Production control

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Department: Meat and milk technology


Production control technological production semi-finished poultry meat


Nuretdinova Laysan Talgatovna

Ufa, 2014






Poultry meat is a healthy and dietary food product that provides the human body with essential proteins and fats. The share of poultry meat in the population's diet is increasing every year. Broiler chickens and semi-finished products from them, which have tender and juicy meat that has high nutritional and biological value, are widely used in production. Semi-finished products, both chilled and frozen, are made from broiler chicken meat. The following types of semi-finished products are produced: broiler chicken breast, quarter (hind), leg, soup set, fillet. Everyone knows the situation in the country with legs imported from the USA. When Salmonella bacteria were found in American chicken in 2002, the import of “Bush legs” into Russia was prohibited. In response to the cessation of chicken imports, the American side threatened to increase duties on steel imports. A month later, the import ban was lifted. The name “Bush legs” appeared in 1990, when a trade agreement was signed between Mikhail Gorbachev and George H. W. Bush to supply frozen chicken legs to Russia. Since Soviet counters were practically empty in those days, “Bush legs” were very popular. Currently, everything is different; the food market of the Kirov region has a large number of domestic producers who offer a wide range of semi-finished products from broiler chicken meat, but, unfortunately, the consumer is not always confident in the quality of the products. In conditions industrial production poultry products one of current problems is to obtain environmentally friendly meat.


The technological process of poultry meat production is carried out in the following sequence:

Reception and delivery of poultry (pre-slaughter holding, acceptance at the farm, delivery, veterinary examination of incoming birds, unloading, submission for slaughter);

Primary processing (hanging on a conveyor, stunning, slaughter, bleeding, scalding, tearing off flight and tail feathers of geese, goslings, turkeys, poults, plucking, plucking, waxing waterfowl carcasses, singeing land birds (if necessary), cutting off legs, dumping carcasses from the conveyor, removal of legs from hangers, sanitation of the conveyor;

Gutting of carcasses (hanging on a conveyor, head separation, longitudinal section of the skin of the neck, separation of the crop, esophagus, trachea, longitudinal section of the abdominal cavity, removal of internal organs, veterinary examination of carcasses and organs, separation of the heart and liver, separation of the muscular stomach, separation of the intestines with the cloaca, neck separation with or without skin, gutting quality control, carcass washing, carcass sorting);

Processing of by-products;

Cooling of carcasses and offal;

Sorting, weighing, packaging of carcasses and offal into consumer and transport containers;

Collection and processing of fat from muscle stomachs;

Collection and processing of feather and down raw materials;

Collection of technical waste;

Refrigeration processing: cooling, freezing and storage.

Reception and delivery of poultry for slaughter/

The bird must arrive for slaughter with an empty crop. To do this, it undergoes pre-slaughter aging.

Poultry undergoes pre-slaughter aging directly in the poultry farm, where for a certain time before it is caught and transported for slaughter and processing, feeding is stopped with free access to water.

Pre-slaughter holding time:

From 6 to 8 hours - egg-laying chickens, chickens, broiler chickens, turkeys and poults;

From 4 to 6 hours - ducks, ducklings, geese, goslings, guinea fowl, guinea fowl, muscovy ducks, muscovy ducklings, quails, quails.

Catching poultry for processing is one of the most important operations, on which the quality of meat largely depends. Farm poultry, especially land birds, are clearly herd birds, in which a change of part of the population or a change of place cause severe persistent stress. To reduce the negative impact of stress, it is necessary, starting from catching and up to hanging on the conveyor, to avoid unnecessary operations, excessive physical impacts, including avoiding bright lighting, loud noise, etc.

Poultry for slaughter can be transported by any means of transport in boxes, cages, or containers with a solid bottom. A bird of the same age and species is placed in each box, cage or container. When transporting poultry for more than 1 hour at a temperature environment above 25C, the density of poultry in transport containers or vehicles should be reduced by 15-20%. Poultry can be transported in a container mounted on a tractor trolley. Boxes with birds are unloaded from the container manually onto a conveyor, which transports them to the hanging place. The birds from the boxes are hung on a conveyor, and the empty boxes are placed on another conveyor, which transports them to a tractor trolley.

In specialized vehicles, poultry is transported in containers or cages, installed 8 pieces per cassette. Load and unload containers or cassettes using a forklift. Poultry is unloaded from containers using a tilter. When the container is tilted, the bird falls out of it onto the conveyor belt.

The cages from the cassette are installed by a stacker one at a time onto a conveyor, which is used to transport them to the place where they are hung on the conveyor. Empty cages are fed by a conveyor into a cage washing machine, and then to a stacker, and finished cassettes with cages are transported to a transport vehicle.

Hanging on a conveyor.

The bird is hung onto the conveyor hangers manually (with its back to the worker). For more convenient hanging, rod guides are mounted at the level of the hangers, along which the hangers slide in an inclined position. When hanging a bird, the pendant does not deviate; it is, as it were, fixed.


To immobilize a bird before slaughter, it is stunned by exposing its body to an alternating electric current of high frequency (up to 2000 Hz), industrial frequency (50 Hz), or a controlled gas environment.

When stunning birds in devices with increased current frequency, the following stunning modes are used:

Kur - voltage 50-70V, frequency 1200-2000 Hz;

Chickens, broiler chickens - voltage 45-60V, frequency from 350 to 2000 Hz.

The stunning time of the bird is: 15-25 s.

When stunning birds in devices with an industrial current frequency (50 Hz), the following modes are used (the current strength per head should not exceed 100 mA, for quails - 90 mA):

Hens, chicks: 90-110V;

Broiler chickens: 70-80V;

Guinea fowl, guinea fowl: 90-110V;

Turkeys, poults: 100-120V;

Ducks, ducklings: 110-130V;

Geese, goslings: 115-135V;

Quail, quails: 45-56V.

When stunning in a gas environment, a mixture of gases present in the air is used, for example: carbon dioxide, nitrogen, oxygen, argon.

Slaughter and bleeding.

With automated processing, the bird is killed by machine, through a side incision, with one or two circular knives, the skin of the neck, jugular vein and carotid artery with an offset to the back of the head without damaging the trachea and esophagus.

The bird is killed manually externally, opening the blood vessels with a special knife by piercing it.

Bleeding is carried out over the gutter for 150 s. (chickens, chicks, broiler chickens, guinea fowl, guinea fowl, quail, quail) and at least 180 s. (ducks, ducklings, geese, goslings, turkeys, poults).

Blood from the gutter flows into an intermediate tank, where it accumulates and is then transported to the waste treatment plant.

To loosen feather retention, poultry carcasses are treated with hot water in poultry scalding units. The choice of scalding mode depends on the type and age of the poultry being processed. The bird is scalded using a “soft” or “hard” scalding mode. When scalded using the “soft” mode, the surface layer of the carcass - the epidermis - remains intact, and the carcasses have a better appearance. The water temperature in the scalding bath is maintained automatically.

For plucking, continuous machines are used - disc machines or periodic machines - centrifuges. During plucking in disc machines, the poultry is irrigated with hot water at a temperature of 50-55C. The disc machines are adjusted in such a way that the rotos with rubber fingers completely enclose the bird. The feather-down material removed from the bird is washed off with water into a hydro-chute located in the floor of the workshop or into perforated boxes.

Through a hydraulic chute with a flow of water, the feather-feather raw material enters in the form of a feather-water pulp into the pumping unit. Lastly, the feather-water pulp is pumped into the separator, where the separation of water and feather-feather raw materials occurs. Water is supplied for purification and reuse, and feather and feather raw materials are sent to the processing workshop. As they are filled, perforated boxes are collected and sent with feather-down raw materials to the processing workshop. When plucking poultry in a centrifuge, hot water at a temperature of 50-55C is also supplied to it for irrigation.

The plucking time is determined visually by the completeness of the plucking, after which the door is opened manually, and the carcasses are thrown out onto the table for additional plucking under the influence of centrifugal force. The pen is collected in a pen cart or perforated drawers. After plucking, in the post-plucking area, they control the quality of the plucking and pull out the feathers remaining after processing in the machines. The feathers or stumps remaining on the carcass after plucking are torn off manually. Singing of chicken carcasses, broiler chickens, chickens is carried out if they have a hair-like feather on them.


After plucking, the waterfowl is hung on a waxing conveyor, secured by the legs and head.

Waxing is carried out by immersing the bird three or four times in the wax mass, with it hardening after each immersion. The duration of each immersion is 3-6C, the waiting time for each layer of wax mass to harden between immersions is 20-25C.

The temperature of the wax mass during waxing in two baths is maintained at the level: in the first 62-65C, in the second 52-54C. Other temperatures recommended by the wax manufacturer can also be maintained. The thickness of the forming layer of wax mass on the surface of the bird is 1-2.5 mm. Poultry treated with wax is cooled with tap drinking water by immersion at 90-120C.

To remove wax from poultry, wax removal machines or disc machines are used. After the last immersion and subsequent hardening of the wax mass on the bird, it is removed manually.

When regenerating wax removed from a bird, it is cleaned of stumps, feather residues, fluff and other contaminants. Regeneration is carried out by natural sedimentation or centrifugation.

Cutting off heads.

The head is separated automatically or manually between the second and third cervical vertebrae as the carcasses move on the conveyor.

With automatic head separation, the head is separated between the first and second cervical vertebrae, while in chickens and broiler chickens the trachea and esophagus are removed at the same time. The head is cut off manually using pneumatic shears.

After separating the heads, the carcasses are washed in a beating machine or in a showering device.

Cutting off legs.

The legs are cut off at the tarsal joint or 20mm below. The legs are cut off automatically or manually. Automatic machines leg cutting machines operate on a straight section of the conveyor, at a 90o or 180o turn, cutting is done with a circular knife. The legs are cut off manually using pneumatic shears.

Hanging carcasses onto the evisceration conveyor.

Carcasses are transferred from the primary processing conveyor to the evisceration conveyor either automatically or manually. When hanging manually, carcasses, after cutting off the legs on a machine, fall onto a conveyor belt, which feeds them to the place where they are hung on a gutting conveyor or storage table. The legs remaining in the suspension are released with a special device. When automatically re-hanging carcasses from the primary processing conveyor to the evisceration conveyor, the legs of the carcasses are cut off in the re-hanging device.

The evisceration conveyor hangers are positioned so that the overhanging carcasses go backwards into all the machines in the evisceration area.

Sanitation conveyor.

The conveyor traction chain with carriages and hangers must be washed and disinfected during the shift. For this purpose, devices for washing and sanitizing the conveyor are used.

This device contains brushes rotating towards each other and rows of nozzles that spray water.


Longitudinal incision of the skin of the neck, separation of the trachea and esophagus.

In an automated evisceration line, the skin of the neck is not cut, and the crop, trachea and esophagus are removed by machine. When gutting a bird by hand, a longitudinal incision in the skin of the neck is made along the entire length of the neck with a knife or a simple device, which is a two-pronged fork with a flat knife secured between the teeth. After cutting the skin of the neck, manually separate the skin from the neck and tear off the esophagus and trachea, if they were not removed when tearing off the head.

Excision of the cloaca and incision of the abdominal cavity.

When gutting a bird by hand, the cloaca is cut off along with the intestines at the end of the process. The wall of the abdominal cavity is cut with a knife from the cloaca to the crest of the sternum, shifting the incision slightly to the left. On automated lines, cutting the cloaca and cutting the abdominal cavity is carried out on one or two machines. The machines have two knives: a cylindrical one for cutting out the cloaca and a flat one for cutting the cavity. Through the hole formed after cutting out the cloaca, a flat knife enters the cavity of the carcass, which cuts the cavity down to the keel of the sternum. The incision is made on the side of the carcass (from the stomach) so that the intestines are not damaged. The length of the cut can be adjusted.

Extraction of internal organs.

When removing internal organs manually, the carcass is held with the left hand, slightly lifting. The right hand on the inside of the chest, palm down, is inserted into the cavity of the carcass until it stops, grasping everything internal organs, tear off and remove the arm with the intestines and giblets from the cavity of the carcass. The removed organs are left hanging on the carcass for veterinary and sanitary examination. To facilitate labor during the gutting operation, a device is used - a gutting fork. The fork is inserted into the cavity of the carcass along the inside of the back until it stops, then the fork handle tilts down, grabbing all the internal organs, tearing it off and removing the fork along the chest cavity and removing the intestines with giblets from the cavity.

In mechanized evisceration, the carcasses are gutted automatically by a machine to remove the entrails.

In one stroke of the working organs, all internal organs, including the lungs, are removed.

Veterinary and sanitary examination of carcasses and internal organs.

Carcasses are delivered to the place of veterinary and sanitary examination with the internal organs removed and hanging on the carcass. The working conditions of a veterinary expert are significantly improved if workplace equipped with a large flat mirror. In this case, the carcass is inspected without turning it over in the hanger.

On evisceration conveyors with a parallel section for separating internal organs, immediately after extraction, a set of internal organs is separated from the carcass and hung automatically on a stomach processing conveyor, which moves parallel and synchronously with the main one, so that each carcass corresponds to a set of internal organs moving in parallel. If pathological changes are detected on the carcass or any organ, the carcass and internal organs are removed from the conveyor.

Department of heart and liver.

All parsing operations are carried out over a conveyor or giblet disassembly chute. The separation of internal organs hanging on the carcass begins with the separation of the heart and liver. The heart and liver are dumped into a funnel through which they enter a reservoir or pump receiver, which transports them with water to offal coolers for washing and cooling. From the storage facility, the heart and liver are transported manually to the offal cooling area for washing and cooling.

Separation of the muscular stomach and intestines.

When processing a gizzard by hand, it is cut off from the intestines, which continue to hang on the carcass. To do this, the gizzard is slightly pulled away from the carcass and cut off from the intestines with scissors or a knife. The intestines are cut off along with the cloaca (if evisceration is carried out manually) and dumped onto a conveyor or into an evisceration chute, which feeds it directly into a blow-off tank or storage tank for transportation to a waste disposal shop. When processing stomachs on a machine with an automatic operating mode, they are cut off from the carcass along with the intestines and thrown onto a conveyor belt, which feeds them into the machine for processing stomachs.

Removal of goiter, trachea and esophagus.

On automated lines, the goiter, trachea and esophagus are removed by machine. The carcasses enter the car with their backs to the center of the car. The working body in the form of a cylindrical cutter enters, rotating inside the carcasses. Passing through the carcass, the cutter wraps around the trachea, crop and esophagus, and when it comes out of the carcass, everything is cleaned off with a mechanical brush. During manual gutting, the operator manually pulls out the trachea with crop and esophagus from the carcass.

Neck section.

In manual gutting, the neck is cut off on a conveyor belt with pneumatic, mechanical shears, or a knife, at the level of the shoulder joints. In mechanized processing, necks are separated automatically by machines. When entering a rotary-type machine, the carcass should hang with its back to the machine, and when entering a machine with a vertical working element, its chest should be towards the machine. The working parts precisely fix the carcass in a given position, the neck is separated at the level of the shoulder joints and dumped into the storage tank. From the storage tank, the necks enter the pump or are transported in a special container to the offal cooling area for washing and cooling.

Cleaning carcasses from remains of internal organs.

Cleaning carcasses from the remains of internal organs, which are usually lungs and kidneys, is done using a special fork with a scraper attachment or a vacuum gun. A fork is inserted into the carcass and the lungs and kidneys are scraped out or they are sucked out with a vacuum gun to suck out the lungs and kidneys. On highly mechanized lines, the remaining lungs are separated from the carcass using a rotary-type final control machine. The lungs and other unremoved parts of the internal organs are sucked out using a vacuum.

Carcass washing.

In evisceration lines, poultry carcasses are washed from nozzles as they pass through a showering device. The position of the nozzles is set in such a way that water from the nozzles enters the cavity of the carcass. In highly mechanized lines, carcasses are washed inside and out using a rotary machine. The hollow working element enters the cavity of the carcass and sprays water. The outside of the carcasses is washed with water from the nozzles.

Cooling poultry meat.

The industry uses the following methods for cooling broiler chicken carcasses:

Air (traditional) - cooling in boxes in a chamber at a temperature of 0-2C;

Evaporative - cooling on a conveyor in a tunnel at a temperature of plus 0.5 C for 90 minutes;

Water-air - cooling of carcasses in water at a temperature of 12C for 30 minutes. and in air with a temperature of plus 0.5 C on a conveyor for 55 minutes;

Water-evaporative - cooling in water at a temperature of 12°C for 30 minutes and in an aerosol at a temperature of 1°C for 60 minutes;

Water - cooling in tap water at a temperature not exceeding 12°C for 10 minutes and in ice water at a temperature of 1°C for 30 minutes.

The meat of other types of poultry, packed in polyethylene boxes, is air cooled in a chamber at a temperature of 0-2C.

Poultry sorting.

Cooled carcasses are sent to sorting, which is carried out on a drainage conveyor, on a conveyor belt or technological tables. Carcasses are sorted by fatness and quality of processing.

Processing of by-products.

Processing of offal consists of cleaning, washing, cooling and freezing. Processing of muscle stomachs is carried out both mechanized by machine and manually.


Plucking. Pluck the bird after about 15 minutes. after she was stabbed. During this time, the bird is hung upside down to drain the blood. Better than a bird pluck in a dry state, without pouring boiling water over it. But dry plucking is a labor-intensive process, so the so-called wet plucking method is usually used.

Only geese are dry plucked in order to preserve valuable feathers. Plucking begins from the neck and continues in the direction opposite to the growth of the feather, i.e., towards the head. When plucking, be careful not to injure the skin. To do this, use the fingers of your left hand to stretch the skin of the place where you are going to pull out the feathers. Then the bird is immersed in hot water, the water temperature for chickens is 52-53°C, for chickens 54-55°C, for roosters 56-56°C, for turkeys 60°C. The duration of scalding for chickens is up to 2.5 minutes, for other birds - up to 3 minutes.

Searing. The delicate feathers (fluff) remaining on the bird's skin are removed by scorching over an open flame. The bird is pre-dried.

When scorching, the bird is held by the head with one hand, the legs with the other and gradually rotated over the flame. Its legs and wings open to scorch the down in these places.

Limb separation. The head is cut off down to the second cervical vertebra. The wings, if necessary, are cut out at the elbow joint (they are not cut off in poultry farms), and the legs are cut under the knee joint.

Evisceration. The incision made on the belly to remove the entrails should be small unless the bird is being cut into portions. The skin on the neck is cut from the back and removed. The neck is cut off to the last cervical vertebra 3 vol. taken out along with the esophagus and larynx (breathing tube).

When removing the insides, care must be taken to ensure that the gallbladder does not rupture.

Washing. The bird is washed under running water (or changing the water several times) and left to swell. It is recommended to keep it in a cool, ventilated place to dry.

Decor. By design we mean attaching the wings and legs to the body. This is done to give the bird a better appearance and to ensure that the heat is applied more evenly as it cooks.

The bird is prepared as follows: the legs are placed in the belly cut (the legs of ducks and geese, whose legs are shorter, are inserted into small cuts made on the sides). The skin of the neck is folded behind the back and the wings are crossed on it. If the bird is not prepared in this way, when boiling, the legs and wings become puffy, take up a lot of space, and more water is required to cover them; when baked, the white meat exposed to the goiter (especially when the skin is cut in the front) dries out and quickly burns. The decorated birds are placed in one row on a baking sheet. Before heat treatment, they are stored in a refrigerator at 0-4°C.

Semi-finished poultry products are represented by a whole carcass, portioned, small-piece pieces, and cutlet mass.

Whole poultry and game carcasses are seasoned using one of the methods listed above and used for boiling or frying.

Stew. The bird carcass is cut into pieces weighing 40-50 g each.

Pilaf. The carcass is cut into pieces of 4-5 pieces. per serving.

Fillet. To prepare semi-finished poultry fillet products, you need to remove and clean the fillet. The bird carcass is placed on its back with the legs facing you, the skin and flesh connecting the legs to the carcass are cut, the legs are pulled back and placed on a board. Turn the carcass over with the loin part facing you. Starting from the end of the breast bone towards the head, remove the skin from the loin. Along the protrusion of the sternum with a sharp knife, cut the flesh on one side of the bone, cut the fork bone (arch), cut the tendons connecting the humerus to the frame, cut off the tendons and flesh from the humerus, chop off part of the bone, leaving 3-4 cm, and remove the fillet. After this, the flesh is trimmed on the other side of the breast bone and the second fillet is cut off.

The resulting fillet is cleaned. To do this, separate the inner muscle (small fillet) from the outer muscle (large fillet). The tendon of the small one is separated, the fork bone is removed from the large one, and the thickened part of the humerus (the humerus) is cut off. The fillet is moistened in cold water, placed on a board and the outer film is cut off. Longitudinal cuts are made on both sides of the thickened part and the fillet is opened.

Natural cutlets. In a large, cleaned and opened fillet with a bone, the tendon is cut in 2-3 places. A small fillet is placed into the cut, the edges of the large fillet are tucked towards the middle, covering the small fillet. The product is given an oval shape.

Breaded cutlets. Natural cutlets are prepared, dipped in lezone and coated in white breading.

Chicken schnitzel. The shoulder bone of a large fillet is cut off, the fillet is cleaned and opened. Then the large and small fillets are lightly beaten, the tendons of the large fillet are cut in 2-3 places, the small fillet is placed on it and covered with the edges of the large fillet, giving it an oval shape. Soaked in lezone, breaded in a breading of stale wheat bread without crusts, cut into strips.

The Kiev's cutlets. A large, cleaned and opened fillet is lightly beaten, cuts are made in the tendons, a piece of beaten small fillet is placed, chilled butter shaped into a sausage is placed on it, the remaining small fillet is covered on top and the edges of the large fillet are wrapped. Then they are dipped in lezone, breaded in white breading, dipped in lezone again, breaded in white breading and stored in the refrigerator until frying so that the butter is frozen.

Cutlet mass. Chickens, turkeys, hazel grouse, black grouse, partridges, wood grouse and pheasants are used for cutlet mass. From carcasses, fillet pulp and legs are used, and from game carcasses, except for pheasants and partridges, only fillets are used. The pulp is separated from the bones and skin, passed through a meat grinder, bread without crusts soaked in milk, salt, butter or creamy margarine are added, mixed well and passed through a meat grinder again, then knocked out. You can add ground pepper to the game cutlet mass.

Cutlets and meatballs are prepared from the poultry cutlet mass. Product norm per 1 kg. poultry pulp: stale wheat bread - 250 g, milk or cream - 300 g, butter - 50 g, salt - 20 g.

Poultry carcasses that are not allowed for sale:

Not corresponding to category 2 of fatness and quality of processing;

With curvatures of the back and chest bone, with scratches on the back;

Frozen more than once.

Rice. 1. - Scheme of the technological process of centralized production of semi-finished poultry products:

Acceptable defects on poultry carcasses of category 1:

Single stumps and light abrasions;

No more than two skin tears up to 1 cm long each (on the chest only);

Slight desquamation of the skin epidermis.

Acceptable defects on poultry carcasses of category 2:

A small number of stumps and abrasions;

No more than three tears, no more than 2 cm long each;

Significant changes in the epidermis of the skin;

Minor stains.


Rice. 2. - Division of poultry carcasses according to fatness:

Rice. 3. - Division of poultry carcasses according to processing quality:

Rice. 4. - Division of poultry carcasses by heat treatment (by temperature in the thickness of the pectoral muscles):

Average chemical composition poultry meat:

Water - 48-71%;

Proteins - 13-24%;

Fat - 3.3-38.1%;

Ash - 0.5-1.2%.

Highest protein content: turkey meat - 24.25%.

The highest fat content: meat of ducks and geese - 37-38%.

Game meat: unlike poultry, it has a higher protein content - 20-25% and less fat - 1-4%.


1st method (the most common). The stuffing is placed in the chest and abdominal cavities, after which the abdominal incision is sutured and the legs are attached to the body in the above manner, then the stuffed bird is baked.

2nd method. The filling is placed under the skin of the breast. To do this, the skin is carefully separated from the breast meat, pointing the knife from the abdominal cavity to the neck. The resulting cut (bag) is filled with filling: the liver of the bird itself or goose liver, cut into thin slices, fried with onions and parsley and seasoned with wine (Madeira), or mushroom filling. The bird is then baked.

3rd method. The stuffing is placed into a deboned bird (usually chicken or turkey).

The bones are separated as follows: Before gutting, the bird is placed on a board or table, breast side up. A longitudinal incision is made on the chest. Using a knife and fingers, the skin with breast and leg meat is separated from the skeleton. After cutting the joints, very carefully separate the bones from the wings and legs.

The meat is cleaned of tendons and films and cut out here and there so that the layer of meat is distributed evenly over the entire skin. Some of the meat is usually completely cut out and used for filling. In older birds, the meat is completely separated and used for stuffing. In this case, it is cranked twice (or finely chopped) and mixed with seasonings or with white bread, ham, mushrooms, etc., soaked in milk.

The stuffed skin is shaped into a roll and sewn up with thread scalded with boiling water.

Waste treatment. The waste includes the head, comb, neck, legs and entrails - stomach, heart, liver. In game, this includes only the neck (the rest of the waste has a bitter taste and is thrown away).

The waste is subjected to the following treatment: The scallop and head are doused with boiling water, after which the scallop is cleaned of the film covering it, and the feathers are plucked from the head, the eyes are removed and the beak is cut off.

The legs are doused with boiling water at the same time as the body of the bird or after they are cut off. Immediately after scalding the legs, the rough skin is removed and the claws are cut off. The gallbladder is removed from the liver.

The stomach is cut and cleaned of the food debris and inner lining it contains. Its fat is cut out and used in poultry preparation. The heart is cleared of large blood vessels and clotted blood. All waste must be washed under running cold water.


Semi-finished products are produced from broiler chicken meat: broiler chicken breast, quarter (hind), leg, soup set.

To produce semi-finished products from broiler chicken meat, gutted carcasses of the first and second categories are used, which do not meet the requirements of the second category in terms of quality of processing, but comply with the state of the muscular system (in terms of fatness) of the first or second categories, in a chilled state with a shelf life of no more than 1 day .

Poultry processing is carried out at poultry plants or in poultry processing shops of meat processing plants. Poultry supplied for processing must be healthy and without traumatic injuries. Poultry growing and procurement areas must be free from infectious diseases. Poultry is accepted from suppliers according to the number of heads, live weight, type, age and fatness.

After receiving the bird, it can be sent for slaughter (if there is no food in the crop) or for pre-slaughter holding.

Pre-slaughter holding is carried out without feeding with the provision of water for land birds - 8-12 hours.

Technological schemes for processing broiler chickens include the following operations: preparation of gutted carcasses (singing, elimination of lifetime defects and technological processing defects, washing, draining of water), cutting (dismemberment) of carcasses, packaging, packaging, cooling (at 0-1C or - 0.5±4C to a temperature in the thickness of the product 0-4C), freezing (at -18-35C to a temperature in the thickness of the product no higher than -8C). In most plants, poultry is processed on conveyor lines.

The poultry is delivered to the slaughterhouse in cages after pre-slaughter holding. A live bird is hung upside down on a conveyor and stunned with electric currents of varying voltage, strength and frequency as it moves along the conveyor. With this method of stunning, the bird is subject to stress, wing fractures, internal hemorrhages are possible, its bleeding and the appearance of the carcasses, as well as their stability during storage, deteriorate. More high quality meat is obtained by slaughtering poultry without stunning with high-frequency currents, as well as by anesthetizing it with carbon dioxide (30-40% concentration).

Slaughter is carried out by external and internal methods. With the external method of slaughter, below the earlobe, the skin, jugular vein, carotid and facial arteries are cut with a knife. Internally, scissors are inserted into the oral cavity and the blood vessels in the back of the palate above the tongue are cut, at the junction of the jugular and pontine veins.

The external method allows you to mechanize and automate the slaughter process, as well as bleed carcasses more completely and quickly. But due to the fact that the skin of the carcass is cut, during further processing its head may come off.

Bleeding of broiler chickens is carried out over a special tray for collecting blood for 90-120 s. Insufficient bleeding can lead to hemorrhages in the muscles, which worsens the appearance and reduces the stability of carcasses during storage.

Feathers are removed from poultry carcasses using finger and comb machines, beaters, disc and centrifugal machines. The operating principle of these machines and automatic machines is based on the use of the frictional force of rubber working parts on the plumage, which exceeds the force of retention of the plumage in the skin of the carcasses.

Remains of plumage are removed from poultry carcasses by hand, and hair-like feathers from land bird carcasses are removed by scorching with gas burners.

The evisceration process is carried out on a conveyor over a system of chutes for receiving and transporting technical waste and food by-products. Gutting of carcasses begins with the separation of the legs at the tarsal joint or below it by no more than 20 mm. On the conveyor belt, internal organs, the head (between the second and third cervical vertebrae), and the neck (without skin) at the level of the shoulder joints are removed from the carcasses.

In this case, the internal fat of the lower abdomen is not removed from the carcass and the lungs and kidneys may be left behind.

Poultry carcasses are washed inside and out, then the filament feathers are removed.

Prepared carcasses are dismembered into pieces on a special machine, technological tables and conveyor manually or on a circular saw. Using the Ya6-FRTs machine for dismembering broiler chicken carcasses, the carcasses are separated semi-automatically. They are placed manually into the cells of the feed conveyor to the cutting mechanism. The breast part of the carcass is cut off with a round hollow knife, and the rest of the carcass is cut into three parts with a figured knife: two hind quarters and the dorsal-scapular part.

The breast of a broiler chicken consists of the pectoral muscles along with the breast bone. Quarter (back) consists of the lumbosacral part of the carcass with legs, separated from the carcass along the spine between the last ribs and divided along the spine into two parts.

The soup set consists of the dorsal-scapular part of the carcass with wings and skin. On the Stork S-5000A machine, broiler chicken carcasses are also dissected semi-automatically and, when dismembered, the breast part (breast), two legs, dorsal-scapular and lumbosacral parts (not separated) and wings are separated - all of them make up a set for soup . Prepared semi-finished products are placed in trays made of polymer material. Trays with stacked semi-finished products are conveyed by a conveyor to a machine on which they are packaged in polymer shrink film. In the absence of packaging equipment, trays with stacked semi-finished products are wrapped in polyethylene film 30 microns thick and secured with adhesive tape.

Semi-finished products from broiler chicken meat are allowed to be produced in a frozen state (packaged only). Semi-finished products packed in boxes are frozen in freezers or tunnel freezers at air temperatures from -18 to -35C (up to a temperature in the thickness of the muscles not higher than - 8C).

Freezing is the process of lowering the temperature of a product below cryoscopic by 10-30°C, accompanied by the transition of the water contained in it into ice. The purpose of freezing is to maximize shelf life, as it provides greater shelf life than storing meat refrigerated. The difference between freezing and cooling is that during freezing, ice obtained from water creates unfavorable osmotic conditions, which leads to a slowdown in biochemical processes. In a frozen product, the moisture converted into ice is not removed and, under favorable defrosting conditions, can be completely restored and give the product its original freshness.

In a frozen product, signs such as hardness (due to ice), brightness of color (optical effect), a decrease in density, and changes in thermal and acoustic properties are observed. When freezing, a violation of the histological structure occurs (tissue rupture by ice and partial destruction of cells), some physicochemical changes, and many biochemical processes are inhibited.

When freezing, they try to preserve the original qualities of meat, for which it is necessary to achieve the reversibility of the processes that occur when exposed to negative temperatures. This depends on the freezing mode (temperatures), the chemical composition of the meat, including the content of biologically active substances, packaging, and shelf life in freezing mode.

Depending on thermal state natural semi-finished products divided into chilled and frozen.

The raw materials for the production of semi-finished chicken products are chilled and frozen gutted poultry carcasses. Carcasses with discolored muscle and fat tissue, bruises, hemorrhages, frozen more than once, poorly bled, and skinny are not allowed. Natural semi-finished chicken meat products include fillet and fillet with bones, breast, legs, boneless meat, sets for broth and stewing. For semi-finished turkey meat products - turkey drumstick, turkey quarter (hind), turkey wing (whole), shoulder part of the wing, elbow part of the turkey wing. Chicken fillet - pectoral muscles without skin, chicken fillet with bone includes a shoulder bone freed from pulp, 3-4 cm long. Chicken breast - pectoral muscles with breast bone and skin. The leg of a poultry carcass includes the femur and tibia with adjacent muscle, connective and fatty tissues. The thigh of a poultry carcass consists of the thigh bone with adjacent tissues. The lower leg of a poultry carcass is the tibia and fibula with adjacent tissues. The breast part of a poultry carcass includes the breast bone with adjacent tissues. Many semi-finished products have the same name as parts of poultry carcasses. For semi-finished products, a high quality of processing is established: hemp and hair-like feathers are not allowed in them. The All-Russian Research Institute of Poultry Processing Industry has developed scientific documentation on a range of natural semi-finished poultry products (including products made from hand-boned boneless meat). They differ from semi-finished products produced using traditional technology in that during their production seasonings, food additives and spices are added to the raw materials. To produce semi-finished chicken products using antimicrobial drugs, a film-forming composition or the drug “Bombal” is used and the addition of black and red ground pepper, which allows you to extend the shelf life of semi-finished products in a refrigerated state to 5 days.

The surface of the carcasses is irrigated with the solution or for 2-5 seconds, immersed in a bath with the solution, then left for 30 seconds to drain. These prepared foods include amateur chicken, hind quarter and seasoned chicken leg. For amateur chickens, in addition to pepper, finely chopped garlic is added to the solution.

Semi-finished products from boneless meat are fillets from white and red meat of chickens and turkeys, boneless chicken and turkey meat, etc. To produce fillets from white meat, the muscle tissue separated from the breast part of the carcass is beaten, giving the piece a flat shape, then the edges are aligned with a knife so that the semi-finished product was oval in shape. Red meat fillet comes from a whole piece of the muscle part of the thigh.

It is separated manually or using a device for mechanical deboning of the legs. The piece is beaten and given an oval shape, similar to white meat fillet. Boneless chicken and turkey meat is made from large pieces of meat with skin, cutting them into pieces with side sizes of 15-30 mm. The prepared semi-finished products are moistened and sprinkled with mixtures of spices with turmeric, paprika or herbs. Each mixture consists of 6-7 spices, monosodium glutamate, dextrose and table salt. Semi-finished poultry meat products marinated or kept in brine are obtained from carcasses and carcass parts of chickens, chickens, broiler chickens.

The brine is injected into the carcasses by syringing and massaged for 20-30 minutes. with the addition of spices, the product is kept for 6-12 hours, or the prepared carcasses are placed in rows vertically, breast down, in a stainless steel container, each row is sprinkled with a mixture of ground black pepper and chopped garlic, poured with brine, covered with a wire rack, kept at a cooling temperature of 12-20 hours, taken out and kept on tables with a grid to drain the brine.

The brine contains salt, granulated sugar or glucose, phosphates, and soluble soy protein or food caseinate, carrageenan, starch, xanthan gum (or carob, or guar), and “Gummin” additive can also be added. The composition of the complex additive "Gummin" includes carrageenan, xanthan gum, sodium phosphate, soy protein, corn starch, nutmeg, glucose, black or white pepper, cardamom, monosodium glutamate, sodium ascorbate. Almost all of the ingredients presented (except for sugars, spices and sodium ascorbate) increase the moisture-binding ability of meat. IN Food Industry All semi-finished poultry meat products are classified according to two main parameters. As a rule, the type of meat used in the manufacture of semi-finished poultry products is taken into account. In addition, the production technology of one or another type of semi-finished poultry meat product is taken into account. According to this classification, depending on the type of meat, semi-finished products are distinguished from chicken meat, from chickens or broiler chickens, as well as from turkey meat, goose meat, as well as quail and guinea fowl meat. If we consider the range of semi-finished poultry meat products from the point of view of production technology, then we can distinguish two main types - natural and chopped products. Natural semi-finished poultry meat products include whole poultry carcasses already prepared for further culinary processing, as well as components of such carcasses. For example, thigh, drumstick, as well as wing, breast or soup set. In addition, natural, semi-finished poultry meat products include fillets, as well as stuffed culinary products in a casing. Chopped semi-finished poultry products include culinary products such as cutlets, meatballs, schnitzel, minced meat, as well as kebabs or nuggets. Chopped semi-finished products can be molded or in a shell. In addition to the main classification of semi-finished poultry products listed above, there is a distinction based on thermal regime. For example, semi-finished products from poultry meat are chilled, frozen, as well as frozen and deep-frozen products. For each specific semi-finished poultry meat product, sanitary and epidemiological standards establish a certain thermal state. Semi-finished poultry meat products compare favorably with other meat products due to their relatively low caloric content. In addition, semi-finished poultry meat products, when properly prepared, can become an excellent dietary food product. In the modern age of rapid technology and constant progress, everything large quantity housewives use affordable semi-finished poultry products in their daily diet. Such food products do not require much time to prepare. In addition, if you approach food preparation with soul and imagination, even an ordinary semi-finished poultry product can turn into a small but real personal masterpiece of culinary art.


Packaging and labeling.

Semi-finished products from broiler chicken meat intended for sale in trading network, are produced packaged and packaged in trays made of polymer material, which are wrapped in plastic film. The film must have a label indicating:

Name of the semi-finished product;

Composition of the semi-finished product;

Production, freezing and packaging dates;

Thermal condition;

Net weight;

Best before date;

Conditions of storage and sale;

Information data on nutritional and energy value per 100 g;

Designation of technical conditions;

Handling signs are applied to the transport container: “perishable cargo”, “temperature limit”.

Semi-finished products are packaged in wooden boxes, corrugated cardboard boxes, or for local sale in reusable containers. The boxes must be strong, dry, clean, free of foreign odors. The bottom and walls of wooden and metal boxes are lined with wrapping paper, corrugated cardboard boxes are lined with parchment, plastic film, or other polymer film permitted by the USSR Ministry of Health for packaging food products. The protruding ends of paper or film are used to cover the semi-finished products on top. Semi-finished products are placed in a box in one row in height. Semi-finished products of the same type and processing method are placed in a box. The placement of semi-finished products in corrugated cardboard boxes should be tight, but not cause deformation of the walls.

The gross weight of a box made of corrugated cardboard should not exceed 20 kg, polymer, aluminum, wood - 30 kg.

A label is glued to the end sides of the boxes or stamped using odorless paint. The label or stamp must indicate:

Name of the manufacturer, its subordination and trademark;

Product name;

Production date;

Net weight, gross weight and number of packaging units;

Packer number;

Storage period and conditions;

Designation of a normative document.

The packaging is designed to protect semi-finished broiler chicken meat products from dust, dirt and microorganisms during storage, transportation and sale.

Packaging materials must be waterproof, retain their protective properties in the presence of moisture, and be permeable to oxygen to a certain extent.

Oxygen promotes the formation of bright red oxymyoglobin, which gives the meat an attractive appearance and indicates its freshness. At low partial pressure of oxygen, oxymyoglobin converts to metmyoglobin and the meat turns a dark brown-red color. For packaging semi-finished products from broiler chicken meat, cellulose film and polyethylene shrink film are most widely used. Cellophane film is quite plastic, has high resistance to erosion, very low gas permeability, and good grease resistance.

To eliminate exposure to oxygen, the most accessible method is vacuum packaging. For these purposes, as a rule, single- and multi-layer polymer materials with high barrier properties (saran, polyethylene).


Behind last years The conditions for poultry processing have changed dramatically, especially in the field of cooling, freezing and packaging of meat. The requirements for the quality of finished products have increased significantly.

The modern market, especially in large cities, accepts for sale mainly chilled poultry in individual packaging made of polymer film. Packing poultry carcasses and semi-finished products in cardboard boxes instead of wooden boxes has improved production standards. There is no need to reuse wooden boxes. Poultry packed in cardboard boxes looks more aesthetically pleasing. It is easier to transport and sell, packaging costs have been significantly reduced. However, heat exchange conditions when cooling and freezing poultry in cardboard boxes are much worse than when cooling in wooden ones. Since the 70s, when standards for poultry meat were adopted and the current shelf life of chilled meat was established, the refrigeration facilities of the retail chain have changed. Today, most trade enterprises are equipped with modern refrigeration chambers with automatic temperature regulation and control. Large poultry processing enterprises are equipped with modern equipment for refrigerated meat processing. Therefore, the ability to support optimal temperature storage in enterprises, trade and at home is quite possible. However, despite this, the shelf life of chilled and frozen poultry meat has remained unchanged since 1976.

This paradox is explained by the characteristics of poultry meat and poultry processing technology. Microbial spoilage of chilled meat is caused by bacteria. Fungi and molds grow much slower and do not affect the freshness of chilled meat. It is clear that the stability of meat during storage can be increased by suppressing or weakening the development of microbes. The most effective is to lower the storage temperature. For example, under industrial conditions at storage temperatures from -2 to -1C, no changes were found in broiler carcasses and semi-finished products packaged in polymer bags even after 1 month of storage. At temperatures from 1 to 2C, the first signs of spoilage - foreign odor and mucus on the surface - appeared after 9-10 days of storage, and at temperatures from 4 to 5oC, noticeable mucus on the surface and changes in appearance observed after 6-7 days of storage.

Another important factor influencing the contamination of meat by microorganisms is relative air humidity.

When the relative air humidity is less than 90%, the development of bacteria slows down sharply.

In recent years, in domestic and foreign production of meat products, new complex food additives with bactericidal action, called fresheners, have appeared, which include acidity regulators, antioxidants and their synergists.

When meat is frozen and subsequently stored at low temperatures, microbiological, enzymatic, biochemical and chemical processes in it are sharply inhibited. However, their complete cessation does not occur, and the quality of frozen poultry meat changes noticeably during storage. This depends on the temperature and duration of storage, the stability of the product during storage, the properties of the product before freezing, packaging conditions and type of material, and the method of processing the product before freezing.


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Turkey is the leanest meat. Due to its low fat content, nutritionists recommend it not only to those who are watching their weight, but also to heart patients, hypertensive patients and diabetics, and these, by the way, include more than half of adult Russians. Diabetes, coronary heart disease, hypertension, as well as the associated atherosclerosis, are largely the result of excessive consumption of animal foods rich in saturated fats and “bad” cholesterol - it is this that is responsible for the formation of plaques that clog our blood vessels.

This is why doctors recommend that people with cardiovascular diseases limit their consumption of fatty foods rich in cholesterol. However, the restrictions do not apply to turkey meat: a 100-gram serving of boiled breast, which is a piece the size of a stick of butter, contains only 5 grams of fat. As for cholesterol, even pike and flounder have 3 mg more of it than turkey breast. Including turkey instead of beef and pork in the menu helps normalize cholesterol levels.

Turkey is a low-calorie meat, so in many weight loss diets it is included in the list of allowed foods. The most dietary part of turkey is the skinless breast: 100 grams contains only 119 kcal.

Despite its modest fat content and low calorie content, turkey is a very nutritious product. Its main wealth is protein, which serves as the main material for building cells and tissues of the body. In terms of its content (on average 19.5-21 g per 100 g), turkey meat is superior to beef (18.6 g), pork (14.3 g) and lamb (15.6 g).

Turkey meat supplies our body with many vitamins (A, B2, B6, B12 and the daily requirement of vitamin PP), as well as minerals (iron, magnesium, selenium, potassium, manganese, zinc). You can go on and on about what function each of them performs, for example, that B vitamins are necessary for the body to produce energy, and selenium prevents cancer.

Turkey has more iron and sodium than beef. Due to its high sodium content, turkey meat will taste delicious with minimal added salt, which is very healthy. And it is rich in phosphorus almost as much as fish.

Turkey is a hypoallergenic product. Today they talk about the allergy epidemic with alarming frequency - it turns out that almost any product, mainly food proteins of natural origin, can cause a reaction. Turkey is practically not noticed in provoking allergic reactions.

In addition to such well-known advantages as easily digestible protein, low calorie content, high iron content and melting fats that help absorb vitamin A, turkey has a “zest”. It contains tryptophan, one of the most important amino acids. Tryptophan is necessary for the synthesis of neurotransmitters, the deficiency of which we experience during depression. This is a precursor to serotonin (the so-called “happiness hormone”), its level greatly influences our behavior. Tryptophan is not synthesized in the body; we can replenish its reserves with food. In addition to the benefits listed above, eating turkey, rich in tryptophan, promotes the synthesis of melatonin, which is responsible for sound sleep.

1. Technological part

1.1 Selection of product range

The range of natural semi-finished turkey products given below is selected on the basis of TU 9214-122-38826547-2015 natural semi-finished poultry products

We will draw up a production control program for the range of products presented in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1 - Assortment of semi-finished turkey meat products

1.2 Description of the production process

meat turkey sanitary control

Semi-finished turkey meat products, depending on the processing method, are divided into:




Chopped meat


Depending on the manufacturing technology, semi-finished turkey meat products are divided into:

Lumps (large pieces and portions)

Portion breaded

Small pieces


Large-piece semi-finished products - pieces of meat pulp of oval, oval-oblong or irregular quadrangular shape weighing up to 500 g.

Small-piece semi-finished products - pieces of meat pulp of oval, oval-oblong or irregular quadrangular shape weighing 5-50 g.

Portioned semi-finished products - 1 or 2 pieces of meat equal in weight, intended for frying in whole pieces, weight 80-125 g.

At the enterprise, semi-finished products are produced from chilled turkey carcasses coming from the refrigerator, then they are sent for cutting.

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Figure 1.1 - Process flow diagram for the production of turkey carcass parts

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Figure 1.2 - Technological diagram for the production of semi-finished pieces of turkey meat

2. Production control program

2.1 List of officially published sanitary rules in accordance with the activities carried out

Federal Law “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” dated March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ. and Federal Law “On the quality and safety of food products” dated January 2, 2000 No. 29-FZ.

SP 1.1.1058-01 “Organization and conduct of production control over compliance with sanitary rules and implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures.

SP 1.1.1293-07 “Change and addition No. 1 to SP 1.1.1058-01.”

SanPiN “Production and sale of fish products.”

SP “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for trade organizations and the circulation of food products and food raw materials in them.”

SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for the safety and nutritional value of food products.”

SanPiN 2.3.1293-03 “Hygienic requirements for the use of food additives.”

SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for shelf life and storage conditions of food products”

SanPiN 2.2.1/ “Hygienic requirements for natural, artificial and combined lighting of residential and public buildings.”

SNiP 23-05-95 “Natural and artificial lighting”.

SN 2.2.4/ “Noise at workplaces in residential and public buildings and in residential areas.”

Order of the USSR Ministry of Health “On improving the system medical examinations workers and drivers of individual vehicles" No. 555 dated 29.29.1989

2.2 Organizational and structural characteristics of the enterprise

There are 16 people working in the organization, 13 people are subject to inspection.

Table 2.2. 1 - List of company employees

Table 2.2. 2 - List of responsibilities of enterprise employees during the implementation of the production control program

Job title

Production control functions

Ivanchenko Maxim Andreevich


Monitoring the availability of officially published sanitary rules;

Carrying out laboratory research and testing: in the workplace for the working conditions of workers, for the safety indicators of products and their production technologies; for sanitary processing of equipment, inventory, hands, and clothing of workers;

Timely informing the population and authorities local government, Rospotrebnadzor authorities about emergency situations, violations technological processes posing a threat to the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population;

Organization of medical examinations, professional hygienic training of workers;

Visual control over the implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic measures, compliance with sanitary rules, development and implementation of measures aimed at eliminating identified violations;

Control over the availability of certificates, sanitary and epidemiological reports of personal medical records, sanitary passports for transport, documents confirming the quality and safety of raw materials and finished products;

Maintaining records and reporting.

2.3 List of factors at the enterprise that pose a potential hazard

The list of factors at the enterprise that pose a potential danger to humans and their environment is presented in Table 2.3.

Table 2.3 - List of factors at the enterprise that pose a potential danger to humans and their environment

Defined factor

Number of points on objects


Name of regulatory documentation

Industrial laboratory control over working conditions

Microclimate parameters

3 in each organization

2 times a year May, November

SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises”

3 in each organization

Once a year November

SanPiN 2.2.1/ “Hygienic requirements for natural, artificial and combined lighting of residential and public buildings”

Electromagnetic field strength, magnetic flux density, surface electrostatic potential

1 in each organization

Once a year November

In production and packaging workshops

Microclimate parameters

3 in each workshop

2 times a year May, November

SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises”

Lighting parameters at workplaces

3 in each workshop

Once a year November

SanPiN 23-05-95 “Natural and artificial lighting”

Work area air (phenol, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, alkali)

1 in each workshop

1 time per year

GN “Maximum permissible concentrations of pollutants in the air of the working area”

Electromagnetic field strength, magnetic flux density, surface electric potential

1 in each workshop

Once a year November

SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03 “Hygienic requirements for personal electronic computers and work organization”

1 in each workshop

Once a year November

SN 2.2.4/ “Noise from workers in residential, public buildings and residential areas”

Physico-chemical research

Finished products

In accordance with GOSTs

Each batch

In accordance with GOSTs

Safety indicators

Finished products, natural semi-finished products from rabbit meat

Toxic elements

pesticides, histamines

polychlorinated biphenyls, benzopyrene, radionuclides

KMAFAnM, coliforms, salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus, sulfiding clostridia, molds and yeasts,

L. monocetogenes,

1 time per quarter

Once every six months

1 time per month

1 time per quarter

1 time per year

SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for the safety and nutritional value of food products”

2.4 Measures to ensure compliance with sanitary rules and hygienic standards in production

The following measures are being taken at Veselaya Turkey LLC to ensure compliance with sanitary rules and hygienic standards (Table 2.4)

Table 2.4 - Measures to ensure compliance with sanitary rules and hygienic standards

Name of events

Period of execution

Employees undergoing a medical examination

2 times per year

Employees undergoing hygiene training

1 time per year

Carrying out repairs

1 time every 2 years

Repair of refrigeration and technological equipment


Providing incoming food products and raw materials with documents confirming quality and safety


Providing detergents and disinfectants, cleaning and cutting equipment, rags


Carrying out sanitary days

1 time per month

Spring cleaning of the surrounding area, garbage removal

Extension of the contract for deratization and disinfestation work

Maintaining cleanliness and order in the assigned territory


Extension of the contract for the removal of household waste

Providing staff with uniformed sanitary clothing


2.5 List of accounting and reporting forms

Logbook for identifying and eliminating accidents, carrying out repair work on the water supply and sewerage networks.

Logbook for incoming product quality control.

Heat treatment log (thermal log).

Logbook of temperature and humidity conditions.

Health log.

Journal of hand examination for pustular diseases.

Protocols of laboratory tests of working conditions, examination of raw materials and finished products.

Sanitary and epidemiological reports, licenses for the types of activities carried out (scan, copy).

Agreement for disinfestation and deratization (scan, copy).

Garbage removal agreement (scan, copy).

Contract for the removal and washing of linen and workwear (scan, copy).

Lamp recycling agreement (scan, copy).

Contract for the removal of medical waste (scan, copy).

Agreement for laboratory research (scan, copy).

Contract for medical examinations (scan, copy).

Contract for control of sterilization equipment (scan, copy).

Contract for cleaning ventilation and air conditioning systems (scan, copy).

2.6 List of possible emergency situations

Emergency situations: on water supply, sewerage, electricity systems, malfunction of refrigeration and technological equipment.

Carrying out major and current repairs.

The occurrence of acute intestinal diseases, food poisoning associated with the consumption of produced and sold food products.

2.7 Other measures necessary for effective control over compliance with sanitary rules and hygienic standards in production

Medical care for industrial workers is provided medical institutions located on the territory of the enterprise, as well as medical and preventive institutions of the general healthcare network.

The main tasks of health centers industrial enterprises are rendering first medical care in case of accidents and sudden illnesses and carrying out preventive work in workshops.

Carrying out preventive measures against influenza (September, October).

Carrying out preventive measures against measles for persons under 35 years of age.

2.8 HACCP quality system

The meaning of HACCP is to identify and place under constant and vigilant systemic control all critical control points (CCPs). So - CCP - the production stages of increased risks are called. That is, those stages of production at which violations of technological and sanitary standards can lead to irreparable or difficult to eliminate consequences for the safety of the manufactured food product.
In the process of creating HACCP, technological and production processes throughout the entire “food chain” are scrupulously analyzed - from the receipt of raw materials to the shipment of finished products, all potential hazards are identified and systemic measures are taken to prevent and eliminate violations.

Certification of the HACCP system confirms that the enterprise has created organizational and technological conditions that allow it to comply with the requirements of Regulation (EC) of the European Parliament and of the Council No. 852/2004 of April 29, 2004 regarding sanitary and hygienic rules for production food products, GOST R 51705.1 "2001 "Quality systems. Food quality management based on the principles of HACCP. General requirements", MS ISO 22000 "Food safety management system.

Table 2.8 - Laboratory and instrumental research program as part of production control

Name of the production control object

Object of study and (or) material under study

Defined indicators

Frequency of production control

Regulatory, normative, technical and methodological documentation regulating the conduct of research, testing, etc.

Incoming control of quality and safety indicators of raw materials and components

Raw materials and components

Packaging and labeling requirements:

Compliance of the types and names of received raw materials and components with the markings on the packaging and shipping documentation (veterinary certificate or certificate, declaration of conformity);

Conformity of the product belonging to the batch indicated in the accompanying documentation (veterinary certificate or certificate, declaration of conformity);

Compliance of packaging and labeling of goods with the requirements of sanitary rules and regulations, state standards(amount of information, availability of text in Russian, etc.).

Compliance with temperature conditions of transportation;

Compliance with the commodity neighborhood rule

Laboratory control of raw materials and components:

Organoleptic, physico-chemical indicators;


Each batch of raw materials and components

In accordance with the requirements of technical regulations, industry Instructions and other documents regulating the procedure and frequency of monitoring organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators, as well as the content of microbiological pollutants in incoming raw materials and components

Federal Law dated January 2, 2000 No. 29 “On the quality and safety of food products”, GOST R 51074-2003, SanPiN Sanitary rules for meat industry enterprises No. 3238-85,

SP 1.1.1058-01

SP 1.1.2193-07.

TR TS 034/2013

TR TS 022/2011

TR TS 021/2011

Incoming inspection logs

Technical regulations for the relevant types of products,


TR TS 034/2013

TR TS 021/2011

Laboratory control logs

Control at the storage stage of raw materials and auxiliary materials

Products, packaging, equipment

Availability of the required volume of refrigeration equipment;

Monitoring the serviceability of refrigeration equipment;

Monitoring compliance with the terms and conditions of storage of products (compliance with temperature and humidity conditions for storing products);

Assessing the workload of warehouse premises;

Monitoring compliance with the commodity neighborhood rule;

Visual control for the absence of signs of food spoilage;

Visual control of maintaining the integrity and tightness of the packaging;

microbiological control of mold contamination of refrigeration chambers;

Availability, serviceability, verification of measuring instruments (thermometers, psychrometers);

Availability of an isolation chamber for temporary storage of products

In accordance with ND and product labeling







1 ruble per 6 months

Availability and serviceability daily. Verification once a year

GOSTs, specifications for products, GOST R,

Technical regulations for the relevant types of products,

SanPiN, regulatory and technical documentation

TR TS 034/2013

TR TS 021/2011

physical and chemical indicators

Safety indicators

At least once every 10 days (moisture, salt, sodium nitrite) once a month (fat, protein, phosphorus, starch) each item (see appendix)

At least once every six months according to inspection control;

At least once every 10 days for all types of products.

Technical regulations for the relevant types of products,

SanPiN, regulatory and technical documentation, the federal law from 01/02/2000 No. 29 “On food quality and safety.

Journals, protocols

Work environment

Working conditions at the workplace (work area)

Carrying out instrumental studies and measurements of harmful and dangerous production factors on the workplace and work surface:

Physical factors:

Microclimate (temperature, air humidity, air speed)

Thermal radiation; illumination; temperature of working surfaces; noise, ultrasound, infrasound, vibration; electromagnetic radiation.

2 times a year (cold and warm periods of the year)

During commissioning, during reconstruction and modernization of technological processes, then once every 2 years

SP 1.1.1058-01

SP 1.1.3193-07



Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 12

Sanitary and epidemiological regime

Sanitation of premises, equipment, inventory

Quality of daily routine cleaning;

Quality of general cleaning;

Sanitary processing of refrigeration and technological equipment, inventory, containers;

Marking of cleaning equipment;

Provision of cleaning equipment, detergents and disinfectants, conditions for their storage, availability of a supply of disinfectants and detergents;

Compliance with sanitary requirements in the workplace;

Flushes from objects production equipment, equipment, tanks, containers, hands and personnel clothing;

Timely collection and disposal of production waste;

Quality of deratization and disinsection works;

Improvement and sanitary maintenance of the territory and waste disposal sites.


1 time per week


1 time per week

logs for monitoring cleaning and disinfection, logs and protocols for laboratory studies of flushes

SP 1.1.1058-01

SP 1.1.2193-07

Sanitary rules for meat industry enterprises No. 3238-85, contracts for garbage removal, deratization, disinfestation, log of the frequency of deratization and disinfection activities.

Sanitary and technical condition of premises (production, warehouse, boiler room, compressor room, pump room)

1) Ventilation

2) Water supply, sewerage

Assessment of the efficiency of general and local ventilation and its technical serviceability.

Serviceability, timeliness of preventive repairs, availability of backup water supply

Availability of own boiler room;

Presence of gaps between the water supply and sewer network

Laboratory studies of water from the city water supply or our own artillery well in production premises

by microbiological indicators, by physico-chemical indicators

Volumes and frequency are established by the project for organizing the sanitary protection zone

SNiP 41-01-2003

SP 1.1.1058-01

SP 1.1.2193-07

Sanitary rules for meat industry enterprises No.

3238-85 dated 03/27/85



Protocols and log of laboratory water tests

Environmental protection

Production conditions

Control of the organization of treatment and disposal of industrial wastewater

Monitoring the organization of preventive measures on the storm sewer system

Air pollution control

Monitoring the timeliness of production waste removal

Availability treatment facilities, their sanitary and technical condition and sanitary maintenance;

Monitoring the operation of local industrial wastewater treatment facilities

Conclusion of an agreement for the reception of industrial wastewater into the city sewerage system.

Compliance with deadlines:

Cleaning of storm water wells and pipelines of the storm system;

Cleaning, removal of sludge from treatment facilities and replacement of filter material.


Inventory of emission sources

Development of a draft maximum permissible limit for air pollutants.

Removal of solid household waste of 4-5 classes;

Biowaste disposal;

Control over the disposal of mercury-containing waste

In accordance with the technical passport of the structure

When connected to the city sewer

2 times a year (spring and autumn periods of the year);

In accordance with the technical passport of the structure

Once every 5 years


2-3 times a week

As you accumulate

Law of the Russian Federation No. 52-FZ,





SanPiN, SanPiN




SanPiN2.3.4.704-98, waste accumulation limits.


Each enterprise is obliged to carry out production control in accordance with its plan. In the course work, a production control program was compiled for Veselaya Turkey LLC. The production control plan (PPC) was developed taking into account the characteristics of Voronezh Rabbit LLC, signed by the head of the enterprise, and agreed with territorial department Rospotrebnadzor.

The main laws under which the PPC is carried out are the Federal Law “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” dated March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ. and Federal Law “On the quality and safety of food products” dated January 2, 2000 No. 29-FZ.

List of sources used

1. Russian Federation. Laws. On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population [ Electronic resource] : [federal Law of March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ (as amended on November 25, 2013 with amendments that entered into force on November 25, 2013)]. - M., 2013. - Access mode: - Cap. from the screen.

2. Organization and conduct of production control over compliance with sanitary rules and implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures [Electronic resource]: sanitary rules SP 1.1.1058-01. - M., . - Access mode: - Cap. from the screen.

3. Avstrievskikh, A. N. Quality management at food and processing industry enterprises [Text]: textbook / A. N. Avstrievskikh, V. M. Cantere, I. V. Surkov. - 2nd ed., rev. and additional - Novosibirsk: Sib. Univer. publishing house, 2007. - 268 p.

4. Antipova, L. V. Design of meat industry enterprises with CAD basics [Text] / L. V. Antipova, N. M. Ilyina. - M.: KolosS, 2003. - 320 p.

5. Production accounting and reporting [Text] / L. V. Antipova, L. P. Bessonova, V. M. Sidelnikov, V. Yu. Astanina. - St. Petersburg. : GIORD, 2006. - 112 p.

6. Hygienic requirements for the safety and nutritional value of food products. Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations [Text]: San-Pin - M., 2013. - 207 p.

7. Zhitenko, P.V. Veterinary and sanitary examination of livestock products [Text]: reference book / P.V. Zhitenko, M.F. Borovkov. - M., 2000. - 335 p.

8. Instructions for cleaning and preventive disinfection at enterprises of the meat and poultry processing industry [Text] / VNIIMP, NPO Kompleks. - M., 1984 - 90 p.

9. Kerimov, V. E. Accounting at sausage enterprises [Text]: textbook. manual / V. E. Kerimov, M. S. Kryatov; edited by V. E. Kerimova. - M.: Publishing house trading corporation "Dashkov and Co", 2003. - 164 p.

10. Kozin, E. B. Management accounting at food enterprises [Text] / E. B. Kozin, T. A. Kozina. - M.: KolosS, 2000. - 224 p.

11. Kolesnik N. F. Accounting and control of unproductive expenses and losses at processing enterprises of the agro-industrial complex [Text] / N. F. Kolesnik // Accounting and audit. - 2005. - No. 6. - P. 39-43.

12. Mkrtychev, S. V. Visual model automated system accounting of inventory assets in technological processes [Text] / S. V. Mkrtychev // Automation and modern technologies. - 2004. - No. 2. - P. 9-12.

13. Pozdnyakovsky, V. M. Examination of meat and meat products [Text] / V. M. Poznyakovsky. - Novosibirsk, 2007. - 526 p.

14. Polyakov, A. A. Veterinary sanitation and hygiene of meat and dairy industry enterprises [Text]: textbook / A. A. Polyakov, D. A. Bocharov, V. P. Sheptulin. - M.: Easy. and food industry, 1983. - 231 p.

15. Kostenko, Yu. G. Guide to veterinary and sanitary examination and hygiene of meat and meat products production [Text] / Yu. G. Kostenko, M. P. But-ko. - M.: RIF "Antikva", 1994. - 608 p.

16. Social and legal foundations of veterinary activities in Russia [Text] collection of normative acts and samples / ed. V. M. Avilova. - St. Petersburg. : Lenizdat, 1995. - 318 p.

17. Tarshis, M. G. Animal diseases dangerous to human health [Text] / M. G. Tarshis. - M.: Kolos, 1997. - 205 p.

18. Commodity research and examination of food products [Text]: laboratory workshop: tutorial for students universities (UMO stamp) / V. I. Krishtafovich [etc.]; edited by V. I. Krishtafovich. - M.: Dashkov i K, 2009. - 592 p.

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Microbiological control carried out at meat processing enterprises should contribute to the creation of the required sanitary and hygienic manufacturing conditions and the production of high quality products.

Based on its results, the sanitary and hygienic well-being at the enterprise or shortcomings in production conditions, the quality of the finished product and the reasons for the appearance of its defects are assessed. The results of microbiological control of technological processes and sanitary and hygienic production conditions indicate the quality of work of the enterprise personnel, the quality of the raw materials used, the effectiveness of product sterilization, the quality of washing, etc. .

At meat industry enterprises that produce food, microbiological control is carried out by a microbiologist and a sanitary doctor in close connection with the regional sanitary and epidemiological station. Microbiological control of meat food production includes control of:

Quality of meat raw materials and components (incoming control);

Over the sanitary condition of the premises, equipment, containers, inventory, over compliance with the rules of personal hygiene of the enterprise personnel (operational control);

Quality of raw materials at the stages of the technological process (operational control);

Quality of finished products (acceptance control).

Control of microbiological indicators is carried out in accordance with the "Sanitary and hygienic requirements for the production of canned meat" and the requirements of the "Instructions on the procedure for sanitary and technical control of canned food at manufacturing enterprises, wholesale stores, in retail trade and at public catering establishments" approved in accordance with the established procedure.

If unsatisfactory test results are obtained for at least one of the indicators, repeated analyzes are carried out on it with a double sample size taken from the same batch of product. The results of repeated tests are final and apply to the entire batch.

An increased content of microorganisms in raw materials indicates the possibility of the presence of spores of anaerobic mesophilic and thermophilic microorganisms in it. Mesophilic anaerobes include clostridia (pathogenic and non-pathogenic), their optimal physiological development is within the range of 25...45°C. These microorganisms live in soil, water and can be found on the skin of animals and in the gastrointestinal tract. When clostridia get into meat during cutting of carcasses in an animal processing workshop, or violation of hygiene requirements during storage and transportation of meat, they develop well. Residues of raw materials on equipment, containers and other objects are also a good breeding ground for the development of these microbes. Spores of thermophilic microorganisms - the causative agents of flat acid spoilage - enter meat and vegetable raw materials mainly from the soil. The examination of raw materials for minced chicken for the presence of these spores is carried out when this type of spoilage is detected in finished products or as a preventive control - at least twice a week for each type of product produced.

The sanitary condition of equipment and inventory is monitored after sanitization. In this case, on 1 cm 2 of surface the number of microorganisms should not exceed 300, and the presence of Proteus and E. coli is not allowed.

To determine E. coli bacteria in washouts from equipment, special indicator papers can be used.

If, based on the results of microbiological studies, a deviation from the specified standards is established, then on the same day a thorough control of the sanitary treatment regime of these objects is carried out and an extraordinary microbiological study of the quality of sanitary treatment is carried out.

The air in the premises of a meat processing plant is examined twice a month in each of them, where there is contact between the air and the raw materials. Samples are taken mid-shift. The total content of microorganisms should not exceed 10 x 10 3 per 1 m 3, including mold fungi - 1.6 x 10 3. E. coli and Proteus should be absent in the air.

The effectiveness of treating the air with ultraviolet rays is studied at least twice a month, taking samples before and after turning on the lamps. At the same time, the order of research in various rooms is established.

All technological and microbiological production control data are recorded in appropriate logs.

If the microbiological indicators of raw materials, equipment, tools and containers are exceeded during technological processing, the sources of microbial contamination must be clarified and the necessary measures must be taken.

All meat processing enterprises carry out constant veterinary and sanitary control over the slaughter and processing of small meat. Its main task is to prevent diseases of people and animals, obtain high-quality meat and meat products. Veterinarians are guided by the rules for veterinary and sanitary inspection of slaughter animals and veterinary and sanitary examination of meat and meat products, as well as other regulatory and technical documents.

Veterinary and sanitary control at meat processing plants is a pre- and post-mortem inspection. During pre-mortem inspection, sheep's temperature is measured randomly. Sick animals are isolated, and after a diagnosis is established, as directed by a veterinarian, they are sent for slaughter or the necessary veterinary and sanitary measures are carried out. The results of the pre-mortem inspection are recorded in a special journal; A veterinarian (paramedic) admits healthy animals to slaughter.

During the pre-slaughter inspection of animals, the order of their slaughter is determined: without restrictions (only healthy ones), with restrictions (in a sanitary slaughterhouse); Animals with certain infectious diseases and in a state of agony are not allowed to be slaughtered.

It is prohibited to slaughter animals if rabies, malignant edema, bradsitis, enterotoxemia, or catarrhal fever are suspected or detected.

Post-mortem control is strictly necessary, since some diseases are detected only during the slaughter of livestock and cutting up carcasses. A thorough examination of carcasses and organs makes it possible not only to identify the disease, but also to rationally use all slaughter products. Often, when examining meat and meat products, infectious and invasive diseases are discovered, which cannot always be identified during the life of the animal. Information about diseases transmitted to the farms from which the livestock came makes it possible to take the necessary preventive and therapeutic measures in a timely manner. Veterinary and sanitary examination of authorities is carried out in places of slaughter and processing of animals.

On the line for processing small ruminants, 3 workstations will be equipped for the analysis of internal organs, carcasses and final inspection.

At slaughter stations and sites for veterinary and sanitary examination of organs and carcasses, single inspection workstations are also provided, and inspection rooms are provided in laboratories for veterinary and sanitary examination of markets. Veterinarian for this work must have appropriate protective clothing, a knife, a hook-fork, etc.

At a meat processing plant (slaughterhouse, slaughterhouse), the carcass, head, liver, spleen, kidneys, stomach, intestines, and udder are subject to mandatory veterinary examination. In some cases, the genitals and bladder are examined. All organs from one carcass are classified and prepared for inspection. Paper labels measuring 3 x 4 cm with the corresponding number are attached to the carcass, head and organs.

The head begins to be examined after it is separated from the carcass. Particular attention is paid to the lips, nasal openings, mucous membranes, tongue, and lymph nodes.

Each organ is inspected, palpated and, if necessary, cut, preserving its marketable appearance if possible. They determine the size, color, consistency, pathological changes, helminths, etc. They open the lymph nodes, which are a kind of indicator of the animal’s health status. They are usually involved in the pathological process, which may result in necrosis, hyperemia, edema, inflammation, etc.

Then the carcass is examined, the color, consistency of muscle and fat tissue, the degree of bleeding are determined, the presence of hypostases and pathological disorders are determined.

Post-mortem inspection reveals helminths that were not detected during the animal’s lifetime.

Analysis of detected pathological changes allows us to establish a diagnosis and give a veterinary and sanitary assessment of meat and meat products. Carcasses and organs from healthy animals are branded. If certain diseases are detected, they act in accordance with the rules of veterinary examination of slaughter animals and veterinary and sanitary examination of meat and meat products. To more objectively assess the quality of meat, chemical and bacteriological analyzes are carried out. For this purpose, samples of muscles, lymph nodes and internal organs, especially pathologically altered ones, are taken. If an animal is suspected of being poisoned, appropriate biochemical studies are carried out.

During the slaughter process, all carcasses and organs are marked with the same number, which makes it easy to identify their identity; this is especially important when identifying the disease. Carcasses and internal organs found during inspection to be unsuitable for food are processed into feed or destroyed in accordance with the instructions of the veterinary and sanitary supervision.

Thus, the carcasses and organs of animals suffering from malignant edema, glanders (true and false), epizootic lymphangitis, bluetongue (cattle and sheep - blue tongue), enterotoxemia are subject to destruction.

Calculation part

In this chapter, I will calculate the yield of meat and related products during the processing of small cattle (small ruminants).

1) Calculate the yield of meat and related products when processing a given volume of meat products;

2) Make an analysis of the criteria affecting the yield of meat and related products during the processing of meat products;

Initial data:

· Adults of the highest fatness - average weight: 56 kg; Number of heads – 1000;

· Adults of average fatness - average weight: 48 kg; Number of goals – 700;

· Adults below average fatness - average weight: 29 kg; Number of goals – 500;

· Lambs of the highest fatness - average weight: 19 kg; Number of goals – 100;

Calculation of the yield of meat and related products is carried out on the basis of regulatory indicators in force in the meat industry.

Meat yield is calculated using the formula:

Where M is the amount of meat obtained from processing livestock of the appropriate fatness and age group, kg; F – total live weight of livestock, kg; N – rate of output of the corresponding products from the total amount of meat,%;

Calculation of the yield of the corresponding products:

Where C is the yield of the corresponding products from the total amount of meat, kg; N – rate of output of the corresponding products from the total amount of meat, %;

To simplify the calculation, the initial data and the calculations made using the formulas are summarized in a table.

We calculate the total live weight using the formula:

Where F is the total live weight of livestock, kg; B – weight of 1 head, kg; K – number of goals;

From the highest and average fatness they receive 1 category;

Conclusion: Meat yield directly depends on such indicators as:

· Fatness;

· Polo – age group;

· Feeding diet;

· Productivity areas;

· Technological meat processing;


Tasks course work:

1. Study the technological line for processing MRS;

2. Analyze each operation;

3. Study the equipment to perform each operation;

5. Analyze the calculation and draw a conclusion;

I reviewed and studied the MPC processing line. Currently, small cattle meat and their by-products are in great demand among the population of our country, which is why equipment is constantly being improved.

But the quality of animal meat depends not only on the quality of processing. Such indicators as sex, age, breed, species, productivity, and feeding diet of the animal are of great importance.

I also studied the calculation of the yield of meat and related products from this amount of meat.

List of used literature

1. Vinnikova L.G. "Technology of meat and meat products";

2. GOST 31777-2012 “Sheep and goats for slaughter. Mutton, lamb and goat meat in carcasses. Specifications»;

4. Collection of standard indicators for product output, consumption of raw materials and materials in force in the meat industry. Introduced 01.01. 1998

2.3. Production control, current state sanitary and epidemiological supervision of the sanitary condition of enterprises in the meat and poultry processing industry

In order to control the sanitary condition of production and prevent the release of substandard products, the following is carried out:

Microbiological studies of swabs from technological equipment, equipment, containers, and hands of working personnel;

Air control.

The control procedure is presented in Table 5.

2.3.1. Industrial control of the sanitary condition of enterprises

Research is carried out before work begins, after sanitization.

Microbiological studies of swabs taken from canned food production enterprises (shops) are carried out in accordance with the “Instructions on the procedure for sanitary and technical control of canned food at production enterprises, wholesale depots, retail trade and public catering establishments” (1993).

During a routine study, the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms, the presence of coliforms, and in meat processing plants - bacteria of the genus Proteus are determined.

Washouts from the surface of technological equipment, small equipment, and workers' hands should not contain coliforms.

The number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms should not exceed 1 x 10(3) CFU/cm3.

Exceeding the permissible QMAFAnM and the presence of coliforms indicate an unsatisfactory state of production. In this case, unscheduled sanitary treatment (washing and disinfection) is carried out in accordance with the “Instructions for washing and preventive disinfection at meat and poultry processing enterprises” (1990), and after sanitization is completed, a repeat microbiological examination is carried out.

2.3.2. Current state sanitary and epidemiological supervision (and production control) of enterprises

When monitoring the sanitary and hygienic condition of enterprises in washouts, the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms (KMAFAnM) in 1 cm3 of washout fluid (CFU/cm3), the absence of coliform bacteria in the inoculated amount of washout fluid (and tampon), the absence of S. aureus in 1 cm3 of flushing fluid and the absence of pathogenic microorganisms in the inoculated flushing fluid (with a swab), incl. Salmonella

When monitoring the sanitary condition of equipment, as well as individual most dangerous points of production lines of technological processes, taking swabs (their quantity, features of processing of pipes, taps, etc.) is carried out in accordance with the "Instructions for microbiological control of carcasses, poultry meat, poultry products, eggs and egg products at poultry farming and poultry processing enterprises" (1990) and "The procedure for sanitary and microbiological control in the production of meat and meat products" (1995).

2.3.3. Taking swabs and inoculating microorganisms

When taking swabs, adhere to the following rules:

The swabs are taken with sterile cotton or gauze swabs attached to a wire in the stopper of test tubes containing 5 cm3 of sterile saline sodium chloride solution. Before taking a wash, the swab is immersed in the liquid with a moistened swab, and 100 cm2 of surface (sterile metal stencil 10 x 10 cm) of various areas of equipment and equipment is wiped. The stencil is flambéed before each use. Washouts from small equipment are taken from the entire surface. After taking the wash, the stopper with the tampon is reinserted into the test tube so that the tampon is immersed in the solution.

After vigorous shaking, take 1 cm3 of physiological sodium chloride solution from the wash into a Petri dish, pour in 12 cm3 of nutrient agar prepared according to GOST 10444.15-94 and cooled to 45°C, stir with rotational movements, allow to cool and the dishes, turned upside down, are incubated at 30°C. After 72 hours, all grown colonies are counted.

The remaining physiological solution together with a swab is inoculated into test tubes with 10 cm3 of Kessler medium with a float and incubated at 37°C for 18-24 hours. The absence of gas in the float indicates the absence of coliform bacteria.

In cases where only the absence of coliform bacteria is monitored, it is allowed to add 5 cm3 of Kessler medium and a float to the test tubes with a swab prepared for rinsing; The swab is moistened when the rinse is taken with Kessler medium, the surface to be examined is wiped with it, it is immersed in a test tube and incubated for 18-24 hours at 37°C.

The absence of gas in the float indicates the absence of coliform bacteria in the flush.

When assessing the sanitary and hygienic condition of enterprises, they monitor the absence of contamination of equipment, workers’ hands, clothing, etc. opportunistic (S.aureus) and pathogenic microorganisms, incl. salmonella, which most often cause outbreaks of intoxications, toxic infections and infectious diseases when they multiply in meat products, poultry and egg products.

Equipment is flushed in the same way as described above. After taking the rinse, the swab is immersed in 5 cm3 of isotonic sodium chloride solution and shaken well.

To identify S. aureus, 1 cm3 of the washing fluid is inoculated onto 5 cups (0.2 cm3 each) with well-dried yolk-salt agar or Baird-Parker type agar, prepared according to SanPiN 42-123-4940-88 "Microbiological Standards and methods of analysis of children's, medical and dietary food products and their components" (1988), crops are incubated at 37°C; After 24-48 hours, the cultures are examined to detect the growth of characteristic S. aureus colonies.

Under normal sanitary and hygienic conditions of the enterprise, S.aureus is not detected in 1 cm3 of flushing fluid.

If the growth of colonies suspicious for S. aureus is detected, they are studied in accordance with GOST 10444.2-94.

The remaining washing fluid and swab are added to 10 cm3 of magnesium medium or Müller medium, incubated at 37°C for 18-24 hours. Next, the analysis is carried out according to GOST R 50480-93.