Risks in personnel work, preventive action plan. Minimizing personnel risks in the company's activities. The concept of personnel risk. Types of personnel risk, their classification


1 UDC: () Economic sciences Elena Ivanovna Fomicheva, senior lecturer at Moscow State University. N.P. Ogareva", Saransk Anastasia Alekseevna Balyasova, student, 3rd year student, Faculty of Economics, Moscow State University. N. P. Ogareva”, Saransk Soldatova Diana Yunirovna, student, National Research Mordovian State University, Saransk ANALYSIS OF PERSONNEL RISKS OF AN ORGANIZATION (BY THE EXAMPLE OF JSC Russian Railways) Abstract: This article analyzes the personnel risks of an enterprise (by the example of JSC Russian Railways). The necessity of this analysis in the activities of business entities is substantiated. The company's documentation was studied, on the basis of which an assessment was made of the compliance of the company's actual data with the stated objectives. A register of personnel risks was compiled, which made it possible to assess the degree of influence of risks on the development of the enterprise and, based on this assessment, determine an algorithm for working with risks. Measures are proposed to prevent them. Key words: human capital, personnel risk, personnel functional component, personnel, personnel policy, risk register, risk map. Abstract: In this article the analysis of personnel risks of the company (on the example of JSC “Russian Railways”) is carried out. The necessity of this analysis in the activity of economic entities. The documentation of the enterprise was studied, on the basis of which the conformity of the company's real data to the declared tasks was assessed. A personnel risk register was created that allowed to assess the degree of

2 risk impact on enterprise development and to determine, based on this assessment, the algorithm for working with risks. Proposed measures to prevent them. Keywords: human capital, human risk, human resources functional component, personnel, personnel policy, risk register, risk map. Modern global trends necessitate the formation of a technotronic economy, in which humans play a key role. Human capital is most important factor formation and development innovation economy and the knowledge economy as the next stage social development. It is human capital, the accumulated “baggage” of knowledge and skills that are currently the most important competitive advantages economic entity. Consequently, today the problems of ensuring intellectual and personnel security, which, in essence, come down to minimizing personnel risks, are becoming most relevant for organizations. Personnel risks are a consequence of insufficiently effective work with human resources in the organization and the cause of all other types of risks in the organization. In a generalized form, risk, as a definition that correlates with the categories of “uncertainty” and “probability,” worried many scientists at various stages of social development. The founder of the classical economic school, Adam Smith, believed that “economic man” seeks to minimize the risk that is inevitable in economic activity. J.M. Keynes believed that the traditional approach to the analysis of decision-making under conditions of uncertainty involves risk assessment. A representative of the institutional direction of economic thought, F. Knight, distinguishes between the concepts of “risk” and “uncertainty”, while by “risk” he understands a quantity that can be measured, and by “uncertainty” a quantity that cannot be measured.

3 V modern conditions In a dynamically developing world, risk analysis in the activities of organizations that act as a key link in a market economy is a necessary factor in its sustainable functioning. As we noted above, today, in the era of the formation of the knowledge economy and the consolidation of personnel as the main wealth of the company, special attention requires assessment of the personnel risks of business entities. In this work we will consider the main risks in personnel sphere one of the leading enterprises in Russia, JSC Russian Railways. In the Russian Railways report on activities in the field sustainable development it is said that the company considers personnel as the main asset and valuable resource of the company. Increasing the competitiveness of the company as an employer, attracting and retaining personnel with the necessary qualifications in the Russian Railways holding, its continuous development and social support are the main tasks in this direction. Let's analyze the compliance of the company's real data with the stated objectives. The organization's personnel are the most important resource entrepreneurial activity, and a source of large losses, up to bankruptcy and liquidation of the company, i.e. acts as the main source of risk. Let's consider the personnel structure. According to the reporting data of Russian Railways, at the end of 2015, the number of employees of the enterprise amounted to 808.9 thousand people. The share of personnel categories in the total number was distributed as follows (Fig. 1). Specialists and employees 29% Managers 7% Workers 64% Figure 1 Personnel structure of JSC Russian Railways, 2015

4 The share of managers in the total number of personnel was 7%, while the safe value of this indicator is 20%. According to Russian Railways, the share of managers in the total number of personnel is 65% less than the required value. The lack of managers leads to “overload” of managers (a potential reason for the decline in the quality of management decisions). Let's analyze the age composition of the staff (Fig. 2). Figure 2 Age composition of the personnel of JSC Russian Railways, 2015. The most important indicator characterizing the age composition of the personnel is the proportion of employees over 50 years old. The actual value of this indicator in JSC Russian Railways in 2015 was 19.9%, which corresponds to the conditions of personnel security. Wherein average age workers is 39.1 years old. Note that personnel with higher education in the total number of personnel is 26.8%; secondary education 28.8%; other education (incomplete secondary, complete and primary vocational) 44.3%. At the same time, in 2015 there was an increase in the share of workers with higher education by 1.9% compared to last year, which is a positive trend. However, the number of personnel with higher education is insufficient, because the share of managers and specialists is 36% of the staff. To one of his main achievements in the field personnel policy Russian Railways attributes a decrease in the level of staff turnover. Thus, according to the data provided by the company, staff turnover in 2015 compared to 2014

5 decreased by 1%. Despite the positive trend towards a decrease in the value of the staff turnover rate in 2015, the actual value of this indicator in 2015 exceeds the recommended value (5%) and amounts to 7.4%. The average monthly salary of employees of JSC Russian Railways for 2015 was 44.5 thousand rubles, which is 31% higher than the average in Russian Federation. In regions with high levels of staff turnover and insufficient levels of wages zonal surcharges have been established. However, this does not satisfy the criterion economic security enterprises in the personnel sector, the growth rate of wages is higher than the growth rate of labor productivity by 72.3%. Violation of this criterion leads to overexpenditure of the wage fund, increased production costs and, consequently, failure to comply with rational economic proportions. At the macro level, such a disproportion can cause an increase in the level of inflation and a gap between the real and financial sectors of the economy. The next group of indicators used in this work to assess risk are indicators characterizing the organization of work. Safe frequency factor values industrial injuries and the level of occupational morbidity are zero. However, in JSC Russian Railways in 2015, the indicator values ​​were 0.29 and 1.2, respectively. High values ​​of these indicators can cause low employee loyalty. The degree of assessment of the level of economic security of enterprises and assessment of the adequacy of a set of measures to prevent and neutralize risks and threats to a certain extent depend on their timely identification and the right choice methods for their assessment. The diagnostics of the personnel functional component of JSC Russian Railways and the study of the enterprise’s documentation make it possible to compile a register of personnel risks, assess the likelihood of their occurrence and the severity of the consequences (Figure 4).

6 Figure 4 Map of personnel risks of JSC Russian Railways We will rank the company’s personnel risks by calculating the RR value as the product of the probability of a risk occurring and the severity of its impact. Risk RR 1 Risk of operational inefficiency organizational structure 56 2 Risk of staff qualifications not meeting the necessary requirements 56 3 Risk of increasing the proportion of employees over 50 years of age 49 4 Risk of reducing the level of staff loyalty to the organization 63 5 Risk of retention and promotion high level occupational morbidity 80 6 Risk of maintaining and increasing a high level of industrial injuries 90 7 Risk of inflation processes 40 Table 1 Ranking of personnel risks of JSC Russian Railways Thus, significant risks (RR>45) are all the risks we have identified, with the exception of the risk of inflation processes , which, in relation to the company, is an external risk.

7 Let us evaluate the degree of influence of risk on the development of JSC Russian Railways and determine, based on this assessment, an algorithm for working with risk (Figure 5). Figure 5 The degree of influence of personnel risks on the development of the company JSC Russian Railways Thus, the following risks require an immediate response from the company management: the risk of ineffective functioning of the organizational structure; the risk that employee qualifications do not meet the necessary requirements; the risk of a decrease in the level of staff loyalty to the organization; the risk of maintaining and increasing a high level of occupational morbidity; the risk of maintaining and increasing the high level of industrial injuries. It is also necessary to continuously monitor and assess the risk of increasing the proportion of employees over 50 years of age and the risk of inflationary processes. The assessment of the risks of the personnel functional component of JSC Russian Railways allows us to draw the following conclusions. Many personnel risks identified during the analysis have a high probability of occurrence and a high degree of impact. Therefore, it is necessary competent management risks in order to prevent their implementation as a threat to the personnel functional component of the economic security of the enterprise.

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UDC 338.24 Kalashnikova I.A., 4th year student of the EMF Shiryaeva N.V., Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Credit, Ulyanovsk State Technical University, Russia, Ulyanovsk ASSESSMENT

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Konnov N.I. Economic and mathematical analysis of key factors influencing the cost of production of PJSC "BASHINFORMSVYAZ" // Academy of Pedagogical Ideas "Novation". Series: Student scientific bulletin. 2019.

336.647/.648 Kuznetsova Aleksandra Vladimirovna Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management, Novosibirsk Kuznetsova Aleksandra Vladimirovna Novosibirsk State University of Economics

1 UDC 338.32 NECHAYEVA E.A. student of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Perm State Technical University, Perm, Russia SEROGODSKY V.E. scientific supervisor, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, Perm State Technical University, Perm, Russia EFFICIENCY ANALYSIS

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15 ASSESSMENT OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT IN COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS N.N. Muravyova, Ph.D. econ. Sciences, Associate Professor N.N. Udalova, senior lecturer Volzhsky Humanitarian Institute (branch) FSAOU

Petrova S.N. Improving operational efficiency construction company// Academy of Pedagogical Ideas “Novation”. Series: Student Scientific Bulletin. 2018. 6 (June). ART 290-el. 0.2 p.l. - URL: http:

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The performance of a company depends on the ability of its management to constantly monitor and take into account various internal and external risk factors affecting the company’s position in a competitive market environment.

Risks associated with the activities of personnel are fundamental in the process of functioning of the organization and the desire to develop and improve its efficiency.

Risks in personnel management can be defined as the probability of losses that arise when investing in new areas of personnel work. Personnel risk management is a process that begins at the stage of developing a personnel management strategy and covers the entire company's personnel management system at all its levels.

The source of risks is both the external and internal environment of the company. The main causes of risk, on the one hand, are the objective incompleteness or insufficiency of information, on the other, the subjectivity of perception of information and the possibility of a manager or employee making the wrong decision.

The absence or low level of employee involvement in the organization is one of the main reasons for the occurrence of personnel risks.

Analysis of personnel management shows that there is no work on personnel risk management at domestic enterprises. Personnel risk management is a process that covers the entire personnel management system of an organization at all its levels.

Currently, most operating organizations do not belong to the public sector and their activities are most often not regulated by clear instructions and regulations regarding personnel management, which entails risky situations. There is reason to believe that risks will grow as the economy globalizes, as products and services become more complex, and clients and investors become more demanding.

The company's personnel management process is continuous and should include the following elements: the formation of goals, objectives and requirements for personnel, selection and selection of employees, training and development, personnel movement, rationalization of labor motivation, remuneration and incentives, performance evaluation. It is necessary to take into account that relevant risks arise at each stage of the personnel management process, but at the same time there are conditions for their minimization.

Let's consider the main groups of risks arising in the personnel management system (Fig. 4.2).

Rice. 4.2.

This classification allows you to see the most important risk areas in personnel management.

The main group of risks is risks of erroneous choice of personnel policy directions. One of the reasons is the unreasonable prioritization of HR strategies that can contribute to the achievement of company goals. This can happen due to an erroneous assessment of the role of short-term and long-term interests of the company's owners. Experts can also make mistakes in their assessments financial condition organization and business prospects of the company, which will provoke them to include in the personnel policy those areas of activity that are obviously unfeasible.

The second group is risks associated with poor quality staffing activities of the company, and they occupy a significant place in the overall list of risks of company management. The success of the company depends on the extent to which the personnel involved in the work are aware of their responsibility and interest in the results of their work. Personnel errors can be made: during development technical documentation, in the process of technical implementation into production, due to insufficient qualifications and training of personnel, as a result of overload, fatigue, illness, as well as negligence and malicious intent. In this regard, it is especially important to highlight the risks associated with identifying compliance qualification requirements to the position and the quality indicators of new employees applying for this position. The cause of job risk should also be sought in irrational distribution functional responsibilities in the company's staffing table or in a distorted job description. To minimize such risk, a reasonable structure of positions, powers and responsibilities should be created and used as a tool not job description, to which no additions or changes are made, but a document in which an analysis of the candidate’s abilities to fill a vacant position will be carried out.


1. Concept and classification of personnel risks of an organization

2. Risk measurement

3. Identification of the company’s personnel risks

4.Methods of personnel risk management

Concept and classification of personnel risks of an organization

Personnel risk – the danger of a possible loss of company resources or loss of income as a result of miscalculations and errors in personnel management.

Key risks associated with human resources:

Insufficient qualifications of employees;

The problem of replacing old personnel with new ones;

Concerns about the departure of particularly valuable employees.

Classification of personnel risks:

According to the nature of possible losses:

1. Material: entail additional. costs or loss of property;

2. Labor: high turnover and low productivity due to dissatisfaction and disloyalty;

Loyalty implies the desire to perform in the best possible way, the desire to comply with the principles of the company, to unconditionally contribute to the achievement of its goals, humility with some requirements and the ability to accept others - those that were not previously part of the company's ideas.

3. Financial: direct monetary damage associated with non-payments, fines, etc.

4. Loss of time: due to unforeseen circumstances;

5. Special: causing damage to health and life.

For reasons of risk:

1. Risks of disloyalty: the result of ill-conceived motivation, lack of involvement and satisfaction;

2. Risks of interactions: dangers of intra-group conflicts, mobbing

Mobbing is a form of psychological violence in the form of bullying an employee in a team, usually with the aim of his subsequent dismissal.

3. Risks of lack of information: incompleteness, inaccuracy, distortion, untimeliness

4. Risks of unprofessionalism of the HR manager: as a result of proceedings with the Labor Inspectorate, complaints, conflicts

5. Risks associated with the leader: autocrat (bias, large power distance); connivance (crisis of control systems, chaos); democrat (risk of delegation of authority and responsibility);

6. Risks from competitors: bribery, poaching employees, theft of secrets, competitive intelligence, company discrimination, damage to reputation.

Measuring Risk

Probability of risk– a number from zero to one, the closer to one, the higher the probability of an event occurring. It is calculated subjectively (expertly) or objectively (calculating the frequency with which certain events occur).

Vulnerabilities and threats to the organization also need to be considered.

Rice. 1. Components that form the basis of risk and their relationship

Vulnerability shows weaknesses in the strategy, structure, the company’s CP is characterized by the level of complexity in order to take advantage of it, depending on this it happens: a high-risk vulnerability or a low-risk vulnerability.

Threat- this is an action or event that can violate the security of the company and its components:

· Goals. The security component that is being attacked (assets, information, people, services).

· Agents. People or organizations that pose a threat.

· Events. Actions that constitute a threat.


Threat agents are people who seek to cause harm to an organization. To do this they must have the following.

· Access. Ability to achieve a goal.

· Knowledge. The level and type of information available about the target.

· Motivation. A reason to crush the target.

Threat + Vulnerability = Risk

Risk levels

· Short. Eliminate the weak point with little damage.

· Average. Action to eliminate the vulnerability is appropriate.

· High. Actions to correct the vulnerability must be taken immediately.

To assess risks, a risk map is drawn up.

Figure 2 Example of a risk map

Identification of company personnel risks

There are two approaches to identifying and assessing personnel risks:

Investment approach – personnel management as a risk of necessary investment to cover non-professional losses HR activities. The stages of personnel activities are considered in the form of projects: training, selection, motivation, assessment, etc. The project evaluation sequence begins with qualitative analysis, all possible types of risks are identified and identified, causes and factors are determined, and a cost estimate is given possible consequences risks and measures to minimize them are proposed with cost calculations.

Stages of qualitative analysis:

1. Identification of all vulnerabilities in the personnel management system (for example, at the personnel selection stage: how reliable is recruitment agency, whether all types of candidate verification are carried out, the reliability of the future employee, etc.).

2. Identifying real threats. Targeted threats (the combination of a known agent with known access and motivation and a known event targeting a known target) are identified, but this is very labor intensive, so it is common to estimate the overall threat level based on the identified vulnerabilities.

3. Suggested countermeasures – countermeasures are defined for each threat access point, e.g.:

A) access control;

B) two-factor authentication system (Authentication is the act of verifying an identity statement);

B) badge (identification card);

D) biometrics ( Biometrics are methods for automatically identifying a person and confirming a person's identity based on physiological or behavioral characteristics. Examples of physiological characteristics are fingerprints, hand shape, facial characteristics, iris);

D) a smart card reader at the entrance to the premises;

E) security;

G) access control to files;

H) encryption;

I) consciousness and training of employees;

K) intrusion detection system;

L) automated receive management policy updates

The main method of qualitative analysis is expert assessment method includes a complex of logical and mathematical-statistical methods. An expert analyst finds the most effective solution

Quantitative Analysis risks– involves a cost assessment of damage to individual risks and the overall level of risk as a whole.

The most obvious way to evaluate risk definition monetary costs in case of a successful attack. These costs include:

1. decreased productivity or downtime;

2. theft of equipment or money;

3. cost of investigation;

4. cost of attracting a new employee;

5. cost of expert assistance;

6. overtime work employees, etc.

Project risk analysis methods: expert assessment method; SWOT analysis; rose (star), spiral of risks; method of analogies or conservative forecasts; critical value method; "Tree" of decisions; scenario analysis; simulation modeling; planning of experiments.

Resource approach – recognition of features human resource and developing a management strategy for the purpose of managing personnel risks at each stage of personnel work.

The main task is to determine ways to develop effective production behavior among personnel, as well as to develop plans for organizational and technical measures (OTM) to eliminate the discrepancy between desired and existing behavior through motivation, training, adaptation, etc.

The main risk factors are:

Qualification asymmetry of persons wishing to get a job

Professional imbalance of supply and demand in the labor market,

Blurred moral and value attitudes of individual workers,

Actions by criminal elements;

Low level of qualifications of workers,

Low level and quality of life of people.

The main factors influencing the occurrence of personnel risks M.Yu. Khromov says:

  1. Internal factors that determine the conditions for risk occurrence. (They are controllable, i.e. they depend on the management of the enterprise and (indirectly) on external factors).
  2. External factors determining the degree of risk. (They are not controlled, that is, they do not depend on organizational management, but they determine the personnel policy of the enterprise.)
Khromov classifies risk cases into accidental (unintentional) and non-accidental (purposeful). Accordingly, the reasons for the occurrence of personnel risks differ. Thus, accidental personnel risks can be caused by the following reasons: ♦ lack of awareness of the essence of what is happening and the consequences of one’s actions; ♦ negligence, inattention, violation or absence of relevant rules and instructions;

♦ inappropriate in-house training;

♦ own vision of the situation (good intentions);

♦ the gap between true and declared organizational values. Purposeful risk behavior is mainly due to:

    own vision of the situation (good intentions); personal benefit; individual values ​​different from the organization’s values; the gap between true and declared organizational values; low interest in the existence (development) of the organization; intracorporate political intrigues, intergroup conflicts; disloyalty, demotivation, conflict (sometimes with a specific individual). Disloyal employees sabotage work, they have little interest in quality and deadlines, and in extreme cases they can deliberately harm the company.
Personnel security “is the security of an organization, achieved by reducing risks and threats associated with personnel, their intellectual potential and labor relations in general, and depending on three factors":
  1. Hiring. Includes a set of security measures when searching for candidates, selection procedures, documentary and legal support for hiring, probation and adaptation. As well as safety procedures when preparing certification and when planning training.
  2. Loyalty. A set of measures to establish positive relations between employees and employers. The enterprise, saving on this item, will be forced to spend even more resources on the activities of the next block.

Control. A set of measures consisting of regulations, restrictions, regimes, control and other security operations and procedures established for personnel and administration. It is aimed at eliminating the possibility of causing damage and is usually handled by the security service.

deep and high-quality interaction of the content of the entire spectrum scientific research And academic disciplines management education.


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A.E. Mitrofanova


Key words: personnel risks, personnel management, area of ​​risk occurrence, risk object.

When it comes to identifying personnel risks, practitioners often act haphazardly; the list of risks should be completely exhaustive and systematically presented, since the completeness of the understanding of an organization’s personnel risks is directly related to the reliability of its security.

Classification of risks, which involves dividing them into groups according to certain criteria, allows us to assess the place of each in common system and creates the potential for selecting the most effective appropriate risk management methods and techniques. Personnel risks by their nature are complex risks, which leads to a fairly diverse classification of personnel risks. The proposed classification of personnel risks is based on the principles of complexity, continuity, hierarchy, autonomy, and flexibility.

Taking into account where personnel risks are localized, they are divided into two large groups: external and internal. External personnel risks are negative impacts external environment, which influence both the processes within the company as a whole and its personnel security.

External personnel risks include:

Political - imperfection legislative framework, activity public organizations, movements, parties, etc.,

Economic - inflationary processes, a difficult situation in the job market

© Mitrofanova A.E., 2013

Socio-demographic - employees getting into different kinds addictions (alcohol, drugs, etc.), activities of the criminal environment, etc.;

Natural and climatic - floods, landslides, etc.; technogenic factors;

Market (competitive) - competitors having more attractive working conditions, luring away employees, exerting external pressure on employees (bribery, blackmail), etc.

Internal risks include personnel risks whose sources are located within the organization. They can be no less destructive than external ones. We should not forget that there is a close connection between external and internal personnel risks. It may consist in the fact that a source of external danger, for example, a competitor, purposefully strengthens painful tendencies within the rival’s organization in order to weaken or destroy it entirely.

Internal personnel risks, in turn, according to risk sources, are divided into personal risks and risks of the personnel management system. Personal risks arise as a result of manifestations of professional, business and personal qualities of the enterprise’s personnel. In turn, personal risks include the following types:

Biological risks (age, health level, psychophysiological characteristics, abilities);

Social and psychological risks (demotivation, loyalty, performance social roles, interpersonal conflicts);

Moral hazards (beliefs, beliefs, values, culture);

Intellectual risks (intelligence level, education);

Economic risks (creative and professional potential, qualifications, work experience);

Risks of unreliability (shortsightedness, negligence, sudden change in financial situation, gullibility, deceit, criminal record, etc.).

The risks of the personnel management system are differentiated by subsystems of the personnel management system:

1) risks associated with personnel planning and marketing, including:

Lack of allocation of positions from which the most dangerous security threats may come;

Ineffective determination of the required number of personnel (or lack thereof);

Suboptimal quantitative composition;

Imbalance of gender, age and educational groups personnel;

Low qualification level and etc.;

2) risks associated with labor relations, including:

The presence of conflicts of interest between employees and the employer;

Unfavorable socio-psychological climate in the team;

Lack of a policy of honesty towards clients, employees and the employer;

Lack of measures to identify, prevent and suppress undesirable actions on the part of employees that could result in harm to the interests of the organization, etc.;

3) risks of working conditions and labor protection, including:

Lack of measures to preserve and maintain the physical and psychological health of personnel;

Ineffective socio-economic working conditions;

Unfavorable psychophysiological and sanitary-hygienic working conditions;

Ineffective organization of personnel work;

Irrational modes of work and rest, etc.;

4) risks of personnel motivation, including:

Lack of staff motivation program;

Lack of system financial liability;

Lack of motivation among employees to make proactive proposals to improve the safety of the organization;

Lack of incentives for staff retention;

Lack of mechanisms to identify the motives and reasons for the dismissal of valuable employees and the place of their subsequent employment, etc.;

5) risks of personnel training and development, including:

Lack of connection between training and assessment of results;

The structure and culture of the organization are not conducive to the implementation of acquired knowledge;

Lack of relationship between training and certification procedure;

Poor quality training, etc.;

6) risks of business assessment of personnel, including:

No rating various forms manifestations of disloyalty and unreliability of the organization’s employees;

Different standards for workers performing the same work;

Similarity of beliefs and attitudes as a factor influencing business judgment;

Subjectivity of methods for business assessment of personnel;

Employee evaluation is not based on performance results, but on personal qualities;

Changing standards during business assessment;

Use of a narrow range of estimates;

Comparing workers with each other, and not with performance standards;

Lack of business assessment conclusions, management decisions, etc.;

7) risks social development personnel, including:

Lack of conditions aimed at increasing employee loyalty;

Lack of additional social guarantees downsizing staff and assistance in finding employment;

Absence social package taking into account the safety requirements of the organization and the employee, etc.;

8) risks of an ineffective organizational structure, including:

Unreasonable number of personnel taking into account the organization's development strategy;

Irrationality of the organizational structure of the organization;

Lack of personnel management service;

Ineffective functional distribution of responsibilities and duties for personnel management, etc.;

9) legal risks, including:

Lack of control over the employee’s compliance with current labor and civil legislation when performing labor responsibilities;

Lack of measures to minimize the financial liability of the employee and employer in labor disputes;

Lack of local regulations regarding personnel security, etc.;

10) risks information support, including:

Lack of information and explanatory work with employees of the organization about the rules for conducting confidential business negotiations, communication with clients, behavioral tactics during attempts at recruitment and blackmail, ensuring the information security of the employer during working and non-working hours;

Untimely and high-quality provision of complete and reliable information necessary to perform job duties, etc.

As shown above, according to the risk object, personnel risks are divided into personnel risks, organizational risks, and state risks. In turn, among the personnel risks one can name the risk of violation of individual rights and freedoms, physical and mental violence at work, humiliation of honor and dignity, the risk of damage to health, the risk of job loss, and the risks of reduced income. The personnel risks of an organization include the risk of reducing material assets, the risk of loss information resources, the risk of forming a negative image of the company, the risk of bankruptcy. Government personnel risks include the risk of default, the risk of social instability and tension in society, the risk of public protests, labor strikes, the risk of public distrust and government resignation.

According to the systematicity of manifestation, systematic personnel risks associated with the prevailing conditions in the organization differ, for example: risks of personnel policy, communication risks, etc.; and unsystematic personnel risks caused by the implementation of specific decisions and projects, for example, risks of delays in completing work due to errors or personnel violations.

Based on the results of operations, pure personnel risks are distinguished, which are caused only by the possibility of losses due to the fault of personnel, for example: risks of loss of ability to work; risks of fraud and theft, etc.; and speculative personnel risks associated with the possibility of both losses and increases in income, for example, risks of personnel selection, risks organizational culture and so on.

Based on the criterion of potential damage, personnel risks are divided into local, medium, significant and global (strategic) personnel risks.

Based on the degree of regularity of the potential manifestation of risk, one-time or accidental, regular and permanent personnel risks can be distinguished.

Based on the degree of sensitivity to personnel risks of various groups of stakeholders, acceptable, acceptable and unacceptable personnel risks should be distinguished.

According to the degree of legality, justified (legitimate) and unjustified (illegal) personnel risks can be distinguished.

In addition, depending on the reasons for their occurrence, personnel risks can be divided into accidental (not intentional) and non-accidental (purposeful).

The manifestation of any of the personnel risks poses a certain threat to the organization.


1. Badalova A.G. Management of personnel risks of an enterprise // Russian Entrepreneurship. - 2005. - No. 7. - P. 92-98.

2. A.G. Badalova, K.P. Moskvitin // Russian Entrepreneurship, 2005. No. 7. - pp. 92-98.

3. Smagulov A.M. The impact of personnel risks on personnel management strategy railway transport Kazakhstan [Electronic resource]. - URL: http://science-bsea. narod.ru/2009/ekonom_2009/smagulov_vozd.htm

4. Mikhnevich O.N. Strategic approach to managing personnel risks of an organization // Integral. - 2009. - No. 4. - pp. 94-95.

5. Tsvetkova I.I. Classification of personnel risks // Economics and management. - 2009. - No. 6. - P. 38-43.

Yu.A. Sokolova


Key words: modernization, corporate governance, corporate strategies, management decisions, Board of Directors.

Currently, the task of breaking the vicious circle “backward corporate governance - backward economy” is becoming urgent, without which orientation is unthinkable Russian economy for modernization and innovative development. The relevance of this problem for a particular enterprise is expressed in the need to implement transformations that will not only overcome negative and achieve positive results, but also achieve, through a system of institutional-economic and organizational-managerial measures, the strengthening and effective use potential corporate governance, which is a technology for developing key decisions and monitoring their implementation, as well as adjustments at the highest level - strategic management and control exercised by company owners and their representatives.

However, the classical corporate governance system in modern conditions does not cope with its, perhaps, most important function - the creation and implementation of effective corporate strategies. Of course, the basic mechanisms and principles of the classical corporate governance system should be considered as a necessary, and not a sufficient condition for building a company with highly effective corporate strategies. To achieve high efficiency in the execution of corporate strategies, the issue of the process of formation of corporate strategies is fundamental. In the concept of the classical corporate governance system, the strategic function of the board of directors is interpreted as limited. In accordance with it, this function is considered as the formation by directors of a broad strategic direction of activity and the establishment of a framework for management. In practice, this means that management is fully responsible for developing the strategy, and the board of directors only accepts or does not accept it. This state of affairs has a negative impact on the time it takes to correct strategic decisions. Similar

© Sokolova Yu.A., 2013