Why do I want to serve in the security forces? Essay on why I decided to serve in the security forces. Personal data verification

"Why do I want to serve in the FSB?"

There comes a time in every person’s life when he needs to decide on his future profession. And here the question arises: how not to get lost among such a variety of professions, and choose exactly the one to which you are ready to devote your whole life, give all your strength, skills and talents. After all, it very often happens that a person, due to certain life circumstances, “does not find himself” and begins to go with the flow. Sometimes, people who are completely captivated by interesting work and who are happy to carry out their duties help in choosing a profession. After observing such a person, you will definitely want to become like him, happy. Parents, teachers and friends play an important role in choosing a profession, but do not forget that the only correct decision that needs to be made is one you must make on your own.

In Soviet times, along with the professions of captain long voyage, cosmonaut and pilot, the profession of a border guard was considered no less prestigious. After all, childhood dreams of guarding the blue hills with some Mukhtar visited my head no less than those of most boys.

But not everyone, having matured, strives to realize their childhood dreams.

Fortunately, I am not one of the majority.

After thinking a little about the future on my own, then asking my parents for advice, I decided to become a border guard officer. In the future, of course, I wanted to be awarded another military rank, but this was the very first thing I wanted to receive. Border guard officer sounded proud, honorable and even romantic, despite the fact that there were still many years of intense study ahead.

The essence of the profession is to ensure the national security of the country in the border area. In the absence of high professionalism, patriotism, ideological preparation and a rich moral and spiritual world, it is not possible to complete this task. Service on the border was and is the lot of strong-willed, courageous and courageous people.

To be honest, the choice of this profession did not come as a surprise either to me or to my family and friends. After all, my entire family, from my grandfather to my great-grandfather, is in the service of the Federal Security Service Russian Federation. In our family, children have known since kindergarten that the border is one of the main factors that determines the sovereignty and independence of each country, and serving in the Border Troops of the FSB of Russia is a great honor. My father, of course, immediately approved of my choice. After all, he was once attracted, just as I am now, by this profession “with a strong character.” What also added excitement to choosing this profession was the fact that not everyone can become a border guard. It is necessary not only to pass all exams with excellent marks, but also to undergo a medical and psychological examination.

It is a great privilege to serve in the Russian FSB. After all, only a strong, intelligent and courageous person can be awarded the honor of serving in the Border Troops of the Russian Federation. Our family is a shining representative of the dynasties of the border guards, and I will continue the tradition of our military family with honor, dignity and great pleasure.




The topic of my essay is why I want to serve in the state security agencies (FSB).
Ten years ago, the president's current supporters seriously discussed the law on lustration - a ban on professions for state security employees. Today, belonging to the FSB is considered a guarantee successful career.
Vladimir Putin recently told reporters about his conversation with Henry Kissinger: “He said that all decent people start with intelligence.” Mentioning the father of the current US president, the Russian president noted approvingly that Bush Sr. “worked not in a laundry, but in the CIA.” Today Russia is experiencing its second love affair with its own state security. The first, very short-lived, was under Andropov. Those in power today are in excellent health. So says Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov, former first deputy director of the FSB. That is, everything is serious and for a long time.
True, in the time since Andropov, the Service has changed names, reorganized, lost professionals, and experienced a rather humiliating recertification of mid-level workers under the leadership of its former client, human rights activist Sergei Kovalev. She replaced almost a dozen leaders, among whom were a policeman, a political worker, and a Kremlin commandant. One of them, Vadim Bakatin, they say, threatened his subordinates: “I’ll beat the Chekism out of you!” He didn’t knock it out - the FSB still pronounces the word “chekist” with respect.
How do people with a cool head, a warm heart and clean hands build their careers?
In general, the FSB doesn’t really like the word “career”. Here they say that they do not have a career, but serve the Motherland
The FSB employs statists, and the whole system instills this in them. If a person comes here consciously, he is ready to sacrifice the personal for the sake of the public.
Indeed, salaries in the FSB are not just small, but indecently small, in democratic Russia only the lazy did not kick the secret police, and the work is often associated with danger to life - the FSB is responsible for the counter-terrorist operation in Chechnya, for example. At the same time, over all these years, competition for the FSB Academy remains consistently high - 10 people per place. Why do they go to the security service?
In working on the abstract, I was guided by reference and educational material, sources from periodicals and Internet resources.

1. Food for thought………………………………………………………5
2. Invisible careerist……………………………………………………….6
3. Academicians in civilian clothes………………………………………………………7
4. The GPU itself will come to you………………………………………………………9

The favorite state security officer among the security officers is the same as among ordinary people: Stirlitz. Nikolai Kovalev, when he was director of the FSB, awarded Vyacheslav Tikhonov the title of honorary employee of the state security agencies: “True, from the point of view of a professional, it is precisely those shots that have the strongest emotional impact on the viewer that raise questions. For example, a meeting in a cafe. You cannot approach your beloved, hug. But what kind of intelligence officer is this who does not have a reliable safe house where he can meet with anyone? And yet this is the image on which more than one generation of security officers was brought up."
FSB officers consider themselves an elite - they were carefully selected and trained well. They have a strong sense of professional pride and corporate solidarity. And most of all they are proud of their incorruptibility - “clean hands”, according to Dzerzhinsky. This is why I want to serve in the FSB.
They say that when in the protocol of interrogation at the Cheka one of the aristocrats was called a “former prince,” he protested: “A prince cannot be a former prince. This is a breed. We don’t say: “former St. Bernard.” FSB officers believe that a security officer is not may be an ex.
Working for the FSB can be a stepping stone to future career. Previously, people came to the KGB for 25 years and no one could leave at will. Now they serve under a contract, the first one is concluded after graduation for 5 years. Then it can be extended, or you can not renew it and go, for example, to a commercial structure. There, experience in state security will not be a minus. They are in demand - it is believed that organized people can restore order.

1. Constitution of the Russian Federation: Adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993. M., 1993. 61 p.
2. The concept of national security of the Russian Federation. Approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 17, 1997 No. 1300 (as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 10, 2000 No. 24) // SZ RF.2000. No. 2. Art. 170.
3. Alekseev A. State policy of combating crime in Russia // Criminal law. 2008. No. 3. P. 100-104.
4. Bobrovsky I. There are enough legal means to combat organized crime // Issues of law enforcement; Sat. scientific works - Volgograd. 2006. No. 3.
5. Bogolyubova T. The fight against terrorism: criminal legal problems // Criminal law. 2008. - No. 1. P. 39-43.
6. Zvyagin Yu.G. Ways to improve legislation on the fight against crime: the opinion of scientists // State and law. 2008. - No. 9.P.168.
7. Morozova L.A. Problems of modern Russian statehood: Tutorial. - M.: Legal lit., 2008. - 256 p.
8. www.FSB.ru
9. www.komitet101.ru
10. www.agentura.ru

Why do I want to serve in the FSB?


2. The role and place of the Russian FSB in the system government agencies leading the fight against organized crime


To be honest, the choice of this profession did not come as a surprise either to me or to my family and friends. After all, my entire family, from my grandfather to my great-grandfather, were patriots and at different times served in different security agencies of the Russian Federation. In our family, children have known since kindergarten that the border is one of the main factors determining the sovereignty and independence of each country, and serving in the FSB of Russia is a great honor. My father, of course, immediately approved of my choice. After all, he was once attracted, just as I am now, by this profession “with a strong character.”

Organized crime as a social phenomenon characteristic of modern Russia has a number of features that distinguish it from criminal groups operating in other countries of the world.

Also, this is a massive involvement of representatives in organized criminal activities law enforcement, whose corrupt employees provide cover for the activities of criminal groups. Recently, cases of direct participation of law enforcement officials in the commission of crimes have become more frequent. There is an alarming trend when the operational capabilities of law enforcement agencies operating in the field of combating organized crime are beginning to be purposefully used by criminal groups to suppress their competitors and carry out illegal transactions.

1. Memories of the Great Patriotic War

My grandmother, born in 1937. Until 1943 she lived in Kuibyshev. When did the Great Patriotic War, she and her parents were transferred to the countryside. There she spent her childhood. Grandmother played various games with her friends and went to the forest to pick berries. She also told how all the neighboring children gathered on the street after the rain and started running through the puddles. And they had so much fun that no one thought about the war. Only with the onset of darkness, when they began to mask the windows so that light from the house could not be seen, did the people understand that there was a war going on.

In 1944, my grandmother and her mother returned to the city again. That same year she went to school. It was cold at school, so we sat in the classroom with our clothes on. They wrote on what, often on newspapers, since there was no normal paper.
My grandmother also told me about how, in 1943-44, when the battle for Stalingrad (now Volgograd) was going on, shrapnel from shells reached Kuibyshev. And she and her friends ran across the roofs and collected these fragments.
From my grandmother’s words, I learned that the entire Moscow government was evacuated to the city of Kuibyshev during the war. The food was also not good. Bread was given out on ration cards. It was not until 1947 that the cards were abolished. And then they began to line up, standing all night. Supply was difficult and only improved in 1950.

Grandma also remembers how German prisoners worked in Kuibyshev after the war. They were engaged in timber rafting on the Volga River. Rafts and bridges were then made from it. Children jumped into the water from these rafts and also rinsed clothes after washing.

This is one example of imitation, one of many patriotic memories.

2. The role and place of the FSB of Russia in the system of government bodies fighting organized crime

Unlike ordinary crime, represented by hooligans, lone criminals and small street gangs, large criminal organizations operate as organized groups, led by people with extensive experience in criminal activity and having at their disposal finances often larger than the budgetary funds allocated by the state to law enforcement agencies . In some regions of the country, organized crime is turning into a kind of system opposing the official authorities, imposing its criminal laws, its perverted values, style and rules of behavior on society. To ensure the safety of criminal activities, organized crime leaders seek to gain their support and protection by bribing individual government officials. WITH With the help of special measures, the formation of organized crime seeks to protect their leaders from prosecution, preventing their direct participation in criminal actions.

For all these reasons, organized crime is a specific and very difficult target for law enforcement agencies to influence. It is quite possible that with the help of a single arrest or even a series of arrests of members of organized crime groups, law enforcement agencies are able to somewhat reduce the activity of a large criminal organization for a certain period of time.

However, such measures, as a rule, are not possible to achieve radical results in the fight against organized crime in general and seriously weaken the effectiveness of the actions of self-reproducing structures

organized crime. Moreover, the elimination of individual figures from the world of organized crime sometimes leads to an increase in the criminal potential of the criminal community. The fact is that numerous representatives of the younger generationThe underworld is eagerly awaiting the opportunity to emerge as leaders after the current leaders of organized crime retire from the scene.

At the same time, to successfully combat organized crime, law enforcement agencies need to have special forces and means. Such forces and means are available, in particular, to the federal security service.

The need to involve special services in the fight against organized crime is objectively determined by the characteristics of the illegal activities of criminal structures and communities, development trends and the degree of public danger of organized crime. This necessity has also been proven by international law enforcement practice.

Also, based on the objective realities of today and their capabilities, Russian security agencies currently have to solve not strategic tasks - to eliminate organized crime in the country, but more modest tactical ones related to its localization, neutralization of individual threats to the country's national security, limiting it the spread and narrowing of areas of criminal activity.

Today, the role, place and, accordingly, the competence of the federal security service in the fight against organized crime is determined mainly by the nature of the threats Russian society and the state, the availability of appropriate capabilities of the FSB of Russia to combat organized crime.


The use of forces and means, forms and methods used by special services allows security agencies, working in search mode, not only to suppress specific crimes, but also to conduct an in-depth study of all illegal activities of criminal organizations and take optimal, most effective measures aimed at eliminating them .

The operational and investigative activities of the federal security service are aimed at identifying, preventing, suppressing and solving very specific types of crimes: espionage, terrorist activities, organized crime, corruption, illicit trafficking in weapons and drugs, the activities of illegal armed groups, criminal groups, individuals and public associations, whose goal is to forcefully change the constitutional system of the Russian Federation.

The rights of federal security service agencies are regulated in detail by the Federal Law “On Operational-Investigative Activities”, as well as departmental regulations issued on its basis. legal acts, constituting a state secret, and correspond with the tasks of these bodies, defined in paragraphs “b”, “d”-“f” of Art. 12 of the Federal Law “On Bodies of the Federal Security Service in the Russian Federation”. Art. 13 of the Federal Law “On Operational-Investigative Activities” establishes that, in particular, the operational units of the federal security service have the right to carry them out.


1. Mokhov E.A. M86 FSB: the fight against organized crime: University book, 2006. - 316 p.

2. Law of the Russian Federation “On federal service security" from

April 3, 1995 No. 40-FZ as amended and supplemented by federal laws of December 30, 1999 No. 226-FZ

3. Fedorov K.M. “Are they born patriots or…”, 2005. 128pp.

The Federal Security Service of Russia ensures the security of the Russian state and all its inhabitants. The identification of this structure opens many doors better than a grenade, it puts people into a stupor and awe, because they don’t talk much about the FSB and what they do there, what they do, what kind of people work is unclear. The memory of the Cheka, the NKVD and the KGB, formidable predecessors who helped the state exist in particularly difficult times, also affects.

The dream of being in the ranks of the defenders of the Fatherland visits many young minds. How to find yourself at a factory or technical university, everyone knows, but how to get into the FSB?

Selection system

There is a strict selection system for special forces. It includes a thorough health check, compliance with height, weight, and vision parameters. The candidate and his relatives may be checked within a month. After all, to serve in the FSB of Russia you only need to have Russian citizenship, and the presence of relatives abroad can become an insurmountable obstacle.

After all checks follow psychological tests and passing physical standards. Each department has its own standards, but the average candidate in any case needs to monitor his health, run a hundred meters in 14 seconds and a kilometer in 4 minutes 25 seconds.

FSB officers are the elite among civil servants, both in terms of intellectual indicators and strength. Therefore, having titles, awards in sports competitions, major Olympics will be a plus for you. It is also advisable not to have a history of serious injuries or illnesses, such as concussions or large scars. During a medical examination, everything is examined, down to moles and tattoos.

There are two types of FSB candidates: those who have recommendations from current employees or veterans, and those who do not. If you are from the second type, then they will look at you much more carefully and, if a candidate with characteristics is vying for the same place as you, then, most likely, they will choose him.

Before thinking about how to get into the FSB, you should decide for yourself that your future life will be connected with serving the state. This means certain restrictions for life, restrictions on movement, on traveling abroad. In exchange there will be a package of privileges, government benefits and much more, depending on position and merit.

If you agree with this, then you need to be honest on tests. By order of the FSB of the Russian Federation dated April 13, 2011, each candidate must be tested for toxic, drug, and alcohol addiction. You are also required to undergo a psychological examination, including a polygraph.

Required documents

Have you started to think about how to get into the FSB? Collect documents. Here is an approximate package of documents that a candidate needs to collect:

  • An application for consideration of a candidacy with consent to the restrictions that are imposed on the FSB officer and with the agreement that personal data will be thoroughly examined.
  • Autobiography. Everything is simple here: you are not required to write an essay, you need to correctly describe what family you grew up in, who your parents are, what school you attended, what university you attended, and your marital status.
  • Questionnaire according to form No. 4.
  • Personal documents in the form of a passport, military ID, driver’s license, education documents, international passport (if any).
  • Documents of direct relatives.
  • Certificate of income, existing property and material obligations (for example, a loan).
  • The set also requires photographs, like a passport, since for each candidate a file is opened in several copies.

FSB structure

The FSB of Russia has several departments. Each of them requires qualified personnel. You can choose according to your abilities and preferences and strive for the goal. The most famous department is the border control service. All border guards are checked and belong to this structure. The second most famous department is counterintelligence, that’s where the guys’ dream is, that’s where the special forces are, the operational work.

One of the main opponents of the world order is terrorism. The FSB has a department for combating terrorism, interstate and within the country. Here extremists, rioters and other unstable elements are identified and processed.

The remaining departments are no less important, but not as well known. There is a scientific and technical center that is responsible for communications, information security, and is engaged in scientific developments. There is a center for ensuring the security of the country's economy, which is responsible for order in the structure of transport, industry, and the credit and financial sphere. There is also a department for international contacts, a personnel department and a department that synchronizes the work of the entire structure.

Serving in the FSB is an honorable occupation, but not always easy. Not many people choose this path.

FSB special forces

It is impossible not to mention the famous group "Alpha". This is a legendary combat unit created back in the Soviet Union. Many boys dream of getting there, but when they become military, they understand how difficult it is. The requirements for candidates here are very high, both physical and intellectual. The question of how to get into the FSB is complex, but how to get into Alpha is a question with many unknowns for the average resident of our country, but not insoluble. The one who walks will master the road.

FSB Academy

This is an institution where only the best young people who are ready to serve their state are accepted. Many people only know about the academy in Moscow, but there are also regional branches in which the passing grade is slightly lower. The FSB Academy is not an ordinary higher education institution educational institution, here they also impose requirements on the applicant’s physical preparation. Upon completion, people receive a prestigious job that is decently paid.

The work is interesting because a seventh grade student begins to become interested in issues related to the security of his country and its population. He tries to cover this issue as he sees it at his young age. We invite you to read the essay: “Why I want to serve in the FSB” today.

Only worthy men are capable of doing great things, which is why I sincerely wish to work in the Russian FSB. I don’t want to spend my life on low and petty work; for me, only real deeds for the benefit of my fatherland.

I'm sure that in order

To work in this structure, you need to be able to do a lot. In such bodies, every employee is an excellent analyst and has psychological training. He can influence others and obtain the necessary information. An employee of such a structure must also be able to handle weapons and have excellent combat training, nerves of iron and a great desire to always take risks.

The Russian FSB includes intelligence, anti-terrorist and anti-crime activities and counterintelligence. My favorite things are fighting criminals and economic crimes, as well as intelligence. So risky and

dangerous work just for me. I am ready for it, because it is very significant and interesting for me. With such activities, I will truly benefit society by saving people.

I, as an FSB employee, will identify drug dealers, bribe-takers, smugglers, and factories producing burnt alcohol. I am always ready to stand up for the law along with the police. Thanks to the FSB officers who are fighting terrorism and bandits, the citizens of our fatherland can feel completely safe. By engaging in counterintelligence, you can conduct such exciting and complex tasks at the same time as obtaining classified information and stopping its leaks.

I also like that as a federal officer, I will have different powers. Such people have quite significant authority, they will be able to see the whole world, their strength will always be in knowledge. It is also important for me that the pay for security officer labor is very high. It’s nice and fair to receive what you deserve for such responsible and difficult work. And my favorite job, in addition to a high salary, will also bring me pleasure.

I know that if I am an FSB employee, you can always rely on me, because I believe that I am an honest, devoted, faithful, persistent, patient, developed, intelligent and courageous person. Namely, these are the ones who are selected as intelligence officers. Since childhood, I have been interested in learning about the activities of law enforcement organizations, their structures, types and powers. Federal authorities are carrying out necessary and important work to maintain security, order and peace in Russia. The organized structures of the FSB cope with their responsibilities very successfully. And I will definitely work among them!


    • essay why I want to serve in the FSB
    • FSB essay
    • why do they go to serve in the FSB?
    • essay why I want to serve in the FSB for a girl
    • essay why I want to serve in the FSB

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