Project management regulations. Project management regulations Regulations on project management in the organization

Project management regulations (corporate project management standard) is an internal regulatory document in an organization that defines the approach to project, program and portfolio management. The main part of the regulations is devoted to a description of the process, roles, responsibilities and results (intermediate and final). Regulations are usually written on the basis of various global or local standards (PMBoK, PRINCE2, ISO 21500, GOST 54, etc.). Any regulation is based on processes described on the basis of standards that were written about earlier and, by and large, differ little from each other. Specificity by area of ​​activity (IT, Construction, etc.) is achieved by releasing additional applications that clarify the details of a particular area and the specifics of the work.

Example of project management regulations

The following describes the structure of project management regulations and provides an example for large IT companies. The legend is as follows - there is a Group of Companies (PME Group), which includes the parent company (OJSC PARENT COMPANY) and many subsidiaries. Both the parent company and its subsidiaries have a network of branches throughout the country. One of the subsidiaries (SUBSIDIARY COMPANY LLC) is the executor (operator) of the projects and is responsible for information technology support for the entire Group of Companies (projects for the development and implementation of information management systems).

The regulations are written in sufficient detail and give a basic understanding (example) of what exactly is written in certain sections, both the project management regulations themselves and all integral annexes (Project Charter, Project Management Plan, Scope Description, etc.). When using these project management regulations for the needs of your company, it is enough to simply get rid of the unnecessary and adjust the related processes. The regulations serve as a detailed example of writing such documents and are available for free download. You can download the project management regulations at the end of the article using the link.


The purpose of the regulations for project management in the areas of IT support at SUBSIDIARY COMPANY LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) is to form a unified approach to project management in the areas of information technology support (hereinafter referred to as projects), the operator of which is SUBSIDIARY COMPANY LLC.

Objectives of the Regulations:

  • description of the procedure for carrying out basic project management procedures;
  • division of functions between participants in the project management process;
  • determination of requirements for the composition of documents necessary when carrying out project management procedures;
  • determination of deadlines for performing functions during project management procedures.

Structure and description of project management regulations:

Project management process regulations
in ITO areas

1. General Provisions

1.1. Introduction

This section describes the goals and objectives of the regulations and the approach to project management itself. Links are provided to fundamental documents approved within the organization and directly affecting the processes of this document (for example, a top-level document - project management policy).

For example:

The purpose of the Project Management Process Regulations is to form a unified approach to project management in the areas of information and technology support (hereinafter referred to as projects), the operator of which is SUBSIDIARY COMPANY LLC.

Objectives of the Regulations:

  • description of the procedure for carrying out basic project management procedures;
  • division of functions between participants in the project management process;
  • determination of requirements for the composition of documents necessary when carrying out project management procedures;
  • determination of deadlines for performing functions during project management procedures.

The goal of the project management process is to ensure that project goals are achieved within given resource and time constraints.

Objectives for improving the project management process:

  • improving the quality of project planning;
  • increasing efficiency and ensuring complete control of the status of projects, assessment and forecasting of the progress of their implementation;
  • ensuring timely response to possible deviations in tasks, deadlines, budget and quality, prompt identification of bottlenecks and taking preventive actions.

1.2. Application area

This section describes the scope of the regulation - which structural units (internal and external) this document applies to.

For example:

These Regulations apply to all structural divisions of the management apparatus of SUBSIDIARY COMPANY LLC and branches in terms of activities related to managing the implementation of IT projects.

In the branches of SUBSIDIARY COMPANY LLC, the management of projects and project portfolios of branches is carried out in accordance with these Regulations and regulatory documents developed in the branches and reflecting the features of management processes in the conditions of a particular organization.

1.3. Regulations

Here is a list of internal and external regulatory documents, which served as the basis for writing this regulation. Unlike the section " General provisions", where a link was given to the policy as a primary document, this section lists internal independent documents, but influencing the writing of this regulation and external global, local practices.

For example:

These Regulations have been developed on the basis of the following documents:

  • Investment policy of the PME Group, approved by the decision of the Board of Directors of OJSC PARENT COMPANY dated --.--.--;
  • Regulations on the management of investment activities in the PME Group, approved by the decision of the Board of Directors of OJSC PARENT COMPANY dated --.--.--;
  • Methodology for assessing the effectiveness of projects in the field of information technology support, approved by the decision of the Board of Directors of OJSC “PARENT COMPANY” dated --.--.--;
  • Budget regulations of the PME Group, approved by the decision of the Board of Directors of OJSC PARENT COMPANY dated --.--.--.

When developing the Regulations, the recommendations contained in the following methodologies and standards were used:

  • The Standard for Portfolio Management (PMI 2006);
  • ANSI/PMI 99-001-2008. Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK);
  • Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL);
  • ISO/IEC 20000 Information Technology – Service Management;
  • GOST R ISO/IEC 12207. " Information technology. Software life cycle processes”;
  • GOST 34.601-90 " Automated systems. Stages of creation";
  • GOST R ISO 9000:2000;
  • GOST 54869-2011 " Project management. Requirements for project management";
  • GOST 54870-2011 “Project management. Requirements for project portfolio management";
  • ISO/TO 10006:1997 (E). "Quality management. Quality management in project management."

1.4 Terms, definitions and abbreviations

Description of the terms and their definitions used in these Regulations, as well as accepted abbreviations.

A list of internal regulatory documents that this regulation may refer to, but which do not directly affect the regulation itself.

2. Requirements for control objects

2.1 Definition of control objects

A list of control objects is provided (see example below). Regulations do not always describe the processes associated with all main management objects; they are often limited to the project and work, and a separate regulation is issued for the Project Portfolio.

For example:

The control objects are:

  • portfolio of projects;
  • project/investment event;
  • subproject;
  • Job.

Categorization of projects is introduced with the aim of unifying the project management system by identifying categories of projects with similar properties and applying standardized management procedures to them. This section defines project categories in terms of cost and duration. For a certain category of projects, their own processes are prescribed. For large projects the process is more formalized and complex, for smaller projects it is simpler. The conditions for changing project priorities and their categories are also determined (some projects that are strategically important for the organization may not be expensive and short-term, but they are assigned the highest category because control over the implementation of these projects is required).

2.3. Project classification

The classification of projects serves to provide the ability to analyze a portfolio of projects and generate reports on project implementation in various analytical sections. A project classifier is a structured set of characteristics that allows you to assign a project to a particular group.

For example:

The main classification criteria for project groups are:

  • belonging to the Business segment of the organization - user/general corporate project;
  • belonging to the Business segment of the organization - the balance holder of the results of the ITO project;
  • belonging to the ITO activity area;
  • project category;
  • volumes of investment in the project;
  • presence of an estimated economic effect;
  • user organizations / Functional customers of IT projects;
  • organizations – holders of the results of the ITO project;
  • project supervisors;
  • structural divisions of SUBSIDIARY COMPANY LLC implementing the project.

2.4. Project life cycle

This section lists the stages of the project life cycle.

For example:

For the purposes of these Regulations, the following stages are distinguished within the project life cycle:

  • startup stage;
  • planning stage;
  • execution stage;
  • completion stage.

3. Participants in project management processes

3.1. Participants in project management processes

Listing the participants in the project management process. Starting with individual legal entities(for example, subsidiaries) and ending with specific roles (the main ones, there is no need to list everyone and roles must not be confused with positions).

For example:

The main participants in the project management process at SUBSIDIARY COMPANY LLC are:

  • Project Management Council;
  • Project Management Organization Department;
  • Program and Project Portfolio Management Department;
  • Project curator;
  • Project supervisor from the Central Administrative Center (for a 3rd category project implemented by the branch);
  • Head of the Project Office (Project Group);
  • Administrator of the Project Office (Project Group);
  • Owner of the resource;
  • Project Risk Manager;
  • Risk owner.

3.2. Project management functions

All roles (starting with collegial bodies and ending with the executor) and their functions are listed in tabular form. In this way, specific roles are also assigned areas of responsibility regarding the project management process.

For example:

Project management advice:

  • Formation of proposals for the appointment of Project Curators, determination of project categories;
  • Launch coordination related projects, formation of proposals for adjusting project launch dates;
  • Review of reports and analytical materials on the state of the project portfolio;
  • Reviewing Requests for Changes for individual projects, managing the configuration of changes as a whole for the project portfolio;
  • Preparation of decisions on the redistribution of investments between individual projects and on adjusting the investment limit for the Company as a whole;
  • Preparation of decisions regarding resource support for the project portfolio;
  • Initiating early completion of projects.

Project Management Organization Department:

  • Development of draft Orders of SUBSIDIARY COMPANY LLC on the implementation of the Investment Program in the planned year;
  • Checking the correctness of project data entered into the IAS;
  • Entering data into the Register of Managers Project offices(Project groups);
  • Analysis of project reporting data;
  • Generating summary reports on the status and progress of projects, analytical reports on the status of the project portfolio and its resource availability;
  • Formation of proposals for solution options for requests for changes in project parameters;
  • Development of forecasts for project implementation;
  • Distribution of analytical materials for consideration by members of the Project Management Council;
  • Monitoring the execution of decisions on changes to the project portfolio.

Resource owner:

  • Approval of the Resource Plan;
  • Making decisions on attracting specific employees to work in the Project Office (Project Group);
  • Review of information provided by the Head of the Project Office (Project Group) on the performance of employees for certification of project personnel.

3.3. Requirements for the organizational structure of projects

This section defines typical project organizational structures with differentiation depending on the project category. Those. Each category has its own organizational structure. This is necessary to simplify the process of managing projects in terms of medium and small ones in order to make it easier to go through this process.

4. Description of project management processes

The main section of the project management regulations, in text form or in a tabular form (more easily readable), provides a step-by-step description of the entire process, roles, timing of stages, and intermediate results are determined. Depending on the category of the project, these Regulations provide for various project management procedures and the procedure for their implementation.

Project management processes are:

  • launch (corresponds to the launch stage in life cycle project);
    • appointment of Project Curators, categorization and creation of a project launch schedule;
    • preparation and publication of orders for the launch and implementation of the project;
    • development and approval of the project Charter;
    • entering project data into the IAS Project Register.
  • planning (corresponds to the planning stage in the project life cycle);
    • Formation of the Project Plan (after the launch of the project) in the first annual cycle;
    • Formation of Detailed Schedule, Resource Plan, Project Budget and Expenditure Plan for the ITO investment project for planned annual periods following the year the project was launched;
    • Formation of the Project Budget and Expenditure Plan for the ITO investment project for the planned quarter/month;
    • Conclusion of contracts.
  • monitoring and management (corresponds to the execution stage in the project life cycle);
    • monitoring of project parameters;
    • managing changes to project parameters;
    • monitoring project risks;
    • monitoring the elimination of deficiencies based on the results of pilot operation;
    • labor resources management.
  • change management (corresponds to any stage of the project life cycle);
    • completion of the contract;
    • completion of the stage;
    • completion of the project.
  • completion (corresponding to the execution and completion stages of the project life cycle).

For example:

5. Description of project portfolio management processes

In the case where the project portfolio management methodology has not been implemented, it can be additionally and at the top level prescribed in this regulation because the project management system itself ultimately implies some kind of consolidation of data into a project portfolio, and it is on the basis of analytics and reporting on the project portfolio that tactical-level management decisions are made. While on projects operational level decisions are made.

Mainly limited the following processes project portfolio management:

  • generating reports on the status of the project portfolio;
    • generation of summary reporting on the project portfolio;
    • generating reports on the dynamics of project implementation;
    • generating forecasts for the execution of a portfolio of projects;
    • generation of reports on project portfolio indicators;
    • generation of reports on the structure of the project portfolio.
  • analysis of reporting on the project portfolio;
  • project portfolio change management;
    • completion of individual projects;
    • temporary suspension of the implementation of individual projects;
    • initiation of opening new projects.

6. Documentation and storage of the Regulations

This section determines the structural unit responsible for maintaining this regulation and the storage location of the project management regulations.

For example:

A control copy of these Regulations is stored in the OUUP. Electronic version of these Regulations is located on the internal corporate Portal and is available for reading by all users.

7. Amendments to the Regulations

This section describes the roles of those who can make changes to this regulation or through whom these changes can be made. In fact, only the Project Office (PMO) has the right to physically adjust the corporate methodology, because he is responsible for the development of project management within the company. Also, the responsibilities of the Project Office include timely notification of all interested parties about changes. The regulations are approved by order of the General Director.

8. Distribution of the Regulations

The OUUP (Project Office) is responsible for the procedure for communicating the requirements of these Regulations to the heads of structural divisions.

9. Organization of studying the Regulations

The heads of the company's structural divisions are responsible for communicating the requirements of these Regulations to employees of structural divisions.

Appendices to the regulations

  • Appendix 1. Procedure for performing project launch procedures
  • Appendix 2. Order of SUBSIDIARY COMPANY LLC
  • Appendix 3. Order of OJSC “PARENT COMPANY”
  • Appendix 4. Order of SUBSIDIARY COMPANY LLC
  • Appendix 5. Order on project implementation
  • Appendix 6. Order of SUBSIDIARY COMPANY LLC
  • Appendix 7. Register of projects of ITO LLC "SUBSIDIARY COMPANY"
  • Appendix 8. Order of OJSC “PARENT COMPANY”
  • Appendix 9. Model Charter project
  • Appendix 10. Model Project Charter (simplified)
  • Appendix 11. Procedure for performing project planning procedures
  • Appendix 12. Order on completion of the project LLC "SUBSIDIARY COMPANY"
  • Appendix 13. Milestone plan
  • Appendix 14. Enlarged calendar plan
  • Appendix 15. Detailed calendar plan
  • Appendix 16. Project budget
  • Appendix 17. Resource plan (form UP-13-1)
  • Appendix 17. Resource plan (form UP-13-2)
  • Appendix 17. Resource plan (form UP-13-3)
  • Appendix 17. Requirements for determining an employee’s rate
  • Appendix 18. Communication plan
  • Appendix 19. Risk management plan
  • Appendix 20. Guidelines By scheduling and accounting for actual implementation of calendar plans
  • Appendix 21. Risk register
  • Appendix 22. Guidelines for risk management
  • Appendix 23. Matrix of appointments to project roles
  • Appendix 24. Role profiles
  • Appendix 25. Procedure for performing monitoring and management processes
  • Appendix 26. Request for changes
  • Appendix 27. Register of requests for changes
  • Appendix 28. Final report
  • Appendix 29. Order to complete the project
  • Appendix 30. Register of Heads of Project Offices\Project Groups (Project Managers)
  • Appendix 31. Analytical note
  • Appendix 32. Procedure for completing project completion procedures
  • Appendix 33. Contents of the “Technical Support” section of the IS user manual


about the Project Management department

1. General Provisions

1.1. The Project Management Department of the Dobryansky Urban Settlement Administration (hereinafter referred to as the Department) is an independent structural unit of the Dobryansky Urban Settlement Administration that does not have the rights of a legal entity.

1.2. The department in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, and presidential decrees Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Perm region and the Perm Territory, the Charter of the Dobryansky urban settlement, decisions of the Duma of the Dobryansky urban settlement, decrees and orders of the head of the Dobryansky urban settlement, as well as these Regulations.

1.3. The department in its activities is accountable to the head of the urban settlement, the deputy head of the urban settlement for economics and finance.

1.5. The department carries out its activities in cooperation with federal authorities executive power, executive bodies of state power of the Perm Territory, local government bodies of the Dobryansky municipal district and Dobryansky urban settlement, their officials, as well as other organizations and citizens.

1.6. Employees of the Department, filling positions municipal service, are municipal employees who are subject to the legislation on municipal service.

1.7. The Department is financed from the budget of the Dobryansky urban settlement, allocated for the maintenance of the administration of the DPP.

1.8. The department is headed by the head of the department.

1.9. The regulations on the Department are approved by a resolution of the head of the Dobryansky urban settlement.

2. Goals and objectives

2.1. The main goal of the Department is the creation and improvement of organizational - economic mechanisms effective management of the socio-economic development of the Dobryansky urban settlement.

2.2. The main objectives of the department are:

2.2.1. Formation of the strategy of the Dobryansky urban settlement, the main directions of socio-economic development, mechanisms and forms of their implementation.

2.2.2. Development of the main directions of economic policy, formation general order tariff regulation within the powers of the authorities local government, in addition to pricing and tariff policies in the field of housing and communal services;

2.2.3. Organization of a system for regular collection of statistical information and monitoring of socio-economic development of urban settlements, analysis and forecasting of economic development and social sphere.

3. Functions of the Department

The main functions of the Department are:

3.1. In the field of formation of urban settlement strategy, main directions of socio-economic development, mechanisms and forms of their implementation:

3.1.1. Organization of the development of a strategy and main directions of socio-economic development of an urban settlement for the medium term, preparation of mechanisms for their implementation, monitoring of implementation.

3.1.2. Organization of the development and evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of long-term and departmental target programs in terms of indicators characterizing the level of achievement of set goals and fulfillment of the objectives of the target program.

3.1.3. Monitoring and control over the implementation of approved programs and projects in cases provided for by programs and projects;

3.1.4. Preparation of information, analytical notes on the results of monitoring the implementation of investment projects implemented at the expense of budgetary funds, submitting proposals for assessing the budgetary and social efficiency of investment projects for consideration by the city mayor.

3.1.5. Preparation of reports on the results and main activities of the Dobryansky urban settlement and other planning documents.

3.2. In the field of developing the main directions of economic policy, the formation of a general procedure for tariff regulation within the powers of local governments:

3.2.1. Development and submission for approval of draft concepts for the tariff policy of settlements within the powers of local governments, except for draft concepts for the tariff policy of housing and communal services;

3.2.2. Carrying out work to determine the principles, methods and forms of municipal regulation of prices and tariffs for goods and services, monitoring issues of tariff regulation according to the list referred by law to the competence of local governments, except for price and tariff policy in housing and communal services;

on regulation of tariffs for urban passenger transportation;

on regulating prices and tariffs for goods and services produced and provided by municipal enterprises and settlement institutions, except for prices and tariffs in the field of housing and communal services;

3.2.3. Preparation of draft municipal legal acts of the head of the settlement and the Duma of the Dobryansky urban settlement on issues of pricing and calculation of tariffs, in addition to pricing and tariff policy in housing and communal services;

3.2.4 Preparation of conclusions and reports on the results control activities on the application of regulated prices and tariffs in accordance with current legislation, on compliance by municipal institutions with the procedure for introducing paid services and approval (coordination) of tariffs for them.

3.3. Organization of a system for regular collection of statistical information and monitoring of socio-economic development of urban settlements, analysis and forecasting of economic and social development.

3.3.1. Organization of a system for regular collection of statistical indicators of socio-economic development of urban settlements.

3.3.2. Analysis and forecasting of economic development, taking into account the current state of urban sectors, development trends in the region.

3.3.3. Organization of the use of generalized information about the state of the economy for adoption management decisions on the development of urban settlements.

3.3.4. Forecasting for the year and medium-term economic development.

3.3.5. Formation of an analytical database on a system of indicators of socio-economic development of an urban settlement.

3.3.6. Development of indicators for the municipal statistics information system, ensuring its compatibility and interaction with other government information systems in a single information space of the Perm region and the Russian Federation.

3.3.7. Monitoring the state of the city’s economy and social sphere, analyzing the dynamics of indicators and preparing analytical materials based on the monitoring results for the management of the settlement administration.

3.3.8. Providing methodological guidance for planning and economic analysis of the activities of municipal enterprises:

3.4. Preparation of draft decisions of the Duma of the Dobryansky urban settlement, resolutions, orders of the head of the urban settlement on issues within the competence of the Department.

3.5. Other functions assigned by law or the Charter of the urban settlement to the administration of the urban settlement and assigned to the Department legal acts urban settlement.

4. Rights and responsibilities of the Department

4.1. In order to achieve its goals and objectives, the Department has the right:

4.1.1. Request and receive, in the prescribed manner, from state authorities, local governments, bodies and divisions of the administration of an urban settlement, individuals and legal entities of any organizational and legal form, individual entrepreneurs operating in the territory of an urban settlement, information, documents and other materials, necessary to carry out the functions assigned to the Department.

4.1.2. To develop methodological materials and recommendations on issues within the competence of the Department.

4.1.3. Take part in the development of draft legal acts of urban settlements on issues within the competence of the Department.

4.1.4. make proposals to involve in the development of draft legal acts of urban settlements, calculations and other documents municipal institutions, scientific, economic, sociological and other organizations and institutions, individual scientists and specialists on a contractual basis.

4.1.5. Make proposals to the head of the urban settlement on issues within the competence of the Department.

4.1.6. Develop proposals for plans and programs adopted by federal government bodies, government bodies of the Perm Territory and affecting the interests of urban settlements insofar as they fall within the competence of the Department.

4.1.7. Carry out other actions provided for by current legislation.

4.2. To carry out the tasks and functions assigned to it, the Department is obliged to act in the interests of the Dobryansky urban settlement and be guided by current legislation.

5. Manual

5.1 . The Department is managed by the Head of the Department.

Appointment to the position and dismissal of the head of the Project Management department is made by the head of the settlement in agreement with the deputy head of the Dobryansky urban settlement for economics and finance.

The application of disciplinary measures and material incentives, assignments on business trips and vacations are carried out by the head of the settlement.

Appointment and dismissal of employees of the Department are made by the head of the settlement on the proposal of the head of the Department in agreement with the deputy head of the Dobryansky urban settlement for economics and finance.

5.2. The position of the head of the Department, in accordance with the Register of municipal positions and municipal positions of the municipal service in the Dobryansky urban settlement, belongs to the group of main positions of the municipal service.

A person who has a higher professional education in the specialty State and municipal administration, a specialty in economics and management, and has at least two years of experience in the municipal service (civil service) or at least three years of work experience in the specialty is appointed to the position of head of the Department;

The head of the department must know:

    Knowledge of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the Perm Territory, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Perm Territory, the Charter of the Dobryansky urban settlement and other regulatory legal acts of the Dobryansky urban settlement in relation to execution job responsibilities; organization of state power and local self-government in the Russian Federation and the region; The procedure for preparing draft decisions of the Duma of the Dobryansky urban settlement, legal acts of the head of the Dobryansky urban settlement, the basics of office work, the system for organizing control over the execution of documents and instructions, the procedure for working with official information, other administrative processes (procedures) in relation to the implementation of official duties; knowledge of the rules for organizing the budget process; knowledge of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation

The head of the department must have the following skills and experience:

    Experience in professional activities in the field of government and (or) municipal government, documentation support, in other areas of management activities; Organizational abilities, management skills and analytical work; Skills in planning activities and drawing up established reporting; Skills to work with official documents and organizing control over the execution of documents and instructions; preparation of documents in accordance with established requirements, implementation of organizational and control activities to ensure timely, high-quality execution of documents and instructions; Skills in working with office equipment and a personal computer at the level of a confident user (knowledge of basic Microsoft Office programs: Word, Excel, Outlook Express, Internet Explorer, specialized programs)

5.3. Department head:

5.3.1. Bears personal responsibility for failure to fulfill the tasks and functions assigned to the Department;

5.3.2. Ensures the timely and high-quality execution by the department of its daily tasks in strict accordance with the approved resolution;

5.3.3. Prepares information, analytical notes on the results of monitoring the implementation of investment projects implemented at the expense of budgetary funds, submitting proposals for assessing the budgetary and social efficiency of investment projects for consideration by the city mayor;

5.3.4. Develops a strategy and main directions for the socio-economic development of an urban settlement for the medium term, prepares mechanisms for their implementation, and monitoring of implementation;

5.3.5. Participates in the preparation of the development, formation and implementation of targeted and targeted programs for the Dobryansky urban settlement;

5.3.6. Monitoring the implementation of long-term and departmental target programs and evaluating effectiveness in terms of indicators characterizing the level of achievement of set goals and fulfillment of the objectives of the target program;

5.3.7. Maintains a register of adopted municipal target programs (MTP), records of their implementation, including assessment of the effectiveness of their implementation. Is financial management to the city administration a list of MSPs proposed for financing for the next financial year and planning period.

5.3.8. Submits, in the prescribed manner, for consideration by the deputy head of the settlement for economics and finance, as well as on his instructions, for consideration by the settlement Duma, draft legal acts of the settlement on issues within the competence of the Department;

5.3.9. Organizes monitoring of the state of the city’s economy and social sphere, analyzes the dynamics of indicators and prepares analytical material based on the monitoring results for the leadership of the city administration;

5.3.10. Gives instructions on the activities of the Department, mandatory for execution by specialists of the Department;

5.3.11. Develops job descriptions for specialists, defines powers, distributes powers, and helps improve their qualifications;

5.3.12. Processes and provides reporting and other documentation to officials with appropriate authority in a timely and complete manner.

6. Responsibility

6.1. The head and specialists of the Department bear personal responsibility in accordance with the current legislation within the limits of their official duties for untimely or poor-quality performance of the functions assigned to the Department, actions (inaction) leading to violation of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, disclosure of confidential information that has become known in connection with with the performance of official duties, state secrets, non-compliance with prohibitions and restrictions related to municipal service.

6.2. The head and employees of the Department are responsible in accordance with Federal law dated 01.01.2001 N 273-FZ “On Combating Corruption” for failure to fulfill the obligation to notify the representative of the employer (employer), prosecutorial authorities and others government agencies about all cases of any persons contacting them for the purpose of inducing them to commit corruption offences.

7. Relationships and connections

The department, in carrying out its activities to implement the functions assigned to it, interacts with federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the Perm Territory, local government bodies of the Dobryansky municipal district, officials and others structural divisions Dobryansky urban settlement, as well as other organizations and citizens.

1.General provisions 6

1.1.Purpose of document 6

1.2.Purpose of document 6

1.3.Scope and binding nature of document 6

1.4.Procedure for the document to enter into force 6

1.5.Procedure for making changes to document 6

2. Project management structure. 6

2.1.Project structure 7

2.2.Project roles 7

3. Classification of projects 8

3.1.Types of projects 8

4.Project execution procedure 9

4.1.Project life cycle 9

4.1.1.Project initiation phase 10 of investment ideas 10 Development of an investment application 11 Approval of the investment application in KBE 12

4.1.2.Project development phase 13 an order to start the project 13 project development 14 Execution of work on the development of the project 14 Project development control 15 of project development 15

4.1.3.Project implementation phase 15 of the project plan 16 Project implementation control 16 of the project 17

4.1.4.Project completion phase 17 for project completion 18 the project 18

4.1.5.Post-investment control 18

4.2.Project management procedures by area of ​​knowledge 19

4.2.1.Procedure for managing the scope and timing of the project 19 of content and timing when initiating a project 19 of content and deadlines during project development 19 of content and deadlines during project implementation 20

4.2.2. Project cost management procedure 20

4.2.3. Project team management procedure 22 the composition of the project development team 23 of the project team 23 project team management 24 for the working time of the project team 25 of training for the project team 25 the effectiveness of the project team 25

4.2.4. Project communications management procedure 26 meetings 26 Reporting 27

4.2.5. Project risk management procedure 29 Formation and clarification of the risk register 29 risk events during the project 29 risk events during the project 29 Formation of an action plan to respond to the risk 30 the success of measures taken to respond to risks 30

4.2.6. Project procurement management procedure 30 of project support 30 Sources of supplies and materials 31 supplies and application of MTP 31

4.2.7. Project change management procedure 32 Collection, analysis and registration of change requests 32 Making a decision on a Change Request 33 Periodic analysis of open requests for changes 34

1. Project life cycle 56

2.Managing baselines and variances 56

3. Composition and frequency of project reports 57

4.Composition of auxiliary plans 57

1.Organizational structure of project team management (distribution of responsibilities) 58

2.Composition of the project team 59

3.Motivation of project team members 59

4. Training needs within the project 60

5. Project team management budget 60

6.Rules, standards and policies 60

1.Evaluation of project support 62

2. Sources of receipt of materials and equipment 62

3.Project supplies 63

4. Application of MTP 64

1. Title information about project 65

2.Reporting matrix 65

3.Schedule of meetings 65

1.Information about the project 69

2.Methods and approaches to risk management 69

3.Reservation in case of risks 69

4. Activities for monitoring and responding to risks 69

List of abbreviations, terms and definitions



A project is a unique process consisting of a set of coordinated and controlled activities with start and end dates, undertaken to achieve a goal that meets specific requirements, including time, cost and resource constraints


A program is a series of related projects that are managed in a coordinated manner to achieve benefits and control not available when managed individually.

A set of actions to implement a specific program, carried out within one budget cycle

Properties and functions that characterize the result of a project, as well as the work that must be performed to create a result with the specified characteristics and functions.

Project type

Classification of the order of execution and composition of project participants depending on the expected results of the project

Project phase

A series of logically related project activities, usually culminating in the achievement of one of the important project results

Project curator

A representative of the company's management who is interested in the results of the project and has the authority to make or organize decisions within the scope of the project budget

Project manager

The person appointed by the managing director to be responsible for achieving the project's objectives

Project team

A group of persons with the qualifications, knowledge and skills necessary to effectively achieve the goals of the project, involved in the implementation of the project on the basis of certain documents (order, contract, etc.)

Project team member

A person assigned by the project manager with any functions for the project and who is in business contact with other members of the project team

Consumer of project results

The department whose functions are affected by the result of the project

Project customer

The person subordinate to the units, future owners and users of the project results

Responsible for preparation of IZ

A person appointed responsible for the process of preparing an investment proposal based on a decision on the selection of investment ideas

Initiator of the idea

The person who came up with the idea for the project

The question of the structure of the project regulations periodically arises for any manager. We present the minimum requirements for this document. So, the Project Regulations should include the following sections:

Section 1 "General Provisions";
- Section 2 " Organizational structure project management";
- Section 3 “Roles of project participants”;
- Section 4 “Interaction between the Contractor and the Customer during the implementation of the project”;
- Section 5 "Project management mechanism"
- Section 6 "Responsibility and control";
- Section 7 "Changes to this document."

Section 1 "General Provisions". The section describes the following provisions:

Purpose and basis (1.1) - description of the purpose and subject of this Regulation, a list of persons who should know and use this Regulation, a brief description of subsequent sections;
- Terms and abbreviations (1.2) - a list of basic terms and abbreviations used in the Regulations is provided. This subsection should be used when the Regulations apply those terms and concepts, the understanding of which may have different meanings.

Section 2 "Organizational structure of project management." This section indicates the purpose of forming the project team, its composition, as well as administrative documents, on the basis of which actions are carried out. This section should include:

Composition of project team members on the part of the Contractor;
- composition of project team members on the part of the Customer;
- initiating actions to create a project team (orders for companies participating in the project).

Section 3 "Roles of project participants." This section specifies:

Project team from the Contractor (3.1.):
Description of goals and objectives;

Functions of project executors;
Functions of the Project Office Manager;
- Project team from the Customer (3.2.):
Functions of the managing person from the Contractor;
Functions of a coordinating person from the Contractor;
Functions of the Project Administrator.

Section 4 "Interaction between the Contractor and the Customer during the implementation of the project." This section specifies the following interactions:
a) Conducting joint project meetings;
b) Transfer of documents during project implementation;
c) Coordination of project documents;
d) Delivery of final materials for the project.

Conducting joint meetings on the project (4.1.):
Initiative for holding meetings;
Conditions (reasons) for holding meetings;
Procedure for holding meetings;
Preparation and storage of minutes of meetings.
- Transfer of documents during project implementation (4.2.):
Preparation, transfer and execution of documents from the Contractor to the Customer;
Preparation, transfer and execution of documents from the Customer to the Contractor;
- Approval of project documents (4.3.): approval procedure;
- Delivery of finished materials for the project (4.4.): delivery procedure.

Section 5 "Project management mechanism". This section specifies: the definition and objectives of project management; description of project management mechanisms: planning, execution, delivery of project work and internal analysis of the implemented project; characteristics of each type of activity.

Section 6 "Responsibility and Control". This section specifies:

Responsibility of the parties (6.1.):
Indication of the “main document” (agreement);
Indication of Organizational Documents;
Indication of timely recording of work results.
- Monitoring compliance with regulatory documents (6.2.):
Persons carrying out general control;
Persons monitoring compliance with procedures;
Actions in case of violation of the requirements of this document.

Section 7 "Changes to this document." This section should indicate:

Conditions for making changes to the document;
- Rules for preparing proposals for amendments.

Appendix No. 1 Organizational structure of the project (graphic representation)
Appendix No. 2 Template of the order on the start of the project and on the composition of the project working group
Appendix No. 3 Template for minutes of joint project meetings
Appendix No. 4 Template for an inventory of documents transferred to the Customer
Appendix No. 5 Document approval sheet template