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Zozhnik already wrote about. Now we decided to approach the question of how to independently find out the level of our physical condition more seriously and asked for advice from Irina Kruglova, Deputy Chief Physician at the Sports Medicine Center of the FMBA of Russia.

Quetelet Index / Also known as Body Mass Index (BMI)

From Zozhnik we will add a few more basic self-tests. BMI allows you to indirectly determine the degree to which body weight corresponds to a person’s height. Roughly speaking, it allows you to determine how fat or thin you are.

You can find out your BMI using this formula. For example, the Quetelet Index was calculated for a girl weighing 41.8 kg and height 152 cm:

Or even simpler: find your height/weight in this table and find out the preliminary results:

By the way, both excessive and insufficient BMI is harmful to life expectancy.

Functional status check

To begin with, Irina Valentinovna explained that using the phrase “physical state” is incorrect: “There are the concepts of “physical development” and “functional state.” Physical development this is the correspondence of anthropometric data and a number of other parameters to the average values ​​of groups of people divided by age and gender.”

If we talk about assessing the functional state, which determines the ability to tolerate physical activity, then to determine it, many tests are used that evaluate the response to physical activity of all interested body systems. Such systems include the cardiovascular system, central, peripheral and autonomic nervous systems, endocrine system, and so on.

Tests to determine the functional state of most systems are complex and cannot be used in everyday life.

By developing a theory about the unity of processes occurring in the body, which says that changes in one of the body systems will sooner or later lead to changes in other systems, it is possible, by conducting simple tests, to assess the state of the system that is most accessible for obtaining indicators. Such systems are the cardiovascular system and the autonomic nervous system; their response to stress can be assessed using heart rate.

Ruffier index

To assess the response of the cardiovascular system, as a rule, the Ruffier index is determined.
The test is carried out like this:

1. Pulse is measured for 15 seconds (P1),

2. Then the person does 30 squats in 45 seconds, that is, at an average pace.

3. Immediately after squats, the pulse is measured for 15 seconds (P2) and after 45 seconds the number of heart beats in 15 seconds (P3) is again determined.

Ruffier index = (4*(P1+P2+P3)-200)/10.

Don't miss your calculations and check your results:

Roughly speaking, for an excellent result, the sum of heart beats for three 15-second measurements must be less than 50.

Orthostatic test

The response of the autonomic nervous system to stress can be determined using an orthostatic test.

The test is carried out as follows. While lying down, the pulse is measured. It is better to carry out this test in the morning or after 15 minutes of quiet stay in a horizontal position. Then the person takes a vertical position and remains in it for 1 minute. The increase in heart rate indicators is assessed, it corresponds to:

Irina Kruglova adds: “When talking about the functional state of the body and determining the volume and intensity of physical exercise, one very important point should be noted.

The volume and intensity of physical exercise depend on a person’s health, and not on his functional state. Suffering from a chronic disease, in the compensation stage, a person may have a high functional state, while systematic inadequate physical activity, accompanied by the mobilization of all body systems, can lead to depletion of the systems, which will lead to the progression of the disease, the emergence of complications, or may even kill the person.”

Robinson index

To quantify the energy potential of the human body, the Robinson index is used. It is used to assess the level of metabolic and energy processes occurring in the body.

The Robinson index characterizes the systolic work of the heart. The higher this indicator is at the height of physical activity, the greater the functional capacity of the heart muscles. This indicator can indirectly judge the oxygen consumption of the myocardium.

To calculate the Robinson index:

1. After a 5-minute rest, determine your pulse for one minute while standing.

2. Measure your blood pressure and remember the “top” value (systolic).

Robinson index formula:

You can evaluate the calculation results in this table:

Natalia Govorova

Reading time: 4 minutes


The term “sports training” presupposes the competent use of all knowledge, conditions and methods for a targeted impact on the development of an athlete. Tests are non-specific exercises with a numerical result obtained during measurements. They are needed to understand your current health status and determine your readiness for physical activity. So, we determine the level of sports training.

Endurance test (squats)

Place your feet wider than your shoulders and, straightening your back, take a breath and sit down. We rise up as we exhale. Without stopping or resting, we do as many squats as we can. Next, write down the result and check it with the table:

  • Less than 17 times is the lowest level.
  • 28-35 times – average level.
  • More than 41 times – high level.

Shoulder girdle muscle endurance/strength test

Men do push-ups from their toes, beautiful ladies from their knees. Important point– the abs must be kept tense, the shoulder blades and lower back must not sink, the body must be kept in a level position (the hips and the body must be in line). When doing push-ups, lower yourself so that your head is 5 cm from the floor. We calculate the results:

  • Less than 5 push-ups is a weak level.
  • 14-23 push-ups – average level.
  • More than 23 push-ups is a high level.

Ruffier index

We determine the reaction of the cardiovascular system. We measure our pulse for 15 seconds (1P). Next, we squat 30 times for 45 seconds (medium pace). Having finished the exercises, we immediately begin measuring the pulse - first in 15 seconds (2P) and, after 45 seconds, again in 15 seconds (3P).

The Ruffier index itself is determined by the following formula:

IR = (4*(1P+2P+3P)-200)-200/10.

We calculate the result:

  • Index less than 0 – excellent.
  • 0-3 – above average.
  • 3-6 – satisfactory.
  • 6-10 – below average.
  • Above 10 – unsatisfactory.

In short, a result is considered excellent when the sum of heart beats is less than 50 for all three 15-second intervals.

Response of the autonomic nervous system to physical activity - orthostatic test

The test is carried out as follows:

In the morning (before exercise) or after 15 minutes (before eating), spent in a calm state and in a horizontal position, we measure the pulse in a horizontal position. We count the pulse for 1 minute. Then we get up and rest in an upright position. Again, count the pulse for 1 minute in a vertical position. The difference in the obtained values ​​indicates the reaction of the heart to physical activity subject to a change in body position, thanks to which one can judge the fitness of the body and the “working” state of regulatory mechanisms.


  • A difference of 0-10 strokes is a good result.
  • A difference of 13-18 beats is an indicator of a healthy, untrained person. Rating: satisfactory.
  • A difference of 18-25 strokes is unsatisfactory. Lack of physical fitness.
  • Above 25 beats is a sign of overwork or some illness.

If the average difference in shocks is 8-10 for you, then the body is able to recover quickly. With an increased difference, for example, up to 20 beats, it’s worth thinking about where you are overloading the body.

Assessing the body's energy potential - Robinson index

This value demonstrates the systolic activity of the main organ - the heart. The higher this indicator is at the height of the load, the higher the functional abilities of the heart muscles. Using the Robinson index, we can (of course, indirectly) talk about myocardial oxygen consumption.

How is the test performed?
We rest for 5 minutes and determine our pulse for 1 minute in a vertical position (X1). Next, you should measure the pressure: the upper systolic value must be remembered (X2).

The Robinson index (the desired value) looks like the following formula:

IR = X1*X2/100.

We evaluate the results:

  • IR equal to 69 and below - “excellent”. The working reserves of the cardiovascular system are in excellent shape.
  • IR is 70-84 – good. The working reserves of the heart are normal.
  • IR is 85-94 – average result. Indicates a probable insufficiency of the reserve capacity of the heart.
  • IR is 95-110 – the rating is “bad”. The result indicates disturbances in the functioning of the heart.
  • RI above 111 is very bad. The regulation of the heart is disrupted.

It is impossible to avoid the natural aging of the body, but you can delay it as much as possible and meet old age in good physical condition and sound mind. It is impossible to deny the factor of heredity, but a lot depends on lifestyle and habits.

All nutritionists in the world agree on the main thing: a person’s health largely depends on his diet. World-famous publications are creating ratings of healthy products, as more and more people are showing interest in a healthy lifestyle.

Nutritional supplements - common name natural or synthetic chemical substances, improving the taste, smell and appearance of products, extending their shelf life, etc. Of the 500 existing additives in Russia, half are allowed. You only need to know those that can harm your health.

The average energy requirement of an adult man is 2,500 kcal per day; women need 1,800 kcal. With increased physical activity, these numbers increase, and to lose excess weight, calories must be reduced.

The ancient names of diseases seem funny today, but these funny words have their own history and interesting etymology. Doctors will easily answer the test questions, and others will find it useful to broaden their horizons with medical terminology.

If you want to quit smoking, adjust your menu and lifestyle for a while. Alcohol, red meat and coffee make you want to smoke a cigarette, while vegetables, fruits and dairy products distort the taste of tobacco smoke and discourage the desire to smoke.

A healthy lifestyle includes an optimal mode of physical activity and rest, hardening, proper nutrition, a rational lifestyle, absence bad habits etc. A healthy lifestyle should take into account psychophysiological characteristics, age, gender and social situation, etc.

The importance of diet has long been proven by physiologists: the habit of eating regularly set time produces a conditioned reflex. The body begins to prepare for food intake in advance - gastric juice and other substances are produced, intestinal motility increases, etc.

Health is not only the absence of disease, but also a state of the body in which all organs function normally, as well as a feeling of mental well-being. The state of health can be judged by certain parameters - anthropometric, physical, biochemical, biological, etc. Normal health is said to be when the indicators fall within a certain range. Any deviation from the norm may be a sign of deteriorating health. The external manifestations of the disease consist of changes in the functions and structures of the body that can be measured, as well as poor health. Every person is interested in maintaining health, because good health allows you to live fully and long, achieve your goals, overcome difficulties and solve life problems.

According to WHO, 50% of health depends on lifestyle and nutrition, 20% is due to the influence of external conditions and heredity, and 10% is the responsibility of the health care system. Stress, alcohol and tobacco abuse, drugs, and environmental pollution negatively affect health.