Psr transcript. Rosatom production system. Different sides of the AKP

The status of the Rosatom Production System has been finally determined - it has been recognized as a culture of continuous improvement. How to improve the level of RPS culture in the industry, what role is assigned to managers in this process and what are the prospects lean manufacturing, discussed at the “AKP Leaders” forum.
The RPS Leaders forum is a discussion platform for lean manufacturing professionals. They don’t agitate here, they don’t explain the principles of the production system, they don’t tell how to use the tools - in general, they don’t chew on the methodology. Participants in competitions for RPS projects and PPU, employees of RPS departments, methodologists, heads of RPS enterprises, activists of change support teams - about 200 people in total - gather once a year to discuss strategy, goals and objectives. It was on this site that several years ago they decided to systematically deploy RPS.


Until recently, there was no consensus in the industry about what RPS is - a system or a culture. This year, everyone seems to agree that RPS is more than just a collection of projects and tools to improve the manufacturing process. “The AKP is, of course, culture. That legendary Hayashi (Nampachi Hayashi is a former vice-president of Toyota, a consultant on lean manufacturing - “SR”), who comes and regularly scolds us, for me is a symbol not so much of specific practices, how to organize stocks, how to organize chains, but of the spirit and belief that there is no end to improvements,” said Rosatom General Director Alexey Likhachev.
What is the meaning of the concept of AKP culture? in simple words explained First Deputy General Director for Operations Management Alexander Lokshin: “Culture is a set of rules, norms of behavior, patterns that are considered the norm. A cultured person is one for whom deviation from such norms causes irritation and who has a need to comply with these norms. The AKP culture is a need to do well. From my point of view, it is impossible to force someone to achieve this. When we can create a culture where continuous improvement becomes a requirement for everyone, we will achieve our goals.” Alexander Lokshin even suggested changing the abbreviation PSR to PKR - “Rosatom Production Culture”.
For several years now, participants in the AKP movement have been puzzling over how to increase involvement in the AKP, what needs to be done so that everyone believes in it. Here are the most popular answers from forum participants: be patient and wait for the results of the RPS deployment, explain, convince; train immediately upon hiring, for this purpose attract authoritative people. The logic of the answers is clear: creating an RPS culture in the industry is not a quick task. A special place is given to the head of the enterprise - he must become a role model. Every leader must be a mentor.

Nikolai Solomon, First Deputy General Director for Corporate Functions and Chief Financial Officer of Rosatom, also expressed his opinion on how to change the culture: “We need to clearly show what we praise and scold for, and who we promote.” At the same time, you need to not just declare these principles, but follow them, otherwise people won’t believe you. Nikolai Solomon noted that through the application of principles and RPS tools the values ​​of the state corporation are manifested and cultivated. Forum participants agreed that the main focus next year- creation of exemplary flows in production, office and engineering, education and development of employees, building long-term relationships with suppliers.

The AKP protects the thrifty

RPS Development Director Sergei Obozov briefly spoke about the progress of the federal project “Lean Clinic”, in which Rosatom RPS specialists are participating: “Replication is being carried out in 23 regions. There are no longer two clinics, as in the pilot projects, but in some places there are three, in others there are four, in others there are five. We provide basic training. We suggested that the Ministry of Health create its own project office according to the AKP."
The activities of the AKP office were highly appreciated by the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Further more. The authorities have attracted Rosatom as a general partner to work on a program, which is being implemented under the leadership of the head of the Ministry of Economic Development, Maxim Oreshkin, to increase labor productivity in industry and construction.
“We are taking two budget-generating enterprises in each pilot region. Our main condition was “not a single person on the street,” so we selected factories whose production volume should increase sharply in 2018. The second condition is that the owners and management really want to improve results. We will show them a master class on how to make an increased volume with the same number of personnel,” Sergei Obozov shared his plans.
In this project, interaction will be structured differently than in the Lean Clinic. Rosatom invites students to join us. Sergei Obozov calculates: “Seven regions, two factories each - 14 factories, we are ready to accept 28 people into our teams to work on Rosatom’s exemplary flows.” Somewhere before mid-December, I think, we will complete these teams, and from January 10, 2018, we are waiting for them at our factories.” The program will be implemented in Tyumen, Tula, Nizhny Novgorod, Perm and Samara regions, Bashkortostan and Tatarstan.
The head of the Rosatom Academy, Yulia Uzhakina, added that nuclear closed cities can become lean cities. “The mayor of Zarechny is starting to do something, Ozersk is joining. We need to help them understand this matter: how it’s done, what examples there are,” she said.
As Nikolai Solomon noted, best practics Rosatom needs to be presented in a very simple and understandable way so that people who have never heard of RPS become interested in this system. “We are discussing with the Ministry of Economy and VEB the creation of a platform in which these cases will be publicly available,” he noted.
“Next year is a year of expanding our practice; our experience will be replicated. But we ourselves must not forget to continue to replicate it within the industry - for this it is necessary that each RPS director, RPS leader has two or three sponsored directors,” concluded Alexey Likhachev.

AKP as a way of thinking

Nikolai Kmitto
Chief engineer of the directorate at Kursk NPP, branch of NIKIMT-Atomstroy
- An unfavorable situation arose during construction and installation work during the construction of a complex for processing radioactive waste at the Kursk NPP: at the time the installation of metal structures began, the lag behind the schedule was 90 days. We needed to eliminate this backlog at all costs. According to the schedule, the installation and application of a fire-retardant coating on the load-bearing metal structures of the storage frame takes 240 days, and we had to do it in 150. According to the classical scheme, work at height is provided, the protective coating is applied to already installed metal structures - in some places it turned out to be unpainted. Plus, gusts of wind and other adverse weather conditions led to excessive consumption of the fire retardant when spraying.
RPS tools and common sense helped us cope with the task. We parallelized the processes of installation and coating, and began to apply the composition during the enlarged assembly in the workshop, at the construction site - only on unpainted areas and places where elements were welded. The schedule gap was eliminated. We saved on scaffolding and increased safety, as we practically eliminated work at height. In addition, the quality of the applied coating has improved due to dust removal and degreasing of metal structures in workshop conditions. It became possible to control the thickness of the coating, which reduced material consumption. Previously, the composition was applied in 20 minutes, now it takes five. The economic effect of the proposal amounted to more than 13 million rubles. But the main thing is that this solution can be replicated to other capital construction projects.
RPS for us is a production necessity. The desire to use RPS tools must come from within. Instilling a culture of lean work ethic is difficult. I believe that a little time will pass and every employee will understand that RPS is a science that explains how a culture of continuous improvement works.

Vladimir Rogozhin
Advisor to the General Director for long-term production planning, OKBM im. Afrikantova
- We have prepared a project to optimize document flow in the manufacture of a pipe system for ship reactor plants, which is assembled from modules. The goal is to reduce the production time of pipe systems from 494 to 442 days. Before you begin assembling the module, you need to create a set of parts and prepare a package of relevant documents, and complete the documentation after delivery of the finished product.
We have set ourselves a goal - to reduce the time required to complete documents when manufacturing a module from 20 to five days. With the help of barcodes, processes were automated: if previously documents were prepared by sampling, an inventory was made, which took up to 90 minutes, but now the entire package is formed by simply scanning barcodes in just a minute. Labor productivity increased by 30%, the economic effect - 6.4 million rubles per year. At the beginning of the year, we launched two more projects aimed at optimizing document flow. By the end of the year, we will reduce the time it takes to create a package of documents for the production of modules to three days and reduce the volume of documentation by almost half.
I have been involved in ASR since 2009. At first, many of us were skeptical about the AKP; no one understood why it was needed. I myself did not immediately understand that this was an effective tool. But after several successfully implemented projects, people got used to it and started using it. Today we can say that a culture of continuous improvement has taken root at OKBM. I am motivated to use RPS by a clear methodology, a systematic approach to identifying inconsistencies, deviations and eliminating them with proven tools.

Sergey Trofimov
Repairman, UEHK
- Since 2015, about 500 of my PPUs have been sold. This year, in our workshop, we prepared an improvement proposal for reusing the lubricant, since it did not lose its properties. The amount turned out to be small, only 70 thousand rubles. But it's still a saving. The use of RPS is motivated by constant improvement of one's work. I have been working at UEIP for 25 years and have been systematically engaged in innovation even before the introduction of RPS. When the production system began to be actively implemented in our country in 2012, it became easier to draw up your proposals.
The RPS culture can only be promoted through training, explanation of the principles and advantages of the systems approach. And only by personal example, and not as an order or as an obligation. I instilled a culture of continuous improvement in my brother. This year in our workshop he took second place in the supply of polyurethane foam after me, he has about 70 polyurethane foam. People are already starting to look up to him.
When you get used to working in a new way, you see what else can be optimized. Whenever possible, I try to help colleagues from other areas.
Sergey Mikheev*
Engineer 1st category, ASE
- The project is aimed at reducing the cost of forming an artificial foundation for hydraulic structures Kursk NPP-2. Having assessed the soil replacement scheme for the foundation foundations, our team proposed replacing the material adopted in the project, a sand-gravel mixture, with sand. The point is that in Kursk region There are no problems with the delivery of sand, but the sand and gravel mixture would have to be transported from other regions. Having changed the configuration and assessed how efficiently it would be possible to construct an artificial foundation from the point of view of organizing construction, we recalculated the strength. We concluded that our solution meets all requirements. The total economic effect from the implementation of the proposal amounted to 275 million rubles.

Evgeniy Ratz*
Engineer 2nd category, ASE
- The idea of ​​soil replacement arose between Sergei Mikheev and me during the design process for the construction of Kursk NPP-2. We asked ourselves why this particular solution was chosen and whether it could be optimized. In our work, we actively use RPS tools. With their help, you can solve any issue, including arguing for cost reduction to designers, who are often not ready for criticism and consider their solutions optimal. Any project can always be optimized if there is a desire. There are no perfect projects.

Andrey Salnikov
Installer of building structures, "RosSEM"
- We needed to install 118 eight-meter columns weighing 300 kg each at the zero level of the reactor compartment of the Belarusian NPP. These columns support the reactor process equipment. Previously, we fed columns into an opening with a diameter of 1 m from the eighth mark, then moved them in a horizontal position using improvised means to the installation site, lifted them, secured them, and built scaffolding. The mounting loop for fixing the column had to be cleaned, welded, then the column was mounted - this is work at height, it is inconvenient. Then take everything apart and repeat 117 times.
Therefore, we developed and implemented a device for vertical movement of columns - we got a star-shaped cart on which the column was fixed. Three installers calmly roll a trolley with a load to the installation site. We significantly accelerated the process: if we installed all the columns in the old way on the first block in 59 days, then on the second block we completed it in 18 days. It would seem like a simple cart, but the effect is colossal.
This is not my first project. Laziness is the engine of progress, and I’m probably a big lazy person. When I see a problem, I immediately think about how to solve it or how to simplify the process. Everyone helped, I couldn’t have done anything alone. The economic effect amounted to about 780 thousand rubles. The main thing is that the experience will be replicated for other construction of units under the NPP-2006 project. I have a lot of developments, and I plan to implement them at the next construction sites.
We began to implement the production system at the end of 2014 at the Belarusian NPP. I immediately joined because it is a clear working tool that makes work easier, saves resources and develops a person. Today it is already a culture of continuous improvement.

Sergey Sachkov
Head of the production site for fuel rods and fuel assemblies of VVER-440, MSZ
- When I worked at another site, we created a device that allows us to use scales to determine the number of technological tips removed when assembling a bundle of fuel elements for RBMK reactors. During the assembly process of the bundle, fuel rods are inserted into the cells of the frame in three pieces. To ensure that they fit strictly in the center and with minimal friction, technological tips are used - they are put on the fuel rod before assembly, and after assembly they are automatically removed. The assembler monitored whether all the tips were removed. Since three fuel rods are inserted into the frame in 100 seconds, the mechanic waited all this time instead of starting to prepare the next bundle, then counted the tips and only then gave a signal to continue the operation. With such an organization of labor, in order to assemble 30 bundles per shift, two mechanics had to work at two assembly stands.
We proposed to determine the number of tips removed by weight. The scale accurately determines whether all tips have been removed and gives a signal to continue working. The mechanic does not need to be present all the time next to the beam assembly stand and count the tips; at this time he can assemble the frame of the next beam. As a result, the same amount of work can be done by one mechanic at one stand. The freed-up assembly fitter became a production planning engineer.
I think this practice can be replicated for other types of fuel. I am interested in self-development and benefiting the company. Therefore, I do not divide my activities into RPS and job responsibilities. For me this is a working tool. At first, people perceived the AKP negatively, but now I see that attitudes are changing. Previously, they thought that it was imposed, but now they see how I implement my ideas, see the result and get involved. Good example contagious.

Production system Rosatom (PSR) is a lean production culture and a system of continuous process improvement to ensure competitive advantage at the global level.

The RPS is based on five principles that encourage employees to be attentive to the customer’s requirements (not only in relation to the final consumer, but also to the consumer site, consumer workshop and even the subsequent operator); solve problems where they arise; build quality into the process, do not produce defects; identify and eliminate any losses (unnecessary stocks, interoperational backlogs, downtime, unnecessary movements, etc.); be an example for colleagues.

These principles were formulated on the basis of the best examples of domestic and foreign experience, in particular, systems scientific organization labor, production and management (NOTPiU) of the Ministry of Medium Engineering of the USSR and Toyota Production System of the Japanese automobile company Toyota. The Rosatom production system is aimed at achieving the strategic goals of the State Corporation, and industry RPS projects are aimed at increasing productivity, reducing costs and improving product quality. Knowledge and ability to use RPS tools is prerequisite for professional and career growth nuclear industry employees.

At the beginning of 2015, it was decided to apply a systematic approach to the deployment of RPS at enterprises: decomposition of goals to the level of the site manager, optimization of the production of the enterprise’s main products (production flows), implementation of RPS projects, training and motivation of employees. By 2017, the system deployment contour grew from 10 to 23 RPS enterprises. By 2020 there will be about 30 of them, their products will form about 80% of Rosatom’s total cost.

According to the concept of development of the Rosatom Production System, all enterprises where the system is being comprehensively deployed are divided into three levels: “PSR Leader”, “PSR Candidate” and “PSR Reserve”. Enterprises - “PSR Leaders” receive a package of privileges (visits of a business coach to the enterprise, the opportunity for employees to travel to exchange experience at foreign and Russian leading enterprises, family vouchers, certificates for training at the Rosatom Corporate Academy, participation in the “Workspace Design” project and etc.).

Currently, the implementation of RPS at industry enterprises has already made it possible to achieve significant savings, reduce inventories in warehouses and reduce the timing of scheduled preventive maintenance at Russian nuclear power plants.

Not long ago, my colleague was in Obninsk for advanced training courses at Rosatom. So, as soon as the AKP was mentioned in a conversation among themselves, an absolutely unanimous flurry of indignation and indignation arose. Everyone said that because huge amount absolutely unnecessary paperwork, there is simply no time left for the main work, people are forced to stay after work, production itself is left to chance. So what is this abbreviation that caused a sharp reaction of rejection from completely different people - managers, engineers, economists from all over Russia?

The history of the creation of the AKP, its essence

RPS is Rosatom’s production system, which has been implemented since 2009. It is based on the Toyota Lean Production System (TPS), which was developed in Japan from 1945 to 1975. in specific conditions: in post-war times, Japan was in ruins and the country needed new cars different types(passenger cars, light and medium-duty trucks, etc.) in small quantities. Some provisions, for example, color differentiation of parts, are associated with illiteracy of workers, and in the post-war period these were mainly peasants. How in Tsarist Russia: hay-straw. The main idea is the right parts just in time in the right place. The idea is good and not at all new. But here is the embodiment of this idea...

Although the production of fuel for nuclear power plants is fundamentally different from the production of cars, especially in post-war Japan, Rosatom created a separate structure for the implementation of RPS - a directorate (Director for RPS Development - S.A. Obozov) with a staff of 41 people. RPS structures were also created at the enterprises of the fuel company TVEL, including at the Machine-Building Plant in Elektrostal, the main producer of fuel for nuclear power plants in Russia.

Enterprises organized RPS bureaus and created departments in workshops with functionaries relieved of their main work. I think there will be several hundred such released people who are not part of the central staff of JSC PSR across Rosatom.

In general, the Toyota lean production system is a set of previously known techniques from any textbook on economics or production organization from Soviet times and successfully applied in practice:

So, as they say, the famous “pull system” is nothing more than a system for planning production, taking into account interoperational backlogs, which was used at the plant before.

Kaizen: there are and always have been plans for technical re-equipment, while free creativity is encouraged - submission and implementation rationalization proposals and inventions.

It’s funny to talk about the notorious 5C principle (establishing order and cleanliness, according to which 90 page guidelines have been issued and elevated to the rank of philosophy!) - it’s as organic as washing your hands before eating, in addition, there are workshop and factory commissions on production culture who are constantly dealing with these issues.

Andon, JIDOUKA (Jidoka): do not transfer defects to the following operations - both previously and now, defects found at the plant were removed and placed in a defect isolation room; there are special guidelines for this.

Gemba - production meetings should be held in production premises.

Muda is unproductive losses that need to be minimized.

Now to the question: “Where did you go?” sometimes they answer: “to the gemba, eliminate muda.”

PSR - shackles for production workers

Thus, this whole system comes down to a set of well-known banal truths. A multitude of secondary and additional documents appeared with many indicators, different strategies: 3 steps, 5 questions, 14 principles, etc. and so on. We are required to fill out a huge amount of paperwork in the form of plans, graphs, tables, reports, presentation of long-term and “ambitious” plans, etc. Over the course of a year, about 90 documents appeared on the factory website of the AKP, many of them under 100 pages; in addition, there is a flood of instructions and orders. Moreover, the specifics of production are not taken into account at all - special requirements to the quality (reliability) of products.

The enterprise has unique equipment with different processing cycles. However, the RPS team from Rosatom, led by a Toyota consultant, arrives, walks along the line and indicates that the storage devices should not have more than 3-5 fuel rods (fuel element). This leads to downtime of the entire line if one unit fails. There is only one answer to attempts at discussion: you don’t know how to work, so your place is behind the fence.

All this resembles a universal pill for all diseases and is called quackery. Moreover, mutually exclusive tasks are set - to eliminate inter-operational backlogs as a class and at the same time increase productivity. This is as unnatural as the cultivation of high morality in a brothel: the owner of the brothel says: “Girls, in the morning we are studying the bright image of Natasha Rostova, after lunch, answer me, and to the clients, to the clients. And whoever doesn’t cover the topic fully enough will go to the cop’s community cleanup.”

Numerous indicators, graphs, diagrams, reports have the same connection with increasing productivity, as in the famous Schweik problem: there is a four-story house, each floor has eight windows, there are 2 dormer windows and 2 chimneys on the roof, and there are 2 tenants in each floor. Now tell me, gentlemen, in what year did the doorman’s grandmother die? It’s as if, before washing the dishes, the housewife draws a graph halfway across the wall and marks in it every tine of every fork washed, the consumption of water, soap, electricity and calculates her productivity.

Here is an excerpt from only one document “Regulations on small groups” (MG: 6-10 people): The format of the DPA (production analysis board) is established in the department and the MG (12 – 20 graphs, many of which are color and processed using special programs), in this case, hourly production analysis. The MG leader is the most qualified worker among the MG members. Those. the most competent worker (out of 8 people!) is imprisoned for filling out unnecessary pieces of paper, although all the data is in the electronic database, and he will not have time for more. Well, engineers fill out all this in an expanded volume for the department, and some indicators are suitable for a candidate’s dissertation.

Over the course of several years, the AKP has grown so much that it has become self-sufficient and functions by issuing a mountain of papers; in general, it does not need production, it can work on its own and for itself.

And the reduction in numbers is carried out by a volitional order - periodically they pinch off one person at a time, because even the AKP workers cannot explain the connection between labor productivity and dozens of pictures. There is a targeted elimination of personnel, on whom the quality and reliability of products largely depends: highly qualified workers are simply laid off, and their engineering and technical managers are laid off and drowned in a sea of ​​paper, preventing them from working normally. And then it’s even worse - a landing party of PSR workers from Rosatom landed at the plant (with salaries several times higher than ours) and my colleague, the head of the section for the production of fuel rods and assemblies, is sometimes surrounded by three people at once: one demands to immediately draw diagrams, the other draws pictures. and fill out the tables, the third requires a hundred magnets to create another “supermarket” (a useless stand with dozens of useless pieces of paper, which are attached with magnets). A person is simply not able to do work. And you can’t send them - they immediately run to complain to the director.

And it would be good if there were really experts, otherwise one of them recently asked me “such a ruler,” trying to explain with gestures, which one, in the end, it turned out that he needed a square! Of course, they own complex programs for constructing tables, graphs, diagrams, but all their activities are efforts directed perpendicular to the direction of movement - no matter how much you increase them, the speed will not increase, but, on the contrary, will decrease due to an increase in the friction force. It would still be possible to put up with a parallel reality, but I’m afraid that this perpendicular world will push us into the abyss.

AKP as a non-economic shamanistic ideology

The AKP consists of elements of coercion and propaganda, I analyzed what is more in it, what it resembles: either the church of the times of the Inquisition and the Crusaders, or the commissars of the 20-30s with their agitprop, and decided that it is more like the latter , something like shamanistic commissars (shamkora).

Methods for achieving their goals: cost reduction - non-economic, performance assessment is also non-economic. The ideology is more reminiscent of a shamanic cult with totemic signs - huge stands with a bunch of graphs, reports, tables, diagrams, plans, some of which workers must fill out every half hour; taboo system - there should be no more than 8 people on the line (currently no more than 6, in the near future -5); there should be no objections - whoever is not with us is against us; All stands must have fresh pictures; floors should be washed only using the principles of 5C, rituals and reciting mantras at the stands.

The reaction of production workers to the arrival of top shamkors is exactly the same as the peasant’s reaction to the arrival of commissars. If the peasants hid grain and livestock, then we hide the fuel rods, removing them from the line, because it is impossible to work with interoperational backlogs of 3-5 fuel rods, and a container with products, shoving them into nooks and crannies throughout the workshop. If they see an operator sitting, monitoring the normal course of a process, or filling out technical documentation, the favorite question is why is he sitting? And they don’t say what the operator should do - either spin around like a dervish, or jump up, squealing joyfully, because they themselves don’t know.

Instead of solving serious problems, AKP managers are engaged in the creativity of beggars: “Let's use a cap instead of a hat!”

Or even worse - technically unsubstantiated ideas are put forward that can cause a collapse in production: they are constantly required to manufacture fuel rods for one fuel cartridge, then repeat for another, etc. And the fuel elements in the cassette are of different enrichments; to switch to another type, you need to remove the fuel pellets and rebuild the equipment. It’s the same as when producing a car, M10 nuts are first made for it alone, the equipment is rebuilt, then M14, the equipment is rebuilt, then M16, etc., 1 car is assembled and the cycle repeats. As they say, no comment! And the Japanese generally put forward proposals, and in a categorical form, which cannot be called anything other than nonsense.

In the statutory documents, the AKP is positioned as consulting company with the following type of activity:

consulting on commercial activities and management;

provision of services for analyzing the efficiency of the enterprise, optimizing the production process, teaching and conducting trainings, introducing techniques aimed at reducing unproductive losses.

Apparently, the AKP significantly exceeds its authority, spreading metastases throughout all Rosatom enterprises (332 affiliated enterprises as of March 31, 2015), commanding everyone without being responsible for anything.

And from the point of view of management theory, the RPS is some kind of irresponsible slap on the side (according to science - a system without feedback, no matter what they do, production will be responsible).

According to the report for 2013 (paragraph 2. PSR OJSC does not have branches and representative offices. Where did the RPS bureaus at enterprises and exempt workers in workshops come from? And then, when providing consulting services a tender must be held, an agreement must be concluded and remuneration must be paid based on the results of the work. It turns out that enterprises perform their work for OJSC "PSR" and also report to them!

Everything is turned upside down! Apart from the AKP directorate, everything else is illegal - just some kind of initiative imposed from above. Nowadays more people draw “pictures” than make fuel rods.

An analogy comes to mind with regional committees, which in Soviet times gave instructions when to plow, sow, harvest, at what depth to plant potatoes, etc. Everyone knows how it ended. But at least they were responsible for their instructions. So, in 1959, the first secretary of the Ryazan Regional Committee received the Hero of Socialist Labor for fulfilling the meat plan three times, and a year later he shot himself because he put all the cows under the knife, and there was no more meat or milk. These won't shoot themselves. They will blame production for everything - the analysis should have been done not according to 80 indicators, but according to 180, filling out papers in the “supermarket” not every half hour, but every five minutes, etc. and so on. But there are almost no cows left.

Redistribution of financial flows to RPS

RPS functionaries receive a certain percentage of savings from any type of activity of the enterprise, so 3 magic letters “PSR” are inserted into any document. Recently, the number of personnel at the site has decreased by almost 2 times, while the plan has increased by 30%, but salaries have remained at the same level. According to existing standards, there should be 2 times more personnel on site. Obviously, the saved funds go towards maintaining the RPS structure. According to Protocol No. 1 from 09/30/11 until the end of 2011, 42,105,000 rubles are allocated for only one RPS task. The technical director spoke to the workshop team with the following information: the plant’s profit in 2011 was 1,700 million rubles, and in 2012 it was planned to be 200 million rubles, and all of it will be distributed through the RPS. In 2012 OJSC "PSR" received 277,264,000 rubles for consultations alone, and this is only for the central office, and taking into account hundreds of employees throughout Rosatom, and hundreds formally listed as workers and engineers, but engaged exclusively in RPS, which are on the balance sheet of enterprises, their covens ( they call them conferences) throughout the country (in April of this year - in Sochi), the amount will be several times larger. Now the AKP workers will unfasten the crumbs from their production table according to the criteria known to them (if there is good mood and greed will not completely strangle).

It is not for nothing that George Orwell is considered a great writer. Also in 1945, his book “Animal Farm” was published. Our situation is very accurately predicted there:

“At times it began to seem that although the farm was getting richer, this abundance had nothing to do with the animals - except, of course, the pigs. Of course, they did not shirk their work. They were loaded, as Squealer never tired of explaining, with endless responsibilities for supervising and organizing work on the farm. Much of what they did was simply beyond the understanding of animals. For example, Squealer explained that pigs pore over such mysterious things as “summaries,” “reports,” “minutes,” and “memos” every day. They were large, densely written sheets of paper, and as they were filled, the sheets were burned in the stove. The prosperity of the farm depends on this work, Squealer explained. But still, the pigs did not create any food with their labor, and their vast team always had an excellent appetite.”

Results of the AKP activities. Beginning of the End

And all the activities of the AKP employees resemble the habits of these cute animals: all the acorns in the clearing have already been eaten and digging has begun under the oak tree. And the fact that the oak roots are already exposed does not bother them. Examples? – please: summer 2011 At one of the nuclear power plants, 3 cassettes were depressurized, and corrosion of the fuel elements in the reactor was discovered - this is an emergency. And these incidents began to repeat themselves with alarming regularity. Quite recently, during the startup of one reactor, components of fuel assemblies began to fall off; their modification will cost millions (tens of millions?) rubles. And these fuel rods and assemblies are manufactured precisely in areas where workers run from one operation to another, and engineers are busy drawing pictures that stretch along the line for tens of meters, like shingles. And there are 2 times fewer workers left on the line than three years ago. And then the AKP team from Rosatom arrives, led by a consultant from Japan, about 15 people, and thoughtfully says that one more person needs to be laid off. Welders and other skilled workers who depend on the reliability of fuel rods are forced to perform other tasks, so that they do not have enough time for their main work. What kind of full product control can there be? Delays began in the supply of components with a sharp deterioration in their quality. This had never happened before. Recently we received defective components, with them we assembled 2 fuel assemblies that cannot be installed in the reactor, a loss of about 20 million rubles.

Some young lady from the AKP, who apparently had never worked in production for a day, angrily reprimanded the production director that it was necessary to hold daily meetings at the sites. You can’t disobey - we set up stands with pictures 18 meters long in our workshop (people immediately aptly dubbed them the wailing wall), and the management of the plant and the main workshops gather there every day. If an emergency occurs at this time, and the management is not on site, the wrong decision may be made, and here you have depressurization of the cassettes and defective components. I have been working at the enterprise for a long time, and I have never observed such a heavy, oppressive, hopeless atmosphere, the further, the more imbued with a sharp rejection of the activities of the incompetent overseers and drivers placed over us, apologists for nonsense. Due to the specific nature of production, we have competent, qualified employees, they see and understand everything, and the most common reaction to all this bacchanalia is: “absurdity, insanity, injustice.” If in 2009 the price of a share in MSZ OJSC was 11,400 rubles, then on 07/16/13 it was 1,800 rubles - you can’t fool the market beautiful pictures and pseudoscientific texts.

By the way, at the fuel rod manufacturing site for the company “AREVA”, the company’s management banned such activities led by the Japanese, and there is not a single refusal for their products!

Road to nowhere. Application of the Toyota system in the world and in Russia

Let's look at the problem from the other side, based on the available facts. Lean manufacturing expert Curtis Quirin, who has traveled halfway around the world, laments that when you think about it, only three companies have successfully implemented a lean manufacturing system. These are Toyota, Honda and Danaher. All other enterprises that have embarked on the path of implementing this production system are very superficially engaged in the use of Lean Manufacturing tools. And these efforts are wasted. Those. the system is not taking root anywhere, and the above-mentioned 3 companies operate, most likely, not thanks to, but in spite of the system.

An example from Russian industry: Nizhny Novgorod Kaizen

The first enterprise in the Russian automotive industry to use Japanese lean manufacturing technologies was GAZ. Since 2005, the system began to operate at all enterprises of the Gorky Automobile Plant. It includes four principles: “people are our most valuable asset”, “focus on the production site”, “continuous daily improvement” and “think about the customer”. The people of Nizhny Novgorod “improved” and “thought of it” so much that they stopped producing the Volga, and the government was forced to pump 38 billion rubles into GAZ ($1.2 billion at the then exchange rate.) Obviously, all their intellectual strength and financial resources went to the release of “pictures,” as we call them, but there was no longer any energy or money left for cars.

In science and technology there is such a thing as repeatability (reproducibility) of a result. If the result is not repeated (which is what we observe), it is no longer a system.

Now let's get down to the Main Teacher - Toyota. They are the world leaders in producing defective products. Apparently, the recall of defective Toyota vehicles has already become a tradition.

For the first time, first selling its cars in the American market, Toyota became the first on the list of automakers that recalled more than 4.8 million defective cars in the United States in 2009. This was reported by The Detroit Free Press. And in other years their number is in the millions, for example in 2012 - about 10 million.

And finally, in March 2014, Toyota paid an unprecedented, largest fine in history in the United States - $1.2 billion for untimely repair of faults and deception of consumers (formulation of the US Department of Justice), which led to serious accidents and deaths. April 2014 – recall of 6.7 million vehicles with defects.

Here are reviews of Toyota from the penultimate Geneva Motor Show: “The saddest sight was presented by the stands of Japanese brands. Toyota exposition, high level the production of which is known only to Russians, and even then from advertising exploits, was left without attention by the European public.”

Do we need a second Chernobyl?

In the nuclear industry, a single failure is an emergency; until recently there were no such failures for many years, but our Teacher had millions of them!!! If the AKP continues its activities at the same pace, then to the taking off hydroelectric generators ( Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP), falling rockets with satellites, exploding nuclear reactors will soon be added. I can even imagine how the reactor could be brought to an accident. If in a CPS cassette, a row of fuel rods along the wall of the casing mistakenly have a different enrichment, then the cassette will bend due to uneven heating and, if emergency reset is necessary, the cassette will simply jam. A nuclear explosion, of course, will not occur, but superheated steam can tear off the reactor lid or destroy the primary circuit equipment through the inlet and outlet pipes.

There was no nuclear explosion in Chernobyl either - only a thermal one due to the emergency protection rods not lowering. And the likelihood of errors has recently increased due to a sharp decrease in the number of personnel and the performance of several operations by one worker. On the last day of information, it was announced with fanfare that at the plant for the production of centrifuges for uranium enrichment, the time to manufacture one centrifuge was reduced by almost 10! once. Now all that remains is to wait until they begin to fall apart and uranium hexafluoride, which is so beneficial for the body, appears in the surrounding air.

"Altruism" of the Japanese

And finally, the last thing. I am amazed by people who are touched by Toyota's willingness and desire to share with them and even provide training on the Lean Manufacturing system. They probably don’t know that free cheese only comes in a mousetrap, or they think that this only applies to mice. Then especially for them, about people, from Virgil: “Fear the Danaans who bring gifts.” My grandmother, a Ural Cossack, called them “strangers.”

Toyota itself is moving away from the system it created. Toyota's quality management is changing under the pressure of globalization. The company no longer relies on self-improvement, but on strict adherence to standards. Toyota believes: in Russia (at its factories) you can strive for absolute quality and reduce costs with the same efficiency as in Japan, and this is correct, everything has its time.

What is wrong is that Toyota is imposing its outdated, costly system on the rest of the world. Everyone knows that the Japanese are patriots of their country and company, and it is not surprising that they weaken competitors with their system, and in the era of globalization the whole world is competitors. In military science this is called a decoy: enemy planes bomb plywood mock-ups of tanks and guns. In production, this can be compared to a miracle steam locomotive, the design of which was offered for nothing. True, half the steam goes to the whistle, the locomotive is barely crawling, but discussions are prohibited: whoever is not with us is against us; and then a consultant from Japan comes and says that the horn can be heard only 30 km away, it would be necessary to increase its power even more. And they will increase it until the locomotive stops, which is what happened at GAZ.

But I formed this opinion in light of the latest decisions (the planned reduction in the plant’s profit by 8.5 times, the transfer of most of the profit to the RPS, the termination of bonus payments for savings material resources), that AKP managers could take any theory: corpuscular-wave theory, the theory of chess openings, etc., just to create a structure for it and close financial flows to it. And they took the Toyota system out of a sense of innate delicacy, so that production workers would not be too nervous, it is still more realistic, and it was tested on GAZ.

I think that in a few years the government will not be able to manage with one billion dollars. A phantasmagoric picture is emerging, worthy of the brush of Bosch or the pen of Kafka, more absurd than in his “The Trial”: the chief consultant, Mr. Hayashi, arrives from Japan, walks around all Rosatom plants and, in a couple of minutes, casts an eagle eye over an 80-year-old man at something completely unfamiliar to him production gives instructions as if in a nightmare. But, if you wake up after a nightmare and breathe a sigh of relief, then you can’t even object here, before you even have time to open your mouth, you’ll fly out of the factory - it’s clear that a simple (it would seem by status) consulting firm has very high support.

Epilogue. (Epitaph?)

The AKP is an ideological cover for the redistribution of financial flows to a newly created structure, which is not responsible for anything, does not produce anything useful, and the functioning of which poses a danger to the continued existence of the nuclear industry. This structure, like the Terminator, cannot be persuaded, cannot be convinced, it can only be destroyed, otherwise it will destroy the nuclear industry. And no half measures, like the article “Dizziness from success,” will help here. They will calm down for a while, but then they will take up their task again - after all, the oak tree is still standing, and not all the acorns have been dug out from under it yet.

V.N. Kartashov, engineer-technical center 55, PJSC MSZ


The article was created starting in November 2011, some figures may be outdated.

Hello Tatiana.

In connection with the 70th anniversary of the Russian nuclear industry, which happened on September 27, 2015, I ask you to post two articles by an employee of one of the enterprises of this very industry. I really hope that these articles will catch the eye of people who wish Russia well and have the opportunity to give these articles an official spin. The person who wrote these articles is a pensioner, a veteran of the nuclear industry, who worked at the enterprise for many years. I dared to write everything that hurt because I had enough and had nothing to lose. Younger people are much more careful. I don't know this person personally. Therefore, for objectivity, I talked with other people working at the plant. I was told that after the first article was posted on the factory intranet, people came up to him and shook his hand. Everyone has sharply negative reviews about the AKP.

In general, the actions of the PSR come down to a significant (and, as the author claims, fatal) reduction in the number of workers, a reduction in material costs (including through maintaining, or even reducing the level of wages) and an increase in labor intensity. As you can see from the articles, these seemingly good goals can add up to a deadly cocktail!

By the way, these articles, in my opinion, will easily fit into the topic “Possible targets of sabotage,” which became popular on the blog after the explosions in China, and “Methods of sabotage warfare.”

The most important achievement in Russian nuclear technologies is their quality and reliability. Anyone who has read these articles is clear that if everything written in the articles is true, then Russia’s prestige as a leader in nuclear technology will be dealt a serious blow. Undermining prestige, as I see it, is fraught with serious problems not only for Russia, but also for consumer countries (and these are mainly developing countries). Atom stations are a source of cheap energy that these countries need so much. Provided, of course, that nothing explodes, infects the area and blows the minds of the population, who understand that they are actually living on an atomic bomb.

I am also very interested, if the plans for the collapse of our nuclear industry come true, will Russia’s niche in this business be occupied by its sworn friends, or will this begin the global collapse and discredit (in full) of the world nuclear industry? I assure you, the answer is not obvious. I hope that things will not go further than theoretical calculations.

In the meantime... “The introduction of the Japanese 5S workspace organization system has begun in the Moscow metro,” Denis Litvinov, head of the Vykhino electric depot, told He emphasized that new system will become part of a lean manufacturing program that will significantly increase the reliability of repaired units. This, in turn, will reduce the number of breakdowns and increase the level of passenger safety. It is expected that by 2017 the 5S system will be implemented in the repair and operational departments of all metro electric depots.”

Rosatom Production System (RPS)
What is PSR?

The Rosatom production system is a large-scale industry project designed not only to increase labor productivity to the level of foreign competitors of the Rosatom State Corporation and reduce costs, but also to increase wages and create new rules for career growth.

The development and implementation of the RPS began in the second half of 2008, when the General Director of the Rosatom State Corporation Sergei Kiriyenko set the goal of increasing labor productivity in the industry by four times by 2020, reducing costs and, as a result, reducing the cost of products. On December 29, 2008, the order “On the implementation of the Rosatom production system in industry organizations” was signed.

The RPS is based on NOTPiU of the Ministry of Medium Engineering of the USSR - a system of scientific organization of labor, production and management. In addition, the RPS includes and adapts to industry specifics the best achievements and tools from other modern systems, in particular, the principles of the Japanese Toyota Production System.

Japanese 5S principle: Quality - Safety - Productivity

Sort - SEIRI
Separate the necessary from the useless

Indicate rarely used
Leave only what you need

Keep order - SEITO Designate a place for each item
Every thing has its place

Keep it clean - SEISO Wash the equipment
Clear workplace
Identify sources of pollution
Eliminate sources of pollution

Standardize - SEIKETSU Indicate places requiring special
Create visual standards

Improve - SHITSUKE Maintain discipline
Follow the 5S rules
Improve standards


year 2014:

The project “Increasing the productivity of separation of spent fuel assemblies” was implemented within the enterprise and division of the Nuclear Weapons Complex, achieved target- separation of 5 pieces of spent fuel assemblies in one shift, as well as an ambitious indicator - separation of 6 pieces of spent fuel assemblies in one work shift.

As part of the optimization of procurement activities, it was put into operation Information system preparation of applications for the purchase of goods/works/services. This project took first place in the Rosatom RPS project competition in the category “best project to optimize office processes (de-bureaucratization).” Author of the work - Rgroup leader new technology and RPS technologiesAlexander Melitonov.


“Optimization of the liquid radioactive waste processing process.” Targets achieved:

The processing time of 90 m 3 of liquid radioactive waste was reduced by 10%;
- labor costs for processing 90 m 3 of liquid radioactive waste were reduced by 60%.

"Optimization of the reloading process nuclear fuel reactors of the OK-900, KLT-40, KLT-40M types using reloading equipment of the 1314 complex.” Targets achieved:

The time spent on reloading nuclear fuel was reduced by 10% (by 4 days).


- “Implementation of the 5C system at the special section for the repair of ship nuclear power plants and automatic installations (RTK 6 span west side and 7 span)”, as a result of implementation of this project produced complete modernization area for repair of nuclear power plants and automatic control units. The equipment necessary for repairing special equipment and special fittings was purchased and installed in accordance with the developed layout diagram nuclear icebreakers and ATO vessels. Shelves, workbenches, and cabinets were also purchased and installed. As a result of the project implementation, 100% of workplaces were covered in accordance with the requirements of the 5C system;

- “Use of the CPS SRW container as a recyclable one for loading core casings and cores from reactor plants of nuclear ships,” which allowed saving, preliminary, more than 150,000 rubles;
“Reducing time spent in preparing information and documents for placement in the Unified Information System”, time spent was reduced by 69.8% from 5776 hours to 1746 hours for 572 contracts, which saved more than 1,500,000 rubles.


Rosatomflot has started training personnel on the RPS course under the guidance of the enterprise’s internal trainer, Alexander Melitonov. The Regulations on motivating employees for the development of Rosatom production are in effect.

If you have a proposal to improve efficiency production processes, reducing wasted time, contact the group of new equipment, technology and RPS - group leader Alexander Melitonov tel.: 55-33-01 (ext.: 6269), Leading specialist of the group Valery Romanov tel.: 55-33-01 (ext.: 6168).

For questions about registering for RPS training, please contact the HR department - training and development manager Elena Tkachenko, tel.: 55-33-59 (ext.: 7359).

The Engineering Division is one of the leaders in the implementation of RPS among the enterprises of the Rosatom State Corporation.

The Rosatom production system as a tool for increasing the efficiency of production processes has been successfully used in JSC ASE EC since 2009. In 2010, the company introduced a system of motivating employees for the implementation of RPS in their activities, in particular for submitting proposals for improvements (PIP).

Since 2016, the process of working with employee ideas at JSC ASE EC has been automated - an industry information system for employees to make proposals for improvements, “Idea Factory,” began operating. In 2016 alone, about 2,000 PRPs and CRPs (cost reduction proposals) were submitted, with a total economic effect about 9 billion rubles.

The introduction of a production system at nuclear power plant construction sites is aimed at increasing the controllability of the construction process according to uniform standards, reducing costs, eliminating losses, increasing safety and productivity. At the construction sites of the Belarusian NPP, Kursk NPP-2, Novovoronezh NPP-2, Rostov NPP and in all contractors involved in their construction, work is carried out strictly in accordance with 8 RPS standards of JSC ASE EC - a unique set of lean manufacturing standards , created for the first time in the world. Since 2016, the implementation of RPS standards has begun at other foreign sites.

Production system tools are used not only on construction sites, but also to optimize office and business processes. Company managers open and successfully implement personal RPS projects aimed at optimizing operations. In particular, the use of RPS tools in daily work allowed the design and commercial units to achieve results that set an example for the entire nuclear industry.

Novovoronezh NPP-2: an exemplary site for the implementation of RPS

In 2015, the management of the Rosatom State Corporation assigned JSC ASE EC the task of creating a model RPS site on the basis of the construction site of power unit 2 of NV NPP-2. As a result of the work done, the following were created:

· algorithm for implementing RPS in all contracting organizations;

· end-to-end training system;

· system for distributing and monitoring the implementation of RPS standards;

· transparent and clearly structured system for visualizing the progress of the construction;

· exemplary warehouse facilities;

· comfortable construction site and exemplary territory;

· reference areas of labor culture, production life, organization and management of production, etc.;

· the system of planning and control of work execution has been optimized.

As a result of the work done, in May 2016, the Rosatom State Corporation commission awarded the site exemplary status.

The General Director of the State Corporation Rosatom made a decision to extend the experience of NV NPP-2 to all construction projects in the industry.

Process Factory

“Process Factory” is a unique form of training that simulates real work using RPS tools carried out on a construction site. Participants time the total cycle time when assembling formwork elements, during observations they determine losses, identify causes, exchange their experience in using production system tools, discuss proposals for improving the formwork assembly process and implement them to improve the time and economic performance of the process.

Transfer of knowledge

RPS specialists of JSC ASE EC provide training in RPS standards and tools of the Rosatom production system to employees of both the company itself and contractors. All training is carried out in accordance with the license of the Ministry of Education.

As directed general director In 2016, the Rosatom State Corporation developed a seminar “Implementation of RPS Engineering Standards” to train all industry organizations on the basis of the reference power unit 2 of NV NPP-2. The purpose of this seminar is to obtain knowledge and skills in building an effective management system at an enterprise, mastering techniques for reducing all types of losses and costs in production.