Sberbank loan franchising. Franchise from Sberbank: what is a "white list" and how to get an application approved? The goals of a franchise from a bank include

Many people dream of becoming financially independent, starting their own business, developing a business. The variety of ideas and possibilities today is simply overwhelming. But the main stumbling block is the lack of money. Absolutely any project requires financial investments, albeit minimal. In this case, many begin to look for funds by resorting to lending. But despite wide range banking offers in 2017, it is difficult to find a profitable one that will allow you to organize all business processes and repay a loan at the start. In order to develop small and medium-sized businesses in Russia, in 2011 Sberbank launched new project based on franchise schemes.

Business start program from Sberbank of the Russian Federation

"Business Start" is special offer in the Russian lending market. Now talented promising entrepreneurs who were going to start their own business can either live in a large metropolis, using borrowed funds from Sberbank.

Lending terms

Only those who do not currently have a working business can count on a franchise from Sberbank in 2017. Conditions for obtaining a loan:

  • loan amount - from 100 thousand to 7 million rubles;
  • term of loan funds provision – up to 42 months;
  • lending rate - 17.5% (when applying for a loan for a period of up to 24 months) and 18.5% for a period of 24 months or more;
  • the entrepreneur must invest at least 20% in the project own funds; if he does not have such assets at his own disposal, he cannot count on support from Sberbank in 2017;
  • the acquired assets act as collateral for the loan, it is possible to attract co-borrowers and use a guarantee;
  • organizational and legal form of doing business - a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur.

Requirements for the borrower

Those who are between the ages of 20 and 60 are eligible to participate in the franchise lending program. At the same time, the main condition is the absence of business activities for the last 3 months.

The repayment of the loan in 2017 must be carried out every month. Payment scheme - an annuity payment or a schedule developed on an individual basis. It is also allowed to defer the repayment of the debt for a period of 1 year (in this case, only interest is paid). As you can see, everyone can take part in the program - from supporters to those wishing to develop heavy industry.

Features of "Business Start" from Sberbank

The Business Start program is designed to support young initiative entrepreneurs. Those who are interested in the opportunity to work on a franchise with the support of Sberbank should take into account a number of points:

  • after signing the contract in 2017, it is necessary to pay a lump-sum fee (one-time payment for the opportunity to use the selected brand), the amount of which is from 10 thousand to 1 million rubles;
  • each month, a royalty must be paid for work under a franchise, the amount of which most often depends on the amount of revenue.

Borrowed funds can be used to rent retail space, warehouses, carry out repair and construction work, purchase commercial equipment, the first batch of goods (when conducting trade), marketing activities. Also, the money can be used to pay salaries to staff during the first three months of work.

The investment period is divided into stages. A franchise buyer who has received borrowed funds must keep records of the turnover of tangible assets, the profitability of the enterprise.

By concluding an agreement under the Sberbank program (for example, buying), a novice entrepreneur can count on the following support in 2017:

  • consulting support from Sberbank experts;
  • the ability to conduct business on behalf of a well-known brand using pre-established and proven technologies;
  • training;
  • minimum risk level;
  • predicted performance indicators.

In addition to franchising from the provided list, in 2017 Sberbank will also lend own business plans, for this you need to collect a much larger package of documents, including a business plan and.

How to get a loan from Sberbank to develop a franchise business?

The Business Start program is focused on minimizing the risks that await an entrepreneur at the start in 2017. In order to take part in this project, the future entrepreneur must visit one of the divisions of Sberbank, get acquainted with the multimedia course and apply for funds. After that, it is necessary to obtain consent to cooperation from the franchise seller.

The next step is registration. individual entrepreneur or limited liability companies. After providing a package of documents and the approval of the bank, you can make an initial contribution and launch the project.

The next stage is the registration of a business (as an individual entrepreneur or a limited liability company).

To apply for a loan and work on a franchise, you need to provide the following package of documents to the bank:

  • application (in the form of Sberbank);
  • passport (obligatory citizenship of the Russian Federation);
  • military ID (for men);
  • personal income tax return.

As practice shows, the Business Start program is often used by entrepreneurs who were forced to suspend their activities due to lack of funds for development. This lending system helps, first of all, those who could not previously receive financial support, but wish to resume the work of an inactive enterprise or start working on a radically new direction. The main condition for this is not to lead entrepreneurial activity within 3 months at the time of application.

Franchise catalog from Sberbank

Not only for beginners, but also for experienced businessmen, it can be easier to work on one of the Sberbank franchises using borrowed funds.

The franchise catalog is quite large, in 2017 it is planned to further expand it, for example, to include points of sale in it. As part of the Business Start project, you can choose one of the franchises in the field of sales, production or services. Sberbank forms the list of franchises on its own, taking into account stability, development trends and expansion in the Russian market, and the experience of successful business technologies.

Advice: when choosing a Sberbank franchise, it is necessary to build on the demand for consumer market, regional features, the amount of personal investment and their interests.

List of franchises from Sberbank (new demanded directions):

Line of business


Franchise name

Sales area Men's clothing and accessories "Kanzler", "Tom Farr"
Women's clothing Endea, Levall
Shoes Ralf Ranger
Sporting goods Forward
Underwear "Parisian", "Milabelle"
Goods for expectant mothers "I'll be a mother", "Newform"
Accessories "BB1"
Toys for children "Knowledge Island", "Hippo"
Auto parts, car accessories, electronics "220 Volt", "Autodevice", "Auto-Korean", "TKK"
Furniture "Mebbery", "ORMATEK"
Products YANTA
Services sector Beauty saloon "Studio of Lena Lenina", "Person", "Image"
Development studios for children Yasam, Larisa Tsvetaeva Club
Consulting services "Infolife"
Manufacturing Industrial cleaning "IST"
Digital printing "Polygraph"
building materials "Construction Supply System"
Catering Restaurants fast food "Subway", "Stardogs", "Dumplings and dumplings"
Bar, pub Killfish Discount Bar, Harat's
coffee house "Gourmet"

In order for a bank to approve a franchise, it must itself consider the company selling the franchise to be reliable. At the same time, Sberbank does not limit the entrepreneur in his choice, so you can apply for business development according to the model of any franchisor, for example, according to.

Franchise from Sberbank in 2017

The Business Start program was launched in December 2011. During this time, she helped to open her own business, working on behalf of a well-known brand, to many entrepreneurs in Russia. In May 2015, the project was suspended, but after a short period of time it was launched again. Therefore, in 2017, young entrepreneurs can count on financial support from Sberbank. In order to get a positive answer and apply for a loan, several factors must be taken into account. To receive a positive response, you must:

  • good credit history;
  • high level of wages, other sources of income;
  • guarantee, collateral;
  • profitability and liquidity of the business, for the development of which it is planned to issue a loan.

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The Business Start project from Sberbank allows you to develop own business on behalf of a well-known brand, working under the terms of a franchise. Free consulting, multimedia courses help to really assess your potential, identify a profitable area for your region, and a large list of franchisor companies makes it possible to make right choice partner.

In contact with

A franchise business allows you to join a team of successful entrepreneurs and organize your business literally from scratch. This is not only a ready-made business plan, but also support from the franchisor, as well as the supply, if necessary, of products or knowledge for business promotion.

If your own funds for the purchase of an expensive franchise are not enough, then you can turn to banks for help. Entrepreneurs who do not have a lot of capital to start their own business can take advantage of a loan from Sberbank. It supports the most popular types of business: goods and services.

Among the most famous franchises financed by Sberbank:

  • Hippo;
  • Expedition;
  • 33 penguins;
  • Starbucks;
  • Subway and others.

These franchises have proven themselves in the market and have shown quick payback project. By choosing this species business, you can be sure that it will not burn out even in the provinces. Of course, it all depends on the entrepreneur himself, because he must put maximum effort into promoting the business.

Program "Business - Start"

Anyone who starts a business with a savings bank has minimal risks.

This program is subject to several conditions:

  • A business can open an individual entrepreneur, LLC or individual who have not been engaged in entrepreneurial activity for 3 months.
  • It is necessary to issue a package of documents required by the bank.
  • It is mandatory to provide to the bank:
    • profile,
    • registration at the place of residence(temporary registration is possible),
    • having a military ID men under 27 years old,
    • passport,
    • as well as financial documents Limited liability companies or individual entrepreneurs, if any);
  • The same documents must be provided by the guarantor., besides this, he either brings a certificate of 2 personal income tax as employee or a completed tax return.

After that comes the choice of loan, which can be done in several ways:

You can get acquainted with the business start program on the official website of the bank or online. Many businessmen successfully promote their business using loan assistance from the bank.

What does the program offer?

A loan can be obtained in the amount of 100 thousand to 3 million rubles. The terms of the loan are such that 40% of the total amount is in the hands of the borrower. They are transferred to the current account of the future entrepreneur. When taking a loan for a period of more than 2 years, it is issued at 18% per annum, for a period of less than a year - 17.5%.

The bank does not restrict a businessman in choosing a franchise, but it must be reliable. You can use the catalog of franchises approved by Sberbank.

Requirements for the borrower

Any person from 18 to 60 years old can become a franchise loan borrower, but a large amount can only be received by persons over 27 years old, men who have served in the army.

They do not have to be registered as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. Or entrepreneurs who do not conduct economic activities. The lump-sum contribution can range from 10 thousand to 1 million rubles, depending on the amount he takes. In addition, there are monthly royalties.

What is the purpose of the loan?

The loan is issued:

  • For rent and renovation of premises;
  • Purchase of commercial equipment;
  • For advertising.

Usually the promotion process takes from 1 to 3 months, then the business, if it is chosen successfully, can already exist on the profit received.

For what amount and for how long is a loan for franchising issued?

A loan can be obtained in the amount of 100 thousand to 3 million rubles. The terms of the loan are such that 40% of the total amount is in the hands of the borrower. They are transferred to the current account of the future entrepreneur.

When taking a loan for a period of more than 2 years, it is issued at 18% per annum, for a period of less than a year - 17.5%.

The longest franchise loan term is 3.5 years. If you need a loan in the amount of 7 million rubles, then only people over 27 years old can take it, and the first installment is also equal to 40% of the total debt. The repayment period can be up to 5 years.

What should be considered when franchising from Sberbank?

  • Lump sum can be in the range from 10 thousand to 1 million rubles, depending on the amount he takes. In addition, there are monthly royalties.
  • Acquired property under the franchise becomes collateral;
  • When issuing a loan under an LLC, its founders act as guarantors. They answer with their property;
  • When issuing a loan under an individual entrepreneur, relatives become its guarantors: brothers, sisters, spouses;
  • The guarantor may be and a third party.

You need to calculate your future income in order to be able to cope with sales during periods of stagnation and crisis. So, for example, a denim store can be opened in any season, but ice cream will be most popular in the summer. It is better to open a toy store on the eve of big holidays, for example on New Year when everyone wants something to please their children.

In addition, income is directly proportional to the patency of the place, the cost of goods and the solvency of the population. Considering all these factors, you can choose a franchise that will best meet the needs of a particular population group.

How large quantity buyers are satisfied with the service or product, the more profitable the franchise is. So, everyone needs a pharmacy, but a limited number of people do manicures. From here it is necessary to draw conclusions.

Lump sum and royalties

Lump sum is a one-time payment. It is paid for renting premises, providing software, catalogs, sites or online stores, development of a design project. Each franchisor has its own calculations lump sum. Such a share is paid in whole at once or in installments.

Royalties - These are monthly payments. They are either fixed or linked to gross revenue.

What is the meaning of royalties:

  • Possibility of economic support;
  • Staff training;
  • Regulation of management issues;
  • Help with bookkeeping.

If the royalty is zero, then either it is already included in the cost of goods, or the franchisor is not interested in helping his franchisee, which should alert.

This must be clarified before the conclusion of the contract. You can chat with other franchisees on the forum or visit them in person.

Is it possible to choose a franchise on my own?

You can choose a franchise yourself from the catalog provided by the bank. These companies have already been verified and they have not only several points, but also experience in business technology. In total, Sberbank offers about 75 franchise projects, as well as more than a dozen ready business plans.

If an entrepreneur wants to get a loan under another franchise, then it will be comprehensively checked by bank analysts, and if it does not seem reliable, then the loan may be denied.

Pitfalls and subtleties of a loan under a Sberbank franchise

  • In order to start a business Sberbank franchise, the entrepreneur must invest at least 40% of his funds;
  • Sberbank works with standard business plans,individual developments are not progressing. If there is no such topic in the list of franchises, then it is useless to ask for a franchise loan for it;
  • Loan term from 6 to 60 months, deferment of principal repayment for 12 months.
  • The loan is provided to an individual entrepreneur or a company with limited liability.

In any case, banks are more willing to accommodate experienced entrepreneurs than newcomers to business.

Choice of the franchisor under which the loan is issued

Usually the choice of a franchisor is made by the franchisee independently, the main thing is that he gets into the list of verified companies. The main thing is to find out if he will help in the future, and what are the business prospects. It is best to personally visit some points and communicate with the franchisees of this franchise. Interesting details may emerge.

Not for every city and region, a franchise can be successful, because a lot depends on factors such as:

  • Solvency of the population;
  • Existing competitors;
  • Possibility of support by the franchisor;
  • Established prices for products or services.

A lot depends on this, because in fact, sometimes the franchisee is tied hand and foot. He can't drop prices because of a single pricing policy franchises, but the goods are not taken.

Naturally, things will go best with experienced professionals who have been in business for more than a year, they can immediately evaluate the proposed program. It is necessary not only to make an assessment of the market in this region and a specific point, but also draw up your business plan.

These programs were popular last year in the country. There are 75 such franchises in total, and besides them there are 10 typical business plans. It is for these types of businesses that you can get a loan. You can learn more about them from the Business Start program.

Franchise Directory

The franchise catalog includes a diverse business that is aimed not only at the sale of goods, but also covers various services:

  • Cafes and restaurants;
  • Sushi and fast food;
  • Coffee houses and bakeries;
  • Beauty salon, beauty and health;
  • Car washes, tourist services;
  • Trade in clothes, products, building materials;
  • vending;
  • Internet shops;
  • Pharmacies and manufacturing;
  • Taxi;
  • Internet projects and much more.

For example, franchises Guild, Ormatek, Avtodevays - all of them can be financed by Sberbank.

Entrepreneurs will not be left alone with their problem if they not only carefully study the offer, but also calculate their own business plan specifically for the place of opening a business. It's all about that. Most often, the franchise is designed for large cities, where there is a large flow of buyers and high solvency, but this may not be the case in the regions.

The ruined franchisees do not understand what the matter is, but they just needed to understand whether the service or goods would be in demand among the population. Buying a franchise is not difficult, it is important to recoup it and get the long-awaited profit.

Stanislav Matveev

Author of the bestseller "Phenomenal Memory". Record holder of the Book of Records of Russia. Creator of the training center "Remember Everything". The owner of Internet portals in legal, business and fishing topics. Former franchise owner and online store owner.

    FranKonsalt - creating franchises

    FranKonsalt is a recognized leader in franchise development. Our company provides a full range of services for the creation and packaging of franchises, registration of trademarks, drafting commercial concession agreements, and a comprehensive audit of the franchise.

    The trade mark "33 penguins" appeared on the Russian market in March 2004. Since 2006, "33 penguins" has been developing under the franchising system.

    The franchise turns 10 in 2016. The franchise network is developing in 175 cities of four states: Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Mongolia. The retail set includes more than 1200 outlets various formats.

    Ice cream “33 penguins” is a natural premium class ice cream. The range includes more than 50 varieties of various flavors, made according to classic Italian and unique own recipes. Ice cream is rolled into balls and served in a crispy waffle cone, ice cream bowl or special thermal packaging (thermal jar), in which it does not melt for more than an hour. Ice cream is served with a variety of toppings and toppings made from natural fruit and berry sauces. The range includes packaged ice cream produced in 370 gr buckets. and cups 60 gr., as well as a series of capacious Ice-box packages: PRESENT, FAMYLI and MEGA. In addition to ice cream, milkshakes, fruit friezes based on ice cream and juices are offered.

    6 months

    1 500 000 

    BAON has been a market leader for 20 years outerwear and clothing for sports and outdoor activities. Significant results have been achieved in this area.

    The desire to meet the expectations of its customers, to give them the opportunity to dress beautifully, in accordance with their preferences and within the framework of current fashion trends, has led to a change in the corporate identity of the brand.

    In 2010, BAON launched a rebranding project to reposition the existing brand and enter the casual wear market.

    BAON today is a worthy competitor to the world leaders in the chain clothing market of the middle price segment.

    The new design of the BAON store meets European standards for the stores of world fashion leaders. This allows you to link the overall promotion strategy, ensure the "communication" of the brand with target audience and emphasize the authority of the brand as an expert in the fashion world.

    BAON collections are a wide range of both outerwear and light clothing and a collection approach based on stand-alone style solutions.

    BAON collections are in line with current trends. BAON adapts European fashion trends to the mentality of the Russian buyer and Russian weather conditions. The collections are balanced in such a way that the buyer can assemble a mini wardrobe in one trip to the store, and the whole atmosphere of the store makes it easy to create your own image.

    The main part of the BAON collections, about 80%, is the CASUAL collection, 20% is the ACTIVE collection. The range of women's blouses, dresses, men's shirts, knitwear, and T-shirts has been significantly expanded. In the winter collection, BAON still offers its customers a wide selection of outerwear (down jackets, jackets), as well as a collection of professional ski clothing.

    When developing collections, designers use the principle of total-look, complementing the collections of men's and women's clothing accessories (hats, scarves, stoles, jewelry, bags, shoes).

    TM BAON, following the change assortment policy and corporate identity, completely changed the concept of store design. The color scheme of the new design follows the new colors of the logo - dark chocolate and vanilla ice cream. And the strict and concise lines of commercial equipment reflect the new style of the brand - elegant and respectable. All this visually significantly increases the level of brand positioning, which, in contrast to fairly affordable prices, stimulates an increase in sales. Spacious shopping room allows you to arrange the entire range in one area, create interesting stylistic compositions and groups. Everything without exception: new equipment, merchandising, convenient navigation - makes the process of getting to know the product, selecting sets of clothes and making a purchase convenient, understandable and comfortable.

    The project developed new concept commercial equipment. Merchandising standards have fundamentally changed. Thanks to the new design and modern equipment in stores, the collection is presented in the most advantageous way, presenting the buyer with ready-made sets.

    New standards of customer service have been formed, which include not only the selection of the size, but also assistance in choosing the right set for style, color, and purpose.

    The BAON franchise today is a worthy competitor to the world leaders in the network market of clothing in the middle price segment.

    BAON customers are one of the most solvent and consumer-active audiences in the mass market segment: men and women aged 25-35.

    The new BAON is aimed at people who are well versed in fashion trends and trends; this side of being interests them, and they specifically devote time and attention to this; information about fashion trends is perceived by them not as a peremptory given, but as a basis for making an independent decision; clearly divide their wardrobe depending on situations and mood; their clothes are less versatile, so they have to be more carefully selected; appreciate their own individuality and are not afraid to emphasize it by choosing unusual things and accessories, while remaining within reasonable limits and not having the intention to shock others; individuality is emphasized for oneself, and not for others.

    18 months

    4 000 000 

    ConcreteBase is a professional trading house for concrete and mortar, which can be opened in your city with minimum investment and in short time start earning!

    Open your business and make money, it's just like one-two-three

    1) we conclude an agreement, we start our business in your city

    2) 20-25 commissioning

    3) in exactly 25 days you already have the first transactions and the first profit!

    Call, write and open your business with us! Checked! Works!

    Today, the SUBWAY® franchise includes more than 34,000 restaurants in 98 countries around the world. Subway is one of the leaders in the fast food industry, and SUBWAY® Sandwiches are a healthy alternative to fatty, processed foods. Subway's global mission is to be the #1 customer service and restaurant chain in the world.

    12 months

    10 530 000 

    The Chocolate Dream franchise is a chance to start your own truly profitable, vibrant and interesting business in the field of organization of holidays! We are unique! Now the company "Chocolate Dream" has laid the foundation of its business creative projects which cause delight in absolutely everyone, and especially in children. Take part in our workshops on drawing on chocolate and creating figures from cotton candy - you will understand why the business is profitable!

    And the "highlight of the program" is the preparation of ice cream on liquid nitrogen. It's really unusual and exciting! In just 5 days, we will share with you our technology, which includes many secrets and know-how :) Estimated estimated profit: 130 thousand rubles / month.

    After that you will be able to:

    2. Start receiving orders, carry them out with high quality, giving people wonderful events!

    6 months

    HIRSCH specializes in real estate services for small and medium-sized businesses. We know what problems entrepreneurs face in the course of their activities. Competition from the giants of the market. That it is not easy to hire realtors, teach how to work and provide mentoring, and then keep them in the team for many years. It also happens that the income ceiling is reached, and no efforts lead to an increase in revenue. We specialize in solving these problems of entrepreneurs. We know the real estate market and its participants very well. We know what real estate sellers and buyers want and what they are willing to pay commission for.

    We understand the psychology of a realtor and know how, what and at what point in time to do to turn the traditional cyclical results of his work into success. We are aware of the cyclical nature of the real estate market and use different tactics during periods of growth and decline in demand. And also we have the methods of effective administration, which allows us to achieve the desired results. HIRSCH has twice been awarded the Russian national prize in the field of franchising "Golden Brand". Best Franchise 2008 according to Forbes.

    12 months

    About the brand….
    The development of the umbrella brand "Expedition" began in 2002 with the opening of the restaurant "Expedition. Northern Cuisine" in Moscow. The company managed to create an honest Russian brand that linked together lifestyle, business and youthful romance.
    The orange brand is also known for its unique world-class projects: the largest winter off-road race "Expedition-Trophy"; Live fair "Expedition"; round-the-world business expedition "Our Alaska"; round-the-world trip Expedition Around the World and others. The main thing the company strives for is loyalty to itself and its ideals, the desire to be No. 1 in its niche and improve the environment around it.
    For the "Expedition" it is important to leave behind a legacy in the form of deeds, names and memory.
    Key values ​​are simple and clear, they are:
    - leadership and mentoring
    - exchangeability
    - adequacy
    - humanity
    The success of the company is based on its people, unique, incredible in their abilities, dedication, in relation to the team and to the cause, bright and successful, who love to do what is considered impossible.

    12 months

    The NEWFORM company is the largest Russian manufacturer of clothes and underwear for pregnant and lactating women, owning its own efficient system for the production and marketing of products of the same brand through a network of branded retail stores and shops of wholesale buyers in more than 100 cities of Russia.

    NEWFORM products cover the entire range of maternity clothes: from casual to dressy models, from denim to business suits. The range of clothing for pregnant women "NEWFORM" also includes clothes for home, recreation and sports. In addition, NEWFORM offers its own underwear line: tights and underwear for pregnant and nursing mothers.

    Since 2008, the company has been actively strengthening its presence in the regions by successfully launching the NEWFORM Franchising project. Today, the branded network "NEWFORM - clothes for expectant mothers" includes 48 stores in 45 cities of Russia and Belarus!

    9 months

    Levall is the largest manufacturer of women's clothing, has been on the Russian market for over 25 years, owns two brands Levall and Tsurpal. Levall - clothes for women, with a sense of taste, understanding and accepting aesthetics, regardless of social class. Tsurpal - youth clothes for modern girls and women. Detailed approach to each product. The uniqueness of the brands is that the style of the collections is developed in Paris by a group of designers, graduates International Institute Fashion and Design (Instituto Marangoni), and models are produced in Novosibirsk, which ensures an affordable price for exclusive products.

    The stamps are represented in more than 20 cities of Russia. In 2015, the Tsurpal brand entered the European market, the brand is represented in the Globus shopping center, Switzerland, Geneva. Levall - adapt world fashion. High Quality we achieve due to the fact that each product is created by tailors. European design, excellent quality and style at Russian prices!

    12 months

    The Jenavi franchise is the largest Russian manufacturer of jewelry with Swarovski crystals.
    400 franchise outlets in Russia and the CIS.
    Since 2005, the largest jewelry production in Russia has been developing a franchise network of branded outlets selling its products.
    - Product range of more than 30,000 items
    - 2-3 new collections monthly
    - Head office and plant in St. Petersburg
    - Quality assurance and reasonable prices
    - A wide range of jewelry - for every age and taste
    Jenavi franchise launched in 2005

    8 months

    Tom Farr was founded in 1996 Russian entrepreneurs with the participation of Italian designers. Today, TOM FARR holding is a leader in the production of stylish clothes. In 2013, the best franchisor in RUSSIA and the CIS.

    Since 2011, Tom Farr has been actively social activities, cooperates with Charitable Foundations and public figures participating in various joint projects. Over the years of its existence, the range of the brand has grown significantly, but Tom Farr collections are still distinguished by individual style, relevance, original cut, convenience and affordable price. At the moment, the package of brands includes

    2 main brands:

    18 months

    Gift Calendar is the largest federal network gift and souvenir shops in Russia and the CIS. Franchise The Gift Calendar Franchise is a project of the largest Russian wholesale company Russian Gifts, which has more than 19 years of experience in this segment. In July 2014, the Gift Calendar franchise entered the list of the 25 most profitable franchises Russia according to Forbes magazine.

    If you want to organize your own successful and interesting business, then buying a Gift Calendar franchise will be an excellent opportunity for you to succeed.

    18 months

    Harat's pub is a federal chain of pubs. Now the network has 68 pubs in 45 cities of Russia and 1 pub in Kazakhstan (Almaty).
    Igor Nikolaevich Kokourov, owner of the Harat's trademark. The first pub of the Harat's Pub chain opened in autumn 2009 in Irkutsk. In 2010, Harat's launched franchising and opened the first partner pub in the city of Krasnoyarsk.
    Now the geography of Harat’s is impressive: from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky to St. Petersburg, from Khabarovsk to Sochi.
    In 2013, the network went beyond Russia and opened a pub abroad (Thailand, Pattaya). The Harat’s Pub franchise was included in several ratings in 2013: 1st among beer franchises and in the overall standings in the Golden Brand National Award and TOP-10 best business solutions at the international marketing congress EWMS-2013. The Harat's pub network has become a full member of the IrishPubsGlobal World Pub Association, which includes pubs from 122 countries.
    Moreover, Harat's Group is now the largest member of the Association. In 2014-2015 the network plans to enter the Near Abroad, as other countries show interest in this format - Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Montenegro, Croatia. Harat's pub is an emphasis on the bar and the concept minimum service with a simple menu. What distinguishes Harat's is the freedom for guests and the atmosphere of a pub. Slogan - "On the way home."

    30 months

    9 000 000 

    Markon operates on the market Catering Russia since 1993 and became the first Russian fast food chain outside the home.

    Today we are the leading operator in the fast food street catering segment. We were the first to open a fundamentally new segment of dining out for Russians - street food. Fast, convenient, delicious! - this was the motto of our work at the very beginning, and it remains so now. The company specializes in the sale of high-quality hot dogs and sandwiches from raw materials of a high degree of readiness and according to Premium quality standards, cooked on modern equipment, which is equipped with all outlets, in compliance with the most stringent sanitary requirements.

    Markon is the leader among network concepts in terms of the number of outlets.

    18 months

    The Alendvik company was established in 1993, in the field of catering since 1998 (Priority activity - network business in the segment of fast food cafes). Alendvik is a multi-brand company, a leading hospitality company in the Perm Territory. Operates on a franchise basis the world famous brands SFC-Express, Baskin Robbins, Kodak and owns its own leading brands Pelmeshki da Vareniki, Viva la Pizza, Sushi Sun, Taste of Wanderings and Chocolate Girl ". Alendvik owns 96 outlets.
    All activities of the company are subject to the motto: “We create a beautiful present! We strive for beauty in everything: in deeds, in thoughts, in deeds. It should be noted that our success, first of all, is based on the fact that we boldly entered the business using the franchising system. Having gained experience of working with world famous companies, we subsequently managed to create our own concepts and since 2013 we began to develop our own franchising direction.

    0 months

    5 000 000 

    The company "Union of toy manufacturers" (Ivanovo) was founded in May 1999 and is currently a factory for the manufacture soft toys, interior decorative pillows and textile souvenirs. In 2008, we developed our own manufacturing technology new products filled with fine-grained expanded polystyrene (Antistress products).

    These products were first introduced in retail chains under the registered trademark "THINGS, to which the handles reach" and for the past 4 years have been in high demand among buyers. Since 2010, the company has been developing a franchising network, and by now our franchisee partners work in more than 50 regions of the Russian Federation and the CIS.

    6 months

    CJSC Casper Group has been operating in the Russian market for more than 10 years and is steadily developing trade marks PlayToday S"COOL!

    The assortment of the store is more than 10,000 SKUs per year: clothes, shoes, accessories, toys, books. Deliveries of goods are carried out exactly according to the schedule of shipments.

    The PlayToday brand is represented in the Medium+ price segment. We do not allow price increases and are constantly working to reduce the costs of our partners.

    According to expert estimates*, the company's share is 2% of the total volume of the Russian market in the "Children's clothing, footwear and accessories" segment.

Recently, Russian banks have begun to master the new kind activity is a franchise. , you can read the link. Many financial institutions are now interested in expanding their network, but they have limitations in cash. Therefore, they offer novice entrepreneurs to become bankers.

Such partners take part in the expansion of the dealer network, sharing costs, responsibilities and future profits. An additional office of a certain commercial bank is a separate structure that will work on behalf of a banking institution and on behalf of it.

Goals and objectives of franchises from banks

The future banker is invited to open a branch of the bank through franchising. This is convenient for him, since the additional office will not pay taxes and does not provide reports to the IFTS.

He will work on behalf of the largest bank by proxy, which is legal entity. The businessman is invited to be the head of a small financial organization without incurring high costs and risks.

The main task of a franchise from a bank is the development of this financial institution . The branch manager will use a well-known trademark. In simple terms, this process consists in representing a certain bank and selling banking products on its behalf.

The goals of a franchise from a bank include:

  • providing loans to the population in a particular city;
  • issuance of bank personal, deposit and salary cards;
  • sale of insurance packages;
  • leasing schemes and much more.

The banking institution will conduct free training for the partner and his staff, as well as provide financial support.

Bank Franchises in Russia - Overview

Currently, the following Russian banks provide loans for opening branches under the franchising program:

  1. Sberbank of Russia. The volume of investments is from 1 million rubles. The lump-sum contribution is 200 thousand rubles. Payback - 2 years. Interest on the provided loan for opening an office - from 16% per annum.
  2. VTB 24. Subsidiary credit structure “Leto Bank” and partner project “Let's go”. The volume of investments is 3 million rubles. The franchise fee must be at least 400 thousand rubles. Payback - 1.5 years. Interest on credit - 17%.
  3. Alfa Bank. The investment volume is within 1 million rubles. The lump-sum contribution is 250 thousand rubles. The payback of the project is 1.5 years. The partner will have to pay 17 percent per annum for obtaining a loan to purchase a franchise.
  4. OTP bank. It is necessary to make an investment of 1 million rubles. The contribution is 300 thousand rubles. The project will pay off within 2 years. The interest rate is 15% on the loan.
  5. AltaiEnergoBank. Franchise under the Instant Money brand. To connect to the program of this financial institution, an amount of 1 million rubles will be required. Payback is 1.5 years. The lump-sum contribution is 200 thousand rubles. Interest on credit - 18%.

All these banks understand the nuances of issuing investments for a franchise, so partners will work without any risks. For banking institutions, such activities make it possible to analyze the market in the regions, for example, in the Far East.

Clients who take similar loans to open offices again receive money at reduced rates. There are many more Russian banks that are beginning to explore the franchising market. Some of them are only thinking about attracting partners, while others are already implementing these programs.

The average income of a franchisee is from 450 thousand rubles per month.

Features of the franchise

The main features of the work on the franchise of banks:

  1. The franchisor guarantees all the necessary training in the process of developing a branch of a banking institution.
  2. A small down payment. If it is necessary to expand activities, then the partner must deposit additional amounts of money into the franchisor's account.
  3. Lack of competition, since the concept of each bank is to open no more than one branch in one regional territory.
  4. The franchise allows you to develop in several directions. For example, the provision of instant credit loans and car loans.

Calculation of approximate costs for starting a business

In order to open your branch of a banking institution under an affiliate program, you must have initial not less than one million rubles. Of these, about 17% - 20% will have to be paid immediately as a lump-sum contribution. The amount will depend on the requirements of the bank - 150 - 200 thousand rubles.

About 150 thousand rubles will be needed to purchase equipment and 200 thousand rubles to rent an office, wage employees, Internet communications, advertising costs, phone bills, and so on. In total, it turns out that in order to start a business such as a banking franchise you will need about 550 - 600 thousand rubles.

It is important to know that many banks take care of expenses starting from the third month of the existence of a franchise bank branch. Up to this point, you will have to pay all expenses yourself.

The costs of creating such a business are reasonable and every novice businessman will be able to open a bank office in his city under a special affiliate program. Some banks pay expenses already at the start franchisee. Therefore, it is worth clarifying and specifying all the conditions with the partner bank.

Learn more about franchising:

Profitability of opening a lending point about a bank franchise

The market in this area is arranged in such a way that the franchisor starts earning only when he starts working and issuing loans from lending points opened under a franchise. Thanks to this, the franchisor:

  • takes low monthly payments;
  • requires a minimum percentage of revenue and profit;
  • leaves almost 100% remuneration to his partner, which is received from clients.

The profitability of opening a point for issuing loans under a franchise of banks is:

    • high economic indicators;
    • high rates of sales of banking services, since the brand under which the partnership is formed is always recognizable and is well known to people;
    • great immediate prospects. The popularity of loans is known to all people. Thanks to this service, you can make your dream come true;
  • fast payback of credit points;
  • entering a large market;
  • lack of competition, which means there will be big sales, profits and so on.

Constant support by the franchisor's specialists helps to increase the economic performance of the lending point. This helps to avoid mistakes and use the experience of the partners' network members.

Article Summary

  1. Franchising banks is a new activity, but many financial institutions are beginning to master it.
  2. This type of business will bring big profits, as there are no competitors. After all, according to the rules of franchising, you can open only one branch of the partner's bank.
  3. The franchisor helps his partner develop the business: trains, provides financial support, and so on.

In this material:

When an entrepreneur has the idea to open new business, the first question becomes: how successful will its launch be? To achieve the set goals, it is necessary to carefully study all economic and financial aspects business model, analyze all risks. Serious preparation, verification and market research is required before starting a business. It takes quite a lot of time and effort. Instead, any entrepreneur, and especially a beginner, can consider a franchise option from Sberbank. What is its peculiarity?

Since 2011, Sberbank of Russia has launched a unique Business Start loan product, which has enabled many businessmen to try themselves in a new field. Entrepreneurs without initial capital were able to launch their own business project. The "Business Start" lending program has become major step on the way to the improvement of the Russian credit system.

Sberbank specialists claim that it is the franchising system that is becoming the best option for many aspiring entrepreneurs. Cooperation with experts in their field and a project developed to the smallest detail significantly reduce risks and ensure rapid business development.

Lending program "Business start" - what is it?

The name of the project - "Business Start" - speaks for itself. This loan is for starting a business. The only thing that distinguishes it from other banking offers is the additional package of services provided and the purpose of the loan.

The Sberbank program was developed on the basis of a franchising system and a standard business plan. It provides an opportunity to get a loan for investment in a new business or in a ready-made franchise project. Here, the future businessman is offered a set of solutions for starting his own business: a ready-made business model (franchising or a standard plan), which was developed by the bank's experts, and appropriate financing. As for the first option, an entrepreneur can choose absolutely any franchise from those presented on the Russian market.

Under the Business Start program, potential borrowers take a training course on the basics of entrepreneurship. Then they choose their favorite franchise from the catalog. After the loan is approved, the borrower registers an individual entrepreneur or LLC, submits all Required documents to the bank, including an application for the required amount to start. Also, the borrower is obliged to contribute part of its own funds to the implementation of the project. Within the agreed timeframe with the bank and the proposed franchisor, the entrepreneur begins to run his own business and gradually repays the loan.

Lending terms

The loan program of Sberbank "Business Start" is mostly designed for small businesses, but there is also appropriate funding for medium-sized businesses. Here are the conditions for lending to low-value projects, intended mainly for start-up entrepreneurs:

  1. Interest rate - 18.5% (similar to medium-sized businesses)
  2. The amount of the loan provided is from 100,000 to 3,000,000 rubles
  3. The term of the loan agreement is 42 months
  4. First installment - from 40%
  5. Postponement of repayment of principal debt — 6 months
  6. Collateral is a pledge of acquired property within the framework of this project(subject to compulsory insurance) and the guarantee of an individual.

Basic requirements for the borrower:

  • lack of entrepreneurial activity for the last 3 months (90 calendar days);
  • age - 20-60 years (inclusive).

To participate in the lending program, the franchisee must provide documents:
a completed application form (issued at any branch of the bank or printed from the official website);

  • Russian passport;
  • military ID or registration certificate;
  • provisional registration, if any;
  • financial documents of a registered legal entity. person or IP.

A more detailed list of documents, including a package of documents for the guarantor, is provided on the official website of Sberbank.

What do you get in return?

After applying for a loan program to help the franchisee, you will receive:

  • initial capital - 80% of the required project financing;
  • a loan in the amount of up to 7,000,000 rubles;
  • long term - up to 5 years;
  • a large selection of accredited Sberbank franchisors;
  • work under a well-known brand;
  • the possibility of obtaining a loan without additional collateral;
  • a business plan is developed together with the main assistants: Sberbank specialists and experts from the selected franchisor;
  • at the launch stage, you receive comprehensive information support and the opportunity to consult Sberbank (in addition to assistance from the franchisor itself);
  • free business course.

All these benefits of the Sberbank program will allow you to reduce possible risks business, and significantly reduce costs.

Sberbank accredited franchises

To date, the number of accredited franchises in the Sberbank catalog is more than forty. Some of the companies represented are not very popular, but have serious prospects for the future. Such franchises are offered on the most favorable conditions and have strong support from the bank.

List of accredited Sberbank franchises for 2015:

  • 220 Volt (sale of household goods)
  • icraft (optics shop)
  • Ascona (sale of mattresses)
  • BEGEMOTIK ( baby store toys)
  • I will be a Mom (shop for pregnant women and moms)
  • Baby club (center for the development of children's intelligence)
  • Velodrive (sale of bicycles)
  • Eastern Bazaar (restaurant)
  • Jeans Superprice (jeans store)
  • Industrial solutions (equipment and materials for industrial cleaning)
  • Chancellor (clothing store for men)
  • Mademoiselle de Paris (lingerie sale)
  • Masterborder (border company)
  • Milabel (sale of underwear)
  • Knowledge Island (children's toy store)
  • Paolo Conte (shoe store)
  • Parisian (sale of underwear)
  • Dumplings and dumplings (restaurant)
  • PERSONA Image Laboratory (beauty salon)
  • Robin Hood (crossbow and archery shooting range)
  • Sbarro (restaurant)
  • Selena (accessory store)
  • Stardogs (fast food)
  • Stilini (shoe store)
  • Lena Lenina Manicure Studio (manicure and pedicure services)
  • Level (sale of building materials)
  • HIRSCH (real estate agency)
  • Teahouse (tea shop)
  • ChistoFF (self-service laundry)
  • Exofilm (5D film screening)
  • Expedition (original gift shop)
  • YASAM (child development club)
  • BAON (sale of outdoor clothing)
  • ChipsAway (automotive parts repair)
  • ECOWASH MOBILE (waterless car wash)
  • Jenavi (jewellery shop)
  • Kraftholik (children's toy store)
  • NEWFORM (sale of clothes for pregnant women)
  • Orby (clothing store for children)
  • SERGINNETTI (clothing store)
  • SUBWAY (restaurant)
  • Tom Tailor (clothing store for men and women)