Spy on hidden camera 18. Hidden camera the size of a dot. What equipment is needed


The review includes enterprises commissioned from June 2011 to December 2016.

1. Republic of Bashkortostan, Khaibullinsky district.

The first stage of the new concentrating plant of Bashkir Copper LLC was launched

The first stage of a new enrichment plant at the Yubileinoye deposit of Bashkir Copper LLC (part of the UMMC holding) was launched in the Khaibullinsky district of Bashkiria.

Construction of the factory took three years. During this time, investments were made into the project 4.3 billion rubles investments. In early June, the factory reached its design capacity of 1.5 million tons of ore per year.

2. 20. An enrichment plant was launched at Krasnobrodsky coal mine

The Krasnobrodsky coal mine underwent the first trial run of a modern washing plant with a capacity of 3 million tons of coal. This is the first enrichment plant at the open-pit mine, and the production will be quite environmentally friendly. The factory does not have thermal drying of enrichment products, which would lead to the release of polluted air into the atmosphere.

3. A new mining and processing plant was launched in the Kamchatka Territory

The gold extraction plant will process about 150 thousand tons of ore per year. This is one of the most modern factories in Russia. This is a unique event for Kamchatka. Number of new jobs: more than 400. Tax revenues to the regional budget will amount to about 250 million rubles per year, to the federal budget - about 100 million rubles per year.

4. 12. Raspadskaya OJSC commissioned a longwall with reserves of 1.6 million tons of coking coal

The new production face is equipped with a mechanized complex, which includes powered roof support, a shearer, a loader, and a main conveyor. The planned production from the new longwall will be about 180 thousand tons of raw coal per month.

5. A gold extraction factory was opened in the Chelyabinsk region

“The factory meets all modern requirements. Construction of a similar production facility is also underway in the Etkul region. It will be launched within a year. It is planned that about 100 people will work there. Investment size - 55 million rubles. This own funds“Yuzhuralzolota,” he commented. - I am very glad that such responsible investors work in the Chelyabinsk region. Moreover, the price of gold on world markets is quite high. This means that we will ensure revenues to the budget, high-tech jobs and wage growth. This is a favorable business climate when an investor is happy to invest money in the development of his business.”

6. A new crushing department of the concentrating plant was put into operation at the Alexandrinsk Mining Company OJSC (Chelyabinsk region, part of the Russian Copper Company)

The equipment supplier is the Promkomplekt-M company.

It is planned that already in April 2012, the productivity of Alexandrinsk Mining Company OJSC will increase from 37.5 to 50 thousand tons of ore per month, and in May, after the completion of the construction of the Chebachy underground mine, the plant will reach its design capacity of 67-70 thousand tons of ore per month.

The launch of new crushing equipment and the construction of the Chebachy mine will increase the crushing production capacity of the enterprise from 450 to 820 thousand tons of ore per year.

7. In the Chelyabinsk region, on the basis of the Kyshtym mining and processing plant, the first stage of a factory for the production of highly purified quartz concentrates was launched

With the introduction of the first stage, the company employs 50 people. By the end of 2013, the project will employ about 300 specialists. The total investment in the project will be 2 .2 billion rubles, including financing from RUSNANO in the amount of 750 million rubles.

Concentrates produced under the project are used as a base construction material to produce high-purity quartz glass used in microelectronics, power and ultraviolet lighting, special-purpose optics, quartz ceramics and many other high-tech applications.

8. LLC " Trading house Quartz, a subsidiary of the German group of companies Quarzwerke, opened a mining and processing plant in the Ulyanovsk region for the production of enriched quartz sand for the glass industry

The investment amount was more than 1.2 billion rubles.

At the first stage, the mining and processing plant will produce 350 thousand tons of enriched quartz sand per year.

Tax revenues to the regional budget will amount to about 90 million rubles annually. By the end of the year it is planned to create 130 new jobs.

9. In Mednogorsk (Orenburg region), a new plant for the production of crushed stone with a capacity of 5 million tons of finished products per year was launched.

Thanks to the development of related infrastructure, the railways, the track industry will be developed, and the freight station will be expanded. Will be built and overhauled car roads. It is planned to create a vehicle fleet for 60 KAMAZ vehicles.

At the first stage, 346 jobs were created at the Mednogorsk Crushed Stone enterprise. A motor transport convoy is being formed to transport non-metallic materials to Orenburg construction and road construction enterprises, which will create another 180 jobs. By 2013, they plan to attract another 310 people to work at the enterprise. In total, 942 jobs will be created in connection with the development of production.

10. In Orsk (Orenburg region), the opening of the first stage of the crushing and screening plant of ZAO AllTrade took place.

The design capacity of the enterprise is 1.3 million tons of crushed stone per year (I stage - 626 thousand tons per year, II stage - 626 thousand tons per year). The commissioning of the first stage of the plant will create 118 jobs, and after the expansion of the plant, another 53 jobs will be created.

11. The opening of the first stage of the new Oleniy Ruchey mining and processing plant took place in the Murmansk region

Its capacity is 1 million tons of apatite concentrate per year.

In the construction of the first stage, CJSC North-West Phosphorus Company (NWPC) invested more than $400 million.

NWPC was established by Acron JSC in 2005 to implement a project to create a new phosphate raw material base in the Murmansk region.

On November 4, 2011, the first ton of ore was extracted from the Oleniy Ruchey quarry, and in May 2012 the quarry was put into operation.

After all technological regimes have been tested, the apatite concentrate will go to Acron Group plants.

12. In the Kondopoga region of Karelia, a new production quarry was opened, built by the German company JSC Basalt.

More than 30 million euros investments.

Our own railway line will allow us to ship products to consumers all year round.

IN next year It is planned to produce 1 million tons of crushed stone of various fractions, but the equipment is capable of producing up to one and a half million tons of stone. The main consumers will be construction and road companies.

Today the production employs about 50 people. In 2013, the number of employees will already be more than 100 people.

13. The new mining and processing complex of the Berezovsky open-pit mine of the Stroyservis company was opened in the Prokopyevsky district of the Kemerovo region

The main facility - the washing plant - is the only one in Kuzbass that will process thermal and coking coal.

The Berezovskaya railway station was built next to the mining and processing complex, which is designed to ship 4.5 million tons of coal per year.

The launch of the complex will create 426 new high-paying jobs.

14. The Swedish mining company Auriant Mining AB opened a gold recovery plant at the Tardan deposit (Tuva)

The plant's design capacity is up to 1 million tons of ore per year with an average metal content in ore of 9.4 grams per ton. The degree of gold recovery reaches 58%.

15. At the Elga seasonal enrichment plant (part of the Mechel group of companies), a full production cycle was launched, during which the first batch of coking coal was enriched, starting from the coal reception stage and ending with the receipt of the first finished product.

The production capacity of the factory is up to 3 million tons per year. The estimated cost of the project is approximately 2 billion rubles.

16. In the city of Nyagan (KhMAO), a plant for the production of high-purity quartz concentrates, Polar Quartz OJSC (a project of Development Corporation OJSC), began operation. The first stage of the enterprise with a capacity of more than 10 thousand tons per year was launched.

The first stage of mechanical enrichment of quartz includes several stages of crushing and purification. The first stage of the plant for the production of ultra-pure quartz concentrates is expected to reach its designed capacity in 2013-2014.

For further chemical enrichment, the second stage of the plant is being built; construction is scheduled to be completed in 2014. It is the chemical enrichment of quartz that will become the basis of this enterprise and will make it possible to obtain a product that meets international quality standards.

17. Two significant events took place in the Kemerovo region: the production of a record 200 millionth ton of coal in a year and the completion of the construction of the new Chernigovskaya-Koksovaya washing plant (part of the Siberian Business Union holding).

At the new plant, from the first half of 2013, it is planned to enrich coal from the Chernigovets open-pit mine and coal produced by the Yuzhnaya mine. This is the largest enrichment complex in Russia. The new industrial enterprise has created 550 high-tech, high-paying jobs. 40% are young professionals under 30 years old.

18. CJSC Dalur (Kurgan region, part of the ARMZ Uranium Holding) launched a pilot plant for the associated production of collective concentrate of rare earth metals (REM) from productive solutions extracted during uranium production.

The collective REM concentrate from JSC Dalur for processing and obtaining the final product (99.9% scandium oxide and aluminum-scandium master alloy) will be sent to the hydrometallurgical plant of the company Intermix Met LLC located in Lermontov (Stavropol Territory) partner of the enterprise within the project, provides investments and pays for production services.

About 35 million rub. In 2013-2023, the total investment should be 500 million rubles. The production volume is planned to increase from 24.5 tons of concentrate in 2013 to 134 tons by 2023. Consumers of the final products will be enterprises of the Russian aerospace industry, as well as a number of Russian and foreign industrial holdings.

19. In the Novokuznetsk district of the Kemerovo region, the Erunakovskaya-8 mine was launched (a branch of OJSC OUK Yuzhkuzbassugol, part of Evrazholding)

The company has already invested 6 billion rubles in the construction and equipping of the mine; the latest equipment has been purchased from leading global and domestic manufacturers of mining equipment, including the Yurginsky Machine Plant. During the construction of Erunakovskaya-VIII, special attention was paid to issues of labor protection and industrial safety. A modern administrative and utility complex was built.

More than 1,000 jobs created. By the beginning of 2014, it is planned to complete the construction of a loading and storage complex at the Kazankovskaya station, which will allow the removal of almost all the coal mined at the mine by rail. The total investment in the project will be more than 13 billion rubles.

20. In the Urupsky district of Karachay-Cherkessia, a crushing and screening complex for the extraction and processing of serpentinite by JSC Rustona was put into operation

The enterprise will produce high-quality crushed stone and sand. Productivity is 750 thousand tons of products per year.

The number of workers at the initial stage of production is 70 people, then with the increase in design capacity, the number of people involved in production will increase to 120 people.

The next stage of the project is the construction of a cement plant and a number of enterprises for the production of other building materials - lime, dry building mixtures, facing stone.

21. Polymetal Group launched a processing plant at the Mayskoye gold deposit (Chukotka)

The Mayskoye project includes an underground mine and a processing plant located on the deposit. The volume of investments is more than 5 billion rubles. The design capacity of the factory is 850 thousand tons of sulfide ore per year, more than 6 tons of gold annually. Processing of the first batch of Maysky concentrate at the Amur Hydrometallurgical Plant is planned for the fourth quarter of 2013.

Part 2

All information was taken from the SUN website from monthly reviews of new production.

1. The Bereznyakovskaya gold extraction plant was opened in the Chelyabinsk region. The new factory uses autoclave leaching technology to extract precious metals. The factory will create 700 jobs.

It is planned to build a second building, where copper and silver will be obtained from Bereznyakovo ore. The total investment in the development of the Bereznyakovskoye field amounted to approximately 4.5 billion rubles. Etkulzoloto, a subsidiary of OJSC Yuzhuralzoloto Group of Companies, is engaged in exploration and development of the site's objects.

2. KOKS Group, the world’s leading supplier of commercial pig iron and Russia’s largest producer of commercial coke, has completed construction of the first stage of the Butovskaya mine in Kemerovo.

LLC “Mine “Butovskaya” will produce coking coal grades KO, KSM in the Chesnokovsky area of ​​the Kemerovo coal deposit.

The design production capacity of the Butovskaya mine after the commissioning of the second stage will reach 1.5 million tons. The volume of investment in the construction of the mine and related infrastructure amounted to 8.8 billion rubles. At the time of opening, 878 jobs were created at the mine, and by the time the second stage is launched, the number of jobs will increase to 1,360.

3. In the Nikolaevsky district of the Khabarovsk Territory, the first stage of the Belaya Gora mining and processing plant was put into operation

The Belaya Gora mining and processing plant is one of the largest investment projects in the region. Investments in the project amounted to 5.6 billion rubles.

The design capacity of the enterprise allows processing up to 1.5 million tons of gold ore per year and producing about 3 tons of gold bars. After the facility reaches its design capacity in 2014, about 800 jobs will be created. It is planned that annual tax revenues to the regional budget will amount to about 400 million rubles.

4. A new enrichment plant “Cascade-2” was opened in the Kemerovo region (part of the Kuzbass Fuel Company)

Investments in the construction of the factory amounted to 3.9 billion rubles. 250 new jobs were created at the factory.

The Cascade-2 plant is the third new coal enterprise commissioned in the region this year. The commissioning of a new enterprise will allow processing 4 million tons of thermal coal. The enriched coal will be mainly exported to Poland, China, Japan, and Taiwan.

5. A new mining and processing plant began operating in the Mogochinsky district of the Trans-Baikal Territory.

The development of the Alexandrovskoye gold deposit is carried out by the Zapadnaya Mining Company CJSC. When it reaches its designed capacity, the enterprise will become the largest gold miner in the region.

At an enterprise with an annual processing capacity of 750 thousand tons of ore, from 3 to 5 kilograms of gold will be smelted daily.

In total, JSC Rudnik Aleksandrovsky employs about 800 people. the majority are residents of the Trans-Baikal Territory. By the end of 2013, the number of employees is planned to increase to 900 people. Total investment in the project - 4.5 billion rubles.

6. In Leninsk-Kuznetsk (Kemerovo region), at the S.M. Kirov mine of OJSC SUEK-Kuzbass, the second block of the processing plant was put into operation

Cost of the investment project - 2.3 billion rubles.

Coal concentrate High Quality will be exported to China, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, etc. 127 new jobs have been created. Additional tax revenues to budgets of all levels will amount to more than 247 million rubles per year.

7. In the Varna district of the Chelyabinsk region, a mining and processing plant was launched on the basis of the Mikheevskoye deposit.

The plant's productivity is about 18 million tons. copper ore per year (up to 63 thousand tons of copper in copper concentrate per year).

The amount of investment of the Russian Copper Company group amounted to 25 billion rubles. It is planned to create 680 jobs.

RMK proceeds to the construction of the Tominsky GOK. Mikheevsky and Tominsky GOKs will be integrated into the production chain, which includes a full cycle - from mining to production of finished products: copper cathodes and wire rod.

8. OJSC Severalmaz, a subsidiary of ALROSA, commissioned processing plant No. 2 at the Lomonosov Mining and Processing Plant in the Arkhangelsk Region.

The commissioning of the second module of the factory for 3 million tons of ore per year will significantly increase the processing capacity of the Lomonosov Mining and Processing Plant and subsequently increase the volume of rough diamond production.

At the moment, ALROSA has invested in the development of the deposit named after. M.I. Lomonosova 27 billion rubles, it is planned to invest another 6 billion rubles.

9. In the Orenburg region, at the Gaisky GOK, a complex of facilities at the Novaya mine and the third stage of the ore preparation complex of the concentration plant were put into operation.

The total investment volume of Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company OJSC in the construction of new facilities amounted to 5.5 billion rubles. 150 new jobs were created.

The explored ore reserves of the Gai copper-pyrite deposit amount to about 400 million tons, which will provide the enterprise with work for another 50 years.

10. In the Mezensky district of the Arkhangelsk region, at the Vladimir Grib diamond field, a mining and processing plant was launched.

The development is being carried out by OJSC Arkhangelsk Geological Observatory, a subsidiary of OJSC Lukoil. Investments in the construction of the mining and processing plant amounted to 3.3 billion rubles. The total investment in field development exceeds 30 billion rubles.

2000 jobs created.

11. In the city of Kiselevsk, Kemerovo region, the first stage of a new mine was put into operation as part of the Zarechnaya coal company - Karagailynskoe Mine Management LLC.

The assets of the Zarechnaya Management Company are managed by UVZ-Logistic LLC, part of the Uralvagonzavod corporation. More than 12 billion rubles. The enrichment plant is planned to be put into operation by the end of the year.

The new enterprise will produce valuable “Zh” grade coal. First of all, this coal is intended for metallurgy. The mine has already created 850 jobs, to which another 150 will be added during 2015 and 2016.

12. In the Tyndinsky district of the Amur region, the first stage of the pilot production plant of the Solovyovskaya ore promising area deposit was launched.

The volume of investments of JSC Priisk Solovyovsky in the construction of the factory is 2 billion rubles. By 2016, when the factory operates at full capacity, production will be up to 1.5 tons of ore gold per year.

At the moment, the company employs 200 people, by 2016 the number of jobs will increase to 500.

13. Kemerovo region, the Kaltanskaya-Energeticheskaya processing plant was launched at the Kaltan coal mine.

The Kuzbassrazrezugol company (part of UGMK Holding LLC) invested in the construction of the new complex 4 billion rubles. 240 jobs were created. The output of marketable products has no analogues in the Russian Federation and amounts to 87% of raw coal.

The plant will produce 2.6 million tons of high-quality enriched T-grade coal intended for energy and technological purposes. The products will mainly be exported to Western Europe, Japan, and Korea.

15. The first stage of an enrichment plant was opened in the town of Karagaylinsky, Kemerovo region.

The factory was built on industrial site Karagaylinskaya mine, which began operations last year. Investments of Management Company Zarechnaya LLC amounted to 1.5 billion rubles. The factory created 130 jobs, the number of mine employees is 850 people.

The production capacity of the washing plant is 1.5 million tons of coal per year. By 2019, the figures are planned to increase to three million tons.

16. In the city of Severouralsk, Sverdlovsk region, the first start-up complex of the Cheremukhovskaya-Glubokaya mine of the Severouralsk bauxite mine was put into operation.

Investments of the RUSAL company in the project of OJSC SUBR amounted to 5.8 billion rubles. In January 2016, the second launch complex will be put into operation. Commissioning of the third launch complex is planned for 2017.

Discovered bauxite reserves at Cheryomukhovskaya-Glubokaya are estimated at 42 million tons. 95% of the bauxite produced will be sent to the Bogoslovsky aluminum smelter, located in neighboring Krasnoturinsk. In total, the enterprise will employ about 1,000 people, mostly transferred from obsolete mines.

17. In the city of Kovdor, Murmansk region, a complex for processing apatite-staffelite ores, a new raw material of the Kovdor Mining and Processing Plant, was launched.

The volume of investments of the mineral and chemical company EuroChem amounted to 6.8 billion rubles. New complex designed to produce 948 thousand tons of apatite and 130 thousand tons of iron ore concentrate per year.

Apatite-staffelite ores are a source of mineral raw materials for the production of apatite concentrate - the basis for the production of phosphate fertilizers. In general, due to the modernization project, the Kovdorsky GOK will receive an additional 200 jobs.

18. In the Todzhinsky district of Tuva, at the Kyzyl-Tashtyg deposit of polymetals, a new mining and processing plant was opened.

Investments of Longxing LLC, part of the Chinese holding Zijin Mining Group Co Ltd, amounted to 16.8 billion rubles. The design capacity of the plant is 1 million tons of ore, the enrichment of which produces copper, lead and zinc concentrates.

Once the mining and processing plant reaches full capacity, it will annually bring up to 400 million rubles to the budget of Tuva in the form of taxes and fees. Currently, 846 people work at the mining and processing plant, of which 673 are Russian citizens, mainly residents of Tuva.

19. The Svetlinskaya gold recovery plant was launched in the Plastovsky district of the Chelyabinsk region.

Once the plant reaches its planned capacity, the productivity of the mill will reach 6.5 tons of metal per year. With the launch of the factory at the Svetlinskoye deposit, a full-fledged mining and processing plant began operating.

Investments of the Yuzhuralzoloto group of companies amounted to 3.5 billion rubles. By the end of the year, 300 jobs will be created. The factory has, among other things, Russian industrial equipment.

20. In the Tenkinsky district of the Magadan region, the launch of a gold recovery plant at the Pavlik deposit took place.

The factory of OJSC Pavlik Gold Mining Company has begun work on the development of one of the largest deposits, part of the Yana-Kolyma gold province. The total investment of the Arlan company in the development of the mine amounted to more than 10 billion rubles.

The design capacity of the enterprise is up to 4 million tons of ore per year. 600 people are employed in mining and production.

21. In the Obluchensky district of the Jewish Autonomous Region, the first stage of the Kimkano-Sutar mining and processing plant was launched.

This is the first industrial enterprise of this scale in the region, commissioned in the post-Soviet period. At the first stage, the mining and processing plant's production capacity will be 3.2 million tons of iron ore concentrate per year.

The volume of investments of the Petropavlovsk group of companies currently amounts to 22 billion rubles. With the launch of the first stage of the plant, 1,500 new jobs will be created. As the enterprise develops, the number of its employees will reach 3,000 people.

22. In the Bauntovsky district of Buryatia, one of the largest projects of the ARMZ uranium holding was completed.

The sulfuric acid production plant is the last facility on the site of the new Khiagda uranium mining enterprise. The volume of investments amounted to approximately 4 billion rubles. 140 jobs were created in production. The plant will meet the production needs for uranium mining and processing into uranium concentrate.

JSC Khiagda is part of the Atomredmetzoloto holding, the mining division of the state corporation Rosatom. The design capacity is up to 1900 tons of uranium per year. In total, the enterprise will employ up to 800 people.

23. A new mining and processing plant has been opened in the Penzhinsky district of the Kamchatka Territory.

The total cost of construction of a mining and processing plant at the Ametistovoye deposit is 22.6 billion rubles. The project is being implemented by OJSC Gold of Kamchatka, part of the Renova Group of Companies. It is planned to create 1,200 jobs.

The mining and processing plant will annually process up to 600 thousand tons of ore and produce about 4 tons of gold and 10 tons of silver. This will double the production of precious metals in Kamchatka.

24. In the Neryungri district of Yakutia, the opening of the first stage of the Ingalinsky mining and processing plant took place.

The factory for the production of high-quality coking concentrate is part of the Inaglinsky mining and processing complex. The total investment of the Kolmar coal mining corporation in the project is 23 billion rubles. In total, it is planned to create more than 2,000 jobs.

Construction of the Inaglinskaya-2 enrichment plant has begun and the Inaglinskaya-3 plant has been designed. The factories are equipped with 85% domestic equipment and will use technologies developed by Russian specialists.

25. One of the largest complexes in Europe for the production of iron ore pellets was opened in the city of Stary Oskol, Belgorod region.

NLMK Group's investments in the construction of the Stoilensky GOK concentrate pelletizing plant amounted to 34 billion rubles. 274 new jobs were created.

Iron ore pellets are the main type of raw material for blast furnace production. The pelletizing plant will create conditions for further growth in the production of iron ore concentrate at Stoilensky GOK.

26. The second stage of a quartz deep enrichment factory was opened in the city of Kyshtym, Chelyabinsk region.

Russian Quartz products are high-purity quartz concentrate used in a number of high-tech industries. 97% of products are exported. Total investment - 1.5 billion rubles.

The launch of the 2nd stage will increase production volume threefold, which will allow the company to occupy up to 25% of the world market. 80 new jobs were created, and the company employs 250 people in total.


The Stonex Group M company was founded in 2006 and is an international, vertically integrated holding company for the extraction, production, sale, delivery and installation of granite and marble products for landscaping areas for various purposes.
Stonex Group M company - owner own production products from marble and granite. Our plant, with a total area of ​​1400 m2, is equipped with high-performance equipment that has no analogues in the Chelyabinsk region. In the future, it is planned to increase production space.

Koelga deposit
Mansurovskoye deposit

The holding's assets include a modern stone processing plant and a warehouse complex for processing granite and marble block raw materials from such deposits as:

  • Mansurovskoe;
  • Siberian;
  • Yuzhno-Sultaevskoe;
  • Zapadno-Sultaevskoe;
  • Fox Hill;
  • Sukhovyazskoe;
  • Vostochno-Varlamovskoe;
  • Golovyrenskoe;
  • Isetskoe;
  • Malyshevskoe;
  • Flower of the Urals;
  • Baltic;
  • Ladoga;
  • Kuznechnoe;
  • Drugoretskoe;
  • Garnet Amphibolite;
  • Koelga;
  • Upper Ufaley;
  • Perevalnoe;
  • Mramorskoe;
  • Revival;
  • Kashina Gora;
  • Kamenogorskoe;


We produce granite and products from it. We take part in State program“My Street” and provide granite and marble to the Moscow Metro.
We have our own plant for processing granite and marble products, which is located not far from Chelyabinsk, Yemanzhelinsky district, Zauralsky township, Pyatiletki street, 15.
It not only processes Ural granite, but also the deposits described above.

The presence of a link “quarry - raw materials - production - plant, which is located in the Urals” gives us an undeniable competitive advantage in working with customers and allows us to complete orders from Ural granite of any complexity completely autonomously and independently of others.

Also, the holding’s assets include a production complex located in the village. Novaya Borovaya, Zhytomyr region, Ukraine, working with such granite deposits as:

  • Emelyanovskoe;
  • Gabbro;
  • Pokostovskoe;
  • Mezhiricheskoe;
  • Vasilievskoe;
  • Korninskoe;
  • Kapustinskoe;
  • Neverovskoe;
  • Zhezhelevskoe;
  • Leznikovskoe;
  • Maslavskoe;
  • Krupskoe;
  • Rogovskoe;

The Southern Urals of Russia and the Zhytomyr region of Ukraine are areas rich in minerals such as granite and marble. This is precisely why our production is located in these areas – close to raw materials.

The Stonex group of companies is actively developing the import of granite and marble in slabs with polished and heat-treated front sides from China and India. Our companies are accredited at customs posts in the ports of St. Petersburg, Novorossiysk, and Vladivostok. We have direct contracts with stone processing enterprises in China and India and are able to fulfill any requests for these products. At our Moscow warehouse we always support warehouse stock granite and marble slabs of at least 25,000 m2 made in China, India.

The products we produce are:

  • granite paving stones of various sizes and types of processing;

Our products are used by the largest construction companies Russia, many commercial enterprises and organizations, architectural bureaus, private customers, including:

  • LLC "Bashkir Stone"
  • LLC "TD Spetsplast"
  • LLC "Kaskad-Energo"
  • LLC "PO Elerom"
  • Stroystandart LLC
  • LLC "SpetsStroy"
  • LLC "MIP Stroy No. 1"
  • Viatex LLC
  • JSC "Eurocement Group"
  • CJSC SF Sapsan
  • OJSC Gazprom Mortgage
  • OJSC "Bank Zenit"
  • LLC "TsentrMostoStroy"
  • OJSC "National Construction Company"
  • OJSC "Bank "Vitas"
  • ZAO SU-336
  • CJSC TD "Partner"
  • CJSC "EurasiaTransStroy"
  • LLC "Mining and Metallurgical Titanium Company"
  • State Corporation "OLIMPSTROY"
  • Weststroy LLC
  • Serikat LLC
  • Construction Strategy LLC
  • LLC "A11"
  • Unicom-Service LLC
  • CJSC "Restoration Enterprise "Kitung-West"
  • LLC "Stroysnabresurs"
  • LLC "Alyansstroy"
  • Rosekostroy LLC
  • LLC "Techno-Oil"
  • LLC "Stroymontazh"
  • CJSC "Protex-center"
  • LLC "TD "Neostrom"
  • CJSC "Komplekt Avtomatika"
  • CJSC "Renaissance Construction"
  • JSC "SmolInzhStroy"
  • OJSC "Plant "ELEKON"
  • LLC "Stroyspetsservice"
  • LLC "Innova-Stroy"
  • FSUE ATU FSB of the Russian Federation
  • AB Lofting
  • and others

We cooperate with leading transport companies, having a park of special and cargo vehicles: manipulators of 5 and 10 tons for transporting and unloading boxes with products made of natural stone, dump trucks of 10 and 25 tons for transporting crushed granite paving stones, eurotrucks of 20 tons, open and tilted, for transporting boxes with products made of natural stone.

The work we do:

  • paving with granite paving stones;
  • paving and cladding with granite slabs;
  • granite cladding of stairs;
  • granite cladding of halls and building facades;
  • covering floors and walls with marble;

The calling card of the Stonex holding is the implementation of a full range of works, from the development of specifications for granite and marble products, the manufacture and delivery of products to the customer’s site, to the signing of a certificate of completed construction work.

Among the most interesting projects we have completed are:

  • Reserved area No. 1 of the Moscow Kremlin Ensemble, near the Shilov Gallery, Moscow..
  • Historical monument, 19th century estate of Russian writers Zubovs on the street. Solzhenitsyna, 9, Moscow.
  • Russian Geographical Society on the street Novaya Square, 10, building 2, Moscow.
  • Pokrovsky Boulevard, Moscow.
  • Territory of the Palmira Palace Hotel, Yalta

Granite from the manufacturer

As you know, the resource extraction industry in Russia is currently one of the most developed and brings a lot of money to the country’s budget. Of course, the leading position among such industries is occupied by the oil industry, however, gold mining is one of the most important sources of government funding.

In 1995, the Union of Gold Miners was formed, the purpose of which is to develop and implement measures aimed at developing the gold mining industry in Russia. It includes the largest Russian companies specializing in the extraction and processing of gold and other precious metals. Their list has remained unchanged for many years, and, according to experts, will not undergo major changes in the future.

The largest companies specializing in gold mining in Russia

The largest Russian companies include:

PJSC Polyus Gold

The company was founded in 2006 and currently accounts for about 20% of all gold production in the country. The main fields developed by the company are located in the Magadan, Amur, Irkutsk regions, as well as in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

GC "Petropavlovsk"

The company is registered in the UK, its head office is located in London. However, the main assets of the group are located in Russia, in the Amur region. GC "Petropavlovsk" was founded in 1994; During its existence, several projects were implemented to develop new deposits and put into operation the latest gold mining installations.

CJSC Chukotka Mining and Geological Company

In 2002, the company was acquired by the Canadian company Kinross Gold. The main site for gold mining is the Kupol deposit, located on the border of the Anadyr and Bilibino regions of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

GC "Polymetal"

Founded in 1998, the parent company is currently registered on the island. Jersey, headquartered in St. Petersburg. It ranks fourth in terms of gold production volumes in Russia. The main regions of work are the Khabarovsk Territory, Magadan and Sverdlovsk regions and Chukotka. In addition, the company owns a number of fields located on the territory of Kazakhstan.


The company was founded in 2007 as a subsidiary of Severstal, specializing in gold mining in Russia and abroad. The company has six licenses to conduct geological exploration activities in Eastern Siberia.

Highland Gold Mining

It is a subsidiary of the Canadian mining company Barrick Gold, registered in 2002 in the Channel Islands. The main direction of its activity is the development of gold deposits, consolidation and development of gold mining enterprises in Russia. The work is being carried out in the Chita region, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, and Khabarovsk Territory.

PJSC "Yuzhuralzoloto GC"

The company was founded in 1997 on the basis of the bankrupt enterprise OJSC Yuzhuralzoloto, which had been operating since 1976. Currently, the development of mines and deposits located in Khakassia, the Chelyabinsk region, the Krasnoyarsk and Trans-Baikal territories is underway.

PJSC "Vysochaishy"

The company began its activities in 1989, when the development of the Golets Vysochaishy deposit began in the Irkutsk region. Currently, the main places for gold ore mining are concentrated in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the Irkutsk region. The company's headquarters is located in Russia, in Bodaibo.

LLC "Sovrudnik"

The company is based in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, occupying second place in the region in terms of gold production. The company is part of the Yuzhuralzolto holding and has been leading effective activity for the extraction of gold from ore and its subsequent processing into bars.

PJSC "Susumanzoloto"

The company was founded in 1994 on the basis of a gold mining enterprise operating in the Magadan region since 1938. Currently, the holding has several subsidiaries specializing in activities in certain areas of gold mining and processing.

Seligdar Holding

The holding is based in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and specializes in the extraction of ores and sands of precious metals. The company was created in 2008 on the basis of the Seligdar Mining Artel, founded in 1975. Currently, the holding includes 8 enterprises engaged in gold mining.

CJSC "Vitim AS"

The enterprise is located in the Irkutsk region and ranks third in terms of gold production in the region. The beginning of the company’s activities dates back to 1974, when an artel was created at the Lenzoloto plant to work in distant deposits in the taiga. In the 90s of the 20th century, Artel separated from the parent company, starting independent activities in the mining and processing of gold ore.

PJSC "Karalveem Mine"

The Karalveemskoye gold deposit began operations in 1957. Over the more than half-century history of the mine’s existence, a factory with workshops for various production purposes was built on the basis of the deposit. In 2006, the design of a new gold mining factory was launched, and in 2007, the first gold was mined with its help. Today, the mine, part of the Golden Projects group of companies, is one of the largest gold mining operations in the Bilibinsky district of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

Mining company "Bereleh"

Founded in 1997 on the basis of the Berelekhsky Mining and Processing Plant, which was one of the largest mining enterprises in the Magadan region. Today the company mines gold ore in the Susumansky, Yagodninsky and Khasynsky districts of the region. The company has eight divisions, each of which is engaged in the development of subsoil in a separate territory.

PJSC "Gold of Kamchatka"

The company is the largest gold miner in the Kamchatka Territory. Joint-Stock Company was created in 2007 as a result of the reorganization of Koryakgeoldobycha CJSC, which carried out gold mining activities. Today the company has several subsidiaries, the operating program of which makes it possible to implement a long-term strategy for the development of gold mining and processing business.

Currently, there are more than 500 gold mining companies operating in Russia. Powerful raw material bases located on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk, Transbaikal, Khabarovsk Territories, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Magadan, Irkutsk, Chelyabinsk, Chita, Amur Regions, the Republics of Sakha (Yakutia) and Khakassia, as well as other Siberian regions, make it possible to extract a precious metal V huge quantities. At the moment, Russia ranks second in the world in terms of gold production, second only to China in this indicator.

"Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company" (UMMC) is one of the largest metallurgical holdings, which unites more than 40 enterprises from various industries. The basis of the company is a closed technological chain of copper production: from the extraction of raw materials to the production of finished products based on copper and its alloys. UMMC's share accounts for 43.4% of Russian copper (1.8% of the world's volume). In addition, the company has a strong position in the zinc, lead and precious metals markets.

1. The head office of UMMC is located in the city of Verkhnyaya Pyshma, not far from Yekaterinburg.

2. The Uralelectromed plant is also located here, from which the creation of the holding began.

Copper production begins with the extraction of raw materials. This is done by 9 enterprises of the company's mineral resources complex. Each of the deposits has its own characteristics - at one the copper content in the ore can be 1.5%, and at another - up to 2.5%.

3. The largest enterprise in the raw materials complex. Located in the city of Gai, Orenburg region. More than 70% of the region's copper reserves are concentrated here.

4. Ore is mined here both in an open pit and in an underground mine.

5. Maximum depth lower production horizons will be 1,310 meters. This is one of the few enterprises in Russia that mines copper at such a great depth.

6. Drilling tunnel complex.

7. Every year the enterprise mines about 8 million tons of ore and produces 550 thousand tons of copper concentrate (more than 90 thousand tons of copper).

8. All mined ores are processed at the plant’s own processing plant. To enrich the ore, it is necessary to separate the gangue minerals from the valuable minerals, then separate the copper and zinc minerals from each other, and, if necessary, lead, if its content in the ore is high enough.

9. At the processing plant, concentrates are produced from the mined ore. Copper concentrate is sent to copper smelters, in particular to the Mednogorsk copper-sulfur plant and the Sredneuralsk copper smelter in Revda, and zinc concentrate is sent to the zinc plant in Chelyabinsk and Electrozinc in Vladikavkaz.

10. . Located in the north of the Sverdlovsk region.

11. Copper-zinc ore is mined here, which, after processing at a crushing and sorting complex, is transported to the Svyatogora processing plant, located in the city of Krasnouralsk.

12. In March 2014, open pit mining of the Tarnier deposit was completed. Now the company is developing the Shemurskoye field and is beginning to develop the Novo-Shemurskoye field.

13. Due to the inaccessibility of the mine, mining here is carried out on a rotational basis.

14. . The Sibay quarry is the deepest quarry in Russia and the second deepest in the world. Its depth was 504 meters and its diameter was more than two kilometers.

16. For safety at the mine it is used remote control LDM (Loading and Delivery Machine).

17. Copper and zinc concentrates produced at the Uchalinsky GOK are subsequently supplied to the Sredneuralsky Copper Smelter, Svyatogor, Electrozinc, and the Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant.

18. . The company develops the Yubileinoye deposit and specializes in the extraction and processing of copper ores. Copper concentrate is sent to the Sredneuralsk Copper Smelter, and zinc concentrate is sent to the Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant.

19. Currently, open-pit mining of the Yubileinoye deposit is being completed; in connection with this, the enterprise is constructing an underground mine.

20. The reserves of the underground mine are estimated by experts at about 100 million tons, which will provide the enterprise with work for more than 30 years.

21. The Khaibullinsky concentrating plant has installed modern equipment from Japan, Australia, South Africa, Italy, Finland and Germany. Enrichment makes it possible to obtain copper concentrate with a copper content of up to 20%, which is almost 13 times higher than in ore. The degree of zinc enrichment is even higher - 35 times or more, while the mass fraction of zinc in the zinc concentrate reaches 50–52%.

22. . The plant is engaged in the extraction and enrichment of copper ore, which is sent to the Mednogorsk copper and sulfur plant. In July 2015, the Yuzhny shaft with a depth of 492 meters was launched at the mining and processing plant with the release of the first car of rock mass. The first ore in the shaft will be mined in mid-2016. The construction of a new facility will increase the design life of the enterprise until 2030.

23. . The company is developing the Safyanovskoye copper-pyrite deposit, which is located in the Sverdlovsk region and accounts for about 3% of the all-Russian production of copper-containing ores.

24. Over the entire period of operation of the quarry, 17.8 million tons of ore were mined and more than 39.7 million cubic meters of stripping work were performed. Today its depth is 185 meters (in the future it will increase to 265 meters). Open pit mining of the Safyanovskoye deposit is now being completed, and the enterprise is moving on to underground ore mining.

25. In December 2014, the first start-up complex of the underground mine was put into operation and the first tons of ore were obtained.

26. It is expected that ore mining from the deep horizons of the Safyanovskoye deposit will continue for at least 25 years.

27. . It mines and enriches copper pyrite ore in the foothills of the North Caucasus.

28. Currently, ore is mined at a depth of 523 meters.

29. The main type of product of the enterprise is copper concentrate; in addition to copper, gold and silver are extracted.

thirty. . The company is located in the city of Rubtsovsk Altai Territory. The main products are copper and zinc concentrates, which are supplied to the Sredneuralsk Copper Smelter and the Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant.

31. “Sibir-Polymetals” was created in 1998 with the aim of reviving the mining of polymetallic ores in the Altai Territory.

33. The presence of the Rubtsovskaya and Zarechenskaya concentration factories within the enterprise makes it possible to have a complete technological cycle for processing the mined ore.

Blister copper production

34. Blister copper is obtained by smelting copper concentrate and separating slag. The metal content in blister copper is 98-99%.

A full technological cycle enterprise for the production of blister copper, located in the Sverdlovsk region. Copper and copper-zinc ores from the Northern Group deposits are processed at a processing plant, which produces 3 types of concentrate - copper, iron and zinc.

35. The main production site of Svyatogor is the metallurgical workshop. From here, blister copper is sent for further processing to Uralelectromed.

36. . The city-forming enterprise of the city of Mednogorsk in the Orenburg region, specializing in the production of blister copper.

37. Production capacity MMSK includes a copper smelting shop, a briquette factory, a sulfuric acid shop, a dust processing shop, as well as a number of auxiliary units.

39. Over its 75-year history, the enterprise has produced over 1.5 million tons of blister copper.

40. . The largest blister copper production enterprise within UMMC, located in the city of Revda (Sverdlovsk region). The enterprise's capacity is designed to produce about 150 thousand tons of blister copper, which is then sent for further processing to Uralelectromed.

41. The founding date of the plant is June 25, 1940. To date, SUMZ has already smelted more than 6 million tons of blister copper.

42. After the completion of large-scale reconstruction, the degree of utilization of waste gases, including converter gases, reached 99.7%. Consumers of SUMZ products are the largest metallurgical, chemical, mining and processing enterprises in Russia, near and far abroad.

43. . One of the oldest enterprises in North Ossetia, located in the city of Vladikavkaz.

44. The founding date of the plant is considered to be November 4, 1904, when the first metallic Russian zinc was produced at the enterprise.

45. The main products of the enterprise are refined (containing 99.9%) zinc, as well as lead, which is obtained from copper smelting waste.

46. ​​. The head enterprise of UMMC is located in the city of Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Sverdlovsk region.

47. Every year the enterprise produces over 380 thousand tons of refined copper - the most in Russia!

49. The company supplies its products to partners from 15 countries in Europe, North and South America, and Southeast Asia.

50. In addition to copper, the company produces gold and silver. Uralelectromed became the world's first copper enterprise included in the London Precious Metals Market Association's Good Delivery list of recognized global producers of precious metals.

51. Gold is produced using hydrochemical technology by dissolving gold products in “aqua regia” (a mixture of hydrochloric and nitric acid) and subsequent precipitation from solutions. When the resulting sediment is melted down, gold bars are obtained.

52. Branch "Production of polymetals" of OJSC "Uralelectromed". Located in the city of Kirovgrad, Sverdlovsk region. The company specializes in the production of blister copper and zinc oxide.


To manage non-ferrous metals processing enterprises, UMMC-OTsM was created. Their products are used in the automotive, mechanical and electrical engineering industries.

55. The company exports rolled products to the USA, countries Western Europe, Southeast Asia and neighboring countries.

Sochi Olympic coins and Indian rupees were made from the coin tape of the Kirov OCM plant. The thickness of the thinnest foil produced at the enterprise is 25 microns. Which is three times thinner than a human hair.

56. . Located in the Vladimir region, it produces more than 20 thousand standard sizes of products in the form of pipes, rods and profiles from 72 grades of alloys.

57. In terms of the variety of finished products, the enterprise is the only universal manufacturer of rolled products in the CIS.

58. The Kolchuginsky plant also produces the famous glass holders that each of us met on long-distance trains.

59. . Located near the town of Majdanpek in the Republic of Serbia. Specializes in the production of copper pipes for water supply, heating, cooling and air conditioning systems.

60. The plant exports more than 80% of its products. Copper pipes represented on the markets of Great Britain, Germany, Italy, France, Canada, Holland, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Ukraine, Israel and the countries of the former Yugoslavia.

61. . The plant is one of the leaders among enterprises producing products for mechanical engineering.

Gold mining will always remain a profitable business, since the precious metal does not lose value during economic crises. And since the ruble exchange rate in Russia is unstable, this means that during its fall, gold miners receive super profits. This allows us to update production, increase capital and develop the gold mining industry in the country. Therefore, Russian gold mining companies are experiencing a stable economic recovery and have long had established owners.

The companies themselves are located in Moscow, but the equipment and technology for the extraction of precious metals is located in Transbaikalia, the Amur Territory, and Chukotka. The largest gold mining companies are located there. This is due to natural gold deposits.

Modern dredges can scoop sand from a depth of up to 15 meters, some up to 50 meters

When the opportunity arose to privatize land and develop their business, people began searching for deposits. It was in those places where gold was discovered that business began to develop, including the extraction of precious metals and its sale. Companies are all inclined to merge. There are no actual monopolies, but often there is a merger of two large conglomerates, selling part of the assets to their partners. Although the information about the owners, as well as the percentage of shares held by the partners, is not hidden.

The largest gold miners in Russia

The pace of development of most companies is growing as new sources of gold are found. These companies also provide jobs to the Russian population. Of course, the working conditions are difficult due to weather conditions, but safety precautions are observed. Wage is at the national average and above.

The top 3 gold mining companies in Russia include:

  • OJSC Polyus Gold. The largest Russian company, which is developing several sources of production in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Irkutsk, Magadan and Amur regions. They retain the bulk of their reserves and increase them through exploration and discovery of new deposits. The company's profit has not fallen below $500 million for five years, and gold production is at the level of 40–50 tons of the precious metal per year.
  • JSC Polymetal is a company that, as of 2015, was able to take second place in Russia among gold miners. It is located in the Khabarovsk Territory and covers the development of several mines. Gold production for the year is at the level of 24.5 tons of the precious metal.
  • Kinross Gold is a Canadian company located in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. It has at its disposal the Kupol deposit, which stores about 400 tons of precious metal. Although at the moment its gold production is about 23.5 tons of metal per year.

Some include the Severstral company in this rating. Her the main task- provide ferrous metallurgy with raw materials. But over the past five years, the company has merged with such gold mining enterprises as Buryatzoloto, Nordgold, Northern Gold Mining Company and Celtic Resources. Therefore, in the long term, the company has every chance to occupy one of the top 3 positions in gold production.

Brief rating of large companies in the Russian Federation

If we talk about the following twenty companies, they are ranked in gold mining according to the number of tons of precious metal mined in one year:

GC "Petropavlovsk", Amur region: CJSC "Pokrovsky Mine", CJSC "Malomyrsky Mine", LLC "Albynsky Mine", etc.15
OJSC Yuzhuralzoloto GC (JSC YuGK), Khakassia: OJSC Kommunarovsky mine. Krasnoyarsk Territory: AS Priisk Drazhny LLC, Sovrudnik LLC. Trans-Baikal Territory: JSC Darasunsky Mine. Chelyabinsk region: deposits Svetlinskoye, Kochkarskoye, Bereznyakovskoye, Western and Southern Kurasan13.734
Nordgold company, Amur region: Berezitovy Mine LLC. Buryatia: JSC "Buryatzoloto". Yakutia, Trans-Baikal Territory: CJSC "Rudnik Aprelkovo"10.634
HGM, Trans-Baikal Territory: JSC Novo-Shirokinsky Mine. Khabarovsk Territory: Mnogovershinnoe CJSC, Belaya Gora LLC6.56
OJSC “Vysochaishy”, Irkutsk region: OJSC “Vysochaishy”. Yakutia5.6
Yantar Group: Yantar LLC, Tal LLC, Alchanets LLC, Oymyakonye LLC, director. A. Karas (Yakutia)More than 5
OJSC "Susumanzoloto"4.234
OJSC "Seligdar" (Yakutia)3.464
JSC GRK "Zapadnaya", Yakutia: Badran mine. Buryatia, AS Zapadnaya LLC: Kedrovsky mine. Zab. Region: JSC "Rudnik Aleksandrovsky"3.195
CJSC Concern "Arbat", Magadan region, director. Alexander Basansky2.843
CJSC "Poisk-Zoloto" (Yakutia)2.59 (9 months)
OJSC "Gold of Kamchatka" / Renova Group (Kamchatka)2.54
JSC AS "Vitim" (Irkutsk region)2.532
JSC "Priisk Solovyovsky" (Amur region)2.537
OJSC "Mine Karalveem" (Chukotka)1.5
OJSC GDK "Berelekh" (Magadan region)1.377
CJSC "Vasilievsky Mine" (Krasnoyarsk Territory)1.21 (9 months)

This is not the entire list of gold mining companies in the Russian Federation. Today there are up to 50 large enterprises, which include small firms or individual mines. Due to the rise in gold prices, all companies are liquid and profitable. Therefore, the future of the Russian gold mining industry is promising.