Romeiko Gurko was caught red-handed. The deputy head of the internal security department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs submitted his resignation. The investigation is in no hurry

The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs announced the impending abolition of regional departments of internal security (RUSS) in the districts and the dismissal of the deputy head of the Main Directorate of Internal Security (GUSS) Anton Romeiko-Gurko, who oversaw the district divisions of these departments. This happened shortly after in St. Petersburg, the head of the 17th department of the RUSS GUSB, Colonel Yuri Timchenko, was detained for a bribe of 100 million rubles.

“Structural changes will be made to the Main Directorate of Internal Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with the liquidation of the RUSS located in the districts in order to optimize the activities of the Main Directorate of Internal Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia,” says a statement published on website Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The decision to dismiss Anton Romeiko-Gurko, Deputy Chief of the Main Directorate of Security Services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, who oversees the RUSS units deployed in the districts, was made today by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Police General Vladimir Kolokoltsev.

Romeiko-Gurko, appointed to this position by presidential decree in December 2015, submitted his resignation. The report was also submitted by Vladimir Tsvetkov, deputy head of the Main Directorate for Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Earlier, official representative of the department Irina Volk linked the dismissal petition with the detention of Colonel Timchenko.

The head of the 17th department "West" of the RUSS GUSB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Yuri Timchenko, is suspected of receiving a bribe of 100 million rubles. According to the Investigative Committee, he turned to the LLC company with demands to pay this amount. Business Line".

For this, he promised to lift the seizure of more than 1.5 billion rubles from the company’s accounts and close criminal proceedings regarding tax evasion. The colonel received only a dummy half of this amount, after which he was detained by ICR and FSB officers. 350 thousand rubles were found in his office.

The issue of arresting the suspects and bringing charges against them is currently being decided.

The “West” department of the Main Directorate for Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, headed by Timchenko, is the only unit that was retained during the abolition of district police departments in 2014, including the main command for the Northwestern Federal District. Timchenko headed this department immediately after this reform; he was transferred to St. Petersburg from Moscow, where he served in the GUSS of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Note that after arrest September 10, billionaire colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko, media reported that the anti-corruption headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - the Main Directorate for Combating Economic Crimes and Anti-Corruption (GUEBiPK) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, in which he worked - could be disbanded.

During searches in the apartment of Zakharchenko’s sister in the elite Dominion residential complex on Lomonosovsky Prospekt, law enforcement agencies discovered $120 million and 2 million euros. In addition, it was reported that 300 million euros were found in the accounts of the Zakharchenko family in Swiss banks, and another 13 million rubles, 170 thousand dollars and 5 thousand euros found in his own car.

However, the headquarters remained, although it was subjected to a series of checks and searches, the last of which took place the day before. Based on their results, two officers were detained - operatives of department "B" Alexander Sobol and Sergei Abramov, who are suspected of exceeding official powers during the investigation of a criminal case of fraud in the sale of a mandate to the State Duma in 2014.

Among the ten main areas of development Russian Federation includes the fight against crime and corruption.

The issue of strengthening the rule of law in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is still one of the highest priorities. In this regard, the main efforts are focused on two areas: identifying and suppressing facts of illegal activities of employees of internal affairs bodies and proactively influencing teams of employees in order to prevent these facts.

Before we punish, we will figure it out.

The Main Directorate of Internal Security is an operational unit within the structure of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, subordinate personally to the Minister of Internal Affairs.

The activities of the Main Directorate are related to combating corruption in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, state protection of employees, federal civil servants and their relatives. The most important task of the internal security service is to verify complaints about unlawful actions of police officers received from citizens.

We talked with the head of the Department for the Organization of Inspections and the Implementation of Operational Information of the Main Directorate of Internal Security (GUSB) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs about what work is being carried out at the departmental level to search for objective truth and establish the circumstances of emergency incidents in situations where their alleged culprit is an employee of the internal affairs bodies. Russian police colonel Anton Stanislavovich Romeiko-Gurko

Anton Stanislavovich, in such a seemingly short period of time, based on the opinion of social monitoring, with your appointment to the position, since October 2012, a lot of work has been done in this area, considerable results have appeared. How do you assess the life situation in the unit entrusted to you, including for the future, have there been personnel changes, have any innovations been introduced in the area of ​​your own security activities, and is it possible to at least briefly “take a look” at that very component of the crime and punishment curve, and What is the right thing to do in cases where assistance in state protection is needed, including against unfair judgment?

It must be said that the work of the unit entrusted to me is not simply the consideration of appeals, statements and other information received by the Department about illegal actions and corruption among employees, civil servants and employees of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs systems. As well as constant analysis of situations related to this area of ​​activity.

I would like to note with satisfaction the efficient team. The employees have the highest professional level, all of them have passed strength tests. Worked in various services. No specially organized changes to my appointment have occurred or are planned. In my opinion, this is an absolutely established working team. Many of the employees once started, as we usually say, “from the ground.”

As for innovations, no global changes have occurred except for the redistribution of responsibilities between departments. A number of measures have also been taken to tighten control over the quality and timing of inspections.

To understand the scale of public attention to the problems of internal affairs bodies, let me point out that just last year the Main Directorate received more than 19.5 thousand complaints and statements from citizens, as well as other information, plus the territorial divisions of internal security (PSB) of internal affairs bodies - almost 53 thousands. None of the received appeals is left unattended: each one is registered, considered, and a decision is made on each appeal. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that only 47% of the information, which was confirmed during the 400 inspections carried out by the Department, was substantiated. During the current period of 2013, the Department alone has already received 7,500 citizens’ appeals. A considerable number of requests also come from the regions. We pay special attention to those subjects in which the number of citizens’ requests for their own safety is decreasing, despite the fact that in the same regions the number of requests to the central office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is growing. This indicates either the low quality of on-site inspections, or an inattentive attitude towards working with applicants, or, even worse, a lack of trust in local authority internal affairs.

Appeals are different. Some of them are within our competence, and depending on the significance, we either carry out verification activities ourselves, or organize them on site, but always with our control of the results.

In addition to conducting inspections, we also analytical work based on received requests from citizens regarding their own security. In less than six months of 2013, employees of the Department conducted 184 independent inspections, after which 29 materials were sent to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. In 5 cases criminal cases were initiated. During the same period last year, 12 were initiated. Based on one audit material, seven criminal cases were initiated at once under an article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which provides for liability for taking a bribe.

In addition, based on the results of independent checks in this year attracted to disciplinary liability 129 employees of internal affairs bodies. Of these, 6 employees were dismissed from the department of internal affairs.

An example of the work of the GUSS can be the initiation of a number of criminal cases against individual heads of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate for Ryazan region for systemic abuses using official powers.

Question: Commenting on these statistics, can we say that the majority of requests and statements received by the State Security Service are related to unlawful actions of the management of the Department of Internal Affairs?

Not certainly in that way. A significant volume of complaints concerns violations committed by employees of internal affairs bodies when investigating criminal offenses, conducting inspections of the financial and economic activities of commercial structures, and ensuring road safety. Largest quantity complaints were received against the actions of traffic police officers, criminal investigation departments, local police officers, employees of the Economic Safety and Internal Affairs Directorate and investigative units.

It should be noted that both active and former employees Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Most often in their appeals they point to unlawful dismissals from the internal affairs department and non-payment of the required salary.

Question: How long does it take to process requests?

Each of the received requests has established by law deadlines for consideration. For example, issues the resolution of which is not within the competence of a unit of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs system are sent within 7 days from the date of registration to the appropriate government agency or an official whose competence includes resolving the issues raised. In this case, the citizen is notified in writing of the redirection of the material.

Appeals received by the internal affairs body in accordance with its competence are considered within thirty days from the date of registration.

The period for their consideration may be extended by no more than thirty days with simultaneous notification of the citizen who sent the appeal.

Based on information containing facts of illegal activities of employees of internal affairs bodies, an inspection is appointed and carried out.

If in action police officer signs of a crime are found, the appeal and verification materials are sent to the investigative units of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for making a decision in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The legislation does not allow us to conduct independent checks when the applicant appeals procedural decisions or reports an improper (in his opinion) investigation of criminal cases. In this case, the appeal is either sent according to its jurisdiction to the appropriate prosecutor’s office, or the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is involved in the inspection.

Why are on-site visits carried out? Because of Bad quality inspections carried out in the regions or are there other reasons?

All independent checks based on citizens’ requests or other information are carried out only by order of the Minister of Internal Affairs and the leadership of the State Security Service.

The Main Directorate, like any department, has its own competence. Basically, on-site inspections are appointed in cases where the appeal concerns complaints against the heads of internal affairs bodies of the constituent entities of the Federation (in this case, it is incorrect and incorrect for these activities to be carried out by those whose actions or facts are being complained about) or if the information specified in the appeal may be of great public importance resonance.

Speaking in the language of numbers, the share of “police” crime in the total mass of crimes is very insignificant (approximately 0.1 - 0.2%). However, the very fact of its existence causes serious concern, since such crimes have an increased social danger and undermine people’s faith in the law, people’s faith that the state can actually defend their interests. Therefore, the work of the Department is not only of particular importance within the department, it implements the most important public and socio-political function - restoring justice and trust in police officers. And now we can say that we are coping well with it. However, unfortunately, there is still a lot of work to be done. The fact is that internal affairs bodies cannot be considered separately from society. The police are part of Russian society. For example, everyone remembers the recently successfully carried out operation by GUSS officers to identify and detain a group of employees of the capital’s traffic police who organized the sale of driver’s licenses without training or passing exams. Of course, violations on the part of employees are obvious. But none of the means mass media did not draw attention to the fact that there were many buyers for “leftist rights” in our society. In this case, the principle “demand creates supply” worked. After all, by purchasing such driver's licenses, drivers risk not only their health, but also the lives of their loved ones.

The loud confrontation between the head of the Levashovo village municipality, Oleg Ivanov, and Sergei Fedorov, who claims to remain the head of the local administration, has been going on for almost a year. Every month the story acquires more and more new details, litigation and unpleasant facts, which may well result in the initiation of a criminal case, which for some reason the Investigative Committee stubbornly delays.

Who quarreled with whom?

In the eyes of the village residents, already confused in the intricacies of domestic legislation, the conflict is more like a personal quarrel between Ivanov and Fedorov, and this is how it is periodically presented in the media.

If you follow this logic, then the dismissal of the deputy head of the Main Directorate of Internal Security (GUSB) of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Anton Romeiko-Gurko, can also be presented as personal revenge of Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev. Like, the head got angry law enforcement agency that a high-ranking security official, Yuri Timchenko, was detained in St. Petersburg, who demanded 100 million rubles from businessmen for his patronage. And since the detainee was subordinate to Romeiko-Gurko, the minister found a convenient reason to send the deputy head of the Main Directorate for Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with his things to leave.

In Levashovo, of course, the scale is smaller. The entire budget of the village with a population of almost 4,500 people in 2016 amounted to about 73 million rubles - a quarter less than what the “werewolf” Timchenko wanted to receive from businessmen. But the actions of the highest official municipality, the heads of Ivanov, aimed at removing from office the local official Fedorov, who was convicted of violating the Anti-Corruption Law No. 273-FZ and federal law“On municipal service in the Russian Federation” are essentially no different from the recent order of the Minister of Internal Affairs.

And try to argue that Vladimir Kolokoltsev justifiably fired Romeiko-Gurko, who allowed his direct subordinate Timchenko to become a “werewolf.”

Save and fire

Today it is no longer so important whose support both sides of the conflict in Levashovo are trying to enlist. Sonorous names and federal party brands are flashing in the press.

It all started with the fact that the head of the local administration, Sergei Fedorov, liquidated the municipal government at the beginning of 2015. government agency"Levashovskoye", dismissing director Olesya Ostrovskaya. And then he created an institution of the same name, which was headed by a friend of Fedorov’s wife, Natalya Zabarina, who held the position of chief accountant in the liquidated MKU. That is, the “alien” Ostrovskaya was replaced with “our own” Tatyana Orlova.

At the same time, the municipal council (and by law the head of the local administration is accountable and controlled by it) was not informed of the need and reasons for liquidating the MKU, and, as sources told, did not make the decision to create an institution of the same name.

Ivanov's reaction was predictable. He tried to find justice for Fedorov along the party line. However, the local official took advantage of the former district leadership " United Russia"greater location than Ivanov. In addition, Sergei Fedorov could rely on almost half of the municipal deputies. Opponents believe that these elected representatives depend on his “pocket” political council and an authoritative local businessman.

On February 25, 2016, an “initiative group” of local people’s representatives spoke at a meeting of the municipal council with an appeal to remove Ivanov from resignation. Note that the “deleted” person was on sick leave at that time. According to deputy Valery Svirida, the head of the Levashovo municipality could have violated anti-corruption legislation, since, as a municipal employee, he allegedly headed a commercial company. The “initiative group” also notified the governor of St. Petersburg about their desire to remove Oleg Ivanov.

After this, a series of single pickets took place in front of the Vyborg District Administration building, the Mariinsky Palace and Smolny. A few participants, on behalf of all residents of the village, demanded to “save Levashovo” and send “Ivanov to resignation.” Activist Anna Eropkina even told reporters that “if the authorities remain inactive,” the people will come out to a “major rally.” However, for some reason no protest events were noticed in Levashovo itself. And Ivanov publicly insisted that there was no commercial activities is not involved and the prosecutor’s office that conducted the inspection did not reveal any violations on his part.

Husband and wife - power and money

However, the activities of the “initiative group” of municipal deputies and individual activists become clear if we look at official documents. In January and February 2016, meetings of the commission on compliance with the requirements for official conduct of municipal employees and conflict resolution under the local administration of Levashovo were held.

According to Fedorov’s statement, the question was considered whether there were signs of a violation of anti-corruption legislation in the fact that his wife, who previously held the position of chief accountant in the liquidated MKU Levashovskoye, became deputy director in the new institution of the same name. At the same time, “Levashovskoye” is economic structure, subordinate to the local administration.

The municipal commission did not find anything criminal in the fact that the wife is responsible for finances in an organization controlled by her husband. How did I not see anything illegal in the fact that the MKU is headed by Tatyana Orlova.

Here's the committee civil service And personnel policy Smolny, having examined these protocols, discovered: the chairman and secretary of the commission “are directly subordinate to the head of the local administration of the municipal formation of the village of Levashovo Fedorova S.N.” Therefore, any decision with their participation is “considered unauthorized.”

As for the employment of his wife, when appointing her in 2012 as the chief accountant of the Levashovsky MKU, Fedorov was obliged to notify in advance the representative of the employer (employer) - the head of the Levashovo village Ivanov. However, he did not do this, which Smolny saw as a “violation of Article 11 of the federal law “On Combating Corruption.”

A similar violation was noted in official letter, sent from the committee to Ivanov and to the prosecutor’s office of St. Petersburg, that Fedorov, at state expense, rented a Toyota Rav4 car with a crew from a private person (according to some sources, from the husband of MKU director Tatyana Orlova). And since questions arise regarding both protocols of the municipal commission, the final decision must be made by the official Fedorov himself.

Prosecutor's verdict and more

Before the picketers had time to hand over the posters demanding Ivanov’s resignation to the warehouse, the prosecutor’s office of the Vyborg district, on the basis of a letter from Smolny, on April 29, 2016, issued a proposal No. 0808/16 to eliminate violations of the requirements of the anti-corruption legislation in Levashovo.

In particular, the supervisory agency found that when concluding a contract for the position of head of the local administration, Fedorov undertook to notify in writing the head of the Levashovo village municipality Ivanova “about his personal interest in the performance of job responsibilities which may lead to a conflict of interest, and take measures to prevent such a conflict.” However, when initiating a consideration of a possible conflict of interest between Fedorov and his wife, Natalya Zabarina, and the director of the Moscow City Government Tatyana Orlova, the official did not inform the head of the Moscow Region about this, thereby violating Art. 11 of the Anti-Corruption Law, clause 11, part 1, art. 12 of the Federal Law “On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation” and clause 2.2.19 of the contract.

The prosecutor's office noted that there is Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 821, according to which the commission cannot include persons subordinate to the applicant who wants to consider the issue of a possible conflict of interest. And in this case, Fedorov’s deputy and a leading specialist from the local administration sat on the commission. The official’s actions were qualified as “improper performance of his official duties and ignorance of the requirements of the current anti-corruption legislation.”

The prosecutor of the Vyborg district, Dmitry Burdov, ordered Fedorov to immediately take measures to eliminate the causes and conditions that contributed to the identified violations. Namely, to form new line-up commission and bring the guilty officials to disciplinary liability.

At the end of May, the municipal council of the village of Levashovo and directly to deputy Valery Svirida (who, as we remember, accused Ivanov of possible manifestations of corruption) received letter No. 07-134/2504 from the governor of St. Petersburg. In it, Georgy Poltavchenko indicated that “having considered the appeal of a group of deputies dated February 26, 2016 on the initiative to remove the head of the intra-city municipal formation of St. Petersburg, the village of Levashovo, and the documents attached to it, I object to the resignation of Oleg Dmitrievich Ivanov.”

Can't stand it with the chair yet

What happened next was predictable. Ivanov reprimanded Fedorov and filed statement of claim to court about early termination contract with the head of the local administration. Moreover, additional reasons have emerged to say goodbye to the local official.

So, for example, a certain Ishutin contacted the police after learning that service agreements had been drawn up for him for several years, money was transferred to bank card, which was filmed by the management of MKU “Levashovsky” and officials of the local administration. The investigative department of the Vyborg district of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Directorate of Russia for St. Petersburg seems to have taken over the questioning of witnesses and the collection of additional information.

On 06/02/2016, an order was issued by the head of the Ministry of Defense to dismiss the “corrupt official” Fedorov, as a result of which the conflict moved, so to speak, to the level of force. A local official filed a lawsuit and refused to transfer cases and vacate the administration building. And the acting head of the local administration, Elizaveta Taranyuk, was forced to force her way into the premises with the help of the involved police and security officers, receiving bodily injuries in the process.

For the sake of objectivity, we will report that half of the deputies of the municipal council did not agree with Ivanov’s order.

Inspired by the sudden support, Sergei Fedorov organized his re-entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and again gained access to budget money. However, the joy was short-lived. The prosecutor's office of the Vyborg district saw in his actions a violation of Article 170.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Falsification of a single state register legal entities, a register of securities owners or a depository accounting system) and sent a proposal to the Investigative Committee to make a decision on the criminal prosecution of a local official.

On September 26, 2016, the Vyborg District Court, having considered case No. 2a-11830/2016, refused Fedorov to challenge the submission of the district and city prosecutor’s offices to cancel the resolution of the local administration No. 22 of March 22, 2013 No. 14 “On approval of the Regulations “On the Commission on Official Conduct and resolution of conflicts of interest of municipal employees." In other words, the fact of violations of the requirements of anti-corruption legislation was established in court.

However, this did not prevent Fedorov from winning another court case in October - for termination of the contract, which does not return him to his old position. The Anti-Corruption Law has an unambiguous interpretation - a municipal employee exposed in sins of this kind is subject to dismissal.

Fedorov does not let up, and literally in a few days he will try to prove his case at the next trial.

Is the investigation in no hurry?

It is possible that it was this conflict that prompted the prosecutor’s office of the Vyborg district to take a closer look at the charters of the municipalities of Parnas, Sampsonievskoye and the village of Levashovo.

Two months ago, the supervisory agency conducted a total anti-corruption audit of regulations that are being considered or have already been adopted in municipalities. As a result, 10 documents were identified that did not comply with current legislation and contained corruption factors. The charters of all audited municipalities require amendments.

However, prosecutorial activity has not yet led to a solution to the painful “Levashov issue.”

“I am amazed at the excessive slowness of the Investigative Committee,” Nikolai Smoktiy, the former head of the municipality of the Moscow Region Vasilievsky, told a correspondent. - Law No. 273-FZ directly applies to municipal employees, and the application and removal disciplinary sanctions determined labor legislation. But, in my opinion, the powers of the municipal council extend only to the appointment of the head of administration, but not to dismissal in terms of violations labor relations. This is already the prerogative of the head of the municipality of the village of Levashovo. The President talks about the need to fight corruption everywhere; law enforcement agencies are detaining federal officials, governors, and high-ranking security officials, and for some reason they cannot cope with a municipal clerk in a small village. Like this? The police have four KUSP for initiating criminal cases - No. 4503 of 02/02/2016, No. 4511 of 02/02/2016, No. 12910 of 03/24/2016 and No. 34032 of 08/03/2015, in the Investigative Department of the Vyborg District - materials of two checks: 252 -pr-16 dated 02/25/2016 and 252-pr-16 dated 03/04/2016. And at the exit - indecisive marking time.

In fact, if you do not consider the story with Levashovo in the version of “how Oleg Dmitrievich (Ivanov) quarreled with Sergei Nikolaevich (Fyodorov),” the idea arises that executive power in the village is concentrated in “family” hands. Through them, budget funds are siphoned off, personal well-being is built, impunity is demonstrated, and, perhaps, even a dubious ability to “solve” problems with law enforcement agencies. And one more important detail - any attempts to besiege a local official are presented as a desire to strike a blow to the reputation of United Russia. But for a large party, Levashovo is the size of a pin, and it’s not so important who knocks it down.

You see, the saddest thing in this situation is that residents are beginning to think that Fedorov’s personal opinion may be above the law,” summarizes Nikolai Smoktiy.

It seems that the Investigative Committee does not agree with him...

Igor Timofeev, “”

The deputy head of the internal security department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs submitted his resignation

© Photo from the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.rf

Deputy Head of the Main Directorate for Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Anton Romeiko-Gurko submitted his resignation. The official representative of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Irina Volk, spoke about this.

“The Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Police General of the Russian Federation Vladimir Kolokoltsev, decided to petition for the dismissal of Deputy Chief of the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Anton Romeiko-Gurko, who oversees the RUSS units stationed in the districts,” she noted.

According to Volk, this decision was made in connection with the head of department No. 17 “West” of the RUSS GUSB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Yuri Timchenko. She added that Vladimir Tsvetkov, Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of the Main Directorate for Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, also submitted a report on his dismissal from the internal affairs bodies.

“In addition, structural changes will be made to the Main Directorate of Internal Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, with the liquidation of the RUSS located in the districts, in order to optimize the activities of the Main Directorate of Internal Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia,” the representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs clarified.

The head of the 17th department (“West”) of the RUSS GUSB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Yuri Timchenko, was detained earlier on Friday in St. Petersburg. He is suspected of receiving a bribe in the amount of 50 million rubles.

​The investigation believes that Timchenko demanded a bribe of at least 100 million rubles from a representative of the company Delovye Linii LLC. For this, he had to help lift the seizure of the company’s funds (at least 1.5 billion rubles) and contribute to the termination of the criminal case, which was initiated for tax evasion of 1 billion rubles. The money was supposed to be transferred through intermediaries - Konstantin Marchenkov and Sergei Zinovenko. On December 8, Marchenkov and Zinovenko received fake money worth 50 million rubles from a representative of Business Lines in one of the underground parking lots in St. Petersburg, after which they were detained.

Conducted the day before International Day the fight against corruption, the FSB operation in St. Petersburg ended with the detention of a senior officer of the Main Directorate of Internal Security (GUSB) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who extorted a bribe of 100 million rubles, the dismissal of two of his superiors and the reform of the GUSB itself. It is this department that is responsible for combating corruption in departments of internal affairs bodies.

As they told the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee for St. Petersburg, a very substantial amount was paid to the 41-year-old head of the 17th department (West) of the regional department of internal security. (RUSB) GUSB MIA Russia, Yuri Timchenko tried to get from the management of one of the largest Russian companies logistics companies- Business Lines LLC. Problems for this company arose in September 2016, when the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case for tax evasion (Article 199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). According to the investigation, “unidentified persons” acting in the interests of this LLC “included tax returns for VAT for tax periods from 2011 to 2013, knowingly false information about the existence of the right to apply tax deductions in total amount 516.103 million rubles." In addition, the ICR claims that in these years the cargo carrier's declaration included data on fictitious expenses, "reducing the taxable base for corporate income tax by 2,867,239,000 rubles." As a result, according to the ICR , “Business Lines” managed to avoid paying VAT and income tax in the amount of RUB 1,089,551,000.

Representatives of Business Lines did not deny involvement in tax fraud, intending to pay off the debt, which would automatically lead to the termination of the criminal case. But the company had certain difficulties in paying its debts, since, at the request of the Investigative Committee, the court arrested 1.6 billion rubles in its accounts.

According to the investigation, Colonel Timchenko, a native of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, decided to take advantage of the current situation and rose to the rank of head of the Main Directorate of Security Services department, stationed in St. Petersburg and supervising police activities throughout the entire territory. Northwestern Federal District .

In November, having learned about the tax case and the arrest of Business Lines accounts, the colonel, through two intermediaries, offered the company management to solve these problems for 100 million rubles. Moreover, he demanded to pay half of the amount no later than December 8, and to transfer the remaining money after the arrest was lifted from the settlement accounts of Business Lines.

Participants in the investigation believe that the date was not set by chance - the colonel found out through his own channels that the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee plans to unblock the accounts so that the company could pay its debts before the new year and avoid the accrual of further fines, and decided to take advantage of the situation.

Businessmen, in turn, preferred to contact FSB, and all their further negotiations with the police officer took place under the control of the security officers.

On December 8, at about 20:00, in the parking lot of the Gallery shopping mall on Ligovsky Prospekt, Mr. Timchenko’s acquaintances - co-owner of the law firm Sergei Zinovenko and businessman Konstantin Marchenkov - received from a representative of Delovye Linii LLC a bag containing 50 million rubles. In fact, only some of the bills were real, and the rest were “dolls”. But as soon as the bag filled with banknotes was placed in the trunk of their car, FSB special forces soldiers entered the case.