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Many of us, especially during this difficult period, are interested in the problem of employment. At the first interview, candidates are sometimes lost and, as a result, do not present themselves in such a favorable light as they would like. The feeling of unfulfillment is depressing and undermines self-confidence... Or maybe you’re just unlucky? - many of those rejected asked themselves this question.

Astrologers offer a number of tips for those days of the week when you are going to get a job. Perhaps, by taking them into account, you will be able to move from the category of losers to the opposite: those lucky ones who have finally found something they like. Successful searches and equally successful employment!


The patroness of this day is the Moon - the planet of tenderness and tranquility. Therefore, you can count on success with your employer if you behave in a balanced, calm manner, without sudden movements, and speak softly and quietly. On this day, you should not irritate those around you and your potential boss with colorful, bright outfits - wear light or discreet clothes with blurry tones. It is very important to show that you know how to get along with people, understand them and have a fine mental organization. In general, on Monday it is easiest to get a job related to raising children. Teachers and also... housewives have many chances.


The patron saint of this day is Mars. In turn, he patronizes everything clear, sharp, definite and bright. Therefore, it is advisable to dress smartly, preferably in red tones. Go to get a job only if you are firmly confident in yourself - on this day with equally Chances are you can be quickly accepted, but just as quickly, in a harsh manner, without comment, you can be rejected. To avoid the latter, explain yourself quickly, briefly, and with minimal emotion. Show that you are a man of action, able to immediately understand the essence of the situation, proactive and committed. Since Mars is the bearer of a militant principle, on this day it is easier to get a job in a military organization or in a new, newly created company.


The patron of this day is the planet Mercury, which favors young, free-thinking people who boldly express their thoughts. On Wednesday, you should prefer youth style in clothes - wear, for example, a sweater and jeans, talk a lot and, preferably, in complex phrases, try to impress smart person. Make an effort to look younger. Since Mercury is the god of trade, on this day it is easiest to find a job in the trade sector.


The patron of the day, planet Jupiter, is favorable to education and travel. If you own foreign languages, have higher education If you dream of a career connected with a foreign country, you can safely get a job on Thursday. You can dress modestly, unpresentably, in business style. But it is important to show the employer your knowledge and skills, to be able to show a rich imagination and inner content. Show that you are ready for constant self-education, long-term fruitful cooperation, and expansion of the company’s areas of activity.


The patroness Venus favors women and beauty. Therefore, representatives of the fair sex who want to get a job should pay special attention to their appearance on this day. Carefully select cosmetics, hairstyle, clothes, accessories - everything should be in harmony with each other, be discreet, but sophisticated. But men who are well dressed and eloquent also have good chances of finding a job. And the places where it is advisable to try your hand with the greatest success are beauty salons, flower shops, fashion studios or design centers - where creative ingenuity is required.


This day is under the influence of the planet Saturn. She is reputed to be a limiting planet, in charge of law and real estate. If you want to get a position, dress strictly, simply, in a classic style. No jeans, bare belly buttons or flashy jewelry! When communicating with a potential boss, try to remain serious, and if he provokes you to have fun (you never know, maybe he’s testing you like that), don’t laugh out loud, it’s only acceptable to smile a little. Be businesslike, restrained and very correct. Do not accept any informal proposals from the boss, refuse even a cup of coffee, not to mention visiting a cafe together - in a word, be “buttoned up!”

In this article we will not consider catastrophic cases of dismissal and urgent search for employment. Here we will talk about a planned job change, about finding your dream job.

The process of finding your dream job is nothing more than the launch of a new commercial project, the only difference from ordinary projects will be its focus on the Lunar phases.
To work, we will need a lunar calendar (for the current month can be found here, and for the next one here) and adherence to an important rule: do not quit your previous job until you find a new one, otherwise thoughts about the ideal job will turn into a financial nightmare.

Any project, like the movement of the Moon, contains 4 phases:
initial (structuring, initiation) - corresponds to the New Moon;
development - corresponds to the Waxing Moon;
realization - corresponds to the Full Moon;
completion - corresponds to the Waning Moon.
Each of these phases exhibits its own unique energy that is worth harnessing to advance your endeavors.

Phase 1. New Moon.

During the New Moon phase, we set our intentions. The main question we ask ourselves is “What kind of job do I want?” We try to focus and create an image of our future perfect job. The idea of ​​this period is to create a specific desire, which is then transformed into a goal. It’s worth using your imagination and thinking: what do you like to do, what kind of office would you like to work in, what would be your ideal daily routine. Try to avoid attitudes like: “I don’t want the job I’m working in now,” “I definitely don’t want my current work schedule.” Try to replace the denial of the situation with an understanding of what you want, for example: “I want to work from 9 to 15”, “I am in different offices with my boss, so he doesn’t make me nervous”, “in our office it is allowed to have lunch at the desk”, etc. .
It is important for us that the idea of ​​a new job becomes a goal.

Phase 2. First quarter, waxing Moon.

In this phase, we begin to move towards achieving our goal.
Don't expect everything to be that simple. You will be tormented by fears of the unknown and changes in your usual environment, doubts about your professional capabilities and a call to leave everything as it is. You must pass a test of strength and determination.
As soon as you increase the speed of movement towards finding a job, fears and doubts will disappear by themselves. It's like riding high speed, it is very rarely possible to see the types of bushes flashing around.
Use this time to create a new resume or update an existing one. Think about how your resume will get into the hands of the employer. Make a list of work sites, register and publish your details.
The energy of the Waxing Moon suggests that you will begin to make efforts aimed at achieving your goal.

Phase 3. Full moon.

This is the phase of emerging from the shadows. A professional like you simply cannot keep a resume in a drawer, because the New Moon is the time to announce yourself to the world, publish your resume in a place where it has not yet been published, call an employer who has not yet been called, and get an interview. Actively distribute your profile to recruitment agencies, through friends, directly to employers. The energy of the Full Moon favors active actions.

Phase 4. Waning Moon.

Completion or summing up phase. If you successfully passed the interviews and were offered a job, then this is the period of final actions, dismissal from your previous job, transfer of all affairs, and closure of debts.
If the previous stages did not go as you would like, then summarize. Analyze where the mistake was made and how to avoid it in the future.


Bad lunar days to change jobs

1st lunar day: bad

The next one will start on 02/26/2017 at 17:58.
On this day it is not recommended to take any fateful steps or make important decisions.

4th lunar day: bad

The next one will start on 03/01/2017 at 08:37.
The fourth lunar day is a very unlucky period for changing employers. Do not change your field of activity, company or business environment during this period.

9 lunar day: bad

The next one will start on 03/06/2017 at 11:23.
It is not recommended to change jobs on the ninth lunar day. The day carries very negative energy, which especially affects certain areas

16th lunar day: bad

The next one will start on 02/11/2017 at 18:07.
Changing jobs is a very responsible and important decision in our lives. Our future and the future of our loved ones largely depends on the choice we make. Therefore, refrain from changing jobs on the sixteenth lunar day. Besides the fact that this is not the most best time for making fateful decisions, this is also a bad day for any global endeavors in our lives.

22nd lunar day: bad

The next one will start on 02/18/2017 at 01:09.
Today is a very bad time to change your occupation. Like all endeavors on this day, your decision will not be successful. You can be very disappointed in your new employer. If you make an unconsidered decision, you risk greatly regretting it. Be especially careful if the offer new job came to you from competitors. Perhaps this is just an element of a “political” game of poaching the best personnel to weaken your current company's market position. You cannot be 100% sure that they feel a need for the vacancy you are filling and are truly interested in you as a vital specialist.

25th lunar day: bad

The next one will start on 02/21/2017 at 04:10.
It is strictly not recommended to change your place of work on this day. By doing this you can do a lot of harm to your career and worsen your financial condition.

Worst lunar days for changing jobs

3rd lunar day: terrible

The next one will start on 02/28/2017 at 08:14.
Today it is highly not recommended to change your job or direction of activity. Do not quit your current job on the third lunar day, even if circumstances are against you.

5 lunar day: terrible

The next one will start on 03/02/2017 at 09:01.
A terrible day for changing jobs or areas of activity! The moon today has an extremely unfavorable effect on any business activity, including changing jobs.

12th lunar day: terrible

The next one will start on 02/07/2017 at 13:28.
The twelfth day of the lunar calendar is simply a terrible time to change jobs. You simply cannot imagine how this will turn out for you.

13th lunar day: terrible

The next one will start on 02/08/2017 at 14:28.
The thirteenth day of the Moon is, without exaggeration, an incredibly bad time to change jobs! You should not make any drastic decisions on this day!

19th lunar day: terrible

The next one will start on 02/14/2017 at 21:47.
On this day, don’t even think about changing your job, the time for this is simply terrible! Having decided to change ... read more →

26 lunar day: terrible

The next one will start on 02/22/2017 at 05:01.
The twenty-sixth lunar day is one of worst days lunar month to change jobs. During this period, the Moon has an extremely negative impact on any endeavors, especially those associated with fundamental changes in our lives. Try to refrain from making any drastic decisions today.

It’s better to take a short break, stop any attempts to “sort everything out,” you won’t succeed anyway. On this day we will be extremely irrational, we will be guided by emotions and feelings, and not by common sense and logic. And decisions made under the influence of emotions often turn out to be wrong and can have an extremely negative impact on our future.

29 lunar day: terrible

The next one will start on 02/25/2017 at 06:57.
Today is one of the worst days to change jobs. It’s better not to even think about quitting, since this decision can turn your professional life in a completely different direction, making it unbearably difficult and uninteresting.

It is known that on the twenty-ninth lunar day, any undertaking, to put it mildly, does not lead to anything good. If you decide to radically change your life (and changing jobs is one of these changes), then be prepared for the worst of possible consequences. There is a high probability that you will later a short time at the very least, you will be terribly disappointed in this decision. At the most, you will feel its negative consequences for many years to come. This can either be a decrease in your income and constant financial difficulties, or actually put an end to your future career.

No matter how hard it is for you in your current workplace, no matter how strong the desire to change something, remember that on this day it is strictly not recommended to make life-changing decisions!

Life experience and work in a variety of specialties allowed me to derive an unmistakable sign: “Firing means happy changes.” If you are forced to give up your job, it means you weren't a good fit for each other. How to benefit from this breakup?

To begin with, realize one simple thing. The reason for dismissal was either that the job was not suitable for you, or that you were not suitable for the job. In the first case, there is no point in grieving: you need to rejoice. You were going in the wrong direction and... ogli waste more years of your life aimlessly. An unexpected dismissal helps you soberly assess your abilities and admit: yes, you can do more, yes, your potential long ago exceeded your position. Go ahead, victories await you, but in a different territory.

In the second case, you need to rejoice even more than before.

Dismissal provides you with a unique chance to insure yourself against similar mistakes in the future.

I won’t tell you a secret if I say that the most common reason for such dismissals is that an employee destroys the psychological climate in the team.

This includes gossip, and behind-the-scenes office intrigues, and snobbery, and exorbitant ambitions, and talkativeness that threatens to reveal all corporate secrets to the first person they meet. Of course, in this case one should radically reconsider your communication strategy with superiors and colleagues. It was not worth ordering the office manager, reminding him five times a day about his brilliant diploma and posting on LiveJournal photos of the boss dancing at the last corporate party.

When work is pleasure, life is good! When work is a duty, life is slavery!

Maksim Gorky

In a word, dismissal is the beginning of a new stage. And in order for the future to turn out as prosperously as possible, it is necessary to draw appropriate conclusions and adjust your image. This applies even to those cases where bosses and colleagues were truly unfair to you.

The fact is that being fired is a significant life experience. Perhaps it will be for your development and further career more important than all previous experience.

But experience differs from memories in that it contains a grain of worldly wisdom - conclusions drawn and the desire to develop.

By the way, about development. Frankly speaking, brilliant professionals don't get fired. They are looked after like the apple of their eye, their salaries are increased, despite financial crises and local storms. They patiently turn a blind eye to their whims. Dismissal as a general reduction in staff means that you were no worse in this position, but also - alas! - no better than others.

Don’t rush to send your resume to all corners of the planet on the same day. Calm down and think about what you are missing. Sometimes you need to get a second education, sometimes you need to improve your qualifications, take a course abroad or gain a radically different experience. And sometimes you just need to change your specialty to a related one or something completely different. A person who dreams of being a director all his life will never become a brilliant manager. Good - perhaps, brilliant - no.

Don't be afraid of change. Takeshi Kitano made his first film when he was over forty, Louise Hay took up writing in earnest when she was over sixty. Perhaps this dismissal gives you a chance to change your life and finally go down the right path...

And one last thing. Enthusiasts win. How much did you strive for promotion, how much did you crave personal growth? Work is not daily torture with receiving a monthly reward for the torment. This is your voluntary and conscious way of self-realization. What was more important to you: self-realization or the need to repay the loan at the end of the month?

So before you start look for a new job, awaken your enthusiasm. The desire not only to earn money, but also to work. The desire not only for promotion, but also for personal growth. All this is much more important than it seems, and without one there will be no other.

Getting fired is truly an opportunity. A chance to change your life start the day with a clean slate and finally allow your potential to appear in all its glory. Don’t waste time on empty lamentations and hours-long telephone complaints: all the prospects of the world are open to you.

Changing jobs is one of the important decisions that should not be made rashly. Moon calendar will tell you the most favorable days for dismissal in December 2018, when parting with the previous employer will be painless, and the new workplace will please good conditions and salary increases.

Suitable days for dismissal in December 2018

The cyclic change of phases of the night star affects not only a person’s well-being, but also his vital energy and general activity. It is better to start new things and resolve accumulated problems during the waxing moon, when it approaches its peak - the full moon.

However, the time when the moon begins to melt is the best time for liberation from difficult and unpleasant relationships, including work ones. In the third and fourth lunar phases, writing a letter of resignation is recommended for those who have long intended to do this, but do not dare to make drastic changes.

Table: best dates to submit a resignation letter from your job in the last month of 2018

date Lunar day Moon phase Characteristics of the day
from 13.30
10thGrowingA spontaneous decision to quit is allowed.
All endeavors will end in success - be it moving to another city or changing jobs. If doubts about the feasibility remain, you need to discuss your complaints with your superiors. On this day, the manager will be extremely loyal and can offer more favorable conditions.
from 14.47
14thGrowingThe energy of this day is so strong that you can safely quit your boring job, even without other job offers. It is possible to meet with influential people who will offer an excellent place that can open new page in a business career.
from 20.25
20thDescendingHesitation and doubt on this date are completely inappropriate. The moon helps everyone who wants to change their field of activity to receive a profitable and promising offer from an employer. If you take the initiative in a new company and show your best business qualities, That financial position will improve significantly.
from 22.20
21stDescendingThe lunar energy of this day favors those who are serious about changing jobs and have weighed the pros and cons. If the decision is reasonable and thoughtful, then you can safely apply for dismissal.
from 02.24
24thDescendingThe last day of the year is the perfect time for change. Energetic and active people, confident in themselves and in their own abilities, can safely leave work on the eve of the holiday.

If you want to change your job, a person must think about all aspects of future changes and weigh the available prospects. For getting best result It is advisable to correlate your intention with the passage of certain cycles by the Moon and choose the most suitable day to submit your resignation letter.