Passed a preliminary medical examination. The procedure for undergoing a preliminary medical examination when hiring. List of harmful and dangerous factors at work

Medical examination upon hiringin certain cases it is a mandatory measure due to labor protection and safety requirements. The article discusses certain features of this event that will be of interest to both the employer and the employee.

When passing a medical examination when applying for a job is mandatory

Requirements for mandatory medical examinations when hiring certain categories of workers are established primarily by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In Art. 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation contains a list of works for which a preliminary medical examination is required. It is necessary to pass it if:

  • Work involves hazardous and hazardous conditions labor. Lists of such work are established by orders of the Ministry of Health. In 2017, the order of the Ministry of Health “On approval of lists of harmful and (or) hazardous factors» dated 04/12/2011 No. 302n as amended on 12/05/2014, with clarifications for 2015 and beyond.
  • The work involves transport management.
  • There is work to be done in the field of food production and trade.
  • The work will be in medical and children's institutions.
  • The work is related to communication structures (water pipelines).

The list is not closed. Art. 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation allows for the introduction of additional requirements for primary medical examinations at the level of local regulations.

A preliminary medical examination is mandatory for an employee who has been dismissed and rehired for the same job .

At whose expense is the preliminary medical examination carried out when applying for a job?

By general rule, guided by the provisions of Art. 212, 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to organize and conduct medical examinations and examinations at his own expense.

In practice, there are exceptions in cases where a mandatory document is required:

  • medical record;
  • driver's license;
  • weapons permits.

In most cases, employers give preference to applicants who already have these documents. Because otherwise they will need to be issued at the expense of the employer.

Costs for mandatory medical examinations are expensed.

Composition of the medical board for the pre-employment medical examination

The composition of the medical board may vary, depending on the type of future work.

In general, when applying for a job, visit:

  • ophthalmologist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • neurologist;
  • surgeon;
  • laboratory (general tests are performed);
  • cardiographic and fluorographic rooms;
  • therapist (he prepares a conclusion).

Additional tests and additional specialists are needed if the specifics of the work require it. For example, for:

  • registration various types medical records, additional tests for bacterial and viral infections, visits to a dermatologist, dentist, narcologist;
  • work with increased sources of danger - be examined by a psychiatrist;
  • work associated with increased responsibility for the life and health of people - undergo a chemical and toxicological examination and visit a psychiatrist.

Appointment of preliminary medical examination

A pre-employment medical examination should determine:

  • whether the employee is able to perform the work assigned to him with the state of health in which he is at the time of employment;
  • what is his predisposition to concomitant occupational diseases;
  • can he be trusted with the responsibilities that will entail him? labor functions.

If an employer has its own additional criteria for selecting employees based on health conditions, it can establish a primary medical examination in cases not provided for by law. Then a medical examination will be needed to establish the compliance of the employee’s physical and mental conditions with in-house standards. At the same time, in accordance with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, such expenses must still be organized and paid by the employer.


Having employees undergo medical examinations upon hiring is one of the forms of compliance with labor protection and safety standards. The obligation of medical examinations is enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, federal and local laws and local regulations.

A mandatory condition for interaction between employers and employees is the organization of preliminary and periodic medical examinations for personnel by the enterprise. The difference between these types of medical examinations in accordance with the provisions of Order 302n is that the preliminary examination is carried out upon entry to work and can be carried out on an individual basis.

At the same time, periodic medical examinations are aimed at dynamically examining the health status of personnel and early identifying occupational diseases, as well as symptoms/pathologies incompatible with working conditions. Such a medical examination can be carried out collectively.

According to Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development 302n dated 04/12/11 periodic inspections must be carried out at least once a year. Moreover, if the enterprise does not contain hazardous production factors, examination of employees can be organized in any medical institution that has a license to carry out this type of activity.

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 302n dated April 12, 2011 also determines the procedure for organizing medical examinations at enterprises where factors harmful and dangerous to specialists are observed. The personnel of such companies must undergo examination for at least 5 years in specialized Occupational Pathology Centers or medical institutions licensed to examine professional suitability.

Drawing up lists for periodic medical examinations, as well as approving them calendar plan carried out by the employer together with the medical organization. By contacting our clinic, you can arrange a medical examination at any convenient time at an affordable price.

Registration of a driver's medical certificate and EEG

Procedure for obtaining a driver's license or opening new category changes regularly. Moreover, for some categories, in particular:

  • C, C1, CE, C1E;
  • D, D1, DE, D1E;
  • Tm, Tb,

A prerequisite is to undergo an electroencephalogram of the brain.

If you have a question: “Where can I get a daily EEG in Moscow at an affordable price?”, our clinic offers to sign up for diagnostics. With us you can get the results of a 24-hour electroencephalogram quickly and inexpensively.

How much does a medical examination cost for work?

Answer to the question: " How much does a medical examination cost at work??" - Prost: " A medical examination for work costs 2,400 rubles.".

Depends cost of medical examination from occupational hazard? - No, it doesn’t depend.

The procedure for undergoing a preliminary medical examination when hiring.

For an employee to pass preliminary medical examination or medical examination for work, it is necessarySubmit the following documents to the medical institution:

  • Referral for a medical examination at work , issued by the employer;
  • Passport (or other standard document proving his identity);
  • Employee health passport (if available) (registration form N 125/u-PZ approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated June 18, 2013 N 382n);
  • Medical report of the medical commission that conducted the mandatory psychiatric examination (in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation).

Within up to 3 working days, after receiving all the data about the employee, our medical commission makes a decision on his professional suitability for the type of activity specified in the referral.

Final package of documents:

  • Health passports;
  • Conclusions on permission to work;
  • Medical books (for certain categories of workers);
  • Final Act;
  • Invoice (original);
  • Certificate of completed work in 2 copies.

The law in Russia requires a medical examination for a certain group of workers at the time of hiring.

Target– assess the general health of a potential candidate, confirming his professional suitability or identifying possible features and illnesses that do not allow him to take a vacant position.

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Conducting mandatory medical examinations can prevent the spread of epidemics and prevent accidents.

Mandatory medical examinations

Medical examinations are divided into types:

  • Preliminary.
  • Annual (periodic).
  • Out-of-turn inspections.

A preliminary examination is carried out during the period when a new employee is hired. Employees belonging to certain categories and working in hazardous conditions undergo annual inspections. When examined out of turn, the employee himself can ask the supervisor due to the recommendations of certain medical specialists.

Mandatory medical examinations are subject to payment by the employer and are specific to certain employees. The obligation to conduct such surveys of citizens may be established by municipal authorities for specific enterprises.

Preliminary medical examinations

When hiring a person, it is necessary to determine whether a person is suitable for health reasons to perform duties in a particular workplace. To do this, employers require a preliminary examination. Labor legislation establishes standards that guarantee workers the security of their earnings.

The process of preliminary medical examination depends on the gender of the employee and the nature of the position for which he is applying. The list of doctors you will see may vary.

Here is a general list of specialists:

  • Ophthalmologist.
  • Surgeon.
  • Neuropathologist.
  • Otolaryngologist.
  • General practitioner.

In addition, the employee will have to undergo traditional general tests, an ECG and a fluorography session. After the citizen has visited all the doctors, the therapist gives a general opinion on the employee’s health.

Procedure for medical examinations

Mandatory examination by specialists when hiring a new employee is carried out at the expense of the employer or paid for by him after employment.

The employer issues the future employee a special examination sheet (referral), on the basis of which the examination will be carried out by the doctors indicated on it. Often the examination takes place in medical organization, with which the company has an agreement. You must come for the medical examination with a passport or other document that allows you to prove your identity.

The patient’s personal card records the results of examinations and the therapist’s conclusion. It contains information about the general level of health and the presence or absence of health conditions that interfere with the performance of work.

The document is certified by a seal medical institution. The conclusion must be issued to the employee, and a second copy is placed in the patient’s personal record, which is stored in the clinic.

A citizen who has not passed a medical examination cannot start working.

Responsibilities of an employee when undergoing a medical examination

All employees are responsible for complying with labor safety requirements, and the employer provides them with safe conditions work.

If an employee belongs to the group of citizens subject to mandatory medical examination at work, then he must undergo the necessary examination. This applies to all types of medical examinations.

The employee is considered to have violated labor discipline, if he did not fulfill his duty without reason. Sanctions may include a reprimand, reprimand, or even dismissal.

An employee who has not passed the mandatory examination is suspended from work in accordance with the Labor Code.


The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for the liability of enterprises for signing an employment agreement with applicants without conducting a mandatory medical examination.

This behavior will result in penalties:

  • For officials - from 1 to 5 thousand rubles.
  • For individual entrepreneurs – from 1 to 5 thousand rubles. or suspension entrepreneurial activity up to 3 months.
  • For organizations - from 30 to 50 thousand rubles. or suspension of activities for a similar period of individual entrepreneurs.

If the person who violated the law has already been subject to administrative sanctions, subsequent violations of a similar kind will be subject to disqualification for a period of one to three years.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation established that an employment agreement can be terminated if a violation of the rules for its conclusion is detected. If it is not the employee’s fault, then before dismissal, he must be offered to fill one of the vacancies. Upon resigning, a citizen receives an amount equal to the monthly salary in this position.

If an applicant for a position refuses to undergo a mandatory examination, the refusal to work will be lawful.

Cost accounting

The expenses that enterprises incur when organizing periodic examinations of their employees are provided for by law and are subject to special accounting.

These cash expenses:

  • Subject to inclusion in the tax base for income tax.
  • Cannot be subject to personal income tax.
  • They do not entail payment of insurance amounts to the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund, and Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.
  • They are not taken into account when paying compulsory insurance premiums against accidents and accidents at the workplace.
  • When forming tax base The amounts spent by the employer on the maintenance of treatment rooms and points used for mandatory medical examinations are also taken into account.

If we are talking about medical examinations that are not provided for by Russian law, then they are not taken into account when determining income tax.

Citizens who undertake to undergo a medical examination upon employment

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes groups of working citizens who are required to undergo examination when applying for a job:

  • Persons employed in hazardous and hazardous work(including underground).
  • Persons working on vehicles.
  • Workers of food industry enterprises.
  • Citizens working in the field of food and trade.
  • Persons engaged in work related to water supply systems.
  • Persons working in medical organizations.
  • Citizens employed in children's organizations.
  • Other persons working in certain fields.

Minor future employees must undergo a medical examination when hired for a vacant position. When applying for a job, persons who wish to work in the Far North must have a doctor’s certificate confirming their suitability for work and life in this climate and area. Otherwise, the employer does not conclude a contract with them. Athletes must undergo mandatory examination upon employment.

Besides Labor Code, the obligation to undergo inspection is regulated by other laws. Judges, train drivers, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and customs are subject to medical examination.

In regions of the country, local authorities can determine additional group citizens subject to mandatory medical examination. Employee of child care institutions, food enterprises and organizations household sphere are required to have medical records where the results of all examinations by doctors are recorded.

Who pays for the medical examination?

Mandatory inspection is carried out at the expense of the employer. Even the examination of an applicant who is not ultimately hired for any reason is subject to payment by the enterprise.

If the examination is not necessary, but the employee himself wished to undergo it or did so at the insistence of the employer, then the employee pays for such examination himself.

To reimburse the amount of money spent by a citizen on a mandatory medical examination, an application with attached receipts and documents is required.

Candidate's refusal to undergo a medical examination

If an applicant for a position refuses to undergo a medical examination, which is mandatory by law, an employment agreement cannot be concluded with him. If an employee refuses to undergo the annual mandatory examination, he is suspended from work.

Drawing up a document on the referral and as a result of the medical examination

To undergo an employment examination, the candidate receives a special referral from the employer. Its form is established by the enterprise, certified by the signature of the manager and the seal of the organization.

After visiting all the doctors indicated in the list of referrals and taking tests, the candidate for the position goes to a therapist, who makes the final conclusions and issues a medical report. For successful employment, it must contain information about professional suitability.

Mandatory examinations by doctors are a useful thing. If you want to work in a healthy team and not put yourself and others at risk, the need to get examined will not be scary.

Its implementation is dictated by established legislation. The purpose of the examination is to protect the health of the employee himself and those with whom there is contact in the work environment.

There are cases of ignoring the rules and procedures for conducting inspections. This can happen both on the part of the employer and on the part of the employee. It is necessary to understand in what cases and who needs to undergo a medical examination.

Types of medical examination

Preventive examinations of workers are a set of therapeutic and preventive measures carried out to identify deviations in health status and prevent the development and spread of diseases. Depending on how often preventive medical examinations are carried out, they are classified as follows:

  • periodic;
  • preliminary;
  • extraordinary.

Each type has a specific purpose, timing, indications, procedure, and required documentation.

Periodic medical examination

Those entering work must undergo examinations throughout the entire period of work in accordance with the position held. This is carried out in order to confirm the professional suitability of the employee and in time to prevent or identify a developing preventive disease.

Health is a state of complete mental, physical, social and spiritual well-being, and not just the absence of disease. Its level fluctuates depending on many internal and external factors. reveals the dynamics in health changes that arise under the influence of labor factors. Identifying problems allows you to take action necessary measures in the early period of development of pathology.

The medical examination has the following features:

  1. Conducted within the time limits established by law.
  2. The frequency of the test depends on working conditions and production factors.
  3. Persons under 21 years of age are examined annually.
  4. It is carried out on the basis of a list of names generated by the administration of the enterprise, which is sent to the territorial medical and preventive institution.
  5. The employee receives a referral for a medical examination from the employer.
  6. The employee is examined by all necessary specialists, laboratory and clinical tests are carried out in full.
  7. Based on the results, a final conclusion is issued, which determines the professional suitability and ability of the employee to occupy his position.

Frequency of inspections by type of work activity

List of works for which preventive examinations are mandatory, as well as the frequency of examination:

  • high-rise work and labor associated with cranes and elevators - every 2 years;
  • maintenance of electrical installations, commissioning and installation work- every 2 years;
  • forest protection, work with forests - every 2 years;
  • oil and gas industry, offshore drilling - every 2 years;
  • underground work - annually;
  • hydrometeorological structures - annually;
  • work in the field of geology, topography and construction - every 2 years;
  • maintenance work on pressure vessels - every 3 years;
  • machinists, boiler house workers, gas inspectors - every 2 years;
  • work with explosive and flammable substances - annually;
  • work in banking, cash collection, security, and other types of work related to the use of firearms - annually;
  • work with mechanized installations - every 2 years;
  • work in preschools, medical institutions, pharmaceutical organizations, medical industry - annually.

Extraordinary inspections

According to the law, every person holding a position at an enterprise has the right to an extraordinary examination in accordance with medical recommendations, during which he retains his position and salary.

This type of medical examination does not have a fixed frequency. Carried out in two cases:

  • employee initiative - he has health complaints related to occupational hazards or other reasons;
  • employer initiative - has suspicions that the employee’s health level has deteriorated due to the negative influence of working conditions or other reasons.

Based on the employee’s application or a letter to the health care facility, the enterprise administration issues an order to send him for an extraordinary examination. The document indicates the period during which the inspection will take place, information about the medical institution (name, address, location of the enterprise) and the size of the saved wages during the employee's absence.

In addition, all costs for conducting an extraordinary inspection are borne by the employer, regardless of whose initiative the application to the health care facility occurred.

Why is a preliminary examination carried out?

A preliminary medical examination is carried out in order to assess the health status of the applicant for employment, his suitability for the future position, and also to identify the presence of diseases at the time of employment.

The following groups are subject to mandatory examination:

  1. Minor citizens.
  2. Employees whose preliminary medical examination is provided for by regulations:
    • persons engaged in heavy and hazardous work;
    • positions related to the transport industry;
    • food production employees;
    • persons working in trading conditions;
    • employees of children's and
  3. Persons whose preventive medical examinations are provided for by other legislative documents.

Based on state orders, lists and regulations have been approved that form the basis for conducting examinations of employees: on harmful and dangerous substances, jobs and specialties, general and highly specialized contraindications of a medical nature, on the procedure and rules for conducting examinations.

Direction and order of its compilation

The administration of the enterprise issues a referral for a medical examination to a person entering work. It contains the following data:

  • name of the enterprise, form of ownership and economic status;
  • data of the medical facility, indicating its address and OGRN code;
  • what kind of inspection will be carried out;
  • FULL NAME. and date of birth of the person applying for work;
  • the department to which the future place of work belongs, what position he will hold;

The document is confirmed by the signature of an authorized person, indicating his last name, first name, patronymic and position. It is issued to the employee against signature, and the authorized person keeps records of the directions issued.

Procedure for conducting the examination

After receiving the referral, the employee goes to the specified treatment and preventive institution. Preliminary and periodic medical examinations are supervised by a general practitioner, who independently summarizes the results of a comprehensive examination.

Other specialists taking part in the examination:

  • ophthalmologist;
  • otorhinolaryngologist;
  • neurologist;
  • surgeon;
  • dermatovenerologist;
  • dentist;
  • infectious disease specialist (according to indications).

Of the laboratory and functional examination methods, lung radiography, electrocardiography, blood examination for syphilis, bacteriological smear for gonorrhea, and studies for carriage of intestinal diseases and helminth infections are carried out annually.

Women are examined by a gynecologist, take smears for cytological and bacteriological examination, and after 40 years of age, ultrasound of the mammary glands, mammography and consultation with a mammologist are mandatory. Men undergo an oncological examination by a urologist with a digital examination of the rectum.

It is mandatory to take a general blood test, which specifies the level of formed elements, hemoglobin, color index, detailed leukocyte formula, and ESR. Clinical urine analysis determines the presence of sugar and protein, specific gravity, and sediment microscopy. A biochemical blood test is performed.

Based on the results of examinations by narrow specialists and clinical examinations, the therapist makes a decision on professional suitability, the presence or absence of systemic diseases.

Psychiatric examination

Some work conditions require a psychiatric evaluation rather than simply a psychiatric evaluation conducted in the setting of a routine medical examination. The examination is carried out to the following persons:

  • minors;
  • future position is subject to conditions increased danger(chemical production, activities related to weapons, high-altitude or underground work, employees of the transport industry);
  • teachers;
  • catering workers;
  • medical workers.

The examination process takes place in specialized institutions licensed for such activities. The commission consists of 3 specialists. The legislation states that a medical examination of employees by a psychiatrist is a voluntary exercise, but in case of refusal to undergo an examination, the administration of the enterprise has the right to refuse employment to a person.

For the purpose of examination, specialists included in the commission may request additional data from the enterprise administration, of which the employee is notified. The decision is made by voting and issued in writing within three days.

Based on the results of the examination, the commission has the right to recognize the employee as unfit to perform a certain type of activity (up to 5 years), but with the possibility of further re-examination.

Examination by a narcologist

A preliminary medical examination by a narcologist consists of three stages: direct examination, psychological testing, and laboratory blood testing. Drug examinations allow us to identify possible signs of the disease, and if they are detected, the employee is sent to a hospital for further examination.

If there are no problems, a certificate is issued confirming the completion of the preventive examination. The document corresponds to the established template.

An examination by a narcologist is carried out at the place of registration or in regional centers(for village residents). The costs are paid by the company that sent the employee for examination.

Features of documentation

A person who will undergo a preliminary medical examination provides a referral received from the employer, an identity document (birth certificate, passport), a health document (if available), a decision on a psychiatric examination (if any), to the health care facility. established by law cases).

Medical examination of employees requires execution of certain documents. This:

  1. Medical outpatient card - it records the data of examination by doctors, test results, and the conclusion of the examination.
  2. A health certificate is issued if the employee does not already have one. It clarifies information about the employer’s organization, the employee’s personal data, and brief conclusions from doctors during the examination. A health certificate is assigned once, even if the person changes place of work.

Conclusion of suitability

Mandatory medical examination of employees requires recording of the final decision, based on the results of which the employer will be able to hire a specialist. The conclusion contains the following data:

  • date of registration of the result;
  • Full name, gender, date of birth of the employee;
  • employer information;
  • working conditions of the person, indicating structural unit, future position, harmful factors;
  • final result (whether medical contraindications for holding a future position have been identified or not).

The conclusion is signed by the therapist, indicating personal data and certifying with the personal seal and seal of the medical institution. The document is drawn up in several copies, one of which is entered into the employee’s possession, and the other is handed over to him.

Employer costs

According to the law, all costs for mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations are borne by the employer. Expenses are classified as those that provide normal working conditions and safety measures and are confirmed by documentary recording.

A budgetary or private enterprise, whose employees will participate in medical examinations, enters into an agreement with a medical institution that has the appropriate license. Payment takes place in stages. 30% of the cost of services is paid in advance, and the final payment occurs based on the results of the examination.


The administration of the enterprise not only has the right, but also the obligation not to allow an employee to work or be employed who has not undergone a medical examination on time without good reason. In case of evasion of preventive examination, the employee is suspended from the work process without pay. Timely examination allows not only to maintain the health of the employee, but to prevent the development of possible diseases.

When a business entity engages labor activity a certain category of workers, or he has special conditions labor, then in accordance with the law he must ensure that a procedure such as a preliminary medical examination is carried out when hiring. It is carried out at the expense of the company before the future employee begins to perform his labor functions.

A medical examination at an enterprise is carried out by sending candidates to a specialized institution to study his health in order to ensure its safety, early detection of deterioration, the emergence of occupational diseases in the future, as well as determining suitability for this profession.

For this purpose, the Ministry of Health and Social Development establishes:

  • A list of factors recognized as harmful or dangerous when carrying out activities, for which preliminary and subsequent medical examinations must be carried out;
  • A list of types of work, the implementation of which requires medical examinations of employees involved in them;
  • The procedure for conducting preliminary (before employment) and subsequent medical examinations in hazardous and hazardous work.

In what cases is a preliminary medical examination carried out during employment?

Current legal norms prohibit the admission of employees to work without them undergoing a preliminary medical examination, if necessary. For violation of this rule, an economic entity may be subject to penalties established in the relevant regulations.

In addition to such medical examinations, there are periodic and extraordinary medical examinations, as well as medical examinations before each start of work for certain categories of employees.

Periodic medical examinations are also established at the legislative level and are carried out to monitor the dynamics of the condition of workers to identify occupational diseases and confirm professional suitability. They should be carried out when working with harmful and dangerous factors.

Attention! The frequency of conduct can be set from one to two years. It is also defined regulations. As a rule, they are carried out after preliminary medical examinations after a certain time.

Extraordinary ones can be initiated by both the employee and the employer in order to determine professional suitability. They are carried out as the need arises for the appearance of factors of deteriorating health.

Medical examinations before starting work are carried out for certain categories of workers whose health status is an important component of their work activity.

This primarily includes persons involved in management various types transport, in particular drivers. The ability to drive, the safety of passengers and other road users depends on their condition.

A medical examination when applying for a job can be carried out by any medical and preventive institutions of various forms of ownership that have the right to do so. required licenses and certificates. In addition, an agreement must be concluded between the company and the institution for the provision of such services.

Attention! The list of doctors who will be required to examine a future employee may vary depending on the position for which he is applying.

Usually the following specialists carry out a mandatory inspection:

  • Oculist;
  • Neuropathologist;
  • Otolaryngologist;
  • Surgeon;
  • Therapist (to draw up a conclusion).

Also, samples are usually taken for laboratory analysis, a cardiogram and fluorography are taken.

Sending an employee for a preliminary medical examination

In order for a future employee to undergo a medical examination, the responsible person of the employer issues him a referral, which indicates:

  • The name of the company where he is applying for work;
  • Form of ownership, as well as activity code according to OKVED;
  • The name of the medical organization where the medical examination will take place, its address;
  • Type of medical examination (upon hiring - preliminary);
  • FULL NAME. a person who is sent for a medical examination;
  • His date of birth;
  • The name of the structural unit in which the employee will perform his duties;
  • Title of position or type of work;
  • Harmful or dangerous factors that may be present in the workplace.

Attention! The referral must be certified by the responsible person indicating his full name. This sheet is given to the future employee against receipt (for this you can use questionnaire or registration book).

The form for the referral form for a medical examination is not established by law. Therefore, each company develops it independently, based on its own characteristics.

Procedure for conducting a preliminary medical examination

An employee who has been sent to a medical institution to undergo a medical examination presents there a referral from the organization and a document confirming his identity. If previously a health passport was also issued for him, then this form must also be submitted.

In this case, the medical organization is obliged to issue a medical card, and, if a health passport has not been opened before, then this too.

Doctors record the results of the employee’s examination in the medical record, the results of laboratory tests are also entered there, and, in conclusion, the result of the examination. The card is kept at the medical institution at all times.

A passport must be issued for each employee. During the medical examination, it is kept together with the medical record, and then handed over to the employee.

Medical examination must be carried out by all medical specialists of the medical institution. They must carry out the full scope of examinations that are established in regulatory documents by work.

What do you get after the examination?

After the medical examination is completely completed, the employee is given a conclusion.

It must contain the following information:

  • Date of its registration;
  • Full name, date of birth, gender;
  • The name of the company where the person is going to work;
  • Name of the position to be worked in, structural unit, type of work;
  • Name of harmful factors that may occur in the workplace;
  • The result of the examination (whether contraindications to this work were identified or not).

Important! The conclusion must be written out in two copies. It is signed by the chairman of the medical commission, putting down his last name and initials, and then certified with the seal of the institution. One copy is handed over to the employee, and the second is pasted into his medical record.

Who pays for the pre-employment medical examination?

The company is obliged to enter into an agreement with a medical institution, and on its basis conduct medical examinations and psychological examinations of its employees. This is enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Sometimes a situation arises when a company asks a future employee to undergo the necessary examinations on his own, but then fully compensates for the costs incurred by him.

The latter must be confirmed by checks or certificates. If the employer subsequently refuses to pay for the doctor’s examination, the employee has the right to go to court and thus get his money back.

Important! If the performance of duties requires the issuance of a medical record, this must also be at the expense of the company. Moreover, even if labor contract was not concluded, then the company does not have the right to demand compensation from the employee for the funds spent on him. This is also established by labor legislation.