Connection to the office business Internet at corporate rates for legal entities. Provide Internet access to a private or country house, cottage or dacha. Connection via radio channel - Slavia Wireless channel to provide connection with the Internet

In addition to the well-known Internet connection methods, such as Mobile Internet and the Internet via fiber-optic lines; recently, the Internet via radio channels has been gaining great popularity.

This type of Internet connection is built on carrier-grade equipment. This connection method uses directional antennas that are directed to sector antennas installed at base stations. One client can be tied to one sector (if it needs high speed and availability) or several clients with low connection parameters.

The guaranteed speeds provided with this connection method are up to 100 Megabits/sec.

The advantage of this connection method is that it is possible to provide high-speed communication to a remote object to which it is impractical to lay optical communication lines, or it is not technically possible to lay them. The distances over which a subscriber can be connected using this technology with a guaranteed speed are up to 20 km! At the same time, the cost of connection is several times cheaper than “optics”.

Another advantage of the Internet over radio channels is the rapid restoration of communication in the event of equipment damage. Unlike the time-consuming restoration of a fiber optic line, if a base station is damaged, the client's antenna is simply rotated to the adjacent base, and the client continues to operate while engineers restore the previous base. The same thing happens if some interference occurs (for example, if someone has installed other radio devices on your frequency, which leads to a deterioration in communication): either turn the client’s antenna to another base station while the interference is eliminated, or transfer to another frequency. This ensures stability and a constant stated speed, unlike mobile operators.

Another big advantage of radio link technology is the speed of its deployment. It takes no more than 4 hours to connect a client, unlike, for example, connecting via fiber-optic lines, when the connection can take months, since you will have to coordinate the route of laying the “optics” with different services and obtain permits.

Thus, if your company requires stable, high speed internet with guaranteed speed at an affordable price, then you can safely give preference modern technology Internet connections via radio channels. They will install it for you promptly necessary equipment, and you can get to work right away.

The Telecom Without Borders company offers its clients various solutions for organizing a stable Internet connection, and for each client we select exactly the option that will meet the client’s business requirements and at the same time be affordable.

Write to us the parameters of your current Internet connection (or attach a copy of the latest bill from your Internet provider), and we will make you an offer that you will find difficult to refuse!

We are waiting for your letters at

Internet in the private sector, in a country cottage, in rural areas remains a problem, despite the development of technology. The StartGSM company helps solve it. With the Internet from our company, you can use fast unlimited Internet in full: watch your favorite movies and TV series, play online games, communicate on social networks, search for the necessary information on the World Wide Web and always stay in touch. Using the Internet from StartGSM, you can connect IP telephony in your home, which is necessary for work, and even video surveillance to ensure the safety of your property.

What kind of Internet should I install for a private home?

Fiber optic connection is most often considered as the fastest and most stable. However, there are not always cable providers outside the city. Many subscribers wait for years for their home or dacha to be connected to the Internet. If your village does have a cable provider, then the quality of its work may disappoint: the speed turns out to be much lower than advertised, and it is impossible to reach technical support.

Satellite Internet for home

You can connect to satellite almost anywhere in the country, but the cost of equipment and subscription fees are very high. For a fairly modest speed of 4-5 Mbit/sec you will need to pay 5-6 thousand rubles. In addition, the satellite signal is highly affected by weather.

Mobile Internet via modem

At first glance, the simplest and most obvious solution is to buy a modem in a communication store from a mobile operator. However, this device will allow you to use fast only within the city. In rural areas, it’s good if you can check your e-mail, and you can forget about watching videos.

Internet from StartGSM

The advantage of our connection method is that you get Internet at almost any address, even the most remote one. Installation takes place within 1-3 days, service support is at your service 24/7, fully packaged. You can use the Internet only during the summer season, and in winter you don’t have to pay a subscription fee.

Internet from StartGSM

How do we provide unlimited internet for a country house?

We provide wireless connections quickly and professionally. An engineer comes to your address and at the beginning of work he tests the signal from all available cellular operators. A specialist will demonstrate to you how wireless Internet works using examples of sites and services that interest you. Next, the engineer will agree with you on the method of installing the antenna unit. Typically, the antenna unit is mounted either on the roof or on the facade of the house. A cable is run from this unit into the room, and a WiFi router is connected to it inside. In the end, the engineer sets up WiFi, connects to an unlimited tariff plan and concludes an agreement with the subscriber.

Unlimited Internet can also be connected using a radio channel with the installation of compact equipment in the form of an antenna. This is the best way out of a situation where it is not possible to run a cable or use a Wi-Fi connection.

Where can it be used?

This method is ideal for country cottages, offices or summer cottages. This is due to its advantages:

1. You can get high or above average speeds even if other Internet connection options are not available in your area.

2. Suitable for suburbs and towns.

3. Does not require the use of cables or expensive equipment.

4. Affordable price for connection and use.

This connection is used everywhere:

1. For a country holiday, if Internet is required.

2. For business and work with installation in the office.

3. For home use within the city limits.

Installation takes little time, and small-sized equipment is mounted on a window, facade or roof without damaging the exterior. If additional height is required, a mast is used - a pole to which the antenna is attached. Even with this condition, all work and equipment will be quite affordable.

If this type of communication is needed for the work of an entire company, then the channel can be made regulated with limited Wi-Fi access only for employees. For a dacha, this option is also possible if there is a desire only own use channel.

How does it work?

The method of connecting to the station is completely wireless. Transmission occurs over a radio channel, and the main device is the antenna small sizes. It is this that is installed in the house or sent to the station on it. All calculations are performed in advance to obtain the maximum signal. The coverage is quite good, even if the Internet is located outside the city. This is due to the close locations of the stations.

Within the framework of such a connection, it is also possible to install telephony using a radio channel. Video conferencing between employees, using the company phone at attractive rates - all this is possible if you install such equipment in your office.

The tariff package provides unlimited Internet, that is, you can use it unlimitedly, even if you are using a Wi-Fi network with distribution to several offices and premises. This is a cost savings for both individuals and large companies.

A client who decides to connect such an Internet receives:

1. Your own radio channel with unlimited traffic.

2. Personal equipment.

3. Good coverage without failures.

4. Warranties.

5. Technical assistance.

There is no need to install any cables or fiber optics: wireless radio bridges are created at an affordable cost. As a result, the company can provide the following list of services:

1. Unlimited Internet.

2. Telephony.

3. VPN with configuration.

4. Video surveillance (IP)

5. Numerous Wi-Fi zones from one installed antenna, closed channel.

If the equipment is installed for the work of an entire company, then employees can use it remotely (in a regulated manner), using a pocket Wi-Fi router. Work is also possible outside the office - after entering a password. Therefore, employees can always have unlimited Internet without spending a lot of time and money searching for it in unforeseen situations.

If there is a station or a source of wired communication with installed equipment at a distance of up to 30 km, then the connection is made quickly. Line of sight is important, but even without it, the speed is quite enough for watching videos, working and other things on the Internet.

The client is provided with a kit that does not take up much space. An antenna is mounted on the roof, facade, wall or window, which plays the key role of a wireless device. An amplifier can also be additionally attached, which further increases the chances of high speed. If all conditions are met, then such unlimited Internet is often in no way inferior in speed to its wired counterpart.

If the latter is carried out in the suburban area, then all the work and equipment will be very expensive. The use of a radio channel made it possible to reduce waste hundreds of times and enjoy uninterrupted unlimited Internet. The service includes all work on connection, installation of the kit, and configuration.

What to do if there is no Internet at all in the office?

Install OUTDOOR CPE equipment and receive reliable unlimited Internet via a radio channel, and if your business expands, order a second set with a channel aggregation service.

Is the Internet expensive in the Office and there is no choice of provider?

We will save your money by installing a second Internet channel with the possibility of aggregation to your office.

In computer networks, link aggregation is a technology for combining several parallel data transmission channels into one logical one. This allows you to increase the channel capacity and improve their reliability.

The main advantage of channel aggregation is that it potentially increases bandwidth: under ideal conditions, the bandwidth of an aggregated channel can be equal to the sum of the bandwidths of all the channels combined in it. Also, if one of the aggregated channels fails, traffic will be sent through the second channel without interrupting the service. If the first channel starts working again, then data is sent through it again.

From year to year, the role of the Internet in human life is very important. Access to the global network solves many issues in a person’s life: work, communicating with friends on social networks, watching movies, receiving television channels and radio, visiting gaming and interactive resources, searching for useful information on the entire world Internet. Our offer is for everyone who, due to the nature of their work or during leisure time, spends a lot of time on the Internet.

If you do not have the ability to connect via copper or optical cable. Or no access to WI-FI networks. Or any other connection requires high financial costs. Connecting via a dedicated radio channel will be the best solution.

Our equipment installs very quickly. The subscriber's device is small in size. Installation is possible on an office or apartment window. Installation on the facade of the building and on the roof is also possible. Our equipment can be installed anywhere, in any building, in a country house, in an office, in an apartment and in any area. If you are the owner of a gas station, cafe or hotel located on the highway far from populated areas, then our offer is for you. We will additionally organize a wi-fi network on your territory. The equipment operates stably in any conditions and provides speeds of up to 20 Mb/s. We offer unlimited radio access to the Internet anywhere in Moscow and the Moscow region.

With our help, you can connect equipment to your dacha in the Moscow region. Employees of various Moscow companies work in their country houses using our access services.

1 2 3 4 5

Picture 1 shows a standard installation on a trade pavilion. The height at which the antenna is located is 4 meters from the ground. The antenna is accurately aimed at the station. In an urban environment, it is not difficult to achieve the stated speed over the radio channel. The distances between stations are small, so the coverage is very good. Installing equipment for everyone in a country house is very simple today.
Photos 2,3,4 show a non-standard installation using a mast. The task was set to organize Internet access in a holiday village, on one of the plots. It was also necessary to organize a wi-fi network on an area of ​​100 square meters. Since the village is located in a lowland, there is no direct visibility to the station. The relief between the station and our antenna was calculated. In this regard, it was necessary to use a 12-meter mast. The subscriber's antenna was accurately aimed at the station. Internet speed over the radio channel has been increased three times. In picture 4 you can see a wi-fi antenna that completely covers this area.
In picture-5, the installation was done in the office. Many landlords specifically screen their buildings to prevent tenants from using mobile Internet and telephony. And at the same time they provide telecommunications services at inflated prices. In this case, the terminal is installed on a window, and the best direction in terms of data transfer speed is selected. We connect a regular wi-fi router. The office has its own network and Internet via radio channel. Telephony with favorable tariff plans is also possible.

Each subscriber can use the technical support service. Therefore, the user does not require special technical knowledge. The equipment is configured by the system administrator using remote access. Any technical problem is resolved very quickly.

Tariff plans

Tariff plan

Subscription fee
per month, rubles.

Traffic volume
per month, MB

Internet connection via radio channel

Use It makes sense to create a radio channel to connect to the Internet in several cases.

If there is no connection to cable lines. Sometimes such a possibility exists, but in itself it is too expensive.

Features of equipment installation

Installation of equipment for the radio channel is carried out after a preliminary inspection of the connection site. Using special equipment, the signal level, the “contamination” of the radio frequency air, as well as visibility to the base station and the location of the direct installation of the antenna are measured.

Internet access speed via radio channel

The channel speed is determined specifically at the connection point and depends on many factors, such as the model of the equipment being installed, the distance to the base station, the “pollution” of the radio air, and the weather. Typically the channel speed is in the range from 1 to 100 Mbit/s. At this speed, you can fully use all the necessary resources global network. During preliminary testing, our company’s specialists recommend the necessary Internet speed via radio channel.
Specialist visit for examination is carried out for free.

Radio channel to the office

Modern radio communication technologies make it possible to provide the office with high-quality wireless Internet with high speed, as well as connect any number of telephone numbers. Today, wireless channels, thanks to the use modern methods information encryption are protected from unauthorized access, which is an important factor in maintaining trade secrets.

Network access Internet via radio channel with a speed of 100 Mbit/s is not the limit, and the quality of communication is not inferior to a connection via a cable channel.

Connecting via radio is especially important if the company's office is located in hard-to-reach places or in industrial areas where laying cable lines is impossible. Internet over radio is good decision also because the equipment can be quickly moved and connected to another location, where, for example, the company’s office will move, while all existing services will be preserved.

Connecting to wireless Internet will allow you to refuse the services of monopoly providers, who often inflate the cost of their Internet and telephony services.

Our communication network extends to Moscow, Moscow, Kaluga and Vladimir regions. We provide high-speed Internet to the office via radio and optical cable. Connection period is from 3 to 14 days. Thanks to modern technical solutions, our customers have the opportunity to buy the fastest speed wired Internet at competitive rates.

The procedure for connecting the Internet to the office via a high-speed radio channel has been standardized and worked out to the smallest detail. From the moment you submit your application to connecting to the wireless Internet network, several days pass. The date for the work will be agreed upon with you and set within 3–14 days after payment. Connecting to a wireless computer network consists of the following steps:

Preparation of technical and commercial proposal

After you contact our company with a request to connect wireless Internet, you will be sent a technical and commercial proposal in writing. This is very convenient for you: you are offered several tariffs to choose from, and the connection procedure is described in detail.

Carrying out technical inspection

After your approval of the technical and commercial proposal, we conduct a technical inspection to check the quality of communication and draw up a cable laying diagram. This examination is free of charge.

Conclusion of an agreement

The client is invited to sign standard text agreement. If necessary, the wording of individual paragraphs can be clarified.

Equipment installation

A standard equipment installation involves mounting a small antenna device, usually on the roof or outside wall of a building, and connecting it with a twisted pair cable to Ethernet port Your router (computer). The average time for work is 3 hours. When connecting, the client is provided with a real IP address free of charge. A demo session is being held.


The payment system for our company's services is usually advance payment. Exists big choice payment methods.


After connecting to the Internet, you will be served by a personal manager and the Information Service of our company. This creates favorable conditions for your work on the Internet. Statistics on the volume of services consumed and the expenditure of your funds are provided in personal account subscriber Here you can independently connect new services, both paid and free.

Wireless computer networks are used in many areas of our lives today. Wireless Internet via a radio channel in Moscow, the Moscow region, as well as in the Kaluga and Vladimir regions is especially important for business. The offices of many metropolitan companies and enterprises are located in places where wired Internet is not widespread, so the importance of Internet radio for the Vladimir, Kaluga and Moscow regions can hardly be overestimated.

For normal functioning modern organizations Both wireless personal area networks and fast wireless communications are needed. Today, radio relay Internet is very popular in Moscow, the Moscow region, Kaluga and Vladimir regions. CREDO-TELECOM is a wireless Internet provider offering some of the most better conditions connections.

We solve client problems economically and in short time, designing and building wired and wireless networks, the cost of which is affordable, and the indicators of reliability and bandwidth meet international standards. To achieve this, we use the most modern technical solutions:

  • use of high-performance routers and switches from the world's leading manufacturer Cisco;
  • FTTB (fiber-to-the-building) architecture for building fiber-optic networks allows you to remove practical limitations" last mile"on the volume of traffic transmitted to clients;
  • where it is impossible to build optical communication lines, we use the most modern radio technologies: radio relay lines, radioEthernet, Wi-Fi; Thanks to 20 years of experience in operating radio communication networks, we are able to provide high-quality and high-speed communications in the most inaccessible places; When establishing radio relay Internet in the Moscow region, Kaluga and Vladimir regions, we use the most modern radio equipment from the world's leading manufacturers: Motorola, Alcatel-Lucent, Ubiquiti, etc.
  • extremely advanced multifunctional automated system SLA monitoring allows us to maintain high quality of service for our communication network; Thanks to this system, we are able not only to monitor the status and load of each channel and each service in our network in real time, but also to predict channel congestion and take preventive measures to expand them.

New technical features

Modern Internet access technologies that we use allow our clients to receive a number of additional technical capabilities that can be used to their advantage to improve the efficiency of your company:

  • connect quickly and inexpensively any quantity telephone lines and numbers;
  • organize a virtual closed communication network (VPN) between your offices and warehouses;
  • organize internal corporate telephone communication with a single dial plan and the ability to dial a short number between your offices and warehouses without going to telephone networks common use;
  • conduct video conferences between your offices;
  • receive digital television services;
  • connect your new points, expand the corporate network;
  • quickly and inexpensively build a temporary or permanent high-speed radio communication channel with an object located up to 30 kilometers from your office (the “last mile” problem);
  • connect a business center or cottage village via a dedicated fiber-optic communication line with a high-speed radio channel as a back-up;
  • the ability to transfer the connection object to another address in the shortest possible time.

Increased work efficiency

Increasing the efficiency of your company when using the technical capabilities of our communication network is achieved through:

  • increasing the productivity of all employees;
  • increasing employee mobility: you can use the work of home-based employees and employees living in remote locations;
  • increasing the efficiency of company management thanks to high quality modern communication and information environment created on the basis of IP technologies, which allows managers to quickly receive information from employees, accept management decisions and monitor their implementation;
  • creating remote access to shared information resources;
  • Creation unified system electronic document management;
  • ensuring the security of information transmission via VPN channels;
  • optimization of costs for telephone communications and Internet access.

If you have any questions about how to choose and install, as well as where to connect wireless Internet, we will help you! We will advise which equipment is best suited to your needs, set up a wireless personal network and provide uninterrupted Internet access at any time of the day.

Our specialists know everything about how to design and build wireless Internet in the most remote settlements - Internet via radio in the Moscow region, as well as in the Kaluga and Vladimir regions, allows you to create wireless networks where previously this was simply not possible!

We wish your business prosperity!