The most needed professions. Current professions. The highest paid professions for girls

Young people are trying to choose a specialty that will be in demand in the future. Modern youth strive for a prosperous life, therefore they pay special attention to career growth. We will look into what professions are currently in demand and highly paid in this article.


Nowadays, the most in-demand professions on the labor market are web designers, programmers and other IT specialists. The need for them is constantly growing, because many companies have begun to transfer their activities to the Internet. Such specialists are ordered to develop websites on which they place detailed information about a product or service. This allows you to attract new customers to your business.

Hacker attacks can lead to serious problems, so every reputable company should have an information security specialist. This is one of the most relevant professions that is always in great demand.


There are many different vacancies hidden behind this profession. An enterprise may require a specialist:
  • On working with personnel;
  • By sales;
  • For advertising and so on.

If you are interested in what professions are in demand now, pay attention to management. Most often, recruiting and training managers are invited to work. If you do not have an appropriate higher education, you can complete special courses and take such a vacancy.


Qualified medical workers needed always and everywhere. But not every specialist in this profile can. If you want to know which professions are currently in demand and highly paid, pay attention to dentists and anesthesiologists. They are often required in private clinics.


Many companies need specialists with higher technical education. Young people who are interested in which professions are now in greater demand can confidently choose such a specialty for themselves. An engineer is a central figure in any enterprise, and nowadays it is not so easy to find a competent technician.

Scheme: new types of professions


To reduce production costs, manufacturers are forced to optimize transportation and storage processes. Logisticians develop the entire delivery chain of the enterprise. Employers are trying to find specialists who can competently coordinate the work of the warehouse, as well as organize the process of purchasing raw materials and transportation. Therefore, if the question arises, what are the most in-demand professions now, logisticians can safely be classified in this category.

The requirements for applicants for this position are quite high:


If you want to know which specialty is the most in demand in Russia, of course, accountant. This is a very honorable and highly paid profession. Applicants for this position are required to high requirements. First of all, this is work experience, as well as knowledge of laws and regulations.

Accountants are responsible for financial statements organizations control all payments and calculate taxes.

Business consultants

Modern entrepreneurs need professional information support. Experts advise businessmen on various issues and also find the optimal solution to important problems.

When discussing what professions are relevant in our time, many people forget about business consultants, but it was they who helped many large companies overcome the crisis and stay afloat. Some managers introduce such a position into the staff so that employees constantly undergo training and improve their skills.


Typically, inspections at enterprises are carried out by representatives of supervisory authorities. This approach is gradually becoming a thing of the past, since in many enterprises such specialists are engaged in analyzing the efficiency of the production process, and in particular its financial side. In addition, they provide accounting advice to management.

Bank employees

Financial analyst and credit expert - that's enough prestigious professions. Experienced workers are invited to large investment companies and various lending institutions. to the bank is a question asked by many young people who have received higher education in this field. Bring your best self to the interview best qualities so that employers can recognize a true professional in yesterday’s student.


In our country in last years began to actively develop catering business. Every establishment needs professional chefs, so they are worth their weight in gold. In addition, such specialists are in demand in cafes, schools, kindergartens and canteens.


Various natural disasters, anomalous phenomena and global warming have made ecologists indispensable specialists who will save our planet from disaster in the future. They have joined the list of current professions and taken their rightful place in it.

Service maintenance

Hairdresser, fitness trainer, waiter, bartender - such relevant professions are very popular today. In terms of usefulness, they are superior to marketers and programmers. New restaurants are constantly opening in our country, and... Modern people who are accustomed to good service are unlikely to want to return to self-service. Therefore, such specialties are always in high demand in the labor market.

Working specialties

If we talk about blue-collar professions, the most popular professions in Russia are turners, mechanics and electric welders. People who have chosen this line of work will never be left without work.

Rare specialties

When it comes to what professions are currently relevant, it is worth remembering unique specialists:

  • Tasters;
  • "Ant" farmers;
  • Odorists;
  • Professional interlocutors.

Such specialties are not taught in any university. Finding a job is also quite difficult, but if you are lucky, you will have a very interesting life.

Most of all, such professionals are afraid of losing their jobs. For example, a doctor or engineer will find a vacancy in any city, but a wig maker may remain unclaimed.

If you can't decide on the direction of your activity, use these simple tips:

  • First of all, you need to decide what field you would like to work in;
  • Analyze the market to understand what professions are currently in demand in our country;
  • Determine in which areas your chosen specialty is in demand;
  • Find some backup options.

You should not choose your future profession based only on your income level. To master a creative profession, you need talent, programmers must have mathematical abilities, but managers need to be able to communicate with clients.

To begin with, you should consider those specialties that simply cannot be irrelevant, since people always need them. Bright - doctors. It's about primarily about classical specialists - surgeons, therapists, endocrinologists, oncologists, ophthalmologists, psychologists. However, some professions that have become very fashionable in our time will also remain relevant. In particular, the services of plastic surgeons and nutritionists have been and will continue to be in high demand.

Of course, good veterinarians will always remain in demand, because it is not only people who need to be treated.

People need good, high-quality food, so chefs do not lose their relevance. We are also talking about specialists working in restaurants and cafes, but we should also mention those who prepare food in hospitals, kindergartens, schools and other similar institutions. If you want to prefer a more modern version of this profession, get acquainted with exotic cuisine and the peculiarities of preparing the most original and popular dishes.

What kind of specialists are always needed?

Construction technologies are constantly changing, but people who know how to build houses are always needed. However, it is important to consider that a representative of this profession needs to be ready to study the features of new materials and technologies and constantly gain experience. But as a result, you can become a very sought-after professional with a high wages.

Newly built houses need to be renovated, so specialists such as interior designers, painters, and workers who can install plumbing, install flooring and wall coverings are always needed.

Before constructing a building, you need to design it, and also determine the location of communications in it. This means that engineers and architects will not be left without work either. This is especially true for specialists who know how to work with non-standard projects and create original buildings, while not forgetting about their strength, durability and convenience.

Another profession whose representatives will not be left without work is related to trade. Good sales consultants are needed everywhere, and the demand for this profession has not decreased at all even with the advent of stores. You can find work in kiosks and hypermarkets, and you can choose any goods and services for sale.

If you are looking for a job but cannot find it, change your specialization. There are professions that are always in demand.


Chefs and pastry chefs will also not be left without work. Nowadays, people eat less and less at home and increasingly prefer to visit restaurants and cafes. Therefore, there will be no demand for this profession for a long time.

Sales specialists are also valued in the labor market. This is due to the fact that competition in our time is very high, and therefore any company needs employees who can competently sell goods. No special education is required here, and therefore workers in this field are most often students. But students are a fickle people, so there is always a staff turnover here. high level.

System and technical specialists support. Nowadays, any company, even an underdeveloped one, has in stock computer equipment. Any technique requires Maintenance. This means that specialists in this field will not be left without work.

Any company, firm or home needs protection. But oddly enough, security guards and janitors are among the most in short supply, although the demand for this profession is high. No special skills are needed here, except that to become a security guard you will need to take a special training course.

Video on the topic

Profession is one of the most important attributes in the life of every person. An erroneously chosen specialty can ruin a person’s entire life; Likewise, a correctly chosen destination can transform one’s destiny. To make the right choice, it will be useful to look into the future.

Internet, communications

Internet and IT are the most dynamically developing areas of business. More and more websites, applications and IT companies are appearing, competition and industry capitalization are increasing every year. IT specialists will definitely be in demand in 5 years.

Programmers in the web industry will also not be left without work. The languages ​​PHP and JavaScript are the most in demand these days. However, new tools are also emerging. The Erlang language allows you to reduce the server load; it is what is used when creating cloud services and message sending systems “VKontakte” and FaceBook. Another area of ​​programming is the creation of NoSQL databases.


Any enterprise is forced to sell its goods and services - otherwise it would be completely . The ability to sell is one of the most important; marketing specialists will undoubtedly be in demand on the labor market in 5 years. It is not necessary to obtain an expensive MBA diploma business administration). A good marketer must be able to establish public relations, understand Internet technologies (including the ability to promote products in in social networks). Please note that for a marketer experience more important than quality diploma (as opposed to IT and engineering). If you can sell well, you can always open your own business (or find a partner).

Technology, engineering

Being an engineer was prestigious in Soviet times, and the prestige of the profession is expanding even today. There are no prerequisites for the importance of engineering specialties to lose its relevance. Engineers are needed to implement scientific advances in practice.

Nanotechnology is a completely new branch of science that requires scientists and specialists. The unique achievements of nanotechnologists made it possible to create a newspaper-TV and “smart” robots “Aivo”. Dozens of Russian universities have introduced the specialty “Nanotechnology”; there is no doubt that scientific engineers will not be left without work in the world’s largest enterprises.

New opportunities

You can create your own profession yourself. Professions of the future, such as “video blogger”, creator of educational interactive courses, stand-up comedian, appeared completely unexpectedly. By doing something useful to people and putting a part of yourself into your business, you can discover your profession of the future. Moreover, you will have an undeniable advantage in this profession - the right of a pioneer. You will be more famous than others, and be a recognized expert in your niche.

Report with presentation for students and parents
Labor market. The most in-demand professions
There are more than 700 professions, which are sorted into groups:

1. HR, personnel services
2. IT, computers and Internet
3. Aviation and space
4. Design. Creative professions
5. Consulting
6. Beauty and health
7. Linguistics
8. Logistics, warehouse, foreign trade activities
9. Marketing, advertising and PR
10. Medicine. Pharmaceuticals
11. Junior service personnel
12. Real estate, construction and architecture
13. Education and culture
14. Security, safety, police

Promising professions

15. Production, technology
16. Restaurants, food
17. Retail and wholesale trade
18. Secretariat, office work, administration
19. Media, publishing, printing
20. Insurance
21. Service sector
22. Telecommunications and communications
23. Transport, auto business
24. Tourism, hotel business, service sector
25. Finance, accounting, bank
26. Fitness and sports
27. Show business
28. Jurisprudence.
Today, many are interested in which professions are the most promising for work and successful career growth. Let's agree that today we will talk about professions that require some special knowledge. Modern business makes high demands and therefore for successful career development you will almost certainly need knowledge foreign language and confident computer skills at the user level.
Let us immediately note that this material is not for those who are looking for the highest paid job. Success, good heights (and therefore decent pay) can only be achieved in an area that you really like, in which you would really invest with genuine interest. Of course, the prospects for a particular job are not the least important.
We hope that the list of the most popular professions will help you decide in which area you would like to work, and, perhaps, decide to try your hand at some new field.
IT specialists
Perhaps the most in demand are people specializing in IT technologies and programming. And this is not surprising. Computers have firmly conquered our business sphere and therefore everyone who knows how to program has a real chance of finding a stable, well-paid job. Of course, 1C programmers are most in demand; they are offered the highest salaries: from 500 to 2500 dollars. Programmers working in the IT field will also not be left without a piece of bread: most companies want to have their own website, but it must not only be written, but also supported.
Office workers
Analyzing any newspaper with vacancies, you will notice that professions such as secretary, customer service manager, and office clerks are in great demand. These are not the most prestigious positions, however, it can be good start for your career. If you confidently know Word, Excel, and know how to use a fax and copier, any company will be happy to hire you. The salary of a secretary is usually small: from 5,000 to 12,000 rubles.

If you are planning to work in the sales field, then there are many vacancies for a sales representative. This is a difficult job; not everyone will be able to travel from store to store, taking orders and delivering previously ordered goods. However, those who succeed in this field earn good money: 8,000-20,000 rubles per month.

Accounting and jurisprudence
The professions of accountant and lawyer are in great demand. The only problem is that the employer's expectations often do not coincide with the requests of applicants for the position. So the employer offers the accountant a salary of 8,000-12,000 rubles, and applicants expect 12,000-20,000 rubles. Novice lawyers also cannot count on a large fee: 7,000-15,000 rubles.

Very good prospects for those who have a specialty related to construction. New housing is being built very actively now, and the construction of sports facilities in Sochi promises stable work and great experience for everyone who starts working in this industry. If you have a higher education diploma and your specialty is related to construction, you can qualify for a salary of 15,000-25,000 rubles. The demand for skilled workers is very high. So, for example, an experienced electric and gas welder can find a job with a salary of 20,000-25,000 rubles. A tower crane operator receives at least 20,000 rubles.

The streamlined word “manager” hides a lot of vacancies. Customer service manager (salary 5,000-15,000 rubles), HR, advertising, sales manager, etc. All these specialties require specialized secondary, or better yet, higher education. Managers' salaries range from 5,000 to 25,000 rubles, depending on work experience and responsibilities. HR and recruitment specialists are in great demand, and many companies also require specialists in training and personnel management. If you do not have a specialty, but would like to work in this field, you need to take courses additional education, and even better, get a higher education in this profession. This will greatly increase your prestige and improve you in the eyes of the employer.

The medical profession is always in demand, but good pay is difficult to find. But many private clinics are now opening in large cities, and if you try, you can choose a decent option for yourself. The most profitable medical specialty is dentistry; their salary is 10,000-25,000 per month. Pharmacists are constantly in demand, but their work is valued less: 5,000-12,000 per month.

Banking sector
Banking specialists are no less in demand. Credit experts, financial analysts and other finance-related professions are paid quite decently: 10,000-25,000 rubles. Please note that finance specialists are required not only by banks, but also by large companies, so applicants will have plenty to choose from.

Rapidly gaining momentum in Russia travel business. They predict a great future for him, so the specialty “ Hotel service and tourism" can be called one of the most promising and therefore in demand today. The salary of those working in this field can range from 10,000 to 25,000 rubles. Hotels also often require maids and receptionists, but here they require mandatory requirement: Fluency in English.

All other specialties are in less demand than those already mentioned. Although here MirSovetov will allow you to make such a remark. This list of the most in-demand professions will change somewhat over time: either due to a glut of specialists in a particular field, or due to changes in priority areas of activity both within one city and throughout the country, and even globally .

However, find yourself suitable job Anyone can do it, you just need to put in a little effort: write a resume, don’t be lazy and don’t be afraid to go for interviews, if necessary, take additional education courses. And then you will succeed! Good luck!

10 most in-demand professions of the future
These days you won’t surprise anyone with a change of profession. The situation on the labor market changes literally every year.
If in 2005 employers were looking for smart sales managers, then a year later they need competent specialists with an economic education. Since 2006 Sales specialists are leading the labor market. Companies need air like air. sales representatives, Sales Director and commercial directors, marketing specialists. It depends on what a particular company produces or sells. Also in 2006, advertising and PR specialists were in demand, i.e. Public Relations
At first glance, everything in the labor market is changing rapidly and unpredictably, but meanwhile the labor market is a predictable sphere. As shown by research by sociologists published on the website, the top ten most in-demand professions in the near future will include:

1. Engineering specialties.
According to experts’ forecasts, engineering specialties related to industrial production. Western capital is just taking its first steps to enter the Russian market and is present mainly only in capitals and cities with a population of over a million, but already now there is an acute shortage professional engineers, technical specialists and middle managers in production. A combination of technical and economic or legal education, knowledge of English or any other European language will be especially valued. The demand for marketing engineers and managers is growing in all industries.

2. IT and computer hardware developers.
A programmer is a specialist who creates and debug software and maintaining its performance. In the modern world, the image of a company is becoming increasingly important, and a website is nothing more than an indicator of the level and reliability of an organization. As a result, a web designer is one of the highest paid “computer” professions. Many companies are willing to pay a lot of money to get the attention of Internet users.

3. Nanotechnology.
The next most in-demand professions in the near future are related to nanotechnology.
Nanotechnologies are technologies based on working with molecules and atoms; they are technologies that use the most hidden and valuable properties of matter. Nanotechnology is a huge field that can be divided into three parts: the production of microcircuits, robots in the nanoscale, and engineering at the atomic level. According to forecasts, all specialties related to nanotechnology will be in demand. It is already clear that nanotechnology will cover all areas: mechanical engineering, space technology, food industry, medicine, etc. It is believed that a country that has achieved a breakthrough in the development of nanotechnology will become a world leader.

4. Specialties at the intersection of electronics and biotechnology.
Biotechnologies are technologies that use biological systems and their elements.
Currently, biotechnology is quite widely used in agriculture, where genetically modified products are obtained using genetic engineering and microbiological methods.
products. Biotechnologies are used in molecular medicine, biopharmaceutical production and other industries. Specialties at the intersection of electronics and biotechnology require a specialist to have in-depth knowledge of both electronics and bioengineering. It is likely that working biochips are a matter of the very near future.

5. Marketing and sales.
Experts predict that in 9-10 years there will be a glut in the Russian market of goods and services. A marketer is, first of all, a company strategist. The job of a marketer is to manage a system focused on the production of various goods and satisfying the interests of producers and consumers. He conducts market research, plans the range and volume of products, determines prices, and stimulates sales. A highly qualified marketing specialist develops business plans and offers the most profitable options for investing the company's money.

6. Specialties related to service.
Population incomes are growing, and the size of the middle class is growing. One indicator of this trend is the increasing need for quality service. This is a dry cleaner and a hairdresser next to the house, and a good kindergarten and much more. Moreover, the demand for service sector professions, as the experience of Western European countries and the United States shows, will increase annually, while the growth rate of demand for service sector professions will outpace the growth rate of needs for other in-demand professions.

7. Logistics.
Further integration of Russia into the world market will inevitably require an influx of professional logisticians. “Logistics - the theory and practice of managing material and information flows in the process of goods distribution.” The profession of a logistician is suitable for those who are burdened by rigid boundaries in their work and do not like templates and given restrictions. To do successful career, a logistician will need an analytical mind and systems thinking, intuition, the ability to quickly find a way out difficult situations, people skills, communication skills. You cannot do without practical experience, as well as deep knowledge of mathematics, technology, current legislation, and, of course, without understanding business principles. Many entrepreneurs are convinced that a good logistician can only be a player by nature, endowed with the talent of moving goods and cargo, like pieces on a chessboard.

8. Ecology.
The term “ecology” arose a long time ago, back in 1866. And in the future, problems of conservation will occupy an increasing place environment. The growth of harmful emissions into the atmosphere puts environmental problems at one of the first places in the future global world. On the one hand, the demand for professional ecologists will begin to increase, and on the other, the range of requirements for environmentalists will expand. The specialty of an ecologist will require knowledge of physics, chemistry and biology, computer modeling skills of processes occurring in nature. The profession of an ecologist will become one of the most important and most in demand professions.

9. Medical specialties related to the search for means of prolonging life.
Medicine successfully uses advances in the field of electronics and biotechnologies, which today are just being created and researched, and in 10 years, they will most likely enter into practice and become a common practice in medicine. But it is also clear that in a decade these will still be very expensive technologies. Active work will begin to make them accessible to many. And here we will need appropriate specialists.

10. Chemistry.
Specialists in the field of chemistry will be especially in demand in the energy sector. Although, as we know, there will be enough oil reserves for the next 10 years, humanity is already working on the development alternative sources energy. By 2016, development and research in the field of alternative, environmentally friendly energy sources will reach its peak - and it will not be possible at all without chemists.

The most in demand on the labor market of the Irkutsk region in 2006-2008. There will be specialists with primary vocational education. This was reported by the press service of the administration of the governor of the Irkutsk region with reference to the chief state expert on working conditions, Sergei Kakaulin. According to him, by 2008 the need for such specialists will increase from 34.8% to 38.2%.
Specialists with specialized secondary education will remain in demand; this figure will remain at the level of 25-26%. The need for workers without vocational education will hardly change and remain at the level of 21-22%. The most unpopular in the next two years will be specialists with higher education(decrease from 17.9% this year to 14% in 2008).
- When choosing future profession young people, first of all, are guided by its prestige. Therefore, among graduates educational institutions Most of them are programmers, economists, accountants and lawyers. Once on the labor market, these young personnel often experience difficulties in finding a job because regional market oversaturated with such specialists. Hence, in the Angara region, as in most regions of Siberia, there is an imbalance of supply and demand work force“: with the existence of more than 15 thousand vacancies, over 30 thousand unemployed citizens remain unclaimed in the labor market,” said Sergei Kakaulin.
According to experts, until 2008, the labor force needs of organizations in the region will be at least 8 thousand people annually. However, this figure may increase significantly with the implementation of planned investment projects.
- The experience of recent years shows that the need of employers in the region consists of 70-80% of blue-collar professions in various fields economic activity(mainly construction, industry, forestry and Agriculture), - noted Sergei Kakaulin. - However, this need is not satisfied by the regional labor supply, because it has low popularity among young people.
Basically, highly qualified workers with related specialties and a wide range of professional skills are required. In the next two years, increased demand in the labor market will be for builders, carpenters, masons, painters and workers in other construction and repair professions, electric welders, drivers and operators of mobile equipment, operators, machine operators and machine operators, educators, nursing and junior medical personnel. .

The labor market is constantly evolving and transforming. The most popular professions have been losing their popularity within 10 years, giving way to new specialties. So in recent years, legal and economic specialties have become much less relevant than in the last decade. But completely new vacancies have opened up, for example SMM manager and life coach. The interest of employers in certain specialists is important when choosing a faculty.

Choosing a profession is always a difficult task. You need to focus not only on what professions will be in demand in 10 years, but also what kind of competition there will be after graduation. Wherein modern market labor tightens the requirements, so to really succeed, you need to become a sought-after professional.

You should also choose a business that will be interesting to do. In addition to specialized education, such personal qualities as teamwork skills and knowledge of English will be useful. Schoolchildren should also ask what professions will be in demand in 5-10 years in order to place the right emphasis in basic education.

10 most in-demand professions

At the moment, the top 10 in-demand professions look something like this:

1. Engineers, architects and designers;
2. Service sector – mainly consulting and tourism services;
3. Logistics;
4. IT sphere;
5. Doctors;
6. Chemists, including pharmacists;
7. Psychologists;
8. Environmentalists;
9. PR specialists;
10. Marketers.

In general, the top 10 most in-demand professions include mainly those areas that are now rapidly developing and will be relevant for quite a long time. Thus, engineering fields, which topped the top 10 in-demand professions in 2017, still experience a shortage of students. IT, medicine, ecology and the chemical industry place increased demands on applicants, so oversaturation of these markets is also not expected.

The service sector, psychology and logistics in our country are still quite underdeveloped, so it has big potential development. PR and marketing specialists can count on employment due to the fact that these areas are included in the 10 in-demand professions in the world.

10 most in-demand professions 2017

One of the main areas of employment in recent years remains construction, which is also experiencing a shortage of highly qualified specialists. In general, the labor market currently needs engineers, designers and architects the most. The current supply of specialized engineers does not meet the needs of the construction sector, while few students choose these fields.

Also, the list of in-demand professions for the next 10 years includes logisticians and operators, since the delivery service has clear trends and resources for development. There remains high demand for specialists in the IT and PR fields.

The most in-demand professions for the next 10 years

The 10 most in-demand professions in Russia in 2017 were replenished with demand for ecologists and chemists. This was primarily due to the energy crisis, the threat of depletion of gas and oil fields and the deterioration of the environmental situation. The demand for psychologists, doctors and pharmacists is also increasing.

The pharmaceutical field will be one of the most in-demand professions in 10 years for girls and practically guarantees a well-paid job. Medical technologies are constantly evolving, and the field needs young specialists familiar with the latest advances in science.

In-demand professions in 10 years

To predict what the most in-demand professions will be in Russia in 10 years, you can pay attention to the experience of countries that are slightly ahead in economic development. In Europe and the USA, the most attractive prospects await specialists in the field of IT, nano and biotechnologies. Chemists and energy engineers are in demand.

Specialists in the field of ecology and medicine, especially psychiatrists, anesthesiologists and surgeons, are popular. Logisticians and engineers also find work easily. Among humanitarian specialties, the leaders are journalists, PR specialists and representatives of the tourism business.

The answer to the question of what professions are in demand on the labor market is of interest not only to young people who, as they say, are thinking about their lives, but also to people of quite a decent age who dream of retraining and getting a profitable and interesting job. workplace. Because working at the call of the heart allows a person not only to find and realize his calling, it opens up prospects for career growth, which is a good motivation for a creative approach to work.

Experts studying the current state of the labor market associate certain market changes in the directions of its possible transformation taking into account economic development. They believe that the most in-demand professions on the labor market will be the same as they were - these are engineering professions, as well as the professions of technical specialists and production managers.

In addition to these professions, given the explosive growth high technology, it is not difficult to guess what professions are now in demand on the labor market - these are the so-called IT specialists, specialists in the IT industry, which includes programmers and digital technology developers.

Recently, society has made a sharp shift towards consumption. Therefore, the most in demand professions on the labor market, in addition to the specialties already mentioned, are professions related to the field quality service and services in the tourism industry, hotel business.

The whole world is concerned about the problem of environmental pollution, so in this area there are professions in demand today in the labor market, which are in one way or another related to the environment and its protection.

As for what female professions are in demand on the labor market, these are professions traditionally related to female professions - doctors, teachers, workers social sphere and trade. However, the most in-demand profession on the labor market for women is a profession associated with the rapidly developing advertising business.

Professions in demand on the labor market 2017

Concerning Russian market labor, then, most likely, just a few days ago, experts would have quite rightly listed the most in-demand professions on the labor market in 2017, which were on everyone’s lips both in 2016 and in later years, since they have hardly changed over the course of the last two decades. These, as already noted, are professions associated with engineering and technical activities, as well as with senior management of various industries.

But recently a political event occurred that fundamentally forced us to reconsider experts’ forecasts for the labor market in 2017 and even for the next decade. The event that took place was the annual Presidential Address to the Russian Legislative Assembly, where Putin called on legislators, starting in 2017, to take a course and provide legal documents for the development of the digital economy in Russia.

This point of the President’s address will in no way reduce the traditional list of in-demand professions on the Russian labor market, however, in this list, changes in the priorities of many professions are coming and specialties related to information, so-called digital technologies, and in all areas National economy. What exactly does the term “digital economy” mean?

Demanded blue-collar professions on the labor market

Coming from employers and analyzed by experts, although you do not need to be a great analytical specialist, information about in-demand professions on the labor market clearly indicates that employers, for example, a bulldozer operator, a gantry or overhead crane operator, a welder, a qualified turner or milling operator intend to pay much more than the same manager or auditor.

Based on the existing acute shortage of workers who, figuratively speaking, help the head work with their hands - these are blue-collar professions in demand on the 2017 market by specialty:

  • builders;
  • mechanics, and absolutely all areas of production;
  • operators and machinists of industrial, mining and processing equipment.

Therefore, school graduates of 2017 who do not have the knowledge to enter a university need to take into account which blue-collar professions are in demand on the labor market and do right choice your future working profession so that you like it and bring good income.

Creative professions in demand on the labor market

In fact, any profession is creative if its owner approaches his work with genuine interest and in a creative way.

An indicator of whether a particular profession is in demand is the size of its remuneration. This axiom is also true for the so-called creative professions.

Based on this, the professions in demand in Russia are creative specialties:

  • who are related to show business;
  • related to the design of products, building structures and various spaces, as well as web design and fashion design;
  • which are associated with the development of hairstyles and makeup styles;
  • related to journalism, writing blogs, scripts and literary works;
  • which relate to fine arts.

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