The best electronic libraries. Book TOP: the most popular online libraries of Runet

One of the first and most popular Russian-language electronic libraries, it opened in 1994. Authors and readers contribute to the library on a voluntary basis every day. The service does not charge money; you can read absolutely everything for free. The only negative is that you cannot download the book.

2. Aldebaran


Shop e-books Bookland also offers a collection of free titles in convenient formats in 18 languages.

12. Library club

The electronic library and online store "Biblioclub" offers interesting conditions: by purchasing 10 books, you can become the owner of the “Bookworm” status and receive half the content of the store for free use. The platform also provides “Genius” status - this is when you have free access to all books on the site. Good option, especially if you are interested in literature about business and self-development, educational collections.

13. “Russian fiction”

The bookshelf of the Russian Fiction website contains more than 10,000 texts by 180 authors.

14. Project Gutenberg

The Project Gutenberg digital library will delight fans of reading foreign languages. This is more than 46 thousand electronic books, the predominant language is English. is a portal of music and literature provided free of charge. Good selection of books in electronic format fb2, as well as the opportunity for beginning authors to publish their book for free.

16. Library of Foreign Literature named after. Rudomino

Library of Foreign Literature named after. Rudomino has digitized part of her holdings. These are mostly rare books.

17. "Bookcase"

The cozy children's library "Bookcase" digitized many good children's books, but in 2009 it was subject to a hacker attack and lost almost all of its assets. But something has been preserved. You can read children's works by clicking on the book icon in the drawn cabinet.

18. Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology

The Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology shares specialized books in PDF format on its bookshelf. Professionals rate the sample as excellent.

19. Magazine room

"Magazine Hall" - electronic library of modern literary magazines Russia. Here you can find the latest issues of the most famous domestic "thick magazines". The database is replenished quite quickly, and reading is interesting, because many large works are first published here and then migrated to separate books.

20. Electronic library of the Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences

At the end of 2015, the “Electronic Library” section appeared on the website of the Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Now there are about 400 scanned scientific publications, for the convenience of users divided by directions. These are “Theory of Literature”, “Russian Literature”, “Literature of the Peoples of Russia and the CIS Countries”, “Foreign Literature”, “Folkloristics” and others. The library is being replenished; you do not need to register on the site.

Even the most devoted fans of traditional paper books will not deny that e-readers are becoming more and more popular. More and more often we see people reading books from the screen of a tablet computer, smartphone and other devices.

Today our Top 5 presents the best digital libraries Runet, where you can find literature of various genres completely free of charge. Some libraries also offer listening, viewing and downloading audio and video materials of an entertaining and educational nature.


This online library appeared online back in 1994. The laconic design of the library website is noteworthy; the administration states that the appearance of the page has not changed since 1994 and will not change. In addition to literary texts, the site has a music section where popular compositions are posted in MP3 format.


The library contains texts of 57 thousand works of different genres by 14 thousand authors. Almost 200 thousand users are registered on the portal. Privileges are available to authorized visitors: the ability to change font sizes, page design while reading, the ability to view detailed ratings of books and authors, the ability to take part in surveys and voting, and the ability to create bookmarks.


The library has the texts of 100 thousand different works. The site has been operating since 2003, all texts are available both for reading online and for downloading. The library's collections are replenished by the readers themselves. It is noteworthy that on the page of each book there is a QR code that allows owners mobile devices if you have a special application, use convenient service libraries.


The library has been operating since 2008, today the database contains more than 25 thousand texts, as well as many audio books and video lessons. There are quite a lot in the database periodicals different profiles, here you can download the latest issues of Forbes, National Geographic Traveler, Men’s Health and other magazines. There are more than 26 thousand registered users of the site.

At the end of 2016 Access to free fiction and specialized literature is significantly limited. Sites are either blocked government agencies, or monetize downloads of their own free will.

Explore the 30 most popular resources, offering free downloads of books, gave the following results. Websites are used as free literature only rare and unpopular works.

All modern books, as well as the works of classics, strictly limited access. You will see information about this either immediately or by downloading the file and reading part of the book (the so-called “introductory fragment”). The price that must be paid for downloading the literature will also be indicated there. This rule applies to such popular sites as LitMir, Librusek, Aldebaran, Vceknigi, Bookz, OwnLib, LibOk, Bolshaya free library and so on.

This article selects digital libraries with a large database on which you can actually download all the books for free. Supported formats for most works are .fb2, .pdf, .txt.

Attention : Before opening links to sites, read the descriptions. 3 of the 4 sites listed are blocked by Roskomnadzor and will only open with the help of simple manipulations.

1. Flibusta

A book fraternity operating from the deep end of the internet. We wrote about how a little earlier. The largest electronic library with free access. It is replenished by the users themselves. For 2019 can boast 418,000 books. More than 2000 books are added monthly.

2. Librusec

One of the oldest pirate libraries on the Runet. Its shelves contain more than 458,000 books(for 2019) To download books for free, use our instructions -.

3. Large electronic library

Free download. 60,000 books. Enough large number categories, but the interface is not very user-friendly. If you know what you want to find, you will like the site. Fast page loading speed and downloading books in 1 click.

4. Verbal Bogatyr

This library of e-books is also located in an area of ​​the Internet hidden from search robots. Therefore, it should be opened using TOR browser. Detailed instructions To enter, follow the link in the first point of the rating. The owners of the resource do not report the number of books presented, but test queries demonstrate a large volume of the database. The site's interface is extremely user-friendly and reduces the time required to search and download a book to a few seconds.

Unfortunately, we did not find any other serious sites in RuNet that provide free access to downloading classical and modern literature.

As before, a significant number of works of Russian and world literature can be downloaded using the site Rutracker — our window into the world of free cinema, books and software. For those who have not yet configured access to the resource, we recommend using

This coming Sunday, April 23, the whole world will celebrate Book and Copyright Day. This holiday became global not so long ago - a UNESCO decision was made in 1995 to develop cultural traditions, and also taking into account the fact that books are the most important means dissemination of knowledge and the most reliable way to preserve it

The creator of the oldest electronic library in Runet,, Maxim Moshkov, is confident that despite the growing popularity of audiovisual formats of perception, books are regaining their former popularity: “After reading several news feeds and social networks, people still take a real book, load it into a smartphone and read it.” . Even if smartphones in the future transform from the form we are familiar with today, the books they contain will always remain close to the reader.

We asked ourselves where Russians download digital books from today and whether they are interested in the future in these books - in our new “TOP” section there is a selection of the most popular online libraries on the Runet, which also offer their readers the science fiction genre. As a basis for ranking, we took the level of the Yandex Citation Index (TIC) - a system for calculating the popularity of sites by the number of links to them on other Internet resources.

  1. The leader of the “book” TOP, as expected, was Maxim Moshkov’s library Lib.Ru. The status of the most authoritative and well-known is confirmed by the level of the citation index of over 16 thousand units. The most famous library on the Runet was opened in 1994 and is replenished by the authors and readers themselves. Today the library contains more than three thousand science fiction works.

  1. In second place is the online library "Aldebaran". TIC - 4700. For many, the purple design of this site still evokes nostalgia for the times when access to the Internet was the lot of the elite. In 2008, the site announced a change in priorities - it became possible to read books only from the screen, and for downloading it was proposed to go to a digital bookstore. Fantasy is presented here with dignity, although its exact quantity is not indicated.

  1. The electronic library today contains almost 100 thousand books and in terms of the citation index - 4300 - it is barely inferior to Aldebaran. Almost all famous authors are represented in the fiction section: both domestic and foreign.
  1. The library (TIC 2500) focuses on literature on philosophy, medicine and psychology. However, fantasy is also represented here, with all the books in this section carefully divided into subgenres from post-apocalyptic to “romance fiction”.

  1. Taking fifth place with a citation index of 2100, the Litportal library tries to captivate readers with extensive forums in each section and for each book. The collection of science fiction here is poorer - only about 5 thousand copies, but these are only time-tested books about the future.

  1. In the library (TIC 1800), among works of classical and modern literature, science fiction occupies a proud first place.

  1. The library of scientific books and magazines (1500) offers a rich collection of scientific publications. There is no science fiction section here as such, but there are many articles about technologies that even today look absolutely fantastic.
  1. The Seran Electronic Library (TIC 1200) cannot boast of an exorbitant amount of literature - only a little more than one and a half thousand texts are presented here, but there is a fiction section, and science fiction is included in a separate subsection.

  1. A rather unusual representative of our list is the “Belarusian Digital Library” (TIC 1200), which presents the widest possible cross-section of the national literature of Belarus, including texts by Belarusian science fiction writers.

  1. Our book TOP is completed by the “National Digital Resource “Rukont” - an interdisciplinary electronic library. According to the creators of the Russian CONTENT website, a database of more than 440 thousand works has been formed here, a significant part of which are science fiction works.