Presentation on the topic of Stolypin’s agrarian reform. Stolypin's agrarian reform and Russian society. Components of the program

A necessary condition for character education is formation of worldview, beliefs And ideals. Worldview determines a person’s orientation, his life goals, aspirations. Moral guidelines that guide people in their actions flow from their worldview. The task of forming a worldview and beliefs must be solved in conjunction with the education of certain forms of behavior in which the system of a person’s relationship to reality could be embodied. Therefore, in order to develop socially valuable character traits, such organization of play, learning, labor activity child, in which he could accumulate experience of correct behavior.

In the process of character formation, children must be placed in such conditions that their practical activities correspond to their ideological upbringing, so that they apply the learned principles of behavior in practice. If the conditions in which the child lived and acted did not require him, for example, to show restraint or initiative, then the corresponding character traits will not be developed in him, no matter how high moral ideas are instilled in him verbally. Education that removes all difficulties in a child's life can never create a strong character.

The most important means of character development is work. In serious and socially significant work associated with overcoming difficulties, the best character traits are cultivated - determination, collectivism, perseverance.

Character development is influenced literature And art. Images of literary heroes and their behavior often serve as a kind of model for a schoolchild with which he compares his behavior.

Character development is also influenced by personal example of a teacher, be it parents or teachers. What educators do often has a much greater impact on a child's life than what they say. For older schoolchildren, one of the ways to develop character is self-education.

Character formation. Ways of his upbringing.

The word “character” is of Greek origin and translated means “trait”, “sign”, “feature”. Character is an individual combination of essential personality traits that show a person’s attitude to the world around him and are expressed in his behavior and actions. This is an attitude enshrined in habitual forms of behavior. Abilities are inextricably linked with character. The physiological basis of character is a fusion of traits such as the nervous system and complex stable systems of temporary connections developed as a result of individual life experience. Education. Character is not inherited and is not an innate, permanent and unchangeable property of a person. Character traits are usually divided into two groups:

1. The first group consists of those character traits in which the orientation of the personality is expressed, i.e. a system of relationships (to the team, to work, to another person, to oneself) to reality.

2. The second group consists of strong-willed character traits. Depending on the development of a person’s strong-willed character traits, they speak of a strong and weak character. Strong-willed traits include dedication, independence, determination, perseverance, endurance, and discipline.

Character formation begins from childhood. A habitual pattern of behavior and a certain relationship to reality begins to take shape. Under the influence of parents and the environment, concepts of what is possible and what is not begin to take shape. When a child enters school, a new stage of character formation begins. The child is faced with a new set of strict rules. These rules and responsibilities are determined and determine his behavior at home, at school, and in public places. Develop organization, systematicity, and hard work.A. S. Makarenko constantly emphasized that the most important thing is constant exercise in the right action, a kind of “behavior gymnastics”, consolidation of the correct forms of behavior. It is impossible to raise a courageous person if you do not put him in such conditions when he could and should show courage. Hothouse education, which eliminates all difficulties in a child’s life, can never create a strong character.

Character formation is not limited to childhood and adolescence. Character is formed throughout a person’s life and depends on the characteristics of his life path, on all types of social influence on him. And in adulthood, under the influence of certain events in the life of a given person, under the influence social development, significant changes occur both in the character as a whole and in individual traits of a person. The personal example of the teacher is of great importance in character education. As a rule, behavior has a stronger influence on the formation of character than moral teachings. The discrepancy between the words and deeds of the teacher is especially unacceptable. It is absolutely necessary to take into account the motives of actions, since differences in motives also determine differences in educational activities that must be carried out by the teacher in response to one or another action of the student. An individual approach requires reliance on the positive that each child already has in the area of ​​his interests, relationships with people, certain species activities, etc. By fully developing existing valuable traits and encouraging positive actions, the teacher can more easily achieve overcoming negative character traits in children.


1.Yu.K.Babansky. Pedagogy.

2.V.A.Krutetsky. Psychology.

3.I.R.Fedyunina. Pedagogy in faces.

As noted, character is formed, develops and changes in practical activities of a person, reflects the conditions and way of life.

Character formation begins in early childhood. Already in before school age the first outlines of character are outlined, a habitual pattern of behavior and certain attitudes toward reality begin to take shape. Manifestations of collectivism, perseverance, endurance, courage in preschool age are formed primarily in play, especially in collective ones, story games with the rules.

The simplest types of work available to a preschooler are of great importance. By performing some simple duties, the child learns to respect and love work, and to feel responsible for the task assigned. Under the influence of the demands of parents and educators, their personal example, the child gradually develops ideas about what is possible and what is not, and this begins to determine his behavior, lays the foundations for a sense of duty, discipline, and endurance; The child learns to evaluate his own behavior.

When you enter school, a new stage in character formation begins. For the first time, the child is faced with a number of strict rules and school responsibilities that determine all his behavior at school, at home, and in public places.

These rules and responsibilities develop the student’s organization, systematicity, purposefulness, perseverance, accuracy, discipline, and hard work. Plays an extremely important role in character formation school team. At school, the child enters into new relationships with teachers, into relationships of community and mutual assistance with comrades. He develops a sense of duty and responsibility to the team of his class, school, a sense of camaraderie, and collectivism. Character traits develop especially intensively in adolescents. A teenager, to a much greater extent than a junior schoolchild, participates in the life of adults; more demands are placed on him. high requirements. A teenager in his school and social activities is already beginning to be guided much more by motives public order- a sense of duty and responsibility to the team, a desire to maintain the honor of the school and class.

Upbringing has a decisive influence on a child's character. There are no children whose character cannot be re-educated and in whom certain positive qualities cannot be instilled, even by eliminating the negative traits that seem to have already taken root in them.

What are the ways to develop character?

A necessary condition for character education is the formation of a worldview, beliefs, and ideals. Worldview determines a person’s orientation, his life goals, aspirations; moral principles that guide people in their actions flow from the worldview. The task of forming a worldview and beliefs must be solved in conjunction with the education of certain forms of behavior in which the system of a person’s relationship to reality could be embodied. Therefore, in order to cultivate socially valuable character traits, it is necessary to organize the child’s play, learning, and work activities in such a way that he could accumulate experience in correct behavior.

In the process of character formation, it is necessary to consolidate not only a certain form of behavior, but also the corresponding motive for this behavior, but also the corresponding motive for this behavior, placing children in such conditions that their practical activities correspond to their ideological upbringing, so that they apply in practice the acquired principles of behavior. If the conditions in which the child lived and acted did not require him, for example, to show restraint or initiative, then the corresponding character traits would not be developed in him, no matter how high moral ideas were instilled in him verbally. It is impossible to raise a courageous person if you do not put him in such conditions when he could and should show courage. Education that removes all difficulties in a child's life can never create a strong character.

The most important means of character development is work. In serious and socially significant work associated with overcoming difficulties, the best character traits are cultivated - determination, collectivism, perseverance. The most important condition proper organization educational activities - close coordination of the educational work of the school with the corresponding influences of the family.

Literature and art influence character development. Images of literary heroes and their behavior often serve as a kind of model for a schoolchild with which he compares his behavior.

Character development is also influenced by the personal example of the educator, be it parents or teachers. What educators do often has a much greater impact on a child's life than what they say. How a teacher approaches his work, how he follows social norms of behavior, whether he controls himself and his feelings, what is his style of work - all this is of great importance for developing the character of children.

An important role in the formation of character is played by the living word of the teacher, educator, with whom he addresses the child. Ethical or moral conversations, in particular, occupy a significant place. Their goal is to form correct moral ideas and concepts in children. For older schoolchildren, one of the ways to develop character is self-education. However, junior schoolchildren The teacher must cultivate the desire to overcome certain shortcomings, undesirable habits, and develop useful habits. The need for an individual approach in character education is especially important.

An individual approach requires the selection and implementation of educational activities that would correspond to the characteristics of the student’s personality and the state in which he is currently located.

It is absolutely necessary to take into account the motives of actions, since differences in motives also determine differences in educational activities that must be carried out by the teacher in response to a particular act of the student. An individual approach requires reliance on the positive that each child already has in the area of ​​his interests, relationships with people, with certain types of activities, etc. By fully developing existing valuable traits and encouraging positive actions, the teacher can more easily achieve overcoming negative traits character in children.

In order to develop the character of a student, taking into account his individual characteristics, you should know them well, that is, comprehensively and deeply study the student’s individuality. Studying a child is a relatively long process. Only a good knowledge of the student will make it possible to outline individual measures for his further education or re-education and will lead to the desired results.

When meeting students for the first time at the very beginning of the first year of study, the teacher must carefully observe them, talk with parents about the conditions and some features of the child’s development, about the manifestations of his character. Based on observations and conversations, it is necessary to draw up a specific program for developing the child’s character, taking into account his individual characteristics.


Concept of character

The word "character" is commonly used. When do we use it? Firstly, when we want to evaluate a person’s behavior. Secondly, when we're talking about not about the peculiarities of his behavior that are random for a given person, but about constant, habitual forms of behavior for him. A cowardly person may one day commit a decisive act; a polite person can lose his temper and say a rude word, but we will call decisive or rude only one for whom the corresponding form of behavior is usual and constant, and not accidental and unexpected. Thirdly, we use the word “character” when we are talking about such forms of behavior that express a person’s personality, his attitude to the world (after all, no one would think of calling the habit of brushing your teeth every day or doing morning exercises character, although this is a common form human behavior).

So it's about behavior, besides familiar behavior and behavior in which personality is expressed person. Now we can move on to expanding the concept character.

People relate differently to the world around them: to other people, to the team, to work, to themselves - and this is how they differ from each other. This attitude is expressed in behavior, in human actions. If certain attitudes towards reality and the corresponding forms of behavior are not accidental for a given person, but are more or less stable and constant, then they have become properties of his personality.

Personality properties that express a person’s attitude to reality always form some unique combination, which represents not the sum of the individual characteristics of a given person, but a single whole, which is called the person’s character. The word “character” is of Greek origin and translated means “trait”, “sign”, “sign”, “feature”.

Character- This is an individual combination of essential personality properties that show a person’s attitude to the world around him and are expressed in his behavior and actions.

Character- it is an attitude enshrined in habitual forms of behavior. Noting that a person has such and such a character, we thereby reveal the system of his relations to reality and at the same time the fixed, habitual way of his behavior in a certain situation as a way of implementing these relations. For example, if we note that sensitivity is a character trait of a given person, then we thereby indicate what his attitude towards people is and at the same time what his behavior is in a certain situation and, therefore, what actions can be expected from him in appropriate conditions.

Character is interconnected with other aspects of personality, in particular with temperament and abilities. Temperament influences the form of manifestation of character, uniquely coloring certain of its traits. Thus, persistence in a choleric person is expressed in vigorous activity, in a phlegmatic person - in calm efficiency. The same goes for hard work: a choleric person works energetically, passionately, a phlegmatic person works methodically, slowly. On the other hand, temperament itself is restructured under the influence of character: a person with a strong character can suppress some of the negative aspects of his temperament and control its manifestations.

Abilities are inextricably linked with character. High level abilities are combined with such character traits as collectivism - a feeling of unity with the team and the desire to work for its benefit, high demands on oneself, and the ability to think critically about one’s work. The level of ability is associated with the ability to persistently overcome difficulties, not to lose heart under the influence of failures, to work in an organized manner, and to show initiative.

Typical and individual in character. Character is not inherited and is not innate, nor is it a permanent and unchangeable property of a person. Character is formed and developed under the influence environment, a person’s life experience, his upbringing. These influences are, firstly, socio-historical(each person lives under the conditions of a certain socio-historical system, a certain social environment and develops as an individual under their influence) and, secondly, individually unique(the living conditions and activities of each individual person, his life path are unique and unique). Therefore, the character of each person is determined both by his social position and by his individual life.

There is an endless variety of individual characters. However, in the life and activities of people living and developing in the same social conditions, there is a lot in common. Consequently, their character has some common aspects and features that reflect the general, typical circumstances of their lives. Therefore, the character of each person is a unity of the individual and the typical.

Each socio-historical era forms character traits typical of that era.

Typical class character traits of representatives of the capitalist elite are selfishness: energy in the pursuit of selfish interests, greed, hypocrisy, heartlessness.

Socialist forms of labor, socialist social relations create unlimited opportunities for the formation of the best, communist character traits: devotion to the cause of communism, love for the Motherland; conscientious work for the benefit of society, high consciousness of public duty, intolerance to violations of public interests; collectivism and comradely mutual assistance; humane relations and mutual respect between people; honesty and truthfulness, simplicity And modesty in public and private life; intransigence to injustice, parasitism, dishonesty, careerism; intransigence to national and racial hostility; intransigence to the enemies of communism, the cause of peace and freedom of peoples; fraternal solidarity with the working people of all countries, with all peoples.

Each person, in the course of life and activity, also forms and develops individual character traits. Individual character traits are expressed, first of all, in the originality of typical character traits. For example, such a character trait as a sense of friendship and camaraderie is a typical character trait of a Soviet person, but in each individual person this trait manifests itself in a very unique, individual way. For one, the feeling of friendship and camaraderie is expressed in the fact that a person makes great demands on a friend, is stern and demanding of him, and is uncompromising to his shortcomings; the other shows this character trait in a different way: he is sensitive, tactful, caring, attentive, helpful.

As a result of improper organization of life and activity, the negative influence of some people, and errors in upbringing, a person can sometimes develop negative individual character traits, which are corrected under the influence of social influence, work in a team and for the team.

Character traits

Character is an inextricable whole. But it is impossible to study and understand such a complex whole as character without identifying individual aspects or typical manifestations (character traits) in it. Character traits are understood as individual habitual forms of human behavior in which his attitude to reality is realized.

Character traits must be considered and assessed in relation to each other. Each character trait acquires its own meaning, often completely different, depending on its relationship with other traits. For example, courage as a character trait takes on a qualitatively different meaning depending on whether it is combined with caution or impulsiveness, with high moral feelings or with a sense of petty vanity. Perseverance has a positive meaning only in combination with high ideological commitment and criticality; without them, it can degenerate into stubbornness. Caution, if not combined with determination, can make a person inactive.

Character traits are usually divided into two main groups.

The first group consists of those character traits in which the orientation of the personality, i.e. the system of relations to reality (attitude towards society, the team, other people as members of the team; attitude towards work and results, products of labor; attitude towards oneself, one’s personality).

Direction determines a person’s goals and aspirations, but it is also very important whether these goals and aspirations are realized in life, whether a person knows how to overcome obstacles on the way to his goal. In accordance with this, they distinguish second group character trait - strong-willed traits . Depending on the development of a person’s strong-willed character traits, they speak of a strong or weak character. Weakness gives a negative assessment of the character as a whole, even in the presence of a positive orientation. There is no value in setting high, noble goals if they are not realized in life. At the same time, a strong character with a false orientation will not be a valuable personality quality.

Character traits that express attitudes towards society, the team, and other people. These features include, first of all, collectivism- a character trait that expresses the desire to be in a team, to participate in its life, to fight for the goals that it sets, and to provide comradely assistance to all members of the team. A collectivist views himself as an inseparable part of the team; his personal interests, personal goals and aspirations are subordinated to the interests, goals and aspirations of the group. A student who has a well-developed character trait is attached to the team, to his comrades. He willingly helps those who are lagging behind, rejoices at the success of his comrades, and is ready to support them at any time. It is easy for such a student to refuse actions that bring benefit or pleasure only to him alone, to the detriment of his comrades.

A negative character trait opposite to collectivism is selfishness. The actions of an egoist are guided by selfish interests, the desire to primarily care about personal well-being, about their own benefit.

Students with the beginnings of egoism are sometimes encountered at school. Here is Katya S. She is distinguished by complete indifference to people. He openly rejoices at the bad grades of his classmates, but experiences their successes painfully. Neglects the interests of the class. As a rule, the selfishness of children is a consequence of the incorrect behavior of parents who pamper the child immensely, do not deny him anything, and do not teach him to work. The teacher must pay special attention to such students in a timely manner and outline special educational work in relation to them.

Associated with collectivism is the trait sensitivity- attentive, sympathetic, caring attitude towards people, their feelings, concerns, constant readiness to help a person, the ability to figure out what kind of help is needed in a particular case.

Sensitivity has nothing to do with softness, with condescension towards human weaknesses. An attentive and caring attitude towards a person, respect for him is expressed in the desire to help him correct his mistakes, shortcomings, and negative traits. Therefore, direct, honest and fair comradely criticism acts as a special form of sensitive attitude towards a person, as a means of mutual assistance.

A negative character trait that expresses an unworthy, insensitive attitude towards people - coarseness- a common behavior disorder during school age. The reasons for the occurrence of this trait are very diverse. Errors in upbringing have an impact: lack of tact in adults’ attitude towards a schoolchild, especially a teenager, insufficient respect for his personal dignity, the desire to suppress his independence in one form or another, intrusive control and petty supervision. Teenagers often react with rudeness to the unfair treatment of adults. The teacher should know that, along with truly unfair treatment, there are also cases when a student is mistakenly convinced that he is being treated unfairly.

Sometimes schoolchildren's rudeness is explained by their poor moral judgment. Some guys consider rudeness and harshness a sign of maturity, masculinity, and straightforwardness of character. The rudeness of schoolchildren may be a consequence of imitation of certain adults or friends. Rudeness can also be a consequence of weakness of will: often a teenager does not yet know how to restrain his feelings and impulses, and is prone to impulsiveness and even passions.

One of the most important character traits that express a person’s attitude towards society and other people is honesty. An honest person is characterized by impeccable purity of actions. Honesty is expressed not only in respect for other people's property, which a person protects from theft and damage. An honest person conscientiously fulfills his duties and does not put up with a formal and irresponsible attitude on the part of others. Truthfulness, integrity and integrity characterize all the actions of such a person. He never lies, is not cunning, does not deceive, is not a hypocrite, keeps his word firmly, is not capable of baseness, never enters into a deal with his own conscience, does not cheat his soul.

A positive character trait that expresses an attitude towards people - sociability, if, of course, it is based on a sense of collectivism, and does not come from selfish motives. Sociable people find joy and satisfaction in communication and joint activities with other people and experience a painful feeling when being outside the group.

There are also people with opposite character traits, such as isolation, secrecy. A schoolchild's isolation and secrecy have different roots. Often this is a manifestation of a melancholic temperament, sometimes a persistent manifestation of resentment at undeserved punishment or negative evaluation from adults, sometimes a reaction to failure.

Character traits that express an attitude towards work.Hard work They call a character trait that expresses the desire to work; this desire is associated with a feeling of satisfaction, joy, pleasure from the work process and its results. True love of work is combined with conscientiousness and accuracy, the need not just to do the job, but to always do it in the best possible way.

Negative character traits such as laziness, carelessness, are expressed in a negative or indifferent, careless attitude towards work, formal performance of tasks.

Hard work acquires particular value in combination with such a character trait as initiative. An initiative person is a person with a developed sense of the new. He has a creative approach to work and social activities, strives to find better, more productive methods of work, which underlies the broad innovative movement among our workers and collective farmers.

Character traits that are opposite to initiative are: inertia, conservatism- are expressed in a negative attitude towards the new, advanced, in a tendency towards routine, a blind attitude towards traditions.

In the process of work, such a valuable character trait as thrift, which expresses a person’s attitude towards the results of his work and the activities of other people. Respecting work, a person begins to take care of what is created by the mind and hands of man, strives to avoid unnecessary, irrational consumption of materials, tools and products of labor. Thrift is equally far from wastefulness or a predatory attitude towards material values, and from stinginess and stinginess.

Character traits that express an attitude towards oneself.Modesty as a character trait, it is manifested in the fact that a person never emphasizes or exaggerates his merits, achievements and personal qualities. He is convinced that the people around him are endowed with virtues, perhaps even to a greater extent than himself. Modesty is simplicity and naturalness in dealing with people, in behavior, dress, manners, and speech.

Modesty is closely related to self-criticism, that is, being demanding of yourself, the ability to soberly evaluate your work, see your mistakes, identify your shortcomings and, recognizing them honestly and openly, take measures to eliminate them. A self-critical person thinks more not about what he has already achieved, but about what he has not yet achieved.

Modesty should always be combined with self-esteem, self-respect, based on the awareness of one’s successes in socially useful work, in the struggle for common goals. This gives rise to self-confidence and gives a person the right to respect himself and not feel worthless or unnecessary. Self-respect, however, has nothing to do with conceit, arrogance, arrogance - an unduly high assessment of one's personality, exaggerated self-esteem.

Arrogance and boasting in children are usually a consequence of adults overestimating their children's successes, their achievements, their abilities, constantly emphasizing the superiority of some children over others, and praising them.

Strong-willed character traits. Strong-willed character traits are expressed in the ability and habit to consciously regulate one’s behavior and overcome obstacles on the way to one’s goals.

Strong-willed character traits cannot be assessed and cultivated without taking into account the orientation of the individual. The determination and perseverance of a careerist, the courage of a hooligan are in no way positive traits. Strong-willed character traits are valuable only if the will is morally educated.

Strong-willed character traits include purposefulness, independence, determination, perseverance, endurance, courage And courage, discipline(see Chapter XIII).

Formation of character and ways of its education

As noted, character is formed, develops and changes in a person’s practical activities, reflecting the conditions and way of his life. More I. M. Sechenov argued that in a person’s character only 1/1000 depends on the nature of the person and 999/1000 on his environment. One may not agree with this relationship between the natural and the social in the formation of character, and one I. M. Sechenov, Apparently, he did not attach much importance to these particular figures. But he is absolutely right that social factors in the formation of character play an immeasurably more important role than biological ones.

Character formation begins in early childhood. Already at preschool age, the first contours of character are outlined, a habitual pattern of behavior, and certain attitudes toward reality begin to take shape. The traits of collectivism, perseverance, endurance, and courage in preschool age are formed primarily in play, especially in collective games with rules. The simplest types of work activities available to a preschooler are of great importance. By performing some simple duties, the child learns to respect and love work, and to feel responsible for the task assigned.

Under the influence of the demands of parents and educators, their personal example, the child gradually develops ideas about what is possible and what is not, and this begins to determine his behavior and lays the foundations for a sense of duty and discipline.

When you enter school, a new stage in character formation begins. The child is faced with a number of strict rules and school responsibilities that determine all his behavior at school, at home, and in public places. These rules and responsibilities develop the student’s organization, systematicity, purposefulness, perseverance, accuracy, discipline, and hard work. The school community plays an extremely important role in character formation. At school, the child enters into relationships of community and mutual assistance with his comrades. He develops a sense of duty and responsibility to the collective of the class, school, a sense of camaraderie, and collectivism.

Character traits develop especially intensively in adolescents. A teenager participates in the lives of adults to a much greater extent than a junior schoolchild, and higher demands are placed on him. In educational and social activities, a teenager begins to be much more guided by the motives of social order, in particular by a sense of duty.

Of great importance for the formation of character is the work of a teenager in school workshops, on the school site, in educational and industrial associations, as well as socially useful work in landscaping, nature conservation, etc. It is in the process of collective work that the best traits of the individual’s orientation and will develop .

Upbringing has a decisive influence on a child's character. There are no children whose character cannot be re-educated and in whom certain positive qualities cannot be instilled, even by eliminating the negative traits that seem to have already taken root in them.

What are the ways to develop character?

A necessary condition for character education is the formation of beliefs and ideals, which determine a person’s orientation, his life goals, and moral guidelines. They guide people in their actions.

The task of forming beliefs must be solved in conjunction with the education of certain forms of behavior in which the system of a person’s relationship to reality could be embodied. Therefore, in order to cultivate socially valuable character traits, it is necessary to organize the child’s play, learning, and work activities in such a way that he could accumulate experience in correct behavior.

A. S. Makarenko emphasized that it is very important to constantly train children in the right action, organize “behavior gymnastics,” and reinforce correct forms of behavior. If the conditions in which the child lived and acted did not require him, for example, to show restraint or initiative, then the corresponding character traits would not be developed in him, no matter how high moral ideas were instilled in him verbally. It is impossible to raise a courageous person if you do not put him in such conditions when he could and should show courage: let it be protecting weak children from fighters, courageously admitting the truth, or even a walk late at night in a dark forest. Education that removes all difficulties in a child's life can never create a strong character.

The most important remedy Character education is work. In serious and socially significant work associated with overcoming difficulties, the best character traits are cultivated: determination, collectivism, perseverance.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of a single, closely knit, healthy and purposeful person in character education. team, characterized by a high ideological orientation, united by a common goal, consistency and organization of actions. Approval or condemnation by the collective of the actions of individual students, the serious demands of the collective play an important educational role. The team exposes laziness, cowardice, selfishness, and protects against conceit and arrogance.

Character development is also influenced by personal example of a teacher. If a teacher is persistent in the fight against difficulties, if he firmly fulfills his obligations, it is easier for him to achieve the same in his students, who will strive to develop the same traits in themselves. The teacher’s irritability, lack of self-control, rudeness, passivity, and immodesty will have a negative impact on the student.

Plays an important role in character formation living word of the teacher, teacher with whom he addresses the child, wanting to form in him the correct moral ideas and concepts. All this is all the more necessary because some students have wrong ideas, prejudices and misconceptions (false understanding of friendship and camaraderie, courage, perseverance, etc.).

For older schoolchildren, one of the ways to develop character is self-education. However, in younger schoolchildren, the teacher must instill the desire to overcome certain shortcomings, undesirable habits, and develop useful habits.

Particularly important in character development individual approach. An individual approach requires the selection and implementation of educational activities that would correspond to the characteristics of the student’s personality and the state in which he is currently located. One should be sternly warned, another should be gently scolded, and the third should only receive a reproachful look. One student must be praised to increase his confidence in his abilities; This should not be done in relation to another, so as not to develop his conceit and arrogance. In order to cultivate a student’s character, taking into account individual characteristics, one should know them well, that is, comprehensively and deeply study the student’s individuality.

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