Construction enterprise management program. Construction Enterprise Management Program Resource Requirement Planning

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The range of programs on the 1C platform for a construction organization is very diverse and differs mainly in the scope of application of these solutions. On this page you can familiarize yourself with the main features and functional purpose of the 1C program itself.

In their daily work, many construction companies and organizations acting as contractors are faced with the problem of financial accounting for various construction projects. Full control over the consumption of materials, accounting for their movement and write-off, calculation of construction and installation processes - these and other important data are difficult to bring together.

is the latest software product, characterized by greater capabilities for monitoring and recording construction activities, as well as its in-depth analysis. It is applicable in all management cycles of the construction process: in the field of finance, resources, production, personnel management, etc.

The program on the 1C platform is intended for:

  • Customers;
  • Investors;
  • Construction contractors;
  • Users of investment objects.

1C helps to create a unified information system that allows you to control various aspects of the activities of any construction organization. It is designed to perform various functional tasks.

Construction production management

  • Drawing up construction schedules;
  • Calculation of the planned cost of the construction process;
  • Drawing up work templates, groups of work, projects to simplify the entry of received data;
  • Appointment of performers - employees, mechanisms and machines for carrying out planned work;
  • Maintaining records of the implementation of work on the calendar plan;
  • Accounting for actual materials consumed by work;
  • Formation of requests and needs for material and technical resources;
  • Displaying information about scheduled work in graphical form: Gantt charts, network diagrams;
  • Construction of labor movement schedules.

Financial management

  • Planning capital investment limits in the context of construction projects, cost items for contractors and construction;
  • Management of budgets and finances by objects;
  • Accounting for VAT on capital investments in the context of investment objects;
  • Accounting for costs incurred for the maintenance of customer units according to approved estimates;
  • Accounting for the implementation of construction and installation works in the context of construction projects, technological cost structure, contractors, construction cost items with the preparation of a certificate of costs in the KS-3 form;
  • Payroll calculation at construction sites;
  • Control over the availability of a set of primary documentation for accounting for capital investments, accounting for inventory items and other documents used directly by the customer;
  • Calculation of the cost of used auxiliary production;
  • On-farm calculations.

Warehouse management

  • Accounting for the consumption of materials according to their properties (density, format);
  • Calculation of materials involved in production;
  • Calculation of materials stored in the warehouse;
  • Calculation of finished products;
  • Calculation of the issuance of materials to contractors and write-off of raw materials as they are consumed;
  • Accounting for receipt of construction materials at the warehouse.

Implementation results

The use showed good results:

  • Successful interaction between a specialized customer and an investor;
  • Raising borrowed funds;
  • Successful interaction between the subcontractor and the general contractor;
  • Operational accounting of the construction of facilities for the customer, investor, contractor;
  • Operational accounting of unplanned additional costs;
  • Attracting co-investors.

A construction organization is a kind of living organism that requires constant analysis of various data on production and economic activities. In addition, for the successful development of a construction enterprise, comprehensive coordination of all work performed is necessary. The 1C program for a construction organization helps to effectively use the company’s existing resources, maintain production profitability, save labor resources, and properly organize construction financing.

Construction company management 8 You can run several companies and private entrepreneurs - independent or working within the same business. Accounting can be maintained in different currencies.

Real benefits from automation in just a few weeks . Management of a construction company 8 can be quickly put into operation, and when the scale of business increases, approaches to management or organization of work, changes can be quickly made.

All necessary data in a single information database . The program replaces dozens of Excel tables, documents and reports, “[stores” each customer, prices, discounts, orders, obligations, contracts.

Information for decision-making is always at hand .

    Work production schedules

    Estimates of construction projects and work

    Income and expenses, profits and losses for construction projects

    Settlements with construction customers and material suppliers

    Flow of funds

    State of objects

    Sales dynamics and analysis

    and other management reports

Wide possibilities for activity planning . Planning of sales, staffing costs, requirements for materials and work, financial planning (budgeting), etc.

Everything's under control . Maintaining work schedules, supplies of materials, and employee tasks provides the possibility of operational control.

Labor productivity growth due to the automation of routine operations, quick and convenient preparation of information for decision-making at different levels of management. The program interface makes it easy to learn for beginners and high speed for experienced users.

The program does not require knowledge of accounting and tax accounting .

Access to information from anywhere in the world - through the Internet.


Budget planning and pricing – drawing up estimates using the resource method and calculating the cost of construction projects based on in-house prices with the possibility of generating forms KS-2, KS-3, M-29.

Scheduling – calculating the timing of work, planning resources and cost of work in relation to the calendar.

Marketing and Sales – maintaining product range, prices, discounts and markups, maintaining a customer base, registering and storing contracts with counterparties, sales planning and analysis of plan implementation.

Supply and procurement – identification and provision of internal and external needs for goods and services, analysis of purchases by suppliers, orders and product range.

Warehouse and production – accounting of enterprise inventories in multiple warehouses, management of the processes of production of products, performance of work and provision of services.

Cash – accounting and analysis of cash flows in bank accounts and cash registers of a construction company, planning the receipt of funds from customers.

Property– accounting of property - fixed assets (fixed assets) and intangible assets of the company, accounting for the receipt and disposal of fixed assets, depreciation, planning of capital investments.

Finance– according to management accounting data, the user gets the opportunity to generate basic financial reports: management balance sheet, profit and loss statement, cash flow statement.

Salary and personnel – personnel records of personnel, including employees working part-time, recording of working hours (timesheets) and management calculation of wages for company employees. Generating analytical reports on settlements with personnel, accruals and employee retention.

Retail sales – the subsystem automates retail trade. Maintaining quantitative-cumulative or total accounting is supported. Formation and printing of labels and price tags is supported.

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Modules have been added to the UNF functionality for accounting in construction: Estimated pricing Scheduling on the new version of the technological platform “1C: Enterprise 8.2”, a ready-made industry solution for automating small construction enterprises, developed on the basis of 1C: Management small company 8 (UNF) Management of a construction company 8

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Areas of application of the system Directorate Planning and economic department Information and analytical department Administrative and economic department Supply department (materials and technical support) The program can be used by the following divisions and services of construction companies: Technical support service Sales department IT marketing department service Personnel service Warehouses Accounting

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Integrated ready-made solution for automation of small construction companies In a single information base: estimate planning and pricing calendar planning database of clients, contracts, contact persons banking and cash transactions settlements with counterparties, personnel, sales budget, inventories, procurement performance of work, provision of services, production of products personnel management and payroll income and expenses, profits and losses, property financial planning (budgeting) monitor of the manager and key indicators retail sales and connection of external equipment PLANNING ANALYSIS CONTROL ACCOUNTING The program can be used for several construction companies and private entrepreneurs - independent or working within the same business. Accounting can be maintained in any currency

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Benefits for owners and managers of construction companies Real benefits from automation in just a few weeks. Management of a construction company 8 can be quickly put into operation, and when the scale of business increases, approaches to management or organization of work, it can be quickly reconfigured. All necessary data in a single information database. The program replaces dozens of tables, documents and reports, “remembers” each customer, prices, discounts, orders, obligations, contracts. Information for decision-making is always at hand. Work production schedules; Estimates of construction projects and work; Income and expenses, profits and losses on construction projects; Settlements with construction customers and material suppliers; Flow of funds; State of objects; Sales dynamics and analysis; and other management reports.

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Benefits for owners and managers of construction companies Wide opportunities for activity planning. Planning of sales, staffing costs, requirements for materials and work, financial planning (budgeting), etc. Everything's under control. Maintaining work schedules, supplies of materials, and employee tasks provides the possibility of operational control. Increased labor productivity through automation of routine operations, quick and convenient preparation of information for decision-making at different levels of management. The program interface makes it easy to learn for beginners and high speed for experienced users. The program does not require knowledge of accounting and tax accounting. Access to information from anywhere in the world – via the Internet

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), On the new version of the technological platform "1C:Enterprise 8.2" The program "Management of a construction company 8" was developed on the platform "1C:Enterprise 8.2", which provides high flexibility, customizability, scalability, productivity, ergonomics of applied solutions work in thin and web client modes work for users via the Internet, including via low-speed communication channels The web client works in Microsoft Internet Explorer browsers versions 6.0, 7.0 and 8.0, as well as Mozilla Firefox version 3 1C:Enterprise platform 8" supports work with various DBMS - file mode, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, IBM DB2, Oracle Database "1C:Enterprise 8" provides the ability to use open software for server and database operation

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Quick commissioning. Due to this, a “quick start” is ensured. The program is not overloaded with unnecessary features, it implements the most necessary for accounting, control, analysis and planning in construction. The built-in “Quick Start” system will help you quickly configure the program to the specifics of organizing management and accounting in the company and get to work right away. Configuration is carried out in user mode by placing “checkboxes”. For example, if the company plans to carry out financial planning (budgeting), you can enable the corresponding functionality with literally one click of the mouse button. The program's "desktop" contains a visual navigation diagram that helps you navigate the system, provides convenient data entry and quick receipt of reports. To use the program, you do not need to know accounting and tax accounting.

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Estimated pricing The subsystem is designed for drawing up estimates using the resource method* and calculating the cost of construction projects based on in-house prices. *To prepare estimates based on regulatory frameworks, it is recommended to use the software product "1C: Estimate"

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Estimated pricing Functionality: Instant control of profitability as a whole for the construction project and for individual stages and works: Simultaneous creation of two estimates: estimates for the customer and cost estimates for production;

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Estimated pricing Maintaining in-house prices for the production of work, both for the customer - estimate data, and for production cost data; The ability to automate the determination of prices for a resource based on links to price sources and markup factors;

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Estimated pricing Functions for reflecting subcontracted work as performed in-house

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Estimated pricing Possibility of displaying estimated data both for the entire volume as a whole and for a unit of volume of a position;

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Estimated pricing Possibility of setting various “surcharges” and discounts on the total amount of the estimate for the customer using conversion factors;

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Estimated pricing Creation and printing of the following reporting forms: Act KS-2; Certificates KS-3; Forms M-29

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Estimated pricing Possibility of creating a calendar plan based on estimates. In this case, the estimate items are translated into calendar plan activities, and the connections between the estimate items are translated into connections between activities.

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Scheduling The subsystem is designed to calculate the timing of work, planning resources and the cost of work in relation to the calendar.

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Scheduling The ability to display reports on scheduling in the form of tables or in the form of Gantt charts in three versions: 1. For production and the customer at the same time - for the purpose of comparing calendar plans; 2.Only data for production; 3.Only data for the customer.

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Scheduling Ability to selectively reflect data, determining whether the resource is included in the customer schedule, the production schedule, or both schedules; Show subcontracted work in the calendar plan to the customer as performed in-house;

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Cash Accounting Accounting for the movement of non-cash and cash funds - in bank accounts and at cash desks Preparation of documents - payment orders, cash orders, advance reports, payroll statements Interaction with client-bank programs "Control Control of cash balances in cash registers and on current accounts Analysis Analysis of cash flows - in the context of sources of receipt and directions of expenditure of cash flow items Planning Payment calendar - operational planning of receipts and expenditures, support for the process of determining the priority of payments Formation of a cash flow budget - to get an idea of ​​the overall need for funds and their rational use

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495) , Mutual settlements Accounting Accounting for settlements with buyers and customers, suppliers and contractors, budget, personnel, accountable persons, other counterparties Control Control of debt balances and advances for settlements with buyers and customers, suppliers and contractors, budget, personnel, accountable persons Analysis Analysis of the structure and terms of debt - total debt, overdue and by debt terms Planning Planning receipt of payment from buyers and customers and payments to suppliers and contractors

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495) , Sales Accounting Maintaining a database of clients, contracts, contact persons, events Registration of customer orders and work orders Combining orders into projects Registration and storage of product range Maintaining a price list Accounting for various types of discounts and markups Accounting for sales of goods – from a warehouse and on order, on credit and by prepayment, sale of goods accepted for commission, transfer for sale to a commission agent, in the context of clients Retail sales and connection of external equipment Preparation of documents - invoices, invoices, invoices, etc. Reservation goods for customer orders Control Monitoring the supply of goods to the buyer's order Monitoring the implementation of sales plans by department, responsibility, and product Monitoring the implementation of shipment schedules for customer orders Analysis Analysis of sales by customer, order, product, department and person in charge Comparative analysis of data on planned and actual sales Planning Sales planning - in physical and value terms, both for the enterprise as a whole and by divisions Sales planning for individual product items Formation of goods shipment schedules Planning of income from sales - to form a profit and loss budget

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495) , Services Accounting Maintaining a database of clients, contracts, contact persons, events Accounting for various types of discounts and markups Maintaining a price list Registration of customer orders and work orders Accounting for services provided Formation of tasks for employees to provide services Registration of time used for the provision of services Control Monitoring the completion of tasks by employees Identification of deviations from planned schedules Analysis Analysis of services provided by clients, orders Planning Formation of schedules for the provision of services Formation of tasks for employees to provide services

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495) , Works Accounting Maintaining a database of clients, contracts, contact persons, events Accounting for various types of discounts and markups Maintaining a price list Registration of customer orders and work orders Formation of tasks for employees to perform work Registration of time used to complete work Accounting for direct and indirect costs of work performed by cost items Calculation of the actual cost of work Control Tracking the completion of tasks by employees Identification of deviations from planned schedules Analysis Analysis of work performed by clients, orders Planning Formation of work schedules

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495) , Production Accounting Accounting for production according to the “to warehouse” or “to order” model Storage of specifications for the manufacture of products - on the material composition of products and technological operations Registration of orders for production, accounting for the release of products and semi-finished products Transfer of products and semi-finished products between departments, within the technological cycle Transfer of products and semi-finished products to a warehouse for subsequent sale or storage Accounting for direct and indirect costs for the production of products and semi-finished products by cost items Calculation of the actual cost of products and semi-finished products Control Control of the need for materials Control of the implementation of piecework orders by performers Analysis Analysis of the fulfillment of production orders Analysis of the implementation of piecework orders Planning Formation of a production schedule Formation of production orders Formation of piecework orders for performers Calculation of inventory requirements Planning of direct and indirect costs

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495) , Inventory and Purchasing Control Control of stock balances in storage locations Control of unsupplied needs for inventories Tracking the execution of orders by suppliers (open orders to suppliers) Control of stocks received from third parties Control of stocks transferred to third parties Analysis Analysis of order execution by suppliers Analysis of purchases by suppliers, orders, items Planning Calculation of inventory requirements Formation of delivery schedules Reservation of stocks for orders in warehouses and in production and purchase orders Accounting Accounting for enterprise inventories, including in various units of measurement, by location storage, characteristics and batches Maintaining a database of suppliers, contracts, contact persons, events Registration of orders to suppliers Accounting for purchases by suppliers, orders, items Preparation of documents - invoice and delivery note, movement, inventory, etc. Accounting for the receipt of inventories according to various schemes - purchase, incl. by an accountable person, acceptance for sale, processing, storage Calculation of the cost of write-off of inventories using the FIFO and “average” method Accounting for additional acquisition costs - delivery, unloading, storage, etc.

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Personnel management and payroll accounting Calculation of managerial salaries Maintaining types of accruals and deductions Accounting for working time (timesheets) Calculation of wages for time-based and piecework wage systems Registration of piecework orders Setting up algorithms (formulas) for calculating accruals and deductions using accounting data (for example, sales volumes), Formation of payrolls for the payment of wages and advances Personnel records - registration of hiring, personnel transfer, dismissal of personnel, including for part-time workers Recording information about employees, information about working conditions Issuance work assignments Control Control of settlements with personnel Control of task execution Control of piecework orders Analysis Analysis of the completion of work assignments Analysis of the time spent by employees on completing work Analysis of the implementation of piecework orders Plan-fact analysis of personnel work Planning Formation of staffing Planning of employee workload Planning of labor costs The program implements accounting only for managerial salaries. It is recommended to calculate regulated wages and calculate regulated taxes and contributions using the programs "1C: Accounting 8" or "1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8".

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495) , Property Accounting Accounting for the acquisition of fixed assets and intangible assets and other types of their receipt Accounting for the disposal of property as a result of sale or liquidation Accrual of depreciation Assignment of depreciation to costs or expenses Control Carrying out an inventory Control of the availability, cost and depreciation of property Planning Capital investment planning

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Income and expenses, profits and losses Accounting Accounting for income and expenses - by lines of activity, orders, divisions, items of income and expenses Accounting for overhead and business expenses by items of expenses, orders, lines of activity and divisions Calculation of the actual cost of sold products, work, distribution of indirect costs Control Profit and loss report (financial result) Analysis Analysis of financial results in the context of areas of activity, divisions, customer orders Planning Planning of income, expenses, financial results of activities Planning of direct and indirect costs Formation budget of income and expenses

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Management balance sheet The software product allows you to create a management balance sheet, which contains the following information: the financial condition of the enterprise, the structure of its assets, liabilities, the state of equity capital

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Manager's Monitor Special sets of reports "Manager's Monitor" and "Monitors of Key Indicators" allow you to quickly and conveniently obtain the most important information on the main areas of the enterprise's activities, timely identify points of growth or negative dynamics Manager's Monitor In the "Monitor" manager" summarizes the following indicators: Cash balances in the accounts and cash registers of the enterprise Accounts receivable - total, overdue and by debt terms Accounts payable - total, overdue and by terms Profits and losses Overdue obligations for the shipment of goods and provision of services Overdue obligations for the supply of goods and provision of services

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Monitors of key performance indicators The program includes four monitors: general performance indicators, cash, accounts receivable, accounts payable General performance indicators The monitor includes the following indicators: sales, income and expenses, the state of working capital (cash funds, inventories and accounts receivable) Cash The monitor provides information on balances and cash flows by item, for the period Payments to customers Detailed information on the balances and dynamics of accounts receivable for the period, including overdue debt and debt by maturity Payments to suppliers The monitor provides detailed information on the balances and dynamics of accounts payable for the period, including overdue debt and debt by maturity

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Financial planning (budgeting) In terms of financial planning (budgeting), the program allows you to: create a cash flow budget to get an idea of ​​the overall need for funds and their rational use; carry out planning of direct and indirect costs; plan income, expenses, financial results and financial condition of the enterprise. The financial plan consists of the following parts: initial balances for the planned period, direct cost budget, indirect cost budget, cash flow budget, income and expense budget, other planned operations Based on the entered planned data three main budgets are formed: cash flow budget, profit and loss budget and forecast balance. Financial planning allows you to record the financial goals of the enterprise and achieve the effective use of resources to achieve these goals

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Data exchange with "1C: Accounting 8" The possibility of sharing the program with "1C: Accounting 8" is provided. The data exchange mechanism with "1C: Accounting 8" allows you to automatically download the directories and reference books necessary for maintaining regulated accounting documents from "1C: Management of a small company 8" into the accounting program, and vice versa - download from "1C: Accounting 8" the information necessary for management accounting. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Buy “Management of a construction company 8” NamePrice, rub. Management of a construction company 8. The main delivery includes 1C: Management of a small company and the 1C: Enterprise platform Management of a construction company 8. Addition to 1C: Management of a small company Management of a construction company 8, client license for 1 worker. place 3850 Management of a construction company 8, client license for 5 workers. Management of a construction company 8 places, client license for 10 workers. seats 34000

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Support for registered users Support for registered users is provided within the framework of Information Technology Support (ITS), which includes: program updates access to the knowledge base of the 1C technical support department 1C consultation line services via a special ITS phone number and email on monthly ITS disks - updates, recommendations for setting up and operating the program, materials on accounting and taxation, unique reference books on basic taxes and fees and much more, service engineer services and other services - depending on the type of ITS During the first 6 months after purchase “Management of a construction company 8”* – information and technological support is provided free of charge (the cost of support is included in the price of the product). At the end of this period, it is proposed to sign up for one of the types of paid subscriptions) costing from 550 rubles. per month, depending on the selected type of ITS) *Main supply

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), To obtain terminal access to the demonstration base of the program Management of a construction company 8, you must send a request by e-mail: Online demonstration of the program

THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Additional information on the product can be obtained from Yauza Soft Systems LLC: by phone (495); by email: and also at

More details Management of a construction company 8 “Management of a construction company 8” is an industry solution for automating operational management in small construction enterprises, developed on the basis of the standard configuration “1C: Management of a small company 8” (UNF). The program helps improve the efficiency of a construction company by providing owners and managers with a wide range of tools for business management, and employees with new opportunities for productive work. The software product retains all the functionality of the standard configuration “1C: Management of a small company 8” and contains blocks of estimated pricing and scheduling necessary for maintaining management accounting in construction. “Construction Company Management 8” can be used for several companies and private entrepreneurs - independent or working within the same business.

Construction management


In addition, the implementation of the system contributed to the consolidation of accounting data from separate dependent divisions and ensured the transfer of information to the parent organization. 2007. Integrated system for Stroykompleks on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform. The Stroykompleks group of companies together with the Dialogue Information Technologies company successfully completed automation based on the integrated solution 1C:Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8.


The introduction of the system contributed to a significant increase in control over costs during the construction of facilities. Thanks to the operational accounting of current costs, the company was able to maintain a more flexible pricing policy.

The process of selling apartments has been improved. The Stroykompleks group of companies is one of the leading construction organizations in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region.

Construction Management Program

Attention offers websites for construction organizations The website creation service is launching a new direction - creating turnkey websites for construction organizations. After creating the site, you will have access to it in the editor and you can make changes yourself, for example, changing the phone number.

It is possible to view a library of already created sites on construction topics. 2014. Latista - cloud-based construction management system 2014.
The industry solution of the KOMPAS ERP system is being implemented in a construction company. The PromEngineering company acquired licenses from the KOMPAS company to use the industry solution for construction organizations of the KOMPAS: Production Management subsystem. In January, test implementation of the purchased solution began.

Programs for construction companies. construction management systems

Accounting can be maintained in any currency.

  • Budget planning and pricing
  • Scheduling
  • Marketing and Sales
  • Supply and procurement
  • Warehouse and production
  • Cash
  • Property
  • Finance
  • Salary and personnel
  • Retail sales

Price: from 42,500 rub. More details 1C: Construction Contractor 4.0. Financial management The product is a specialized industry solution for automating financial planning, budgeting, accounting and tax accounting, cash flow management and analysis of the financial and economic activities of a construction contracting organization.

Review of IT solutions for the construction industry

And at the same time, I have seen and know situations where people valued relationships and pulled out an enterprise in difficult times. People value Attention, no matter how trite it may sound.

2.2 Organization of production processes. (theory)2.2.1 Here we can and should talk about training both employees and management not only in accordance with the regulations and standards for SROs, but also advanced training courses, possibly additional education, subscribing to periodicals and even organizing automatic mailings for employees based on open and closed sources according to news and changes in the industry, according to their specialty. PS.You want fast and understandable document flow, but these are relative characteristics, not qualitative ones, because

It’s not clear what exactly you are putting into them.

For construction companies

The PromEngineering company was attracted by the fact that in this industry solution, the COMPASS company took into account all the specifics of construction business processes, which are very different from typical production management business processes, which is explained not only by industry characteristics, but also by state legislation governing this Kind of activity. As a result, the solution implements the maintenance of construction estimates (and the initial version can be imported from specialized software for calculating estimates in the ARPS format).
There is a procedure for automatically generating a calendar plan from budget lines. The following calendar plan reports have been implemented: “Schedule Schedule”, “Material Requirement Plan”, “Machinery and Mechanism Requirement Plan”, “Personnel Requirement Plan”. 2007.

Altius - construction management free download

Roszheldorstroy has automated its construction and installation trust VC "SoftBalance" has completed the project of implementing the 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 system in one of the branches of the Roszheldorstroy company - Construction and installation trust No. 1. The project in SMT-1 is part of a large-scale project to automate the parent organization Roszheldorstroy, conceived with the goal of standardizing accounting in all regional branches. All subprojects use the developed configuration on the 1C:UPP 8 platform, and in each region the system is implemented by different executors. Within the framework of this enterprise, the management and accounting of contract construction work was automated, the features of accounting and tax accounting were implemented, payroll calculation and personnel records were automated.

Software for managing a construction company

We often hear that the main reason for this lies in the high profitability on average in the industry: after all, where there is still enough money, there cannot be serious interest in complex automation - and that, they say, interest will appear over time, when, due to natural market processes An inevitable decline in prices and, consequently, profitability of the construction market will begin, when a situation arises in which only those who think best will survive. This view is usually contrasted with another: where there is enough money, strict accounting is all the more necessary to avoid corruption and prevent theft.

And yet, the main reason for such a low level of automation in construction companies is the specificity of the industry: any construction company needs to automate too many areas of activity, and their close integration with each other is absolutely necessary.

Construction Enterprise Management Program

Price: from 4400 rub. More details 1C: Accounting for a construction organization The program is designed to automate the accounting and tax accounting of contractors, customers and investors in the construction industry.

The program is developed on the basis of the standard configuration "1C: Accounting 8", supports the full functionality of the configuration and all the advantages of the technological platform "1C: Enterprise 8".

  • Accounting and tax accounting

Price: from 12,000 rub. More details Construction Manager 3.0 The software product is designed to automate the operational management accounting of construction companies performing the functions of a contractor.

The program allows you to maintain accounting at the enterprise, parallel to accounting, used exclusively within the enterprise and reflecting real business transactions.
The complexity of the product will allow a construction organization to work in a single information base, where in a single space the entire management of the organization can enter information without duplication, use the developments of one department in the interests of others, and quickly receive diverse data and results on the facts of production and financial activities. The product can be used in the accounting department, tax department, financial department, production department, estimate department, logistics department, mechanization department, human resources department and other departments of a construction organization.
These are the specialists who isolate routine processes from emergency work and formalize them. These are specialists in QMS, standardization, labor protection, lawyers, etc., i.e. all those who can draw up, formalize and change the structure of the company (naturally in coordination with senior management), those who, together with the heads of departments/areas and management, monitor its illnesses, make adjustments, and also do not forget to introduce changes/innovations and abolish outdated principles . These are various kinds of instructions, orders, charters, labor and employment contracts, standards, etc. 2.1.2 Separately, I would like to say about the motivation of employees and the psychological climate in the team. I will be brief: processes left to chance lead to hidden conflicts resulting in motivation for the departure of valuable specialists.