Development of a project schedule. Project time management according to PMBoK Schedule management includes

Schedule management is associated with determining the current state of the project schedule, influencing factors that create changes in the schedule, identifying the facts of changes in the project schedule, and managing changes. Schedule management is considered part of the process general management changes.

Inputs to the Schedule Management Process

Plan schedule management contains a schedule management plan that defines how the project schedule will be controlled and managed.

Basic Schedule Plan The schedule baseline is a component of the project management plan and the basis for measuring and reporting schedule performance within the performance baseline.

Task execution reports provide information about schedule execution

Approved Change Requests updates to the schedule baseline and other plan components are used

Schedule Management Tools and Techniques

Project progress reporting includes actual start and completion dates and remaining duration of unfinished scheduled activities. When using the earned value methodology, reporting may include the percentage of completion of current planned activities. To simplify the preparation of periodic reporting on project progress, it is convenient to use standard forms - templates. An example of a reporting form template is shown in Figure 5.12.

"project name"

Weekly status report

Reporting period:___________________________

To whom:


Work carried out in reporting period

Operation name

Planned start date

Planned end date


Expected end date

% complete


Name of the package of operations

Conclusions and suggestions


Open questions and problems

in the magazine


Solution/Decision Project

Deadline for decision



Fig.5.12. Project Progress Report Form Template

Schedule Change Management System The schedule change control system defines how the project schedule changes and includes the document management, tracking systems, and authorization levels required to authorize changes as part of the overall change control process.

Performance measurement Performance measurement methods produce a schedule variance and a schedule performance index, which are used to estimate the magnitude of any schedule deviations that occur.

Deviation Analysis A key function of schedule management is to perform schedule variance analysis. Comparing target start and completion dates with actual/forecast dates provides information for taking corrective action in the event of delays.

Comparative schedule charts. To simplify the analysis of schedule execution, it is convenient to use a comparative bar chart that has two bars for each scheduled operation - the current state and the state of the approved baseline schedule. The diagram clearly shows where the schedule is ahead of the plan and where it is behind it.

Project schedules, influence on factors that create changes in the schedule, identifying facts of changes in the project schedule, change management. Schedule management is considered part of the overall change management process.

Input to the Schedule Management Process

The schedule management plan defines how the project schedule will be controlled and managed.

The schedule baseline is a component of the project management plan and the basis for measuring and reporting schedule performance within the performance baseline.

Task performance reports provide information about schedule execution.

Approved change requests are used to update the schedule baseline and other plan components.

Schedule management is performed using the following tools and methods.

  1. Project progress reporting includes actual start and completion dates and the remaining duration of unfinished planned activities. When using the earned value methodology, reporting may include the percentage of completion of current planned activities. To simplify the preparation of periodic reporting on project progress, it is convenient to use standard forms– templates. An example of a reporting form template is presented in Table 16.
Table 16.

Project Progress Report Form Template

"Project name"

Weekly status report

Reporting period:___________________________

To whom:



Work carried out in the reporting period

Operation name

Planned start date

Planned completion date


Expected completion date: May

% complete


Name of the package of operations


Name of the package of operations



Conclusions and suggestions



Open questions and problems

in the journal


Solution/Decision Project

Deadline for decision



Schedule Change Management System must be consistent with the project's integrated change control procedures and defines how the project schedule will change; includes document management, tracking systems, and authorization levels required to authorize changes; is part of the overall change management process.

Performance measurement. Performance measurement methods produce a schedule variance and a schedule performance index, which are used to estimate the magnitude of any schedule deviations that occur.

Deviation analysis. A key function of schedule management is to perform schedule variance analysis. Comparing target start and completion dates with actual/forecast dates provides information for taking corrective action in the event of delays.

Comparative schedule charts. To simplify the analysis of schedule execution, it is convenient to use a comparative bar chart that has two bars for each scheduled operation - the current state and the state of the approved baseline schedule. The diagram clearly shows places where the schedule is ahead of the plan and where it is behind it.

Execution line

The progress line shows how much time each project activity is ahead or behind the baseline schedule.

To the left of the execution line is the completed portion of each operation, to the right is the remaining portion. According to Dragan Z. Milosevic, recent advanced applications consider the execution balance line as one of the steps of proactive schedule management. The amount of time an activity is behind the baseline schedule is used to adjust impacts to eliminate the potential delay.

Construction of the project execution line

  1. Is everything correct with the numbering? Preparation of information for building the execution line: basic schedule in Gantt chart format, project progress reports, requests for changes made, which may affect the project completion date.

  2. Conducting meetings with operation owners. The project manager talks individually with the owner of each operation in order to get a realistic picture of the timing of its completion. It is recommended to ask the following questions:

  • What is the deviation of the actual schedule from the base schedule?

  • What problems cause deviations?

  • What new risks might arise and how might they affect the completion date of the transaction?

  • What is the current project progress trend?

  • What actions has the operation owner planned to prevent the operation from being missed?
Step 2 can be skipped if there is a well-functioning system for collecting real information about the progress of the project.

  1. Holding a meeting on the progress of the project. Meetings should be held regularly (once a month or once a week, depending on the duration of the project).

  2. Drawing up a protocol that records the answers to the above questions, which are repeatedly asked to the owners of operations during the meeting.

  3. Drawing the execution line.

  • Take the basic project schedule and mark on the calendar (in the header of the basic schedule) the date of the meeting - status or reporting.

  • From this date, draw a vertical line down until it intersects with the line of the first operation

  • Draw a horizontal line, extending it as many days to the left or right of the reporting date as the operation is behind or ahead of the baseline schedule; from this point extend the line to the next operation and repeat the indicated actions.
Thus, the execution line allows you to regularly monitor and adjust the implementation of the basic project schedule.

Milestone Diagram

The main difference from the execution line is that the diagram focuses on the milestone events of the project.

To draw it, the same steps are performed as when constructing an execution line, with one difference - the object of analysis is control events.

Figure 13. Example of a project execution line (Milosevic)
constructing a control event diagram

The vertical axis marks the dates of occurrence of control events recorded in the basic schedule - planned events.

The same dates of occurrence of control events are marked on the horizontal axis.

They draw the planned line for the execution of the project; it runs at an angle of 45 degrees to each of the axes. Scheduled control events are noted on the execution line (see Figure 14).

At the meeting, the owner of the first milestone evaluates the progress of progress (the implementation of operations that ensure the achievement of the milestone) and records it on the diagram, and also evaluates current problems that cause deviations from the basic schedule, predicts the dates of occurrence of the milestone, determines the degree of influence of actual deviations on dependent control events events.

The input to the schedule development process is the project scope description. It includes assumptions (documented factors related to the schedule that are considered reliable when developing the schedule) and constraints (factors that limit the freedom of choice of the project management team when conducting a schedule network analysis and influence the development of project schedule). There are two main types of time constraints to consider when developing a schedule:

    required start dates or completion of an operation, which can be used to limit the start or completion of an operation;

    milestone events, as a result of which the receipt of certain work results is tied to certain dates, which can only be changed through approved changes.

Diagram Gantt - diagram, which uses horizontal bars to represent project activities, showing the start and end dates of each operations and the project relative to the horizontal time scale [ 18 ].

Diagram, built using the critical path method - a method of analyzing the schedule network, carried out using a schedule model. Critical path represents a group of activities that cannot be delayed without changing the deferral, the completion date of the entire project[23 ].

When using the critical path method, the theoretical dates of early start and early finish and late start and late finish are calculated for all planned activities without taking into account resource constraints. This calculation is made by analyzing the forward and backward passes along the network paths project schedule. The obtained early and late start and finish dates show the time periods within which this operation should be planned, based on its duration, logical relationships, advances, delays and other restrictions [ 11 ].

Milestone Diagram- development tool project schedule, the construction of which includes the following steps [ 18 ]:

    collecting initial information to construct a diagram;

    construction network diagram, reflecting interconnection of operations;

    determining the level of detail milestones- quantities milestones, reflected in the diagram;

    choice milestones- events that are central to the promotion of the project;

    arranging milestones- study of relationships and determination of the sequence of their implementation;

    application milestones for detailed project schedule ;

    checking uniformity of distribution milestones By project schedule.

Schedule development results

The outputs of the schedule development process are:

    project schedule. Project Schedule can be developed in detail or enlarged as a schedule milestones. The schedule can be presented in tabular form or have a graphical representation in the form of network diagrams, bar graphs or graphs milestones;

    data for the schedule model. Mandatory data for project schedule include milestone events schedules, planned operations, operation parameters and documentation of all existing assumptions and restrictions, and additionally - resource requirements by time periods, alternative schedules, reserves for unforeseen circumstances;

    basic plan schedules - special option project schedule, developed through schedule network analysis of the schedule model, is accepted and approved by the project management team as the initial (baseline) schedule plan with a base start and base finish specified. The schedule baseline is used to identify deviations in the actual timing of operations from the planned ones;

    resource requirements (updates);

    operation parameters(updates);

    project calendar (updates);

    requested changes. During the schedule development process, requested changes may occur and are processed through the overall change control process;

    project management plan(updates). Project Management Plan updated to reflect any approved changes in management practices project schedule.

Schedule development technology

    determine the list of operations that should be included in the schedule;

    define interconnection of operations;

    determine the duration of each operation;

    calculate the slack for each operation;

    define critical path ;

    compare the expected completion date of the project with the commitment project completion date;

    define resource constraints;

    adjust the schedule in accordance with resource constraints;

    check whether the project is scheduled to be completed on the adjusted schedule before the commitment date;

    adjust the schedule or completion date of the project under the obligation if the project is scheduled to be completed before this date;

    agree on the schedule.

It is convenient to move from a list of operations to a calendar plan by filling out a template consisting of several tables (see. table 3.1).

Table 3.1. Sequential Formation Pattern project schedule

List of operations

Iterative detailing of information about operations

Task number


Description of the task

Preceding tasks and their duration

Task number


Description of the task

Predecessor task

Distribution of tasks by roles (performers)

Task number


Description of the task

Predecessor task

Estimated labor intensity (man-days)



Task number


Description of the task

Predecessor task

Estimated labor intensity (man-days)




Table 3.2. An example of using a sequential scheduling template

List of works


WBS number

Description of the task

1.1 Project preparation

Conducting communications to key departments, notifying key departments and business units of the company about the start of the project

Signing contracts

Logical sequence and complexity of work


WBS number

Description of the task

predecessor tasks

Estimated labor intensity (persons*days)

1.1 Project preparation

Project kick-off meeting

Conducting communication with key departments and business units notifying key departments and business units of the company about the start of the project

Creating a working environment for the project team

Signing contracts

Creation and mobilization project team

Creation and release of a project guidance document

Setting up the project management process


WBS number

Description of the task

pre-process tasks

Performer Role

1.1Project preparation

Project kick-off meeting

Creating a working environment for the project team

Project administrator; project sponsor

Signing contracts

Project sponsor; project Manager; project administrator

Creation and mobilization of the project team

Creation and release of a project guidance document

Project Sponsor; project Manager

Setting up the project management process

Project sponsor; project Manager; project administrator

Assigning the roles of performers to design work


WBS number

Description of the task

pre-process tasks

Estimated labor intensity (persons* days)

Performer Role

1.1Project preparation

Project kick-off meeting

Project sponsor; project Manager; solution architect; project administrator

Conducting communications with key departments and business units notifying key departments and business units of the company about the start of the project

Project sponsor; project Manager; project administrator

Creating a working environment for the project team

Project administrator; project sponsor

Signing contracts

Project sponsor; project Manager; project administrator

Creation and mobilization of the project team

Project Manager; Head of Integration and Development Group

Creation and release of a project guidance document

Project Sponsor; project Manager

Setting up the project management process

Project sponsor; project Manager; project administrator

Developing a project schedule using the critical path method

In many ways, the sequence of steps when creating a schedule using this method is similar to the previously discussed set, however, within the framework of this method, the key element is the calculation of the critical path. So, let's look at an example development project schedule using the critical path method [ 18 ].

    Create a list of operations that should be included in the schedule.

Used ISR, the list is identical to the lower level .

    Determine the duration of each operation.

The duration of each operation was determined through the processes of estimating labor intensity and determining duration of operations

    Determine the predecessor activity for each activity.

The predecessor of each operation was determined during the final stages of compilation hierarchical work structure(see relevant sections of the publication).

When calculating the early schedule for operations, you need to adhere to several scheduling rules conventions). These rules have been adopted by the scheduling community. In the schedule, the start of the first operation is always assigned to the project start date. This date is an input to the project plan. The first start date is the start of the project. The early finish date is the early start date plus duration of operation. The following rule applies. It is considered that each operation begins at the beginning of the period in which it starts, and ends at the end of the period in which it ends. This means that if duration of operation is one day and if it starts on the first of January, then this operation also ends on the first of January. According to this rule, the early finish of any operation is equal to the early start plus the duration minus one. Thus, operation 1 starts on day 1 and ends on day 15 (see table 3.3). The next activity must begin in the next available time period: Since activity 1 ends on day 15, activity 2 must begin on day 16 and end on day 20. Operations 3 and 4 present the following problem. These operations depend on operation 2, i.e. operation 2 must finish before they can start. Obviously, the early start date for both operations will be day 21.

Formula 1. Calculation of early finish

To perform a reverse pass, you must start from the last operation that was performed in the earlier schedule. The rationale for this is that if the early schedule determines the earliest completion date for the project, then in the backward pass we look for all activities to have the latest completion dates at which the project could be fully completed. We start with the latest of the early finish dates corresponding to the completion of the last activity. This is the Late Finish (LF) time. To obtain the late start time (LS), the duration is subtracted from the late finish time. The late schedule dates (late start and late finish) for activity 11 will be days 90 and 94, respectively. Since the late start date for activity 11 is day 90, activities 10 and 3 must be completed no later than day 89. This will be the late finish date for both activities . This is the latest completion date for these activities to ensure that the project is completed on day 94 and the late start date for activity 11. To obtain the late start dates for each activity, their durations are subtracted. When considering activity 2, one must be very careful in choosing a late finish date that is also consistent with the late start dates of activities 3, 4 and 6. Since the late start dates for activities 3, 4 and 6 are days 86, 53 and 21, respectively, the late start date The finish line of operation 2 is day 20.

Table 3.3. Project Operations




Predecessor operation

Reserve time

Defining Project Outputs

Stakeholder approval

Selecting a location

Supplier assessment and selection

Purchasing Hardware

Software design

Writing code

Software testing

Hardware testing

Integration of hardware and software

Installation and final acceptance

Formula 2. Calculation of late finish

LS=LF - Duration + 1

    Calculate the slack (float) for each operation.

When calculating early and late dates project schedule It is found that sometimes the early and late schedule dates are the same, and for some operations they are different. In these operations there was a difference between the early start date and the late start date. The difference between these dates is called slack (float or slack). An activity's float is the amount of time an activity can be delayed without delaying the completion of the project. To calculate each activity's float, subtract the early start date from the late start date of the activity. Slack can also be calculated by subtracting the early finish date from the late finish date, since the difference between the start and finish dates represents the duration of the activity, which remains the same for the early and late schedules.

Formula 3. Calculation of temporary reserve

float = LS - ES = LF - ES

    Define critical path (critical path).

Critical path ( critical path) is a sequence of operations that have zero slack (zero float). Operations with zero slack are operations whose delay necessarily entails a delay in the completion of the entire project. Activities of this type must be tightly controlled to ensure that the project is completed in a timely manner. set time. Conversely, activities that are not on the critical path and have non-zero float do not need to be controlled as tightly. In addition, it is important to know which project activities may be delayed without changing the project completion date. Operations Resources having a reserve time, if necessary, can be used to perform a bypass ( workaround).

    Determine whether the project is expected to be completed before the promise date.

Once the earliest project completion schedule has been determined, a reality check should be performed. The schedule must specify a project end date earlier than the

promise date, which may have already been communicated to project participants. If this is not the case, we should sound the alarm. The schedule does not yet include delays that may occur if necessary resources are not available. The schedule is not supplemented with reserves for known or unknown risks. Also, the usual deviations that will occur between the predetermined and actual duration of operations project

Then you need to adjust the schedule or commitment date. There are two possible situations: a schedule with a commitment date earlier than the predetermined date, and a schedule with a commitment date later than the predetermined date. If the tentative schedule date is later than the commitments, then compression must be applied ( crashing) or fast passage (tracking).

The disadvantage of these methods for any schedule is that it increases project cost or risk, or in some cases both. The principles of application of these methods will be discussed in the sections devoted to the design stage of the IS life cycle.

    Request resources and define resource limits.

    Adjust the schedule according to resource constraints.

    Determine whether the project is expected to be completed before the commitment date.

    Adjust the schedule or commitment date.

    Obtain approval of the schedule (agree on the schedule).

Organization of project schedule management

Schedule management is about determining the current state project schedule, influencing factors that create changes in the schedule, identifying facts of change project schedule, change management. Schedule management is considered part of the overall change management process.

Input to the Schedule Management Process

The schedule management plan defines how control and management will be carried out project schedule.

The schedule baseline is a component project management plan and the basis for measuring and reporting on schedule performance within the baseline execution plan.

Task performance reports provide information about schedule execution.

Approved change requests are used to update the schedule baseline and other plan components.

Schedule management is performed using the following tools and methods.

    Project progress reporting includes actual start and completion dates and the remaining duration of unfinished scheduled activities. When using the earned value methodology, reporting may include the percentage of completion of current planned activities. To simplify the preparation of periodic reporting on project progress, it is convenient to use standard forms - templates. An example of a reporting form template is presented in table 3.4.

Table 3.4. Project Progress Report Form Template

"Project name" Weekly status report Reporting period:

To whom:


Work carried out in the reporting period

Operation name

Planned start date

Planned end date


Expected end date

% complete

Main difference project activities from the operating room - the presence of certain deadlines during which the result must be achieved, and without managing these deadlines, the very existence of project activities makes no sense. Project time management is probably the main skill with which the profession of a project manager is associated.

As you remember from the definition, project– this is, among other things, a certain result obtained within a certain period.

If at first glance it seems not so difficult to determine what is included in, and you can even estimate what needs to be done to achieve this, then how can you understand how long these actions will take?

It would be very cool if it turned out that, for example, we expect that we will do the project for 3 months, and this means that 33% of all activities will occur in each month.

But in reality, this rarely happens. One might even say never, because then it is a process, not a project.

Interfering external factors, for example, a reorganization in your company, the interest of stakeholders has a fluctuating dynamic, risks occur, people go on vacation, contractors get sick. And in principle, activity during life cycle projects are distributed unevenly, as if they have different densities. And so on.

How can you ensure that project deadlines are predictable and manageable? After all, a lot depends on how long it will last and whether it will be completed on time: the resources involved and the budget, reputation and much more (and sometimes your bonus).

Let's figure it out.

It usually happens that as soon as the idea for a project arises, a person immediately appears (for example, someone from the customer’s side) who says: “Well, everything here is very simple and clear. So you can just start and in about a couple of weeks, well, in a month at most, everything will be ready.” And then he suddenly decides to make sure that you (the project manager) share his point of view and asks you: “Well, what do you think? Perhaps it will be even faster?”

What's the answer here? Sometimes you want to say directly (perhaps even somewhat emotionally): “You don’t understand anything! In fact, there is only a carriage and a small cart, and it is still unclear what resources will be required, and how soon the budget will be allocated and whether everyone will go on vacation - summer is coming.” But instead, you smile friendly and invite this busybody to familiarize himself with the outline of the schedule, which precisely indicates the deadlines. Don't forget to warn everyone that this is just a sketch for now. And that you still have a lot of things to clarify - both by type of work, and by the availability of resources, and by duration, and, perhaps, even by the order of execution.

After we see the schedule in front of us (quite detailed), we can say that everything is more or less clear - we need to follow it, try to keep up and not get ahead (yes, getting ahead is also rarely a good thing).

In order for such a schedule to be drawn up, it is necessary not to forget the following points:

  1. Define operations (work, activities);
  2. Determine the relationships between them;
  3. Assess the resources required for work (activities);
  4. Estimate duration;
  5. Create and regularly update (adjust) the schedule itself.

So, we define and document (this is very important!) the composition of the activities that we need to achieve the project's goals.

Project Operations- This small elements, which make up the work packages that we have learned to define when compiling (WBS). It is in this type of operation that can be useful for monitoring project deadlines, resources involved, and monitoring implementation. Since they are detailed enough to estimate exactly their duration and the resources that are needed for them.

It should be borne in mind that sometimes during the initial scheduling we are not able to sufficiently detail any work package. Perhaps because external circumstances beyond our control do not yet allow us to do this. For example, we are expecting some new clarifying information. So we will elaborate on this point later. The main thing is not to forget. This method is called incident wave method. That is, immediate actions are planned in detail, and actions of future periods are planned at a less detailed level.

It also happens that some schedule or part of a schedule developed for another project can be used for your current project. It’s even better - if the initial data has not fundamentally changed - then you already have a proven schedule. You just need to correct it. Don't forget to bring up the documentation for that project with a description of the lessons learned - perhaps there will be some mention of a schedule?

The figure below shows a schematic diagram of the hierarchical structure of work ().

We will talk separately about assessing the interrelations of operations, the types of dependencies between them, assessing resources and the duration of operations.

Project Time Management Task- ensuring timely completion of the project.

Project Time Management Processes:

  • determining the scope of work (operations), the implementation of which should ensure the results (achievement of the goal) of the project;
  • determining the relationships between project activities;
  • estimating the amount of resources for each project activity;
  • estimating the duration of each project operation;
  • creating a project schedule taking into account the sequence of operations, their duration, resource requirements and restrictions on the timing of the project as a whole;
  • managing the project schedule (managing changes to the project schedule, adjusting the project schedule).

Project Operations - elements, works that make up work packages, which were identified when constructing the hierarchical work structure (WBS).

Project Schedule(in the narrow sense) - the start and end dates of his work. Based on the project deadlines, you can also develop schedules (in a broad sense): resource use, communications, income and expenses cash etc.

Project time management tools 1: Gantt chart, milestone chart, resource use chart, MCP chart, P.?7?G-chart, balance line, execution line, etc.

(developed by American mechanical engineer and management consultant Henry Lawrence Gantt in 1910-1915) is a method of graphically (visually) depicting the progress of a project, the order of tasks, their duration, start and end times. A Gantt chart can be represented as a matrix, with the rows representing time periods (for example, months) and the columns representing the work performed during the project (for example, work on preparing a manuscript teaching aid) (Fig. 4.1). If it is planned that work on the manuscript continues, for example, in the period May-July, then the square of the matrix at the intersection of the corresponding row and column is shaded 2.

Rice. 4.1

  • 1 See: Milosevic D.Z. A set of tools for project management. M.: IT Company, DMK Press, 2008; Project management: fundamental course / A.V. Aleshin [and others]. M.: Publishing house. HSE House, 2013.
  • 2 See: Project management: fundamental course / A.V. Aleshin [and others]. M.: Publishing house. HSE House, 2013.

This model allows you to visualize when and what work should be performed, as well as track the progress of each work by shading in a different color those parts of the work that have already been completed. In particular, in the diagram in Fig. 4.2 the work on preparing the manuscript outline was completed, as well as most of the work on the manuscript.

Rice. 4.2.

Disadvantages of the Gantt chart as a tool for planning a project schedule: lack of relationships between jobs, inability to rank jobs by importance.

Project Schedule Management Plan determines how the project schedule will be controlled and managed. Progress on the project schedule is evidenced by task performance reports.

To manage the project schedule, execution line construction can be used.

Execution line shows how much time each project activity is ahead of or behind the baseline schedule 1 . To the left of the execution line the completed portion of each operation is shown, to the right is the remaining portion. The amount of time an activity is behind the baseline schedule is used to adjust impacts to eliminate possible

Cm.: Milosevic D.Z. A set of tools for project management. M.: IT Company: DM K Press, 2008; Project management: fundamental course / A.V. Aleshin [and others]. M.: Publishing house. HSE House, 2013.

delays. To build a project execution line, you need a basic schedule in Gantt chart format, project progress reports, and requests for changes that may affect the project completion date. To obtain a real picture of the timing of operations, it is clarified: is there a deviation of the actual schedule from the basic one (and what is this deviation), what problems can this deviation activate, what risks may arise and whether they can have a negative impact on ensuring the project’s deadlines, what can be done to prevent delays in completing operations.

Drawing a performance line is carried out as follows: using the basic project schedule, mark on the calendar (in the header of the basic schedule) the date of the meeting, from this date draw a vertical line down until it intersects with the line of the first operation. Next, extend the horizontal line by as many days to the left or right of the reporting date as the operation is behind or ahead of the base schedule; from this point, extend the line to the next operation and repeat the indicated actions (Fig. 4.3). The execution line makes it possible to monitor and adjust the implementation of the basic project schedule.

Rice. 4.3.

  • 1 See: Milosevic D.Z. A set of tools for project management. M.: IT Company: DMK Press, 2008.

The project customer is also not always interested in a detailed picture of the timing of all project work. Therefore it can be used milestone chart". In addition to the work, the project usually includes milestones - specific events, for example, the beginning of a stage, signing of an agreement, etc. In this regard, to manage the schedule, it is advisable to break a large project into stages, and mark the end of these stages with milestones. Then really high level management calendar plan The project implementation may look like shown in Fig. 4.4.

Rice. 4.4.

Used to manage the project schedule network modeling.

Network planning and control methods- a set of calculation methods, organizational and management techniques that provide modeling, analysis and dynamic restructuring of plans for the implementation of complex sets of work and developments using a network diagram (network model).

Network diagram- a graphic representation of a set of works, reflecting their logical sequence, relationship and duration.

Schedule- a process model on which you can conduct experiments and find out what changes in the resulting indicator will result from this or that change in the initial parameters of the model.

Real work(indicated on a network diagram by solid lines - arrows) - the process of performing any actions, leading to the achievement of a certain result, extended over time and requiring the expenditure of labor, material and financial resources.

Expectation(indicated by solid lines - arrows on the network diagram) - a process that does not require labor, but has a certain length in time (for example, hardening of concrete, etc.).

Addiction or fictitious work(indicated by dotted lines - arrows on the network diagram) - a logical connection between two or more jobs that does not require labor, material resources or time, showing that the beginning of one work requires the results of another. The duration of the fictitious work is zero.

Event- the result of work, the fact or moment of completion of a process, reflecting a separate stage in the implementation of a set of works; may be the result of an individual work, or the cumulative result of a series of works.

The event that immediately begins this work(work) is called initial for this work. The event that is immediately preceded by a given work(s) is called final for this work. An event located in the network immediately before a given event, so that there are no intermediate events between them, is called previous. An event located in the network immediately after a given event so that there are no intermediate events between them is called subsequent. The initial event in a network that has no previous events and reflects the beginning of the entire complex of work included in this network is called original. An event that has no subsequent events and reflects final goal set of works included in this network is called final.

Path- any sequence of activities in a network diagram in which the final event of one activity coincides with the initial event of the activity following it.

Any work on a network diagram is encoded by the numbers of its initial and final events.

For example, work A(Fig. 4.5) has code (0,2), and work D- code (3,4).

Rice. 4.5.A, B, C, D, E, G- work; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 -

event numbers

Building a network diagram- connecting arrow works with each other using circle events. Each job must exit from an event, which means the end of all jobs, the result of which is necessary to start it. And the event that represents the beginning of a particular work should not include the results of work the completion of which is not required for the beginning of that work. The graph is built from left to right, and each event with a higher serial number should be located to the right of the previous one.

Let's look at the main rules for constructing classical network graphs 1.

1. For example, work A And IN must be implemented consistently. The rule requires that they be depicted horizontally one after the other on the network diagram (Fig. 4.6).

Rice. 4.6.Illustration of rule 1: depiction of work that must be carried out sequentially

" Cm.: Zavedeev E.V. Efremov V.S. Project management: models and methods of decision making. URL: l.shtml; Zamyatin A.P. Kofman A., Debazey G. Novitsky N.I.

2. If to perform work IN And WITH the result of the work is required L, then on the network diagram it is depicted as follows (Fig. 4.7).

Rice. 4.7. Illustration of rule 2: to perform work B and C, the result of the work is required A

3. If to get the job done R the result of the work is required ABOUT And N, then on the network diagram it is depicted like this (Fig. 4.8).

Rice. 4.8. Illustration of Rule 3: To Get the Job Done R the result of the work is required O and N

4. Network diagram works should not have the same code. If work G, H, I come out of one event and their execution is necessary to complete the same event, then additional fictitious work is introduced (Fig. 4.9)

Rice. 4.9. Illustration of rule 4: if the work G, H, I come out of one event and their execution is necessary to complete the same event, then additional fictitious work is introduced

5. If any work is performed (for example, E) E And D), and performing other work (for example, G)- after receiving the result of only one of them (for example, E), then in the network diagram it is necessary to enter an additional event and fictitious work (Fig. 4.10).

Rice. 4.10. Illustration of Rule 5: If performing any work (for example, F) is possible only after obtaining the joint result of two or more parallel works (for example, E and D), and performing another job (for example, G) - after receiving the result of only one of them (for example, E), then in the network diagram it is necessary to enter an additional event and fictitious work

6. If after finishing work C you can start working D, and after finishing work E- work F and work G can only be started after completion of work WITH And D, then on the network diagram this is depicted using two additional fictitious works (Fig. 4.11).

Rice. 4.11. Illustration of rule 6: if after finishing work C you can start work D, and after finishing work E- work F and activity G can be started only after the completion of activities C and D, then on the network diagram this is depicted using two additional fictitious activities

7. The network should not have closed loops consisting of interconnected activities creating a closed circuit. The fact that the graph resulted in a closed loop indicates an error in compiling the list of works and determining their relationships. To fix the error it is recommended

You can analyze the source data and, depending on the conclusions, either redirect the work that creates the cycle to another event (if the work starting in this event requires its result, or if it is part of the overall result), or completely exclude it from the complex (often it turns out that its result is not required at all).

  • 8. Events should be encoded so that the number of the starting event of this work is less than the number of the final event of this work.
  • 9. In a single-objective network schedule, there should be no events from which no work comes out. A single-purpose network graph is a graph with one terminating event. If in the network, in addition to the final one, another event appears, from which no work comes out, this means either an error in constructing the network diagram, or planning of unnecessary work, the result of which is not required.
  • 10. When constructing a graph, it may turn out that in addition to the original one, another event appears in the network, which does not include any work. This is either an error in drawing up the network schedule, or the absence of work, the result of which is necessary to start work. Therefore, the rule is as follows: there should be no events in the network diagram that do not include any work, if these events are not the source for this network diagram.

Basic network diagram parameters critical path, event time reserves, work time reserves.

Critical path - the longest chain of activities leading from the initial to the final event. The value of the critical path determines the timing of the entire planned set of works. Changing the duration of any work lying on the critical path changes (reduces or extends) the timing of the completion event, i.e. date of achievement of the final goal.

Path - a continuous sequence of activities and events on a network diagram. Path length is determined by the sum of the duration of its constituent works.

Cm.: Zavedeev E.V. Application of network planning and management at oil and gas enterprises gas industry. Surgut: ITSSUGU, 2009; Efremov V.S. Project management: models and methods of decision making. URL:; Zamyatin A.P. Graphs and networks. Ekaterinburg: UGU Publishing House, 2004; Kofman A., Debazey G. Network planning methods and their application. M.: Progress, 1968; Novitsky N.I. Network planning and production management. M.: New knowledge, 2004.

Types of paths: full path - the path leading from the initial event to the final one (there may be several such paths); the preceding path starts from the initial event and leads to the event in question; the subsequent path leads from the final event of this work to the final event.

Critical path method (CPM) provides a project schedule and other useful management information that is used in other functional areas of project management. MCP laid the foundation for a new scientific direction - network planning - and became the basis for the knowledge area “Project Time Management” in international project management standards.

General characteristics The MCP method imposes requirements on the project model:

  • the project consists of a precisely defined set of works (all work during the project must be completed and no other work can arise);
  • the duration of each job is known;
  • the beginning of each subsequent job is affected only by the ending of previous jobs and precedence relationships.
  • cannot accommodate resource constraints (so the start of some work may be delayed until the resource is freed);
  • does not take into account the uncertainty of the work (since the duration of the work is fixed);
  • does not take into account possible risks project execution, quality of work, etc.

MCP intended:

  • to find the minimum possible duration of the project;
  • ranking the work at each point in time of the project according to its significance for completing the entire project in the shortest possible time;
  • providing the manager with information about the critical path to focus efforts on those activities whose duration directly affects the duration of the entire project. Algorithm MCP:
    • 1) direct progress of the algorithm. Calculate the earliest possible deadline for completing the project work (starting from initial work and ending with the final ones);
    • 2) reverse the algorithm. Calculate the latest possible deadlines for completing the project work (starting with the final work and ending with the initial work);
    • 3) calculate reserves for all work as the difference between late and early deadlines for completing work;
    • 4) calculate the time reserves for completing work and determine the critical path (one or more) as the longest path in the network.

Earned Value Management Method- a method that is based on expressing the timing of work indirectly through the ratio of the costs of the resource being consumed and the planned or obtained result. Some works by scientists consider the use of the earned value management method to control and predict project deadlines. However, the earned value management method is based on the cost indicators of the project, while time indicators must be used to control the timing. And the difference between cost and time indicators is that the latter cannot be summed up (i.e., the duration of the entire project is not equal to the sum of the durations of all project activities, but is determined by the length of the critical path). In those projects where the cost of critical work is a small fraction of the cost of the entire project (for example, part of the critical path forms the approval project documentation and/or receiving technical specifications), forecasting the duration of a project using the earned value management method can give a deliberately incorrect, and in some cases, false result.

Analytical method for calculating network diagram parameters involves determining the following indicators:

  • early date of the event - the time required to complete all work preceding this event. Since previous works lie on previous paths, the earliest time for an event to occur is equal to the duration of the maximum previous path. And the earliest date of completion of the initial event is taken equal to zero;
  • late date of the event- a period, exceeding which will cause a similar delay in the final event. The lateness of an event is defined as the difference between the duration of the critical path and the duration of the maximum subsequent path;
  • event reserve - the maximum time for which an event can be delayed without delaying the onset of the final event is defined as the difference between the early and late dates of the event;
  • time reserve - the difference between the time allotted for completing work and the time actually needed for this. Critical path events have no slack;
  • early start date is defined as the longest total duration of work from the initial event to the determined work and coincides with the earliest date of completion of the preceding event;
  • early completion date equal to the sum of the early period of completion of the preceding event and the duration of the work;
  • late start date- the difference between its late completion and duration, the latest permissible moment of the start of this work, at which it is still possible to complete all subsequent work on time;
  • late work completion date equal to the late start of the subsequent activity and the late date of the subsequent event;
  • full operating time reserve- the maximum time by which the start of work can be delayed or its duration increased without causing a delay in the onset of the final event; the difference between the late completion date of the final event of a given job and the sum of the duration of the job and the early completion date of the initial event for a given job;
  • free reserve work time - the maximum period of time for which the completion of work can be postponed without changing the early start of subsequent work is equal to the difference between the early dates of the subsequent and preceding events and the duration of the work. Critical path activities do not have reserves;
  • free reserve - the time for which the execution of this work can be postponed without changing the deadline for the completion of other work;
  • reserve route - The difference between the duration of the critical path and the duration of any other path. The shorter the path compared to the critical one, the greater the total time reserve it has, which shows how much the duration of all activities belonging to it can be increased in total. this path, without significantly changing the overall time frame for completing the entire range of work. The critical path has no reserves.

For practicing managers, the principles of managing the timing of a construction project and the methodology for managing the timing (schedule) of a construction project are of interest. An analysis of the experience of implementing construction projects shows that the completion dates of some of them, in principle, cannot be missed and achieving timely completion is the most important management task.

Project management methodology uses the concept deadline(from English, deadline - deadline) as a designation of the deadline (date and (or) time) by which a job, set of jobs, or entire project must be completed. Missing a deadline can be considered a project disaster.

Method of managing the timing (schedule) of a construction project

aims to prevent project disaster and ensure its completion on time, includes processes:

  • 1) schedule development (create schedule) - creating a project schedule that includes all work, established dependencies and time constraints;
  • 2) schedule approval (approve schedule) - checking the schedule, coordination with key participants and responsible executors, optimization of the schedule and its approval by management, the customer of the project; the result of this process is the approval of the basic deadlines for completing work and project milestones, which are necessary in the future to compare actual values ​​with planned ones;
  • 3) schedule monitoring (track schedule)- collection of factual data on the timing of project work and preparation of reports, carried out periodically (daily, weekly);
  • 4) schedule analysis (analyze schedule)- assessment of deviations of actual work deadlines from planned ones, analysis of the causes of deviations, forecasting the completion of work for the nearest planned period, forecasting the possibility of completing the project on time, carried out periodically (weekly);
  • 5) adjusting the schedule if necessary (regulate schedule) - is carried out if the results of the analysis of deviations from the basic project deadlines exceed predetermined limit values, there is a possibility of failure to complete the project.
  • See: Milosevic D.Z. A set of tools for project management. M.: IT Company: DM K Press, 2008; Project management: fundamental course / A.V. Aleshin [and others]. M.: Publishing house. HSE House, 2013.
  • See: Project management: fundamental course / A.V. Aleshin [and others]. M.: Publishing house. HSE House, 2013.
  • See: Zavedeev E.V. Application of network planning and management in oil and gas industry enterprises: educational method, manual. Surgut: IC SurSU, 2009; Efremov V.S. Project management: models and methods of decision making. URL: l.shtml (access date: 09/01/2017); Zamyatin A.P. Graphs and networks: textbook, manual. Ekaterinburg: UGU Publishing House, 2004; Kofman A., Debazey G. Network planning methods and their application. M.: Progress, 1968; Novitsky N.I. Network planning and production management: educational and practical work. allowance. M.: New knowledge, 2004.
  • Khomutinnikova K.S. Criteria for evaluating control methods used in managing a construction project // Project and Program Management. 2009. No. 4. P. 312-323.
  • Bavteev S.V., Terentyeva E.V. Managing the timing of a construction project //Project and program management. 2014. No. 02 (38). pp. 118-133.
  • See: Zavedeev E.V. Application of network planning and management in oil and gas industry enterprises. Surgut: IC-SurGU, 2009; Efremov V.S. Project management: models and methods of decision making. URL:; Zamyatin A.P. Graphs and networks. Ekaterinburg: UGU Publishing House, 2004; Kofman L., Debazey G. Network planning methods and their application. M.: Progress, 1968; Novitsky N.I. Network planning and production management. M.: New knowledge, 2004.
  • Right there.
  • See: Bavteev S.V., Terentyeva E.V. Management of construction project deadlines//Project and program management. 2014. No. 2 (38). pp. 118-133.