Project for participation in a grant competition. Social project - what are they, their types, goals, topics, ideas, examples, how to win a grant? The relevance of the project is that for the target audience, training in “hard” and “soft” skills is combined within the framework of one project

"Grant" (English - gift) is a targeted financial subsidy provided to scientists to conduct scientific research. A grant is one of the main ways to finance scientific research in the West. Any Scientific research requires money for equipment, trips to colleagues, payment for the publication of articles, payment for students, doctoral students, temporary employees, and so on. Grants can be obtained from government and special scientific funds. One of the conditions for receiving is a positive review of the application.

A scientist in the West spends more than 30% of his time writing grant proposals. For a Russian scientist, obtaining funding on a competitive basis is a relatively new and unusual thing. In order to receive financial support, it is not enough to just formally submit an application correctly. The application must be written brilliantly!

What is the purpose of the application?

The goal is to convince those who are “in charge” (the relevant committee, commission, council of experts) that your project has all three advantages that are so valuable within the framework of any science, namely: conceptual novelty, methodological rigor and significant content .

All other things being equal, the winning application is the one in which these three advantages are most clearly visible: it satisfies not only the explicit requirements for writing, but also the hidden expectations of those who have to decide. It is also necessary, especially when it comes to the humanities and applied sciences, to show the usefulness of the project for your country. Most foundations that provide grants do so with the goal of helping a specific country, so the more clearly your project's significance in this sense is demonstrated, the better your chances.

When writing an application, you should remember that your text will look for answers to the following three questions:

1. What will we learn by implementing your project that we don’t know now?
2. Why do we even need to know this?
3. How do we make sure the conclusions are correct?

Don’t forget that there are usually a lot of applications, and those who decide have little time, so they are unlikely to bother looking for hidden answers to these questions. Therefore, your reasons for this need to be justified clearly and clearly. The only chance to attract attention is to fit all the answers in the first paragraph or, in extreme cases, on the first page. Take this chance. It is better to make a stronger statement than a weaker one. You can give all the reservations and restrictions later. If your project is too complex to formulate the main idea in a few lines and to it, you should approach the main thing gradually, trying to write such a phrase or sentence that the reviewer will remember it after a long time of reading various applications. It’s better if during a discussion they say about you: “Oh, this is the one who claims that Argentina has never had a liberal democratic tradition,” than: “Oh, this is the one whose letter “w” is not printed.”

Striving for clarity

Please remember that many applications are reviewed by multidisciplinary committees. Most reviewers agreed to be such only out of curiosity: they are interested in what is new in other sciences. Therefore, you should not “harass” them with professional jargon; it is better to use special terms if there are no analogues in common Russian (English, French). Focus on your main idea. All kinds of details, examples, reference material, if you think that the application cannot do without it, it is best to “send” it to the appendices - this makes it easier to understand.

Project name

Each word used in the project title should provide maximum information about the content of the grant. Titles like “Development of fundamental principles...” only irritate the expert and make him sad. The name of the project should speak about the genius of the creator. No one had done this before! If he does not do this (if he is not given a grant), the development of fundamental science in this area will stop. In foreign funds, the name of the project is limited in the number of letters from 90 to 120. This limitation forces the applicant to select words that more accurately define the problem that he wants to solve.

Selecting a classifier code

This stage is self-examination. By choosing his place in the classifier, the creator himself chooses a group of experts to whom his application will go. You need to clearly imagine what is most important in the work (for example, the research method or object). The experts to whom the project will end up and the final result of the review may be different. If more than two classifier codes are specified in the project, then the project begins to be transferred from one section to another, since each expert, taking into account big competition, draws attention to shortcomings in the application. As a result, if the project is “spread out” into sections, it will simply fail.

List of main artists

The list of key performers should include only scientists who will directly participate in the scientific process and receive up to 75% from the manager wages according to the estimate and will write publications on the topic of the grant. Funding for laboratory assistants, technicians, and library workers comes from 20% of overhead costs, which the administration of your organization deducts from the grant amount. Don't forget to sign your name on the title page.

Project information


The abstract is something that the expert will definitely read carefully and in its entirety, so the abstract must contain comprehensive information about the project: its place in science, the main ideas and the main research methods. An expert is a very busy person. If his gaze stops at the project, the fate of the latter is decided literally in the first minutes required to view the abstract and understand the purpose of the project. If interest in the application is lost at this point, it may be lost forever.


An experienced keyword expert immediately assesses the problem and problem that the applicant wants to solve. Therefore, the selection of keywords must be taken very seriously. If the keywords listed first do not match the topic of the classifier section, your project may be doomed.

In a project, you need to solve 3-4 specific problems related to each other. In general, the content of the project should correspond to the title.


Most foundations only support basic research, i.e. work not aimed at solving specific technical or technological problems. Expert assessment of the scientific content of the presented project is determined by the relevance of the scientific problem. The goal (objective) of the research must be adequate to the problem posed and justified in detail, and the expected results are scientifically significant for solving the problem. The proposed methods are adequate to the task at hand. The project plan is optimal and specific. Each paragraph of the application must be structured so that the very beginning of reading provides basic information.

Scientific section

The list of publications should relate to the last 2-3 years and be directly related to the topic of the project. You should show that you have “found” something interesting and important and are ready to start working intensively on this problem as soon as you receive a grant. In addition, the journals in which your articles are published should be accessible to as many scientists working in your field as possible, and of course to the expert.


If you are requesting expensive equipment for a project, you should not start this story - you are not yet ready to complete the project. If you only need minor financial support to get involved in your work, then you have a chance.

Information about managers and key performers

From the list of performers, you need to make it clear to the expert that you have assembled a team that has all the necessary methods to complete the project, which will fully cope with the stated problem. Most projects are completed in teams of 4-6 people.

Cost estimate for the project

The budget must strictly follow the experimental plan. It includes salary, request for equipment (minimum), requests for reagents, spare parts, business trips. If you ask for a lot, you will lose; if you ask for very little, it means you do not understand the complexity of the work and cannot really evaluate it. The part that you request for salary and are going to give to the main performers is a matter of scientific ethics.

Writing a grant application

for non-profit organizations

Stavropol, 2000


Chapter 1. What is a grant application?

"A grant application is a document that describes a plan to achieve some set of goals and objectives within a specified period of time as required by the grantor."

Speaking in simple words, a grant application is a request/offer for monetary support for any type of activity aimed at achieving established goals, performing a series of activities and tasks leading to a certain result. Such results can be described as a final product of one kind or another, services provided, benefits, etc.

Types of grants: Implementation of projects and programs Conducting events (conferences, symposiums, etc.) Trips, internships, exchanges Professional development Scholarships, benefits, awards Publications Publishing activities Research, scientific developments, “First Grant” Educational activities, etc.

To draw up an application, it is better to form a team. If 3 professionals of the same level and profile write an application, then they risk “drowning” in ideas and their discussion. We need people talented in different areas: a “generator” of ideas, a person who knows how to build an idea in the form of a work plan and provide for all the details and little things, and a person who knows how to write, i.e. put it all on the application form.

The main idea of ​​the project (in the application - annotations of the project)

organization - purpose of activity, experience, knowledge, resources.

for whom
beneficiaries are people whose lives will improve as a result of the project.

problems of beneficiaries or external ones that hinder/inhibit/having a negative impact

what he wants to do
concrete steps to solve problems

description of methods/techniques for solving problems

what will happen as a result
specific indicators that, as a result of solving problems, the lives of beneficiaries have improved

how much money/resources is needed for this?

The formulation of the main idea is: the starting point of each grant application; the most expensive element of the application; the foundation on which the entire project is built; a framework for describing tasks and justifying the budget; a brief statement of what you propose to solve the problems and meet the needs of the organization.

To prepare a grant proposal that is understandable, robust, and has the best chance of success, it is critical that it clearly articulates the purpose of the project and the specific tasks that must be accomplished to achieve it. The application must be clearly stated, clear, specific and logical from the first to the last page.

There are 2 options for the logic of creating a project:

1 option Option 2
Target group Target
Problem Impact (tasks)
Target Immediate results
Tasks Problem
Methods Activities (methods)
Expected results Target group


"We want to provide hot meals to elderly people"

Who- organization, its experience, resources

for whom- persons aged 80 years and older and patients for whom a doctor has prescribed a home regimen. (territorially - 1-2 microdistricts or residents of the entire city)

How- Once a day, hot meals will be brought by an employee/volunteer of the organization

what will happen as a result- % of people who regularly receive hot meals.

Monitoring and evaluation
Who and how will monitor the timeliness of hot food delivery, provide feedback to beneficiaries, how this information will be processed, analyzed, and how project activities will be assessed.

Target- improving the health of elderly people aged 80 years and older and patients who follow a home regime.

Each project is a series of hypotheses. When developing a project, the organization assumes that as a result certain actions some change will occur. The entire project must be built on a cause-and-effect relationship: if you do this, then the next thing will happen and lead to a certain result, etc.

(solved in whole or in part,
as a result of which the situation has changed and the situation of beneficiaries has improved)

(Aimed at solving the problem)

Final results
(planned and unplanned,
which resulted from the implementation of activities)

(which occurred as a result of solving project problems and led to certain changes in the situation and condition target group, to solve the problems of which the project is aimed)

Intermediate results
(planned and unplanned)

Intermediate results

(events, actions aimed at obtaining results and completing tasks)
internal factors - external factors
when planning activities, it is necessary to take into account external factors - conditions that are beyond the control of the performer and that can influence the implementation of activities that contribute to the accomplishment of tasks and obtaining results

Funds of the organization, partners and grantor,
necessary for carrying out project activities

Throughout the project the organization:
sets objectives in the form of expected results
defines ways to evaluate whether these results have been obtained
constantly compares actual work with results
makes adjustments if data shows that the expected result cannot be achieved.

What does the application consist of:
Title page
Presentation of the organization
Statement of the problem / justification of the need for the project
Work plan
Expected results
Monitoring and evaluation
Further financing/development of the project
Effect of the project in the long term
Comments on the budget

A grant application is a carefully prepared document in which:
1. Outlines people's needs and proposes solutions to serious public problems.
2. The reasons why the organization needs financial support are described in detail.
3. Describes the problem, goal, and unique methods by which the organization strives to solve the problem better than anyone else.
4. There is a detailed plan for the implementation of this activity.
5. The budget is not a request from the organization for monetary support, but a detailed explanation of expenses, necessary for the organization to complete the project.
6. Documentation, letters of support and applications confirm the creditworthiness and reliability of the organization.

Chapter 2. Application. Section by section
Most grant-giving organizations require a sample application. Each fund has a developed structure of the grant application, limitations on the volume of each section, a list of documents and the number of copies that are provided in the form of attachments. Regardless of the form and standard sample, the application usually contains the following main sections:

Title page (1 page)
A well-written application begins with a title page. The title page contains basic information about the performing organization and the project. It is very important that all information fits on 1 page.

Name of the program for which you are applying
(if an organization submits an application to a specific program, for example, “Civil Society”, “Law”, “Hot Spots”, “Health of the Population of Russia”).

Applicant organization
Name of the organization submitting the application legal address, actual address, telephone, fax, email, bank details.

If the project is intended to be implemented by two or more organizations, then the title page must reflect information about all organizations participating in the project.

Project name
It should be brief, reflect the essence of the proposed activity and attract attention. You can give an explanation in parentheses, for example, “We will protect their rights” (providing free legal services forced migrants).

Head of the organization

Project Manager
Full name, position, address, telephone, fax, e-mail.

Project accountant
Full name, position, address, telephone, fax, e-mail.

Geography of the project
Region / city / microdistrict of the city, etc.

Project implementation timeframe
Be sure to indicate the duration and timing
(for example, 6 months (01/01/2000 - 06/01/2000).

Total cost of the project, requested amount, organization contribution
The total cost of the project consists of the requested amount and the available amount (the organization’s own contribution or funds raised from other sources).

Information about previously received grants
Fund name, grant number, project name.

Project abstract
The most important element of the application is a concentrated presentation of the entire project. Most reviewers first read only the abstract, and refer to it when reviewing the application and if controversial issues or doubts arise during the discussion. The abstract should be extremely clear, concise, specific and expressive.

Components of a project abstract:
Project name.
Information about the organization.
Formulation of the problem.
Objective of the project.
Project objectives.
Expected results.
Monitoring and evaluation.
Geography of the project.
Project implementation timeframe.
The total cost of the project, the amount requested, the organization’s contribution.

The abstract should show the uniqueness of the project. If this is a pilot project, then it is necessary to write how the organization will replicate the created model or the experience gained. Here you can highlight such positive aspects of the project as an increase in membership, expansion of the geography of the organization’s activities and the number of services (if planned).

All parts of the application are repeated in the abstract (several sentences for each part).

Presentation of the organization
Basic information for this section:
Registration date.
A brief description of the organization, its goals, objectives, areas of activity and plans for the next two years.
Information about the achievements and successes of the organization, implemented projects (names of projects, dates, numbers, etc.).
Organizational resources (material, human).
Work experience, achievements and availability of specialists in the area the project is aimed at.
Interaction with other organizations and structures involved in solving the problem that the project is aimed at.
Experience of cooperation with authorities.
Grant work experience.

Given the limitations on the amount of information provided, this section should list everything that is relevant to the project topic and proposed activities. Strong and large organizations tend to have many activities, projects and programs. In your application, include only those that are related to solving the problem that the project is aimed at. If the organization has achievements in other areas, and you think that they could become a strong argument for experts in favor of the organization, make a link to them and include the information itself in the application as an appendix.

When describing an organization, it is very important to be able to emphasize it strengths: for one NGO this is work experience, a large number of members, another - the region of activity, volunteers, methodological developments, etc. A big plus for the organization is the experience of working on grants and contacts with government authorities; the latter for donors is evidence of the organization’s recognition in the local community.

The main thing in this section is to show the organization in terms of experience in the field stated in the project and the ability to implement a project of this kind.

Formulation of the problem
The most important section of the application. It should present the problem that the project and its analysis are aimed at solving. When formulating a problem, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that problems are the absence of something, something negative, harmful, something that requires change. Show the reasons for this negative phenomenon and its consequences.

The presentation of the problem should not be a simple description, but a concise analysis of its causes. The organization must demonstrate good knowledge of the problems and the reasons for their occurrence (political, legislation, insufficient services). The analysis of these factors must be confirmed by quantitative indicators based on previously conducted research (it is necessary to use reliable sources of information, for example, data from the Statistical Office, Migration Service, sociological survey, etc.). A well-written application must contain initial data - indicators, i.e. quantitative and qualitative indicators, which are the starting point for measuring the effectiveness of the project.

The analysis of the problem must be convincing: clearly formulated, well-reasoned and supported by information, statistics, and expert assessment.

The organization must show the relevance of the problem for the local community and region, what organizations and structures are involved in solving it, and their own work experience. If the organization is not the only one working in a given area, then it is important to explain what makes its activities unique compared to others, whether the project will duplicate the activities of another, perhaps stronger, more famous or successful organization, and why this particular project will contribute more effective solution to the problem. A positive aspect is the organization’s experience of working with others non-profit organizations or structures that are called upon to solve this problem, and involving them in the implementation of the project.

Describe whether the organization has attempted this type of activity and how successful it was. Be sure to indicate how the project relates to the activities of the organization, its mission and objectives.

It is in this section that you need to describe the category of beneficiaries - the target group to which the project activities are directed and whose lives will somehow improve as a result of the project. The organization must demonstrate knowledge of their problems and the availability of specialists who will work with this target group.

In this section, you must answer two questions: why this project is necessary, and what problems it will solve.

Objective of the project
Target - general description expected results and expectations, the highest point of achievement that the organization strives for during the implementation of the project. The goal must be realistic and related to the problem, objectives, activities and budget of the project. The intended goals must correspond to the high level result, i.e. significantly improve the situation described in the problem description. At the same time, the goal must be realistic. Do not include goals whose impact on the situation cannot be quantitatively or qualitatively measured.

In fact, the goal is a unique solution to a problem by an organization that has necessary knowledge, experience, resources, actions to eliminate the negative phenomenon or its causes.

Throughout the entire project assessment period, experts refer to the purpose of the project and the project as a whole, and all its component parts are considered from the point of view of compliance with the purpose.

When formulating a goal, make sure that it is consistent with the purpose of the competition and the mission of the organization and is aimed at solving a problem.

Tasks that are expected to be solved to achieve the goals
Objectives are a specific description of what will be accomplished and achieved, particular results, stages on the way to achieving the goal. From the point of view of the design of the application text, it is better to formulate and list the tasks in the form of a list, rather than present and describe them in a narrative form. Objectives are formulated as action statements in results-oriented, performance-based, and measurable terms. If a project lists a number of tasks, then all of them must be interconnected and be necessary and sufficient to achieve the project goal.

Tasks can be of several types: aimed at clients, related to the organization, region, economic, social, political, etc.

Signs of good problems:
are a logical consequence of the problem;
directly related to the project activities and aimed at solving the stated problem to achieve the goal (cause-and-effect relationship);
formulated clearly and specifically, expressed not in general terms, but in quantitative and qualitative indicators that can become indicators of the success of the project;
represent specific intermediate measurable results during the implementation of the project. When a task is formulated as a result, it determines the final outcome of a certain activity: ... number of children will be immunized / immunize ... children. Objectives must be realistic. Think about whether it is possible to solve the given problems in specified deadlines, whether the assigned tasks are feasible with the declared resources (material and intangible). For example, the goal of reducing drug use among minors by 50% in 10 high schools within 1 year is unrealistic.

To formulate objectives means to express the ways and means of executing a program in terms of what is intended to be accomplished.

Project implementation methods
One of the most voluminous and detailed sections of the application. A description of how the project will be carried out. This is usually the longest part of the application. Experts pay the most attention to it, since it is it that gives an idea of ​​how the organization plans to achieve the project’s goals and allows them to assess the realism of the budget (the reasonableness of costs for certain types of activities). This section describes the strategy and methods for achieving the goals, as well as the mechanism for implementing the project. The organization must answer the questions: how will the intended goals be achieved, how will the assigned tasks be accomplished, who will implement them, what resources will be used. The most important thing is that the expert does not have any questions. All the activities listed in the methods are, in most cases, fairly standard: providing consultations, conducting seminars, round tables, issuing newsletters, holding conferences, etc., so the only key to the success of this section is the details. If we are talking about training, then who will teach the classes (does the professional and educational level of this person correspond to the stated topic), how do you plan to evaluate the quality of training, are handouts provided, who will be the participants of the seminars, how will they use the acquired knowledge in practice and How will this change the situation of beneficiaries?

The first thing experts pay attention to is whether the application simply intends to extend existing programs or whether it provides for the introduction of new effective mechanisms for solving the problem, geographic or thematic expansion of activities, the number of beneficiaries, services, etc. This section is ideal for describing innovations and creative ways to carry out activities. This could be the highlight of the project. But, at the same time, all of them must be justified, justified and well argued in order to convince experts of the necessity and positive effect of their use. If the project is aimed at using models from other countries, a justification is needed (why are you sure that this will “work” in our conditions), calculation (accounting external factors and risks), etc. If the project is a pilot, then an important component of its description is the replication and reproducibility of the model.

When describing the methods, you need to pay attention to the following points:
compliance of strategies and mechanisms with the goals and objectives of the project;
compliance of the requested and available resources with the planned activity;
compliance of activities with stated results;
experience in organizing such events, professional staff and resources;
the realism of the activities, taking into account the time frame and budget;
justification for attracting specialists, the ratio of “internal resources - invited specialists”;
innovativeness / possible risk;
availability of mechanisms for replication/reproduction of the model (for pilot projects);
whether the types of activities specified in the application are aimed at eliminating the causes of the problem or at the investigation;
whether various functions are defined and how they are distributed among employees and project implementers;
if the application provides for cooperation with another organization or structure, how the duties and responsibilities of each party are distributed;
whether this cooperation is actual or only possible, how strong it is.
how activities within the project will be organized in terms of management, methods of disseminating information, etc.

In this section, the most important thing is the logic of the project: if activity A is completed, this will lead to the solution of task No. 2. Or: what types of activities are aimed at solving task No. 1? If more than one activity is envisaged, are they interrelated and aimed at creating synergies to achieve the project's objectives?

Calendar plan
A detailed description of all activities and events with deadlines. The section itself is simple, but many questions may arise about it. The main criterion is compliance with the goals, objectives and methods of the project, realism, and feasibility. The inexperience of the organization is visible in the inability to allocate time for planning, preparatory work, carrying out the event itself, and evaluation and reporting. The application is unlikely to have all the answers to all the questions, but reliable and verifiable answers to most (or the most important questions) do.

When developing this section, you should pay attention to the following points:
the presence of a plan - a project implementation schedule or a step-by-step description of the project (this can be done either in text format or in the form of a table);
realism, feasibility of the plan;
availability of a sufficient number of employees and their professional experience; writing down who will be responsible for carrying out each event, what types of activities are, what resources are needed to carry it out;
compliance of the requested and available resources with the planned activity (quantitative and qualitative indicators)
availability of criteria for selecting participants or recipients of services;
the ability to complete the project within the stated time frame.

Expected results
Specific results that are expected to be achieved during the implementation of the project in quantitative and qualitative terms. The description of expected results must be approached very seriously and responsibly, since they are criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the project.

Main characteristics:
compliance of the results with the goals and objectives of the project;
measurability (quantitative and qualitative indicators)
realistic results;
feasibility of results

The expected results should not be too optimistic, which indicates an overestimation of positive factors in the environment.

Project monitoring and evaluation
Strong and experienced organizations use monitoring and evaluation not only within individual projects, but also in ongoing activities to measure progress. In a full application, monitoring and evaluation are present in all sections. If a separate section is required, it should be a summary of the points reflected in the application. The value of a separate section lies in the ability to reflect certain methodologies of the assessment system, that is, how and by whom (an organization or an independent expert) intermediate and general assessments will be carried out, what is the role of monitoring systems in project management, etc.

In the application, the assessment plan must be well developed, its tools described, the assessment criteria must be adequate to the results, quantitative and qualitative indicators (initial data for comparison) must be convincing and justified.

The main questions to check the correctness of this section of the application are:
whether the assessment mechanism as a whole is described;
is there a system of intermediate assessment;
availability of external assessment;
how the effectiveness of the project will be assessed, who will evaluate the implementation of the assigned tasks;
what are the criteria and mechanisms if the survey is sample questions or a sample questionnaire;
what data the organization plans to collect for the assessment and how it will be used;
methods for monitoring and evaluating project implementation, indicators, planned reports, frequency of visits to events;

The main point of this section is to show how control will be exercised over the progress of work on the project and the compliance of activities with goals and objectives.

Further financing of the project
Usually, grant-making organizations initially want to receive a guarantee that the activities of the project they supported will continue after the funding ends. To do this, the organization must present a developed and realistic plan, taking into account the situation in the country. In it, in general outline, it must be described whether the activity in the same direction can be continued after the end of the grant, how it will be secured from a financial point of view, how it is planned to use the achievements and knowledge gained during the implementation of the project, how the program will develop further. If the organization has certain agreements, agreements with organizations, structures for the continuation of activities, then they should be listed.

If the project does not intend to continue activities after the completion of the project, it is necessary to show how knowledge and experience will be used, how the changed situation will affect the group of beneficiaries, etc.

The main idea of ​​this part of the application is how and with what funds it is planned to continue activities after the end of the funding received within the framework of this competition.

Effect of the project in the long term
How the implementation of the project will affect the situation in the region, what will change as a result of the project.

Project management structure (if required)
This subsection should contain a description of how the project will be managed, the qualifications of the main performers, the structure of the organization, the responsibilities of personnel, and forms of control. If the project is a partnership, then include a description of the distribution of responsibilities and the role of each of the partner organizations.

It should reflect:
does the organization have experience in project management and the ability to successfully implement activities;
availability of experienced and trained staff, experience in this field, professional training employees;
experience in grant work, auditing, monitoring, reporting to other funds, ability to manage financial resources.

Organizations with extensive experience usually include materials with their application that demonstrate the organization's experience in project management to reassure the grantmaker that they will be matched with a strong and experienced organization. New organization can demonstrate that it has taken steps to strengthen the organization (indicate the existence of a business plan, organizational development plan, Board of Trustees or consultants).

The main thing in this section is to show that the proposed activities correspond to the existing management experience and capabilities of the organization, the plan is realistic, and the organization has experience in project management.

Additional information (if required)
This may include information on whether parts of the project are financed from other sources, indicating the source of funding, the amount or the contribution (if the contribution is not in cash).

Budget (project estimate)
This section is compiled after writing the project itself. To compile it, it is necessary to collect all the necessary information: the cost of equipment, the amount of the trainer’s fee, if the project includes business trips, travel, accommodation in the city where the specialist is going, the cost of rent and office supplies, services, etc. If you cannot give an exact cost, or are not sure that it will not change by the time work on the project begins, indicate an approximate cost and explain how the calculation was made. Determine your budget time frame. Show step by step how the funds will be used throughout the project. Consider possible consequences inflation and delays in payment of funds. It is necessary to indicate other sources of funding and the contribution of NPOs. Calculate the labor of volunteers, the funds and services that your organization or another provides for free. These all represent costs that the organization would incur if they were not provided free of charge. The budget is usually prepared in US dollars or another currency, depending on the country that provides the funding.

The budget reflects program activities and cannot be considered separately from the text of the proposal. If the budget includes a large number of trips, the purchase of expensive equipment, etc. - this is just a reflection of what is justified and argued in the text of the application. A complete proposal should align content with budget, not the other way around. If the application contains all the justifications for using expensive equipment, the budget will reflect this.

Experts pay special attention to how accurately the application determines the costs of certain types of activities. Are the articles overly “bloated”, i.e. overpriced. Is the project effective in terms of spending funds? If a specialist is attracted from another region or city (for example, Moscow), it is necessary to justify why not local, if local specialists are invited, whether the salary corresponds to the average level in the region, if not, explain on the basis of what calculations the amount was determined. If the project is aimed at testing new technologies and creating models, what will be the cost of the service or event. The way an organization uses various expense ratios (daily allowances, average cost of renting premises, fees to specialists, cost of materials and equipment) indicates the professionalism of the organization submitting the application.

In the budget, accurate calculations, the presentation of justifications, arguments, and supporting documents are important; at the same time, one should not “overload” the budget with details, offering a degree of cost forecasting that cannot be fulfilled. This is also an indicator of an unrealistic budget.

The most common mistake NPOs make when drawing up a budget is that the program budget does not match, the program part is too expensive and the distribution of expenses is uneven.

Typically, the budget is prepared according to a specific form and requirements. Typically the budget consists of the following items: “Personnel”, “Administrative expenses” (room rent, Vehicle, stationery, publications, communication costs, legal fees, bank fees, insurance, translation, etc.), "Travel expenses" (transport, travel expenses), "Equipment".

This article reflects the remuneration of full-time employees and external specialists, experts, and consultants. Sometimes the granting organization sets a maximum percentage of the grant amount that can be spent on a given item (for example, 10%). If there are no such restrictions, then it is necessary to calculate the level of wages and fees in accordance with the percentage of employment on the project. A separate article includes mandatory taxes and deductions from the wage fund. If these deductions exceed 38.5%, it is necessary to provide information about what this amount consists of. Income tax and deductions in Pension Fund is taken into account in the amount of salary or fee. In the event that a staff member, in addition to a specific function in the project, conducts seminars or provides consultations, only one position is reflected in the budget, and all types of activities are taken into account when determining the amount of wages, and are described in the “Project Responsibilities” section.

Administrative expenses Rental of premises
This may include both renting an office for project activities and premises for holding events (seminars, round tables, exhibitions, etc.). It is necessary to indicate the calculation system: for office rent, this is the cost of renting 1 square meter, the total area of ​​the premises and the number of months; for other events - rental cost per hour/day and number of hours/days.

Stationery and Consumables for equipment
Indicate the name of the product, quantity, price per unit, total amount.

Acquisition educational materials or printed publications
Publication name and quantity.

Postage and other communication costs
It is necessary to show the calculation by month and volume of shipment. If funds are provided for the use Email and Internet, then you must provide the provider’s price list.

Banking services
The percentage of the grant amount is indicated in accordance with the agreement with the bank. It is also necessary to present the bank's tariffs.

Travel expenses
It is necessary to show for which trips and for which project participants funds are required. The cost of travel and accommodation is calculated based on the actual information collected, the amount of daily allowance is determined by the organization independently based on accounting policies. If the daily allowance exceeds Russian standards, taxes on the excess daily allowance must be taken into account.

Most grant-giving organizations finance the purchase of standard office equipment, which includes a computer, printer, fax, copier, scanner, telephone, and modem. These requirements are usually present in the standard package of documents for grant applicants. If there are no such restrictions, and the organization has a need to purchase a tape recorder, TV, etc., everything will depend on how reasoned and justified this is in the text of the application. Sometimes funds set a percentage or maximum amount for a given item or country of origin requirement.

The main question in this section is whether the budget items reflect the costs of conducting the activities described in the project.

The presidential grant is allocated to non-profit organizations that participate in the development of civil society institutions and primarily implement socially significant projects.

Application for a presidential grant

1. About the project

1. Grant direction, which primarily corresponds to the planned project activities: social services, social support and protection of citizens

1.1. Subject of the grant direction, which primarily corresponds to the planned activities of the project:
activities aimed at acquiring older people, people with disabilities health skills corresponding to the modern level technological development and social change

2. Name of the project for the implementation of which the presidential grant is requested: Modern technologies health management for the elderly

3. Brief description of the project (activities within the project):

The project is aimed at replicating the successfully tested project “Computer Cardioschool 50+”, supported by the Committee public relations Moscow in 2015, with the dissemination of positive experience in the regions. The main idea of ​​the project is to combine computer literacy with health care and fill it with new content. The project implemented activities aimed at acquiring skills that correspond to modern technologies for older people.

If your organization plans to participate in the Presidential Grants Foundation competition or is already participating in it, then we are ready to make a score forecast for you completely free of charge. The examination is carried out by certified social design specialists.

Each region has a partner non-profit organization that has agreed to participate in the project, serves as the lead organization in the region and has appointed a curator to join the project team. With the help of the regional curator, a training group of 16 volunteers who are responsible for health, including students of medical colleges and schools, will be organized. A two-day introductory seminar on the use of self-monitoring devices for health indicators will be held for them, and the devices themselves will be transferred for temporary use. At least 8 people and at least 8 health team leaders will be trained as testing operators.

It is possible to combine operator competencies with the competencies of a team leader.

Then, in each region, an action is carried out to identify deviations in health indicators, covering at least 150 people. Participants who have expressed a desire to participate in the project will be added to those participants who independently registered on the project website. Those who have already completed computer literacy training will have an advantage. Although it is possible to combine computer studies with participation in the project. In total, at least 8 teams of 9 participants will be created.

The head of the health team will be a volunteer consultant, trained at the kick-off seminar. Coverage in each region of 72 people with deviations in health indicators or with already established diagnoses and prescribed treatment. For health teams, 9 classes on healthy lifestyle and 9 webinars on stress resistance and emotional intelligence will be held. Conducting recreational activities will contribute to the formation and development of a tolerant communication environment for older people. At each lesson, self-monitoring of health indicators will be carried out under the supervision of a testing operator. During classes and webinars, recommendations will be given on creating an individual health plan, which will also be facilitated by completing weekly creative tasks.

At the final strategic session in each region, the components of long-term health management and ways for further development of the project will be determined, and a review competition will be held individual plans health.

The main results of the project will be: provision of socially significant services for monitoring the state of the body, mastering the skills of self-monitoring of health indicators, developing individual health plans, harmonizing relationships with others.

4. Geography of the project:

The choice of regions is determined by the presence of partner organizations, received applications for participation in the project and the availability required quantity beneficiaries.

5. Project start date: 09/01/2018

6. Project completion date: 05/31/2019

7. Justification of the social significance of the project for the presidential grant:

In 2013, during computer literacy classes for the elderly, our organization conducted a survey of students and it turned out that they had many more questions about health than about computers. Approximately 80% responded that they wanted to learn, and 20% did not believe that this was possible.

By that time, there was already a large number of instruments and devices (gadgets) that were certified for home use and allowed to monitor various health indicators. And now wearable gadgets have appeared. Examples are electronic thermometers, blood pressure monitors, glucometers (blood analyzers), electronic balance(body composition analyzers), which are now available in almost every family. Pulse monitors, cardiometers and stressometers are next in line for widespread use. The peculiarity of these devices is that they are connected to a computer, tablet or smartphone. This allows you to transfer and process accumulated data over the network.

Another important feature is that these devices make it possible to monitor health indicators, which is very important for older people who have a wide range of established diagnoses and are already undergoing treatment. Monitoring shows how much health indicators improve with a given therapeutic effect, and also allows you to track the effectiveness of any health procedures (for example, Nordic walking, fitness, yoga) and the dynamics of health status.

Third distinguishing feature is that the devices are sensitive to the borderline state between normal and pathological, which allows them to be used effectively for prevention. The devices provide very important question about what preventive measures and when should be carried out to improve health and prevent diseases.

The project will focus on increasing stress resistance of participants.

Means of objectively monitoring stress levels, both through scoring and in the form of quantitative indicators, simplify the identification of stress in children and adults. Because There is no need for surveys and tests, which often give subjective results.

The problem is to make all these tools available to older citizens and teach them how to use them.

You can learn to use an electronic thermometer or tonometer without special effort. And the use of glucometers is being successfully studied in “diabetes schools.” As for more complex devices such as a heart rate monitor, cardiometer and stressometer, computer skills are required here and training can be successfully combined with computer literacy classes.

8. Project target groups:

  1. Pensioners
  2. Persons responsible for health
  3. Persons with health problems
  4. Youth and students

9. Project goals:

Goal No. 1: Organizing and supporting the practice of health-preserving activities in interested

10. Project objectives:

Task #1:
Form training groups in each region to study self-monitoring devices for health indicators and conduct a kick-off seminar with the transfer of equipment for temporary use.

Task #2:
Form health teams in each region for team interaction within the organization on issues of health conservation, monitoring health status and conducting classes on individual plans for maintaining and promoting health

Task #3:
Conduct classes for health teams and training webinars in each region on emotional intelligence and psycho-emotional stability as the basis of a healthy lifestyle and emotional health

Task #4:
Conduct a final strategic session in each region to sum up the results, hold a competition for individual health plans and determine the path for further development of the project.

11. Project partners for the presidential grant:
Autonomous non-profit organization "Interregional Center social technologies"Victoria": organizational support

Tula regional public organization "Center for Development Assistance local government": organizational support

13. Quantitative results:

number of people who took part in the project activities:450
number of people who received services in the field of education and enlightenment:54
number of people who received social services:270
number of non-profit non-governmental organizations that received support:2

14. Qualitative results:

  1. Building team interaction within the organization on issues of maintaining and promoting health.
  2. Monitoring of individual health of participants (systematic dynamic observations and status assessment).
  3. Personal recommendations for health conservation taking into account systemic health indicators.
  4. Mastering the skills of self-monitoring of health indicators
  5. Development of individual health plans
  6. Harmonization of relationships with others
  7. Successful completion of current tasks on emotional intelligence and stress tolerance.

They will contribute to: getting rid of anxiety, fears, stress, gaining self-confidence, restoring the functioning of organs and systems at various levels, increasing vitality, and focusing on further creative self-realization of project participants.

Qualitative results will be assessed through entry and exit questionnaires. And also by automatically constructing charts of health indicators using self-monitoring devices and holding a program competition.

15. Further development of the project:

The 3 devices purchased with grant funds and our own funds will be used to provide socially significant services to beneficiaries in other regions.

It has been established that the team development of new health technologies influences the energy of emotions of a group of students on the body of an individual and his emotional and psychophysiological state. This influence contributes to the restructuring of the adaptation mechanisms of a given individual and increasing the level of protective functions of his body. This is a good basis for creating a sustainable community of people who take responsibility for their health.

A virtual platform has already been created for this community (website on the Internet, where each project participant has his own Personal Area. The site provides for the creation of interest groups and interaction between these groups.

Another direction of development of the project could be the development of a standard for health monitoring for suppliers social services and NGOs providing social services. This standard can be developed according to current recommendations and coordinated with the existing one in some regions called: systematic monitoring of recipients of social services to identify deviations in their health.

16. Sources of resource support for the project in the future:

In the future, the project will develop in the participating regions through own funds organizations and community funds.

17. Video about the project

In addition to the indicated points (all these points are discussed in detail at the webinar), the presidential grant includes:

  • Information about the project manager and short description the projects in which he participated.
  • Details of all team members and their work experience.
  • Detailed information about the applicant organization.
  • Calendar plan.

We provide letters for information support of projects.

We can conclude an agreement with NPOs, especially with those who implement grants. In this agreement, we estimate the value of the services we provide free of charge. You can include this cost in the budget of your project as attracted funds from a partner. This increases your own contribution to the project. Just like you include volunteer labor.

Write to [email protected]

We invite you to . Webinars are the basis that will help you understand the huge flow of information on emotional intelligence.

It is difficult to imagine developing emotional stability without knowledge of your own emotionality. It is necessary to understand and identify your emotions and the emotions of other people. The range of feelings and emotions is very large, and we often know how to recognize and use no more than 10.

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- Lilia, tell us about your experience project work and coaching activities.

I first learned what the public sector is in 2004, when the first project was implemented in my hometown. This happened thanks to cooperation with Ukrainian and English public organizations. I took part in the project as a member of the advisory council, being the head of the economics department of the district state administration. Social activities interested me, I started going to various trainings to learn more. In 2007, she completed training for trainer-consultants and began to engage in active social activities. The topics of my trainings are very wide: from writing project proposals, community activation to the basics of media literacy for residents. Regarding our own projects, now, together with Polish partners, we are implementing a project to develop a Strategic Development Plan for the Bashtansky United Territorial Community in the Nikolaev region, where I come from. The document should be prepared by September 2017.

- How to decide on the idea of ​​the project? Is it better to look for a competition for an idea or an idea for a competition?

In practice, it happens both ways. If there is a desire to bring something good to life and there are several people who can work together to realize this good thing, the plan becomes a reality.

- What role does the name of the project play?

Very important. The name of the project should clearly, succinctly and uniquely concentrate what you plan to do and what all this activity is intended to solve. Imagine that 100, 200, 300 projects can be submitted to competitions and they all have almost the same name. The ability to stand out is also important here.

- Which sections are usually included in a project and which of them should be given the most attention?

Each donor organization has its own application form. But the sections are actually important, everything from the project summary, information about the organization, description of the problem, definition of the goal and ending with tasks, activity plan, budget and applications.

Who is easier to receive and implement a grant: organizations or to an individual? Does the success of the project depend on the number of people involved in the project?

Individuals are mainly supported in the form of scholarships to study something, to conduct research work, and for the implementation of larger-scale projects - very rarely. For example, an initiative group of residents may become an exception. The vast majority of donor organizations work with public non-profit organizations. There are also opportunities for attracting extra-budgetary resources for local governments.

If we talk about the number of people covered by the project’s activities, that is, about the target group of the project, then the donor organization is interested in ensuring that, within the available budget, the coverage and involvement of the target group is as much as possible. It’s worth talking about the success of a project when our goal towards project activities, has already been achieved.

- How should you proceed if the project fails or the results do not meet expectations?

If you submit a project application, it provides for the implementation of a specific action plan that will solve the problem that you describe in this application. Yes, it happens that not everything can be accomplished, or what we did did not lead to a solution to the problem, etc. It is difficult to advise what to do if such a situation arises. I think each specific case should be considered separately, but such situations do exist. Subsequently, this makes it much more difficult to support your next project, even from another donor organization, because they may be interested in feedback from cooperation with you.

Therefore, I would advise you to clearly prepare projects, and then implement them conscientiously, and everything will be fine.

- Is finance the reason for writing a project?

A project is written to solve some problem that worries many residents of a village or city, and getting money cannot be the goal of the project. We often come across phrases, especially among officials, like: “we received 10 computers worth 100 thousand UAH,” and sometimes also: “we spent 100 thousand UAH.” This is, of course, good, but it is worth focusing on the fact that, for example, 250 school students had the opportunity to practice their computer skills thanks to the installation of a computer class.

The goal of the project is, first of all, to focus on solving the problem; these are changes that we can make in the community by introducing an action plan, which, in fact, is provided for in the project.

There are small and very significant grants. Should people who are just starting out in grant work apply to competitions that involve large sums of money? Or is it better to limit yourself to small budgets?

I can tell you from my own experience: if your organization is very young, then you should start with a small amount. This way you will gain certain skills, which will be very useful. Then, when you decide to work with large sums, the experience gained will be able to confirm that you already have successful experience in implementing project activities.

Also, to gain experience, you can first work as a partner in a large public organization, which has successfully implemented many projects. This will also be an advantage, as opposed to your lack of experience at all.

But it is worth remembering that there are competitions where it is clearly stated that only organizations registered, for example, no later than 2014 can participate. If your organization was registered in 2015, then it cannot take part in this competition, either with or without experience.

Donor organizations often specify the clause “own contribution”. Does this mean that the authors of the project must contribute part of the funds themselves, or is there something else in mind?

Own contribution can indicate not only funds, but, most often, the work of activists on a volunteer basis, the presence of their own equipment, the provision of materials by activists for the implementation of the project (for example, paint for arranging a playground, etc.). But the information needs to be clarified in each specific case with the donor organization whose competition interests you.

- What should you do when the planned budget for the implementation of the project is not enough?

Typically, you have the amount of funding that was specified in the grant agreement. It is also important to understand why you did not have enough funds. Did you calculate your budget incorrectly? Have you planned one number of events or participants, but now you want more? The donor organization must be notified of all such cases.

If you want to do large quantity activities than were provided for in the budget, you will get a wonderful opportunity to practice attracting resources from other sources, for example, from residents whose problem this project is aimed at solving, from entrepreneurs who are open to implementing socially important projects. You can contact your city or village council. It's about not only about funds, but, for example, also about the free provision of equipment, volunteer work of activists, etc.

Have you personally encountered denial of grants? How to come to terms with the refusal of a donor organization and continue working?

Of course, there were refusals, but we must take them calmly. Yes, it’s a pity for the time and effort, but such situations exist. They keep you on your toes and don’t allow you to get too cocky and encourage you to constantly improve. Defeat should be taken as an opportunity to improve your idea or project for the next competitions.

- What could you wish for people who do not dare to start project work?

There is such a good story about the Master and the student. One day a student asked the Master: “Master, how long will it take to wait for changes?” and received the answer: “If you wait, it will take a long time.”

We all have different reasons for not doing anything, ranging from explanations “this is a matter for the city or village council, they were elected - let them do it” and our own everyday problems that require our time, ending with simply uncertainty in own strength. But all these factors hold us back from starting something new, important for many, and not just for ourselves.

The reasons we justify our passivity are actually worth understanding. But it’s worth looking around and asking yourself, do I want the rest of my life to be like this? Or am I okay with everything? I live here, my children live here and I want me to be comfortable in my city or village! If from the fact that I start some kind of important project, someone else will feel better - that’s great, but I will feel better too. Therefore, I wish people who would like to do something, but have not yet dared, to start! You deserve good changes!

The introduction of project work in the Chernihiv region and the activation of the population to participate in various grant competitions is one of the tasks charitable foundation"The future of Chernihiv region." To date, the foundation has already held training forums in several communities in the region, where everyone could learn how to write grant projects.

Participants of the forums (and not only them) were able to apply knowledge in practice and participated in a grant competition from the charitable foundation “Future of Chernihiv Region”. In total, more than 60 projects were submitted to the competition, 21 authors received a grant to implement the proposed idea. And this is just the beginning - residents of the Chernihiv region are ready to continue developing their hometowns and villages.