Professions for unsociable people. The best job for introverts. What kind of work is suitable for an introvert?

What profession and job is suitable for an introvert?, if a person tries to reduce communication with people to a minimum or does not want to work in a team? This is exactly what we will talk about in this article.

So, you have been tested or have long since decided on your own that you are more of an introvert than an extrovert. And you don’t really like communicating with people, and sometimes you completely try to avoid unnecessary meetings and contacts with strangers and even familiar people. And you also want to work in an area where communication with people is kept to a minimum.

What kind of work is suitable for an introvert?

Even if you are an introvert and it is not so easy to choose a profession, do not be discouraged. There is a certain set of professions that are optimally suited for an introvert, the main thing is that you like the direction of work that you choose and correspond to your talents.

Introverts, as a rule, experience fear when communicating with strangers, and at work, when their usual life and daily routine change, disturbing the established routine and peace of the introvert. Teamwork and public speaking an introvert will also prefer a personal task or an individual project.

A person may exhibit introverted behavior from childhood, or may avoid communication during certain periods of his life, for example, in adolescence or after a personal experience.

It also happens that people who have worked for many years in areas where it is constantly necessary to communicate with people begin to suffer from an overabundance of communication, avoid it and become introverts. Statistics show that about a quarter of the entire population consider themselves introverts. And this quarter of the population, prone to introversion, finds it much more difficult to find a job they like and with a minimum of communication.

Such a concentration on internal needs among introverts is completely normal behavior for them, closing their interesting and entertaining inner world to “strangers.”

The ability to concentrate on one goal sometimes makes introverts more successful people in work and life than extroverts, who are not always able to concentrate on one thing, often try many areas of activity, rush around, unable to complete the task, and waste own strength and time.

Popular activities and professions for an introvert

  • Working with numbers. If you want to keep contact with people to a minimum, choose a profession accountant, financier, economist, stock broker or financial analyst. These professions are associated with the processing of incoming digital data according to clearly established algorithms and rules, mainly requiring developed logical thinking, perseverance and diligence. These professions are associated with monotonous, repetitive work and may seem dull for extroverts, but for introverts this work is ideal.
  • Work in the IT industry. If you are an introvert, then why not choose a computer as your work tool? If you like this idea, then you can get, system administrator, website administrator and others. Working in these areas, you will be able to limit personal meetings as much as possible and communicate with clients primarily via e-mail, and perform the work remotely in a place and time convenient for you. In addition, a large percentage of IT specialists prefer, for example, through the, Advego or Work-zilla exchanges.
  • Writing, journalism. Introverts are great at expressing their thoughts, so writing texts and articles is a job that is perfect for people who prefer solitude to communication. Those people who have developed imagination can start creating fiction, and those who have a lot of experience that can be passed on to another generation by writing educational books. In addition, the profession of a copywriter (or rewriter), which is accessible to absolutely anyone, is currently gaining more and more popularity. Or start as a librarian.
  • Design. Design profession very in demand and highly paid. If you consider yourself creative person, you can engage in design in any area that interests you - from interior design to web design. Designers, as a rule, do not work in a team, but lead individual projects, expressing a personal creative vision of the world.
  • Marketing research. If you have developed logical and analytical thinking and, at the same time, a creative approach is not alien to you, you can choose a profession marketer. Market and product research is not always associated with communication with people, but rather with the correct processing of the collected information, and can be carried out remotely without visiting the office every day.
  • Scientific and research activities . This kind of work is purely individual and is great for an introvert, allowing you to fully realize your full scientific and creative potential, but it does not always bring financial well-being in the first few years scientific activity.
  • Creative activity. If you, for example, know how to draw or take photographs well, then why not choose a creative field of activity and get a profession artist, photographer, musician, jeweler or another creative profession? Communication with people in such creative professions is minimal.
  • Driving Vehicle . Working as a driver anything great suitable for an introvert, as it minimizes contact with people and requires attentiveness and concentration. By the way, the profession of a driver is included in.
  • Working with animals and plants. What are some professions for an introvert? If you love animals and plants, you can choose a profession veterinarian, dog handler, trainer, plant breeder. Working with animals and plants is less stressful and more rewarding than working with people.

It’s great if you have clearly defined your temperament before making one of the most important and responsible choices in life - choosing a profession. After all, it will be very disappointing in ten years to realize that you chose the wrong profession that should have been chosen in accordance with your temperament.

Understanding your strengths and weaknesses is already half the success in your future work, but the most important thing is internal satisfaction with the work you do. If you still doubt whether you are an introvert or an extrovert and which profession to choose, take the next one, after which you will know for sure.

According to American psychologists, introverts make up a third of the entire society. Character traits incline such people to solitude.

But introvert and introvert are different. Some people want to be alone more time, others less. But they all have one thing in common: the desire to reduce communication with other people to a minimum.

Due to low communication skills, not every profession is suitable for them. Today in the article we will present best professions for introverts.

First, let's talk about what character qualities are inherent in introverts:

  • concentration on the inner world, on your thoughts, emotions and experiences;
  • has difficulty making new acquaintances, so often has a small number of friends;
  • experiences peace when alone;
  • copes better with work alone;
  • often looks calm, calm and silent;
  • strives to minimize spending time among large crowds of people.

It is good and bad to be an introvert. It just needs to be taken for granted. And design your life in accordance with your psychotype.

Professions that are best suited for introverts:

1. Art

Creativity is a great way to express yourself. And it can bring in good income. The main thing is to determine your abilities: drawing, dancing, singing, if it is not related to the stage, and any other activity related to the creative reproduction of the surrounding world. Artists, for example, can earn on average 40 thousand rubles a month.

2. Creation of technologies

This includes engineers in any field of activity, technologists and technical specialists. These are professions based on the development of new technologies and recipes. They can also control the quality of raw materials and analyze the cause of defects.

3. Scientific activities

Quite a serious field of activity. There must be a special predisposition and interest in it, since any science requires large quantity knowledge and information.

Laboratory work may be related to scientific activities or located in any institution requiring such work. For example, in medical organizations.

4. IT technologies

The world of IT specialists is associated with numbers and codes. They can create websites, be system administrators or .

5. Accounting

Basically, an accountant's job consists of accounting for something. The work is strictly regulated by law if the activity is related to finance. It is important to note that accounting is associated with some stress and often requires interaction with suppliers, banks and other organizations.

6. Data processing

Working with databases is quite mechanical. This may require special care, since a lot of time is spent filling out the information.

7. Work from home

In principle, this includes any activity that can be performed at home: sewing, making jewelry, consulting, etc. This can be either working for yourself or in an organization. The only thing that distinguishes it from working outside the home is the independent management of your own time and deadlines for completing tasks. To do this you need to have a high level of self-organization.

8. Working on the Internet

It can be performed both at home and in the office. Nowadays, thanks to the Internet, there are a lot of professions that need to be performed online. This is the manager social networks, specialist involved in promotion and advertising.

All that is needed for successful work is unlimited access to the Internet, a little self-education and constant development in the profession, since constant changes and modernizations are taking place on the Internet.

Each person has his own psychological type, which determines his behavior with people, his thinking and even his capabilities. If a person is closed, constantly self-absorbed and very painfully tolerates all words addressed to him, he is an introvert. It is difficult for such people to get along in society; they always try to separate themselves and be alone. So where can such people work? After all, the work team requires communication, clients need presentations, and management forces you to report at planning meetings. There is a solution! Today we will tell you what kind of work for an introvert fits perfectly into his psychological type.


Who is an introvert?

Introverted people are called introverted people. Usually they are pessimistic about what is happening, shy, and do not express their emotions vigorously. They do not like noisy parties and parties; they prefer to be alone. Such people do not change their point of view and do not succumb to provocations. This psychological type of people is prone to worry about any reason; these people are very vulnerable and touchy.

Introverted men are very gentle both in their relationships with women and in their interactions with the stronger sex. They cannot fight back or respond sarcastically to their opponent; it is easier for them to avoid the conflict. Women take advantage of the weakness of introverted men, they can manipulate them and force them to do what they don’t want. Introverted men paired with a strong woman become henpecked, while an introverted woman feels great in a marriage with an extroverted man.

Melancholic introverts at work do not participate in the life of the team, refuse joint holidays and corporate events, rarely communicate and look forward to the end of the working day. This is why finding a job for an introvert is more difficult.

Where to work for an introvert?

An introvert will never get a job in sales. There it is necessary not only to establish contact with the client, but also to improvise, show emotions, and build a dialogue. This doesn’t fit in with the behavior of an introvert, so... similar work must be forgotten.

Working for a large corporation is also not an introvert's dream. Large corporations employ hundreds or even thousands of people. A person of this psychotype will not be able to exist comfortably in this “anthill”.

Teacher, tutor, psychologist - everything is bypassed. These professions require communication with unfamiliar people every day, which will be a lot of stress for an introvert.

The strengths of an introvert are his creativity, ability to destroy stereotypes, and analyze. Introverts usually have excellent memories and are able to make informed decisions. Here are a few suitable professions:

  • Writer. Here the love of creativity and unity will merge together. Writers can stay home around the clock, publishing their next “brainchild”. Communication with people is reduced to a minimum, and creativity is used to the fullest.
  • Accountant. In the accountant's head there are only numbers, reconciliations, acts. They have no time to be distracted by others; they live in a world of numbers. In addition, outsourcing is now gaining popularity, then the work will be done at home, on your favorite couch. Moreover, the attentiveness of introverts will help them advance well in this profession; accountants must check their calculations more than once.
  • Designer. Once again a great opportunity to work from home, and even show your creativity. Designers with a good portfolio get large and highly paid projects, so this is also a way to earn decent money.
  • Copywriter. If an introvert has no problems with the Russian language and has the ability to write texts, this can become good view earning money at home. Copywriters can communicate with the customer exclusively via email or social networks, and still receive a tidy sum for their creation.
  • Translator of foreign texts. This profession will require an introvert high level knowledge of the language, but at the same time free you from office slavery and communication with people. For the customer, the main thing is the result, and an introvert is able to give this result.
  • Programmer. An excellent option for a melancholic introvert. Just him and a computer, nothing more is required for successful work. Please note that all programmers are uncommunicative in life, but they can lead an active Internet life (participate in discussions on forums, joke, become leaders in online games), this is explained by their temperament.

If working from home is not an option, you need to send out your resume and prepare for an interview. Let's give some tips for introverts in case of interviews.

  • Before the interview, familiarize yourself with the company’s website, find out what functions are performed by the specialist whose position you are trying to fill.
  • Write down your strengths and weaknesses separately on a piece of paper (for yourself). Eighty percent of executives ask this question.
  • Make a list of questions for your future boss. Your interest in the company's work will be appreciated.
  • Come up with a couple interesting ideas who can promote the company. Show that you know her strengths and weaknesses. Employers like proactive employees.
  • Attend no more than one interview per day. Your energy will be wasted, and you won’t be able to make the right impression.
  • Don't be afraid to talk about your interests and hobbies. The openness of an employee is very important for the employer; he must trust his subordinate, and not expect a trick from him.
  • Before the interview, try simulating it with people you know. This will allow you to identify mistakes during the conversation, feel more confident, and hone your speech.

As we have seen, work for an introvert (male or female, melancholic or choleric) exists; the main thing is to choose an area in which the person will be interested in working. If an introvert torments himself with something he doesn’t like and is constantly under stress, then he can receive serious psychological trauma and close himself off from the world around him completely. Therefore, try to choose a profession to your liking, then financial position It will be in perfect harmony with your state of mind.

Are you unsociable? Do you suffer from misanthropy? Or do you simply prefer solitude to the company of other people? If yes, then you may not find it easy to find the right business, especially if the economy is service-oriented. Don't despair! There is a pole for every cricket - there are quite a few activities in the world that require minimal communication with their own kind.

Technical Writer

This profession requires the ability to clearly present complex information to the uninitiated. But you don’t have to communicate with them personally: technical writers usually work as freelancers, so you don’t even have to leave your home, and you can communicate with customers by e-mail. Average salary: $66,575.

We are fine with vacancies for technical writers, although the employer may require your presence in the office. You can earn from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles. per month (or maybe more - job descriptions often indicate “from”).

Funeral home employee

The job of a funeral home director, who has to communicate with people who have lost loved ones, is unlikely to suit our misanthropes and introverts. But in the funeral industry there are occupations that do not involve communication. Average salary: $58,287.

There are vacancies, for example, a florist. Payment by agreement, usually piecework.

Air conditioning and ventilation equipment maintenance technician

This is a great activity for people who are numb at the thought of interacting with others like themselves at work. In this case, contact with colleagues is usually minimal. The task is to understand the equipment. Average salary: $50,480.

In Moscow, a “ventilation system adjuster” can be offered up to 45,000 rubles, and an “air conditioning and ventilation system installer” up to 100,000 rubles. per month.

Software developer

If you prefer to look at a monitor screen than at the faces of colleagues or clients, then this job is quite suitable for you. Studying the features of programs, testing systems... - and no people, well, almost. Average salary is $63,189.

Truck driver

You will spend days and even nights alone behind the wheel of your truck. Average salary is $42,237.

There are driver vacancies, sometimes you need your own truck. As for earnings, according to the employer, you can earn up to 150,000 rubles by transporting mail on the route Moscow - St. Petersburg - Moscow. per month.


You will spend most of your time interacting with animals, unless, of course, you are charged with conducting excursions for some juvenile bandits. Average salary: $32,282.

We offer from 10,000 rubles for such work. per month (animal care worker at the Leningrad Zoo). In Moscow veterinary clinic for help in caring for a suffering animal they promise to pay from 17,000 rubles. per month.

A carpenter

It's easy to work alone if you're, say, a carpenter. And since there is always something to fix, you will be provided with work. Average salary: $40,123. In Moscow, people in this profession are offered from 20,000 to 50,000 rubles. per month.

Independent consultant (any kind)

You will choose when and how much you work with whom, including how closely you communicate with other people. Is there someone you don't like? Eliminate him from your life forever! What could be better? It is not possible to indicate the salary level.

Materials used

Introverts feel great in solitude and do not strive to expand their social circle. To work in large office filled with people is unnatural for them; introverts experience even greater discomfort when they have to work with a flow of visitors.

According to their psychological makeup, people are divided into extroverts and introverts. active, proactive and sociable. They easily meet and find a common language with new people, feel great in any team, prefer to work in a team and openly express their opinions. They need contact with people like air, because from communicating with them they are charged with energy.

The same is the complete opposite of extroverts. They are silent, outwardly calm, withdrawn, do not like to make new acquaintances, feel uncomfortable in the company of strangers, avoid large companies and are immersed in their own inner world. Unlike extroverts, introverts get their energy from interacting with a small circle of people they trust and from immersing themselves in their own inner world.

Loneliness is a painful state for an extrovert, but an introvert will call it freedom. In a crowd, an extrovert will feel like a fish out of water, but for an introvert this is a great psychological burden, tantamount to stress.

However, it is impossible to say that it is good to be an extrovert and bad to be an introvert. Introverts also have strengths: they are patient and persistent, thoughtful and reasonable, have analytical thinking, and are less susceptible to the influence of others, while extroverts are more impulsive and superficial.

Due to the fact that introverts are taciturn and withdrawn, one gets the impression that there are few of them. However, they are not at all in the minority; they are simply less noticeable against the backdrop of energetic and sociable extroverts.

Their achievements in professional field are also not always immediately visible, although there are many introverts among world celebrities. Among them are physicist Albert Einstein, naturalist and scientist Charles Darwin, writer Franz Kafka, founder of the corporation, billionaire entrepreneur, and largest billionaire investor. Renowned venture capitalist Guy Kawasaki, author of numerous best-selling books including How to Charm People, wrote about himself: “You may find this hard to believe, but I am an introvert. …I’m a loner by nature.”

Thus, the tendency of introverts to think, their “withdrawal” does not mean at all that they are passive quiet people. And yet, when hiring, some employers often give preference to extroverts, since with their openness and talkativeness they can win over and present themselves in a more favorable light than an introvert, who may have deeper knowledge of the subject, but behaves too reservedly.

And not in all cases can we say that the employer was wrong in choosing an extrovert, even if he turned out to be not as competent as an introvert. There are areas of activity that seem designed for extroverts, where they feel comfortable, can fully demonstrate the best traits of their character and achieve career heights. This is usually a job that requires a lot of communication with people (for example, trading). An introvert in the same place may feel like he is in a nightmare.

Therefore, before choosing a profession, it is worth thinking about what type of people we are. (Of course, there are not so many “pure” extroverts and introverts, just as the world is not divided only into black and white. But they can still be distinguished from each other by the most characteristic features.) This will help to avoid further disappointments and stress , if we suddenly realize that the profession of a journalist, teacher or manager, which requires sociability, does not correspond to our character.

An introvert should not try to change himself in order to become an extrovert - this will not give anything except internal dissatisfaction with himself. In addition, there are many professions where introverts can realize their best.

Where to work for an introvert

Translator working with texts

His work requires a minimum of communication with people and a maximum of concentration and attention - something that an introvert does best. In addition, he can live and work individual schedule, because the main thing for the customer is high-quality work delivered on time. And be guided own rules– this is what an introvert needs.


For an accountant, perseverance, concentration, scrupulousness, attentiveness and a desire to get to the bottom of the truth are important - all these qualities are possessed by an introvert. Moreover, it is much easier for him to “communicate” with numbers than with people. The same can be said about the profession of financial analyst. An extrovert may find these professions too boring.


Programmers spend most of their time behind a monitor. They can work with customers remotely, but even if the work requires their presence in the office, they are often so passionate about it that they do not pay attention to the presence of others. The work of a programmer, which requires concentration and perseverance, is an ideal option for introverts. Of course, mastering this specialty is not easy, but it is worth it - good programmers earn good money.


What is important in a designer’s work is his ability to disconnect from the outside world in order to immerse himself in the world of his own fantasies, which will subsequently manifest themselves in his work. He must have sensitivity and the ability to notice beauty where others do not see it, in order to tell everyone about it through his works. Therefore, good designers by nature are more introverted than extroverted.


Psychologists believe that introverts feel comfortable and perform best in a calm environment with a minimum of distractions. Time developed digital technologies enables introverted people to avoid unwanted communication at times when they do not need it. This is especially true for those whose work requires concentration and immersion in their inner world.


Introverts who live in the world of their fantasies, who know how to see and appreciate the beauty and harmony of living nature, will find it easier to work among flowers than among people. Although it is unlikely that you will be able to completely avoid contact with people. Clients prefer to deal with smiling people.

Working with animals (for example, veterinarian)

Many people know the phrase: “The more I get to know people, the more I like dogs.” It is not known exactly who said it first - it is attributed to Socrates, Heinrich Heine, and Schopenhauer. However, it seems that this person was an introvert. After all, it is introverts who are sensitive, vulnerable and are easily offended by a careless word. It may be easier for introverts to find a common language with animals than with people.

Laboratory assistant

An introvert who is stressed by the need to constantly communicate with people, entering into negotiations with them, can feel great in the world of test tubes, tests and research.


Interestingly, some psychologists believe that introverts are more effective in leadership positions than extroverts. And the reason is that extroverted bosses often suppress their subordinates with their energy, which is why they “close down.” Introverted managers are more sensitive and listen to the team’s opinions.

Of course, a lot depends on the field in which the company operates. If it is the collection and analysis of information, strategy development and planning, where deep and comprehensive analysis is required, then an introverted leader is more productive. In addition, psychologists have noticed that an introvert who successfully moves up the career ladder eventually acquires the qualities of an extrovert.