Job resume sample in English. Resume in English: how to write and what is a CV. Job resume, Curriculum Vitae in English: writing tips

Below you can find resume samples in English that can help you create your own resume. There are many ways to write a resume, but the general form remains the same. On the Internet you can also find many different online resume creators, in which you only need to fill in certain genders and add a photo, and the generator located on the page will create it for you ready-made resume with the relevant information. Such generators can be found, for example, by typing into Google: “resume online for free.” An example of a similar resume creator can be found.

Example of a resume in English No. 1 – Driver

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Personal information:

Name: Andrey Veselov
Date of birth: 06/03/1984
Address: 000000 Kozlova Street 20, Saint-Petersburg
Nationality: Russian
Marital status: single


Phone number: 333 33 33


2002 – 2007 Saint Petersburg State University

Foreign languages:

English – beginner

Russian – intermediate

Work experience:

2006 to present driver in Taxi Saint Petersburg corporation

Qualifications and skills

Driving license – categories B, B1, C, C1

Familiar with all types of in-car equipment, including bus, taxi, and van

Toyota professional driver training certificate

Personal traits:

  • answered
  • able to foresee events in a timely manner
  • punctual
  • getting along with people well
  • quick in decision-making


driving, music, travelling, motorsport


Example of a resume in English No. 2 – Sales Manager

Personal data:

Name and surname: Grigoriy Ovchinnikov
Date of birth: 11/05/1983
Address: ul. Pushkina 6, 143350 Moscow
Email: [email protected]


01.10.2002 – 30.06.2008: Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation – Master’s Degree of Economics

Work experience:

06/13/2013 – present: Regional Sales Representative – company XYZ sp. z o.o., Moscow

After-sales customer service
Providing trainings for customers
Offering and sale of products from the company portfolio

Advisory services concerning the use of products

09.2007 – 05.2013: Sales Representative – XYZ company, Moscow

Acquiring new customers interested in the services offered by the company
Building and maintaining long-term relationships with customers
Conducting trade negotiations
Participation in trade fairs
Creating a positive image of the company among customers in the subordinated area
Implementation of sales plans
Submitting daily/weekly reports

Courses and trainings:

"Effective Communication" Course
„Customer Value Management” Course
„Effective Sales Techniques” Conference

Foreign languages:

English – Advanced
Russian – Basic


Computer skills: MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Mathcad
Driving license B category

Additional information:

Traits of character: responsibility, punctuality, stress resilience, communication skills
Interests and hobbies: golf, fitness, reading books

Example of a resume in English No. 3 – Nanny

Personal information and contact details:

Name: Viktoriya Knyazeva
Date of birth: 13.12.1990
Address: Sovetskaya 2 Street, Moscow
Postal code: 121500
Phone number: 555 55 55
Email address: [email protected]

Education and qualifications:

20011 – 2014 Academy of Special Education in Moscow

2006 – 2011 Lomonosov Moscow State University

Work experience:

2012 – 2014 Kindergarten apprenticeship

Children care and support certificate

Foreign languages:

English – fluent (C1 proficiency certificate)

Spanish – intermediate

German – beginner

Driving license – category B

Microsoft Office suite

Linux, Mac OS, Windows environments

Hobbies: music, children, books, movies


References available on request.

Example of a resume in English No. 4 – Designer


Personal data:

Name: Aleksandr Kornilov
Date of birth: 11/15/1979
Home address
Street: any
City: Minsk
Postal code: 000000
Phone number: 111-11-11

Education and qualifications:

2002-2007 Belarusian State Economic University

Work experience:

2007 to present Designer in private office

Qualifications and Additional Skills:

Foreign languages:
English – fluent. Passed FCE exam on B2 level
Chinese – beginner

Driving license – category B, since the year 2005

Other: Proficiency in computer programs: Microsoft Office, Autodesk AutoCAD
Hobbies: fishing, reading books


References available on request.

Example of a resume in English No. 5 – Nurse

Personal details

Full name: Anna Kalashnikova

Date of birth: 07/15/1982

Current home address: Lenina Street 1, Moscow

Postal code: 124681

Phone number: 444 444 444

Email address: [email protected]

Nationality: Russian

Education and qualifications

2006 – 2009 Nurse training at The University Hospital in Moscow

2001 – 2006 Medical University in Moscow

Work experience

2008 to present Nurse at The University Hospital in Moscow

Additional skills

Computer literature – Microsoft Office suite

Driving license – category B

  • English – fluent
  • German – intermediate
  • Russian – beginner
  • French – intermediate

reading books, attending theater performances, listening to classical music

Personal traits

  • dedicated
  • hardworking
  • reliable
  • outgoing
  • keen to help people
  • open-minded
  • able to work in solitude as well as in a team
  • trustworthy


References available upon request.

Example of a resume in English No. 6 – Cook

Personal data:

Full Name: Anton Lobanov
Date of birth: 02/11/1988
Present address: Kievskaya 15 Street, Saint-Petersburg
Postal code: 196084
Phone number: 222 22 22
Email address: [email protected]

Education and qualifications:

2008 – 2013 Culinary school in Saint-Petersburg

Work experience:

2010 – 2013 culinary apprenticeship in a restaurant in Saint-Petersburg

  • performed daily activities of a chef assistant
  • worked collaboratively in a restaurant
  • acquired skills in cooking and assisting chefs

Qualifications and Additional Skills:

Foreign language proficiency:

English – intermediate

German – beginner

Driving license (category B)

Other: Culinary training (I and II degree), Microsoft Office literate

Hobbies: fishing, cooking


References available on request.

A resume in English is not much different from a resume in Russian. There are certain rules for writing a resume that you should follow. Although the resume should have its own flavor, you should not change its form and the order of individual parts 😉

The Internet is full of information on how to write a resume in English, as well as tips on what to do and not do when writing it. But we will share with you not just another instruction, but tips from native English speakers who work at our school.

Resume or CV

Isn’t that how CV is translated into English? Actually, no. CV, or Curriculum Vitae(translated from Latin - this is the path of life), and resumes are very different in volume. For a resume, the polite maximum is a couple of pages, and for a CV, as much as your imagination and life experience allows.

Remember the assignments from your literature teacher for the summer - read, for example, “War and Peace” in its entirety, all four volumes. Do you understand now how much volume this is?

Now think about a collection of short summaries that has helped you out many times in such situations. Remember how little (compared to the original) there was to read? So, CV is the entire “War and Peace”, only dedicated to you, and summary- this is a resume that is also about you, but straight to the point and without additional details other than those that are important to a potential employer.

Always clarify whether you need to send a CV in English or a resume, do not tire the recruiter in vain, he still has at least twenty, or even more, to read and not forget what and how + you need to make a decision!

Resume structure in English with examples

Here we will focus on the key points, from the point of view of our native speakers, that will be universal for any resume.

Formatting a resume

  • Choose simple and clear fonts.
  • Highlight key points in bold or underline.
  • Use all elements to format text: paragraphs, indents, lists, alignment.

Don't overdo it with colors. The most important thing is that the information on your resume is easy to read and that the layout encourages reading rather than distracting from it.


As experience and statistics show, resumes containing a photograph are more often considered. It is better to place it in the upper right corner and it should be of good quality. To the left of the photo, enter your personal information.

The contacts section, where we indicate the first name, last name, and patronymic. If you have a foreign passport, then it is best to take the information from it. Contact (electronic and physical) addresses (the address is usually written in this order: house number and street name, apartment number, city, postal code, country.) You also need to indicate the telephone number and all other ways to contact you. Don't forget about your marital status: married (married), single (single), divorced (divorced). And the last thing is your date of birth, Date of birth (it’s better to write the month as a word, since different countries have different formats for writing dates).
Here is an example of the beginning of a resume in English:

Name: Bill Gates
Address: 1835, 73rd Ave, Medina, Washington, US
Phone: 709-3100
Marital status: Married
Nationality: American
Date of Birth: 28 October 1955
Email: [email protected]

Professional profile (Specialist card)

This is kind of a cool teaser or spoiler, which contains the most interesting facts about you related to the position for which you are applying. And, since this is information only about yourself, then “I” and “am” and “have” are omitted everywhere in the resume, so as not to be full of your ego everywhere (I’m a specialist, I have 5 years of experience, etc.). d.).

In Western companies, it has long been customary to do this so that the HR manager opens your resume and immediately finds something for which it is worth contacting you or, in general, hiring you hand and foot. Here is a simple example of a resume in English:

4+ years of professional experience in sales management.- More than four years of experience in sales management.
Excellent managing skills and ability to work to tight deadlines.- Excellent management skills and ability to work under tight deadlines.

Also in this section you can indicate the position for which you are applying and the purpose of your resume.

Sales manager.- Sales Manager.
A general office position with a focus on wholesaling.- Job title office employee with specialization in wholesale trade.
To obtain employment in the field of client support that will allow me to use my ability to communicate with people and take advantage of my knowledge of English.- Obtain a position in customer support, which will allow me to use my people skills and knowledge of the English language.
I am looking for a position as a sales manager for a distributive company.- I am looking for a position as a sales manager in a distribution company.


Skills. It’s already difficult to elaborate anything here, we just take those that are perfect for the position and list them:

Knowledge of Oracle, SAGE and all Microsoft Office Apps.- Knowledge of Oracle, SAGE and all Microsoft Office applications.
Excellent communication skills and ability to present complex information in an easy to understand format.- Excellent communication skills and the ability to convey complex information accessible.


Experience. We write about all our merits, orders and real achievements in reverse order - from the most recent to earlier periods of work. Be sure to include information about the name of the company, position, period of work and achievements in the position for that period.

If you worked in a small and not particularly well-known company, try to provide links to more famous and large partners with whom you had the opportunity to deal. Let's take a closer look:

LANGFORD PARTNERSHIP, Sacramento- company name and city
Financial Analyst- financial analyst
September 2011 - Present- period of work from September 2011 to the present
Created financial reports and supported all areas of responsibility within a 5 person finance team.- Created financial reports and supported all areas of responsibility in a team of 5 finance specialists.
Process journal entries and perform accounting corrections to ensure accurate records.- Process journal entries and make adjustments to official records to ensure accuracy of records.

If you do not have official work experience, you can indicate in this section industrial practice, internship, part-time work, freelancing, participation in any projects, etc.

You may have already noticed that past accomplishments and accomplishments are described using the past tense, while current responsibilities are described using the present tense. And, again, the “I” is missing everywhere.

These verbs will help you describe your responsibilities.

  • analyzed - analyzed
  • managed - managed
  • arranged - arranged
  • organized - organized
  • assessed / evaluated - assessed
  • performed - carried out
  • assisted - helped
  • planned - planned
  • budgeted - created a budget
  • promoted - promoted
  • calculated - counted, calculated
  • recommended - recommended
  • controlled / monitored - controlled
  • represented - represented
  • coordinated - coordinated
  • researched - researched
  • created - created
  • sold - sold
  • designed - designed
  • solved - solved
  • developed - developed, developed
  • supervised - controlled, supervised
  • distributed - distributed, distributed
  • tested - checked
  • examined - checked, studied
  • trained - trained
  • implemented - implemented, embodied


Education. Everything is simple here - we list the name of the university, faculty, specialty and date of graduation, as well as all the certificates and courses that you have completed:

GROVER COLLEGE, Alamosa- names of the university and city
MBA with Accounting Concentration- Master's degree in accounting
June 2008- period of obtaining a degree

It is important to list the educational institutions attended in reverse chronological order - from university to school.

Names of educational institutions:

boarding school- boarding school, boarding school (closed educational institution)
college- college, school
institute- institute
private/independent school- private school
teacher training college- pedagogical college
technical college- technical College
university- university
vocational college- vocational school

Names of academic degrees:

undergraduate- student
bachelor's degree student- bachelor
master's degree student- master
postgraduate- graduate student
doctoral candidate- doctoral student

Other skills

Another skills. Despite the name, this section is also worth paying attention to and adding here everything that is not entirely related to the work that is interesting to us, but something that is worth mentioning, and, of course, it is highly advisable to write English level language in the resume.

By the way, the standard options are: elementary - basic, intermediate - average, upper-intermediate - above average. We believe that we speak confidently and fluently - fluent.

If you passed international language exams, record the result. For example: English (IELTS 7.5 - advanced).

Great experience in Adobe Crea
tive Suite (InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop), intermediate level of English.- Extensive experience in Adobe Creative Suite (InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop), knowledge of English at an intermediate level.

When writing this section, you can use the following phrases:

ability to conduct business in 2 languages- ability to conduct business in two languages
easily solve technical problems- I can easily solve technical problems
excellent written and verbal communication skills- excellent written and oral communication skills
in-depth knowledge of... / understanding of…- deep knowledge of... / understanding...
keep alert to… / keep abreast of…- I keep up with new developments in the field...
keep up-to-date with changes in the industry- I follow changes in my professional field
speaking in public- ability to speak in front of an audience
well-developed skills in...- developed skills in the field...

Additional information

Here you can enter the following information. It won't be superfluous:

Valid international passport.- You have a valid passport.
International driver's license.- You have an international driver's license.
Available for relocation.- You agree to the move.

Cover letter

The cover letter is not exactly a section of the resume, but what the recruiter will see first, because he or she will first open the letter to which you attached your resume, and only then the resume itself.

The format of the letter should be in business style. We begin the letter with the address: Dear Mr. Edison, for example. It’s better to find an HR profile on social networks and contact him or her by name - this will 100% be a plus for karma!

Next, we introduce ourselves and explain why we are interested in the vacancy. To explain why only we are suitable for this position, we paint our skills and achievements with all the colors. For example, My security plugin for Windows browsers made them work faster. - The security plugin of my creation speeds up the work of all browsers!

At the end of the letter, we thank you for your attention - thanks for your attention, and that in general we will be happy to answer any questions, or even come for an interview - feel free to contact me for more details. We politely end the letter with the standard phrase “Regards”, i.e. “With respect” / “With respect”, not “See you later, alligator.”

Resume template in English

Dear Mr. Edison, I am highly interested in your position at Dear Mr. Edison, I am highly interested in your vacancy, which I found on
In my last job I managed a $350,000 budget, with a reduction of costs totaling 15% over two years.- In my last job, I managed a $350,000 budget, reducing costs by total amount by 15% in two years.
Thank you for your time. Please contact me for any relevant information.- Thank you for your time. Please contact us if you require any additional information.
Regards, Andrew Wilson.- Best wishes, Andrew Wilson.

Please note that in a cover letter we can already write I am, I have. And, if you have recently reached some heights or have just completed an English course, you can say this using the Present Perfect - I have just finished an Intermediate English course. - I just finished an intermediate level English course.

Mistakes when writing a resume

Let's talk about typical mistakes when writing a resume.

  • Volume more than 2 pages.
  • Poor visual design and all text without paragraphs.
  • The absence of a professional profile (spoiler about yourself and how cool our experience and skills are) - this is how you will force the recruiter to read all two pages of your resume.
  • Insufficient contact information. This way your resume immediately ends up at the end of the list and there is even a risk that it will simply be missed.
  • Insufficient information about previous employment. This looks suspicious and immediately reduces your chances of getting the desired position.
  • Indication of short periods of operation in the “Experience” section. They may put off a potential employer (except for project-based work, in which case be sure to mention that it was a short-term project).
  • Irrelevant experience - don’t write about how you worked in construction in the summer if you want to become a senior financial analyst.
  • The use of I am and I have are all in the same “Experience” section. As our speakers explained, this is bad form and a waste of symbols.
  • Certificates and skills that don't exist. Everything is easy to check, and if you indicated your level of knowledge of English in your resume, for example, like a native, but in reality - with a dictionary, and even then I’m embarrassed, you will definitely find yourself in an awkward situation. It is better to take an interview preparation course, which includes writing a resume in English, or a business course. By the way, we have just such courses and cool teachers who can easily prepare you and help you write a resume. So feel free to sign up for a free introductory lesson at EnglishDom.
  • Lack of cover letter. Use every opportunity to draw attention to your candidacy, including a cover letter.
  • EnglishDom #inspiring to learn

If you want to find a job in a foreign company or get a job in a foreign branch company, you will need not only knowledge of English, but also a well-written resume in English.

First of all, a resume will help you get the position you want. A well-developed resume that succinctly outlines your abilities and goals increases your chances of getting a job and successfully passing an interview.

From the article you will learn:

What is a resume and what is a CV? Difference between CV and resume

There are 2 terms:

  1. Resume

In the USA and Canada the word " resume"(resume) - the document contains brief information about the candidate on one, maximum two pages.

CV- curriculum vitae (translated as “path of life”) - used in North America in the fields of art, science, and education. The CV contains a more detailed description of achievements, biography indicating awards and other distinctive features.

Recently, CVs have become popular in the IT field.

A resume in English, if you take a sample design, should be no more than 1 page, since the 2nd page may somehow get lost or the employer simply does not have the patience and attention to read your resume to the end. If your resume does not fit on one sheet of paper, sign your contact information and your first and last name on each page.

Below we will look at writing a resume in English.

Resume structure

The resume consists of disclosing points such as:

  1. Personal Information / Personal Data
  2. Position being applied for (Objective / Employment)
  3. Education/Qualifications
  4. Work Experience/History
  5. Interests
  6. Recommendations

Below we will describe each point in more detail.

1.Personal Information/Personal Data

In this paragraph you must write your name, surname, address (in the format - street, house, apartment, city, region, country), telephone number (together with the country and city code - Russia code +7, Ukraine code +3), email . So, in the British sample resume in English you need to write the date of birth (day, month, year - for example, 10/30/1985).

Sometimes you can indicate your marital status.

2. Objective/Employment

Of course, you can briefly write that you are applying for the position of Sales Manager.

But in order for your resume to “catch,” you need to write more specifically in the OBJECTIVES paragraph why you should get this position in the company to which you are sending your resume.


"Objective: To obtain a position service engineer that will allow me to use my knowledge of mechanics and take advantage of my desire to work in BP."


You must write about your education.

List in reverse chronological order the universities and colleges you graduated from (start with the most recent).

You can also include internships abroad and advanced training courses. If you have a degree (candidate or doctorate) - write too.

4.Work Experience

List no more than 3-4 places of work in reverse chronological order (start from the current time of work). Be sure to indicate the dates of your stay at a particular job. Also write the companies you work for. Pay special attention to the functions that you performed in a particular job (advantages). Avoid using the words “I” and “My”

5. Interests

Your resume in English also indicates your interests (hobbies, skills).

Please indicate your native language and knowledge of foreign languages. You also need to indicate your ability to work on a computer (what programs you know, your level of proficiency) and, if necessary, describe other skills that will help you in your future work. If you play sports, be sure to explain which type you prefer.

6. References

It is necessary to list at least two people who can give you recommendations and give you a brief description. Indicate your full name, position, place of work and telephone numbers.

If you do not have enough space, you can write the following - “Available upon request” - “Ready to present upon request.”

How to write a resume in English correctly - is there a sample?

Now a few words about how to prepare a resume in electronic form without errors.

Format your document so that it is easy to read. Leave at least 1.5 cm on the top and bottom, 2 cm on the left (so you can pin your resume in a folder), and 1 cm on the right.

Leave spaces between words. Do not underline or italicize individual words.

Sample resume in English for an engineer

Personal data

Ivan Prokhorov
Generala Petrova str. 18-31, Nizhny Novgorod,
Nizhny Novgorod Region, Russian Federation
+7 906 3814632
[email protected]


To obtain a position of service engineer that will allow me to use my knowledge and take advantage of my desire to work in Sulzer Ltd.


Ufa State Oil Technical University Oktyabrskiy Branch (OF UGNTU) 08.1995 – 06.2000
Specialty: Engineer-mechanical

Work experience

10.2011 – till now
OAO "Rosneft"
Position: Head of Service of Manufacturing Custom Equipment.
Activities and responsibilities: Manage the production of service of manufacturing custom equipment. Control and technical maintenance of production metal parts
03.2010 – 10.2011 – OAO “Rosneft”
Position - Engineer-constructor
Activities and responsibilities: Schematic drawing metal parts for different equipment, technology of metal processing for the manufacture of metal parts.

Employment history
06.2007 — 03.2010

10.2000 — 06.2007
Position: Engineer-constructor
Activities and responsibilities: constructor documentation of Installation Electric Submersible Pumps - Electric Submersible Pumps (18-400 m³/day), electric asynchronous motors, protector.

MS Word, MS Excel, Compas 3d.
Russian: native
Ebglish: Fluent reading, writing and speaking ability


Football, Reading, Mountain trekking.


Available upon request

Sample resume in English for a programmer and IT specialist

IT specialists and programmers often send their CVs and resumes to several companies at the same time, so the “Objective” section is often skipped. Another feature is the “Skills” section, which describes the technologies and methodologies that the resume author can work with.

Personal data

Ivan Ivanov
Generala Petrova str. 18-31, Kherson,
Kherson region, Ukraine
+3 876 6323814
[email protected]

Date of Birth: 02/15/1985
Civil status: married

Work experience

August 2010 – now: CoolHackers Company ltd.
Position: Software engineer
Design, engineering and development of software

Employment history

April 2008 – August 2010: DB Grow Company
Position: Database engineer
Design and maintenance of DB
July 2008 – November 2009: CodeEnergy.
Position: Software developer
Maintenance of DB

Kherson National Technical University, IT
Specialist's Degree

Foreign Languages

Ukrainian, Russian – Mother languages
English – Fluent reading, writing and speaking ability
German – Beginner level

Programming languages: C#, SQL, PHP, JavaScript.
Database systems: Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft SQL CE, SQLite, MySQL, Postgre.
Methodologies: OOP, UML, patterns (GoF, Fowler), Domain Driven Design, TDD
Frameworks: .NetFramework (WinForms, WCF), jQuery, CodeIgniter
ORMs: Linq2Sql, Entity Framework
SOAP services

hardworking, result-oriented, easy-going, friendly, sociable and time management skills, initiative

Thus, a resume in English is concise and concise. If you want an employer to notice your resume, keep their attention from start to finish using the techniques described above.

You can also download a sample Resume (there is also a template and several examples of ready-made resumes).

Before you start writing your resume, you need to clearly understand the purpose. The main purpose of writing a resume is to interest the employer and receive an invitation to an interview.

Let's imagine ourselves in the employer's place: if we are talking about a large successful company, usually this is a very busy person who looks at a large number of applicants, viewing a resume takes no more than 30 seconds, after which there is either interest or not. How to get interested?

Imagine yourself as an employer

What kind of employee would you like to hire?

  • Use numbers - they will attract attention in the general text;
  • Use professional language (demonstrate your competence, but remember that everything should be appropriate and moderate);
  • Give preference to short sentences, express yourself clearly and concisely;
  • Use more verbs that encourage action;
  • Stick to a generally accepted resume structure.

Make a plan

  • Heading(First Name, Surname, Date of birth, Address, Phone (Cellularphone, Home phone), E-mail) - document header. This section of the resume includes: first name, last name, date of birth, residential address, contact numbers (mobile, home), email address of the applicant;
  • Objective- target. This block usually indicates the position for which the applicant is applying or the area in which he plans to develop;
  • Work Experience(Dates, Position, Title of company, City, Major Duties, Special Projects, Accomplishments). This section describes the applicant’s work experience (period of work, position, company name, city, main responsibilities, projects, achievements);
  • Education(Dates, Title of educational institution, Major, Degree). This section contains information about the applicant’s education (period of study, name of educational institution, specialization, title/academic degree). You can also mention here additional education: trainings, courses;
  • Honors(Title, Awarding Organization, Date(s)) - awards (name of award, organization that awarded, date) - indicated whenever possible;
  • Publications(Title and Type (Note, Article, etc.), Title of Publication (Journal, Book, etc.), Publisher, Date Published) - publications in a newspaper, magazine (topic of publication, type - note, article, etc. , in which magazine or newspaper it was published, date of publication) - indicated as far as possible;
  • Special Skills(fluency in a foreign language, knowledge of a particular computer application) - professional skills (PC knowledge, foreign languages);
  • Personal Information- personal information. In this block you can indicate your hobby, marital status, personal qualities, and so on;
  • References- recommendations. If it is possible to provide references from a previous place of work or study, you can indicate at the end of the resume: “References are available upon request.”

Let's look at a sample resume

Joanna Silverstone

To gain experience and develop my skills in the company, where creativity, new ideas and enthusiasm would help me to make progress.


Address: China, Guangzhou, Nanjin Street, 28
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +18664827470

Professional experience

September 2012-now: I am working as a Regional Manager for RG Company.


  • Marketing research
  • Supervising a team;
  • holding meetings;
  • training.


  • Marketing research;
  • dealing with customers;
  • working in a team.


  • Bachelor's Degree (Diploma in Marketing, Beijin University);
  • programming courses (Certificate, Oxford University).

Achievements and awards

  • The best sales results of the team in Fast Track;
  • increased sales by 15 per cent over the 3-year period;
  • "The employer of the year" in 2011.
  • Creativity implementing new ideas in Sales Department;
  • customer service skills;
  • teamwork;
  • problem solving: I was involved in different complex projects.


  • Russian: mother tongue;
  • English: Advanced;
  • Chinese: Elementary;
  • Spanish: Elementary.

Computer skills

  • Operate and install Windows, Linux;
  • send and receive emails;
  • browse the Internet;
  • can program in Java, C++, PHP ;
  • can design websites.

I enjoy traveling, because I can meet new people, get new experience and learn a lot. Moreover, it gives me inspiration and energy for work. Apart from that I like doing sports and playing intellectual games.


Goal oriented, confident, energetic, creative, reliable, trustworthy, leader, fast learner, respected by current stuff.


Robert Stiff
CEO of Fast Track
Email address: [email protected]
Telephone number: 18652796325

Anna Wilson
CEO of Best Result
Regular customer
Email address: [email protected]
Telephone number: +496325763112

Checklist for verification

After writing your resume, check the checklist:

Correct spelling:

  • check spelling and punctuation;
  • check the appropriateness of use;
  • writing style.


  • check your resume according to writing standards (indentation, font);
  • volume (preferred volume - 2 pages);
  • the paragraph does not exceed 7 lines (otherwise it will be inconvenient for perception);
  • There shouldn't be too much empty space on the last page (it makes you feel like you're just running out of ideas;
  • make sure the most important information is on the first page


Clear structure with content-appropriate headings and logical layout, chronological order.


  • Make sure to use list bullets;
  • list markers should not just be in the form of a dash, but in the form of bold dots;
  • Is the information in the table and columns conveniently located);
  • using bold or italics to highlight key information;
  • no more than 2-3 fonts (to highlight headings and subheadings);
  • font color (black).

Personal information:

  • Full name;
  • A high-quality, clear photo of you smiling (this will increase your chances);
  • The email address must be business, serious (not [email protected]).


  • written in reverse chronological order;
  • included not only the position title, but also key responsibilities.


  • check if you wrote about languages ​​and computers;
  • relevance.


  • you have shown yourself as a person who has an active position in life and wide range interests;
  • connected interests with work;
  • showed how disciplined and organized you are;
  • demonstrate through your hobbies that you are striving for professionalism.
  • 2 recommendations are enough;
  • only positive recommendations.

Now count the points:

  • 0–8 - Tear it up, no good, start again.
  • 8–17 - Not bad, let your acquaintances, friends, colleagues read it, ask everyone for feedback.
  • 17–23 - Very good, you can tweak it a little, buy a suit and
  • 23–27 - Great! Employers will simply cut off your phone.

Another example of a good resume in English

Viktor Vasilev
123 Pushkin Street, Apt. 122
Moscow, Russia
Date of birth: March 10, 1980
Cellular phone: 8(***)111-11-11
Email: [email protected]

Apply my skills as a regional sales manager with a company focused on quality, dedication and ingenuity


2007 to present

Regional Sales manager
Limited Liability Company Planeta
Type of business - the distribution of soft drinks

Major Duties:

  • management of 10 sales representatives;
  • trade negotiations;
  • direction of the sales force in planned towards selling specific goals;
  • carrying out of store check.


  • increased monthly regional volume 25 percent and helped to improve customer-company relations during my tenure;
  • developed the training for sales representatives.


Trade representative
Limited Liability Company Diary
Type of business - the sale of writing materials

Major Duties:

  • search of new clients;
  • execution of monthly sales plans;
  • prepared sales forecasts and sales goals reports;
  • trade negotiations, presentations of the production.


  • increased client base by 50 percent;
  • increased volume of sales by 200 percent during my tenure.

Lomonosov Moscow State University
Master's Degree

Major: management

Training for Sales managers in Limited Liability Company Planeta,

Computer: MS Word, MS Excel, The Bat
Languages ​​(spoken and written): Russian (native), English (fluent)

Available upon request

In addition, another piece of advice: now in the era of the development of the Internet and social networks, many employers (customers) check the social activity of those they hire. That's why be sure to ensure that your social networks are in proper shape, there were no drunken photographs, but there was high quality photo, preferably taken in a professional photo studio. You should smile while wearing it.

A CV (or curriculum vitae) is a calling card of candidates running for sufficiently senior levels requiring special skills. It is not easy to write a CV in English as you should both have a good level of English-language skills and understand basic cultural differences and business expressions of a foreign country (or company) to which you aspire. Learn how to write a CV in the following material.


The structure of a resume in English is international and contains the main sections:

  • Personal Information;
  • contacts;
  • education;
  • experience;
  • personal qualities.


The structure of the document is international and consists of several main parts: personal data, contacts, education, work experience and personal characteristics. Here is an example of a CV.

Example of a resume in English


human resources professional


Award-winning and versatile Certified Human Resources Professional (sHRP) with 10 years of expertise strengthening human resources for teams around the globe. Strong understanding of recruitment, staffing, immigration, mergers, acquisitions, onboarding, training, performance management, compensation, and benefits. Known as a resourceful team player who excels in challenging environments. Captured significant savings and improved availability of benefits through tremendous success negotiations 0% increases in benefits premiums for two consecutive years; industry averages 14% increases annually.

Recognized for success transforming underperforming teams; reinvented human resources strategies: and resolved issues in critical areas such as recruitment, performance management, and compensation.

Earned first-of-its-kind "Going the Extra Mile Award" for leadership in consistently promoting customer service for global company with 900+ employees.

Core Competencies

Human Resources Recruitment Interviewing Hiring Training & Development.

Team Leadership Team Motivation Employee Benefits Payroll Mergers & Acquisitions.

Reductions in Force Facilitation Compliance Budgets Immigration Requirements.

Work experience

2015-2019 — Director, Human Resources COMPANY, LLC, City, State

Recruited by former officer of acquired company dmg world media to transition human resources operations. Directed team leading full range of human resources functions, including payroll, recruiting. and benefits, for locations in the United States and Canada. Partnered with senior management to deploy innovative long-term human resources solutions. Allocated $1.5 million budget, aligning financial resources with business objectives. Instrumental contributor to success of human resources transition during acquisition of dmg world media; ensured seamless changeover by establishing bank accounts, password systems, benefits plans, and other critical systems in only 30 days.

Selected to direct recruitment strategies from concept to completion, developing overall workforce planning and presenting recommendations approved by senior managernent.

Strengthened business operations by creating and deploying performance management tools, including new compensation strategies including new pay grades and bonus and commission structures.

Launched comprehensive benefits program, including group retirement and 401(k) plans, throughout locations in the United States and Canada, traveled to 12+ offices in North America to facilitate launch.

2010-2015 — Human Resources Manager COMPANY, City, State

Directed five-person team overseeing human resources for American locations, managing, $2.3 million budget. Developed a comprehensive hiring strategy to attract talent, including increasing web presence.

What to pay attention to

When writing a resume in English, you should consider a number of nuances:

  1. The document does not contain a title, the recipient already understands what it is, it is not customary to title your life path with the words Resume (America) or CV (Europe), CV in America is used for scientists.
  2. Europeans or Americans do not have middle names, but they do have double names, for example, Erich Maria, so if you indicate your middle name, be prepared to be addressed, for example, by Vladimir Peter.
  3. For American companies, having a photo is considered bad manners to ensure equal access and non-discrimination based on ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation. For German or French organizations, a photograph is acceptable.
  4. Age, as a rule, is not indicated, nor is the date of birth.
  5. It is advisable to fit all the information on one page - Americans will not waste time studying a two- or three-page document unless the summary is executed in some very intricate and creative way (does not apply to scientists, for them three pages is normal). The British are more loyal and will scroll through two pages. For Europeans, two or three pages is standard.
  6. Be careful with the names of your email addresses. For an English-speaking employer, the Latin alphabet is native, and an employee with an address is unlikely to be of interest to him.
  7. Pay attention to the language: a job resume in English for Americans is not the same as for Europeans; Americans want to see their English, without the letter “u”. Feel for yourself: color and labor is in American, color or labor is in standard English.
  8. Depending on the country the company belongs to, personal qualities receive different attention. If you are applying for an American job, then leadership qualities in themselves are of great importance, without being tied to job responsibilities; for a company from Asia, this aspect does not matter.

About the address Email We’ve already written, let’s say a few words about social networks. Having addresses of your pages from social networks is desirable, since these are open sources, and a potential employer prefers to know what his candidate lives and is interested in. A kind of check to see whether the information sent to the employer differs from the actual state of affairs of the candidate.

Below are some highlights

When writing a CV in English, you should pay attention to some nuances.

The document has no headline, as a receiver knows for sure what kind of document he is holding. They do not give titles to it with neither “Resume” (Am) no “CV” (Europe); in America “CV” is used by only science workers.

Europeans and Americans have no patronymics but they have middle names, like Erich Maria. That is why if you write you patronymic, get ready to be called, for example, Vladimir Piotr.

Having a photo is considered bad form among American companies as it opens the possibility of discrimination claim (race, gender or sexual orientation). However, it is possible to put your photo on a CV for German or French companies.

Generally, your age or date of birth is not indicated.

Preferably, all information should be filled in one page. Americans will not waste their time for studying a two- or three-page document, only if it is written in a convoluted and creative way (but it is quite normal for science employees). English are more loyal, they would rather look through two pages. But it is standard for Europeans to have two or three pages in a CV.

Be careful of the names you give to your email addresses. For an English-speaking employer Roman script is a native writing system. An employee whose email is called “kissmyass” would hardly get a job.

Pay attention to the language. A Resume in English for Americans and a CV for Europeans differ: American English has no letter “u” in some words. View the difference: Americans do not use the letter “u” in the words such as “color” and “labor”. These words in British English are “colour” and “labour”.

According to the belongingness to a particular country, different companies pay different attention to personal characteristics. If you try to get a job in an American company, your leadership qualities are very important themselves, no matter what your job descriptions are. Asian companies find this aspect irrelevant.

As we have already written about email addresses, let us talk about social networks. It is desirable to have the links of your social network Internet profiles. A potential employer would like to know the candidate’s personal life and his interests. Moreover, it is a sort of test, if the information from a CV coincides with the candidate’s real life.

How to write for Russia

Now let's move on to the issue of filling out this inherently interesting document and consider a sample resume in English with translation.

First of all, we decide where we want to write. In any case, this is a foreign organization, but is located either in Russia or abroad. This matters because the recruiter, or HR Admin Assistant (Recruitment), is guided by the standards to which he is accustomed. This must be taken into account: we are going to a foreign monastery, and our own rules are not suitable here (unless you are some famous world luminary).

If we find a job in Russia, then most likely it will be a compatriot who will select us, so we focus on the architecture that is familiar to us. In this case, we write a resume for a job in English using the standard algorithm, but in English. Structurally it looks like this:

  1. Contact details / Personal Information.
  2. Job Title / Objective.
  3. Education / Education.
  4. Qualifications.
  5. Work Experience.
  6. Personal qualities / Personal Qualities.
  7. Special skills / Special Skills.
  8. Diplomas, titles / Awards (if available).
  9. Recommendations / References (optional).

This is the standard for how to write a resume in English, you can add something to it (awards or completed projects), or remove something, at your choice. Tell us how to translate your name into Latin or what the equivalents of Russian positions are called qualification reference books in the English manner, we won’t do it separately. It is assumed that the candidate filling out the sample CV (resume) in English has a fluent or at least Intermediate level, which will allow him, if the question is answered positively, at least not to explain himself “on fingers”.

Writing for Russia

Now let us go to the filling in this inherently interesting document and consider a CV example in English with interpretation. First, you have to decide where you are writing. Anyway, it is a foreign organization though situated either in Russia or abroad. This is relevant as a HR Admin Assistant (Recruitment) would guide the standards he got used to. This must be taken into account as when in Rome, do as the Romans do (an exception can be made only for a word famous star.

If you take up employment in Russia, you would rather be selected by a fellow countryman. In this case we can focus on the usual structure of the text. A CV must be written according to a standard plan but in English. Its structure includes:

Personal Information

Objective Education Qualifications

Personal Qualities

Special Skills Awards (if you have)

References (if you are not afraid)

This is a standard plan, so we can add some parts (Honors or Activities) or exclude some others, absolutely of your choice. We are not going to highlight additionally the problem of translating the names into Latin symbols or finding English equivalents of jobs according to the Rates and Qualifications Handbooks. A candidate filling in a CV is expected to have fluent, or at least intermediate level of English, that would let him not to explain himself in Layman’s terms in case of getting a job.

How to write abroad

Let's move on to filling out a resume for a foreign company located abroad.

Section 3. Work experience

We write specifically, mainly with verbs, and are not shy about our achievements. The chronological order is reverse - from last place of work to first. Keep in mind that if you are sending information to Americans, and they are known to value time, then they can easily send all resumes in electronic form to a special data bank, from which they will then select using keywords. Therefore, before writing about your work experience, study the semantics of the vacancy you are interested in.

Part 3. Professional Experience or Employment History

Write to the point, mostly use the verbs, do not hesitate to mention your achievements. By the way, write in a reverse chronological order, from your last job to the present. Keep in mind that Americans are known to value the time, so the whole letter in electronic form is easily sent to a special data bank, they chosen by a keyword search. That is why you’d better study semantics of your vacancy before writing.

Section 4. Certificates and Diplomas

You indicate when and what you completed, and who you are. Writing a resume in English implies understanding that America has its own system of scientific degrees, and even graduate schoolchildren based on points. Therefore, if you graduated from a university in Russia, it is better to clarify what kind of specialist you are - M.A., M.S., M.B.A. or Ph.D., and whether your diploma is accepted there. In general, it is not necessary to write about education; your professional skills that you possess are much more important, and not the presence of cardboard in a hard cover. Therefore, if you only have courses under your belt, do not hesitate to say so; sometimes the presence of real skills and abilities can be more significant than a honors diploma from Moscow University.

Part 4. Certificates & Diplomas

Indicate, where and what you graduated, what are you know. Once again, you had better learn that there is a special scientific degree system, and even schoolchildren graduate with a certain score. That is why if you graduated from a Russian University, it is preferable to clarify your specialty - M.A., M.S., M.B.A. or Ph.D., and learn if your diploma is accepted there. Overall, you may not write about your education at all as having real professional skills is much more important compared to having a paper document. Consequently, if there are only courses that you have under your belt, go ahead to mention them as sometimes it is more valuable to be an experienced and skilled worker than to be just a Moscow State University graduate with a prestigious diploma.

Section 5. Additional Information

This section is important for the recruiter; it is used at the first meeting to “build bridges.” It’s very good, of course, if your interests coincide with your work, but if not, it’s okay. Here, by the way, it is acceptable to indicate information about participation in volunteer movements; this is welcomed and valued in America.

Should language knowledge be indicated in separate sections? computer programs etc., it's up to you, but keep in mind that this information must somehow correlate with the job you're trying to get.

Bottom line: writing for Americans needs to be simpler, tougher and shorter. Focus on key skills.

Part 5. Personal Information

This part of the document is for recruiter to build bridges. It is very good when your interests coincide with your field of work, but if they do not it does not matter. Here, by the way, you’d better point out information about taking part in volunteering, as it is welcomed and appreciated in America. You can decide if you specify your language knowledge, computer skills, etc. in different parts, but keep in mind that this information should be correlated with the field of work you apply for. All in all you should write for Americans in simple, brief and short style.

Resume in English, example for an American company


tel +00000000000


Innovative, profit-oriented Project Manager with demonstrated success in increasing revenues, market share and earnings, achieving cost reductions and improving client satisfaction in customer-facing operations and large diverse organizations. Adept at analyzing the competitive landscape, conducting research and achieving continuous profits through focused, strategic workflow, staffing and business process analyses. Exemplary change agent with the ability to analyze issues, devise continuous process improvements and incorporate business. process initiatives to increase efficiency, streamline operations and decrease aggregate expenses with limited resources. Consistently identifies and accelerates strategic measures to strengthen performance with sustained operational results. Forges long-lasting client and business partner relation ships to mutually benefit all parties.

Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification Project Management Institute (PMI) Member Seattle Chamber of Commerce Member BYU Alumni Business Management Association Member Women in Business Member.


  • Business Development Vendor/Financial Management.
  • Team Leadership Budget Management.
  • Strategic Planning/Analysis Personnel Development.
  • Profit Maximization Cost Control/Reduction Program Management.
  • Process Improvements Change Management Relationship Building.


Strategic Management - Experienced in vendor management, contract negotiations and strategic financial analysis to increase efficiencies and reduce costs while maintaining solid rapport with business partners.

Team Leadership and Budget Management Expertise in leading and building cohesiveness.

Washington State Agent of the Month, June 2018 o Received the highest esteemed award given to American Family agents for Outstanding achievement in recognition for an overall mix of business and sale production, cross functional teams and collaborating with senior executives in improving operations and starting up new business locations while overseeing staffand managing budgets. Process Improvements — Devised and processes, procedures, systems and internal controls to strengthen operations, increase productivity and enhance customer satisfaction.


2015-2019 — Manager and Owner.

All American Club Award o A highly esteemed, outstanding achievement recognition in the first year of sales in 2017, 2018 and ahead of schedule to receive for 2019.

AMERICAN FAMILY INSURANCE Established a successful insurance business from the ground up, Strategically and innovatively growing the business and implementing policies and programs to increase company profits.

Created systems to train and manage team members in achieving agency objectives.

Ranked #1 in Life Sales in the district and #7 in the state despite being one of the newest American Family Insurance agents. Formulated and managed a detailed business plan consisting of performance goals, sales results, retention and client and staff satisfaction.

Mentored in establishing individual expectations, fostering creativity and self-motivation by implementing result expectations.