Received from Your Excellency. M.V. Lomonosov to Count I.I. Shuvalov. Dear Sir Ivan Ivanovich

Two brothers went traveling together. At noon they lay down to rest in the forest. When they woke up, they saw a stone lying next to them and something was written on the stone. They began to take it apart and read: “Whoever finds this stone, let him go straight into the forest at sunrise. A river will come in the forest: let him swim through this river to the other side. You will see a she-bear with her cubs: take the cubs from the she-bear and run straight without looking back up the mountain. You will see a house on the mountain, and in that house you will find happiness.”

The brothers read what was written, and the youngest said:

Let's go together. Maybe we will swim across this river, bring the cubs home and find happiness together.

Then the elder said:

I won’t go into the forest for cubs and I don’t advise you to either. First thing: no one knows whether the truth is written on this stone; maybe all this was written for fun. Yes, maybe we got it wrong. Second: if the truth is written, we will go into the forest, night will come, we will not get to the river and will get lost.

And even if we find a river, how will we cross it? Maybe it's fast and wide? Third: even if we swim across the river, is it really an easy matter to take the cubs away from the mother bear? She will bully us, and instead of happiness we will disappear for nothing.

Fourth thing: even if we manage to carry away the cubs, we will not make it up the mountain without rest.

The main thing is not said: what kind of happiness will we find in this house? Maybe there will be such happiness waiting for us there that we don’t need at all.

And the younger one said:

I don't think so. There would be no point in writing this on stone. And everything is written clearly. First thing: we won't get into trouble if we try. The second thing: if we don’t go, someone else will read the inscription on the stone and find happiness, and we will be left with nothing. The third thing: if you don’t bother and don’t work, nothing in the world makes you happy. Fourth: I don’t want them to think that I was afraid of anything.

Then the elder said:

And the proverb says: “To seek great happiness is to lose little”; and also: “Don’t promise a pie in the sky, but give a bird in your hands.”

And the smaller one said:

And I heard: “Fear wolves, don’t go into the forest”; and also: “Water will not flow under a lying stone.” For me, I have to go.

The younger brother went, but the older brother stayed.

As soon as the younger brother entered the forest, he attacked the river, swam across it and immediately saw a bear on the shore. She was sleeping. He grabbed the cubs and ran without looking back up the mountain. He had just reached the top when people came out to meet him, they brought him a carriage, took him to the city and made him king.

He reigned for five years. In the sixth year, another king, stronger than him, came against him with war; conquered the city and drove it away. Then the younger brother went wandering again and came to the older brother.

The elder brother lived in the village neither rich nor poor. The brothers were happy with each other and began to talk about their lives.

The elder brother says:

So my truth came out: I lived quietly and well all the time, and even though you were a king, you saw a lot of grief.

And the smaller one said:

I don’t grieve that I went into the forest up the mountain then; Even though I feel bad now, I have something to remember my life with, but you have nothing to remember it with.

Two brothers. Fairy tale by Leo Tolstoy

Two brothers went traveling together. At noon they lay down to rest in the forest. When they woke up, they saw a stone lying next to them and something was written on the stone. They began to take it apart and read: “Whoever finds this stone, let him go straight into the forest at sunrise. A river will come in the forest: let him swim through this river to the other side. You will see a she-bear with her cubs: take the cubs from the she-bear and run straight without looking back up the mountain. You will see a house on the mountain, and in that house you will find happiness.”

The brothers read what was written, and the youngest said:

Let's go together. Maybe we will swim across this river, bring the cubs home and find happiness together.

Then the elder said:

I won’t go into the forest for cubs and I don’t advise you to either. First thing: no one knows whether the truth is written on this stone; maybe all this was written for fun. Yes, maybe we got it wrong. Second: if the truth is written, we will go into the forest, night will come, we will not get to the river and will get lost.

And even if we find a river, how will we cross it? Maybe it's fast and wide? Third: even if we swim across the river, is it really an easy matter to take the cubs away from the mother bear? She will bully us, and instead of happiness we will disappear for nothing.

Fourth thing: even if we manage to carry away the cubs, we will not make it up the mountain without rest.

The main thing is not said: what kind of happiness will we find in this house? Maybe there will be such happiness waiting for us there that we don’t need at all.

And the younger one said:

I don't think so. There would be no point in writing this on stone. And everything is written clearly. First thing: we won't get into trouble if we try. The second thing: if we don’t go, someone else will read the inscription on the stone and find happiness, and we will be left with nothing. The third thing: if you don’t bother and don’t work, nothing in the world makes you happy. Fourth: I don’t want them to think that I was afraid of anything.

Then the elder said:

And the proverb says: “To seek great happiness is to lose little”; and also: “Don’t promise a pie in the sky, but give a bird in your hands.”

And the smaller one said:

And I heard: “Fear wolves, don’t go into the forest”; and also: “Water will not flow under a lying stone.” For me, I have to go.

The younger brother went, but the older brother stayed.

As soon as the younger brother entered the forest, he attacked the river, swam across it and immediately saw a bear on the shore. She was sleeping. He grabbed the cubs and ran without looking back up the mountain. He had just reached the top when people came out to meet him, they brought him a carriage, took him to the city and made him king.

He reigned for five years. In the sixth year, another king, stronger than him, came against him with war; conquered the city and drove it away. Then the younger brother went wandering again and came to the older brother.

The elder brother lived in the village neither rich nor poor. The brothers were happy with each other and began to talk about their lives.

The elder brother says:

So my truth came out: I lived quietly and well all the time, and even though you were a king, you saw a lot of grief.

And the smaller one said:

I don’t grieve that I went into the forest up the mountain then; Even though I feel bad now, I have something to remember my life with, but you have nothing to remember it with.

Two brothers went traveling together. At noon they lay down to rest in the forest. When they woke up, they saw a stone lying next to them and something was written on the stone. They began to take it apart and read: “Whoever finds this stone should go straight into the forest at sunrise. A river will come in the forest: let him float through this river to the other side. If you see a mother bear with her cubs, take the cubs away from the mother bear and run straight up the mountain without looking back. You will see a house on the mountain, and in that house you will find happiness.”

The brothers read what was written, and the youngest said:

- Let's go together. Maybe we will swim across this river, bring the cubs home and find happiness together.

Then the elder said:

“I won’t go into the forest for cubs and I don’t advise you to.” First thing: no one knows whether the truth is written on this stone; maybe all this was written for fun. Yes, maybe we got it wrong. Second: if the truth is written, we will go into the forest, night will come, we will not get to the river and will get lost.

And even if we find a river, how will we cross it? Maybe it's fast and wide? Third: even if we swim across the river, is it really an easy matter to take the cubs away from the mother bear? She will bully us, and instead of happiness we will disappear for nothing.

Fourth thing: even if we manage to carry away the cubs, we will not make it up the mountain without rest.

The main thing is not said: what kind of happiness will we find in this house? Maybe there will be such happiness waiting for us there that we don’t need at all.

And the younger one said:

- In my opinion, not so. There would be no point in writing this on stone. And everything is written clearly. First thing: we won't get into trouble if we try. The second thing: if we don’t go, someone else will read the inscription on the stone and find happiness, and we will be left with nothing. The third thing: if you don’t bother and don’t work, nothing in the world makes you happy. Fourth: I don’t want them to think that I was afraid of anything.

Then the elder said:

- And the proverb says: “To seek great happiness is to lose little”; and also: “Don’t promise a pie in the sky, but give a bird in your hands.”

And the smaller one said:

- And I heard: “Fear wolves, don’t go into the forest”; and also: “Water will not flow under a lying stone.” For me, I have to go.

The younger brother went, but the older brother stayed.

As soon as the younger brother entered the forest, he attacked the river, swam across it and immediately saw a bear on the shore. She was sleeping. He grabbed the cubs and ran without looking back up the mountain. He had just reached the top when people came out to meet him, they brought him a carriage, took him to the city and made him king.

He reigned for five years. In the sixth year, another king, stronger than him, came against him with war; conquered the city and drove it away. Then the younger brother went wandering again and came to the older brother.

The elder brother lived in the village neither rich nor poor. The brothers were happy with each other and began to talk about their lives.

The elder brother says:

“So my truth came out: I lived quietly and well all the time, and even though you were a king, you saw a lot of grief.”

And the smaller one said:

“I don’t grieve that I went into the forest up the mountain then; Even though I feel bad now, I have something to remember my life with, but you have nothing to remember it with.

Two brothers

Two brothers went traveling together. At noon they lay down to rest in the forest. When they woke up, they saw a stone lying next to them and something was written on the stone. They began to take it apart and read:

“Whoever finds this stone should go straight into the forest at sunrise. A river will come in the forest: let him float through this river to the other side. If you see a mother bear with her cubs, take the cubs away from the mother bear and run straight up the mountain without looking back. You will see a house on the mountain, and in that house you will find happiness.”

The brothers read what was written, and the youngest said: “Let's go together. Maybe we will swim across this river, bring the cubs home and find happiness together.”

Then the elder said: “I won’t go into the forest for cubs and I don’t advise you to. First thing: no one knows whether the truth is written on this stone; maybe all this was written for fun. Yes, maybe we didn’t get it right. Second: if the truth is written, we will go into the forest, night will come, we will not get to the river and will get lost. And even if we find a river, how will we cross it? Maybe it's fast and wide? Third: even if we swim across the river, is it really an easy matter to take away the cubs from a mother bear: she will bully us, and instead of happiness we will perish for nothing. Fourth thing: even if we manage to carry away the cubs, we will not make it up the mountain without rest. The main thing is not said: what happiness will we find in this house? Maybe there will be such happiness waiting for us there that we don’t need at all.”

And the smaller one said: “I don’t think so. There would be no point in writing this on stone. And everything is written clearly. First thing: we won't get into trouble if we try. The second thing: if we don’t go, someone else will read the inscription on the stone and find happiness, and we will be left with nothing. The third thing: if you don’t bother, if you don’t work, nothing in the world makes you happy. Fourth: I don’t want them to think that I was afraid of something.”

Then the elder said: “And the proverb says: to seek great happiness is to lose little; and also: Don’t promise a pie in the sky, but give a bird in your hands.”

And the smaller one said: “And I heard - be afraid of wolves, do not go into the forest; and also: Water will not flow under a lying stone. For me, I have to go."

The younger brother went, but the older brother stayed.

As soon as the younger brother entered the forest, he attacked the river, swam across it and immediately saw a bear on the shore. She was sleeping. He grabbed the cubs and ran without looking back up the mountain. He had just reached the top - people came out to meet him, they brought him a carriage, took him to the city and made him king.

He reigned for five years. In the 6th year, another king came against him with war, stronger than him; conquered the city and drove it away. Then the younger brother went wandering again and came to the older brother.

The elder brother lived in the village neither rich nor poor. The brothers were happy with each other and began to talk about their lives.

The elder brother says: “So my truth has come out: I lived quietly and well all the time, and even though you were a king, you saw a lot of grief.”

And the younger one said: “I don’t grieve that I went into the forest up the mountain then; Even though I feel bad now, I have something to remember my life with, but you have nothing to remember it with.”

Merman and pearl

A man was riding a boat and dropped precious pearls into the sea. The man returned to the shore, took a bucket and began to scoop up water and pour it onto the ground. He scooped and poured out for three days without tiring.

On the fourth day a merman came out of the sea and asked:

“Why are you scooping?”

The man says:

“I draw from the fact that I dropped the pearls.”

The merman asked:

“Will you stop soon?”

The man says:

“When I dry up the sea, then I will stop.”

Then the merman returned to the sea, brought those same pearls and gave them to the man.

Two brothers went traveling together. At noon they lay down to rest in the forest. When they woke up, they saw a stone lying next to them and something written on the stone. They began to take it apart and read:

« Whoever finds this stone should go straight into the forest at sunrise. A river will come in the forest: let it float through this river to the other side. If you see a mother bear with her cubs, take the cubs away from the mother bear and run straight up the mountain without looking back. You will see a house on the mountain, and in that house you will find happiness».

The brothers read what was written, and the youngest said:
- Let's go together. Maybe we will swim across this river, bring the cubs home and find happiness together.
Then the elder said:
- I won’t go into the forest for cubs and I don’t advise you to. First thing: no one knows whether the truth is written on this stone; maybe all this was written for fun. Yes, maybe we got it wrong. Second: if the truth is written, we will go into the forest, night will come, we will not get to the river and will get lost. And even if we find a river, how will we cross it? Maybe it's fast and wide? Third: even if we swim across the river, is it really an easy matter to take the cubs away from the mother bear? She will bully us, and instead of happiness we will disappear for nothing. Fourth thing: even if we manage to carry away the cubs, we will not make it up the mountain without rest. The main thing is not said: what kind of happiness will we find in this house? Maybe there will be such happiness waiting for us there that we don’t need at all.
And the younger one said:
- In my opinion, not so. There would be no point in writing this on stone. And everything is written clearly. First thing: we won't get into trouble if we try. The second thing: if we don’t go, someone else will read the inscription on the stone and find happiness, and we will be left with nothing. The third thing: if you don’t bother and don’t work, nothing in the world makes you happy. Fourth: I don’t want them to think that I was afraid of something.
Then the elder said:
- And the proverb says: “To seek great happiness is to lose little”; and also: “Don’t promise a pie in the sky, but give a bird in your hands.”
And the smaller one said:
- And I heard: “Fear wolves, don’t go into the forest”; and also: “Water will not flow under a lying stone.” For me, I have to go.
The younger brother went, but the older brother stayed.
As soon as the younger brother entered the forest, he attacked the river, swam across it and immediately saw a bear on the shore. She was sleeping. He grabbed the cubs and ran without looking back up the mountain. He had just reached the top - people came out to meet him, they brought him a carriage, took him to the city and made him king.
He reigned for five years. In the sixth year, another king came against him with war, stronger than him; conquered the city and drove it away. Then the younger brother went wandering again and came to the older brother.
The elder brother lived in the village neither rich nor poor. The brothers were happy with each other and began to talk about their lives.
The elder brother says:
- So my truth came out: I lived quietly and well all the time, and even though you were a king, you saw a lot of grief.
And the smaller one said:
- I don’t grieve that I went into the forest up the mountain then; Even though I feel bad now, I have something to remember my life with, but you have nothing to remember it with.