Cheese production as a business: a detailed development plan. How to open your own cheese factory: the business story of Tatyana Dyadechko Who makes money by making cheese at home

One day on a business trip I went to Israel and ended up with a married couple who ran a small farm. We got to them just in time for siesta: we sat on the terrace, drank homemade wine, ate homemade cheese, laughed and had a great time. And then I thought that this must be happiness. They do what they love, they are happy with their product and happy with the people who come to them. I was impressed by their rhythm of life, because at that time my rhythm of life was simply frantic.

After college, I was invited to work directly at an agricultural enterprise. I came there to work as a simple accountant and within seven years she became assistant director of this enterprise. Great job, constant international business trips, driver. Everything was great, but without butterflies in the stomach... There was no joy of self-realization, but there was an ever-growing feeling of dissatisfaction, the feeling that something needs to be changed.

In 2012, I moved to Kyiv after great love. I was sure that after a good position I would quickly find a job in Kyiv, but it didn’t work out that way and I spent a year without work. And so what prompted me to start making cheese, so this is a moment of complete despair. I didn’t understand why I needed to wake up in the morning, I didn’t want anything, nothing at all! And then one day I remembered my dream, which was born then in Israel. I went to the market, bought milk and I made my first cheese. I had never done this before. The Internet, books, memories of past trips to cheese factories helped..

You should never be afraid to take risks. You have to go headlong into the pool, but consciously. You can unexpectedly open up new horizons for yourself.


I ate the first cheese myself. Then with friends. Then friends of friends started recommending them to their friends and that’s how I got my first clients. They allowed me to experiment with the process, with recipes, returning my money through purchases. This is how I developed. The cheese factory was completely “delayed” when things started to work out, when customers called and thanked us for the work.

Photo: Andrey&Sergey Muzhchil

The most important thing in working with a client- success in the little things.

Initially (when I cooked the cheese at home) there were no there were no investments. When building a cheese factory, 10% is loan money, and 10% is money borrowed from relatives. The rest are savings + I sold my car and photographic equipment (I was a photographer, and as it turned out, this was once a good investment).

The most difficult in the first 365 days there was work with staff and the realization that there are moments that cannot be planned :) And you just need to understand this and solve these moments in the order they arise.

Break-even points We achieved this when we started working on rented facilities. And they started making money when they opened their own cheese factory.

The name of my creative gastro workshop “Koza Chka” was born long before I started my own business. Once upon a time, my biker friend Ashot and I, back in 2012 (when I didn’t even imagine that I would make cheese, but only dreamed), sat and drank coffee, thinking about what we would call our brand. Back then there weren’t even any prerequisites... so dream boldly! Dreams must be unattainable for you to achieve what you want. The further you look, the further you will jump.

Entering the commercial level happened after participating in a Street Food festival. This became obvious after I cooked cheeses for about two weeks, and then we exhibited and sold everything we had in 3 hours. And when people asked if we would come next time, I understood that under the same conditions I “wouldn’t give out more cheese.” So I came to the point that I needed to reach a new level.

For the purchase of serious equipment and there were no funds to open a cheese factory at that time. I got on the Internet and went through small cheese factories near Kyiv (at that time there were only 3 of them). I wrote letters to them with an offer to rent their facilities and make cheese from them. Within an hour, they answered me from one of the cheese factories - today it is my friend and colleague Sasha Babin (“Babini Kozy”). He showed me a lot, told me, and so I worked for him for a year.

It was very scary to open your own cheese factory: It’s scary to be responsible for people, for equipment, for milk, for the people from whom you take milk... But on March 12 we started and I opened my long-awaited cheese factory.

Now I'm starting a little switch from the process, specifically cheese making, to the market in general. I want to probe it deeper. When I was faced with the issue of equipment for my cheese factory (pasteurizer, shelving, molds, etc.), I realized that the Ukrainian market cannot fully provide everything necessary for the work of a small producer, specifically the dairy industry. This is how I found local “Kulibins” in Poltava, who work miracles from food-grade steel. I set them tasks, and they did what (almost “that”) I needed. Now my colleagues are already placing orders for equipment for me. It turns out I’m not the only one who has encountered this (laughs).

Before the launch of the workshop, there were difficulties with raw materials. Also, as an “experienced farmer,” I decided to start a cheese factory in early spring, when there is little milk (smiles). But the goal was set - the launch of the cheese factory in March! At first, I literally went around to people asking for milk. Now several farms donate milk to me.

Now mine The cheese factory also plays a social role in the village- people can make money on milk that no one bought from them before. At first three people brought us milk, but now it’s almost half the village. Soon we will set tasks with the village council on how to ensure that the population increases the livestock of cattle (laughs).


In my industry I look up to to his cheese making teacher - Lithuanian cheese maker Valdas Kavaliauskas.

Photo: Andrey&Sergey Muzhchil

My ideal cheese- Stilton. It has blue mold, is wet, “definitely fragrant” (laughs). I'm trying to make cheese that's close to it.

What cheese sells best?
- he is not here yet, Tatyana answers ambitiously, — I'm working on it.

The Ukrainian buyer is a gourmet, but the geographical location and genetic factors influence the fact that the tastes of some varieties remain incomprehensible. Some write: “You probably didn’t get the cheese this time” (laughs). Therefore, I am now working on an assortment of cheeses: we include cheeses with a less pronounced taste and save a couple of types exclusively for gourmets.

We are inventing proper names for our cheeses. For example, we have “Korolek”, “St. Nicholas", "12". All names have their own stories. Sometimes a name is born in one moment, sometimes it takes months to discuss. .

Why is cheese delicious in Europe? But because there, for centuries, cheese has been made in small cheese factories, where cheese makers live their business and experiment with recipes. I think we are on the right track!


There has always been, is and will be a problem with people who cannot do their job, even according to job descriptions. I was faced with the total reluctance of people to break out to some level higher the level they are at now - they are satisfied with everything and they don’t want more. I think this is a problem on a national scale - until we “push aside” the swamp into which we are constantly being sucked, nothing will happen.

For example, he comes to me fireman for interview. I tell him where we have firewood, where to throw it, about the boiler. And then he, such a closet guy, asks in surprise: “ Why else should I chop wood?" I was shocked: no, we’ll hang a “Stoker” sign on you, sit you in the corner in my chair and be glad that we have such a stoker (laughs loudly).

Now I have found my people, I brought many of them from the Poltava region. The issue with the employees was very acute, because I worked non-stop for two months and understood that a little more and I wouldn’t want anything.

By the way, don't be shy voice your problems to friends and family. I told everyone that there were not enough workers, and thus I found friends of friends who became my team.

Photo: Andrey&Sergey Muzhchil

Learning to delegate my authority to other people. It's very hard (laughs). It always seems like you can do it better and no one else will do it. But when you wake up in the morning and realize that you don’t have to just fly out of the house, and you can drink cold coffee, you realize that delegating responsibilities is not so bad. It is important to find a middle ground - to give the person authority, but also to outline your presence in the process.


« Delusions of grandeur, inappropriate thinking and unattainable goals“- this is what an acquaintance said about me and commented on my status on Facebook. And what I want to say is that he is almost 100% right on everything. Of course, I don’t quite agree with delusions of grandeur, since I’m rarely satisfied with the result. It always seems like we could have done better...

Inadequate thinking necessary to make your product unusual and always interesting.

I always set unrealistic goals for myself And. For example, I dream of winning the Nobel Prize and I’m not embarrassed to talk about it. I don’t know what topic yet, but I dream of devoting my life to science too.

My motto: “If something is difficult, then this means that you are on the right path!”

My s advice for difficult periods in life and business- switch for a couple of days. Do this kind of refreshing for yourself.

The job you love- this is when you rush around with her like a child. You mentally stroke, talk to her and about her constantly, and so on. If I’m leaving somewhere, I immediately call my employees with questions: “how are my cheeses, what’s their humidity, what’s their temperature, and turn them over and see what they’re like underneath.” It is important to find the strength to fuel this love.

Photo: Andrey&Sergey Muzhchil

In moments of despair I am stylishly stimulated by faith. I am Orthodox, and communication with God and prayer help me! And I also have this “Ambulance”, when everything is gone and I feel soooo sorry for myself - I watch the movie “Forrest Gump” for the 101st time. I don’t know why, but it’s getting easier.

I am very I believe in signs-incidents. I had such a situation that the boiler caught fire, the “engine” in the car began to boil - everything around began to boil, because we took a crazy start, slept 4 hours a day and, of course, everything was already screaming at us that we needed to stop and rest .

Women's business is different from men's because we project all our emotions onto business. There are emotions that have a positive effect: when we love, we are more enthusiastic about our product and during such periods we make big breakthroughs in business. And there are emotions that stop us and do not allow us to move on.

For example, I’m going through such a period now - I’m taking a break for a week to rest. My business is at this stage now, that you need to create every day, bring in new ideas and do something that the buyer needs.

I'm inspired my future children! But as mentor and first teacher- my first boss Antonets Semyon.

To relieve stress, I reboot: silence, only family nearby, long conversations about nothing, sweet tea. And since last fall, I’ve also been hiking in the mountains.

My day begins with coffee + re-reading the news and standing in the plank for 2 minutes. Over the past 6 months, I have developed the following regime: at 02:00 - lights out, and at 06:00 - wake up. But you can stay in this mode for no more than 2 weeks, otherwise there is a risk of “burning out.” Then some 8 hours sleep. And again 4 hours of sleep.

Smoking has won, it seems :) Imbalanced diet and forgetting to take my vitamins in the morning - I’m still fighting with this :)

Time for family? This is all bad. My relatives are not happy, I am unsatisfied :). Our meetings are always short, but very sincere and filled with joy and love. I am working to ensure that the situation changes for my family over time.

Now in business I am reaching the level of work where I will already enjoy it. This may be wrong from a business point of view, but that’s how it is for me now. I want to switch to family planning and harmonization of life in general.

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Opening a cheese factory at home is a very promising business.

First of all, cheese making as a business requires compliance with certain conditions and actions.

First, you need to decide on the expected production volume, the sales market, and soberly assess your own capabilities.

Where to start?

Making different types of cheese can be mastered by both a novice businessman and an experienced entrepreneur.

First of all, it is necessary to draw up a competent business plan that will allow you to evaluate the following factors:

  • Minimum financial investment amount.
  • Methods, area of ​​product sales.
  • Existing competition.
  • Enterprise profitability.
  • Other possible difficulties.

You must first register the activities of an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

The first option is optimal for home cheese making, and the second - when opening a factory for the production of cheeses of different varieties.

Activities for the production of products, including cheeses, require mandatory registration.

To register an activity, you must have the following documents:

  • Application and agreement in the form of a contract.
  • Constituent documentation.
  • Certificate from the sanitary-epidemiological service.
  • Label samples.
  • Certificate from a veterinarian.

In case of difficulties with registering a business, it makes sense to contact a knowledgeable lawyer, especially for novice entrepreneurs.

Technological process

It is possible to make different types of cheese at home. The technology for producing solid samples is as follows:

  • Separation of curd mass from whey.
  • The resulting raw material is placed under a press for a long time until the desired consistency and color are obtained.
  • Product tasting.

The manufacturing process will take at least 30 days.

Soft cheeses require less time, but there are some nuances. Such varieties are stored for no more than 7-10 days, therefore, they are not very profitable for mass production.

In addition, hard varieties are more popular among buyers.

Equipment and raw materials

Like any other type of entrepreneurship, a home-based cheese making business requires certain equipment, premises, and related elements.

Large-scale production is best organized using professional equipment. At home, you can use simple and affordable devices.

To do this you will need the following equipment:

  • Container for long-term pasteurization with a capacity of 50-100 liters.
  • Paraffiner (at least 50 liters).
  • Forms for cheese preparation.
  • Refrigeration unit.
  • Work table, chairs, press, knives, other utensils.

Raw materials for products should be purchased of high quality and from trusted suppliers. The appearance and taste of the finished product will depend on this.

Alternatively, you can run your own farm. But in this case, the payback of the project will be slightly longer.

The best option for opening a cheese factory as a business is to equip a workshop on an area with a farm near the city.

This will reduce transportation costs and find a suitable customer base.

Income and expenses

If you follow some nuances and take into account the peculiarities of food production, a home cheese factory will become a very profitable business.

When organizing the activity in question, it is necessary to take into account the following costs:

  • Preparation of registration and related documents.
  • Purchase of equipment.
  • Purchase of raw materials.
  • Salaries for employees.
  • Rent of premises and utilities.

Income will directly depend on the number of sales, customer base, and demand for the product. Monitoring the prices of competing companies will help you determine the cost of your products.

Naturally, profits should cover costs and generate income, but excessively inflating costs can negatively affect sales volumes.

Starting batches of goods can be sold at a discount to attract buyers.

The quality of the product and reasonable price will only contribute to an increase in consumers of the cheese you produce in the future.

Approximate calculations

On average, cheese making as a business pays off in 10-12 months.

An approximate calculation of business profitability can be expressed in the following example:

  • Purchase of equipment, rent of a workshop - 700 thousand rubles.
  • Salary to employees, payment of utilities – 100,000.
  • Monthly expenses and taxes – 100 thousand.
  • Daily production of 100 kilograms of cheese at a price of 200 rubles per kilo.

Taking into account the costs of raw materials, the monthly profit will be from 70 to 100 thousand rubles.

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Dear readers, today I will present you with an unusual article. In our country, cheese enjoys well-deserved popularity and love among all segments of the population. This is a story that recently arrived in our inbox. What is he talking about? In short, it’s about how a man left a good position for cheese, and what he ultimately got out of it.

Half a kingdom for cheese, or how I opened a mini-cheese factory

Hello! Let me introduce myself - Andrey. I’m just over 30, until recently I worked as a commercial director of a large trading company in Moscow, I didn’t deny myself anything and lived happily ever after. But the moment came when I was fed up with everything. Here another crisis has arrived...

In general, I'm tired. There was a desire to quit my job, home, car and rush for six months somewhere to Bali or Goa, or somewhere else, where there is sea and warmth, no work and no headaches. Fortunately, my finances allowed me to do this, and my friends, who had settled in warmer climes a few months ago, invited me to join them. And I had almost made up my mind, I was even going to sell the car.

But then something clicked inside. “Hey, wake up! Why do you need it? You hang out on sandy beaches for six months, and then? Back to Moscow, to the glass office and back to work, which you are now running away from?” But it's true! Six months of happiness and carefree, and then... No, I don’t want that. But what to do? “Andrey, turn on your brain,” the inner adviser whispers to me. - Why don't you put the money to work? To your business." This is where it dawned on me - I need to open a business, work for myself and for my own pleasure, then I will be happy.

But I faced a difficult choice. One acquaintance, having learned about my plans, immediately offered to become a co-owner of a new nightclub, another to become a restaurateur, a third advocated investing in a newfangled Internet project, and so on. In a word, there were more than enough offers, but I felt that all this was not for me.

And then one day, when I was buying my favorite Italian cheese, I had an epiphany. I'll be in the cheese business! All is decided. And I won’t just sell cheese made by someone else, I will produce this product myself, which I have adored since childhood.

My business story

From that moment my business story began. First of all, I bought some land adjacent to a plot of land with a house acquired a year ago in a village not far from Moscow. The next step was selecting equipment for my mini-cheese factory and searching for a technologist.

Here the choice turned out to be quite difficult. But, after talking on the relevant forums on the Internet, as well as visiting several farms with cheese factories in Italy, looking at the equipment produced by large and small companies (Pietrobiasi, Marican, Sfoggi) - thanks to the friends who organized the excursions - I settled on the equipment of the small Italian company Sfoggi. Over the half-century of its existence, it has learned to produce universal and inexpensive equipment for milk processing. Especially cheese factories where you can make hard and soft cheeses, cottage cheese, and pasteurize milk. The equipment of this company captivated me with the ideal combination of manual labor and automation of the technological process, modern technologies.

It is also important for me that the cost of equipment should not be exorbitant, and the equipment should be reliable, durable, and well-proven. Another important factor is the after-sales service of the equipment by the supplier (I chose the Impulse Group company as the latter).

After analyzing everything, I settled on, in my opinion, the best option. Although it is possible that my choice will seem strange to someone, but, as they say, there are no comrades according to taste.

So, I'll continue. It took me a little more than fifty thousand euros for everything. And this is a significant part of my savings. At that moment, I was still working at the same place, so I didn’t feel particularly strapped for money, but I wanted to launch my mini-dairy quickly, so that I could quit as soon as possible and plunge headlong into my favorite business.

Equipment installed

And now this day has come. The equipment is installed and ready to work, a technologist and a couple of service personnel have been hired, and an agreement on daily supplies of 1,800 liters of milk has been reached with a neighboring farm. In a word - everything is ready to go. Accordingly, I left the company where I worked for many years, got into the car and rushed to the village to start production.

Now I’ll tell you a little about how my mini-cheese factory works and about the magical process of turning ordinary milk into wonderful cheese. But I won’t reveal all the secrets, don’t blame me.

First of all, we divide all the milk received into two parts. 600 liters are immediately sent to the cheese cooker, and 1200 go to a special container, where they are cooled to plus four degrees Celsius. Milk entering the cheese cooker is first pasteurized at a temperature of 65-72 degrees, and then cooled to 38 degrees.

We add enzyme and rennet to the cooled milk, mixing everything thoroughly. Soon the milk curdles, turning into a cheese mass. She breaks into pieces. If we are going to make a quick-ripening soft cheese from the mass, then the pieces should be large, about the size of a walnut. If we are talking about ordinary cheese, conventionally of the “Russian” type, then smaller pieces are needed, close in size to hazelnuts.

Then the broken mass is distributed automatically into molds placed on a special heated tray. In this case, the whey in which the cheese mass floats flows into a special container.

Here comes the first pause in the production process. After all, the future cheese in the molds should be compacted. This can be done using a special press, or it can be done in a multifunctional bath, where the cheese mass flows from the cheese factory, filling the molds. When all the forms are filled, the bath lid is closed and the heating is turned on. Due to high humidity and temperature, self-pressing of the cheese wheels occurs, which after a couple of hours can be placed in a saline solution for salting.

Remember the whey that drained when molding the cheese mass? So, I don’t pour it down the drain, but put it into business, earning extra money from this seemingly waste product. Ask how? It's simple, we make dietary cottage cheese out of it. To do this, the whey is pumped back into the cheese maker, mixed with two liters of milk and a small amount of apple cider vinegar. All this is heated to 92 degrees, and, voila, we get the freshest and most delicious cottage cheese.

And here the mini-cheese factory brings me my first money. This, as you probably already guessed, is the sale of cottage cheese. Interestingly, I didn’t have to look for long to find consumers for this by-product. Firstly, a confectionery shop in a neighboring town buys it in large quantities. Secondly, I supply environmentally friendly and natural cottage cheese, which is stored for just a couple of days, to a Moscow eco-products store, where it sells with a bang. And this alone brings good income.

But let's get back to the cheese. Depending on what kind of cheese we want to get, the blanks are either immersed in a bath of brine for several hours or a day, or sprinkled on all sides with coarse salt. Afterwards, the salted cheese is sent to the refrigerator, where it is stored at a temperature from plus 4 to 12 degrees.

Typical Italian family farm cheese factory

100-120 cows in a stall, cared for by one hired worker (feeding, cleaning, milking). A husband and wife are engaged in milk processing from morning until lunch. The cooking process takes place in a 600-liter automated cheese factory and lasts from 2 to 4 hours. A day they do 2-4 cooking of cheeses, cottage cheese, pasteurization of milk - all on one set of equipment. After dinner, the wife takes care of the house, the husband soaks the cheeses in a saline solution, packs pieces of cheese or small circles of cheese in vacuum packaging for sale, bottles pasteurized milk into PET bottles. There is a small shop near the farm, where the daughter stands behind the counter. The permanent assortment includes 15-20 varieties of cheese, cottage cheese, and bottled milk. Excess milk is sold to wholesalers.

Perhaps this is where the most important thing begins. Depending on the type of cheese, the heads are placed on racks where they will be stored from 2–4 weeks to several months. They require daily inspection, turning over and, if necessary, additional salting of the surface. Currently, the bulk of my cheese matures in about a month. But I leave some of the products for a much longer period. After all, these are my future masterpieces - cheeses that have matured for at least a year!

The demand for such a product in the premium segment is quite high, but foreign manufacturers dominate here. I don’t expect to displace them yet, but I intend to win the hearts of true cheese fans with my new products, and at a price I can significantly beat foreigners, and this with quite comparable quality. And I myself would not mind enjoying such a product. After all, in fact, it was partly for this reason that I started this whole enterprise.

Basically, this ends my story about cheese production.

Let's sum it up

It's time to draw some conclusions. So, we produce up to three different types of cheese per day. Plus, we produce cottage cheese, which literally sells out every day.

Regarding the sale of cottage cheese, it was said above. I sell cheese through three channels. Firstly, these are deliveries to the same eco-stores, including online ones, as dietary cottage cheese, where eco-friendly cheese from a private cheese factory is very well stocked. Secondly, at the cheese factory there is a small store that sells mostly inexpensive cheese for local residents. Thirdly, I recently entered into supply agreements with several restaurants.

As you can see, the business was quite successful. Although, to be honest, it’s still not worth talking about an enterprise less than a year old. But, at least, I get such moral satisfaction from my work (and financial too), which I could not even dream of before, and I don’t really want to go on vacation yet. But there is a great desire to develop my business further, and there are a lot of plans here.

For example, I decided to master a new direction. I really love a salad with mozzarella, basil, tomatoes and balsamic vinegar. But what a shame it is to buy foreign cheese for him, and not the one prepared at my cheese factory. So, soon my equipment park will expand with the appropriate machine for the production of this delicate product.

In addition, there are plans to expand to the scale of a typical Italian family cheese factory. True, for this I have to at least become the owner of a herd of hundreds of cows and get married. The latter, I hope, will happen in the near future. And finally, I dream of opening a “cheese boutique,” ​​or maybe several, following the example of those I saw in Switzerland. But that's a completely different story.


Cheese production

One of the promising areas of business in food production is cheese production. Where to start, what are the costs and income - read on.

Today, to produce dairy products, it is not necessary to open a huge plant, which is serviced by a huge number of personnel. You can start such a business even at home. Cheese production as a business does not require huge investments and brings a stable income.

Types of cheese

Cheese sold in Russia is divided into types:

  • hard (hard texture because it has been pressed, cuts well, goes well with a grater; examples are cheddar, parmesan, gouda, etc.)
  • soft (soft co-essence, most often with mold; well-known examples are Camembert, Brie)
  • semi-hard (somewhere between soft and hard, a famous example is the edam ball)
  • brine (what is sold in brine or containing salt - these are types of cheese and suluguni, various “Adyghe”, domestic mozzarella, etc.)

The most popular varieties on sale are hard ones.

There is also a whole processed cheese industry. remember the cheeses in tubs and the once famous processed cheese “Druzhba”.

Speaking about small cheese production, we can start from another division into products by type:

  • solid;
  • soft;
  • home.

Hard cheese

It can be obtained from cottage cheese, which should be pre-washed and separated from the whey. The curd should be kept under pressure until it begins to develop flavor. Sometimes it is pressed for one month. The resulting product can be eaten almost immediately. However, aged cheese tastes much better. In order to obtain the most solid product possible, it is necessary to use whole milk. This cheese is in great demand. Therefore, the production of hard cheeses is the most profitable.

Soft cheese

Its production technology is the same as that of hard cheese. The only serious difference is that you need to keep it under pressure much less. One week is enough to receive the finished product. Soft cheeses are produced using skim or whole milk.

Homemade cheese

Homemade cheese is a soft cheese made from special cottage cheese containing a high percentage of water. Quite often it is made from skim milk. However, homemade cheese production can also be done with whole milk. This technology is the simplest.

The cheese factory is a stable business, since this dairy product will always be in demand. However, be prepared for the fact that this is not the type of business that you can start with a minimum of investment.

Be prepared for the costs. Even small production will require decent investments.

A room of 300 square meters or more, ceilings of 3.5 m, water supply and sewerage, good access road, compliance with sanitary standards and regulations (SanPiN

All this will cost 5-7 million, and in the case of durum production - 12-13 million, with a productivity of 1400 kg per day. Plus there will be installation costs, equipment for storing the finished product, rent, salaries, taxes and other costs.

Please note that this is food production, which means you need permits and certificates for products.

Entrepreneurs with experience say that when getting into this business you cannot have less than 30 million rubles. And expect a payback in less than 3-4 years.

If you open it in a completely mini format, the investment will still be significant:

  • purchase of a line 300 thousand rubles
  • renovation of the premises to meet SanPin requirements 200 thousand rubles
  • registration, permits, documentation 100 thousand rubles
  • staff training 30 thousand rubles

As a result, the investment amount is about 630 thousand rubles.

Plus monthly expenses, which will be a big burden until production and sales are established. For example (not in the capital) - rent, electricity, water supply - 40-60 thousand, advertising - 20, salary - 45 (4 people), other - 30-40 thousand.

If you are not scared by the introductory data, then let's turn to the details.

Cheese production as a business

Economically, making cheese at home has many advantages. Calculating the profitability of such production is quite simple. For example, you can assume that the cost of one liter of milk will cost 25 cents. One hundred liters of milk produces about ten kilograms of hard cheese. Its approximate cost is eight dollars per kilogram. Thus, you can make $55 profit from selling ten kilograms of finished products.

Business profitability can be considered in more detail in numbers

During production, the yield of the finished product directly depends on what type of cheese is being produced. The yield of soft cheeses is 20%, hard – 10%, semi-hard – 15%. Indicators can be significantly increased if you use a special container for receiving milk.

Cooking takes approximately 3-4 hours. This has a positive effect on work productivity. After all, within one day you can perform 3 brews.

You can use the same equipment to produce almost any grade. Exceptions include aesthetic varieties that are not very popular.

To store products, you need a room equipped with good ventilation. It is also necessary to maintain the temperature at +10 degrees. No need to look for a very large room. For such purposes, at first, an area of ​​15 square meters will be enough.

When starting a cheese production, you cannot do without special equipment - a cheese maker. Its cost depends on the model. For home production, a device with a volume of 10 liters is suitable. Its price is about 500 dollars. There are also more voluminous models. Their price reaches thousands of dollars.


To begin with, a cheese production line may include the most necessary equipment. However, you can buy everything else later. Home cheese production technology may include the following equipment:

Cheese maker

It must be equipped with a heating element whose power is about 1.5 kW. It would be nice if it could be connected to running water. In order to independently regulate and control the operating temperature, you need to use models with a built-in thermostat.

  • milk sterilizer;
  • molds made of special food plastic;
  • colander for straining;
  • special container for pickling;
    it is made of stainless steel;
  • weights for pressing cheese.
    Their weight should be about five kilograms. You can use a press instead.

Auxiliary equipment

Auxiliary equipment includes:

  • container for serum kit;
  • container required for draining the product;
  • milk cooler.

The listed equipment is quite sufficient to organize production. The advantages include the fact that it does not require careful maintenance and does not require any special conditions during its operation. There is no need to look for additional finances for maintenance or repairs.

Equipment Manufacturers

It is worth considering first of all domestic manufacturers.

For example, PC Molekspert LLC, Barnaul. Mini cheese-making bath with a loading volume of 70 liters. costs from 200 thousand rubles, and is suitable for the production of cheese, cottage cheese, drinking pasteurized milk. Here you can also purchase a vertical pneumatic cheese press (for 24 cells at a price of 520 thousand rubles) and a molding machine for forming a layer of cheese and subsequent pressing at a price of about 1 million 220 thousand rubles.

Equipment made in Italy is also in demand.

The multifunctional cheese factory Sfoggia Sfoggiatech with a capacity of 120 liters allows you to produce several types of cheeses, cottage cheese, and pasteurized milk. Production is carried out at maximum heating of milk to 100 degrees. The price tag for a set of cheese-making equipment from this company starts from 99 thousand euros.

Quality certification

Home production is a real business. If you plan to sell the resulting product, you will have to issue a special certificate for cheese.

Since 2014, cheese certification has been carried out on the basis of the regulatory document TR 033/2013 “On the safety of milk and dairy products”, and is carried out in the so-called declaration form. You can correct certificates for cyclical cheese production, or you can correct them for individual batches of cheese. The documentation provides both of these options.

For example, if you need to organize the production of processed cheese, then for its production you need to obtain a declaration OKP 92 2511. It can be issued under a contract, or to the manufacturer himself.

To obtain a certificate you will have to prepare the following documents:

  • cheese research protocols;
  • previous certificates, if any;
  • description of raw materials, production equipment and production processes;
  • regulatory documents (technical regulations, GOSTs), on the basis of which the production process is carried out;
  • contracts for raw materials and cheese supply (if cyclical production is certified);
  • other documents that would indicate the quality of the products received.

The validity period of certificates for individual batches is equal to the shelf life of these products. If the certificate was corrected for cyclic production - no more than 5 years.

Cheese production requires compliance with standards (67.100.30 Cheese), or GOSTs (27568–87, 52685–2006, 52686–2006, 52972–2008, 53379–2009, etc.)

Prospects and income of the cheese business

Mini business 20-24 kg

Let's take the smallest business as an example. Mini-workshop with a daily production volume of about 20-24 kg.

According to those who already have personal experience in the topic, such a workshop will require about 200 liters of milk per day, and in monetary terms, the cost of such production per month is about 1.7-2 million rubles. This includes milk as a raw material, enzymes and additives in milk, salaries, taxes, electricity, transportation, rent of premises and other necessary expenses.

100 kg of cheese per day

If you move to the next level and start producing 100 kg of cheese per day, the situation looks like this:

  • 2200 kg approximate sales of finished products per month;
  • revenue 440 rubles per month (with a selling price of 200 rubles per 1 kg);
  • net profit 50-70 thousand rubles per month.

Here, payback is possible within a year, but this is based on 100% of product sales.

Problems and solutions

It should be remembered that the purchase of cheeses in chain stores starts from 200-250 rubles. per kg. According to the calculations of those who have already opened production, with the purchase price of milk from 20 rubles per liter and above, production in such small volumes is unprofitable.

Income can only be obtained by raising purchasing prices to 300 rubles per kg of products, and lowering the cost of milk to 10 rubles per liter. And this, in turn, is possible with your own herd. In this case, the line for producing your own cheese should pay for itself in 3-4 years.

What can you do if you don’t have your own herd?

Give up the idea of ​​selling your product to networkers. Small shops are willing to buy products in small quantities, but there are many such shops.

It makes sense to rent a tent at a market that sells farm food. Customers will quickly get used to your tent and products, and this will be a good move for selling cheese.

Also be sure to work on your milk supply. We need a stable supply of quality milk at a cheap price. Look for farms in the area that can provide you with the required amount of the original product. And then there will be a chance to promote your cheese business.

Rules for ensuring that consumers love products

In order for the products to meet all taste requirements, it is recommended to adhere to the following important rules:

  • during production, use only high-quality milk from healthy cows;
  • do not add antibiotics to products;
  • monitor the level of active acidity. It should not exceed 6.8;
  • The receiving temperature should be within 12 degrees, and the fat content should be about 3.5;
  • all of the above indicators must be indicated in the contract concluded with the supplier of raw materials.

Consumers have recently become very accepting of natural, “homemade” foods made without the use of chemical additives, flavorings, thickeners, etc., and are willing to pay more for them than their “fair price” based on cost and normal markups for this industry.

Cheese is one of the most popular dishes, known since ancient times. Its preparation can truly be considered an art, as it is quite complex. In addition to basic recipes, you should experiment during the cooking process. The best option would be to create your own trademark, your own brand. Therefore, cheese production as a business in the form of a mini-workshop is quite profitable and interesting.


They consist in the demand for the product and high profitability. This business is quite simple and highly scalable. There is the possibility of introducing various types of cheese, both regular and premium. In addition, it is worth considering the large number of markets for these products. In Russia, due to import substitution, this niche is more than relevant.

What should you pay attention to?

First of all, it is worth analyzing the market and the most popular competitors’ positions among buyers. For an entrepreneur, it is important to know the taste of the most popular types and make it even better, or at least the same. Take a closer look at the demand for cheese products in general. All this can be done through market research and consumer surveys. Once your product hits the market, it's important to remember to take taste feedback from customers.

Where to open?

If there is no goal of opening a store near the production premises, then there is no big difference in the location. The location could be a warehouse or workshop. But it is important that the premises meet all SES requirements. The interior decoration of the room, flooring and a high level of hygiene must be carried out. Based on the fulfillment of these requirements, the epidemiological authority gives its conclusion and permission to work.

How much to invest?

The amount of investment depends on what production volumes are planned. To begin with, it is recommended to start with the simplest production line. If you have no funds at all, you can start by making cheese at home. This product is quite cost-effective, which will allow you to organize systemic production in a short time.

How to advertise?

In the case of production at home, promotion should be done through the Internet and social networks. If possible, a good acquisition channel would be the product website. You can also use outdoor advertising, leaflets and announcements. If the production is registered and organized professionally, you need to register a trademark. Under it, release different flavors, organize tastings and promotions at retail outlets.


Depending on what resource you are missing, there will be different difficulties. For example, where to find investments or a company that provides equipment for leasing. If you have no idea about cheese-making technology, you need to buy or develop it. It is important to consider the storage and transportation conditions of the finished product. It is worth taking care of the condition of the room in which the work is performed.

First you need to write a business plan for your upcoming enterprise. It must include all the calculations and a detailed description of the entire process. Based on this, you need to organize sales channels. Such channels are retail outlets, other entrepreneurs, and wholesale buyers. You can contact a distribution company, which will sell the products for a percentage.

Where to sell:

  • wholesale centers;
  • resellers;
  • distributors;
  • markets;
  • supermarkets;
  • small shops;
  • catering establishments.


According to market research, the niche is not particularly competitive. Despite the simplicity of the business, not everyone can do it. Therefore, having a good recipe that satisfies the tastes of customers, you can enter the market. You just need to make it a little tastier and cheaper than your competitors.

Cheese production as a business, home mini workshop

During the crisis, many wondered about cheese production as a business. Is a mini workshop a prerequisite for this enterprise? However, before raising such global questions, let’s start with the basics, let’s figure out how to solve the problems that lie in wait for entrepreneurs.

Cheese is a product with an original taste that is in high demand among buyers. It is included in the diet of any of us. Probably everyone knows about the beneficial properties of cheese products. This raw fermented milk product is quickly absorbed by the body, saturating it with many useful substances: proteins, fats, phosphorus and calcium salts.
A variety of cheese varieties is a great opportunity to choose what suits your taste (processed cheese, hard cheese, cottage cheese). Such a great demand for finished raw fermented milk products necessarily gives rise to competition, which will never be avoided. However, despite this, it makes sense to organize your own home cheese production, open a mini workshop - a business at home.

How to start a cheese making business at home?

There are many profitable business ideas for making good cheese that avoid various difficulties. First of all, it is important to follow a competent business plan. This will make it possible to predict demand and competition in the given field, determine financial investments and the payback period of the project. In addition, you will be able to predict difficulties, troubles and avoid mistakes when implementing a business idea at home.

How to obtain documents and register a business?

To start producing raw fermented milk products at home, to open your own mini-workshop, you need to collect documents and register in accordance with the law. There are two ways – registration as an individual entrepreneur or as a legal entity (LLC). If you are aiming to open a mini production workshop at home and sell the raw product in small batches, then it is best to register as an individual entrepreneur. If you still decide to open a factory, register as a “limited liability company.”

Certification of raw fermented milk products

Since cheese is a food product, its production is subject to special certification. To obtain permission to produce raw fermented milk products, you will need to collect a number of documents:

  • Contract;
  • application;
  • sanitary registration certificate;
  • veterinary certificate;
  • label layout

Homemade cheese production technology

There are many varieties of cheese, but they are all conventionally divided into hard and soft varieties. By organizing your own home mini-workshop, it is quite possible to produce all types of fermented milk products, as well as Italian cheese.
The technology for making good cheese directly depends on its variety. Hard varieties are obtained from the curd mass separated from the whey. Then the finished raw mixture is placed under a press for a certain time. If you follow traditions, this can last from one to several months inclusive. It takes much less time to prepare soft varieties of cheese; the product reaches the required condition faster. However, their shelf life does not exceed a week. This is not profitable if you decide to set up mass production in a mini workshop.

Equipment for the sale of raw fermented milk products

To implement such a business in your workshop, it is better to use simple and affordable equipment. This includes:

  • container for long-term pasteurization,
  • press,
  • paraffiner,
  • molds for mass,
  • fridge,
  • furniture (tables, chairs)

Purchase of raw materials

The appearance and taste of cheese directly depends on the quality of the product. Therefore, there is no need to save; the workshop should purchase milk only from reliable, proven producers. As an option, you can enter into an agreement for the supply of the necessary ingredients or open a farm for breeding goats and cows. But then the return on business will exceed the expected norms.

Financial investments and profits

The cheese production business is a promising and profitable activity. Anyone can open a workshop for the production of this delight and start manufacturing. It is enough to purchase equipment, hire employees and invest a certain amount of money.

Profit depends on sales volume and product cost. The higher quality the cheese, the higher its price. Another good idea is to organize a workshop for the production of elite varieties of cheese. It is important to immediately determine your target audience so that the work is targeted and there are profitable prospects in the future.

Advertising as a way to avoid problems with attracting customers

Today many people produce fermented milk products; therefore, there are enough competitors on the market with their own workshops. This indicates that your products should be of high quality and affordable. A good solution would be to create your own unique logo so that the meaning of your activity is somehow hidden under it. Then you should consider a non-standard packaging design. It is advisable to place an advertisement in a newspaper or on a billboard, although creating your own website certainly sounds more ambitious. Additionally - order its promotion, order cheese via the Internet.

From your workshop, goods can be delivered simultaneously to several points; it is enough to conclude contracts in advance. Your clients can be large retail chains, restaurants, supermarkets, and individual outlets selling fermented milk products.

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* The calculations use average data for Russia


The essence of the project is to open a mini-cheese factory in the city of Samara. The cheese factory will include a mini-dairy shop and a small company store during production. The cheese will be produced using artisanal methods according to ancient French and Italian recipes, as well as original recipes. Due to the uniqueness of the format, the absence of competitors in this segment, and low opening costs, the project has a high chance of further development.

The produced integral indicators allow us to speak about the high efficiency of the project (shown in Table 1). The development region also has great potential: Samara is the center of the region’s solvent audience, a densely populated city with more than 1 million residents.

Table 1. Integral performance indicators

Discount rate (r-year), %

Discount rate (r-month), %

Payback period (PP), months.

Discounted payback period (DPP), months.

Net present value (NPV), rub.

Return on Investment Ratio (ARR), %

Internal rate of return (IRR), %

Profitability Index (PI)


The project discussed in this business plan involves the creation of production of elite soft and semi-hard cheeses and their retail sale through a company store and small wholesale. The mini-workshop and its own sales point will be located on one of the central streets of the city (Kuibysheva Street) in rented premises.

Samara is a large city in the Russian Federation, in the Middle Volga region. regional center of the Samara region. Samara is a major economic, transport, scientific, educational and cultural center with a population of more than 1.17 million people (as of the beginning of 2016). The city has developed industries such as mechanical engineering, oil refining and food processing. All these facts indicate a high level of well-being of city residents.

On August 7, 2014, Russia introduced a ban on the import of certain types of agricultural dairy products, including cheeses, from the countries of the European Union, as well as Norway, the USA, Canada and Australia. Before the ban, according to the Federal Customs Service, imported cheeses accounted for 50% of the market (2013). Countries that fell under sanctions accounted for up to 70% of imports, which is why an active process of import substitution began. According to Alto Consulting Group, in 2015, more than 581 tons of cheeses and cheese products were produced in Russia, which is 17.6% higher than the previous year’s volumes.

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Positive dynamics are also observed in 2016. Thus, in January-April, more than 184 tons of cheese were produced, which is almost 3% more than the same period of the previous year. At the same time, the share of imported products fell by 51% in 2015 alone, and Belarus took the key position among importers (78.3% of all supplies). However, despite the beginning of the process of import substitution, domestic producers and remaining suppliers were unable to completely replace not only ordinary hard cheeses, but also the so-called noble elite cheeses from Europe. This segment remains very promising for domestic business. In addition, there is a tendency towards a general deterioration in the quality of cheese and its adulteration with vegetable fat, which is not actually cheese, which means that high-quality cheese will certainly find its buyer.

Taking into account the current market conditions and the shortage of cheese products, forecasts for the development of this area can be described as cautiously optimistic.

Cheese production will take place in a handicraft manner according to the traditions of European family cheese dairies, thereby avoiding the costs of expensive lines that are used in large enterprises. Small production volumes (up to 16 tons per year) will be compensated by the uniqueness of the product. The mini-cheese factory will produce soft and semi-hard cheeses based on cow and goat milk according to traditional French and Italian recipes. At the moment, there is practically no worthy alternative to them in the city’s grocery chains. Also, much attention will be paid to our own unique recipe with the addition of various unusual seasonings.

Sales are proposed to be carried out through a company store at the cheese factory, as well as through small wholesale sales to restaurants in the city. There will be tables inside the store so that customers can enjoy the cheese on the spot and, if desired, pair it with good wine.

The advantage of the project is the low level of start-up investment. The main investments will require the purchase of equipment and installation, as well as renovation of the premises. Investments in the project will amount to only 840 thousand rubles. The project will be implemented at the investor's own expense.

Table 2. Investment costs of the project


AMOUNT, rub.

Real estate

Repair of workshop and store premises


Set of production equipment

Retail store equipment

Intangible assets

Recipe development

Employee training

other expenses

Working capital

Working capital

Store inventory


840 000

Own funds:

840 000


The company's product will be elite soft and semi-hard cheese aged from 1 to 3 months. Thanks to the location of production and distribution in the same building, the product will be available to people with average incomes. The cost of production will allow us to set more affordable markups than in retail chains and restaurants that have cheeses of this type on their menu. Table 3 shows the product range.

Table 3. Product range and variable costs





Cow's milk cheeses

Camembert 100g.

Kachotta original 100g.

Caciotta with rosemary

Valence 100g.

Krotin 100g.

Ricotta 100g.

Goat's milk cheeses

Krotin 100g.

Cachotta 100g.


As can be seen from the nomenclature, there are two main types of goods: cheeses based on goat's and cow's milk. Considering the uniqueness of the offer, a fairly high markup is set for the products produced, which does not depend on the offer of competitors. Pricing is influenced by factors such as recognition of the type of cheese, its taste, production costs, the solvency of the local population, and the location of the cheese factory in the city center.

The raw materials used are cow's and goat's milk, supplied by two farms located outside the city limits. One of the farms has goats, the other has cows. Both farms are located in ecologically clean rural areas adjacent to the city. In this way, it is possible to achieve low cost of cheese production and minimize transportation costs. All cheeses are packaged in branded packaging: cardboard paper, plastic containers and gift bags with the cheese factory logo.


The products will be sold at retail through our own company store, as well as in small wholesale to several restaurants in the city, which include elite cheeses in their menu. The end consumers are men and women from 18 to 65 years old, mostly of average age 30-45 years old, with an “average” and “above average” income level.

Given the small volume of production, the duties of a sales representative are performed by an individual entrepreneur. He studies the market, negotiates with potential clients, enters into supply agreements, etc. He also carries out work on training employees of the company store, who are the face of the entire company. Their responsibilities will include not only direct sales, but also communication with the client.

The Russian consumer is not in the habit of treating cheese as a constant component of his diet, is not familiar with the traditions of artisanal cheese making, and often has very vague ideas about goat cheese. Taking this into account, the seller will act as a consultant, talking about the differences in types of cheese, its compatibility with various foods and drinks. In addition, free cheese tastings will be held for guests of the cheese factory. If desired, the visitor will be able to sit down and taste the cheese at a table, ordering a glass of wine to go with it. The company's concept will include a favorable attitude towards each client, maintaining an atmosphere of hospitality and family comfort. The city already has experience in private cheese making, but there has not yet been any serious competition in this area.


The mini-cheese production workshop will be located in the center of Samara, on Kuibysheva Street, in rented premises. The workshop will use an area of ​​22 square meters. meters, for a company store, a bathroom and a utility room - 24 sq. meters. The premises have cold and hot water supply, sewerage, ventilation and heating, so the cheese factory meets the typical requirements for food production premises.

Since the chosen format is a craft cheese factory, similar to Italian family cheese dairies, expensive equipment is not used in cheese production. For cooking, you need a pasteurizer and a press table, as well as special containers, cheese molds and refrigeration chambers for storage and ripening. Production technology includes the processes of preparing milk for curdling by adding special substances, heating, the processes of forming and ripening cheese, and then packaging and selling it.

Considering the productivity of 50-60 kg of cheese per day, up to 1320 kg of cheese can be cooked per month with 22 days of work. Since 10 liters of milk yields about 1 kg of cheese, the volume of daily supplies will be 500-600 liters. Before starting production, the business owner will need to train employees in all necessary processes and recipes.

Ready ideas for your business

If we assume that the cheese factory will not operate at full production capacity, but only at 30% load (taken as the basis for business plan calculations), then the monthly sales income will be 760 thousand rubles. The net profit will be about 164 thousand rubles. With such indicators, the cheese factory is able to achieve payback already after 5 months of operation.


Individual entrepreneur was chosen as the legal form of business. Management functions are assigned to the entrepreneur. His responsibilities, in addition to management, will include participation in the cheese-making process, as well as cooperation with suppliers and wholesale customers. To work in the cheese factory, two additional people will be needed. The company store will require hiring 3 more employees. You will also need your own accountant. Thus, the cheese factory staff will include 7 people (staffing is presented in Table 5). Delivery of raw materials from farms will also require the services of a hired delivery driver.

Table 5. Staffing and wage fund

Job title

Salary, rub.

Number, persons

Payroll, rub.




Cheese factory worker


Shop assistant


150 000

Social Security contributions:

45 000

Total with deductions:

195 000


The financial calculations of this business plan are designed for a three-year period of operation of the cheese factory. It reflects investment costs, variable and fixed costs, as well as tax liabilities.

The investment structure includes the renovation of premises to accommodate production and a retail store (200 thousand rubles), the purchase of necessary equipment (350 thousand rubles), as well as intangible assets (90 thousand rubles).

Fixed costs of the dairy will include rent, advertising costs, utility bills, commercial and administrative expenses, transportation costs and fuel and lubricants. Depreciation costs are calculated using the straight-line method for a period of 15 years. The structure of the enterprise's fixed costs is presented in Table. 6. A detailed financial plan is presented in Appendix 1 of this business plan.

Table 6. Fixed costs of the enterprise


Indicators presented in Table. 1 allow us to assert the effectiveness of the project. The payback period of the project is 5 months, the discounted payback period is equal to it. The NPV (Net Present Value) is 4,047,311, which is significantly higher than the initial investment level. The profitability index exceeds 1, and the internal rate of return (IRR) exceeds the discount rate, which also indicates the investment attractiveness of the project.


The main risks of the project can include:

1. Creation of cheese recipes: a long preparation stage is required before production begins, selection of the most successful options and ingredients.

Ready ideas for your business

2. The influence of seasonal factors on the quality of the product. The quality of cheese directly depends on milk, the biochemical composition of which is constantly changing as animals eat different herbs in different seasons. To do this, you need to carefully select suppliers who closely monitor the diet of their animals.

A business idea for producing hard cheese at home consistently brings profit and does not require large investments. This fact is due to many factors, which are all described in this article. The main ones:

  1. Affordable equipment for home businesses.
  2. The ability to produce a wide range of cheese varieties at home using the same equipment.
  3. There will always be a demand for all types of cheeses.
  4. Even a beginner in business can establish a sales market.
  5. The profitability of some varieties can exceed 200%!

Anyone can learn how to make cottage cheese or hard cheese at home. Over time, experience will develop and the home cheese maker will be able to produce elite varieties of this most beneficial dairy product.

Cheese production as a business: mini-workshop

Mini-cheese production as a business has several advantageous economic justifications. In general, the estimated profitability of production is not difficult to calculate. If you buy milk in rural areas from the population for $0.25 per 1 liter. With a yield of 10% from 100 liters, we get 10 kg of hard cheese, the price of which starts at $8 per 1 kg. And that: 8$*10kg = 80$ income - (0.25$*100l.) = 55$ dirty profit. Making cheese at home is especially profitable in rural areas. Where there are minimal (or no) transport costs for milk delivery. Let's look at the profitability of the business and the cheese production line in numbers:

  1. The yield of the finished product during cheese making depends on its type: 10% hard cheeses; 15% semi-solid; 20% cottage cheese and soft cheese varieties. But with a steam bath approach and the use of a container for receiving milk, the yield can be significantly increased (this will be described below).
  2. The cheese needs 1.5-4 hours to cook. This feature of the technology has a positive effect on the productivity of home production. After all, it’s realistic to complete 3-4 brews per day.
  3. The same equipment can be used to produce any type of cheese product, with the exception of some aesthetic varieties.
  4. You need a room for storing cheeses with good ventilation and the ability to maintain a temperature from +4 to +12 degrees. Areas of 10-15 square meters. will be quite enough.
  5. The main thing you can’t do without is a cheese maker. Its price starts from $500 for 10 liters of brew. The most popular cheesemakers in small businesses use 25 liter cheesemakers that cost $4,000. The country producing the best cheese makers is Italy. We recommend paying attention to the inexpensive Italian manufacturer Sfoggia. Although you can purchase a budget option from the domestic manufacturer “Minicheese,” which offers 60-liter cheese makers at a price of $3,250.

A production home line can be progressively equipped with additional equipment to increase the profitability and productivity of the line.

Equipment for making cheese at home

The cheese line is in no way limited to home conditions. It can only consist of basic equipment. But over time, it is advisable to acquire auxiliary equipment. A mini cheese production plant can be assembled from the following equipment:

  1. Cheese cooker with a 1.5 kW heating element (quite acceptable for domestic use). It must be able to connect to running water. To accurately control temperature conditions, the cheese maker is equipped with a special thermostat with a software control unit.
  2. Milk sterilizer.
  3. Colander for straining grain-like mass.
  4. Forms made of food-grade plastic.
  5. Cylindrical weights weighing 5 kg for pressing semi-hard cheeses. Or a press for the production of hard cheeses.
  6. The pickling container is a container made of food grade stainless steel (not magnetic).
  7. Forming table and shelving made of neutral wood (eg linden).

Auxiliary equipment allows you to increase the productivity of the cheese complex. This includes:

  1. Milk cooler.
  2. Food grade plastic container for draining semi-annual product.
  3. Special container for collecting whey.

That's all! It is important to note that equipment of this type of production does not require special operating conditions and careful maintenance. There is no need for additional costs for preventative or repair work. The cheese maker and related devices will last a long time, reliably and with high quality. I bought it once and forgot about the operating costs.

Homemade cheese production technology

Home conditions allow you to produce many types of cheeses. The production technology of each type is different, despite the fact that it works on the same equipment. Let's look at basic production technology with the right approach to increasing productivity and profits in the cheese business. The entire production cycle consists of several stages:

  1. Sterilization of fresh milk.
  2. Preparation. All milk is divided 50% to 50%: the first part is immediately sent to the cheesemaker and pasteurized at a temperature of +68 degrees, after which it is immediately cooled to +38 Celsius. The second part is cooled in a cooler to a temperature of +4 degrees.
  3. Boiling. Rennet is added to the cooled part. A little about the intricacies of cheese making technology. Rennet is obtained from the stomachs of calves that have eaten only milk. This enzyme is produced in the calf by the glands of the abomasum (4th section of the stomach). The enzyme helps calves digest milk. And during cheese making it promotes ideal milk coagulation. Rennet is sold in powder form. It should be added to milk very carefully: 1 gram of enzyme per 100 liters. After folding, the enzyme itself does not remain in the protein, but goes into the whey. When everything is ready, the milk is poured into the cheese maker for gradual maturation until completely curdled. The set temperature for milk coagulation directly depends on two important criteria: cheese varieties (hard cheeses require higher temperatures and shorter cooking times); percentage of fat content in milk.
  4. Basically, the temperature range during cooking is between 28-36 degrees. Below the optimum enzyme action (that is, below the calf’s body temperature of +38.5 degrees)! This allows you to avoid rapid compaction of the condensed mass and start the process of accumulation of lactic acid microflora for 1.5-4 hours (depending on temperature).
  5. Formation of cheese grain. When the milk has curdled and the cheese mass has separated from the whey, it should be broken into pieces of certain fractions. Here again there are technological nuances. If semi-hard cheese is produced, which has a short ripening period, the fractions of the cheese grain are the size of a walnut. For hard cheeses, you need to grind the mixture to the size of a hazelnut. For elite varieties, the fraction can be crushed to the size of a corn grain. Next, the cheese grain is sent to press molds. If we are making semi-hard cheese, then we should press it using 5 kg weights. In both the first and second cases, pressing occurs with regular turning of the cheese head. After the cheese has compacted, it should be placed in a container with brine (water and kitchen salt). After aging in brine, the cheese heads are sent to wooden racks for maturation. The room for ripening the product must have good ventilation and a temperature of +4 to +12 degrees (depending on what variety you are producing).

Helpful advice!!! The whey should not be thrown away after cooking. Or you can send it back to the cheese factory, add 2 liters of milk, a little apple cider vinegar and warm everything up to a temperature of +92 degrees. As a result, we get beautiful and appetizing cottage cheese, which is already ready to bring in the first profit!

Varieties of the healthiest dairy product

Cheese in any form of any variety will always be in demand. The cheese factory is a stable business. Conventionally, all cheeses can be divided into two main categories:

  1. Rennet. The production technology is based on the use of rennet enzymes. This includes types of cheeses: hard (Swiss, Dutch, Russian); semi-solid (Roquefort, Latvian); soft (Slavic, amateur).
  2. Fermented milk. According to the technology, milk coagulation occurs through fermentation with special starter cultures. Examples of fermented milk cheeses: brine cheeses (Sulguni, feta cheese, Imeretian, Adyghe, mozzarella); all types of cottage cheese (brunost, mozzarella, homemade).

It is worth noting that there are also mixed cheeses such as Faeta.

Each category and type can be further divided into subcategories and subspecies. Over time, you will become an expert in the cheese industry and know more about cheese than anyone else. It is important to note that in this business idea, the range of products produced can be made incredibly wide using the same equipment. Produce, sell and earn money!

Cheese contains essential microelements in an easily digestible form.

Cheese is a tasty and healthy, high-calorie protein product with great nutritional value. People have been producing various types of cheese at home for many centuries. Cheeses contain many useful substances necessary for the human body in an easily digestible form:

  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • amino acids;
  • peptides;
  • salts Ca, R.

Therefore, in the diet of every person, cheeses have forever won their place among the main food products. Cheese is used in almost all dishes and culinary recipes that are prepared in restaurants. The level of demand for cheese has reached 40 kg. per year per person and continues to grow. When organizing home cheese production, only a lazy person will not be able to establish a sales market. From one raw material - milk, you can get many types of cheese products. In the functioning of this type of business, different cheeses have their own purpose and advantage. Let's look at three types of cheeses that bring three types of profit to a home business:

  1. Hard cheeses do not require special storage conditions and have a high price. They can be stored for months (and some varieties for years) in a ventilated room with a temperature of +12 degrees.
  2. Cottage cheese is a perishable product, but has the advantage of quick preparation. And ready for sale the next day after preparation. Naturally, you can extend its shelf life using a refrigerator.
  3. Semi-hard cheeses are balanced advantages and features of the previous two types. Semi-hard varieties cook faster than hard ones and are preserved better than cottage cheese. They are also expanding the range, which allows them to increase the percentage of sales and increase profits from sales of finished products.

These advantages in different types of products allow businesses to flexibly respond to any market conditions. You can simultaneously build short-term and medium-term home business development strategies. The right basement filled with hard cheese is a whole bank of deposits that brings a stable profit. It is important to note that the production of a wide range of different types of products requires one main product as a raw material - milk. Moreover, the equipment used is the same (with the exception of some varieties - Parmesan, etc.). The only difference is the recipes and cooking technologies.