Production program of a public catering facility. Development and justification of the production program. Development of public catering

On this enterprise a workshop structure is organized, because for the production of a certain range of products or the completion of one or another stage technological process The following workshops are organized in the cafe-snack:

Hot shop, cold shop, as well as a banquet hall.

The production process at this enterprise consists of the following stages:

· Reception and storage of products and semi-finished products;

· Processing of certain types of semi-finished products;

· Production of finished products and presentation of dishes;

· Sales of products and customer service.

Based on the occupancy schedule of the dining room during the day, the number of potential consumers per day is determined.

The number of consumers is determined according to the hall loading schedule

(Ng, people) for each hour of work according to the formula:

P - number of seats in the hall, seats;

t - average time of food intake by one consumer, min;.

(for a restaurant - 60 minutes, for a bar - 40 minutes, for a cafe - 30 minutes, for a dining room - 20 minutes, for a snack bar - 15 minutes)

60 - number of minutes, min.

Kz - the average load factor of the hall per hour (for a restaurant - 0.05, for a bar - 0.07, for a cafe - 0.1, for a canteen - 0.25, for a snack bar - 0.4);

Workload schedule for the café-snack hall

Table 6

Total: 199 people

Knowing the number of consumers during the day (Ng) and the coefficient of food consumption (m), we determine the number of dishes sold (n) for each meal and for the whole day using the formula:

n = 19*3.0 = 57 dishes

n = 137*3.2 = 438 dishes

n = 43*2.0 = 86 dishes

Total number of dishes sold by the cafe per day: 581

Development and justification of the restaurant’s production program

Features of European cuisine

European cuisine first? varied. Its dishes are characterized by:

using a large number of vegetables and fruits - on their basis, real masterpieces of appetizers, first and main courses are created.

adding sauces - they will be an excellent addition to any dish.

meat base - Europeans were never inclined towards vegetarianism, and therefore reached culinary heights in cooking various types meat.

The basis of the production program of the Minutka cafe-snack is the billing menu for the sale of finished products.

The production program is drawn up in accordance with the estimated capacity of the enterprise (number of seats, volume of products sold) and the menu plan. The production program reflects the output of all types of products of own production, according to which the need for raw materials and semi-finished products is determined. When developing a production program, the number of dishes is determined:

sold through the dining room (80 seats);

sold outside the enterprise;

sold through a banquet hall (30 seats);

staff meals.

Based on the loading schedule of the hall or the turnover of seats during the day, the number of consumers per day is determined.

According to the loading schedule of the hall, the number of consumers (Ng, people) for each hour of work is determined according to formula (1):

where Nch is the number of consumers served in 1 hour;

P - hall capacity;

Y - turnover of seats in the hall during a given hour;

Let's determine the number of people from 12 - 13 hours using formula (1):

We summarize the calculation data in Table 3.

Table 3 - Loading schedule for the hall of the Minutka cafe with 80 seats

Turnover of places in 1 hour

Number of persons

Common room

Business lunch

Common room

Business lunch

Common room

Business lunch

The main thing when developing a production program is creating a menu. When compiling a menu, you should rely on the advisory GOST R 50762-2007 “Public catering. Classification of enterprises". The set menu is compiled according to current collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products, taking into account the characteristics of the chosen cuisine, the minimum assortment for the restaurant, the seasonality of products, the variety of dishes, cooking methods, the peculiarities of the tastes of the local population, and climatic conditions. The menu with a free choice of dishes is presented in Table 4.

Menu with a free choice of dishes of the cafe-snack "Minutka"

Table 4

Name of dish


Salad "Minutka"

Signature recipe with fish

Fish in European style

Steamed sturgeon with mushrooms and sauce

Pork on the bone

Signature recipe for cooking meat with sweet sauce

Cold dishes and snacks

Pancakes with red caviar

Red caviar, pancakes, butter

Sliced ​​fish

Herring with potatoes

Sliced ​​meat

Homemade jellied meat

Assorted vegetable caviar

Caviar from: zucchini, eggplant and mushrooms

Assorted mushrooms with butter

Milk mushrooms with sour cream


Boiled cod, potatoes, tomatoes, lingonberries

Salad with herring



Ham, salted mushrooms, radishes

The vinaigrette

Classic vegetable recipe


Boiled turnips, green onions, spicy dressing


Potatoes, beets, apples, horseradish

"Mushroom Glade"

Salted mushrooms, potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes

Cabbage soup in Ural style

Moscow borscht

Rassolnik Leningradsky

Fish solyanka

Meat solyanka

Fishing soup

Mushroom soup

Pea soup

Hot dishes

"Golden crucian carp"

Crucian carp baked in sour cream

Fish royally

Fish zrazy with prunes

To calculate the production program, it is necessary to create a menu and calculate the number of dishes sold through the banquet hall Ї table 5, the banquet starts at 16-00, the number of guests is 30 people.

Table 5 - Banquet menu for 30 people

Name of dishes

Number of servings, pcs.

Cold dishes and snacks

Pancakes with red caviar

Red caviar, pancakes, butter

Sliced ​​fish

Cold-smoked muksun, sturgeon balyk, white salmon

Sliced ​​meat

Tongue, pork, lamb, beef

Assorted mushrooms with butter

Milk mushrooms with sour cream

Salad "Northern"

Cod, potatoes, tomatoes, lingonberries

Salad "Autumn"

Ham, pickled cucumbers, green peas

Hot dishes

Chicken Kiev

Fish royally

Muksun fried in pieces with crafty rings

Fried marinated chicken

Potato cutlets

Fried zucchini

Sweet dishes

Cranberry jelly

Cottage cheese with honey

Bakery products

Wheat bun

Rye bun

Cranberry drink

Lingonberry drink

During the daytime, the cafe-snack provides a business lunch menu. The operating hours for this menu are from 12-00 to 15-00. The menu for the meat and fish business lunch at the Minutka cafe-snack is presented in Table 6. The menu for the vegetarian business lunch is in Table 7.

Table 6 - Menu for meat and fish business lunch

Name of dish

Yield of dish, g

Serving quantity, pcs.

Salad with herring

Herring, potatoes, cucumbers, apples

Salad "Autumn"

Ham, pickled cucumbers, green peas

Petrovsky cabbage soup

Moscow borscht

Hot dishes

Fish zrazy with prunes

Natural chop cutlet

Potatoes baked with cheese

Fried potatoes with mushrooms

Sweet dishes

Cottage cheese with honey

Baked apples with jam

Flour dishes

Pancakes with honey

Pancakes with jam

Bakery products

Wheat bun

Rye bun

Home-made drinks

Cranberry drink

Lingonberry drink

Table 7 - Vegetarian business lunch menu

A menu for lunch and dinner has been prepared to provide meals for the staff. Lunch runs from 15-00 to 16-00, dinner - from 20-00 to 21-00. To calculate the production program, the number of personnel is assumed to be 20 people. The staff food menu is presented in Table 8.

Table 8 - Staff food menu

Next, you need to determine the number of dishes that will be sold according to the free choice menu. The calculation is carried out based on the percentage of each group of dishes to a specific culinary product and dish. The data is summarized in table 9.

Number of dishes sold according to the menu with free choice of dishes

Table 9

Name of dish

Percentage of total number of dishes, %

Number of dishes from this group, pcs.


Salad "Minutka"

Merchant style fish

Pork on the bone

Cold dishes and snacks

Pancakes with red caviar

Sliced ​​fish

Herring with potatoes

Sliced ​​meat

Homemade jellied meat

Cabbage pickled with lingonberries

Assorted vegetable caviar

Assorted mushrooms

Milk mushrooms with sour cream


Salad with herring



The vinaigrette



"Mushroom Glade"

Cabbage soup in Ural style

Moscow borscht

Rassolnik Leningradsky

Fish solyanka

Meat solyanka

Fishing soup

Mushroom soup

Pea soup

Hot dishes

"Golden crucian carp"

Fish stewed with mushrooms and onions

Fish royally

Fish zrazy with prunes

Natural chop cutlet

Chicken Kiev

Fried marinated chicken

Dumplings with cottage cheese

The preparation of baked goods and semi-finished products for sale through the retail trade network and through the cafeteria occurs in the morning, in quantity, according to the work order. Outfit - order is presented in table 10.

Table 10 - Order - order for products sold through a retail chain and through a cafeteria

Name of doc.

Name of semi-finished products



Sales hours

Siberian dumplings

Dumplings with mushrooms

Shanga Siberian

Carols with cottage cheese




Meat kulebyaka with rice and egg

Fish kulebyaka with potatoes

Pie with apples

Pie with potatoes and mushrooms

Homemade jellied meat with garlic

Cabbage pickled with lingonberries


Salad with herring



The vinaigrette



"Mushroom Glade"

Royal fish

Fish zrazy with prunes

Natural chop cutlet

Chicken Kiev

Fried marinated chicken

Based on the calculations made, we draw up a production program for the enterprise. It indicates the number of dishes sold at the enterprise and through retail network. The production program is presented in Table 11.

Table 11 - Production program of the cafe-snack "Minutka"

Regulatory document

Name of dish

Restaurant hall

Meat business lunch

Vegetarian business lunch

Staff meals


Retail network


Salad "Matryoshka"

Merchant style fish

Pork on the bone

Cold dishes and snacks

Pancakes with red caviar

Sliced ​​fish

Herring with potatoes

Sliced ​​meat

Homemade jellied meat with garlic

Cabbage pickled with lingonberries

Assorted vegetable caviar

Assorted mushrooms with aromatic butter

Milks with sour cream


Salad with herring



The vinaigrette



"Mushroom Glade"

Cabbage soup in Ural style

Moscow borscht

Rassolnik Leningradsky

Fish solyanka

Meat solyanka

Fishing soup

Mushroom soup

Pea soup

Hot dishes

"Golden crucian carp"

Fish stewed with mushrooms and onions

Royal fish

Fish zrazy with prunes

Natural chop cutlet

Chicken Kiev

Fried marinated chicken

According to the production program, on a given day the company produces 6,526 dishes and flour culinary products, as well as 165 kg of frozen semi-finished products.

The production program of an enterprise is a plan for the daily quantity of products produced.

The methodology for developing an enterprise's production program depends on the type of enterprise and the accepted methods and forms of service.

Production program for various types of enterprises Catering- pre-cooking and working on raw materials - is a daily settlement menu for selling dishes in the hall of a given enterprise and for supplying buffets, canteens, culinary shops, delivering meals to home, etc.

The designed catering establishment will consist of: Restaurant and cocktail bar with 60 seats. Of these, 10 seats are a cocktail bar, during the daytime there are 20 seats for a business lunch, and in the evening there are 16 seats for a banquet hall.

The billing menu is a list of names of dishes indicating their yield and quantity. To compile it, you first need to perform a number of calculations: determine the number of consumers, the total number of dishes and the number of dishes by group.

Determination of the number of consumers

The number of consumers can be determined based on the loading schedule of the hall or the turnover of the place during the day. The loading schedule of the hall is drawn up taking into account the operating mode of the enterprise, the duration of a meal by one consumer and the percentage of loading of the hall according to its operating hours.

The number of people for the banquet hall is 1 seating per day, 100% occupancy. From here we find the number of caterers in the banquet hall using the formula:

N=16*1*100/100=16 people.

The number of consumers served per 1 hour of operation of the enterprise is determined by the formula:

where P is the number of seats in the hall;

Turnover of seats per billing period;

Table 1 - Loading schedule for halls

Opening hours

Common room (30 seats)

Business lunch (20 seats)


places for 1 hour, times

Number of visitors


places for 1 hour, times



We determine the number of dishes using the formula:

where Nр is the number of visitors for the billing period, people;

mр is the average rate of food consumption by one person for a given period.

The number of dishes in the restaurant and cocktail bar is summarized in Table 2

Table 2 - Determination of the number of dishes

To determine the number of different dishes in a restaurant and cocktail bar, we calculate the percentage of different groups of dishes. We summarize the data in tables 3 and 4.

Table 3 - The ratio of various groups of dishes in the range of products produced by the enterprise in the restaurant hall


Restaurant menu (462 dishes)

From the total number of dishes

From this group of dishes

Cold appetizers:

vegetable snacks

Hot appetizers

gas stations

Hot dishes:


Sweet dishes (desserts)

Table 4 - The ratio of different groups of dishes in the range of products produced by the enterprise in the cocktail bar

The calculation of the number of products not included in the assortment breakdown is summarized in Table 5.

Table 5 - Approximate consumption rates for one consumer in a restaurant hall and cocktail bar



Standard per person

For the estimated number of people


Cocktail bar


(132 people)

Cocktail bar (100 people)

Hot drinks

Cold drinks including:

fruit water

mineral water

natural juice

Flour confectionery products

Wine and vodka products



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Course project

"Technology of catering products"

Completed by Glushkova R.A.

Checked by: Bespalova V.V.



3. Technological part

4.1 Meat and meat products

4.2 Fish and non-fish products

4.4 Eggs and egg products

4.5 Vegetables, fruits, berries

6. Development of a flow chart for raw materials, finished products and waste

7. Sanitation and hygiene of production

8. Organization production control





The purpose of this work is to develop the technological part of the project for a snack bar with 30 seats.

Public catering according to GOST R 50647-94 is a set of enterprises with different organizational legal forms and citizens - entrepreneurs engaged in the production, sale and organization of consumption of culinary products.

Snack bar is a public catering establishment offering a limited range of uncomplicated dishes for quick service to consumers. The food service of the snack bar depends on the specialization.

Snack bars share:

According to the range of catering products sold

Specialized (sausage, dumpling, pancake, pie, donut, kebab, tea, pizzeria, hamburger).

Snack bars must have high capacity, their economic efficiency depends on this, so they are located in busy places, on the central streets of cities and in recreation areas. Snack bars are considered fast food establishments, so self-service must be used. Large eateries may have several self-service dispensers. Sometimes dispensing sections are arranged in ledges; each section sells products of the same name with its own payment unit, this speeds up service to consumers who have little time.

In terms of the range of products sold, it is a general type snack bar. The menu includes cold and hot appetizers of simple preparation, broths or soups, a small assortment of main courses, hot and cold drinks, and pastries.

Creating the necessary conditions to meet people's needs for nutritious nutrition at the place of work, study, residence and recreation, improving the quality of service and providing additional services by public catering enterprises are the most important socio-economic tasks of the state. Of primary importance in this regard is a set of measures aimed at the rational organization of a network of public catering establishments, the construction of new enterprises and the reconstruction of existing ones, the introduction of progressive technologies and forms of service.

Technical policy in the field of design and construction of industry enterprises is aimed at achieving the following goals: expansion of the service sector; application of the latest achievements of science and technology, ensuring the improvement of the material and technical base of the industry and increasing the efficiency of construction and operation of buildings and enterprise complexes; formation of a rational system of trade services for the population based on the creation of long-term plans for the development and placement of a network of public catering establishments; specialization of enterprises, their equipping with advanced trade, technological and handling equipment; reconstruction of existing enterprises and their repurposing (if necessary); introduction of advanced industrial technology, scientific organization labor; increasing productivity and improving working conditions for workers.

1. Type and specialization of the enterprise

The type of catering establishment is a type of enterprise with the characteristic features of culinary products and the range of services provided to consumers. According to GOST 50762-95 “Public catering. Public catering enterprises are classified by type; by stages of production, volume of culinary products produced; range of services provided. Services provided to consumers in public catering establishments various types and classes, according to GOST 50764-95 “Catering services” are divided into:

Food services;

Services for the production of culinary products and confectionery products;

Services for organizing consumption and maintenance;

Services for the sale of culinary products;

Leisure services;

Information and advisory services;

Relations between consumers and performers in the provision of public catering services are approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "Rules for the provision of public catering services" dated November 24, 1996 No. 132-FZ, which were developed in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", "On certification of products and services." Catering services are determined by the contractor (catering enterprise) in accordance with its type and are confirmed by the certification body in accordance with the state standard. In the event of a temporary suspension of the provision of services (for scheduled sanitary days, repairs and other cases), the enterprise is obliged to promptly provide the consumer with information about the date and timing of the suspension of its activities and notify the authorities local government. The designed public catering establishment is required to comply with the requirements established in state standards, sanitary, fire safety rules, technological documents and other regulatory documents, mandatory requirements to the quality of services, their safety for life, human health, the environment and property.

According to GOST 50762 “Public catering. Classification of enterprises "snack bar" is a public catering establishment with a limited range of dishes and products of simple manufacture and intended for quick service to consumers, with the possible sale alcoholic products. The designed snack bar is open from 10-00 to 22-00, all days of the week except Sunday.

The snack bar produces, sells and organizes on-site consumption of various dishes and snacks of simple preparation, broths, cold and hot drinks, and flour confectionery products.

The form of service is self-service along the distribution line.

2. Menu development and product range determination

For each type of public catering establishment, the Ministry of Trade has developed an approximate minimum assortment. Each enterprise develops its own minimum product range based on this document.

A menu is a list of snacks, dishes, drinks, pastries available for sale on a given day, indicating the output and price. The menu must be signed by the director, production manager and calculator. For a given enterprise, taking into account the characteristics of the national cuisine, the contingent of people who eat, climatic conditions and the specifics of the enterprise. For publicly accessible businesses (snack bar), the menu is prepared for 3 days.

The names of dishes on the menu are written in a certain order:

a) cold dishes and snacks:

Fish gastronomy, cold fish dishes;

Meat gastronomy, cold dishes from meat, poultry, game, rabbit;

Salads and vinaigrettes;

Cheeses, butter, dairy products;

Open and closed sandwiches, canapés, etc.

b) hot snacks;

c) first courses:


Gas stations;



Cold, sweet.

d) second hot fish dishes:

Boiled and poached fish, fried, baked fish;

e) second hot meat dishes:

From boiled, fried, stewed meat, etc.;

Dishes made from chopped mass;

From poultry and game;

From offal.

e) vegetable dishes:

boiled, stewed, fried, stewed, baked;

g) dishes from cereals, legumes and pasta, flour dishes;

h) dishes made from eggs and cottage cheese;

i) sweet dishes (cold and hot);

j) hot drinks;

k) cold drinks;

l) flour culinary and confectionery products (purchased), bakery products;

m) fruits in portions.

Signature dishes are indicated at the beginning of the menu. The name of the signature dish should reflect the theme or specifics of this type of enterprise. The menu should include 1 to 3 specialties each week. There should be more branded ones in enterprises of the OP classes of “luxury” and “highest”.

The menu is compiled on the basis of the minimum assortment for a given enterprise, taking into account seasonality, the characteristics of national cuisine, the contingent of people eating, climatic conditions and the specifics of the enterprise. The menu plan is the production program of the enterprise. Developed by the production manager before 15:00 every day. This makes it possible to timely order and receive raw materials to the warehouse and make preparations for dishes.

The names of dishes and menus are written down in a certain order.

When compiling the menu, we used the Collection of Recipes for Yulud and Culinary Products for Catering Enterprises. Collection of technical standards. 1 hour edited by Marchuk F. L., ed. M.: Khlebprodinform, 1996, 616 pp.

The menu is designed in the form of table 2.2.

Table 2.2-Sample menu:

Recipe number

Name of dish


Salata Turtle

Potato casserole with chicken

Cold appetizers and salads

Stuffed egg with herring

Vegetable vinaigrette

Fresh tomato salad with sweet peppers

Meat salad

Homemade Solyanka with mayonnaise

Potato soup with beans and chicken

Borscht with cabbage and potatoes

Second courses

Fish meatballs with sauce

Meat goulash

Heart stewed in sauce

Chicken fillet roll

Potato cutlets with mushroom sauce

Natural omelette with butter

Mashed potatoes

Boiled pasta

boiled rice

Tea with lemon

Coffee with milk

Cocoa with milk

Compote of dried apricots

Cranberry drink

Lemon drink

Apple jelly

Jelly with fresh canned fruits

Flour products

Pies fried from yeast dough with fish


Cheesecakes with cottage cheese

Cheesecakes with jam

Fried potato and pork pies

3. Technological part

3.1 Development of technological and regulatory documentation for the main range of products

Technological maps are drawn up in accordance with the requirements for regulatory and technological documentation: approved by the director, signed with a calculator (dish recipe), head. Production, technologist (food preparation technology).

The main range of products consists of recipes and technologies that must take into account the volume of products produced and the production features for a given type of enterprise. Technology, recipes and product quality requirements are drawn up in the form of technological maps. The technological map should include: name of the dish, recipe, technology for preparing the dish, quality requirements. Technological maps for the products sold are presented in Appendix A.

For branded products of enterprises, at least two technical and technological maps (TTK) are developed, which are compiled in accordance with methodological recommendations and are presented in Appendix B.

4. Characteristics of food raw materials

4.1 Meat and meat products

Meat is a good source of digestible phosphorus and iron, contains potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, iodine and other minerals. Vitamins are mainly concentrated in internal organs, especially in the liver and adipose tissue. Meat contains a large number of extractive substances that pass into the broth during cooking. They stimulate the activity of the glands of the digestive tract, increase appetite, improve the digestion of food, and to a certain extent the taste and smell of meat depend on them. The amount of extractive substances increases with the age of the animal, so broth made from the meat of adult animals is richer and has a better aroma.

The chemical composition of meat from well-fed animals differs. The meat of emaciated animals contains more connective tissue and water, and biological. its value and digestibility are reduced. The chemical composition of meat depends on the type of animal.

Fresh meat, cooled or refrigerated, has a red color and a dense consistency (the dimple formed when pressed with a finger quickly levels out). Chilled or cooled meat can be stored for several days in a refrigerator; frozen meat is stored in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator.

Meat contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, water, minerals and other substances. The content of these substances depends on the type, breed, sex, age, and fatness of the animal.

Proteins in meat contain from 11.4% to 20.4%. The bulk of meat proteins are complete proteins. These include myosin, actin, myogen, myolbumin, myoglobin, globulin. Myogen, myoalbulin dissolve in water, myosin, globulin - in saline solutions. Myoglobin has a purple-red color and causes the color of muscle tissue. The more myoglobin in the muscles, the darker their color. With nitric oxide, myoglobin forms azooxymyoglobin, which has a red color that persists after heat treatment. This is used in sausage production to preserve the color of the product.

Of the incomplete proteins, meat contains collagen and elastin. These are connective tissue proteins that give meat toughness. Collagen, when heated with water, turns into glutin, the meat softens, and glutin, dissolving in hot water, gives viscosity to the solution, which solidifies when cooled, turning into jelly.

Elastin does not change under the influence of cold or hot water.

Fat in meat contains from 1.2 to 49.3%. The fat content depends on the type and fatness of the animals. In beef meat, fat content is from 7.0 to 12%, veal from 0.9 to 12%, lamb from 9.0 to 15.0%, fatty pork - 49.3%, meat - 33.0%.

The digestibility of fats depends on their melting point. The most refractory is lamb fat, which is digestible by 94% and pork fat by 97%. This property of meat fats is associated with the content of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids in their composition. Lamb fat contains more saturated fatty acids than pork and beef fat, so it is more refractory.

Fat improves the taste of meat and increases its nutritional value.

Cholesterol is a fat-like substance in meat. In meat it is up to 0.1%. Cholesterol is quite stable during heat treatment.

Carbohydrates in meat are represented by glycogen, the content of which is about 1.0%; glycogen is involved in the ripening of meat.

Mineral substances in meat range from 0.8 to 1.3%. Macroelements in meat include sodium, potassium, chlorine, magnesium, calcium, iron and others. Macroelements include iodine, copper, cobalt, manganese, fluorine, lead and others.

Vitamins are represented by a group of water-soluble vitamins - B1, B2, B6, B9, B12, H, PP and fat-soluble vitamins - A, D, E, contained in animal fat.

Offal products (liver, kidneys) are richest in vitamins.

Water content in meat ranges from 55.0 to 95.0%. The amount of water depends on the fatness and age of the animals.

Extractive substances in meat up to 0.5%. they are presented in meat in the form of nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous compounds. These substances, dissolving in water, give meat and broths taste, aroma, and stimulate appetite.

The energy value of 100 g of meat, depending on its chemical composition, ranges from 105 to 404 kcal.

During the cooking process of meat, nutrients are lost. From the point of view of preserving nutrients, the most rational methods of heat treatment are stewing, baking, and preparing products from cutlet mass.

meat menu culinary hygiene

4.2 Fish and non-fish products

Fish contains complete proteins with a well-balanced composition of amino acids. In low-protein fish (macrofish, capelin, etc.) - about 13% protein, high-protein fish (pink salmon, chum salmon, semen, salmon, tuna, etc.) - 22% compared to animal meat, fish has almost 5 times less connective tissue, which ensures that the fish has a quick and tender texture after cooking, as well as easy digestion. Therefore, in many diets that allow only chopped meat, fish is used in pieces.

The amount of fat depends on the type of fish, its diet, gender, age, and fishing season. Skinny types of fish (up to 3% fat) include pollock, asp, flounder, crucian carp, burbot, perch, pollock, pike perch, cod, hake, pike, etc.; moderately fatty (from 3 to 8% fat) - pink salmon, carp, chum salmon, sprat, bream, herring, lean herring, whitefish, catfish, mackerel, tuna, ide, etc.; to fatty acids (from 8 to 20%) - salmon, nelma, sturgeon, black halibut, saury, sardine, stellate sturgeon, fatty and large herring, mackerel, etc.; very fatty (up to 30% fat) - whitefish, lamprey, eel.

Non-fish seafood products include: mussels, scallops, shrimp, sea cucumbers, squid, etc. With low fat content, they are a source of complete proteins, and in terms of microelements they are much superior to animal meat.

Fish roe has great nutritional value. Sturgeon and salmon caviar contains about 30% high-value proteins and 12% easily digestible fats. It is rich in lecithin, vitamins A, D, E and group B, iron and some other minerals. However, caviar has a lot of cholesterol and from 4 to 6% table salt. There is less salt in granular canned caviar. In terms of nutritional value, the indicated types of caviar are in no way inferior (except for prestige and, possibly, taste) to the caviar of pollock and other fish.

4.3 Milk and dairy products

Milk and dairy products occupy an important place in the human diet. Milk contains all the nutrients needed by the human body without exception. One of the most distinctive and important properties of milk as a food product is its high biological value and digestibility, due to the presence of complete proteins, milk fat, minerals, and microelements.

The digestibility of milk and dairy products ranges from 95% to 98%. Milk also aids in the absorption of other foods. Fermented milk products, which have high dietary and medicinal value, are especially important for the body.

A person should consume almost 1.5 liters of dairy products (in terms of milk) per day; including milk 0.5 l, cow's butter - up to 20 g, cheese - 18 g, sour cream and cottage cheese - 20 g each. chemical composition milk includes: water - 87%, milk sugar - 4.7%; milk fat - 3.8%; proteins - 3.2%; ash - 0.7%. Milk contains all known vitamins, enzymes, and immune bodies. Due to its unique fatty acid composition, milk fat has a soft consistency, low melting point and high digestibility. Dissolved in it vitamins D, E, carotene, phosphatides (lecithin) and sterols (cholesterol). Milk protein substances are mainly represented by casein (2.7%), whey proteins - albumin (0.4%) and globulin (0.2%).

There are strict sanitary requirements for milk; depending on the type of packaging, the total content of bacteria and the titer of E. coli are limited. Both pasteurized and sterilized milk should not contain pathogenic microorganisms and be environmentally friendly

4.4 Eggs and egg products

The egg consists of 11.5% shell, 58.5% white, 30% yolk. Egg white consists of 86% proteins, the rest carbohydrates and minerals. The yolk contains 20% fat, 10% lipoids. The egg contains enzymes: amylase, peptidase, catalase, lipase. As a result of enzymatic and microbiological processes occurring in the egg during storage, its quality decreases. The shell has a porous surface; bacteria and water vapor can penetrate through the pores. The shell consists of carbonates and phosphates of Ca and Mn. The yolk of an egg contains vitamins B, A, D, E. Depending on the shelf life, eggs are divided into: dietary and table. Dietary products have a shelf life of no more than 7 days, not counting the day of laying. Canteens have a shelf life of up to 120 days, stored in the refrigerator. Dietary and table eggs, depending on weight, are divided into 3 categories:

Selected - the weight of one egg is 65 g, 10 eggs - not less than 660 g.

First - the weight of one egg is 55 g, 10 eggs - 560 g.

The second - the weight of one egg is 45 g, 10 eggs - 460 g.

The freshness of the eggs is checked with an ovoscope, which is a box with nests and an internal light source.

Egg quality requirements:

1) the shell must be clean and undamaged. It is allowed to have dots or stripes on the shell of dietary eggs.

2) The contents of the eggs should not have any foreign odors.

It is allowed to use eggs in the baking, confectionery and pasta industries that have the following defects:

1) Broken - damaged shell without leakage of contents.

2) Notch - slightly damaged shell.

3) Crumpled side - the shell is dented, but the egg has not leaked out.

4) Pouring - partial mixing of the yolk with the white.

5) Odorous - an egg with a foreign odor that easily evaporates.

6) Drying - the yolk has dried to the shell.

7) Small spot - under the shell there is one or more fixed spots with a total size of no more than 1/8 of the surface.

It is not allowed to use eggs that have the following defects:

1) Krasyuk - the contents of the egg are stained with blood.

2) Tumak - the egg has a musty smell.

3) Green rot - the protein has a green, unpleasant color and smell.

Dietary eggs are stored at a temperature of 0-20°C. Canteens - in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0-2°C for more than 30 days.

When storing eggs, shrinkage occurs.

Before breaking, eggs are disinfected to destroy coliform bacteria present on the surface. To do this, the eggs are immersed for 5-10 minutes. in a 2% solution of baking soda, then for 5-10 minutes in a 2% solution of bleach or 0.5% chloramine. Then rinse with running water for 3-5 minutes.

Egg products are produced frozen. Egg melange is a mixture of whites and yolks, freed from the shell. Separately frozen white and yolk are produced. For the production of frozen products, eggs that have been stored for no more than 90 days are used. Freezing is carried out at a temperature of -18°C. Before consumption, frozen foods are defrosted at a temperature of 45°C in a bath of water for 2-3 hours. Then filtered through a sieve with a mesh size of 3 mm. Egg products are produced in dried form. Dry egg powder, dry white or yolk in spray dryers. Using a fine spray nozzle, the egg mass quickly loses moisture in the heated air stream. The temperature of the product should not exceed 44-47°C. This further ensures their good solubility in water. During storage, due to its high hygroscopicity, as a result of exposure to moisture, light, and oxygen, the powder aggregates and acquires an unpleasant musty smell and taste. The powder is stored at a temperature of 10-2°C. Before use, the powder is sifted and diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3 (1:4). For better mixing, first add a small amount of water to the powder to obtain a creamy consistency, add the remaining water and mix well. Then filter through a sieve with a mesh size of 1 mm.

4.5 Vegetables, fruits, berries

Vegetables, fruits and berries are important sources of nutrients that take an active part in metabolic processes and digestion: vitamins, alkaline mineral salts, trace elements, various carbohydrates, dietary fiber, organic acids, tannins, essential oils, phytoncides, flavonoids and other biologically active substances. active substances, the significance of many of which for the human body remains insufficiently studied.

Proteins - most vegetables, fruits and berries are poor in proteins (0.5-1.5%), and the proteins themselves, in terms of amino acid composition, have low biological value and are difficult to digest, especially when eating raw foods. Potatoes and cauliflower contain 2-2.5% of well-digestible proteins. Green peas and green beans contain 4-5% protein. The small amount of protein allows the widespread use of vegetables and fruits in protein-restricted diets.

Fats. With rare exceptions (sea buckthorn, avocado), vegetables, fruits and berries contain a negligible amount of fat.

Carbohydrates - vegetables contain 3-5%, fruits and berries - 5-10%. The richest in digestible carbohydrates (%): dates (69), dried fruits (55-65), bananas (21), persimmons (13), figs (12), grapes (15), potatoes (16), green peas (13) , pineapples (12). Beets, apricots, cherries, pears, watermelons, melons, pomegranates, peaches, cherries, and apples contain about 10% carbohydrates. Compared to cereals and bread, there are few carbohydrates in vegetables and fruits, but they are very diverse: sucrose, fructose, glucose, starch, fiber, pectins, etc.

Simple carbohydrates (sugars) predominate in fruits, berries, as well as watermelons, melons, beets, carrots, pumpkins, tomatoes, zucchini, etc., and starch in potatoes and green peas.

There is a lot of fiber in dried fruits, dates, figs, most berries, quinces, dogwoods, oranges, lemons, legumes, beets, carrots, white cabbage, eggplants, rutabaga, sorrel, sweet peppers; relatively little - in watermelon, melon, pumpkin, zucchini, tomatoes, lettuce, green onions, and many fruits. Beets, apples, black currants, plums, peaches, and strawberries are rich in pectins to a large extent; carrots, pears, oranges, and grapes are to a lesser extent. Ripe vegetables and fruits are richer in pectin than unripe ones.

Minerals. Vegetables, fruits and berries are important suppliers of potassium. The richest in potassium are dried fruits, potatoes, green peas, tomatoes, beets, radishes, green onions, cherries, currants, grapes, apricots, peaches. Vegetables, fruits and berries contain significantly more potassium than sodium, so they are especially important in diets with limited sodium and increased potassium (arterial hypertension, kidney disease, etc.).

Energy value. Vegetables, fruits and berries have low energy value, which is almost entirely provided by carbohydrates. The calorie content of 100g of the edible part of vegetables is on average 20-40 kcal, fruits and berries - 30-50 kcal. Only potatoes, green peas, grapes and bananas contain 70-90 kcal, sea buckthorn - 200 kcal, and dates - 270 kcal per 100g. Due to their low energy value, most vegetables, fruits and berries form a significant part of the diets of people with mental work, the elderly, and those with obesity and related diseases.

Vegetables, fruits and berries have “alkalinizing” properties, which is of great importance for circulatory failure, kidney and liver diseases, feverish conditions, diabetes mellitus, etc. They also contain a lot of water (75-95%), which promotes excretion from the body products of exchange. Fruits, berries and some vegetables contain organic acids (citric, malic, etc.), which have a taste value, activate digestion, and have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora. Spinach, sorrel, figs, and rhubarb, rich in oxalic acid, are excluded from the diet in case of certain types of kidney stones, and their consumption is limited in case of gout. Essential oils contained in onions, radishes, garlic, parsley, radishes, celery, citrus fruits, when taken not large quantities stimulate appetite, increase the secretion of digestive juices and urination. In large quantities, they can irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach, intestines, biliary and urinary tracts and cause adverse effects in diseases of these organs.

Tannins from blueberries, quince, dogwood, and persimmon have an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect in intestinal diseases. Dishes made from them must be consumed on an empty stomach or in between meals, otherwise the tannins will be bound by food proteins. These substances impair the absorption of iron, calcium and other minerals from the intestines. Therefore, for example, the high iron content in blueberries does not mean that this berry is useful for iron deficiency anemia.

Of particular importance is the physiological effect of vegetables, fruits and berries on the functioning of the digestive organs. Their appearance, smell, and taste stimulate the appetite, cause salivation, and activate the secretion of gastric and pancreatic juices and bile secretion. This promotes the digestion of other foods and the absorption of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. The juice effect of vegetables decreases somewhat after cooking. Many vegetables remove the inhibitory effect of fats on the secretory function of the stomach. Juice secretion is especially enhanced when eating salted, pickled and pickled vegetables and fruits. Vegetables in combination with fats have a strong choleretic effect, so it is physiologically justified to eat vegetable snacks or meat and fish with vegetable side dishes at the beginning of a meal. It should be noted that in a number of countries, the snack before meals is not vegetables, but fruits with a high content of organic acids.

5. Development of technological schemes for dishes prepared according to technical and technological maps

5.1 Development of a technological scheme

The technological scheme for the production of certain types of culinary products includes the optimal sequence of operations. Designed technology to provide high quality products with minimal waste and losses in production. Figures 5.1 and 5.2 show production flow diagrams.

Figure 5.1. - Technological diagram for preparing the dish “Pork in sweet and sour sauce”

Figure 5.2. - Technological diagram for preparing the dish “Beef with lingonberries”

6. Hardware design of the technological process

The selected scheme must be provided with equipment that allows the process to be carried out under conditions of maximum mechanization and automation of production. Tables 5.1 and 5.2 show the hardware circuits for the production of branded products.

The hardware design of the production process of signature dishes is presented in tables 6.1, 6.2.

Table 6.1 - Hardware design of the technological process of preparing the dish “Beef with lingonberries”.

Transaction number

Number of operations

Name of operations



























Washing sorting washing cutting cooking

Strain cool dry combine add grind decorate














Table 6.2.- Hardware design of the technological process of preparing the dish “Pork in sweet and sour sauce.”

Transaction number

Number of operations

Name of operations















































Peeling onions and potatoes

Washing raw eggs, onions, potatoes, tomatoes, herbs

Sorting greens


Removing the stalk

Washing in warm water


Mashing potatoes


Sifting flour





Bringing to a boil

Chopping greens

















5 KRM5

PG-0.6; MS24-300








7. Development of a flow chart for raw materials, finished products and waste

When drawing up a diagram of technological flows, it is necessary to take into account the modern requirements of trade and technological processes, the main of which are the principle of flow and precision in the execution of technological processes with mandatory compliance with safety rules and industrial sanitation.

The technological process diagram is presented in Figure 6.1.

Figure 7.1 - diagram of technological flows of raw materials, finished products and waste.

8. Sanitation and hygiene of production

In accordance with PS “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations, production, defense capability of food products and food raw materials in them”, SP “Hygienic requirements for the design of newly built and reconstructed industrial enterprises” and SP “Hygienic requirements for the organization of technological processes, production equipment and working tools” the following requirements are imposed on public catering establishments.

All premises should be maintained in an exemplary manner, promptly removing contamination from floors, windows, etc. Routine cleaning is carried out using a wet method 1-2 times daily, and in industrial premises - during the working day as it gets dirty. Floors in rooms contaminated with food residues are washed with hot water with the addition of soda ash. Toilet handles are disinfected with a 2% bleach solution or a 1% chloramine solution.

At least once a month, general cleaning of all premises is carried out using disinfectants: 1% clarified bleach solution or 0.5% chloramine solution.

Sanitary installations require especially careful care - sinks, washbasins, etc., which must be disinfected. Washbasins are provided with soap, hand brushes, electric towels, and paper roll towels. To clean dining tables, use sets of wet and dry wipes labeled “For cleaning tables,” which are washed daily in a detergent solution, boiled, dried and stored in designated cabinets. Entry of unauthorized persons into industrial premises are allowed with the permission of the administration and only in uniform.

Based on SP “Hygienic requirements for the design of newly built and reconstructed industrial enterprises”, drinking and technical water supply systems are designed and created at public catering enterprises.

The quality of the supplied water must comply with current hygiene standards.

For technological processes, machines, mechanisms, equipment and reagents proposed for processing, storage and transportation drinking water, there must be sanitary and epidemiological conclusions of the established form.

Public catering establishments must be equipped with equipment and supplies in accordance with current standards.

Materials used for the manufacture of technological equipment, inventory, utensils, containers, as well as detergents and disinfectants must be approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

Detergents and disinfectants should be stored in labeled containers in specially designated areas.

Technological and cold equipment are placed taking into account the sequence of the technological process so as to exclude counter and crossing flows of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products.

Products, as well as ensure free access to it and compliance with safety regulations in the workplace.

For grinding raw and cooked products, separate mechanical equipment should be used, and in universal machines, replaceable mechanisms should be used. Sanitation of process equipment must be carried out in accordance with the operating instructions for each type of equipment. At the end of work, production and washing baths, as well as production tables, are washed with the addition of detergents and rinsed with hot water. Cutting boards must be marked in accordance with the product processed on them: “CM” - raw meat, “CP” - raw fish, “CO” - raw vegetables, “VM” - boiled meat, “BP” - boiled fish, “VO” "-boiled vegetables, "MG" - meat gastronomy, "Greens", "KO" - pickled vegetables, "Herring", "X" - bread, "RG" - fish gastronomy. It is necessary to have an adequate supply of cutting boards. Carving knives must also be marked.

After each operation, cutting boards are cleaned with a knife from product residues, washed with hot water with the addition of detergents, scalded with boiling water and stored edgewise on a rack in special cassettes in the workshop to which they are assigned.

After washing with the addition of detergents and rinsing, production equipment and tools should be scalded with boiling water.

Compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements for the maintenance of equipment, utensils and utensils plays an important role in the prevention of food poisoning, infections, and helminthic diseases.

Persons entering work in public catering organizations undergo preliminary upon admission and periodic medical examinations, professional hygienic training and certification in the prescribed manner.

For each employee, a personal medical record book of the established form is created, in which the results of medical examinations and laboratory tests, information about previous diseases, and a note on the completion of hygienic training and certification are entered. Employees of the organization are required to observe the rules of personal hygiene: - leave outerwear, shoes, hats, personal items in the dressing room;

- before starting work, wash your hands thoroughly with soap, put on clean sanitary clothing, tuck your hair under a cap or headscarf, or put on a special hair net;

-work in clean sanitary clothing, change it when soiled;

- when visiting the toilet, take off sanitary clothing in a specially designated place, and after visiting the toilet, wash your hands thoroughly with soap;

-when signs appear colds or intestinal dysfunction, as well as suppurations, burns, report to the administration and contact medical institution for treatment;

-report all cases of intestinal infections in the family of employees;

- when preparing dishes, culinary products and confectionery, remove jewelry, watches and other breakable items, cut your nails short and do not varnish them, do not fasten special clothing with pins;

-do not smoke or eat in the workplace (eating and smoking are permitted in a specially designated room or place).

Every day, before the start of a shift, in cold and hot confectionery shops, as well as in organizations, a health worker or other responsible persons inspect the open surfaces of the workers’ bodies for the presence of pustular diseases. Persons with pustular skin diseases, festering cuts, burns, abrasions, as well as catarrh of the upper respiratory tract are not allowed to work in these workshops.

Every organization should have a first aid kit with a set of medications for first aid.

9. Organization of production control

Quality control is one of the most important stages of the production technological cycle; it can be divided into three types: preliminary (input), operational (production) and output.

Production control is an intradepartmental type of control, the main task of which is: control of technological processes of preparing culinary products throughout the working day in order to maintain the sequence of the technological process, temperature conditions and terms of preparation, storage and sale; compliance with the production program, the declared weight of the output of dishes and products; compliance with recipe standards for laying raw materials when calculating dishes; correct calculation of prices for the finished product; availability of documentary support production activities etc.

Preliminary control is a check of incoming raw materials and semi-finished products.

Operational control is carried out during the technological process: from the acceptance of raw materials and (or) semi-finished products to the release of finished products.

Output (acceptance) control is a check of the quality of finished products. The enterprise carries out food rejection, laboratory control over the completeness of raw materials, safety, etc.

At public catering establishments, production control is carried out in accordance with SanNPiN 1.1.1058-01. “Organization and conduct of production control over compliance sanitary rules and implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemiological measures.”

Purpose of control: ensuring safety and harmlessness for humans and the environment of the harmful influence of production control objects; achieving stable quality of products and services by meeting the requirements of regulatory documentation.


-creation of an organizational structure;

- identification of potential hazards that may arise during production;

-development of optimal production control schemes and their approval;

-organization of necessary checks;

-development of documentation for the system for recording control results;

- checking the sanitary condition of production and the rules of personal hygiene of employees;

- identifying the causes of product defects and developing corrective measures;

-checking the analysis of the effectiveness of the control system.

Objects of production control: production premises, technological processes, raw materials, semi-finished products, food products, finished products, inventory, equipment, personnel.

8.1 Development of an interoperational control map

Tables 8.1, 8.2 show maps of interoperational control of the technological process of preparing signature dishes.

Table 8.1 - Map of interoperational control for the technological process of production of the dish “Pork in sweet and sour sauce.”

Technological operations

Controlled indicators

Control methods

Possible violations


Reception of raw materials


Physically GOST R 54607.1


Compliance with RD

Non-compliance with RD

Sorting, age

Cleaning, sorting and washing berries and greens

P/F output after cleaning

Physically GOST R 54607.1

Poor cleaning.

Large percentage of waste

Quality of cleaning and sorting

Inedible parts removed

Organoleptic GOST R 53104

Water temperature

Not higher than 20°C

Physically GOST R 54607.1

Washing quality

Organoleptic GOST R 53104

Poor quality washing


Water quality

Organoleptic GOST R 53104

Pork cutting

Cutting quality

Organoleptic GOST R 53104

Incorrect cutting shape


Slicing prunes, raisins, apples and herbs

Cutting quality

Cut into strips, chop the greens in a blender

Organoleptic GOST R 53104

Incorrect cutting shape


Sifting flour

Screening quality

Flour without lumps

Organoleptic GOST R 53104

Poor sifting



Design quality

Place the pork on a plate and pour the sauce over it.

Organoleptic GOST R 53104

Violation of registration


Appearance dishes

The appearance and taste of the dish corresponds to the characteristics of these indicators given in the TTK: Appearance: apples, raisins, prunes retained their shape, pork did not deform during frying, retained its shape. Color: sauce beige, light brown; pork golden.

Consistency: soft, juicy.

Taste and smell: sweet and sour, moderately salty, characteristic smell

products included in the dish

Organoleptic GOST R 53104

Dish temperature

Not lower than 65°C

Physical GOST R 54607.1

Before vacation

Table 8.2 - Map of interoperational control for the technological process of production of the dish “Beef with lingonberries”.

Technological operations

Controlled indicators

Value (characteristic) of the quality indicator

Control methods

Possible violations


Reception of raw materials


Weight according to recipe

Physically GOST R 54607.1


Compliance with RD

Organoleptic GOST R 53104

Non-compliance with RD

Sorting, age

Cleaning, sorting and washing berries

P/F output after cleaning

P/F yield, percentage of waste corresponds to the norm

Physically GOST R 54607.1

Poor cleaning.

Large percentage of waste

Regulation of special equipment, execution of an act

Quality of cleaning and sorting

Inedible parts removed

Organoleptic GOST R 53104

Poor cleaning and sorting

Additional cleaning, sorting

Water temperature

Not higher than 20°C

Physically GOST R 54607.1

Exceeding the permissible temperature

Water temperature regulation

Washing quality

Vegetables and herbs are clean after washing

Organoleptic GOST R 53104

Poor quality washing


Water quality

Complies with the requirements of SanPin

Organoleptic GOST R 53104

Water indicators do not meet the requirements of the regulatory document

Termination of the technological process until the reasons for the deterioration in the quality of centralized water supply are clarified

Beef cutting

Cutting quality

cut into portions

Organoleptic GOST R 53104

Incorrect cutting shape


Sifting flour

Screening quality

Flour without lumps

Organoleptic GOST R 53104

Poor sifting


Appearance of the dish

The appearance and taste of the dish correspond to the characteristics of these indicators given in the TTK: The beef did not deform during frying and retained its shape. Lingonberries stand out from the overall mass of the sauce.

Color: sauce with a reddish tint, beef dark brown.

Consistency: soft, juicy.

Taste and smell: Lingonberries give the dish a sour taste, moderately salty, and a smell characteristic of the products included in the dish.

Organoleptic GOST R 53104

Violation of the technological process at any stage

Rejection of products that do not meet the requirements of regulatory documentation.

Dish temperature

Not lower than 65°C

Physical GOST R 54607.1

Insufficient or excessive cooling of food

Before vacation

Adjusting the cooling duration

8.2 Acceptance control of finished products

In the process of developing technical specifications for branded products, an analysis of available methods for determining organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators of the quality of culinary products was carried out. A choice has been made of methods for determining quality indicators, taking into account the characteristics of culinary products and the location of control. The results are presented in table 8.3, 8.4.

Table 8.3 - Quality control of finished products of the “Pork in sweet and sour sauce” dish.

Quality indicators

Control methods

The essence of methods

Organoleptic GOST R 53104

Weight of portions

Physical GOST R 54607.1

Weight of one product, separation of the main product (pork)

Physical GOST R 54607.1

Contact drying method


Physical GOST R 53763

Mohr's method

microbiological indicators

Heat treatment degree


Qualitative test for peroxidase with guaecola resin with developing coloration. The absence of coloring indicates sufficient heat treatment

Table 8.4 - Quality control of finished products of the “Beef with Lingonberries” dish.

Quality indicators

Control methods

The essence of methods

Appearance (correct cutting) of the main product and other salad components; -taste; -smell; -consistency; -color.

Organoleptic GOST R 53104

Determining quality using the senses

Weight of portions

Physical GOST R 54607.1

Weighing, weight deviation is allowed +-3% for individual portions, the total weight of the portion must correspond to the norm.

Weight of one product, separation of the main product (beef)

Physical GOST R 54607.1

Washing it with water and weighing, deviation -+10%

Determination of the mass fraction of dry substances after separation of the main part

Contact drying method

Drying in an oven at a temperature of (130-+2) °C to constant weight.


Physical GOST R 53763

Temperature change, thermometer GOST 28498

Determination of mass fraction of fat

Gravity method with fat extraction in a micro-grinder

Extraction of fat using a solvent from a sample crushed in a micro-grinder

Determination of the mass fraction of table salt (in a controversial case)

Mohr's method

Titration of the product extract with silver nitrate in the presence of potassium chromate until a red color is formed.

microbiological indicators

In accordance with the work program


In this course project, a production program for a snack bar with 30 seats was developed.

The following tasks were solved:

- creating a signature dish;

- normative documentation for products was created;

- technical and technological maps were compiled;

-process diagrams were drawn up with the selection of equipment for branded products;

-development of production control measures.

All practical materials presented in this course project can be used in production.


1. Furs I.N. Technology of production of public catering products: Textbook. allowance / I.N. Furs. - Mn.: New edition, 2002.-799 p.: ill.

2. GOST R 50647-95 Public catering. Classification of an enterprise. - M.: Standards Publishing House, 1995.

3. GOST R 50647-95 Public catering. Terms and Definitions.

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Production program of public catering enterprises


In the new economic conditions determined by market relations, enterprises organize the production and sale of products in order to meet the needs of the market and make a profit.

Production capacity is the starting point for planning the production program of an enterprise. It reflects the potential capabilities of associations, enterprises, and production workshops. Determination of magnitude production capacity takes a leading position in identifying and assessing production reserves.

Purpose course work is to study the issues of analysis of technical and economic indicators of the enterprise’s activities related to the product release program and production capacity necessary for developing management decisions.

The main task is to develop proposals for increasing economic efficiency production in the conditions of a specific enterprise, taking into account its sectoral and organizational-economic characteristics.

1. The production program as the basis of the enterprise’s activities

The production program is an economically sound plan for the production of all types of public catering products in volume and range. It is compiled for a year with distribution by quarters and places of sale.

The main indicator of the production activity of public catering enterprises is the production of their own products. At catering establishments, both food products that have undergone culinary processing and products that have not been subjected to either cold or heat treatment are sold. Those that have undergone culinary processing are sold in the form of dishes, snacks, culinary products and are classified as products of own production. Uncooked foods are called store-bought goods.

The totality of self-produced and purchased goods produced and sold by public catering enterprises constitutes public catering products. Public catering products are the labor products of employees of enterprises in this area. The useful result of labor lies both in the production of new use values ​​and in the provision of services for their implementation and organization of consumption.

Our own products include: lunch products (first, second and third courses); cold and hot snacks sold in portions; culinary products (boiled and fried meat, poultry, fish, etc.), sold individually or by weight.

More than 80% of the total output of domestic production is lunch products. The output of own-produced products in the production program is expressed both in physical and cost terms. Dining products are measured in dishes; other products of own production - in kilograms, pieces, glasses. A dish is a portion of lunch products, cold and hot snacks, sold to consumers directly at catering establishments as home delivery. Product output is directly dependent on consumer demand during the day, since finished products are not subject to long-term storage and must be sold immediately after production.

Other types of products of own production (sandwiches; products baked in dough; hot drinks; ice cream and soft drinks of own production, etc.), as well as semi-finished products made for sale to the public, are not counted as dishes and are classified as other public catering products.

The amount from the sale of own-produced products is the turnover of the own-produced products of public catering enterprises.

To better satisfy consumer demand, it is planned to sell purchased goods. These include goods purchased from other organizations and sold to the population without culinary processing: bread and bakery products, tobacco and confectionery products, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, fruits, as well as semi-finished products received from industrial enterprises or catering establishments and sold to the population through culinary stores or retail outlets of enterprises.

The sale of purchased goods is reflected in the plan only in value terms, that is, in the form of turnover for purchased goods.

Sales of own-produced products and purchased goods to the population constitute the retail turnover of public catering enterprises. The main place in it is occupied by the turnover of own-produced products. Its share, depending on the type of enterprise, ranges from 60-90%. The higher the share of products of own production, the better, therefore, public catering enterprises fulfill their main task - providing the population with hot food.

Both cost indicators - “trade turnover” and “turnover of own-produced products”, characterizing the volume of culinary products sold, have the same nature and essence. The only difference between them is that the “trade turnover” indicator gives a valuation of all products sold at public catering establishments; both prepared directly on them and produced at enterprises Food Industry. The indicator “turnover of own-produced products” characterizes the volume of sales of only that part of the products that are produced at public catering establishments.

2. Composition and elements of the production program

2.1 Turnover of public catering establishments

production program power power

The main activity of public catering enterprises is the production, sale and organization of consumption of culinary products in the form of breakfasts, lunches and dinners. The range and quality of products must meet the requirements of a complete (balanced) diet and a rational diet.

However, the activities of public catering enterprises are not limited to these basic functions and are more diverse. In connection with the solution of the task facing public catering to reduce the time spent on preparing food at home, industry enterprises produce a variety of semi-finished products, culinary, confectionery products, and sell breakfasts, lunches, and dinners at home. In addition to canteens, cafes, restaurants and some other enterprises, this is carried out by specialized enterprises - stores of semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products. In order to improve the organization of public catering and increase the productivity of industry workers, the production of semi-finished products and highly prepared culinary products is concentrated at procurement enterprises.

Thus, public catering products (culinary products) are products of the labor of public catering workers that have a use value in the form of ready-made nutritious food, sold mainly in the form of breakfasts, lunches and dinners, as well as various semi-finished products. The useful result of the work of employees of public catering enterprises lies not only in the production of new use values ​​(culinary products and semi-finished products), but also in the provision of services for their sale and organization of consumption; the cost of these services increases the retail price of food service products.

The predominant type of products produced by cafes, restaurants and other food establishments are first, second, third courses, cold appetizers and hot drinks, which comprise breakfasts, lunches and dinners. They cannot be stored for long periods of time and must be sold immediately after production. These products are called products of the catering establishments' own production. In addition to ready-made dishes, it includes semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products produced at catering establishments.

Consequently, products of own production are formed by the labor products of catering workers in the form of dishes and other culinary products containing new beneficial features, as opposed to raw materials or semi-finished products that are consumed in their preparation.

Some of the products sold at public catering establishments are not products of their own production, since they come in finished form from food industry enterprises. These products are called purchased goods. These include bakery, confectionery, ice cream, milk and packaged dairy products, fruits, berries, juices, soft drinks, wine and vodka products and other goods. This same group of goods includes semi-finished products and culinary products coming from industrial enterprises or other catering establishments and sold to the population through convenience food and culinary stores, buffets, and home kitchens.

Consequently, purchased goods are the products of the labor of food industry workers, supplied to public catering establishments mainly for the completion of breakfasts, lunches, dinners, as well as for sale to the public through buffets, snack bars, and convenience food stores.

Purchased goods complement, and in some cases replace, some types of own-produced products. As the food industry develops, the supply of catering establishments with ready-to-consume products is expanding. Among purchased goods, we should highlight products (let's call them other goods) that do not belong to food products - wine, vodka and tobacco products, beer, soft drinks, etc.

Depending on their place in the diet and the degree of readiness, culinary products are divided into two groups: main, or lunch, and other products. The main indicator of the volume of production and sales of lunch products is the number of dishes.

The main (lunch) products include first, second, third courses, cold and hot appetizers, and hot drinks.

Other products of our own production include various flour, confectionery, culinary products, sandwiches and semi-finished products.

Until recently, this classification of culinary products was sufficient and played a progressive role, as it oriented catering establishments towards the preparation of ready-made dishes. However, culinary products must not only be ready for consumption, but also meet the requirements of complete (balanced) nutrition. The sale of breakfasts, lunches and dinners, as well as semi-finished products, culinary, confectionery and other goods directly to the population forms the retail turnover of public catering enterprises. It also includes the sale of culinary products and semi-finished products to organizations, institutions and enterprises.

Large public catering enterprises, in addition to selling products to the public, sell culinary, confectionery and semi-finished products to other public catering enterprises, as well as enterprise organizations retail for further refinement and implementation. Thus, on large enterprises preparations, the production of meat, fish, vegetables and other semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products is organized to supply them in the required assortment and within the specified time frame to pre-production enterprises, i.e. small canteens, cafes, snack bars. According to the economic nature, the release of finished products or semi-finished products by one enterprise to another is a wholesale trade turnover, since this does not complete the movement of the product. Its transition to the sphere of consumption occurs only after modification and sale or resale.

Retail sales to the public or other buyers of culinary products and other goods, as well as wholesale sales of products intended for processing or resale, together constitute gross trade turnover, which characterizes the entire volume products sold Catering. Trade turnover is planned and taken into account in retail prices, including the catering markup. However, the existing accounting system does not reflect the entire volume of public catering turnover in the country. Thus, the sale of products from warehouses of wholesale organizations or stores to hospitals, sanatoriums, rest homes, boarding schools and other institutions for further processing is taken into account as retail turnover trade organizations and is not included in public catering. In the same way, culinary products sold in cafeterias and buffets at stores are not taken into account as part of public catering turnover. It is included in the stores' turnover.

2.2 Production capacity of the enterprise

Production capacity is the maximum possible release products provided for the corresponding period (decade, month, quarter, year) in a given nomenclature and assortment, taking into account the optimal use of available equipment and production space, progressive technology, advanced organization of production and labor.

The economic justification of production capacity is the most important tool for planning industrial production. In other words, this is a potential opportunity for gross industrial output.

When forming production capacity, the influence of such factors as nomenclature, assortment, quality of products, the stock of main technological equipment, the average age of the equipment and the effective annual fund of its operating time in the established mode, the level of contingency of the fleet, the size of production areas, etc. are taken into account.

The degree of satisfaction depends on production capacity market demand, which can vary in volume, nomenclature and assortment, therefore production capacity must provide for the flexibility of all technological operations, i.e. opportunity to rebuild in a timely manner manufacturing process depending on the growth of product competitiveness, changes in volume, nomenclature and assortment.

Production capacity is calculated for the entire list of nomenclature and range of products. In conditions of multi-product production, when manufactured products are characterized by hundreds of product names, each of which differs not only in purpose or design features, but also in manufacturing technology, the entire range of manufactured products is grouped and a representative product is selected.

Production capacity is calculated for leading production workshops, sites and equipment, taking into account existing cooperation and measures to eliminate bottlenecks.

The leading division includes the divisions in which the main technological operations for the production of planned products are performed.

Elimination of the bottleneck is carried out according to a plan of organizational and technical measures, which is developed in two directions, i.e. with and without taking into account the attraction of additional capital investments. The second direction includes measures to introduce uninstalled equipment, increase equipment shifts, attract additional labor, expand multi-machine maintenance, reduce intra-shift downtime, and redistribute parts to interchangeable equipment with a lower level of use.

Production capacity is also calculated for all production units industrial enterprise starting from the lowest production level to the highest, i.e. from a machine to a group of interchangeable equipment, then to a site, from a site to the main production workshop, from a workshop to the enterprise as a whole.

When determining production capacity, equipment downtime or underutilization of production space caused by labor shortages and inventories, deviations in the organization of production, etc. Production capacity is a variable quantity. It changes during the reporting period and is determined, as a rule, at the beginning and end of the year.

Production capacity is determined in the same units in which production volume is measured. A wide range is reduced to one or more types of homogeneous products.

Production capacity depends on a number of factors. The most important of them are the following:

Number and productivity of equipment;

Qualitative composition of equipment, level of physical and moral wear and tear;

The degree of progressivity of technology and production technology;

Quality of raw materials, materials, timeliness of their deliveries;

Level of specialization of the enterprise;

Level of organization of production and labor;

Equipment operating time fund.

Power disposal occurs for the following reasons:

Depreciation of equipment;

Reducing equipment operating hours;

Changing the nomenclature or increasing the labor intensity of products;

Expiration of the equipment leasing period.

To analyze production capacity, indicators are used that characterize:

1) change in capital productivity as the difference between the project capital productivity ( FOPr) and calculated based on the average annual power ( FOpm).

2) change in product output per unit of installed stock of main technological equipment, i.e. the ratio of commercial (gross) production to the average annual quantity of installed equipment according to plan and actually;

3) a change in the level of utilization of production capacity as a consequence of improving the use of production space based on a comparison of the planned and actual cost of gross (commodity) output per 1 m2 of production area.

To improve the use and further increase production capacity it is necessary:

1) reduce intra-shift and whole-shift downtime of the main technological equipment fleet;

2) increase the capital-labor ratio by introducing new, more advanced equipment and technology;

3) modernize the existing fleet of main technological equipment;

4) deepen specialization and expand cooperation.

2.3 Number of consumers

The capacity of an enterprise is characterized by the maximum number of consumers served over a period of time. It is calculated based on the number of opening hours of the dining room, the number of seats and the duration of a meal per visitor. The average meal time depends on the form of service, the number of dishes consumed, and the type of enterprise. In canteens and cafes operating according to the self-service method, the average meal time for one visitor is 20-30 minutes, and in buffets and snack bars - 15-20 minutes.

The throughput capacity of an enterprise depends on the capacity and technical equipment of the enterprise, on the form of customer service, the rational use of hall space and other factors. Therefore, it is necessary to find the capacity utilization factor of the dining room:

Increasing the capacity of the dining room is achieved through the use of self-service, pre-setting tables, selling lunch products using the buffet method, selling set lunches, breakfasts, dinners, through the organization of take-out distribution and buffets.

The annual food release plan is calculated using the formula:

VB plan =PS max *K ps *B plan *D p,

Where Plan B is the average number of dishes per visitor in the planned period.

3. Production program analysis

It is of great importance to check compliance with contracts for the supply of raw materials and purchased goods by individual suppliers. In the process of analysis, the degree of fulfillment of supply contracts is determined by the total volume, range and quality of products, terms of their shipment, conditions of transportation and packaging, etc.; identify cases of violation of contractual obligations, if any, and establish their causes. Violations in the fulfillment of contracts for the supply of raw materials and purchased goods may be due to the fault of suppliers (due to untimely conclusion of contracts, approval of specifications; violation of contractual obligations regarding the volume, range and quality of supplied products, shipping times and other conditions of their delivery) or due to the fault of food enterprises (untimely conclusion of contracts and submission of orders and applications to suppliers, refusal of ordered products, violation of the current payment procedure, etc.). In the first case, it is necessary to check whether the food company has taken all the necessary measures to influence suppliers, provided for by law and contracts, to eliminate and prevent shortcomings in the supply of raw materials, semi-finished products and purchased goods. In the second case, it is necessary to establish the reasons and specific culprits that led to the deterioration in food supply.

Untimely receipt of raw materials and semi-finished products by days, and in some cases even by hours, negatively affects the development of trade turnover and the production of own products. To assess the uniformity and rhythm of delivery of products for each supplier, it is necessary to study compliance with the deadlines for receipt of raw materials and purchased goods (by product range), and determine the coefficients of variation and uniformity.

Pre-production enterprises often receive highly prepared semi-finished products and frozen meals, which has a positive effect on their production and trading activities. Carrying out the analysis, it is necessary to establish how the needs of canteens, cafes, restaurants, and other pre-preparation enterprises for highly prepared semi-finished products and frozen meals are met (in the assortment context and for the enterprise as a whole) and how their share in the total consumption of products changes. Using the following formula, it is also advisable to determine the coefficient of industrialization of food preparation (Kind) for individual types of products: To ensure rhythmic work, a wide selection of own products and purchased goods, and the most complete satisfaction of consumer demand, food establishments must have certain inventories. According to their purpose, they are divided into current and seasonal. The main ones are current inventories intended to ensure the daily, uninterrupted production and trading activities of enterprises. Stocks of current storage products are constantly and evenly replenished. Catering enterprises must have them in the amount for the number of days of production and trading activity established according to the plan. Current inventory should be average, i.e. neither overestimated nor underestimated. Inflated inventories of products lead to a slowdown in turnover, an increase in commodity losses and other production and distribution costs, and most importantly, a deterioration in the quality and even spoilage of products. Underestimated inventories can lead to interruptions in the production and trading activities of enterprises, to a decrease in the volume of trade turnover and the output of their own products.

Seasonal stocks of products are created at certain periods of the year and their formation is associated with the seasonality of production. In public catering, seasonal inventories include the storage of potatoes, vegetables, fruits and other agricultural products for the winter period.

Current inventory is usually planned separately from seasonal inventory. Each food enterprise plans current food inventory standards quarterly in amount or days. At the same time, the standard for current inventory in days per quarter is also the standard for turnover.

In the activities of food enterprises, current inventories are considered, on the one hand, as a source commodity supply, fulfillment of plans and dynamics of development of trade turnover and production of own products and, on the other hand, how component financial plan and the basis for calculating the need for equity capital. In this regard, the standards of current inventory, as well as their actual availability, should be assessed when analyzing the commodity coverage of trade turnover at sales prices, and when planning finances and studying financial situation enterprises - at cost.

Since inventory standards are set quarterly, their study is carried out primarily for each quarter separately. The analysis of current inventories begins with a comparison of their actual sizes with established standards. The study of inventory is carried out not only in amount, but also in days. To determine inventory in days, it is necessary to divide their amount by the volume of turnover and multiply by the number of days of the period under study.

In the process of analysis, they establish how inventories ensured the development of trade turnover and the production of their own products: they study the reasons for deviations of actual product balances from established standards. Such reasons may be:

Failure to fulfill or exceed plans for turnover and production of own products;

Failure to fulfill or exceed the plan for the receipt of raw materials and purchased goods;

Delivery of products in quantities exceeding the need;

Their uneven supply;

Incorrect distribution of commodity resources between individual enterprises and their divisions;

The presence of other shortcomings in production and trading activities.

Inventory in total usually decreases if the supply of products lags behind the rate of increase in trade turnover, and increases when the rate of growth in the supply of raw materials and purchased goods exceeds.

If a food service enterprise does not plan inventory, then their analysis is carried out over time. It is recommended to compare the actual balances of raw materials and purchased goods for the first days of the month in each quarter in the amount and in days with the data at the beginning of the quarter. As a result, it is determined whether there were any sharp changes in actual inventories during each quarter and reporting year. Turnover is one of the most important quality indicators in public catering. Product turnover refers to the time of circulation of products from the day they are received to the day they are consumed, as well as the speed of turnover of raw materials and purchased goods.

The circulation time characterizes the average duration of stay of products in the form of inventory.

The turnover rate shows how many times inventory was renewed during the period under study. It should be noted that it is not the products themselves that are turned over, but the funds invested in them.

Accelerating commodity turnover is of great importance for the economy: freed up working capital, invested in raw materials and purchased goods; commodity losses and other production and distribution costs are reduced; the quality of the product is maintained, etc. Analysis of inventory and turnover can also be carried out for individual food enterprises. The methodology and sequence of their study at the enterprise is the same as for organizing public catering.

Second group of factors

The second factor in the successful development of trade turnover and production of own products is the availability of labor resources; the correctness of the establishment of the work regime; efficient use of working time; growth in labor productivity.

The analysis begins with a study of the staffing level of cooks, cashiers, distributors, waiters, and other workers and the efficiency of using working time. If for certain categories of workers the actual number is lower than planned, then the reasons are determined and measures are taken to staff the staff and increase the efficiency of workers.

Food enterprises are often understaffed with workers in the primary processing of raw materials, cooks, loaders, cleaners and some other workers, which requires finding reserves of an integrated centralized supply throughout the year with semi-finished products of a high degree of readiness and frozen meals in sufficient quantities, mechanization and automation of dishwashing, cleaning premises, transport and other labor-intensive work. Moreover, the level of labor mechanization in public catering currently does not exceed 25 percent.

The number of catering workers is studied in the context of the following groups:

1) production workers;

2) dining room workers;

3) sales workers(including warehouse workers);

4) administrative and management personnel.

They also study the qualitative composition of workers: the availability of specialists with higher and secondary specialized education (production workers - by category), work experience, including at a given enterprise, age, etc.

The average annual output per employee of a food service enterprise can be represented as the product of their average hourly output by the average length of the working day and by the average number of days worked by one employee per year.


The production program is the calculation of all products for the year. The production program is divided into products of our own production and purchased. Thus, we will learn about the production of sales and organization of consumption of culinary products. Then we will learn about the production capacity of public catering, where formulas for calculation are given. We consider the capacity of the hall and analyze the production program.


1. A.Ya. Zaitseva, E.I. Andryushina, Economics of a catering enterprise, Moscow “Economy” 1985

2. O.P. Efimova, Economics of Public Catering, Minsk LLC “New Knowledge” 2006

3. T.I. Nikolaeva, N.R. Egorova, Economics of trade and public catering enterprises, Moscow “Knorus” 2009

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