The head of a hair salon studio must provide instructions. Responsibilities of a beauty salon director: from employee management to an advertising campaign. From whom does it receive

We bring to your attention a typical example of a job description for a hairdresser, sample 2019/2020. A person can be appointed to this position without presenting requirements for education and work experience. Don’t forget, each hairdresser’s instructions are handed out against a signature.

The following provides typical information about the knowledge that a hairdresser should have. About duties, rights and responsibilities.

This material is part of the huge library of our website, which is updated daily.

1. General Provisions

1. A hairdresser belongs to the category of workers.

2. A person is hired for the position of hairdresser without presenting requirements for education and work experience.

3. A hairdresser is hired and dismissed from the position of _________ organization upon the recommendation of _________. (director, manager) (position)

4. The hairdresser must know:

a) special (professional) knowledge for the position:

— structure and properties of skin and hair;

— rules, methods and techniques for performing work;

- recipes for coloring and chemical mixtures and their effects on skin and hair;

— design and operating rules of equipment and tools: types of materials, preparations, their purpose and consumption rates;

— rules of sanitation and hygiene;

— rules of service and methods of first aid;

— basics of modeling hairstyles and makeup in the scope of a school of fashion designers;

— technology for manufacturing post-made products;

— methodology for conducting seminars;

— fashion direction in Russia and abroad.

b) general knowledge of an employee of the organization:

— rules on labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire safety;

— requirements for the quality of work (services) performed and for the rational organization of labor in the workplace;

— production alarm.

5. In his activities, the hairdresser is guided by:

- legislation of the Russian Federation,

— Charter (regulations) of the organization,

- orders and instructions of the _________ organization (general director, director, manager)

- this job description,

— Internal labor regulations of the organization.

6. The hairdresser reports directly to __________ (a worker with a higher qualification, the head of production (site, workshop) and the director of the organization)

7. During the absence of a hairdresser (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by ___________ organization (manager position) upon the recommendation of __________ (position) in the prescribed manner, who acquires the corresponding rights, duties and is responsible for the fulfillment of the assigned responsibilities on him.

2. Job responsibilities of a hairdresser

The duties of a hairdresser are:

a) Special (professional) job responsibilities:

— Combing and cutting the hair of adults and children.

— Styling and curling hair in accordance with fashion trends and facial features.

— Hair curling using curlers, special clips and tongs, chemical and electrical methods (permanent).

— Massage and hair washing.

— Applying chemicals and solutions to hair.

— Hair dyeing in various colors and shades, bleaching.

— Haircut and shaving taking into account the properties of the skin.

— Application of compresses and facial massage.

— Performing work with hairpieces and wigs.

— Disinfection, cleaning and straightening of instruments.

b) General job responsibilities of an employee of the organization:

— Compliance with the internal labor regulations and other local regulations of the organization, internal rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

— Fulfillment, within the framework of the employment contract, of the orders of the employees to whom it was repaired in accordance with these instructions.

— Carrying out work on acceptance and delivery of shifts, cleaning and washing, disinfection of serviced equipment and communications, cleaning of the workplace, devices, tools, as well as maintaining them in proper condition.

— Maintaining established technical documentation.

3. Hairdresser's rights

The hairdresser has the right:

1. Submit proposals for management’s consideration:

— to improve work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction,

— on bringing to material and disciplinary liability workers who violated production and labor discipline.

2. Request from structural divisions and employees of the organization the information necessary for him to perform his job duties.

3. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization’s management relating to its activities.

5. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance, including ensuring organizational and technical conditions and execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

6. Other rights established by current labor legislation.

4. Responsibility of the hairdresser

The hairdresser is responsible in the following cases:

1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage to the organization - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Job description for a hairdresser - sample 2019/2020. Job responsibilities of a hairdresser, rights of a hairdresser, responsibility of a hairdresser.

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(name of enterprise, organization, institution)

(head of an enterprise, organization, institution)



Structural subdivision:


Job title:

Head of the hair salon

General provisions


at least 3 years

resolutions, orders, orders, other governing and regulatory documents of higher authorities on issues of consumer services for the population;

rules of consumer services for the population;

organization of hairdressing services;

standards, the mandatory requirements of which must be met by hairdressing salon services;

organizing logistics for the hairdressing salon;

hair salon specialization;

production capacity and human resources of the hairdressing salon;

technology for providing household hairdressing services;

state and development trends of the hairdressing services market;

planning fundamentals, strategic and operational planning;

fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management;

methods of claims work;

basics of labor legislation;

procedure for concluding and executing civil contracts;

office work standards (classification of documents, procedures for execution, registration, passage, storage, etc.);

the procedure for drawing up and agreeing on business plans for the production, economic and financial and economic activities of a hairdressing salon;

3.2 Internal documents:

Hairdressing salon charter; Regulations on the hairdressing salon, Job description of the head of the hairdressing salon, Internal labor regulations.

Job responsibilities of a hair salon manager

The head of the hairdressing salon performs the following duties:

4.1. Leads, organizes, plans and coordinates the activities of the hairdressing salon aimed at providing hairdressing services.

4.2. Provides the hairdresser with necessary and working equipment; purchases consumables and perfumes and cosmetics in the required quantities.

4.3. Determines the direction of the hairdresser's work, approves the list of haircuts and services.

4.4. Determines the pricing policy for the provision of hairdressing services.

4.5. Monitors the rational use of material, technical and labor resources, reducing costs and increasing the efficiency of providing hairdressing services to the population.

4.6. Ensures timely provision of hairdressing services by appointment.

4.7. Monitors the culture of customer service by the hairdressing staff.

4.8. Monitors the quality of hairdressing services provided.

4.9. Provides conditions for clients to comfortably wait in line for hairdressing (cosmetic) services.

4.10. Develops and implements measures to improve the activities of the hairdressing salon, increase the volume and list of services provided, and improve their quality.

4.11. Coordinates the selection and placement of workers.

4.12. Organizes the rational use of labor of hairdressing salon workers.

4.13. Monitors compliance by hairdressing salon employees with occupational health and safety rules and regulations.

4.14. Organizes training and advanced training for hairdressing salon workers.

4.15. Organizes the participation of hairdressing salon workers in hairdressing and decorative cosmetics competitions, festivals, exhibitions of perfumery and cosmetic products and other events that promote and enhance the prestige of the hairdressing salon related to the provision of hairdressing and other related services.

4.16. Makes decisions on customer complaints and participates in resolving conflict situations.

4.17. Organizes the provision of additional household services:

For the purchase of perfumes and cosmetics required by the client and their home delivery;

In the solarium;

In a beauty salon, etc.

4.18. Ensures the organization of appropriate accounting of inventory items.

4.19. Ensures correct and timely submission of reports on the results of the hairdressing salon to the head of the organization,

4.20. Performs related duties.

Rights of the head of a hairdressing salon

The head of a hairdressing salon has the right:

5.1. Participate in the discussion of draft decisions of the head of the organization.

5.2. Dispose of the property and funds entrusted to him in compliance with the requirements determined by legislative and regulatory legal acts, the Charter of the organization,

5.3. Sign and endorse documents within your competence.

5.4. Initiate and conduct meetings on organizational, financial and economic issues.

5.6. Conduct quality checks and timely execution of orders.

5.7. Demand cessation (suspension) of work (in case of violations, non-compliance with established requirements, etc.), compliance with established norms, rules, instructions; give instructions to correct deficiencies and eliminate violations.

5.8. Submit for consideration by the head of the organization proposals on the hiring, transfer and dismissal of employees, on the encouragement of distinguished employees and on the application of disciplinary sanctions to employees who violate labor discipline.

5.9. Participate in discussions of issues related to the duties performed by him.

5.10. Require the head of the organization to provide assistance in the performance of his official duties and the exercise of his rights.

Responsibility of the head of the hairdressing salon

The head of the hairdressing salon is responsible for:

6.1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s official duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of Ukraine.

6.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of Ukraine.

6.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of Ukraine.

Working conditions for a hair salon manager

7.1. The working hours of the head of the hairdressing salon are determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established in the hairdressing salon.

Terms of payment

The terms of remuneration for the head of a hairdressing salon are determined in accordance with the Regulations on remuneration of personnel.

9 Final provisions

This Job Description is drawn up in two copies, one of which is kept by the hairdresser, the other by the employee.

Tasks, Responsibilities, Rights and Responsibilities can be clarified in accordance with changes in the Structure, Tasks and Functions of the structural unit and workplace.

Changes and additions to this Job Description are made by order of the director of the hairdressing salon.

Head of structural unit


(last name, initials)


Head of the legal department


(last name, initials)

I have read the instructions:


(last name, initials)

Who is a beauty salon manager?

A beauty salon manager is a manager whose responsibilities include managing all business processes in the salon. He organizes the work of the team, controls the procurement processes of materials and equipment, establishes and maintains relationships with suppliers, clients of the salon, its owners, manages finances and personnel. In essence, the manager performs the functions of an executive director. You can rely on him to delegate most of the business management responsibilities.

Visitors are the salon’s most important asset. They are the ones who bring him profit. For this reason, the manager’s tasks should include responsibilities for interacting with clients: attracting and retaining them through tools such as promotions, online advertising, and working with the client base.

Beauty salon managers can be divided into 2 categories:

  • Anti-crisis managers
  • Operations managers

The first type includes specialists who can organize work in a new salon from scratch, as well as bring the establishment out of a crisis. They are distinguished by a lively mind, the ability to think strategically, and come up with a way out of difficult situations. However, such managers do not like to solve current issues; they are bored with working with documentation.

Operations managers, on the contrary, do excellent paperwork and have a clear plan of action for every day. They always have their documentation sorted out, and routine work does not frighten them.

It is recommended to choose a manager based on the current state of affairs in the establishment. If the situation is stable, there is a regular client base and regular income, then it is worth hiring an operations manager. Otherwise, you should opt for the second option.

Is it worth hiring a property manager at all?

Definitely, yes, if the owner has not yet fully understood the details of his business, and also does not have the opportunity to constantly be in the establishment to solve current problems. The manager must have a higher education, he must understand personnel issues and the beauty industry.

The main tasks of a beauty salon manager and his business qualities

The main areas of work of the manager include:

  1. Personnel management. From hiring to dismissal
  2. Organization of work to provide high-quality salon service
  3. Finance
  4. Contacts with various inspection and regulatory authorities
  5. General management of the beauty salon

Important: The manager of a beauty salon must regularly receive feedback from clients in order to monitor the quality of services. It often happens that this point is overlooked by managers. And this directly affects the salon’s profit.

The business management process includes four main components: planning, executing, adjusting and checking. If these responsibilities are performed correctly using a cyclical approach (PDCA cycle), the establishment will be profitable. Management should be based on a systematic approach.

To cope with the assigned tasks, a specialist must have certain skills and business qualities:

  • mobility;
  • desire to learn and grow professionally;
  • creativity;
  • attentiveness;
  • curiosity;
  • listening skills;
  • organization;
  • discipline;
  • charisma;
  • loyalty;
  • self confidence;
  • stress resistance;
  • diplomacy;
  • tolerance;
  • goodwill;
  • punctuality.

It is good if, in addition to the listed qualities, the applicant for the position of manager will have knowledge in the field of economics and financial management, jurisprudence, as well as skills of working as a manager.

Work efficiency and payment system

The manager must do his job efficiently, bringing profit to the salon. To determine the effectiveness of its work, it is necessary to take into account such indicators as the number of attracted clients, after-tax revenue, and the number of regular customers.

To motivate the manager, you can set him a certain reward in the form of a bonus for exceeding the plan. It can be expressed as a percentage of profit or salary, for example in a 50/50 or 40/60 ratio.

Where to get training?

Currently, the country has a large number of different schools and universities that produce masters in the field of salon business. Studying can take place in full-time, part-time and distance learning forms, as well as in the form of seminars. You can choose a convenient form based on the amount of free time you have and the knowledge you have already acquired.

The full-time course is offered by the International Institute "EURO STAR", located in Tyumen. There is a faculty “Beauty salon manager”. The study lasts several months. The student receives a large amount of knowledge: how to draw up a business plan, choose a suitable location, register a company, comply with the requirements of regulatory authorities, obtain a license, maintain the necessary documentation, select employees, etc. In addition, students learn the basics of sanitary standards necessary when working in a salon , sales techniques, basic psychology for working correctly with clients, etc. After theory, it is necessary to take practical classes. Based on the results of the training, students receive a document confirming completion of the course.

At the Ural College of the Beauty Industry they teach at the Faculty of Management in the Beauty Industry. The study will last from three to six months and will depend on the number of disciplines chosen. These include marketing, reporting, analysis of funds received and spent. During the classes, students develop business plans and learn teamwork. The cost is nine thousand rubles. monthly.

The British Standard Academy has many branches throughout the Russian Federation (Surgut, Tyumen, Kazan, etc.). Here they teach “Salon Business Management”. The study will last about three months and will cost from five thousand rubles. monthly. Each branch has a different price. The program allows you to study the basics of the functioning of an establishment, accounting reporting, sanitation rules, the basics of psychology necessary for interacting with visitors, etc. The advantage is the possibility of obtaining a place in famous salons after graduating from the Academy.

If you don’t want to study in groups, you can choose individual courses. True, it will cost much more. In Kaliningrad, such training can be completed at the School “1st Beauty Studio”. The program covers many issues: how to open a salon, recruit staff, attract clients, etc. After completing the course, you must pass an exam. The cost of training is 60,000 rubles.

If you don’t have time to attend classes regularly, but want direct contact with the teacher to discuss the most pressing issues, the part-time/correspondence option is suitable.

The Novosibirsk Training Center "Sfera" has a program for 28,000 rubles: "Management in the field of managing a beauty industry enterprise." The study will take about three months.

Distance learning allows you to gain new knowledge without interrupting your business. This is very convenient for constantly busy people. To gain access to materials and tasks, you need to enter into an agreement and make a payment. The program most often lasts from one to four to six months.

The branch of the Center for Aesthetic Cosmetology in Perm offers to study the discipline “Manager of a beauty salon, fitness center, hairdresser” in four months. The cost of training is 22,000 rubles. The program allows you to master such topics as creating a new beauty salon, its development, personnel management, customer focus, and the basics of document flow. After completing the course, a diploma is issued.

The Business Factory organization, located in the capital, also has a distance learning program for salon managers. The course is aimed at both beginners in the beauty industry and managers with extensive experience.

The company Sergeev, Kayumov and Partners provides similar services in the northern capital.” Students choose one of 4 courses to expand their knowledge in the field of beauty services.

Useful videos:

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Policy regarding the processing of personal data in LLC"HEADLIFE"


1.1. The most important condition for achieving the goals of the activities of HEADLIFE LLC (hereinafter referred to as HEADLIFE LLC or the Operator) is to ensure the necessary and sufficient level of information security.

1.2. Policy regarding the processing of personal data at HEADLIFE LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Company), as well as information on comprehensive requirements for the protection of personal data.

1.3. In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


2.1. Providing personal data, which is any information relating to a directly or indirectly identified or identifiable individual (subject of personal data).A detailed list of personal data is recorded in the local regulatory documentation of HEADLIFE LLC.

2.2. All personal data produced by HEADLIFE LLC is confidential, strictly protected information in accordance with the law.


3.2. HEADLIFE LLC undertakes to properly fulfill its obligations. The Operator processes the following personal data necessary for the proper fulfillment of contractual obligations:

Personal data of the Operator’s employees who are in an employment relationship with the Operator;

Personal data - individuals and legal entities, consisting of contractual, student, civil relations with the operator, customers, regular customers.


4.1. In this way, it is possible to determine the storage locations of personal data (tangible media).The operator has established a list of persons processing personal data.Separate storage of personal data (tangible media) is ensured, the processing of which is carried out for various purposes.Operators ensure the safety of personal data and take measures to prevent unauthorized access to personal data.

4.2. Processing of personal data carried out using automation tools, subject to the following actions: The operator provides technical measures to ensure the prevention of unauthorized access to personal data and (or) their transfer to persons who do not have the right to access such information;security tools are configured to timely detect cases of unauthorized access to personal data;technical means of automated processing of personal data are isolated in order to prevent influence on them, as a result of which their functioning may be disrupted;The operator can create a backup copy of data,modified or destroyed cases of unauthorized access to them;constant monitoring of ensuring the level of security of personal data.


5.1. The operator carries out the following activities: identifies threats to the security of personal data during their processing;development based on models of threats to the security of personal data, ensuring the neutralization of alleged threats using methods and methods for protecting personal data;drawing up a plan for conducting readiness checks;in accordance with the operational and technical documentation;conduct training for persons using information security tools used in information systems, and the rules for working with them;access to information security tools and personal data carriers;access to credentials;strictly monitor compliance with the terms of use of information security tools;the right to initiate proceedings and draw conclusions regarding non-compliance with the storage conditions of personal data carriers, the use of information security measures that may lead to a violation of the confidentiality of personal data or other violations. violations;has a description of the personal data protection system.

5.2. Operator or authorized representative of the person responsible for information technology Operator.Access to personal data produced in the system, necessary to perform official (labor) duties, is permitted using personal data based on a list approved by the Operator.User requests use the system to obtain personal data, as well as the facts of providing personal data for these requests.The contents of the electronic log of requests have been confirmed by officials (employees).If violations of the procedure for providing personal data are detected, operators or authorized persons do not allow any restrictions.


6.1. HEADLIFE LLC as a Personal Data Operator has the right to:

Defend your interests in court;

Provide personal data of third party subjects if required by current legislation (tax, law enforcement agencies, etc.);

Refuse to provide personal data in cases provided for by law;

Use personal data.


7.1. The subject of personal data has the right:

Require clarification of your personal data, their blocking or destruction if the personal data is incomplete, outdated, unreliable, illegally obtained or unnecessary for the stated purposes of processing, which also provide for mandatory measures to protect your rights;

Require a list of your personal data produced by the operator and the source of their receipt;

Receive information about the processing time of your personal data and their storage;

Requiring notification of all persons who were previously provided with incorrect or incomplete personal data about all changes made to them excluded, corrections or additions;

Appeal to the authorized body for the protection of personal data rights or in court against unlawful actions or without processing during the processing of his personal data;

To protect your rights and legitimate interests, to compensate for moral damage in court.


8.1. This policy is subject to change and addition in the event of new legislative acts and special regulations on the processing and protection of personal data.

8.2. This policy is an internal document of HEADLIFE LLC and is subject to posting on the official website of HEADLIFE LLC.

8.3. Monitoring compliance with the requirements of this Policy is carried out by the person responsible for ensuring the security of personal data, HEADLIFE LLC.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The manager of the beauty salon (hereinafter referred to as the “Manager”) belongs to the category of senior management personnel.
1.2. A person with higher management or higher/secondary specialized vocational education is appointed to the position of Manager of a beauty salon (hereinafter referred to as “Salon”, “Enterprise”) (in the absence of higher education, the requirements for work experience in the specialty are mandatory: at least 5 years, from them 1 year in a managerial position).
1.3. The manager is appointed to the position by order of the head of the enterprise/business owner.
1.4. The manager reports to _________________ ()
1.5. During the absence of the Manager (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by order of the head of the enterprise/owner. This person acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Basic competencies of the Manager ^

The manager must know:

2.1. Resolutions, orders, orders, other governing and normative documents of higher and other bodies on issues of consumer services for the population.
2.2. Fundamentals of economics, business management, hotel management and marketing;
2.3. Rules for the provision of hairdressing, cosmetic and other related services in the Russian Federation;

2.4. Fundamentals of psychology and conflict management as applied to customer service;

2.5. Types of services provided by the salon;
2.6. Rules and methods for organizing the customer service process;
2.7. Labor legislation, the basics of organizing the work of workers, methods of selection, management and development of personnel;
2.8. Inner order rules;
2.9. Rules and regulations of occupational health, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

The manager must be able to:

2.10. Analyze the market for similar services and forecast demand for services;

2.11. In accordance with the planned indicators, assign tasks to subordinates and monitor their implementation;

2.12. Plan a budget for a beauty salon;

2.13. Organizeworking with suppliers;

2.14. Organize the processes of recruitment, training, development and personnel management.

3. Job responsibilities of the Manager:

(The task of a beauty salon manager is not only to manage the processes and personnel of the salon, but also to respect the business interests of the owners of the beauty salon and ensure profit)

3.1. Manages the production and economic activities of the enterprise, bearing full responsibility for the effective use and safety of the salon’s property, maintenance of premises and property in good condition in accordance with the rules and regulations of operation, uninterrupted operation of equipment, improvement and comfort;

3.2. Ensures compliance with sanitary, technical and fire safety requirements;

3.3. Draws up and receives documents (permits) necessary to provide consumer services to the population.

3.4.. Interacts with government agencies during scheduled and unscheduled inspections.

3.5.. Provides regulatory authorities with the necessary information related to the activities of the beauty salon.

3.6.. Organizes regular inventory of the beauty salon warehouse

3.7.. Concludes contracts for utility and other services (electricity, heating, water supply, telephone communications, territory cleaning, waste removal, security, etc.).

3.8. Negotiates and concludes contracts for the maintenance of equipment and tools used in the beauty salon, contracts for the supply of hygiene products and other consumables, ensures their timely receipt, controls the timing, range, quantity and quality of their receipt and sale.

3.9. Issues orders (instructions) in all areas of the beauty salon's activities.

3.10. Determines the functions and tasks of structural units.

3.11. Manages the financial and economic activities of the enterprise, bearing full responsibility for the results of these activities and the achievement of planned financial indicators, growth in the volume of services provided to clients and increasing the profit and competitiveness of the enterprise;

3.12. Ensures the level of customer service, compliance of the services provided with international standards in order to attract customers, constant improvement of the quality of customer service in accordance with the level of the salon;

3.13. Considers claims related to unsatisfactory service to visitors, carries out appropriate organizational and technical measures, takes measures to prevent, prevent and resolve conflicts that arise during customer service;

3.14. Ensures that the salon fulfills all obligations to the regional and local budget, suppliers, customers and creditors, including bank institutions, as well as the implementation of business and labor contracts.

3.15. Hires, moves and fires beauty salon workers, approves vacation schedules, job descriptions, production instructions, and other documents.

3.16. Establishes the responsibilities of beauty salon employees, entrusts the management of certain areas of activity to other officials, his deputies, and heads of structural divisions.

3.17. Ensures the application of the principle of material interest and responsibility of each employee for the work assigned to him and the results of the work of all personnel, payment of wages on time; Applies incentive measures to distinguished employees, imposes penalties on violators of production and labor discipline.

3.18. Suspends from work workers who have not undergone a medical examination (certification), a qualification test, a test of knowledge of safety rules, etc.

3.19. Monitors compliance by enterprise employees with labor and production discipline, rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and hygiene requirements;

3.20. Ensures the maintenance and timely submission of reports on the economic and financial activities of the salon to the head of the enterprise/owner;

3.21. Protects the property interests of the salon in court, arbitration, government and administrative bodies.

3.22. Provides:

Beauty salon divisions with necessary equipment, inventory and tools, perfume and cosmetic products, hygiene products, and other consumables;

Safety of the process of providing services for personnel and clients, workplaces, tools and equipment used, materials used;

Compliance of the actual technological process of providing services with the instructions of manufacturers of perfumes, cosmetics, and hygiene products;

Conditions for quality customer service;

Fulfillment of all obligations to the federal, regional and local budgets, state extra-budgetary funds, suppliers, customers and creditors;

Compliance of the design of the building facade, signs, shop windows, advertising materials, brand signs and signs with the established requirements;

Application of material and moral incentives to increase the efficiency of workers;

Compliance by salon employees with the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", the Rules for Consumer Services in the Russian Federation, and other regulatory legal documents establishing mandatory requirements for the provision of consumer services to the population;

Advanced training of beauty salon staff, participation in courses and competitions in hairdressing and decorative cosmetics, other skill competitions, exhibitions of perfume and cosmetic products; receipt by service personnel of diplomas, certificates, certificates, attestation certificates, and other documents confirming the professionalism of employees;

Availability in the salon of the necessary reference and other literature, manuals, reference books, periodicals;

Timely payment of wages to beauty salon employees;

Compliance by employees with labor protection and safety rules and regulations, sanitary requirements and personal hygiene rules, production and labor discipline, internal labor regulations;

Medical examinations by employees involved in the provision of services;

Organization of inventory accounting.