Work in unit 1s. Manufacturing enterprise management. Accounting and IFRS

1C:Management manufacturing enterprise(UPP) is a comprehensive solution that covers all the main management and accounting loops at a manufacturing enterprise.

1C UPP allows you to create a comprehensive information system that meets corporate, Russian and international standards and ensures the financial and economic activities of the enterprise.

Support latest version The product is discontinued after 2 years.

Buy 1C:UPP(for special cases, for example, if there is a need to increase the number of enterprises of one group, which are already automated in a typical way using 1C:UPP).

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1C:Manufacturing Enterprise Management (PEM) is a comprehensive solution that covers all the main contours of management and accounting at a manufacturing enterprise. 1C UPP allows you to create a comprehensive information system that meets corporate, Russian and international standards and ensures the financial and economic activities of the enterprise.

UPP is a unified information space that ensures the work of all departments of the enterprise. At the same time, the system clearly differentiates access by roles.

At enterprises of a holding structure, a common information base can cover all organizations included in the holding. This significantly reduces the labor intensity of record keeping due to the reuse of common information sets by different organizations. At the same time, end-to-end management and regulated (accounting and tax) accounting is maintained for all organizations, but regulated reporting is generated separately for organizations.

1C UPP Allows you to automate circuits:

  • Trade management;
  • Supply and inventory management;
  • Manufacturing control;
  • Customer relationship management;
  • Planning;
  • Budgeting and Finance, IFRS;
  • Accounting and tax accounting;
  • Calculation wages, personnel accounting.

The "1C Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" (UPP) configuration is intended for use in companies engaged in the production of products. In accordance with this, the program "1C Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" supports the maintenance of operational and management accounting in manufacturing companies, allowing the creation and use of a unified information space.

The 1C Manufacturing Enterprise Management (PEM) program can combine data from organizations using various systems taxation, in addition, for example, a single tax on imputed income can be used only for certain areas of activity.

At the same time, the “1C Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8” configuration makes it possible to differentiate access rights for users, thus the data in a single database is protected. In addition, employees who have various rights and use “1C Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8” can only use a certain number of functions.

Both various departments of the company and individual organizations within the holding structure can work in the single information field of the 1C Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 program. Thus, the use of "1C Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" saves users from wasting time duplicating data: the information is already in the system and can be worked with.

The 1C Manufacturing Enterprise Management program (1C UPP) is designed in such a way that one operation is immediately recorded for regulated and management accounting, which also makes it possible to avoid duplicating information. By default, some data in “1C Manufacturing Enterprise Management” (1C UPP) is entered automatically, minimizing possible errors associated with human factor, and speeding up the document preparation process.

As for accounting: regulated (accounting and tax) accounting for organizations is carried out in national currency, while for management accounting for the enterprise as a whole, any currency can be chosen. Accounting staff can be used in different organizations different systems taxation. In addition, to certain species activities of an organization, a taxation system in the form of a single tax on imputed income can be applied.

Business accountants will also appreciate this important addition to management and regulatory accounting. The system allows you to keep records according to international standards financial statements(IFRS). In order to reduce labor intensity, accounting under IFRS is carried out non-operatively, using translation (recalculation) of data from other types of accounting.

1C UPP implements the “Performance Monitor” report, which is focused on the rapid assessment of key performance indicators.

The report allows you to:

  • cover the entire business “at one glance”;
  • promptly identify deviations from the plan, negative dynamics, and growth points;
  • clarify the information provided;
  • use a set of performance indicators supplied as part of the demonstration base;
  • quickly develop new performance indicators;
  • set up several report options by type of activity or by areas of responsibility of company managers.

1C UPP provides:

  • for the management of the enterprise and managers responsible for business development - ample opportunities for analysis, planning and flexible management of the company's resources to increase its competitiveness;
  • heads of departments, managers and employees directly involved in production, sales, supply and other activities to support the production process - tools to increase efficiency daily work in their directions;
  • employees of the enterprise's accounting services (accounting and human resources departments) - tools for automated accounting in full compliance with legal requirements and corporate standards of the enterprise.

Accounting at UPP

The configuration includes a chart of accounts for accounting, configured in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation “On approval of the chart of accounts for accounting of financial and economic activities of organizations and instructions for its application” dated October 31, 2000. No. 94n. As in the standard 1C Accounting product, the composition of accounts, settings for analytical, currency, and quantitative accounting allow you to take into account the requirements of the law. The user in the 1C Accounting block can also independently manage the accounting methodology as part of setting up the accounting policy, create new sub-accounts and sections of analytical accounting. To do this, employees of accounting departments do not require special knowledge and configuration skills.

The Accounting 1C block automatically reflects all business transactions of the enterprise registered in other subsystems, ensuring a high degree of formation of financial statements.

As in 1C Accounting PROF version, accounting support is supported for several legal entities in a single information base. This will be convenient in a situation where economic activity These organizations are closely related to each other: in this case, in current work, you can use common lists of goods, contractors (business partners), employees, own warehouses, etc., and compulsory reporting can be generated separately.

In the payroll subsystem of UPP 1C, the formation of paper and electronic reporting on taxes related to wages, in particular personal income tax and unified social tax. Implemented personalized accounting of contributions to Pension Fund. Regulated reporting is used to calculate taxes and fees and generate tax returns. Taxation system used - general or simplified, application of the system taxation UTII for individual types of activities are indicated in the organization’s tax policy settings. Moreover, different taxation systems can be specified for different information base organizations.

The enterprise is obliged to periodically generate regulated reporting - sets of reports, the procedure for filling which is established regulatory documents. Like Accounting 1C, the UPP configuration makes it as easy as possible for accounting employees to solve this problem.

Regulated reporting includes:

  • financial statements;
  • tax returns and calculations;
  • IFRS reports;
  • reports to social extra-budgetary funds;
  • statistical reporting;
  • certificates submitted to the tax authorities;
  • declarations on the production and circulation of alcoholic products.

Forms of regulated reporting are periodically changed by decisions government agencies. The 1C company monitors these changes and provides its users with the ability to quickly update regulated reporting forms in the configurations used. An efficient standard configuration update mechanism is used to update forms.

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Module name Watch as a gift price, rub.

1C:Enterprise 8 Manufacturing Enterprise Management

On request

1C:Manufacturing enterprise management 8.3 for 12 months

RUB 29,664

1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8.3 for 6 months

RUB 15,498

1C:Manufacturing enterprise management 8.3 for 3 months

RUB 8,031

1C:Manufacturing enterprise management 8.3 for 1 month

RUB 4,015

1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2

360,000 rub.

1C:Enterprise 8 PROF. ERP Enterprise Management 2 + Document Flow CORP. Server (x86-64). 50 client licenses

696,000 rub.

1C:Enterprise 8. ERP Management construction organization 2

399,000 rub.

1C:Enterprise 8. ERP+PM Management design organization 2

RUB 390,000

1C: Pharmaceutical production

On request

1C:Construction organization management

On request

1C:ERP Energy 2

630,000 rub.

1C:ERP Agro-industrial complex 2

432,000 rub.


RUB 1,610,000

“1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2” (“1C:ERP UP 2”)– an international class product for complex automation medium and large enterprises various fields of activity. It will be especially relevant for multi-industry enterprises, with technically complex, multi-process production, with more than ten thousand jobs.

It’s safe to say that the 1C:ERP program combines everything best practics. It harmoniously combines both time-tested solutions (many years of experience of 1C developers) and innovative trends (cloud, mobile technologies).

“1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2” fully reflects the idea that IT costs are not costs, but investments. This has been proven and confirmed by many clients who have already implemented the 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2 configuration at their enterprises.

The implementation of “1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2” will allow you to:

  • automate core business processes;
  • build a comprehensive enterprise management information system;
  • track key performance indicators;
  • combine the work of all services and departments;
  • coordinate production;
  • increase the transparency of business processes;
  • evaluate the quality of work of divisions, departments and employees;
  • take effective management decisions.

“1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2” was developed jointly with leading 1C partners and heads of specialized departments of large industrial enterprises. Thanks to a set of technical and functional innovations, 1C:ERP has a number of advantages:

  • functionality at the level of international-class ERP systems;
  • quick access via the Internet and from mobile devices;
  • a large number of specialized solutions that expand the capabilities of 1C:ERP;
  • essential economic effect and low price of “1C:ERP”;
  • "1C:ERP" is suitable for any industry and easily integrates with various programs and equipment;
  • thanks to flexible settings, 1C:ERP adapts to the specific specifics of business processes and any innovations in the organization;
  • high level of information security and availability of a FSTEC certificate of Russia.

Program features

  • Monitoring and analysis of enterprise performance indicators. For business control and analysis, 1C:ERP has a built-in system target indicators- control panel for enterprise managers at all levels. “1C:ERP” allows you to: quickly identify problem areas in your work, monitor tasks, analyze the effectiveness of key processes, make accurate management decisions, etc.
  • Cost management and cost calculation.“1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2” allows you to estimate resource costs by area of ​​activity, keep track of costs, calculate the cost of production, keep track of other expenses, income, etc.
  • Financial management and budgeting. In “1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2” you will be able to comprehensively evaluate the effectiveness of business models and analyze prospects financial condition enterprises taking into account economic factors, evaluate deviations of actual data from planned ones, analyze achieved results, etc.
  • Organization of repairs.“1C:ERP” allows you to keep records of operating objects, register defects in production, plan repair work, and generate repair orders. Using "1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2" will help reduce the cost of maintaining equipment operation and reduce costs.
  • Sales management. In "1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2" you can set sales rules both for one client and for an entire segment, set Commercial offer, reflect customer requests, record shipments of goods, organize delivery, process returns, etc.
  • Regulated accounting."1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2" supports the following taxation systems: general system taxation (OSNO), simplified tax system (STS), single tax on imputed income (UTII).
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM).“1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2” allows you to: regulate sales processes, plan events and receive reminders on them, store complete information on counterparties and their employees, the history of interaction with them, analyze unfinished and plan upcoming transactions, register and promptly process customer complaints, evaluate the performance of managers.
  • Personnel management and payroll. In "1C:ERP" it is convenient to maintain a staffing table, work and vacation schedules, record employees' working hours, form a wage fund, register the hiring, transfer, dismissal of employees, reflect changes in working conditions, maintain military records, calculate wages, and carry out mutual settlements with employees, generate personnel reports.
  • Procurement management.“1C:ERP” allows you to: select suppliers and purchasing conditions, select options for creating orders for suppliers and control their execution, monitor supplier prices, draw up a delivery and payment schedule, adjust receipts and returns.
  • Manufacturing control. In “1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2” you can quickly determine the production time of products at the customer’s request, track the progress of orders, create a production schedule according to available resources, quickly respond to deviations from the schedule, monitor compliance with standards, etc.
  • Warehouse and inventory management.“1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2” allows you to divide storage areas according to the type of goods, keep records of goods at the level of warehouse cells (addressed storage), use various selection strategies to optimize the warehouse, etc.
  • Integration with 1C: Document Flow. You can buy “1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2” and combine the system with “1C:Document Flow”. Sharing solutions will save time and eliminate the need to move from one information base to another: the cards will contain hyperlinks to access any credentials: files, processes, tasks, correspondence history.

Why should you buy 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2 from 1C Business Architect?

You can buy “1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2” from our company and be confident in the quality of all services. The implementation of multifunctional ERP class systems should be trusted only to companies with the status "1C:ERP Center". In the rating of the 1C company among the Competence Centers for ERP solutions, 1C-Business Architect takes third place. The status guarantees:

  • the presence of highly qualified specialists who will be able to use all the capabilities of 1C:ERP and unlock the potential of the system thanks to the correct initial setup;
  • a full range of 1C:ERP support services, taking into account the specifics of the organization’s work;
  • ERP systems are implemented in accordance with ISO 9001 standards.

Contents of delivery

The delivery package “1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0 beta version” includes:

  • distribution kits of the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform;
  • configuration distributions “Enterprise Management (ERP) 2.0 beta version”;
  • distribution kits of the “Application Solutions Design System” configuration;
  • a set of documentation for the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform;
  • a set of documentation for the configuration “Enterprise Management (ERP) 2.0 beta version”;
  • set of documentation for the configuration “Application Solutions Design System”;
  • envelope with PIN codes for the 1C:Enterprise 8 software license;
  • licenses to use the 1C:Enterprise 8 system, the Enterprise Management (ERP) 2.0 beta version configuration, the Application Solutions Design System configuration on one workstation.


Together with the 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2 program, we offer services that will help you fully unlock the program’s potential and use it as efficiently as possible.

1C support (ITS)

By concluding a 1C:ITS agreement, you receive comprehensive services for maintaining 1C programs: regular and timely updates of 1C configurations, access to information system 1C:ITS and much more.

ITS services

ITS services offer opportunities to expand the standard functionality of 1C software products in a variety of directions: for convenient exchange of documents, submission of reports, verification of counterparties, and much more.

Implementation of 1C

Professional implementation will allow you to adapt the wide functionality of the platform to the specifics of your company’s business processes.

1C service

1C maintenance is a necessary condition for the correct and full functioning of 1C programs. This includes setting up 1C, developing or modifying 1C, restoring 1C after failures, and much more.

1C training

Correct use of systems requires special knowledge, which can only be provided by professionals with many years of theoretical and practical experience working with 1C.


At the Institute of the General Plan of Moscow, based on the 1C: Document Flow 8 KORP solution, with the help of specialists from 1C Business Architect, an effective document flow system was built. As a result, the work of employees with documents has been significantly accelerated and simplified, the approval of contracts has accelerated, and the control of performance discipline has increased.

Many organizations use an application solution in their activities "1C: UPP". What it is? What benefits does it provide? Let's find out in the article.

"1C:UPP": what is it?

The application solution allows you to create a comprehensive information base, corresponding to domestic, international, corporate standards. The created system ensures normal financial and economic activities of the organization. It displays the key processes occurring in the enterprise. At the same time, the information system makes it possible to differentiate access to information and provide the ability to carry out various operations in accordance with the status of employees.


In corporations with a holding structure, the information system can cover all divisions. This significantly reduces the complexity of accounting due to the reuse of a common array of information by different structural units. All divisions maintain end-to-end tax and management accounting. However, structural units generate regulated reporting separately.


One-time registration of a business transaction is the main feature of the application solution "1C:UPP". What it is? A business transaction is recorded once and is reflected in all reporting documents. This eliminates the need to re-enter information. A document serves as a means of registration. At the same time, to speed up work, the default information substitution mechanism is widely used. New documents are filled out based on the previously compiled ones.

Data ratio

To understand how to use " 1C:UPP", what is it, you need to study the options that are present in the application solution. It adopts a certain ratio of information from different records. In particular, the applied solution ensures the independence and comparability of indicators, the coincidence of quantitative and total parameters of assets and liabilities according to documents in the absence of objective prerequisites for their discrepancy. Information entered by the user is under operational control. For example, when registering cash payment transactions, the 1C:UPP program checks the availability of funds. In this case, already completed requests for expenses are taken into account. When registering the shipment of products, the system checks the status of mutual settlements with the recipient. Application solution "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management" comes with a set of interfaces. This provides each employee with priority access to the information they need.

Record keeping

Settings "1C:UPP" allow you to maintain regulated documentation in national currency. Different divisions of the same information base may use different taxation systems. In some structural units - OSNO, in others - simplified tax system. These are not all the possibilities that the application solution provides." 1C:UPP". Accounting organization can be conducted on the basis of various principles of financial policy, tax accounting. In addition, UTII may be applied to some types of activities.

International standards

In 1C, reporting can be carried out according to IFRS standards. To reduce labor intensity, accounting is carried out non-operatively, using recalculation of information from other documents. In the process of creating a solution" 1C:Manufacturing enterprise management" modern international methods(CRM, ERP, SCM, etc.), and experience in effective automation of processes accumulated by the developer himself.

System components

IN " 1C:UPP" for beginners provided practical recommendations on the use of automation mechanisms. They can be divided into two large groups. The first includes mechanisms for non-operational accounting, the second - for the implementation of operational tasks. The application solution provides for a conditional division into subsystems. This allows you to perform groups of similar actions. All this greatly facilitates the development of the product. During current activities, the boundaries of subsystems are almost not felt.

Where can the product be used?

The activities of many departments of an organization can be automated using 1C. Reporting in the system is usually generated in the following departments:

  1. Sales.
  2. Marketing.
  3. Finance
  4. Materials and finished products.
  5. Personnel.
  6. Administrative and economic.
  7. Capital construction.
  8. Logistics.
  9. Chief mechanic, technologist, designer.
  10. Economic planning.
  11. Information and analytical.
  12. Strategic development.

The management team also uses the application solution in their work. As the developer believes, the maximum effect of using the product can be obtained by organizations with a large number of personnel (up to several hundred people), in network and holding corporations, in companies with hundreds of automated sites.


Management and managers responsible for business development receive ample opportunities for planning, analysis, and flexible control of resources in order to increase the company's competitiveness. Heads of departments, employees directly involved in production processes, sales, supply, etc., can use effective tools that increase the effectiveness of work in the relevant areas. Accounting staff receive funds automated accounting in accordance with legal requirements and corporate standards of the company.

"Performance Monitor"

This report allows you to:

  1. Capture all activities at one glance.
  2. Detect deviations from the plan, growth points and negative dynamics in a timely manner.
  3. Clarify the information provided.
  4. Use a set of performance indicators included in the demo system" 1C:UPP". Instructions, attached to the product, will allow you to quickly understand the features of using the parameters.
  5. Quickly develop new performance indicators.
  6. Provide several options for documents different types activities or areas of responsibility.

The demo system contains 42 ready-made parameters. They can be uploaded to the company’s working database using built-in information exchange. At the same time, this mechanism allows you to easily introduce new indicators for a specific enterprise.

"1C:UPP" - nomenclature

The product uses two equivalent methods for setting accounts. The peculiarity of their use is that they cannot function together. The developer settings provide a recommended option - the "Setting item accounting indicators" register. Invoice recognition is carried out only when filling out a document. In this regard, the data in the tables will be hidden. It is possible to define accounts yourself, otherwise the system will take them from the “Parameter Settings” register. To change the methods, you need to open the tabs "Enterprise" - "Products" - "Accounts", after selecting the necessary data will be reflected in the table. In the register, you need to create a list of accounts to be inserted into the configuration documents. Each cell contains information about accounting items for material and production resources used in economic transactions (purchase, sale, transfer, and so on). Accounts can be assigned to each individual item or to a group, warehouse or warehouse type.

Additional options

The program independently generates an extra record in the document, which is not associated with any group. Why is this necessary? This is necessary for automatic entry of invoices into the register if a new group is created in the directory that does not have data in the document with invoices. For the convenience of accounting in one system for several divisions that have the same nomenclature unit, you can specify different items. This option is used when different operations are carried out with one type of product.

Settlement with counterparties

How are records generated in 1C:UPP? Postings are generated automatically if information for contracts or counterparties was not entered manually. To enter the section you need to open the corresponding tab. This is the document “Invoices for settlements with counterparties”. This section is used to register information that is automatically applied to various configuration registers. Account information can be assigned to a specific company, partner or group, individual agreement or transaction type.

Trade control

The application solution allows you to automate the analysis and monitoring of operations in combination with management tasks By:

  1. Sales and purchasing planning.
  2. Control of relationships with clients, mutual settlements with counterparties, supplies and inventories.

This ensures effective management activities modern enterprise. The application solution supports several types of trade: wholesale, including sales on prepayment, on credit, retail (at remote locations and in trading floors), commission, including acceptance of products and transfer of them for sale.

Order monitoring

Fulfillment of requests on time and transparency of operations is one of the most important areas of the enterprise’s work. The order control functionality implemented in the application allows you to optimally place information and reflect information in department plans, in accordance with the stipulated strategy and activity pattern. When registering applications necessary products will be reserved automatically at the warehouse. If the required products are not available, an order is placed with the supplier.

Pricing Policy

The application solution provides a variety of functionality. Among them:

Pricing control

Information about the selling price of products is entered into the system using a special document. This is the “Setting Item Prices” register. The information system stores several types of selling prices for each item. In the configuration you can enter wholesale, retail, small wholesale and other prices. The user can add other types. For the convenience of implementing the cost formation policy, the application solution provides for the following types of selling prices:

For the latter, the percentage of markup or discount is indicated by which the basic parameters will be adjusted. For settlement prices, % will be the default value. It can be reset during the calculation. For internal control the planned cost indicator is used. This parameter allows you to exclude unprofitable sales. This is especially true in cases where the selling price falls below cost. Products are released at one price or another. It is selected at the beginning of filling out documentation for the sale of goods. Discounts are generated in a separate register.

The program “1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8.2” was initially created as a universal solution for any type of business, be it manufacturing, trade, services, that is, for a wide variety of sectors of the economy.

In addition to universality, the goal of 1C was to create a finished product that did not require major modifications by programmers. Therefore, this product included a large number of opportunities to ensure the management of commodity, material, financial flows, support the activities of accounting and personnel services, marketing, and for maintaining regulated and internal accounting, etc. This can be judged by the wide variety of functionality, large selection reference books, characteristics, classifiers and settings.

In light of this, we can say that 1C UPP is a multifunctional complex application that has everything necessary tools to ensure the operation of an enterprise of any scale. But at the same time, UPP 8.2 is still more focused on medium and large enterprises with a number of employees of several dozen, since due to the developed functionality, the costs of purchasing the product and maintaining accounting with its help are quite high. Therefore, in UPP you can maintain multi-currency accounting for an almost unlimited number of organizations. Developed management accounting has been introduced, along with simultaneous maintenance of regulated accounting, including IFRS. There is end-to-end consolidated accounting for the company (holding).

If we talk about the disadvantages of the solution, they include the lack of a clear structure of modules (as in more modern ERP systems, where you can completely disable unused modules) and a dedicated marketing section. Marketing functions are in various sections– in the management of production, purchasing, sales and pricing.

Let's consider the capabilities of 1C UPP using the example of a demonstration base in edition 1.3 (version The soft starter has a standard interface for software products on the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform.

Potential features are shown in general informational form in the menu items “Documents”, “Reports” and “Directories”.

Excessive functionality clutters the system, lengthens the time of searching and selecting in the menu, and as a result, slows down the work. The developers have solved this problem. In the 1C UPP configuration, the ability to select a specialized interface is implemented.

In “his” interface, the employee sees only those menu items and settings that are necessary for his work. Even the form of documents will be different for different interfaces.

Typical interface configuration is more consistent with subsystem configuration. If necessary, you can change the interface functionality in accordance with company regulations. You can also define the available interfaces for specific employees and set the default one when entering a database session.

Another feature of 1C UPP is that any document has a setting for selective registration in management, accounting and tax accounting. But this approach requires a clear understanding of all processes in the enterprise.

Let's give a brief overview of the main functional subsystems of 1C UPP.

Manufacturing control

In 1C UPP, much attention is paid to production management, since it is for manufacturing companies and this product was created (but it can also be used where there is no production). The most important thing is that the program can be successfully used for business with complex structure, where there are various production, services, wholesale and retail trade.

Any production begins with planning, and often not with planning production, but sales, and on this basis a production plan is built, and specific deadlines are indicated based on the capacity of the enterprise. Next, shift planning is carried out in detail for the entire product range. The shift production summed up for the period is compared with the enlarged plan, after which the production plan is clarified. Standard planning periods in 1C UPP are day, week, decade, month, quarter, year.

At the same time, the need for materials, raw materials, parts - that is, production resources - is planned, and on this basis the necessary reserves for production, cost planning and procurement planning are calculated. From this, a budget is drawn up by expense items.

1C UPP uses a very well developed cost accounting system. Costs are classified by type and nature of use. This analytics is used to distribute production costs. An integral part of production are specifications that determine the composition of manufactured products. Based on the specifications, the cost of manufactured products is calculated according to established standards.

In progress production plan You can analyze indicators and their deviation from the specified ones, control the consumption of materials and resources, clarify delivery plans, and recalculate costs. And, if necessary, adjust the planning of already launched production.

The plans introduced the concept of a scenario, i.e. obtaining the expected result depending on various parameters and period. Scenarios allow you to create different planning options in the short, medium and long term, as well as when planning sales and purchases.

Procurement management

The subsystem is designed to provide the enterprise with inventory items (TMV) for sale and production needs. The subsystem carries out end-to-end management of orders to suppliers and from buyers, inventory control of goods and materials, and the formation of one system commodity circulation. The planning mechanism makes it possible to automatically generate calendar plans procurement and production based on the sales plan. The procurement plan can be generated according to various scenarios depending on the parameters and planning period. Using the built-in assistant, you can automatically create a package of procurement plans on a monthly or quarterly basis according to specified conditions. There is control over the implementation of the plan and the possibility of dynamic adjustments. Implemented flexible pricing by product range, price groups, counterparties, contracts, use of settlement prices, setting a range of base prices, discounts based on various criteria. To analyze purchase prices, data from suppliers and competitors is used. The subsystem has the ability to control mutual settlements with counterparties.

Sales management

The subsystem processes and fulfills customer orders. For pricing, sales planning and inventory control, the same mechanisms (processing, reporting documents) are used as in the procurement management system. The formation of a sales plan can be carried out on the basis of data from previous periods, preliminary orders from customers, and sales forecasts. It is possible to reserve goods based on customer orders, on the basis of which you can form orders for suppliers and for production. You can track orders from customers both by timing and degree of completion. Using specialized reports, analyze sales in various sections, evaluate turnover, profitability, classify goods and rank customers according to various indicators.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

The subsystem allows you to save various information on current and potential buyers, keep a history of interaction with them, evaluate the effectiveness of contacts, track the stages of transactions, register events and remind about upcoming contacts, classify buyers. The built-in email client speeds up the exchange of information with counterparties. The subsystem is closely related to sales management.

Financial management

This is a subsystem for managing cash flows, planning upcoming receipts, spending money, as well as conducting cash and non-cash payments. There is a mechanism for reserving money through applications for spending money after approval. The approval route is set according to the authority of the employees. You can monitor the movement of finances and record deviations from planned values. Using the payment calendar, you can plan receipts and expenditures for different periods - day, week, decade, month, etc.

The subsystem is designed for long-term planning of the receipt and expenditure of financial resources in various analytical sections, such as organization, project, financial responsibility center (FRC) and others, for a selected time interval. Unlike the financial management subsystem, which records upcoming receipts and expenditures of money, budgeting uses estimated indicators. There are functions for monitoring budget implementation. The subsystem is closely related to production planning, sales and purchases, and payroll calculation.

Personnel management and payroll

A large subsystem with many functions, including maintaining personal data of employees, maintaining personnel records and work and vacation schedules, calculating wages, insurance premiums, income taxes individuals(NDFL), as well as other charges and deductions. The system records all personnel documents, time sheets, salary slips and payslips. There are opportunities for analysis staffing, motivating employees, monitoring employment and staffing needs, managing recruitment, registering training and recertification of employees, conducting surveys for job candidates.

Fixed Asset Accounting

A subsystem for maintaining records of fixed assets (FPE), logistics support for departments of the enterprise. Includes accounting, depreciation and maintenance of fixed assets, maintenance plans (schedules), inventory.

Accounting and IFRS

These subsystems responsible for accounting are closely related. The “Accounting” subsystem contains all reporting in accordance with RAS standards (Russian accounting system). There is a full range of standard reports on working with accounting accounts, various tools for analyzing the current state of the enterprise, cost calculation, accounting for the movement of resources and inventory. Registration of all production, purchasing, sales and financial transactions. For correct transformation, there is a setting for matching the accounting and tax accounts. Calculation of all taxes, in particular big package tools for VAT accounting, preparation of regulated (tax) reporting.

For cooperation with foreign companies It is also necessary to maintain accounting according to IFRS (International Financial Reporting System) standards. Due to certain differences in methodology and approaches to accounting, this system is quite different from the Russian standard, despite the fact that there were a number of changes to bring RAS closer to the IFRS standard. Therefore, a separate subsystem has been allocated for accounting according to international accounting rules. There is no automatic end-to-end accounting under IFRS. The information system needs to periodically run processing to translate transactions into IFRS. For correct transfer, you must first set the correspondence of the accounts to RAS and IFRS.

Let's sum it up

1C UPP is a good solution for manufacturing and multidisciplinary businesses that require broad functionality and for which implementation time is critical. The production subsystem is well developed. A mechanism for detailed calculation of costs and their distribution among manufactured products has been introduced. For this purpose, various cost classifiers are initially included and product specifications and product characteristics are used. A powerful mechanism for planning enterprise activities in different areas, taking into account many parameters. In addition, based on 1C UPP 8.2, specialized industry solutions have been developed that are created for specific production.

But 1C UPP 8.2 appeared on the market quite a long time ago, and despite its advantages, it is gradually becoming outdated. Currently, a more modern product “1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2” is actively developing on the technology platform “1C:Enterprise 8.3” with support for new features and services. In this regard, the 1C company decided to remove 1C UPP from the official price lists from April 30, 2018. It will be possible to purchase the product only from 1C partners who have the status “1C: Competence Center for ERP Solutions” upon applications with confirmation of the need for purchase. Support for the product in version 1.3 will continue and a notice of termination of support will be made no less than 3 years in advance, however its cost will gradually increase, and from 01/01/2020 it will double.

Upon expiration of the current 1C:ITS agreement, receiving further support from 1C partners is possible only by purchasing the additional service “Extension of support for the Manufacturing Enterprise Management configuration.”

    1C UPP 1.3 0 RUR

    1C ERP Enterprise Management 2.0 0 RUR

    1C ERP + Document flow + 100 licenses 0 RUR

List of solutions based on 1C UPP for maintaining production accounting:

The product is designed as an effective tool for operational management, control and planning of material and financial resources manufacturing enterprise. List of tasks to be solved program " 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management" contains: financial management and in cash, and planning, enterprise personnel management (including payroll), production management, purchasing and warehouse accounting, customer relationship management, fixed asset management, sales, generation of management and regulated reporting.

Composition of 1C UPP subsystems

The configuration structure of “1C UPP 8.3 (8.2)” also contains several subsystems that allow operational management and accounting in production organization, namely: personnel management subsystem, cash management, accounting etc. The main components of the program are aimed at the following processes:

The “1C: UPP” configuration is designed for manufacturing enterprises; accordingly, its main goal is to solve the following problems:

  • Reduced downtime of specialists and equipment;
  • Elimination of sales plan failures due to overload of production resources;
  • Reducing the time required for the implementation of assigned tasks;
  • Optimization of the movement of warehouse balances and materials;
  • Reduce level production costs;
  • Make the production process manageable and transparent;
  • Improve the quality of products.

This configuration is capable of serving both individual production enterprises and large holdings, forming end-to-end management accounting and a unified information base. Tax and accounting has been developed in accordance with the legislation of Russia, and in terms of structure, rules of maintenance, content and design, it fully meets all the requirements and standards of the relevant regulatory documents.

This program implements mechanisms to stabilize the operating activities of a manufacturing enterprise, which help to record only that information that is operational. These mechanisms also implement the tasks of operational control. While recording such transactions, the correctness of the information in the primary accounting documents is analyzed, as well as the correctness of its execution.

AMR today

Because modern production- this is a complex, multifunctional process consisting of a set of measures aimed at the production of products; the 1C product for a manufacturing enterprise provides complete control of all stages of production - from the supply of raw materials to the issuance of finished products. The program monitors the compliance of completed processes with approved plans and programs: volume, volume of defects, volume of products produced by period, etc.

This configuration records the materials spent on production and manufactured products, taking into account return income. The manager can independently make related amendments and adjustments to the given plans.

The effectiveness of using such a complex software largely depends on the features and quality of its implementation. As a rule, specialists from many companies have extensive experience in servicing and installing this kind of software, both in small enterprises and in companies with the largest holding structure. If you want to take your enterprise or company to a higher level, new levelthe best solution will be the implementation of the 1C program for production.

If we compare 1C ERP with the functionality of 1C UPP, we can note a big breakthrough in the functionality of production and financial accounting. Due to the functionality of 1C Trade Management 11, the sales, CRM and purchasing block has increased in quality significantly.

Already now, the 1C ERP 2.0 (8.3) program is a fairly powerful and innovative product that has collected a truly interesting set of functions.

Despite the fact that the program is new, its modules have already been used and debugged in other programs (UT 11, BP 3.0, ZUP 3.0), which suggests that the product did not immediately enter the market in a “raw” form, but tested and truly ready for implementation of “1C production enterprise management”.

Judging by the experience of implementing 1C UPP 8.3, our clients almost always need help launching the system. The list of implementation stages includes: user training, loading initial data, adaptation to the characteristics of the enterprise, installation of the system in the infrastructure and other work.

After implementation and configuration of 1C UPP 1.3, the program requires proper support. Maintenance is necessary for correct operation. It includes: updating reporting forms, backups, user consultations, and finalizing reporting.

You should buy the 1C UPP program from official software distributors who provide related services for the implementation of this software package, training staff to work with it and subsequent support. In this case, quick efficiency and solution to any specific problems of a particular enterprise are guaranteed. During the training process, answers are given to frequently asked questions from users (about security keys, version differences, transferring the program to another computer, etc.).

For reliable and safe work It is recommended to purchase and use a client-server version of the program, which eliminates the direct work of ordinary employees with the program and the enterprise database. Only the most trained employees - administrators - should have access to the server computer. This use case is being tested during system implementation.