The procedure for reimbursing municipal specialized funeral services for the cost of a guaranteed list of services for the burial of the deceased. On determining the cost of services provided according to the guaranteed list of funeral services,

The Law “On Funeral Business” was adopted in 1996 and has not changed since then. It provides for the possibility of free burial, but the mandatory implementation of this clause is lost in the paper bureaucracy, which is where the gray schemes originate, when you have to pay “out of pocket” for a “place in the sun” in the cemetery.

The know-how proposed by the president involves the formalization necessary documents for burial and provision of a “guaranteed list” of funeral services on the “one window” principle - using SNILS and without additional collection of documents.

What is a “guaranteed list”?

IN federal law of 1996 “On burial and funeral business” states that the guaranteed list of funeral services includes: paperwork, provision and delivery of a coffin, transportation of the body (remains) of the deceased to the cemetery (crematorium), burial (cremation with subsequent delivery of an urn with ashes).

What's wrong with the funeral business now?

It seems that everything is so, but relatives often pay money to “gray agents” for burial services. The Presidential Control Department estimates their market at 120–150 billion rubles per year. Moreover, depending on the region, the rules for processing documents, the list of services themselves, and their cost today vary greatly. For example, according to local Moscow laws, you can reserve a place in a cemetery in advance, but in fact, buy it. In St. Petersburg, this can only be done if you have a death certificate. And this creates an unhealthy excitement in such a sad matter as a funeral. After calling the cemetery from your mobile phone, strangers start calling you and offering a variety of funeral services.

Will the state help?

These are low-income people whose income is below one subsistence level. They are entitled to a one-time payment of 6,790 rubles for burial and 4,382 rubles for cremation. As of June 1, 2017, such assistance was provided in St. Petersburg 427 times for a total of 2,369,000 rubles. The second group in St. Petersburg is “blockade survivors, juvenile prisoners of camps, etc.” (if income is below two subsistence levels). The one-time payment in this case is 8917 rubles. As of June 1, 2017, it was used 610 times for a total of 5,222,000 rubles. In addition, you can receive compensation from the city for the funeral. The benefit is 5562 rubles.

How much does “full” cost?

By law, the cemetery itself must be provided free of charge. True, where these places exist. The list of cemeteries with permitted burials is very limited, and there is no open source information about their condition that any old woman can understand.

In St. Petersburg, Yuzhnoye and Kovalevskoye cemeteries are most often proposed as burial places. Preparing “free space” costs 19 thousand rubles there. Ritual items (coffin, wreaths, etc.) cost at least 6.5 thousand. Morgue services for preparing the body for burial cost around 9 thousand rubles. A hearse transport costs 6 thousand and a few kopecks. The minimum price for the entire range of services is 40 thousand rubles. There is no maximum.

History and present of “private cemeteries” in Russia.

The President spoke about “private cemeteries” as a way to deal with funeral crime. Private cemeteries existed before the 1917 revolution. For example, during the defense of Sevastopol in 1854 - 1855, some people were buried in a private cemetery, which was then partially moved, and the cemetery was reclaimed. Now special areas have been allocated for cemeteries, taking into account sanitary zones, the location of reservoirs, populated areas, and so on. And these areas are no longer enough. Experts say that there is simply nowhere for new “private cemeteries” to appear in St. Petersburg. And if they decide to create them, it will be the Leningrad region.

Who to follow as an example?

As it turns out, there are attempts to create a “one window” at a cemetery in Russia. And IT technologies come to the rescue again; you can’t live without the Internet. Operates in Moscow and the Moscow region mobile app“Honest agent”, which allows you to select a cemetery online, register a plot there, order transport, funeral goods, receive a contract and pay for all these services. The IT company says that on average they fulfill about 500 orders per month through online schemes. In St. Petersburg there is the “Official website of the Unified City Dispatch Service for Funeral Services” (, where comparative analysis prices from different companies, tips on identifying scammers and a call to report all funeral oddities to the creators of the resource.

Who will put the “gray schemes” in order?

Of course, the Prosecutor General's Office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The day after the news of the president’s order, it became known that it was these departments that would conduct a comprehensive audit of the funeral services sector, based on the results of which they would have to draw up a fight plan. In addition, at the behest of the president, who is considering whether to run for a new term, active and abandoned cemeteries will be inventoried and that “unified approach” to the provision of funeral services throughout the country will be created. It is still unclear which of the existing players in the ritual market will benefit and who the new players who will come after the changes are.

In the shadow

Until inspections of cemeteries become widespread, it is not easy to find out about the shadow cemetery business. However, there are cases of emerging from the shadows. For example, in Yekaterinburg, a former cemetery caretaker will appear in court, accused of embezzling over 2.1 million rubles under the pretext of organizing burial services. The Yekaterinburg prosecutor's office approved such an indictment in June. In Moscow, cemetery employees will appear in court, accused of bribery for providing burial places where there is no longer room to bury them. It's about about a reward in the amount of 400 thousand rubles.


Chapter expert council RPO “We Remember Everyone by Name” Alexander Nesmeyanov is confident that everything said so far about the new “funeral law” is a “smokescreen” that is needed to lift the current ban on the transfer of burials. If the legislative ban on moving, for example, fraternal military graves is lifted, then “cemeteries can be built throughout the country.” In large cities great amount territories - necropolises that occupy tens of hectares. “The lifting of the ban is being lobbied by builders. The second group of lobbyists are funeral directors who, declaring the lack of land for burial, want to implement “ European scheme", according to which, after 20 years, relatives either pay for burial, or reburial with cremation is carried out to free up the territory and further burial of other persons," Alexander Nesmeyanov told Fontanka.

Or another person who has assumed the responsibility to bury the deceased is guaranteed the provision of the following list of burial services free of charge:

1) preparation of documents necessary for burial;

2) provision and delivery of a coffin and other items necessary for burial;

3) transportation of the body (remains) of the deceased to the cemetery (crematorium);

4) burial (cremation followed by the release of an urn with ashes).

The quality of the services provided must meet the requirements established by the authorities local government.

2. Funeral services specified in paragraph 1 of this article are provided by a specialized service for funeral matters.

(see text in the previous edition)

3. The cost of services provided according to the guaranteed list of funeral services is determined by local governments in agreement with the relevant branches of the Pension Fund Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as with government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and is reimbursed to the specialized funeral service within ten days from the date of application of this service at the expense of funds:

(see text in the previous edition)

Pension Fund of the Russian Federation - for the burial of deceased pensioners who were not subject to compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity on the day of death;

(see text in the previous edition)

federal budget - for the burial of the deceased who were not subject to compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity on the day of death of pensioners who received an early pension at the suggestion of the employment service (if the death of the pensioner occurred during the period of receiving an early pension before he reached age , giving the right to receive an appropriate pension). Settlements with a specialized funeral service for the burial of the deceased who were not subject to compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity on the day of death of pensioners who received an early pension at the suggestion of the employment service are carried out by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with subsequent reimbursement of expenses Pension Fund the Russian Federation at the expense of the federal budget in the amounts determined in accordance with this paragraph;

(see text in the previous edition)

Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation - for the burial of deceased citizens who were subject to compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity on the day of death, and deceased minor family members of citizens who were subject to compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity on the day death of specified family members;

(see text in the previous edition)

Budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - in cases where the deceased was not subject to compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity on the day of death and was not a pensioner, as well as in the case of a stillbirth after 154 days of pregnancy.

(see text in the previous edition)

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation reimburse the specialized funeral service for the cost of services provided in accordance with the guaranteed list of funeral services in an amount not exceeding 4,000 rubles, with subsequent indexation once a year from February 1 current year based on the consumer price growth index for the previous year. The indexation coefficient is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

(see text in the previous edition)

preparation of documents necessary for burial;
provision and delivery of a coffin, urn for burial of ashes and other items necessary for burial (according to the list established by the Administration of St. Petersburg), including loading unloading work;
transportation of the body (remains) and accompanying persons on one hearse to the burial place;
complex of burial works (cremation with subsequent issuance of an urn with ashes).
A specialized service for funeral matters may be provided with refundable funds in accordance with the established procedure. working capital in the amount necessary to provide these services within a month, at the expense of the budget of St. Petersburg.
2. The cost of services provided in accordance with the guaranteed list of funeral services provided for in paragraph 1 of this article is determined by the Administration of St. Petersburg in agreement with the relevant departments of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.
The cost of these services is reimbursed to the specialized funeral service within ten days from the following funds:
Pension Fund of the Russian Federation - for the burial of deceased pensioners who were not working on the day of death;
State Employment Fund of the Russian Federation - for the burial of deceased non-working pensioners who received an early pension at the suggestion of the employment service (if the death of the pensioner occurred during the period of receiving an early pension before he reached the age entitling him to receive the corresponding pension). Settlements with a specialized funeral service for the burial of deceased non-working pensioners who received an early pension at the suggestion of the employment service authorities are carried out by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with subsequent reimbursement of expenses to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the expense of the State Employment Fund of the Russian Federation in the amounts determined in in accordance with this paragraph;
Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation - for the burial of deceased working citizens and deceased minor family members of working citizens;
budget of St. Petersburg - in part exceeding established by law Russian Federation the amount of compensation from the above funds;
budget of St. Petersburg - in cases where the deceased did not work and was not a pensioner, as well as in the case of a stillbirth after 196 days of pregnancy.
3. Payment for the cost of services provided in excess of the guaranteed list of burial services, or additional payment for the provision of services and ritual items more than High Quality carried out at the expense of the person who has assumed the obligation to carry out the burial.
4. Persons who received services in accordance with paragraph 1 of this article are not paid social benefits for funerals.
5. Institutions and organizations carrying out the initial registration of the fact of death, a specialized service for funeral matters are obliged to ensure that the persons who took upon themselves the organization of the funeral are informed of their right to receive services free of charge in accordance with paragraph 1 of this article.
Failure to provide free of charge services provided for in the guaranteed list of funeral services, as well as failure to pay social benefits for burial, entails liability under the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Sanitary preparation of the body for burial and its vestment;
- provision and delivery of a coffin, urn for burial of ashes and other items necessary for burial (according to the list established by the city administration), including loading and unloading operations;
- transportation of the body (remains) and accompanying persons on one hearse to the burial place;
- return delivery of accompanying persons;
- a set of burial works (cremation followed by the release of ashes);
- installation of a registration plate with the inscription (surname and initials of the deceased, year of birth and death).
The cost of services provided according to the guaranteed list is determined by the Moscow City Administration in agreement with the relevant branches of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.
The tariff for services provided in accordance with the guaranteed list and quality requirements are established by the Moscow Government. The total tariff for services included in the guaranteed list cannot exceed twice the size of the social benefit for funeral.
2. A person who has taken upon himself the responsibility to bury the body (remains) of a non-working pensioner - a citizen of the Russian Federation, permanently residing in the territory of Moscow, or a person who did not work and was not a pensioner - a citizen of the Russian Federation, permanently residing in the territory of Moscow, or a stillborn child born after 196 days of pregnancy, the provision of the list of burial services established by paragraph 1 of this article is guaranteed at no charge to him.
3. Specialized funeral services, in order to ensure the provision of services provided for in paragraph 2 of this article, are provided with financial resources on a monthly basis to replenish working capital on a repayable, interest-free basis in the amount necessary to provide these services within a month, at the expense of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Federation - the city of Moscow. The cost of these services is reimbursed to specialized funeral services within ten days from the following funds:
- Pension Fund of the Russian Federation - for the burial of deceased pensioners;
- the city budget - for the burial of persons who did not work and were not pensioners, as well as in the event of a stillbirth after 196 days of pregnancy.
4. Payment for the cost of services provided in addition to the guaranteed list of funeral services is made at the expense of the person who has undertaken the obligation to carry out the burial.
5. Persons who received services in accordance with paragraph 2 of this article are not paid social benefits for funerals.
6. Institutions and organizations that carry out the initial registration of the fact of death and the issuance of death certificates are obliged to ensure that the persons who took upon themselves the organization of the funeral are informed about the procedure and cost of providing a guaranteed list of burial services.

The Federal Law “On Burial and Funeral Business” guarantees the relatives of any deceased Russian a free burial according to a guaranteed list of services.

This list contains all the funeral services and goods that the state (municipal authorities) provide free of charge at the expense of the federal (RUB 5,946.47 in 2019) and local (regional) funeral benefits. The size of the local allowance varies in different regions of the federation. The local part of the benefit, unlike the federal one, is not provided to all citizens, but only to preferential categories. The composition of the latter also differs by region, but, as a rule, they include unemployed, socially vulnerable residents and low-income residents of the country - pensioners, the unemployed, the disabled, single mothers and others.

A guaranteed burial is also called a “free funeral” or “social funeral”.

The guaranteed list of funeral services includes:

  • provision and delivery of a coffin and other items necessary for burial;
  • transportation of the body (remains) of the deceased to the cemetery (crematorium);
  • burial (cremation followed by the release of an urn with ashes).

This list was established in 1996 and did not change until 2019. It is expected that changes and clarifications of the guaranteed list of services will be introduced in the new law “On Burial”. In 2019 new law is under development.

Cost of services according to the guaranteed list

The cost of services and goods according to the guaranteed list is equal to the federal and regional funeral benefits. Every year, the all-Russian benefit amount is necessarily indexed by order of the Russian government; local benefits are also indexed by decision of local executive authorities, but not regularly.

In Moscow, the city portion of the funeral benefit is 11,000 rubles in 2019. It is available to pensioners and officially unemployed citizens.

Guaranteed list of burial services in Moscow

Moscow legislation expands and clarifies the guaranteed list of burial services. The guaranteed list of burial services in Moscow includes:

  • placing an order for funeral items, transporting the deceased by hearse, and conducting the burial;
  • provision of a cloth-lined coffin, funeral slippers and cotton blankets;
  • transportation of ritual objects to the ceremony site, loading and unloading;
  • transportation of the body of the deceased to the funeral site (one-way transportation by hearse);
  • digging a grave in a new plot or a related grave;
  • installation of a registration plate with the name and years of life of the deceased;
  • cremation and provision of a crematorium ritual hall for the farewell ceremony; burial in a columbarium niche or in the ground.

This list of guaranteed social services valid only for Muscovites who are pensioners and officially unemployed residents of the city of Moscow.

The cost of services provided according to the guaranteed list in the capital is 16,946.47 rubles. in 2019.

What is not included in the guaranteed list of funeral services in Moscow

When planning a funeral, it is worth considering that the guaranteed list of burial services in Moscow includes only basic services, without which it is impossible to organize a funeral. The list does not include: transportation of participants of the farewell ceremony to the cemetery, production of a tombstone and its installation, services of a funeral orchestra, provision of wreaths and mourning ribbons.

Guaranteed list of services for the burial of military personnel

When burying military personnel, if it is organized by the department in which the deceased served, the following guaranteed list of services is used:

  • organization of preparation and submission of obituaries;
  • organization of preparation of halls for farewell to the deceased (dead).
  • determining the place of burial (cremation) and organizing the preparation of necessary documents for the deceased (deceased);
  • organization of delivery of the body to the morgue, provision of services by the morgue, provision of a coffin, urn and wreath, transportation of the body from the morgue to the place of farewell and burial (cremation);
  • organizing the preparation of a portrait of the deceased;
  • organization of giving military honors during burial in accordance with the requirements of the Charter of the garrison and guard services of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
  • ensuring the arrival of an honorary escort, orchestra, guard of honor at the burial site;
  • organization medical care persons participating in the burial.

The list was approved in Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated January 13, 2008 No. 5: “On the burial of dead and deceased military personnel, citizens called up for military training, and persons discharged from military service.” The Ministry of Defense budget pays for:

  • preparation of documents necessary for burial;
  • transportation of the body to the morgue, morgue services;
  • provision and delivery of a coffin, urn, wreath;
  • transportation of the body to the place of burial (cremation);
  • burial (cremation).