Yellow, any, even blue.

If we flap our wings,

We'll be in the blue sky.

We can chirp, quack,

Sing or shout.

Feed us in winter,

Children, tell us who we are! (Birds)

B. The incredibly amazing world of nature is the world birds. Birds inhabit all corners of our planet. They delight us with beautiful singing and varied plumage. Without birdsong the world would be boring. Today, guys, we will talk about birds and find out how much you know about them. And I will tell you many more interesting things about them.

First, let's do a warm-up. Let's see how attentive you are. Exercise: I will name the birds, but if I make a mistake and name something other than a bird, you clap your hands.

DI "Make no mistake"

All the birds are sitting in a row and want to play with us.

The birds have arrived: pigeons, tits, storks, crows, a flock of macaroni (clap).

The birds have arrived: pigeons, tits, helicopters (clapping, jackdaws.

The birds have arrived: pigeons, tits, herons, nightingales, perches (clap) and sparrows.

The birds have arrived: pigeons, tits, ducks, geese, owls, swallows, cows.

The birds have arrived: pigeons, tits, jackdaws and swifts, storks, cuckoos, swans, starlings - all of you are great!

V. Well done, everyone was attentive. Let's compare birds with people.

DI "Who has what"

A person has children, and a bird has... chicks. A person has a nose, and a bird has... a beak. Humans have hair, and birds have... feathers. Man has hands, and birds have... wings. A person has a house, and a bird has... a nest, a hollow.

Q. Let us remember what groups birds can be divided into? (domestic and wild, urban and forest, waterfowl, insectivores and predators, wintering and migratory).

There are pictures of birds on the tables. I will divide you into 2 teams. The first one will have to select migratory birds and put them on the board next to the symbol of the sun. The second is to place wintering birds near the snowflake.

Exercise "Migratory - wintering"

Children complete the task in subgroups. Next, each subgroup names "our own" birds and explains his choice. (Migratory birds fly to warmer climes because they don't have enough food. They feed on various insects, but in cold weather there are no insects. So they tend to go where it’s warm and there are a lot of insects. They return in the spring.

Those who winter remain with us for the winter, as they feed on berries and seeds, but we must take care of them and feed them)

Q. Well done, how many names of birds do you know? Birds are all different and not alike.

Stand in a circle, we'll play with you. I will throw the ball, and you must come up with 2-3 words about each bird.

DI "Pick up a definition"

Tell me, what kind of tit is it? (Nimble, dexterous, vocal, restless, yellow-breasted)

What sparrow? (Nimble, noisy, pugnacious, fast)

What kind of crow? (Big, gray, loud, loud, cunning, dexterous)

What bullfinch? (Important, fat, handsome, red-chested)

What woodpecker? (Smart, strong, kind, helpful, hardworking)

What kind of magpie? (White-sided, long-tailed, curious, fussy, talkative, omnivorous)

What crane? (Long-legged, long-necked, handsome, dancing)

What kind of heron? (White, large, long-winged, long-legged, long-billed, cunning, migratory)

What kind of owl? (Wise, big-headed, big-eyed, predatory, short-tailed, mysterious)

V. Well done, you came up with so many beautiful words. Sit on the chairs. Guys who want to talk about any bird. What she looks like, what she eats, what her habits are. The rest will listen carefully and if you remember any interesting information, then add to the story.

Compilation descriptive stories about birds (about 2 migratory and 2 wintering)

V. The Russian people are very fond of such a bird as the magpie. The white-sided magpie is often mentioned in folk tales, nursery rhymes, songs, sayings, poems. And you and I will say patter: Catching a magpie is one hassle, and forty forty is forty troubles. We speak slowly, a little faster. Who wants to try to pronounce even faster?

Q. Which of you can guess what number is hidden in the word? "magpie"? (40) . By the way "fourty" add a word "leg", what will be the new word? (Centipede).

Physical education minute "Two Centipedes"

1) Two centipedes were running along the path.

2) They ran and ran and met each other.

3) They hugged each other like that,

4) They hugged each other like that. ,

5) That we barely separated them.

1. Show 2 arms bent at the elbows (palms towards you) and cross them.

2. The right hand “runs” along the left arm to the shoulder, at the same time the left hand “runs” along the right arm.

3.4 “Reach” up to the shoulder, after which you need to do it with your hands "lock" on the back of the head.

5. Sharply spread your arms to the sides.

Q. Shall we play an outdoor game? Take 1 bird each. Look carefully and determine whether it is migratory or wintering. When cheerful music sounds, it means warmth, "birds" everyone flies. As soon as you hear the sound of a strong wind, it means cold weather is coming, migratory birds (what are they doing) gather in flocks and fly away to warmer climes (to the far corner of the group, and winterers will have to hide in hoop nests.

P/I "Birds"

Q. Let's remember what birds can do. Stand in a circle. You will pass the ball to each other. Only the one with the ball answers.

DI "Pick an action"

Birds can: walk, jump, fly, take off, fly over, take off, fly in, peck, drink, catch, watch, fight, incubate (eggs, sing, sit, feed (chicks, flap (wings, peck, watch (chicks, hunt, dive, swim, peck, pluck, build (nests, rummage, ruffle, circle, soar (in the air, dance (crane dances, gather (in flocks), steal (term, chatter, shake its tail (wagtail, croak, etc.)

V. The birds had done so many things that they were probably hungry. They need to be fed. Sit down at the tables. You need to remember what birds eat. (Children are given individual cards with pictures of birds and different ways nutrition.) Look carefully at what is shown in the picture. Your task is to draw a line with a pencil from the bird to the food it eats. Children complete the task independently.

DI “Who likes what?”

Birds on the cards (heron, sparrow, seagull, woodpecker, bullfinch, owl) And "feed" (mouse, beetle, fish, rowan, frog, ear).

Q. Did everyone complete the task? Now switch with your neighbor and check for mistakes. Well done! Exercise on the use of interrogative and narrative intonations

Now all the birds are full. One child, turning to another, pronounces this phrase with a questioning intonation, and the latter answers him with the same words in the affirmative. Suggest intonationally highlight each word in turn. For example, first the child asks a question highlighting the word "All", another child asks a question, emphasizing the word intonation "birds" etc.

Q. Guys, can anyone remind me who we fed today? (Work using the same cards)

DI "We bow the words"

Who did we feed? (Bullfinch, heron, owl, woodpecker, sparrow, seagull)

Who did we feed? (Bullfinch, sparrow, heron, owl, woodpecker, seagull)

Who did we care about? (About the bullfinch, about the sparrow, about the heron, about the owl, about the seagull, about the woodpecker)

Who are we admiring? (Bullfinch, sparrow, woodpecker, heron, owl, seagull)

Q. The birds were very happy that you fed them, and when birds are happy, what do they do? (Singing songs). Let's arrange it too "avian" concert. A our guests will have to guess which birds took part in the concert. Each group of children of 3 (4) the person is given the name of the bird, a reminder of how they sing. Children perform a song based on "In the grass Grasshopper sat". Each bird has a line.

"Bird Concert"

Sparrows: tweet-chirp-chirp-chik; tits: blue-blue-blue-blue-blue-blue-blue; Crows: kar-kar-kar-kar-kar-kar-kar; Cuckoo: ku-ku-ku-ku-ku-ku; Magpies: check-check-check-check-check-check-check-check; Cranes: Kurly-Kurly-Kurly.

V. It was a nice concert! Guests guess the names of the birds that participated in it.

Sparrows chirp, tits shade, crows caw, cuckoos crow, magpies chatter, cranes coo.

Q. Guys, you told us so much today about our feathered friends. Tell me why we call birds ours friends? (Birds- our assistants. They bring great benefits. Protected our forests, fields, gardens and vegetable gardens from harmful insects and small rodents. If it were not for birds, there would be no trees and bushes left on the earth. They delight us with their beautiful singing. Birds help people predict the weather.)

How friends should do? (Help each other, take care). What good deeds can we do for birds? (Feed in winter, hang feeders, do not destroy nests, do not throw stones at birds, do not kill insects, do not shoot with slingshots).

Winter will come very soon. Do you think hunger or cold is worse for birds? (Hunger) Yes, it’s not easy to find food under a thick layer of snow. So birds count on human kindness and compassion.

Did you like it class? What did you like especially?

Thank you guys for diligently completing all the tasks today, choosing the right words and showing excellent knowledge about our feathered friends.


GOAL: To introduce children to the diversity of birds, to teach them to identify their significant features, cultivate a kind attitude towards birds, develop creativity, speech and thinking.
1. A word to the duty officers.

2. Subject message.

Guess for yourself what we will talk about in class today. To do this, find an extra animal in this row and explain why. (on the screen)
Birds are distributed throughout the world. Within Russia there are more than 750 species, and within Chuvashia 250 species. Birds are sensitive, colorful, receptive, elegant and have interesting habits.

Do you want to learn more about birds?

Then I announce the topic of our lesson: “Birds are feathered friends.”

3. Explanation of something new.

Why are birds called feathered?

Almost all birds have 4 main types of feathers. (on the screen)

Helms - with the help of them the bird determines the direction of flight.

Flight wings (What are they for?) – help to fly.

Contour – protect down feathers and give the body a streamlined shape.

What are down ones needed for? – to preserve heat.

What other common external signs of birds do you know? (Wings, pair of legs)

Look at a number of these words. Which of these words is redundant and why?


What 2 groups can these birds be divided into?

Flying Not flying

Do you know such birds? To find out, we will play the game “Flies or doesn’t fly.” If the bird flies, you wave your arms, and if it doesn’t fly, you squat.

Why doesn't the penguin fly?

The emperor penguin is the largest of the penguins. The eggs are incubated by the male.

Ostrich - feeds on leaves, fruits, insects. Small animals. Can go without water for a long time. Lives in treeless places. In the morning the eggs are incubated by the female, and by the male at night.

On another basis, what two groups can be divided into?

Wild Domestic

How wild birds different from home?

Is it possible to group birds according to what they eat?

carnivorous insectivores granivores

What birds of prey do you know?


Referred to in various tales as the "king of the night." Currently, the eagle owl can rarely be seen even in the Prisursky Nature Reserve, which is located in Chuvashia. The bird eats up to 240 g of feed per day. There have been cases. When up to 30 mouse skulls were removed from the eagle owl's stomach. It also attacks ducks and wood grouse. He is not afraid of the prickly needles of the hedgehog.


A very useful bird. Over the summer, one pair of buzzards eats 500-1000 mouse-like rodents. This bird is also under protection.
-Have you ever seen birds fly away to warmer lands?

What shape do flocks of birds take when flying?

(in the picture)

(ducks in an arc, geese in a line, crane in a wedge)

What are the names of birds that fly to warmer regions? (migratory)

There are birds that live with us all year round. They are called sedentary.

Let's look at them now. (video - pigeons, sparrows, magpies, crows)

The oriole sings very beautifully, and when worried it makes sounds similar to a cat. This is a migratory bird.

The cuckoo is a glutton, eating caterpillars that other birds do not eat. 100 caterpillars per hour is the norm for cuckoo food. The chicks are born naked and blind, but quite strong. In autumn they fly to warmer regions.

Bullfinch - that’s what they called him. Because he comes to us with the first snow.

Let's conclude into which three groups all birds can be divided. Birds

wintering migratory sedentary
- Birds can be seen everywhere. But where exactly? Let's conclude that all the birds, based on where they live, what three groups can they be divided into?
Forest Waterfowl Meadow

Nuthatch mallard lark

Whooper Swan Warbler Quail

Great Grebe Cuckoo

robin snipe

jay crane

We talked a lot about birds today, but let’s check what you remember. To do this, we will play the game "Scrabble". To do this, we will divide into three teams and use this die to determine who will start the game. (draw)

Now listen to the terms of the game. The game consists of three levels. The first level has the smallest points, and the third level has the highest. The team that scores large quantity points.

And the last task is to match the words of the first column with the words of the second.
waterfowl chicken

homemade lark

meadow sparrow

forest crane

resident cuckoo

And I want to end the lesson with Shefner’s poem “Take care of the birds”