Project “All professions are needed, all professions are important. Project on the topic: “All professions are needed, all professions are important.” Completed by Senior Group Teacher Volkova I.A. Project all professions are important

Project “All professions are needed, all professions are important”

preparatory group

Project topic:“All professions are needed, all professions are important.”

Implementation deadlines: mid-term (October-March)

Project type: research and creative.

Project type: informational and educational;

By the nature of contacts: in contact with family (open project).

Educators - Savenkova S.V., educational psychologist Kopylova O.S.

Project activity participants:

pupils and parents of the preparatory group of the Romashka Medical Educational Institution in Ivanteevka.

Problem: Professional orientation in the early stages of ontogenesis.

Relevance of the project:

In senior preschool age Of particular importance for the full development of a child’s personality is further familiarization with the world of adults and objects created by their labor. Familiarization with the professions of parents ensures the child’s further entry into the modern world, familiarization with its values, ensures the satisfaction and development of the sexual cognitive interests of boys and girls of senior preschool age. That's why the idea of ​​creating of this project. An in-depth study of professions through the professions of their parents contributes to the development of ideas about their significance, the value of each work, and the development of evidence-based speech. Right choice profession determines success in life.

Objective of the project:

  • Expand and generalize children’s understanding of professions, tools, and labor actions. Develop an interest in various professions, in particular the professions of parents and their place of work.
  • Inspire a love of literature and art.
  • To form a child’s emotional attitude towards the professional world.
  • To instill in older preschool children respect for the work of adults and people of different professions.
  • Provide children with the opportunity for early professional self-determination.
  • Introduce parents to their role in the career guidance of children.

Project objectives:

  • awakening interest in the proposed activity;
  • the formation of realistic ideas about people’s work;
  • helping children understand the importance and necessity of each profession;
  • developing the ability to independently fail them, based on one’s life experience and previously acquired knowledge;
  • development of communication skills;
  • development of coherent speech, fine motor skills, imagination, memory;
  • development of figurative and spatial thinking, encouraging children to be creative and independent.

Expected Result:

  • formed interest in the surrounding world;
  • an expanded sphere of knowledge and ideas about professions, including the professions of their parents (place of work of parents, the significance of their work; pride and respect for the work of their parents);
  • organized assistance to parents in organizing joint family leisure;
  • a formed area of ​​responsibility for performing work duties at home and in kindergarten;
  • ensuring the child’s activity in the complex process of his becoming a Human.

Project implementation activities:


  • developing the skill of role-playing games using the theme “profession”;
  • developing ideas about a healthy lifestyle, consolidating knowledge and concepts about how to stay healthy;
  • formation of the foundations of safe life in various types motor activity;
  • familiarization with basic generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults, the formation of patriotic feelings, a sense of belonging to the world community.

"Artistic and aesthetic"

Memorizing poems:

  • Tokmakov “Bukvarinsk”;
  • J. Rodari “What crafts smell like”
  • Mayakovsky "Who to be?"

“Speech development”:

  • writing stories on the topic “Professions”;
  • teaching children to come up with their own stories given topic;
  • development of monologue speech, creative imagination;
  • The development of children's coherent speech allows children to talk about what they have seen and learned.

Educational area "Cognition":

  • constructive activity, “Young Architects”:
  • exercising children in working with various natural materials;
  • learning to select a beautiful combination of shapes and colors when composing decorative compositions, combining your crafts into a single plot.
  • encouraging children to joint activities.

"Young Inventors":

  • teaching children how to model structures using diagrams;
  • consolidating the ability to maintain proportionality and symmetry, select materials, and decorate structures beautifully and expediently;
  • teaching children to design collectively and use their knowledge and experience in the process of work; development of the desire for search, experimentation, creativity.

Lesson notes:

Master class “Our pies for mothers”


  • expand and concretize the idea of ​​the chef’s profession


  • introduce children to the professions of mothers, show the importance labor activity In human life;
  • arouse interest in the work of adults;
  • to form in children realistic ideas about the motives and results that motivate people in their work;
  • clarify, generalize and expand children’s knowledge about the characteristics of the chef’s profession, promote the development of coherent speech, thinking, memory, curiosity, observation, activate and enrich children’s vocabulary with nouns, adjectives, verbs on the topic of the lesson;
  • to form the need for children to answer in complete, common sentences;
  • inspire respect and desire to imitate adults, work constantly and conscientiously;
  • create conditions for good relations with people of different professions.

Equipment: pictures with images of people of different professions; cook's tools; Pie Products and Supplies; audio recordings for music accompaniment.

Progress of the lesson:


Invented by someone simply and wisely
When meeting, say hello:
- Good morning!
- Good morning! - the sun and the birds.
- Good morning! - smiling faces.
Let everyone become kind, trusting,
AND Good morning lasts until evening.

Mom's professions

Warm clothes quickly and quietly
Sewing for kids mom is a dressmaker.

Sick teeth without any injections
Mom will cure - dentist.

There are a lot of activities in kindergarten.
Mom is there nyan Me and teacher.

There are no less activities at school. See:
Gives ratings mom-teacher.

Will not get tired of growing from a root
Miracle plant Nerd mom.

Writes articles and notes to newspapers
Mom is a writer And journalist.

I took some delicious sausage from the display case
Mom, she - store clerk.

Hurry up and eat buns and buns!
She baked them for us mom is a pastry chef.

Jumps out of an airplane at risk
Brave skydiver mom.

(Nastya Dobrota)

Educator: What do your mothers do?

Children: ( list what moms do).

Educator: Let's play game “Yes-no” and find out what mom’s job is.

Children formulate questions, the teacher answers “yes” or “no”.

Does mom work in a store? (No.)

Does mom work at school? (No.)

Does mom handle groceries? (Yes.)

Mom's a cook? (Yes.)

Educator: That's right, it's the cook. This is a very important and necessary profession. The cook knows how to prepare many tasty and healthy dishes, and knows how to bake cakes and pies. There is a cook in our kindergarten, in school, in a hospital, in a factory, in a cafe. Any chef should love his job. After all, if a chef cooks with love and pleasure, then the food turns out incredibly tasty, nutritious and, of course, healthy.

Flour is pouring out

Over the edge of the bag.

Let's become a test -

There is dough in the kneading bowl.

Put it in the oven

Bake pies,

The smell is like this -

Full without pies.

And you swallow a piece -

You want more.

(V. Stepanov)

Educator: Guys, what products do you think pies are made from? (flour, eggs, milk).

Let's remember how flour is made. Wheat is grown first. Who grows wheat? (Agronomist) Who grinds wheat into flour? (Miller) And then the cook bakes wonderful, delicious pies using flour. Let's be cooks and bake our own pies. First, sift the flour. Break the eggs into the flour and pour in the milk. Let's knead the dough. Roll out the dough into a large circle and cut into small slices. Divide the circle in half and the other halves into small slices. Now put the filling on the slices and roll the bagels. Shall we get started?

Place the bagels on a baking sheet and take them to the kitchen to bake them.

Oh, what wonderful bagels we made!


Educator: Our journey to the land of professions has come to an end. Now let's remember what professions we met in our lesson today. And what can we conclude?

"Human Labor"


  • introduce children to a variety of professions;


  • fix the names of professions;
  • cultivate a respectful attitude towards the work of adults;
  • see the importance and necessity of any profession;
  • consolidate the ability to give reasons for your answers;
  • develop logical thinking;
  • enrich your vocabulary;
  • develop communication skills, speech and behavioral etiquette in the classroom.

Preliminary work:

  • conversation and display of illustrations on the topic;
  • learning proverbs and sayings about work;
  • reading Mayakovsky's poems “Who to be? ", Rodari "What do crafts smell like? ";
  • conversations about parents' professions.

Equipment: illustrations depicting people of different professions, tools that help them in their work; album sheets, colored pencils.

Progress of the lesson:


Guys, today we will talk about people of different professions. But first, let's remember proverbs and sayings about work.

Patience and a little effort.

The master's work is afraid.

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.

A tree is recognized by its fruits, and a person by its deeds.

A small deed is better than a big idleness.


Well done boys! What do you think can be said about a person about whom they say: “He has golden hands”?

Children's answers.


That's right, only a hardworking, diligent person can be described this way. Who exactly can be called that?

Mom, dad, grandma, grandpa...


Right! But I’m sure that where your parents work, they speak about them the same way. Please name the professions of your mothers and fathers (at this time the teacher hangs up pictures of the named professions). Guys, imagine if your parents worked in our kindergarten. What other professions would you name?

Children's answers.


Children, I want to draw your attention to the profession of a janitor. Our dear Sergei Petrovich gets up earlier than everyone else so that adults and children walk along clean paths to kindergarten. Look at the snowdrifts! It was our respected janitor who worked hard and cleared the snow all around. Do you remember how much foliage there was in the fall? Sergei Petrovich cleaned everything up! Who built us such a wonderful snow slide? Him too! That's how much work our janitor has. We need to respect his work, right guys? How can we please our Sergei Petrovich?

Don’t litter on the street, don’t shovel the collected snow, always say hello when you meet him, calling him by his first name and patronymic.


Tell me, what tools are useful for a janitor to do his job?

Children's answers.


Let's play a game. I have pictures of tools that relate to different professions. Can you correctly determine which profession the subject belongs to?

Well done! We did it! Now it's time to rest.

Physical education minute:

We played in the profession (walking in place)

Instantly we became pilots (arms to the sides)

We flew on airplanes (we shake our hands)

And they became builders (fold your hands in front of you)

We lay the bricks evenly (gradually hands up)

One brick, and two, and three (hands up)

The game is over, it's time for us to get busy.


Guys, I’ll now read you the Georgian fairy tale “The Earned Ruble.”

Listen carefully.

Who is this tale about?

How did the father find out that his son had not earned a “ruble”?

How did the fairy tale end?

What does she teach us?

Children's answers.


Today in class we remembered many professions. All of them are necessary and important. Soon you guys will grow up, become adults and also find your own profession. In the meantime, you can only dream about who you would like to become. In front of you is paper and colored pencils. Draw your dream, and then together we will guess who will be who when he grows up.

Labor in our city


  • expand ideas about different professions in our city.


  • teach to distinguish and name professions by tools;
  • consolidate the ability to compose sentences with a given word.

Equipment: pictures depicting a seller, hairdresser, cook; school supplies; baby scales; cash machine; comb; scissors; ladle; pot; iron; pen.

Progress of the lesson:

Hello guys!

What time of year is it now on the streets of our city? That's right, winter. Do you want to go for a walk around our city? Today we will visit buildings where people of different professions work.

To guess where we came you need to solve riddles, would you like?

I'm short

Thin and sharp

I'm looking for a way with my nose,

I'm dragging my tail behind me. (Needle and thread).

Our auntie needle

She led a line across the field,

Line by line

Line by line.

This will be a dress for our daughter. (Sewing machine)

I'll walk a little hot

And the sheet will become smooth.

I can fix the problems.

And draw arrows on your trousers. (Iron)

Look, we have opened our mouths

You can put fabric in it,

Fabric in our mouth

We will divide it into parts. (Scissors) (Praise children for correct answers).

Where do you think these tools could be used? What can you order from the studio? What professions do people work here? Guys, in our city there are many different studios (look at the photos) and even there is a sewing factory “Lukina”.

Our next stop is a carpentry workshop.

Gnawing wood with teeth

And he sings a ringing song:

"Once upon a time, once upon a time, once upon a time

The sharpest in the world...” (Saw)

The horse has a humpback

Wooden sides.

From under his hooves

White shavings fly (Plane)

Bows, bows

When he comes home he will stretch out (Axe)

You will learn about another tool if you connect the dots by numbers.

(Children work independently at tables).

What does a carpenter do? Valya's dad works as a carpenter. Valya, tell me, what is your dad’s name and where does he work? Do you think he loves his profession? Today Valya's dad is visiting us. And he will tell us about his profession.

(Dad's story about his work and showing him how to work with a plane).

Next station “Zheleznodorozhnaya” Why does a person need railway transport? Name the species railway transport? (Passenger, cargo).

(Look at the photographs, name the professions of railway workers).

You will find out our next stop if you put all the numbers in order and read what is written there. "School".

Didactic game “What is missing.” School supplies are laid out on the table. Invite children to look at the items to remember. Cover the objects with a cloth and ask them to name the objects. When removing the fabric, remove one item. Children must name this object. The game is played 2-3 times.

What material are the pencil and eraser made of? How are these materials different? Who besides schoolchildren uses these supplies?

Who works in the store? What is the name of the store that sells vegetables? (Shoes, food, clothes, dishes, books...)

Do you recognize the next stop from the photographs? What are the professions of people working in cafes?

Last stop.

Scissors, shampoo, comb

I do everyone's hair.

I cut both adults and children

Guess me quickly... (hairdresser)

Where does the hairdresser work? Why do people go to the hairdresser?

Guys, look what tools do the cook, salesman and hairdresser use? Find commonalities. (On the table there are: a cash register, a pen, scissors, a ladle, a comb, a saucepan).

Guys, listen carefully and tell me what the words cook, salesman, hairdresser have in common. (Children's answers). The sound “P” is correct, where is this sound in these words?

How many syllables are in the word cook (salesman, hairdresser). What's the shortest word?

Let's take a look at the word cook. How many sounds does it have? Name the first sound (second, third...) Please come up with a sentence with the words cook or seller, hairdresser consisting of three or four words.

Well done. Children, did you enjoy our walk? (Children's answers).

I also liked your answers; you know a lot about our city and its people. I want to give you coloring books depicting people of different professions.

“Bread is the head of everything”


  • introduce children to how bread was grown in the old days, convey to their consciousness that bread is the result of a lot of work by many people;


  • consolidate knowledge of folk proverbs and sayings;
  • activate the dictionary;
  • cultivate a caring attitude towards bread, interest in the profession of baker;
  • to form respect for the work of the people involved in its cultivation.

Preparatory work:

  • examination of illustrations depicting agricultural work on growing bread;
  • learning proverbs and sayings, excursion to a bread store.

Equipment: ears of wheat, flour, black and white bread, loaf, pictures of baked goods, salt, water, molds.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Motherland... This is the land where we were born, where we live. This is our home, this is everything that surrounds us. Russia... What beautiful word! And dew, and strength, and blue spaces...

Our seas are deep,
Our fields are wide
Abundant, dear
My generous land!
Guys, what does generous land mean?

Children: The earth produces rich harvests of grain, vegetables and fruits; many mushrooms, berries, nuts, and medicinal herbs grow in the forests.

Educator: That’s right, and the earth gives all these riches to people. On a generous land, generous people live. Russian people have long been famous for their hospitality. What product was the most important, most revered in Rus'? Not a single holiday was complete without it?

Children: Bread.
Everyone who eats knows:
You won't get tired of bread!
Bread is our main food
Fish - water,
Berry - grass,
And bread, as they say,
Everyone's head!

Educator: That's right, bread is the head of everything! (The teacher shows white and black bread.) Do you know how Russian people treated bread?

Children: In the old days they treated bread sacredly and carefully, because it was obtained through hard work. Bread could only be taken with clean hands. It couldn't be thrown away. And if you dropped the bread, you definitely had to pick it up and kiss it. Even the crumbs from the table were raked into the palm of the hand and eaten.

Educator: What was the name of the bread that was baked for the holiday?

Children: Loaf (Teacher shows the loaf).

Educator: And now, Katya will tell us a poem about a loaf.

Katya: Here it is, a fragrant loaf
With a fragile twisted crust,
Here it is soft, golden,
As if filled with sunshine!

Educator: What is bread made from?

Children: Made from flour.

Educator: What do you get flour from?

Children: From grain.

Educator: Guys, let's look at the ears of wheat. Olya, go show me on the spikelet where the pockets are and where the grains are (Show by a child). What else is baked from flour?

Children: Pancakes, pies, bagels, cakes, muffins. How can you call all this in one word? (Teacher shows pictures of baked goods)

Children: Bakery products.

Educator: Children, do you want to know how people used to grow bread in the old days?

Educator: In those distant times there were more forests on Russian land than now. But you can’t grow bread in the forest! And in the spring, axes began to knock in the forest. The felled trees were removed and the stumps were uprooted. This field was then plowed and sown. We were preparing for this event. We washed ourselves in the bathhouse, put on a clean shirt and went out into the field with a basket on our chest. In a basket there are wheat or rye seeds. The sower walked across the field, picking up a handful of seeds, and every two steps he scattered them in a fan, from left to right. What do you think the weather must have been like?

Children: Windless.

Educator: What is necessary for the life and growth of plants?

Children: Sun and rain in moderation.

Educator: And finally the ears of grain grew and ripened at the end of summer. It's time to put away the bread. They used to do it this way. Men took scythes, women took sickles and went into the field. The ears were cut and collected into sheaves. The sheaves were stacked in tall stacks, reminiscent of haystacks. The ears of harvested wheat were threshed with chains, peeled, put into bags and put into grain storage sheds - granaries. Many decades have passed since the time when our ancestors plowed the field with plows and plows, harrowed the ground with harrows, reaped ears with sickles, and threshed with chains. Let's guys remember the proverbs and sayings dedicated to bread.

Katya: Without bread, there is no lunch.

Masha: A lot of light - a lot of bread.

Lilya: You always have to finish the bread.

Veronica: If there is bread, there will be a song.

Rodion: If you don’t work, you won’t get bread.

Sasha: Bread is the head of everything.

Educator: Now let’s play a game with you: “Say otherwise” (Children stand in a circle, the teacher throws a ball to each of them, they select synonyms for the given words)

Educator: Well done children. Let's talk to you about how they cultivate bread in the fields these days. First, grain growers prepare the soil for sowing. Then the tractors plow and harrow the land, loosen it and begin sowing. Seeders are attached to the tractor, and they place wheat and rye grains into the ground in even, neat rows. Hot summer days are coming. The wheat has come up! An agronomist monitors its growth. When the grains of bread are ripe, the busy time for cultivators begins - the harvest. Harvesters enter the fields. Combines cut the ears, knock out grains from them, which are poured into trucks along a special sleeve.

Educator: Where do you think the grain is taken later?

Children: The grain is taken to the elevator, to the granary. There it is dried and cleaned. And then to the mill, where the grain is ground into flour.

Educator: Where is the flour delivered?

Children: Flour is taken to a bakery, where various baked goods are baked from it.

Educator: That's right, the flour is taken to the bakery, where the dough is kneaded and baked. What's next?

Children: Finished products are delivered to stores.

Educator: But even now the work of a grain farmer is still very difficult and intense! And so that we could bring home an ordinary loaf of white or rye bread, combine operators, tractor drivers, drivers, and bakers did a great job. Many hands touched the grain so that it turned into a loaf of bread!
And now I invite you to become bakers. Put on your caps. Let's bake cookies. Then we bake it in the kitchen. The teacher pours flour and salt into a bowl. He pours water and kneads the dough in front of the children. Everyone gets a piece of dough. Each of the children makes cookies using a special mold.

Educator: Guys, what new did you learn today? (Children's answers). What else did you do? (Children's answers)

Educator: You see how much work needs to be put in so that people have bread in the house. Therefore, the attitude towards it should be careful. Don't take more bread than you can eat. Never throw away bread!

Everyone knows
Words of wisdom:
Bread is the master of the house
He is the head of everything!

“What will I be when I grow up? »


  • learn to draw a portrait, trying to convey features appearance inherent in a given profession, the character and mood of specific people (yourself);


  • arouse interest in the search for visual and expressive means that allow the image to be revealed more fully, accurately, individually;
  • continue to learn how to use it in drawing different materials: graphite and colored pencil.

Equipment: white paper, simple graphite pencil, colored pencils.

Preliminary work:

  • looking at illustrations or photographs of people various professions;
  • conversation “Where and what do your parents work for”;
  • reading fiction on this topic.

Progress of the lesson:

Bell, ring

Call us to the World of Art!

Conversation. Updating knowledge.

What kind visual arts you see? (children's answers: in these paintings we see portraits).

What is a portrait? (Image of people).

Right. If you see what's in the picture

Is anyone looking at us?

Or a prince in an old cloak

Or a steeplejack in a robe,

Pilot or ballerina,

Or Kolka, your neighbor,

Required picture

It's called a portrait.

Look closely at these portraits. Today we will talk about what is very important in the life of every person. But first we will need to guess a few riddles, the answers to which will give us an answer to the question: what will we talk about today?

Tell me who is so delicious

Prepares cabbage soup,

Smelly cutlets,

Salads, vinaigrettes,

All breakfasts, lunches (Cook)

We get up very early.

After all, our concern is

Drive everyone to work in the morning (Driver)

Who sits at the patient's bedside?

And he tells everyone how to get treatment.

Who is sick - he will offer to take drops,

To those who are healthy -

Let me take you for a walk (Doctor)

Love nature

Respect old people (Teacher)

Among the clouds, on high,

Together we are building a new house,

To be warm and beautiful

People lived happily in it. (Builders)

We must fight fire

We are brave workers

We are partners with water

People really need us,

So who are we? - (Firefighters) .

How can you name all the answers in one word?

Well done, we will talk about professions today.

What is a profession? (Children's answers)

A profession is work to which a person devotes his entire life.

What professions do you think people primarily need for life? (Builder, cook, doctor, tailor.)

What other professions do you know? (Children's answers).

There are a lot of professions, and they are all very important and necessary. But when you choose a profession, it is important that you like the work. Only then can you become a master of your craft.

A profession is something that is done every day and that is useful for other people. Want to get to know some professions?

Then stand in a circle and we will play a game of attention and intelligence.

Game with throwing and catching a ball “Guess what profession a person has”

Scales, counter, product - ... (seller);

Helmet, hose, water - ... (firefighter);

Scene, role, makeup - ... (artist);

Disease, pills, white coat - ... (doctor);

Scissors, hair dryer, fashionable hairstyle - ... (hairdresser);

Ship, vest, sea - ... (sailor);

Sky, plane, airfield - ... (pilot);

Reading room, books, reader - ... (library);

Scissors, fabric, sewing machine- ... (tailor) ;

Stove, pan, delicious dish - ... (cook);

Field, wheat, harvest - ... (farmer);

Blackboard, chalk, textbook - ... (teacher);

Steering wheel, wheels, road - ... (driver);

Small children, walks, games - ... (teacher);

Axe, saw, nails - ... (carpenter);

Bricks, cement, new house - ... (builder);

Paints, brushes, whitewash - ... (painter);

In order to master a profession, you need to study a lot: first at school, then at college, institute. But it is also important to have good health. And you and I know how to strengthen it.

Visual gymnastics.

To have sharper eyes, and to wear glasses so as not to walk

I suggest repeating these necessary movements.

Let's look into the distance and quickly look under our feet, left and right.

I was surprised - what is it? And we will close them quickly.

Now rotate in a circle, like a clock hand.

Open your eyes. And back to work.

Be healthy!

Practical part.

There are many professions on earth

And each one is important.

Decide, my friend, who you should be.

After all, we have one life.

Guys, have you ever thought about what you want to become?

Today you can draw what you want to be when you grow up.

Think about what you will depict on your sheet so that, after looking at the drawing, we can guess what profession you have chosen.

The teacher places supporting drawings on the board that resemble the sequence of work:

Pencil sketch;

General outline of the head;


Marking of facial features;

Details of clothing.

Practical work for children.

Are you artists or not? Yes!

Will you draw a portrait? Yes!

Drawing a portrait is not easy:

First we make sketches,

Let's take a simple pencil

And let's start slowly!

The teacher reminds about the methods of drawing with a simple pencil and painting over a drawing with colored pencils. He talks individually about what can be depicted in order to make the drawing more expressive.

Summary of the lesson.

All drawings are displayed on the board. The drawings should be examined and children should be invited to choose the most interesting ones.

Which drawing did you like?

Who will be the child who drew this picture?

How did you guess? What helped you with this?

What did you like about this drawing?

Excursion to the medical office “Profession - doctor”.


introduce the professions of doctors and nurses.


  • cultivate a respectful attitude towards kindergarten staff;
  • develop children's powers of observation;
  • replenish children's vocabulary with medical terminology, activate verbs;
  • teach children to answer questions fully, to find as many words as possible for answers in the process of communication.

Excursion progress:

Are you guys feeling okay today? (Yes)

Is everyone in good health? (Everyone has) . Who in kindergarten always monitors your health? (doctor, nurse).

But first, let's remember what the names of our doctor and our head nurse are?

(Children look around the office).

What office? (Spacious, cozy, beautiful, clean, interesting).

In one office, a doctor and a nurse write documentation and see patients.

What are they doing in the other office? (They give vaccinations, treat abrasions, bandage wounds, etc.) That's right, this room is called a treatment room.

What objects did you see in the doctor's office? Name a lot of medical words (syringe, cotton wool, scales, medicine, tablets, iodine, brilliant green, heating pad, thermometer, etc.)

Astanda Anatolyevna, please tell me, what are you writing on such a large sheet of paper? (this is the menu)

Guys, do you know what the menu is? (children's answers)

The head nurse writes the menu for each day. The menu is necessary for cooks to ensure that the food of young children contains all the healthy food components and vitamins.

Guys, what do you think children need every day? (milk, bread, vegetables, fruits, meat, etc.)

Astanda Anatolyevna strictly monitors the children’s nutrition. It is necessary to correctly calculate everything on the menu, the chefs must prepare delicious food, but the main thing is that all the dishes are beautiful and appetizing, so that all children eat with pleasure and grow up beautiful and healthy.

(The teacher turns to the nurse).

Astanda Anatolyevna, please tell me, we have a lot of children in our kindergarten, but how do you remember who’s name is, who lives where? Which vaccinations have been completed and who have not yet been vaccinated? (each child in our kindergarten has a card on which all the information is written down).

Can we see our children's medical records? (the doctor shows the cards to the children, reads statements about some children that everything is fine with them).

Guys, what do you think, why are there scales in a medical office? (to weigh children, compare how much they have gained).

Why is there a stadiometer in the office? (to measure height, compare how much children have grown)

It’s very interesting in your office, but we won’t distract the doctor and nurse from their work for long.

(Children say goodbye, say “thank you,” and leave)

Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: “Journey to the country of “Geometry”


  • to clarify children’s ideas about geometric shapes: triangle, square, rectangle, circle, oval and their main features;


  • learn to find geometric images in the environment;
  • continue to learn how to use the logical operation.

Preliminary work:

  • reading the book by V.G. Zhitomirsky, L.N. Shevrin “Journey through the Land of Geometry”,
  • didactic games with mathematical content (“Geometric mosaic”, “Tangram”, “Mongolian game”).

Equipment: bus made of modules (chairs), envelope with invitation, riddles, tickets, large leaf paper with the image of three intersecting circles in red, blue, yellow (for the teacher) and 8 sheets for children. Felt pens for each child, a picture of a person made from geometric shapes, counting sticks, a set of geometric shapes.

Progress of the lesson:

A letter arrived in kindergarten (the teacher opens the envelope and reads):

I invite all children

Will hit the road soon

Tests await you

Difficult tasks

I invite you to the country of Geometry.

Guys, the invitation is without a signature. I think at the end of the journey we will know the author of the letter. The country of Geometry is very large and we will travel through it from stop to stop, going through the tests that the stranger has prepared for us. Guys, you and I are not afraid of difficulties (no). So, do we accept the invitation? (Yes). Now we will find out what kind of transport we will use on our journey, and to do this we must guess the stranger’s riddle.

A house is walking down the street

Everyone is lucky to get to work

Not on chicken legs

And in rubber boots (bus)

That's right, we'll go on a trip by bus.

1 game "Find your place"

What geometric shapes can you build a bus from? (rectangle, circles, squares). But the bus is waiting for us. You must board the bus with tickets. Guys, now choose your tickets, look and count the number of geometric shapes on your ticket. The number of figures is the number of your seat on the bus. Take your seats and let's go (music sounds).

The bus stopped at the Magic Lawn

Game 2 “Magic Lawn” (a sheet of paper with 3 intersecting circles is hung up). The stranger prepared a test for us, we need to arrange geometric shapes along circles (the teacher names the geometric shapes and their position relative to the circles, the children take turns drawing the shapes with felt-tip pens in the right place). Children sit at tables and complete tasks.

Tasks: red triangle - inside all hoops; red square - inside the red and blue hoops, but outside the yellow hoops; blue triangle - inside the yellow and red hoops, but outside the blue hoops; blue square - inside the yellow and blue hoops, but outside the red hoop; a green triangle inside a yellow hoop but outside the red and blue hoops; a green square inside a red hoop, but outside the yellow and blue hoops; the red circle is inside the blue hoop, but outside the yellow and red hoops; a red rectangle outside all hoops in the upper right corner; a green oval outside all the hoops in the lower left corner.

Now we will compare your work with the stranger’s correct answer (a piece of paper with the correct answer is displayed).

We have completed the tests and are moving on (getting on the bus).

“Recognize and name the shapes.”

We found ourselves in a magical forest where an unusual animal lives (a painting depicting a miracle hare is on display). Who is this? Let's look at it and tell us what figures it consists of? (children's answers). Guys, now we will get off the bus and go to the hare to play.

Physical education minute:

The bunny is good at jumping

The bunny is good at jumping

He jumped ten times

Let's start jumping

One two three four five

One two three four five

Children, let's say goodbye to the hare, get on the bus and move on.

"Geometric riddle."

We are at the “Geometric Guessing” stop (they get off the bus and go to the table where the counting sticks are). The stranger has prepared riddles for us, and you will make up the answers using counting sticks.

I've been your acquaintance since childhood

Every angle here is right

All four sides

Same length

I'm glad to introduce myself to everyone

And my name is (square).

Children lay out answers from counting sticks (square), similarly triangle, rectangle.

Invite children to come up with and lay out objects that contain geometric shapes. (Children's answers). We completed the task.

Physical education minute:

One - get up, pull yourself up,

Two - bend over, straighten up,

Three - three claps of your hands,

Three nods of the head.

Four means wider hands.

Five - wave your arms,

Six - sit down quietly.

The teacher offers to sit at a table where there are sets of geometric shapes.

5 game “Place a figure”.

Guys, we went through all the tests and our stranger meets us (exhibits a picture). His body is a rectangle, his arms are ovals, his legs are triangles, his head is a circle, and he has a triangular hat on his head. It is not surprising that the head, arms, legs and torso of the stranger look like geometric shapes, because we are in the country of Geometry, where residents and animals, vehicles and houses are all made of geometric shapes.

The teacher removes the picture, and the children use geometric shapes to create a person from memory. Do you guys find out whose portrait you were making? (Yes). That's right Dunno! This is who invited us and prepared tests for us.

Dunno (the teacher speaks for him):

Well, dear friends

I'm glad you found me.

Everyone is just great!

The journey is over.

Make friends with geometry

Accumulate your knowledge.

Let your efforts help you,

Memory, logic, attention

You guys are great, you are really good at geometric shapes and taught me a lot. And I also know that you are future first-graders and I want to give you a game that will help you prepare for school. I wish you success, goodbye!

Guys, let's thank Dunno for an interesting and entertaining journey through the country of Geometry. And now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten.

“Solving problems of geometric content”


  • learn to solve problems of a geometric nature using ingenuity;


  • teach children to compose addition and subtraction problems and formulate arithmetic operations;
  • consolidate the idea of ​​a sequence of numbers;
  • train children to count forward and backward within 10;
  • consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes and practice orientation on a plane;
  • consolidate knowledge of the sequence of days of the week;
  • develop memory, attention, logical thinking, cognitive interests;
  • cultivate the ability to work in a team, the desire to complete the work started, and develop interest in educational activities.

Equipment: large flat and three-dimensional geometric shapes, a wonderful bag, plates for handouts; didactic sheet for geometric dictation, cards for composing problems, cards for writing numbers; plain pencils, white sheets, plates with geometric shapes, didactic sheets for counting, didactic sheets for composing problems, blank rectangles for writing numbers.

Preliminary work of the teacher:

  • making didactic sheets for problems.
  • production of didactic sheets for counting.
  • preparing blank rectangles for writing numbers.
  • preparing large colored flat geometric shapes and small ones for each child.
  • consolidation of knowledge about geometric shapes with the help of various didactic games.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the group and stand near the board.

Educator: guys, this group today is not simple, but magical. A mathematical fairy tale came to visit us, but getting there is not so easy, we need to answer the questions:

What day of the week is it today? (Wednesday).

And yesterday, what day was it? Who will answer? (Tuesday).

What is Tuesday among all the days of the week? (second).

Well done! After Wednesday comes...(Thursday).

Well done! Am I right in the order: Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday? (No).

And who will answer what days are considered days off for us? (Saturday Sunday).

Well done! Almost everyone knows the names of the days of the week correctly.

Children sit on chairs.

Educator: guys, I have a wonderful bag in which geometric shapes are hidden, you must determine by touch which shape you came across in the bag. The teacher approaches each child and he determines his figure by touch.

Well done! Almost everyone correctly identified the figure.

Now we will learn how to write problems. We know. That any task consists of a condition and a question. We will all work according to the cards that are on your tables.

Each child makes up his own problem using his own cards. The teacher corrects those children whose arithmetic operations are not clearly formulated.

Educator: Very good. Well done! Today we considered and decided a lot, and now we will rest a little. Everyone rise from your desks.

*I ask you to rise - this is the time,

The head turned - that's two.

Hands down, look forward - that's three.

Press them firmly to your shoulders - that’s four.

All the guys sit down quietly - that's five. (repeat 2 times)

Children repeat the poems after the teacher and perform all the movements according to the text.

*Two sisters, two hands-

Left and right

They tear it up in the garden and wash it.

Two sisters, two hands -

Left and right-

Sea and river water

Rowing, swimming (repeat 3 times).

Children imitate movements according to the text of the poem with their hands.

The children sit quietly on the chairs.

Educator: let's conduct a geometric dictation, you must lay out the figures on your blank sheets of paper, exactly the same as on my sheet.

The teacher put the sample on the board, the children look and remember the drawing with the figures. The teacher covered the sample with a sheet.

Children lay out the shapes on their blank sheets.

The teacher shows the sample again and the children test themselves.

Educator: Raise your hand who has laid out the figures correctly. (children raise their hands)

Now raise your hand, who made a mistake? Let's try this task again.

The teacher shows the second sample with geometric shapes. Children complete the task. The teacher looks down the rows to see who got it right and who made a mistake.

Educator: Well done! Almost everyone did it!

Put everything on the edge of the table, now we will count: you have didactic sheets for counting on your tables (shows a sample), you must perform a mathematical operation and write a number on your clean rectangles and insert it into the empty window.

Children complete the task. The teacher praises the children

Educator: Put everything on the edge of the table. Well done, we completed all the tasks.

What new did you learn in our lesson? (children's answers)

What was the most difficult task for you? (children's reasoning).

What task would you like to repeat in future classes? (children's answers).

The teacher pays attention to the activity of the children.

Educator: everyone is great. We completed all tasks well. This concludes the lesson.

“Comparison of objects by height”


  • learn to compare objects by height.


  • establish equality between two groups of objects, distinguish between quantitative and ordinal counting;
  • consolidate the ability to compare the lengths of objects using direct superposition,
  • form the idea that in order to compare some objects they need to be measured;
  • teach children to arrange objects in ascending and descending order by size, width, height, thickness and length;
  • learn to determine the size of objects by eye, check the correctness of tasks by measuring objects: by applying, applying and giving them characteristics;
  • develop attention, eye, fine motor skills hands, thinking, grammatical structure of speech.

Equipment: pictures depicting objects of different heights and widths, colored paper, drawings depicting an airplane, helicopter, rocket, bird, butterfly, cards with city names.

Progress of the lesson:

The music "Smile" is playing.

Today we will go on a journey through the wonderful country of Mathematics. But for this we need to buy a ticket at the box office. (children choose their tickets. Tickets are of different colors - red, yellow, green). And we will go on a journey on a train from Romashkovo through the carriages (while the train snakes through the group, the children pronounce a simple phrase with the sound “ch”)

Educator: What do you think we will do in the city?

In ancient times, a person had to comprehend not only the art of counting, but also measurement. When an ancient man, already thinking, tried to find a cave for himself, he was forced to measure the length, width and height of his future home in accordance with his own height. But this is what measurement is. Our ancestor had only his own height, long arms and legs.

Ancient Rus' had its own dimensions. The oldest measures of length are the cubit and fathom. An elbow was the length from the elbow to the front joint of the middle finger, a simple fathom was the distance between the span of a person’s outstretched arms from the thumb of one hand to the thumb of the other, a span was the distance from the end of the thumb to the end of the little finger with their greatest possible extension.

Verbal reinforcement.

So, we know the measurements of Ancient Rus' - these are cubit, fathom, span. Do you want to measure the road using the length measures of Ancient Rus'?

Those who have a red ticket in their hands, those children measure the road with their Elbow

Those who have a yellow ticket in their hands, those children measure the road with fathoms

Those who have a green ticket in their hands, those children measure the road by span

(children measure the road and choose the number they got when completing the task)

Educator: Why did you get different results?

Everyone has different elbow and palm lengths.

People have long understood that the same measures are needed for everyone. And you and I will have “Merka”. The measuring stick will be a red cardboard strip. Now we'll see how many times she can fit along the road. (What is measured with is called a measure. SHOWING a measure)

Remember the rules for measuring linear quantities: you need to start laying the strip exactly from the edge - measure straight. Lay until the entire length has been measured.

Violation of the measurement rule leads to an erroneous result.

Look at the picture and compare the width of the red stripe with the yellow one (the red one is already yellow)

compare the width of the yellow stripe with the red one (the yellow stripe is wider than the red one)

compare the blue stripe with the yellow one (the yellow stripe is already blue)

Well done, you completed all the tasks, and now let’s go, let’s continue traveling through the cities of the country of Mathematics.

Game "Addition"

(pictures are placed (from top to bottom) of a rocket, an airplane, a helicopter, a bird, a butterfly)

finish the sentence started (the answer is accepted if the child’s hand is raised)

flying high in the sky...(rocket)

flying below the rocket...(airplane)

the plane is flying....(above the helicopter)

the helicopter flies...(higher than a butterfly)

Look at the diagram on the board and show (children stand near those jugs where they think the answer is correct)

*jug containing the least amount of water

*a jug containing more water


Get ready to warm up!

Turn right - turn left,

Count the turns

One-two-three, don't lag behind.

(Rotate your body to the right and left.)

We begin to squat -

One two three four five.

The one who does exercises

Maybe we should do a squat dance.


Now let's raise our hands

And let's drop them with a jerk.

It's like we're jumping off a pile

Summer sunny day.

(Children raise their straight arms above their heads, then with a sharp movement lower them and move them back, then with a sharp movement up again, etc.)

And now walking in place,

Left-right, stop, one-two.

(Walk in place.)

Relaxed, gained strength and hit the road again

Look at the picture and say what is below and what is above

(the picture shows: house, birch, spruce, plane, helicopter, swallow)

A series of geometric shapes.

What is this, let’s call it in one word? (geometric figures)

How can you divide into two groups? (by color, by size, by shape)

Working with counting sticks.

Place a rectangle in front of you in the center of the table, a triangle to the right of it, a square to the left of the rectangle, a square smaller than the one you just made on top of the rectangle, a small triangle below the rectangle.

Count how many geometric shapes you got?

How many counting sticks did you use to complete this task?

Educator: Our journey has ended. It's time for us to go to the city of "Rest."

Relaxation exercise “Magic sleep” (to calm music).

Eyelashes droop

The eyes are closing,

We are resting peacefully.

Let's quietly say: “Thank you,

Little girl, for your work.

Hands, feet, thank you!” Eyelashes open

And the guys wake up

Educator: Did you like our trip, and what do you remember about it?

"Who I want to be"


  • teach children plot drawing, drawing a person.


  • develop compositional skills;
  • convey proportional and spatial relationships between objects.

Equipment: gouache paints; brushes 2-3 sizes; sheets of paper (pre-tinted); jars of water; paper and cloth napkins; palettes;

illustrations depicting people of different professions (selection of illustrations for display using a multimedia projector).

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher reads the poem “Professions” to the children:

Maybe there is not enough knowledge,

But you can dream!

I'll probably be a doctor

I will begin to heal people!

I will travel everywhere

And save sick children!

Soon I will be a soldier,

Or just an ace pilot!

Like an ordinary hero

I will protect you!

Ballerina and singer

I always dreamed of becoming!

To dress up beautifully,

Sing and dance for you!

I'm a famous artist

I will definitely.

I'm interested in drawing

Very exciting!

I am a school teacher,

I will give knowledge to children!

The children will be happy with me

I'm telling you for sure!

Well, I'll come back here!

Affectionate, attentive

And always responsive

I will become a teacher!

Guys, let's play with you!

Let's remember what other professions there are, besides those mentioned in the poem.

Game: “Name your profession.”

“Introduction to the work of adults”


  • instill in children respect for people of different professions.


  • expand and specify ideas about professions (librarian, artist, car mechanic, pastry chef, forester, architect);
  • develop speech activity, dialogical speech, expansion of vocabulary.

Preliminary work: uh excursions: to the library; conversations with children about their parents’ professions; viewing paintings and illustrations on the topic: “professions”; drawing, application on the topic: “All professions are important, all professions are needed”; design of a photo album on the topic: “Professions of my parents”; reading fiction:

D. Rodari “What crafts smell like”;
S.Ya.Marshak “Fire”;
S. Mikhalkov “What do you have?”, “Uncle Styopa”;
K.I. Chukovsky “Aibolit” and others;

Progress of the lesson:


Guys, I would like to invite us today to take a fascinating and educational trip to the amazing Sunny City, the “city of professions”.

There are different professions -
They are all very important:

Cook, carpenter and driver,
Teacher, painter, fitter...

Teacher and children (together):

All professions are important
Our city needs everyone!


And a very interesting and intelligent interlocutor, the literary hero of N. Nosov’s fairy tale “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends,” will help us on our journey. Guess who he is after listening to my riddle!

“This character has books on the table, under the table, and even on the bed. He always dressed in a black suit, and when he sat down at the table, put his glasses on his nose and started reading some book, he completely looked like a professor.” Can you guess which hero we are talking about?

Znayka enters.

Hello guys! They recognized me, I came to you from Sunny City, I really like to read different books, I learn a lot of new things from books, they are always next to me, that’s why everyone calls me Znayka. Today I really want to invite you to my favorite Sunny City, to meet my friends and their professions.


Guys, do we accept Znaika’s invitation?

(Children's answers).

Well, that's good, the journey begins! (Music sounds). One, two, three, turn around, you’ll find yourself in the Sunny City!

Here we are, look around, how beautiful it is! You like?

(Children's answers).

To begin with, guys, I would like to invite you to my favorite place, where I like to go most often!


Guys, look how many books and magazines there are here! What kind of place do you think this is? Why does Znayka like to come here most often?

This is a library - a house where books live. Znayka loves to read them.

Guys, do you know who works in the library and what he does?

The librarian assists in choosing books and magazines. All books are on shelves and racks, for each reader a library card is filled out, where all the books that people choose to take home to read are written down.


Guys, why do you think the librarian profession is so important for us?

This profession helps us all learn a lot of interesting things from different books, encyclopedias and magazines, for example, what different countries, cities, people, animals are like. And you know, dear Znayka, in our group we also have a small library, which also has a lot of books and magazines, the guys love to play there!

Well done guys, always remember that books are our friends, take care of them! And now, guys, I invite you to visit my friend and introduce you, he has a very interesting profession.


(Draws the children’s attention to the artist’s house). - Guys, look how beautiful it is here! What an unusual house! Who do you think lives here?


This is my friend Tube's house. He is an artist, he paints beautiful paintings.


(Draws the children's attention to the table). - What does the artist use in his work?

Brushes - for painting, an easel - for holding paper or canvas, different paints, a palette - for mixing paints.


Guys, the artists are very talented and gifted people, with their work-paintings they introduce us to beauty, give us the opportunity to see the beauty of nature, and much more. These are wonderful portraits, still lifes, landscapes.


Dear Znayka, our guys are also talented artists, we have our own children’s art gallery where we exhibit our works. Have a look, please. The teacher pays attention to the children's drawings.

Well done, you did it good work, if you continue to try like this, you may turn out to be real artists. And now, my young friends, I suggest you turn into unusual artists and now we will draw not on paper, but in the air.

Physical exercise “A cloud is floating in the sky”

(performing movements to music with words)

A cloud is floating in the sky,
And below the flower grows,
To the right is a tree and a river,
On the left is a house and a porch.

Look at the airy, light landscape we have created, I think that Tube will definitely depict it on paper (the horn sounds).


Oh, what is this, do you guys hear the sound coming from over there? Let's go and have a look.

Did you find out which of my friends lives in this unusual house? What is this house like?

(Children's answers: Vintik and Shpuntik live in this house).

Guys, do you know what profession my friends have, what do they do?

Children: Drawing:

  • "Coloring Pages - Professions"

Goal: to develop the desire to select objects for the image according to the plan; teach to distinguish various shapes, combine ready-made colors and shapes in a drawing.

This profession is called a car mechanic, they work as car mechanics.


Tell me guys, what does a car mechanic do?

A car mechanic repairs cars, first he carefully examines all the parts of the car, finds problems, then begins repairs, if necessary, the car mechanic will also paint it, and then the car can go on a trip again like new and deliver people and cargo to their destination.

Do you know why this profession is important for people?

If there were no such profession, then all the cars would be broken, people would have to walk, they would not be able to carry heavy loads.

Guys, my friends have a lot of work, let's help them. Select only those tools that Vintik and Shpuntik will need to repair the cars.

Didactic game “Collect tools”

(Toy plastic instruments lie on the table, pictures on a flannelgraph).

Thank you guys, you helped my friends a lot! I think they will be very pleased! Now remember the most important thing - there must be order in every business, all things must always be in their place.
(The smell of vanillin wafts through the room.)


Oh how delicious it smells! Where does this delicious smell come from? Look at another house on our way, whose did they recognize, who lives in it?

Yes, we found out that Donut lives in this house.


Guys, do you know the name of Donut’s profession, what does he do?

Donut works as a pastry chef.

Who are confectioners, do you know?

Confectioners bake different sweets for people: cakes, rolls, muffins, gingerbreads, cookies, pies, pastries.


Confectioners make our lives more joyful, more fun. Remember, not a single holiday is complete without a cake or pastries, which they lovingly prepare and make for all of us. Dear guys, and you, dear Znayka, will tell you a secret that at the end of our exciting journey a surprise awaits us.

Thank you, I love surprises. In the meantime, listen, do you hear anything? (bird voices sound)

It's the birds singing.


Where do you think we have come? (Children's answers)

You and I found ourselves in a forest clearing, and here is the forester’s house. How many of you know who a forester is and what he does?

This is a person who takes care of the forest, the birds and animals that live in the forest, makes sure that there are no fires in the forest, people do not cut down trees, fir trees, and do not destroy bird nests and animal holes.

Guys, you said everything correctly, a forester is the doctor of the forest, he protects and protects the health and life of the forest, and he also makes sure that people follow the rules of conduct in the forest. Do you know these rules on how to behave in the forest, in nature?

Didactic game “Rules of behavior in nature”

Have you guys gone hiking?
Of course, you need to rest:
Play and frolic
And eat and drink...

Kolya bends a large branch,
Ian collected the scraps in a bag.
And which of them should I blame?
Kolya is two, and Yan is five!

There are banks around you,
Cellophane, pieces of iron, bottles?
You can't leave them here!
Let's not be lazy, friends:

The garbage here in the forest is foreign -
Let's take it with us!


Well done guys, you know all the rules very well, let's protect and love our nature together and never pollute it. The forest is our wealth. If the forests die, all living things will die.

The forester will now be absolutely sure that you guys will never harm the forest, environment. And he will always be glad to see you and your parents in the forest.


Guys, today we had a very interesting, educational and exciting trip, did you like it? (Children's answers) Have you noticed how unusual and beautiful houses? Please tell me, Znayka, who built them?

I think you guys know who builds houses? (Children's answers) Do you know that before you build a building, you must first draw it on paper and design it scientifically.


Guys, do you know what an architect does?

An architect builds a house
The house is multi-storey.
Builds a house with a pencil
On a sheet of paper.
You need to draw everything
Calculate, check,
Count all the apartments
Stairs and doors.
May it stand for many years
And so that there is light in the apartments,
Baths, washbasins
For big and small.

Guys, do you want to build your own house in our Sunny City? (Children's answers) Then get started, here is the material for construction (children build a house from a construction set to the music).

Thank you very much, you all worked together, cleverly, now our city will have a new, beautiful building.


What do you think will be located in this beautiful building? (Children's answers).

Our journey through the Sunny City has come to an end. You got acquainted with new professions and learned about the work of people in these professions. All of them are very necessary and important for people, and you need to know a lot and study well to get good profession and become a real specialist. Labor creates everything a person needs and people work for each other.

A mason builds houses
The dress is the work of a tailor,
But it's a tailor's job
Nowhere without warm shelter
So it turns out that way
Everything we do is necessary
So let's work
Honest, diligent and friendly.


Thank you, Znayka, for inviting us to your wonderful city and being our interlocutor. And now it’s our turn to invite you to visit us.

Thank you, with great pleasure.


As I promised you, a delicious surprise awaits us, which our respected chef has prepared for all of us (the cook enters the hall with pies and cake).

Engineering book of the project “All professions are needed, all professions are important. Designer"

Idea and general content of the project

Creative project. “All professions are needed, all professions are important. Designer"

1. Information characteristics of the educational project.
1.1 Project developer:
Chuvaeva Larisa Vladimirovna – teacher senior group.
Municipal budget preschool educational institution Combined kindergarten No. 1g.o. Samara
1.2. View:
Information-creative, collective.
1.3. Participants:
Children of the senior group, teacher, parents of pupils.
Location: group room, house.
1.4. Age:
5-6 years
1.5. Duration: 8 days

2. Relevance.

Love for one’s homeland is formed in a child from early childhood, when he is receptive to bright and new things. Through acquaintance with folk arts and crafts, which carries national traditions, a preschooler comes into contact with the life of the people, with what the people live in the past and present. Folk arts and crafts develop a child's imaginative thinking, imagination, and influence the creative process.
With the introduction of Federal State Educational Standards in preschool educational institutions important issue It is not so much that children receive a certain amount of knowledge from an adult, but rather the development in a preschooler of a desire to learn, discover new things, and explore the world on their own. The main feature of the modern world is its high dynamism. Our daily life requires from each of us - both adults and children - the manifestation of search activity, on the basis of which research behavior is built.
Currently, developed research behavior should be considered as a lifestyle of a modern person. The relevance of this project is the development of the child’s creative personality through the development of research behavior skills, familiarity with the features of the “Designer” profession, the implementation of independent creative and technical activities of preschoolers, the formation of patriotism, love and pride for the fatherland, native people, hometown.

3. Project plan:

Target: introduction to the profession of designer; the formation of aesthetic feelings and the development of creative abilities of preschool children through familiarization with folk arts and crafts through Lego construction and robotics.
Introduce preschoolers to the profession of designer.
Promote interest in robotics and design;
Continue to introduce children to Russian folk crafts and their characteristic elements; develop the ability to compose patterns based on Khokhloma painting and Gzhel paintings; offer to paint three-dimensional figures from the designer.
Develop constructive skills, attention, memory, logical thinking, communication skills.
Activate children's speech.
Implement independent creative activities of children.
Develop the creative potential and technical creativity of preschool children;
To foster patriotism and pride in one’s hometown and country.

Foster respect for people's work.
Preschoolers will get acquainted with the profession of designer (artist-constructor), master new educational constructors and ways to use them in independent activities. The merging of robotics with the beauty of folk painting will help increase children's cognitive interest in technology and the development of creative potential, the formation of aesthetic feelings.
Expected results:
- get acquainted with the profession of “Designer”;
- get acquainted with the types of folk arts and crafts - Gzhel, Khokhloma, with the history of the emergence of these paintings, with the main elements and patterns;
- will master new non-traditional techniques of artistic creativity, new educational constructors;
- get to know industrial enterprises Samara region;
- will take part in the creation of the “World Cup in Samara” model
- increase their knowledge about folk arts and crafts;
- get acquainted with educational constructors.
- will take part in the development of the project and creation of the layout of the “World Football Championship in Samara”
- will take an active part in the design of the exhibition “Lego in the hands of craftsmen” ( collaboration children with parents)

Stages of work:

Stage 1. Preparatory:
-Development of hypothesis, goals and objectives of the project;
-Selection of methodological material and literature;
-Organization of a subject-development environment.

Stage 2. Project implementation:
Cognitive and research activities:
- Conversations “Gentle Blue Miracle”; “Golden Khokhloma”, “Introduction to the profession. Designer"
- Oral journal “2018 FIFA World Cup”
- The story “The History of Gzhel Painting”, “Where Khokhloma Came From”, “What is the Samara Region Famous for”
- Slide presentation: “The Miracle of Gzhel”, “The Beauty of Khokhloma Painting”.
- Visit to the art studio of the preschool educational institution. "Works of the Masters"
- Visit to the mini-museum of the preschool educational institution “Russian Izba”
- Virtual tour"Rocket and Space Center "Progress"";
"Automotive company OJSC AvtoVAZ."

Game activity:

D/i “Collect the dishes”
- D/i “Pick a pattern”
- D/i “Find the odd one out”
- Educational game “Gzhel Rose”, “Golden Khokhloma”
- Finger game “We went to visit the master”
- S/r “City of Masters”.
- S/r “Shop of folk art crafts”
- S/r “Designers”

Communication activities:

Educational game “We are friendly guys”
- educational game “We build and play together”

Visual activities:

Application with Lego secret. "Olympic bear. Gzhel" "Jug. Khokhloma"
- Director's play "City of Masters"
- Plasticineography “Gzhel.Lego-horse” “Khokhloma. Cup"
- Compiling a Lego puzzle: “Gzhel. Dog", "Samovar. Khokhloma",

Creating a three-dimensional application using a Lego background: “Gzhel. Chicken in the nest", "Swan swims on the wave. Gzhel", "Sugar Bowl. Khokhloma", "Vase. Gzhel"

- Creation of a Lego building as an object of plastic application

“Gzhel. Fish"
- Creating a drawing using Lego print “Gzhel. Tea set", "Pot. Khokhloma"

Construction from various materials:
- Introduction to the ROBOROBO construction set, creation of buildings “Samovar”, “Stove”

Perception of fiction and folklore:
- Reading stories, poems, music and songs about master craftsmen, about Gzhel and Khokhloma paintings. Learning poems about our native land, listening to songs about Samara.

Motor activity:
- P/n “The masters were called to see what needed to be done and they showed”
- P/n “Who can collect it faster”

Interaction with family:
- Creating a moving folder “How to introduce children to folk art", "Educational constructors".
- Consultation “Patriotic education of a preschooler”, “Development of technical creativity of a preschooler”.
- Organization of the exhibition “Lego in the hands of folk craftsmen” (joint creativity of children and parents)

Stage 3. Final.
- Creating a model of the Samara Arena stadium, creating a Lego-Samovar and a Lego-Stove using the RoboRobo constructor.

Design of the exhibition “Lego in the hands of craftsmen.” (joint work of children with parents)
-Speech by preschoolers in front of older children with the project “All professions are needed, all professions are important”
-During this project, preschoolers became acquainted with the work of folk artists, with the features of Gzhel and Khokhloma paintings as elements of traditional arts and crafts Russian creativity, which has no analogues in the world; with the evolution of these paintings - from pottery to designating style on absolutely any objects, from clothes to Lego; preschoolers can demonstrate the basic elements of painting; make buildings from Lego and decorate them with patterns using unconventional drawing techniques and plasticineography.
We got acquainted with the profession of “Designer”; mastered new educational constructors.
We got acquainted with industrial enterprises of the Samara region;
Took part in the creation creative project“All professions are needed, all professions are important”
We presented a project to the children of the senior group of preschool educational institutions.

During the project, parents took an active part in the selection of information about Russian masters, about the features of Gzhel and Khokhloma painting; in preparing presentations, creating buildings and decorating crafts from construction sets; in organizing the exhibition “Lego in the hands of folk craftsmen” and creating a model of the Samara Arena stadium.
1. Conversation “Blue-blue miracle.” Looking at pictures, photographs of dishes and souvenirs painted to resemble Gzhel.
2. Recommend that parents examine with their children the tableware that they have at home and are painted with Gzhel patterns.
3.View the presentation “Forget-me-not Gzhel”. Children will learn the history of Gzhel painting.
4.Board games: “Fourth is odd”, “Couples”. Children consolidate the features of the painting patterns of Gzhel masters; They play independently, following the rules of the game, choosing a leader using a counting rhyme.
5.Acquaintance with the author K.I. Chukovsky and his work “Fedorino’s Mountain.” Children look at the illustrations of the book.
1.Printing with designer parts. Children trace the “Cup” template and create a pattern based on Gzhel and Khokhloma painting.
2. Give the parents a task: bring a piece of utensils from home and write a story about it.
3. View the presentation “Gzhel” “Golden Khokhloma”. Children draw elements of Gzhel and Khokhloma painting.
4. GCD Drawing. "Kettle. Gzhel painting”, “Tureen. Khokhloma painting"
5. Role-playing game “Family”
1.Ind. work in the art activity corner. Children practice plasticine graphics on parts of the “Horse” construction set. Gzhel painting", "Cup. Khokhloma painting."
2.Together with parents at home, strengthen the children’s ability to draw elements of Khokhloma and Gzhel painting.
3. GCD Modeling from salt dough “Cup and saucer. Gzhel painting."
5. Conversation “How I help my mother at home.” We recommend that parents involve their children in the dishwashing process at home.
1. Research and search activity “Objects and materials.” Children examine, compare, examine the materials from which the dishes are made (ceramics, glass, plastic, paper, construction sets), and conduct experiments with paint.
2. Together with parents at home, they look at dishes made of glass, metal, porcelain, paper, and plastic. Get acquainted with the profession of designer.
3. GCD Creation of a plastic applique “Fish. Gzhel painting" "Samovar. Khokhloma painting."
1. Conversation - “Introduction to the profession. Designer".
2.Introduction to the RoboRobo Robo Kids No. 1 constructor.
Creation of buildings: “Samovar”, “Stove”
2. GCD “Robotics Designers”
4. Together with their parents at home, they get acquainted with the industrial enterprises of the Samara region and the upcoming 2018 FIFA World Cup.
5.Preparation of the project “All professions are needed. all professions are important" and the creation of a model of the Samara Arena stadium
1. Design of the exhibition “Lego in the hands of craftsmen.”
2.Creating a photo report on the project
1.Creating a layout of the Samara Arena stadium
2. Design of the “2018 FIFA World Cup” layout. Samara"
1.Giving a presentation of the project “All professions are needed, all professions are important” to children of the senior and preparatory groups.
Prospects for further development.
Introducing children to the new possibilities of educational constructors and robotics; acquaintance with new professions; creation of the project “The beauty of folk painting conquers outer space.”
Used Books:
1. Bardina R. A. Products of folk art crafts and souvenirs. - Moscow: graduate School, 1977.
2. Bedford A. “The Big Book of LEGO” - Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2014.
3. Dybina O. V., We create, change, transform / O. V. Dybina. – M.: Creative Center “Sfera”, 2002.
4. Ishmakova M.S. “Design in preschool education under the conditions of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard” - IPC Mask, 2013.
5. Komarova L.G. We build from LEGO / L.G. Komarova. - M., 2001. - 88 p.
6. Kutsakova L. V., Design and artistic work in kindergarten / L. V. Kutsakova. – M.: Creative Center “Sfera”, 2005.
7. Luss T.V. Formation of skills in constructive play activities in children with the help of LEGO / T.V. Luss. - M., 2003. - 96 p.
8. Paramonova L.A. Theory and methodology of creative design in kindergarten / L.A. Paramonova. - M., 2009. - 210 p.
9. Popova O. S., Kaplan N. I. Russian artistic crafts. - Moscow: Knowledge, 1984.
10. Feshina E.V. “Lego - construction in kindergarten” - M.: Creative Center “Sfera”, 2012

The work contains materials on the content of the project (relevance, purpose, objectives, expected results, products), on its brief description(preparatory, main, final stage of work), on planning work on educational fields within this topic.



Relevance of the project

Among the educational tasks put forward by society, the issues of moral and labor education of children always come first. In the theory and practice of preschool and school education Special importance is attached to the formation of children's knowledge about the work of adults and an accessible understanding of its role in people's lives. Work is a manifestation of people’s care for each other. By introducing children to the work of adults, the educator (teacher) already begins to orient them towards a particular profession, showing its importance and necessity. All values ​​embodied in objects of material and spiritual culture are created by human labor.

Familiarization with the work of adults aims to give children specific knowledge and ideas about work and to instill respect for the work of adults, teach them to value it, and arouse interest and love for work. At the same time, the task is solved to influence the behavior of children - to create a desire to work, to work conscientiously, carefully.


“In the preschool years there is a closure

connections between the objective world and the world of human relations.

Therefore, introducing preschoolers to the work of adults

plays an important role in establishing their contacts with adult life.”

D. B. Elkonin

Project “All professions are important, all professions are needed”

Project duration: 2 weeks

Project type: information-practice-oriented

Project participants: children middle group, parents, educators.

Children's age: 4-5 years.

A problem that is significant for children and which the project aims to solve:children do not value work, the results of work, do not understand the significance of work activity.

Objective of the project: to cultivate in children a conscientious and respectful attitude towards work and towards people of different professions.

Project objectives

For children:

  • Foster a desire to work and be useful;
  • Promote early career guidance for children;
  • To develop children’s interest in the world of adults, in work;
  • Expand children's ideas and knowledge about the work of people of different professions, show the results of work, their social significance;
  • Encourage creativity in role-playing games about professions, artistic activities and other activities;
  • Cultivate pride in parents and their work activities.

For teachers:

  • ensuring the implementation of educational, developmental and training tasks through children’s mastery of educational areas;
  • collection, systematization and generalization of theoretical, methodological and practical material on this topic;
  • creating conditions for independent and joint activities of children with adults within the framework of the ongoing project;
  • creating interest in the topic among parents and teachers through the use of electronic educational resources in the correctional educational process (computer presentations in Power Point);
  • establishing friendly relationships between teachers, preschool specialists and parents in the process of developing and implementing the project;

For parents:

  • involvement in the problem of labor education of children, using counseling, stands, presentations;
  • stimulating the creative activity of parents through participation in events, exhibitions and leisure activities;
  • establishing partnerships between parents and teachers in matters of education, training and correction of children.

Form of the final project event:final lesson on the topic, exhibition of albums “Who I want to become.”

Name of the project game event: "Who to be?"

Project products

For children:

  • albums and stories “What I want to become”

For teachers:

  • presentation of the project “Who to be?”

For parents :

  • stands, album exhibition.

Expected results for the project

For children:

  • respectful and conscientious attitude towards work, towards people of different professions; awareness of one's own interests.

For teachers:

  • systematization and generalization of material on this topic;

For parents :

  • conscious interest of parents in the problem of moral and labor education of children.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 32 of a combined type


“All professions are important, all professions are needed”

Project stages






family members


(problem, planning,

forecasting project results/products)

Planning the entire project;

Selection of theoretical and methodological material on this topic;

Development of stands for parents;

Selection and systematization of didactic, board-printed, plot-role-playing games, attributes;

Writing a script


Children become familiar with different types of professions while studying other Garden topics. Vegetable garden" (gardener, farmer), "Pets and birds" (milkmaid, groom, poultry house, pig farm), "House" ( construction professions), "Cloth. Shoes" (weaver, dressmaker, shoemaker), etc.

Parents summarize their knowledge and information with the help of teachers: consultation for parents, stand on the topic “The role of the family in the labor education of children”


(direct activity

according to the project, phased


Conducting NOOD with children (taking into account scheduling), conducting conversations, role-playing, didactic, board and printed games.

Excursion to the kitchen, laundry, accounting, carpenter's workshop.

Carrying out children's work on a given topic within the framework of various types of activities (modeling, appliqué, drawing, etc.)

Conversations on a given topic, observing the work of adults.

Active participation in role-playing games “Hospital”, “Barbershop”, “Shop”, etc.

Parents telling their children about their professions, conversations on the topic “Who should I be?”

Making albums together with children and composing stories “Who I want to become” according to a given algorithm.


(presentation of project products

and reflection - thinking about new knowledge or experience)

Conducting a final lesson on the topic “Who to be?”

Summing up the implementation

project in the form of an exhibition of albums “Who do I want to become?”

Summarizing materials in the form of a project presentation

Participation in the final lesson, in the album exhibition

Preparation of speeches, retelling of invented stories

Design of works, albums

Participation in the album exhibition “Who to be?”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 32 of a combined type


Directions of development

Social and communicative development

Developing children's interest in the life and work of adults through thematic conversations and excursions;

Development of consciousness and activity of children through awareness of social significance, the value of work - showing the results of work (the cook prepares dinner, the laundress washes and irons clothes, etc.)

Development of communication and interaction of children with adults and peers through conversations, role-playing games, joint production of albums.

Role-playing games " Ambulance", "Hospital", "Pharmacy", "Shop", etc.

Cognitive development

Formation and generalization of children’s ideas about the work of adults, about various types of labor and professional activity during a lesson on familiarization with the environment;

Guessing riddles about professions.

Naming, selection, counting of labor tools in classes on "FEMP"

Board-printed, didactic games “Who should I be?”, “Workwear”, lotto “Professions”, “Who works where?”, “Correct the mistake”

Speech development

Conversations on the topic; speech games “Who should I be?”, “Who needs what?”, “Who does what?”, “What does he do?” at a lesson on the development of lexical and grammatical categories

Compiling stories “Who I want to become” according to the reference diagram at the final lesson.

Artistic and aesthetic development

Modeling “We are confectioners”

Drawing “We are pilots”

Application “We are builders”

Reading fiction “Who to be?” V. Mayakovsky, “What crafts smell like” by G. Rodari

Analysis and learning of proverbs and sayings about work.

Physical development

Finger gymnastics “Professions”

Speech with the "Professions" movement

Imitation of labor actions of different professions

Educator: Gulyaeva Oksana Nikolaevna.

Place of work :

MBDOU Children's"Keskil" garden Tattinsky ulus Tuora-Kuel Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Project: “All professions are needed, all professions are important.”

Work to familiarize children with professions is justified by the federal government educational standard to the structure of the basic general education program preschool education, which determine the content of psychological and pedagogical work on the development of educational fields.

Project type: informative - game.

Project participants: children of the older group - 5-6 years old, group teachers; kindergarten workers; parents.

Implementation deadlines: short term.


Labor education of children is one of the significant problems of preschool education in modern stage. Preschool childhood is a crucial period when the foundations of a correct attitude to work are laid. Familiarization with the work of adults and professions is an important component in the labor education of a preschooler.


During conversations with children and joint reflections, it was revealed that children’s knowledge about professions is fragmentary and unsystematic. The children were posed with the problem “How can we learn more about the professions of our loved ones.”

Objective of the project:

To clarify and expand children’s knowledge about where and with whom adults work, about the role of work in people’s lives, about the diversity of professions, and fostering a sense of respect for the work of adults.


1. Arouse children’s interest in the professions of adults and the professions of their parents; maintain the desire to be proud of your parents and their work.

2. Continue to introduce various professions: rescuer, fireman, postal worker, pharmacist, banker, farmer, captain, flight attendant. What are these professions for, their benefits to society; what qualities do people of a particular profession have?

3. To develop in children an interest in work and a desire to work, to stimulate curiosity and interest in the activities of adults.

4.Expand the ability to correlate labor results and a set of labor processes with the names of professions.

5. Enrich children’s vocabulary with special terms characteristic of a particular profession.

Stage I. Preparatory.

During this stage preliminary work is being carried out:

    Determining the goals and objectives of the project, collecting the material necessary to achieve the project goal,

    Forecasting the result, drawing up a plan for joint activities with children, teachers and parents

    Selection of materials and equipment for classes, conversations, role-playing games with children (illustrative, artistic and didactic)

    Creating a developmental environment, sewing uniforms and gowns, making attributes for games (gas station, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Parking lot, “Pharmacy”, “Shop” windows, buckets, shovels, hook, fire extinguisher, steering wheels, steering wheel).

Collaboration with parents (design of folders for parents on the topic of the project, selection of photos, literature. Conversations with parents about the need to participate in the project, about a serious attitude towards educational educational process at the preschool educational institution.

1. Studying literature on this topic

2. Collection of information about the work of parents with photographs from the place of work

3. Selection of illustrative material on the topics “Professions”, “Tools”, “Transport”.

4. Project development

Inform project participants of the importance of this topic

Make a long-term plan

Assisting parents in selecting material for the exhibition on the topic “Where do our parents work, would you like to know? »

Stage II. Basic.

Direction of work

Forms of working with children

Project implementation forms- direct educational activities with children in all areas of development and educational areas:

Speech development:».

Reading fiction: S. Mikhalkov “My Street”, S. Baruzdin “The Country Where We Live”, S. Marshak “Mail”, K.I. Chukovsky “Aibolit”. Creating an album of proverbs and sayings about work. Writing fairy tales.

Learning poems about people of different professions

1. Selection of riddles, proverbs, sayings

2. Compilation of stories on the topic: “Male profession”

3. Compilation of stories on the topic: “What do my parents do! »

4. Writing stories on the topic: “My dream profession.”

Cognitive development:

Conversations: “From the history of postal services”, “How people used to put out fires”, “About the history of housing”, “Who works in kindergarten?”, “Objects and tools people need", "The World of Professions", "On the Origin of Professions", .Work in the book corner: an exhibition of books dedicated to professions. Creation of the album “Professions”.

Didactic games: “Who needs what”, “What is this item for?”, “Who should I be?”, “Name a profession”, “Who can’t do without them?”, “Who does what?”, “Smart machines”, “What do I want to become?”, “Yes-no”, “Shop”, “I know all professions”. “Problem situation “Let’s take a doll for a walk”, “Guess the profession from the description”, “Who needs what for work”, lotto “Professions”.

    Games with Lego: “We are building a house.”

    Quiz "Field of Miracles".

    Consideration professional magazines“Health”, “Behind the Wheel”.

    Meetings with interesting people (people of modern professions).

    View slides about people at work (dairy plant, bakery plant, firefighters)

    Village tours:

Monitoring the work of drivers of various vehicles;

Excursion to the library;

Excursion to the post office;

Excursion to the store;

Excursion to school;

Excursion to the hospital;

Excursion to the village local history museum.

Social and communicative development :

Role-playing games: “Shop”, “Post Office”, “Supermarket”, “Veterinarian”, “Policlinic”, “Sailors”, “Ministry of Emergency Situations”, “Kindergarten”, “Beauty Salon”, “Builders”, “School” , “Parking”, “Farm”, “Studio”, “Cafeteria”, “Pharmacy”, “Television”, “Garage”. Conversation about the purpose of different objects.

Board games: “Professions”, “Who to be?”, “We know all professions”, “Associations, lotto, dominoes, cut-out pictures”, “Who needs what for work?”

Artistic and aesthetic development:

    Compilation of mnemonic tables for professions

    "Coloring Pages - Professions"

    "Who Will I Be" (exhibition)

    “Flight into space” - drawing

    “What kinds of cars are there?” - drawing

    “Tools for the cook” - modeling

    "Bakery" - modeling

    Creating attributes for role-playing games for the game "Bakery" making baked goods from salt dough



    Buildings from the Lego constructor "Alien ships"

Physical development:

Outdoor game “Cosmonauts”, “Firemen in training”

Stage III. Final.

Creating a photo album “Where do your parents work, would you like to know?”

Exhibition of drawings “All professions are important”

Creation of a photo exhibition “Adult Labor is Interesting”

    Leisure evening “Festival of Professions”.

    Design of an exhibition of collective works.

    Project presentation.

Expected Result:

Interest in the world around you will increase;

Children’s knowledge and ideas about professions, including the professions of their parents, will expand (parents’ place of work, the significance of their work; pride and respect for the work of their parents);

Help parents properly organize joint family leisure;

Entrust children with feasible tasks job responsibilities at home, in kindergarten, be responsible for their implementation;

The subject-development environment will be replenished with new didactic games, attributes for role-playing games, new educational materials.

Children will grow in interest in the work of adults, acquire knowledge and ideas about various professions, learn that the work of adults brings not only income, but also great benefits to society, and will feel proud of their parents.


1. Aleshina. N.V. Familiarization of preschoolers with the environment and social reality. Senior and preparatory group - M, 2013.

2.N.F.Vinogradova, S.A.Kozlova Our Motherland: a manual for kindergarten teachers 1994

Middle group Educator: Krichevtsova M. S. Cherepovets Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 92"

Project type:

  • creative
  • short

Project participants: children of secondary group No. 5, parents of students,

Educator: Krichevtsova M.S.

Implementation period: March-April 2015

Relevance of the project:

Preschool education is the first stage general education which is enshrined in law “On the formation of the Russian Federation” .

Familiarization with professions already at preschool age ensures the child’s further entry into the modern world, introducing him to values, satisfaction and development of cognitive interests.

Problem: From a conversation with the children, it became clear that they have a superficial understanding of professions, so we decided to introduce the children to professions more closely:

Goal: To develop in children a sense of belonging to the world of adults through familiarity with professions.

Project objectives:

  1. Strengthen children's knowledge about professions.
  2. Expand children's horizons and cognitive interest in professions.
  3. To develop respect for the work of adults in different professions.
  4. Determine the importance of professions.
  5. Encourage creativity in role-playing games about professions, art and other activities.
  6. Learn to write short stories using diagrams.

Estimated results of the project:

Understanding the meaning of a word "profession" .

Teach children to write stories about their chosen profession using the TRIZ RTV scheme.

Collect and systematize all material on the project topic.

Show children's interest in this topic.

To form a holistic understanding of the work activities of adults.

Teach children to understand proverbs and sayings about work.

Stage 1. Preparatory

  1. Inform parents about the project.
  2. Select illustrations and presentations about professions.
  3. Find literature about professions.
  4. Choose games, songs, dances, poems, finger gymnastics.
  5. Prepare excursions to the post office, kitchen, laundry, and medical office of the preschool educational institution
  6. Instruct parents to prepare messages on any of the professions.

Conversations with children:

  1. What professions do you know?
  2. Why are these professions important?
  3. What clothes do people of different professions wear?
  4. What technologies and tools do people of different professions use?

Organizational stage

1. Creation of a problem situation for children, the solution of which the project will be aimed at, using a model of three questions:

Why do you need to work? What do your parents do, what do you know about their professions? What do you want to be when you grow up?

What do we need to do to find out?

Where can we find out? How can we tell everyone what we learn?

2. Joint discussion with children about the stages of work on the project

Health and physical development

Introduction to professions related to sports;

Daily thematic rhythmic exercises;

Thematic physical education minutes

P/i "Firefighters in training" , "Cosmonauts" , relay games

Compliance with work regime (work and rest)


Safety rules for household work

People of different professions have their own safety rules


  • Presentations "All works are good" , "The master's work is afraid" , "Professions"
  • Examination of reproductions, albums, illustrations on the topic "Professions"
  • Series of conversations: "Who works in kindergarten" , “Items and tools needed by people of various professions” , "World of Professions"
  • Conversations about the professions of parents and relatives, their places of work

Didactic games: "Give me a word" , "Guess who?" , "A toy shop" , “Who can tell you more about the profession!” , "Guess what I'm doing?" , “What first, what then?” , “Where can I buy this?” , "Name your profession" , "What to whom" , "Guess the profession" , “Who can’t do without them” , "Professions of People" , "Who's doing what?" , , “What do they do with this object?” , “What the object will tell you” .

  • Labor process modeling
  • Using logic games
  • Using TRIZ elements when solving problem situations
  • Drawing up a diagram for writing a story about professions
  • “As it was before, but as it is now”


Interaction with parents:

Meeting with an interesting person:

  • Misha's dad is a police officer “Our service is both dangerous and difficult...”
  • Kirill's mother is a junior teacher, "On the importance of the profession"
  • Kirill's grandfather is a former military man "About military professions"
  • Nastya's grandmother is a former nurse. Problem situation "What happened to the doll Katya"

Games and conversations

  • Role-playing games: "Shop" , "Builders" , "Hospital" , "Salon" , "Beauty saloon" , "Studio"
  • Simulation Games: "Mom's Helpers" , "Preparing dinner for the whole family" .
  • Game situation: "What will I become?" ,
  • A conversation about the qualities that a person who wants to get a particular profession must have “This profession suits me”
  • Game-discussion "I am in the past, present and future" (work is the main occupation of an adult)


  • Writing stories about parents' professions
  • Learning poems about various professions
  • Enriching children's vocabulary with new terms
  • Guessing riddles on the topic "Professions"
  • Stories from children personal experience "At the doctor"
  • Speeches by children with a message about any of the selected professions
  • Proverbs and sayings about work
  • Discussion of phraseological units about work
  • Household work in a group
  • participation in the cleanup (labor in nature)
  • manual labor


Proverbs and sayings about work

Poems and riddles about professions

Reading poems and stories about professions

V. Mayakovsky "Who to be?" .

S. Marshak "Where did the table come from" , "We are military" ,

S. Mikhalkov “What do you have?” , "Uncle Styopa" , "Uncle Styopa is a policeman" .

To Lifshits “And we will work” ,

L. Voronkova "We are building, building, building" .

Music game “If you have fun, do it this way”

Conversation about creative professions related to art (pianist, conductor, composer, singer, ballerina, artist)

Artistic and creative activities

Exhibition of drawings "Who will I be"

Making attributes for games: "Mail" , "Shop" , "Pharmacy" , "A television"

Coloring coloring pages - professions

Drawing tools and equipment, using stencils in your work

Modeling – vegetables and fruits, confectionery

Play activity

  • Board games - "Professions" , "Who to be?" , "Associations" , “Who needs what for work?” , “We know all professions” , Puzzles "Professions" , "Couples" (by topic), "Associations" , lotto, dominoes, cut pictures
  • Didactic games "Give me a word" , "Guess who?" , "A toy shop" , “Who can tell you more about the profession” . "Guess what I'm doing" , "What's first, what's next" , "Where can I buy this" , "Name your profession" , "What to whom" . "Guess the profession" , “Who can’t do without them” , "Professions of People" , "Who's doing what?" , "Who needs what" , “What happened if I didn’t work...” , “What do they do with this object?” , “What the object will tell you” .
  • Games “We won’t tell you where we were, we’ll show you what we did.” , “If you have fun, do this”

Working with parents

  • consultations for parents "Children's responsibilities at home"
  • placement of materials in parent corners
  • designing a photo newspaper together with parents "Mom at work"

Final stage

Holiday “All professions are needed” with children's performance (presentations).

Project results:

  • Teachers are satisfied with the work done and the results of the project
  • All material on the project topic has been collected and systematized
  • Preschoolers have developed an interest in this topic;
  • A holistic understanding of the work activity of adults has been formed
  • Children know and call a large number of professions, proverbs, sayings about labor, tools, can make up descriptive story about the profession.
  • Children have become more liberated and independent. In free activities, singing songs is widely used, attributes and outfits are used for this purpose.
  • Parents developed an interest in the educational process, the development of creativity, knowledge and skills in children, a desire to communicate with the teacher, and participate in the life of the group.
  • Parents have the opportunity to introduce their profession to all children in the group
  • The holiday was prepared and held “All professions are needed” .