Scenario 50th anniversary in the style of the eighties. Birthday script in USSR style. What to cook for a party

We offer simple and very funny scenario for a retro party in the style of the 80s, which includes a selection of popular and interesting competitions in the spirit of Soviet times.

To execute the script, you need a presenter and a couple of proactive assistants. The host must choose competitions for the holiday based on the company’s preferences and be able to adapt to the situation and mood of the guests.

Prepare small souvenirs and gifts in advance. As prize points, you can use chocolate medals in golden wrapper, symbolizing the 80 Olympics, and as prizes, Soviet champagne, Alenka chocolate, pennants and everything your heart desires!

We start the party with the most positive moment - the ceremonial initiation into pioneers.

Pioneer Initiation

An amazing journey to the most nostalgic period of one’s youth, a surge of emotions and a lift in the spirits of all guests, including those who came without him! Good memories and emotional impulses, as well as sparkle in your eyes and wind in your head!

Necessary attributes: pioneer ties and caps from newspapers, a recording of the pioneer anthem “Raise the Fires,” if desired, a bugle and a portrait of Lenin’s grandfather.

It is advisable to put all the guests in a line and, under the anthem of the pioneers, perform an important mission, giving each a cap and tying a tie. Each dedicated participant must solemnly and loudly pronounce the pioneer oath:

“I (name, surname of the entrant), joining the ranks of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Lenin can be replaced by the name of the birthday boy or, if this is a corporate party, the name of the organization), in front of my comrades, I solemnly promise: to passionately love my Motherland.

Drink, walk and have fun, as the great Lenin (name of the birthday boy) bequeathed, as the Communist Party teaches!

Always comply with the Laws of the Pioneers of the Soviet Union!”

After initiation, the pioneer drinks a glass of Soviet champagne in one gulp and, in response to the call “Be Ready!”, loudly pronounces “Always Ready!” This motto can be used throughout the evening as a call to raise a glass.

If those initiated into pioneers become strongly ensconced in the image and do not want to leave it, you can walk (if the room allows) at a marching pace, cheerfully singing a pioneer song.

Competitions for a party in the style of the USSR

Competition "Skillful Pioneer"

The older generation will enjoy the memories of the technique of tying ties, the younger generation will gain invaluable experience and feel the energy of Soviet times. The competition is based on speed and the fastest participant is awarded.

Auction “Back to the Past”

Mad passion and inexhaustible thirst for victory!

Necessary attributes: everything you can find in the store from a series of Soviet-era products: champagne, Buratino and tarragon lemonade, Bird's Milk and Swan Lake candies, sprats, Alenka chocolate, condensed milk in a can, Artek waffles and more.

The presenter announces a lot with an initial starting price, for example 10 rubles. The guests are bargaining. The lot is taken by the one who offers the maximum high price. All lots can be used as treats to “refresh” the forgotten taste of childhood.

Competition “Guess the retro hit!”

Musical euphoria will immerse guests in the most unpredictable moments of the past and defuse the holiday atmosphere with popular hits!

Prepare a high-quality selection of popular hits from the 80s in advance. Greatest hits of the 80s.

All guests and a few avid music lovers can participate. The melody turns on. The participant who recognizes her first loudly pronounces a pre-agreed word, such as “stop”, “peep” or any other. If he names the composition correctly, he receives a point in the form of a chocolate medal. The presenter sums up. The participant who dialed greatest number points receives a symbolic prize. For example, a disc with hits of the 80s.

Competition "Retro Podium!"

An extreme appearance on the catwalk, a stylistic display of fashionable hairstyles, incredible compositions on the heads of the most popular models in the world.

Don’t doubt that the contestants will greatly amuse the guests with their performance!

It is enough to hint at the trends of that time: hairstyles with high backcombs, perms and ponytails on top of the head were in fashion at that time.

Necessary attributes: combs, bright elastic bands and hairpins, hairspray.

You can attract the bravest men to the competition. Offer them the necessary attributes and you will be surprised by their knowledge of the Fashion World.

Announce the nominations, they can be the following: “Soviet hippie”, “fresh from the slaughter”, “member of the CPSU”, “combine operator-shock worker”, “worker and collective farmer”, “collective farm chairman”, etc.

Competition “How far has progress come?!”

The task is to come up with a Soviet analogue for the proposed word.

Guests will be happy to show their imagination and knowledge of the vocabulary of Soviet times.

DVD player – VCR or filmoscope

Parmesan – processed cheese “Druzhba”

MP3 player – reel-to-reel tape recorder

Pepsi – lemonade “Buratino” or “Citro”

CD - gramophone record

Flash drive - audio cassette

Shrek - Crocodile Gena

Laptop - calculator, typewriter or the game “Electronic”

ATM - savings bank

Credit card - savings book

Colgate toothpaste – tooth powder

Barbie doll - baby

Glamor magazine – “Working Woman” or “Peasant Woman”

Washing machine - washboard.

Luntik – Cheburashka

Chocolate bar “Nats” – Alenka chocolate

Nike sneakers - sneakers

Competition "The Biggest Bubble"

Required attributes: chewing gum (better from the Soviet series: Turbo, love is...)

It's simple: participants blow bubbles, guests cheer and laugh merrily! The participant who blows the biggest bubble wins!

Competition "Catering"

No less funny and funny competition. The scene is a Soviet-era canteen.

Required attributes: buns and kefir in cut glasses.

The essence of the competition is to quickly eat buns and wash them down with kefir. The fastest catering customer wins!

Competition "Abbreviations"

This intellectual game takes place right at the table. The host hands out paper sheets with Soviet abbreviations to the guests. Guests need to decipher them, and then come up with a new decoding so that it is certainly associated with the hero of the day. The winner can be chosen by voting, determining the coolest decoding of the Soviet abbreviation in a new way:

CPSU (Communist Party of the Soviet Union)

GTO (ready for work and defense)

DOSAAF (Voluntary Society for Assistance to the Army, Aviation and Navy)

Komsomol (All-Union Leninist Communist Youth League)

BAM (Baikal-Amur Mainline)

TASS (telegraph agency of the Soviet Union)

HPP (hydroelectric power station)

GOELRO (state commission for electrification of Russia)

MTS (machine and tractor station)

PGT (urban-type settlement)

ASSR (autonomous Soviet socialist republic)

SRI (research institute)

Example of a new decryption:

The name of the hero of the day is Konstantin. Decoding the abbreviation CPSU: “Kostya is the strongest guy!” Or a research institute - “our birthday boy is perfect!!!”

Next, you can hold a mini competition for the best toast, which would resemble, in style and content of the speech, the leaders of that time. Rest assured, there will definitely be talent among the guests.

Blitz survey “What could you buy in the 80s if you had 3 rubles in your pocket?”

for 1 kopeck – A glass of sparkling water without syrup, matches

2 kopecks - call from a machine

3 kopecks – sparkling water with syrup, notebook

4 kopecks – condom

5 kopecks – bun, travel on public transport

10 kopecks – ice cream

22 kopecks – cake, popsicle in chocolate

30 kopecks – lottery ticket

56 kopecks cost a dollar

1 rub. 50 kopecks – application to the registry office

2 r. 82 kopecks – a bottle of vodka

120 rub. – salary engineer

5000 – “Zhiguli”

Fanta for a party in the style of the 80s

Forfeits can be a fun and exciting entertainment. The host collects one item from each guest and puts them in a bag. Then he announces a forfeit and pulls out the first thing he comes across from the bag. Accordingly, the owner of the item fulfills the declared forfeit.


portray Leontyev

do a high bouffant and walk down the catwalk

dance a lambada

drink a glass of Soviet champagne without holding your hands

blow a huge bubble from chewing gum

depict a Soviet pioneer. While marching, sing the anthem!


A song competition with inverted words is going on very vigorously. You need to guess the intended song by turning the words around.

What are you dreaming about, locomotive Potemkin? (What are you dreaming about, cruiser Aurora?)

Grandfather hated the wolf a little (Grandmother loved the goat very much)

Above the floor of his hut (Under the roof of my house)

Let's extinguish the gray days with water (Soar with fires, blue nights)

You have changed beyond recognition, crucian carp, subtle intellectual (As you were, so you remain, dashing Cossack, steppe eagle)

Than enemies to sit in a gloomy dungeon (Than friends to wander around the world)

What a pity that none of them dispersed yesterday (how great that we all gathered here today)

Rested tools of production do not sleep (Tired toys sleep)

Competition "Best Fashion Designer from the USSR"

Creative, exciting and very fun competition.

Necessary attributes: old audio and video cassettes, vinyl records, tape, scissors, wigs and everything that can be used for the costume. At the end, the models are shown on the catwalk.

You will need to record the selected melodies.

What movie is this melody from?

"Three White Horses" (Sorcerers)

“Your Honor, Lady Separation” (White Sun of the Desert)

“Alexandra, Alexandra...” (Moscow doesn’t believe in tears)

“Somewhere in the White World” (Prisoner of the Caucasus)

“In the dark blue forest, where the aspen trees tremble” (Diamond Hand)

“Happiness suddenly knocked on the door in silence” (Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession)

Who performs this song?

A recording of the selected hits will be required.

“Music connected us (Mirage)

"Strange Dancing" (Technology)

“Lavender” (S. Rotaru)

“Bouquet” (A. Barykin)

"White Night" (Forum)

"Disco Bar" (Carolina)

“Don't worry, auntie” (Merry guys), etc.

What movie is this line from?

“Don’t teach me how to live, better help me financially!” (Moscow does not believe in tears)

“The ruble is a thing! Three rubles - a bunch! There are three things in the pile!” (Sportloto - 82)

“Salt is white poison, sugar is sweet poison!” (Love and pigeons)

“Living well, but living well is even better!” (Caucasian captive)

“Stay with us in Kolyma, you are welcome” (The Diamond Hand)

“Stole, drank - go to jail! Romance! " (Gentlemen of Fortune)

“I demand that the banquet continue!” (Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession)

“Announce the entire list please” (Operation Y and other adventures of Shurik)

“It’s always like this: you work, work, and then - bam! – second shift" (Big change)

“Down with prejudices! A woman is also a human being!” (White Sun of the Desert)

“Hey, citizen! Don't go there, go here! It's going to snow... (Gentlemen of Fortune)

"Everybody dance!" (Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession.)

Competition "Incendiary Disco Dancer"

The competition for the best dancer is relevant at the very height of the evening, when each of the guests will gladly show off their hidden talents.

It's a lot of fun to dance on newspapers. This should be done in pairs accompanied by fiery retro music. Each time you need to complicate the task by folding the newspaper first in half, then several more times. Participants must stand on at least one leg. The best dancer gets at least a medal!

We wish you the most incendiary retro party in the style of the USSR!

“This didn’t happen in the USSR” or “We lived better, not like now”—familiar phrases? For sure. This is what grandparents, fathers and mothers love to say when they are immersed in memories of their youth. And now I want to see with my own eyes, to feel: what was it like? And when a similar interest arises among friends, it’s time to start hosting a party in the style of the USSR, which, by the way, is also suitable for a joke.

What? Where? When?

At what time period should we stop, since the history of the Soviet Union goes back about 70 years? At the very best: the 60s and 70s were a period of Brezhnev stagnation. These include Gaidai’s favorite comedies, carpets on the walls, and soda machines...

Celebrate Birthday, March 8, New Year or May Day in the Soviet spirit can be celebrated in a stylized restaurant, cafe or at home. True, if you choose the “apartment” option, you will have to work some magic on the situation. The interior of a typical 70s apartment is unthinkable without a polished set with a sideboard in which crystal glassware is stored. There should be a carpet on the wall (even better, on both the wall and the floor), and a pseudo-crystal chandelier on the ceiling. There must also be a set of two armchairs and a sofa with checkered bedspreads. Equipment: tube TV, record player (electrophone) or reel-to-reel tape recorder, wired telephone.

If this retro technique still works, then play songs by Mashina Vremeni, Sofia Rotaru, Alla Pugacheva, Valery Leontyev, released on vinyl records.

The scenery is almost ready: all that remains is to think about the feast. Yes, yes, dishes and drinks should also correspond to the time.

“What a disgusting thing, this jellied fish of yours!”

How the table was set in the 70s is well known thanks to the film “The Irony of Fate.” Olivier salad, fish under a fur coat or aspic, potatoes, steak. To this add snack sandwiches made from Druzhba cheese, garlic and mayonnaise (in common parlance - “putty”), “doctoral” slices, squash caviar and sprat in tomato.

Diversify the menu for a USSR-style party by including delicacies such as jam, potato cake, boiled condensed milk at Yubileiny and the most exquisite and hard-to-find item - Bird's Milk.

A special point is the dishes. Crystal salad bowls, forms for aspic and sauces next to plates from the service set. Decanters filled with birch sap or jelly. You can also stock up on the popular Pepsi-Cola in glass bottles. For drinks - wine glasses, crystal glasses or faceted 200-gram glasses (for beer lovers, for example).

By the way, about alcohol. First of all, this is good old “Soviet” champagne. Other, not so “ceremonial” alcoholic drinks: beer “Zhigulevskoe”, vodka “Moskovskaya” or “Osobaya”, fortified wine (“bormotukha”) “Solntsedar” and port wine “777”. Of course, such “masterpieces” - some of which even killed people! - can't buy now. But you can print images of labels from the Internet and stick them on bottles of quality drinks.

“The main thing is that the suit fits”

A party in the style of the USSR without costumes in the spirit of the times will not be so fun and atmospheric. Don’t be lazy to choose an outfit, it’s not that difficult. Surely, your parents still have some things that will be suitable for you too. Nothing suitable? No problem! Play Soviet films from the 70s. The clothes of many movie characters are not very different from modern ones:

  1. "Afonya." A classic suit without a tint, a shirt and a wide tie (something that the older generation will probably have). Don't like the strict dress code? A checked shirt or a small floral pattern (you can put a jumper on top), trousers or jeans (young people wore bell-bottoms) and a cap. In women's outfits, the shirt dominates. For example, chiffon in a duet with an a-line miniskirt at the waist. Dress lovers can look for a straight model with a collar and a pleated skirt from the hip.
  2. “Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession.” It is believed that this film shows the “squeak of fashion” of the 70s. Men need to replace their tie with a scarf, their jacket with a suede jacket. Women should emphasize their waist with a fitted dress or jacket that flares out at the bottom. You can wear both flared trousers and a skirt under the jacket. Dresses with contrasting white trim stripes look impressive.
  3. During this period, shoes with wedges or blunt toes and thick heels were fashionable. Hairstyles are very diverse: from neat ponytails for women and short haircuts for men, to fashionable “curly” bobs and long hair. And also silver, green or gray eye shadow in women's makeup.

Well, no one forbids dressing up in the famous school or pioneer uniform. A gray jacket hung with medals and false eyebrows will give you a chance to feel like Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev himself.

“It seems that the evening is no longer languid”

So that your guests do not rush to leave the holiday, but are sincerely interested in what is happening, a party in the style of the USSR should have an interesting scenario:

  1. It’s not just you who needs to meet your friends, but also loud, cheerful music. Play the song “My Address is the Soviet Union” by VIA “Gems” so that the mood of the guests is at the right height right from the door. The legendary Zenit or FED cameras will help you capture smiles and friendly handshakes.
  2. If all citizens are assembled, then it’s time to go to the table. Over the meal, discuss anecdotes about everyday life and the leaders of the proletariat (they were especially popular) and offer to look at photographs of comrades. Of course, not ordinary photographs, but with Brezhnev, surrounded by hippies, on the set of the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus.” This is not difficult to do with a little work in Photoshop. No perfect photo montage is required, the main thing is the idea itself! And yes: black and white photographs are preferable.
  3. And now the legs themselves are eager to dance! The tables are cleared and the youth invite each other to dance. By the way, you can invite not only good friends, but also little acquaintances, even if this person did not come alone.

There will be a small competition part to maintain a cheerful mood.

“I demand the continuation of the banquet”

Dilute the dancing with games and competitions, some of which are familiar to you from childhood:

  1. Brook. If you have a company of 15 people or more, then play this fun. Remember how great it was to choose someone you really wanted to meet? That's the same! The game has not lost its romance even now. Particular interest appears when guests are unfamiliar.
  2. A tangled ball. Prepare a long piece of ribbon for each invitee. Mix the ribbons well together so that the middle looks like a bird's nest, and the ends remain accessible. Let everyone take a piece and then find out that somewhere there the second half is waiting for him, which he needs to find by unraveling the lump. Couples can turn out to be interesting, so invite them, in the same composition, to participate in another competition.
  3. Wolf and eggs. The electronic game only came out in the 80s, so offer to play it “for real.” Instead of eggs there will be small balloons filled with water, and guests will play the roles of laying hens and a wolf. It’s more interesting to arrange a pair competition: one throws, the other catches.
  4. Crocodile. This game is beyond competition! What are we guessing? Heroes of Soviet films! Show Ivan the Terrible? It’s easy, you just need to sit on the edge of the sofa and rest your head on your hand. It’s even easier to portray Semyon Semyonich by dancing “But we don’t care...”.
  5. Difficulties in translation. Without singing competitions not enough. And even more so with foreign performers. Translate a couple of lines from popular songs of the 70s into Russian, a language understandable to a Soviet citizen (At any time of the year you will find many free rooms - Hotel California) and ask them to guess the original.

Come up with other competitions for a party in the style of the USSR, but let them be non-vulgar, kind and fun.

Possible different variants holding a holiday. For example, intended for a narrower category of people: pioneers, members of the CPSU. At such a party, the decoration of the room will be different. First of all, the abundance of Soviet paraphernalia: propaganda posters, banners, pennants, etc. Well, ordinary Soviet citizens of the 70s did not overload their personal lives with communist symbols. And they rested, in general, uncomplicatedly, but somehow in a particularly warm and friendly way.

Themed parties continue to gain popularity among the population of our country. And there are several good reasons for this. Firstly, each participant can show their individuality and passion. Secondly, independently organizing an original evening does not require large financial investments. Thirdly, you can arrange a holiday to your liking and not be afraid of judgment from strangers.

There are many topics for such events, but we will consider the most interesting of them. So, a party in the style of the USSR: what will you need for a fun time?

Choosing a historical period

If you want to plunge into the atmosphere of pioneer childhood, remember the first Soviet beatniks or the era of stagnation, then you will have to take into account the important features of the chosen time period. Only then will a party in the style of the USSR become not only unique, but also educational.

If you don’t want to rack your brains over historical details, you can go through all the important events of our country’s past at once. This approach will create many spicy moments and provoke extremely interesting situations and moments.


A themed party in the style of the USSR goes well both in open areas (dacha, holiday home) and in a city apartment. To immerse participants in the atmosphere of the Soviet Union, it is necessary to carefully consider the details of interior design. To do this, you can use items from your grandmother’s chest or make them yourself. Remember the series “Interns” - a party in the style of the USSR was prepared by the heroes in a few hours and did not require much expense.


Flags, posters with large inscriptions, portraits of political figures, bows and carnations are perfect for decorating the room. Just don’t overdo it with red, otherwise guests will quickly get tired.

Pick up popular music from past years. It will be great if it sounds from a player or gramophone. Find Soviet chronicles in video archives and broadcast them from your TV screen without sound. This way you will provide an audio and video background for the holiday.

Dress code

Do you want to have a real party in the style of the USSR? Suits, caps, pioneer ties, school uniforms and combat armbands are what you need. Warn the event participants in advance and give them time to prepare an original image. If you plan to stick to a specific scenario, you can distribute roles between the guests. For example, ask married couple appear in the image of Vladimir Ilyich and Nadezhda Konstantinovna. Oblige several friends to appear in the form of a pioneer unit and a detachment of Komsomol members. The owners can introduce themselves as catering workers, vigilantes or members of the CPSU.

For those who doubt whether his costume fits the spirit of the era, it would be a good idea to watch a few old films or look through fashion magazines of the last century.


Not a single party in the style of the USSR would be complete without Soviet-era dishes and scarce products. Attributes of the last century - porcelain plates and cut glasses - will come in handy here. Snacks and drinks, popular in the Soviet era, must be present on the table. First of all, this is the classic “Olivier”, smoked and doctor’s sausage, canned food, potatoes with herring, jellied meat and, finally, sandwiches with caviar and salmon.

Alcoholic drinks can be represented by Zhigulevskoye beer, Stolichnaya vodka and Soviet champagne. It is not necessary to drink it all, much less mix it with each other. No one can prevent lovers of expensive alcohol from tasting rum, especially if it is made in friendly Cuba. Among non-alcoholic drinks, guests can be offered their childhood favorites, Buratino and Baikal.

Eclairs, Alenka chocolate, and Bird's Milk cake are perfect for dessert. Modern desserts can also be placed between these “delicacies” - they will not spoil the overall flavor. In the end, this is not a real return to the last century, but just a party in the style of the USSR.


Divide the guests into two teams and ask them to take turns completing tasks:

  • Take turns telling jokes about Stirlitz - the team that knows them more wins.
  • Invite participants to guess which movie the famous phrase is quoted from. For example, “It’s not my fault! He came himself! or “I demand that the banquet continue!”
  • Hold a competition of parodies of the leaders of the Soviet Union.
  • You will be surprised how interesting the competition “Guess who is in the photo” will be - many people will not be able to recognize familiar faces. Print your photos in advance famous personalities, actors, astronauts and politicians of the last century.
  • A party in the style of the USSR is a great opportunity to show off the talents of the guests. A competition for the best performance of a Soviet song or reading of Mayakovsky's poetry is suitable for this.
  • Challenge the teams to quickly decipher the abbreviations of tenses Soviet era. For example, CPSU, NKVD, BAM and others.
  • Intellectuals can compete in knowing the dates of historical events, but don't let them get too carried away on the topic.
  • Hold a competition to solve a Rubik's cube.
  • Competition "Guess the taste." Tasting Soviet-era dishes can be a lot of fun. Not every guest will be able to distinguish the taste of several types of sweets or drinks.

Presentation of awards

What else would a party in the USSR style not be complete without? The scenario should take into account incentives for contributions to social activities. Don't forget to reward game participants - to do this, print win-win lottery tickets. As a keepsake of the holiday, the most active ones will receive a spinning top, a flashlight, counting sticks, hunting matches and other “irreplaceable” little things.

Don't overload your guests active work. Be sure to organize a place for board games. If someone wants to take a break from the noisy company, he can play dominoes, checkers or chess with a friend.


Don't let your guests get bored! Come up with an interesting program, then you will definitely have a wonderful party in the style of the USSR. The script can be constructed as follows:

As you already understand, a party in the style of the USSR is an interesting and easy event. A little imagination, a little humor and good mood will allow you and your friends to have a great time together. This style is suitable for birthday celebrations and corporate gatherings. A themed party can bring joy to both young people and older people. We are sure that all its participants will receive a lot of positive emotions, and the impressions of the original time spent will remain in their memory for a long time.

What we are celebrating: anniversary. Our anniversary script universal, and it doesn’t matter what we are going to celebrate: a woman’s anniversary, a man’s anniversary, the anniversary of an enterprise or even a relationship. Provided, of course, that the first five-year period in the life of a person, enterprise or family fell during the period of the USSR. And, of course, it should be a round date, which is usually celebrated on a special scale.

Where do we celebrate?

If there is a cafe or restaurant in our city with an interior in the style of the 70-80s, we rent it (unless, of course, it is a major anniversary with an appropriate budget). Otherwise, any convenient place will do - a forest clearing, a dacha yard, or an apartment.

How we celebrate

Theme and name of the party

We stylize the event as a party meeting organized to mark the end of the next five-year plan.

It could be USSR style party 60s, 70s or 80s - we will choose the decade depending on when the hero of the day was born. The anniversary scenario in USSR style does not imply a return to the past - we simply pay tribute to the style of the era when the first five years of the life of our hero of the day passed.


Interior. We will decorate the walls with propaganda posters from the times of the USSR. Posters with the following inscriptions are perfect:

  • Life has become better, life has become happier
  • The whole world will be ours
  • Know how to rest
  • Healthy rest for workers
  • Chatterbox is a godsend for a spy
  • Be carefull
  • Five-year plan – hard work!

Somewhere on the wall or on the furniture we’ll hang a string bag with sprat in tomato, condensed milk and Cosmos cigarettes.

It would be great if you could find a reel-to-reel or cassette recorder from that era, although a record player would also work. In general, to create the desired ambience, we use any items from the USSR era: postcards, a decanter with stacks, old gramophone records, Rubik's cubes and other puzzles from our childhood, a plush carpet with deer, crystal, the Soviet flag, holiday flags, etc.

Let's look for images of Soviet banknotes on the Internet, print them out and use them as coasters for glasses, or make bouquets of banknotes and decorate the table with them. We will cover the tabletop or tables with either red or oilcloth a la a Soviet canteen.

Of course, treat yourself at the anniversary in the style of the USSR you can do anything, but it’s still worth putting on the table symbolic Soviet delicacies: sprat in tomato, doctor’s sausage, Alenka chocolate, processed cheese, Olivier salad, Buratino lemonade, sprats, a jar of pickled cucumbers, green peas, champagne “Soviet”, etc. For dessert you can serve “Bird's Milk” cake and “Plombir” ice cream.

Dress code for the anniversary in the style of the USSR. Ceremonial clothing in the style of the Soviet decade, which was taken as a basis. Men can wear:

  • in a formal suit with an old-fashioned tie;
  • in trousers with a shirt with rolled up sleeves, and on his head - an eight-piece cap;
  • in jeans and an Adidas sweatshirt.

The fair half of the party participants can come in polka dots, in a school uniform with white aprons (let’s assume that high school Komsomol girls were invited to a ceremonial party meeting) or in the classic “white top – black bottom” tandem.

At the entrance, we will attach a red ribbon to each guest’s chest.

Progress of the event “Anniversary in the style of the USSR”

The presenter announces that such and such a five-year period of life has come to an end... ( the name of the hero of the day is called, the names of the spouses celebrating the anniversary of their marriage, or the name of the company on whose anniversary the party is organized). Next the presenter says a few beautiful words addressed to the hero of the day and invites guests to sit down at the table and have a festive dinner on this occasion, at the same time summing up the results of all the past five-year plans.

After the first toasts, you can already entertain the guests with a story or video sketch.” Five-Year Plans“. All the years of the hero of the day’s life are divided into five-year plans, and a separate story/film is made about each of the five-year plans, where events in politics, fashionable music, clothes, some significant events in the world, etc. are mentioned.

After each story about the next five-year anniversary, the hero of the day (the director of the company, if this is the anniversary of an enterprise, or the spouses, if this is the anniversary of a joint life) is asked to name five important events that happened to him during this five-year period (for example, in the first five-year period of his life, the hero of the day learned to walk, speak, eat with a spoon, read, ask parents for soda from the machine, etc.).

Next, the presenter asks the guests to remember something from that five-year period - an event in the world, new items in cinema, music, fashion, any memorable events significant for the whole country, etc. – something that was not mentioned in the story/film.

And so on for every five-year plan, right up to our time - first a story or film about the five-year plan, then the memories of the hero of the day, and then the guests. Nostalgia, tears of tenderness and sincere smiles of joy from touching beauty are far guaranteed!

When will this first part take place? USSR style parties, the presenter will say: “We remembered and reported on all five years of the hero of the day’s life, and now, comrades, let us turn again to the first and most important - the one when the hero of the day was born. That is, let’s go back to the USSR!”.

Entertainment, games, competitions for our party in the style of the USSR

1. Entertaining and intellectual block “Remember everything”

As long as the party meeting participants are sufficiently sober and reasonable, it is possible to organize competitions in speed solving Rubik's cube or, as a last resort, tag (a pocket puzzle game beloved by Soviet children).

Having summed up the results and awarded the winners, we will invite guests to immerse themselves in memories again. For example, name TV programs that were well-known at that time (everyone remembers “Alarm Clock”, “Morning Mail”, “Serving the Soviet Union”, “Obvious-Incredible”, etc.) and/or newspapers and magazines (“Pionerskaya Pravda”, “ Murzilka”, “Worker”, “Kolobok”, etc.). Guests in a circle name the program or media from the times of the USSR (cannot be repeated). Those who cannot remember are eliminated from the game. The one who lasts the longest will win.

Another version of the “Total Recall” game- divide the “party members” into two groups and arrange a competition between them. The presenter calls each group a word denoting a modern object, phenomenon, reality of life, etc., and the participants must quickly come up with and name a Soviet analogue, perhaps with humor, interestingly playing out the analogy. For each successfully selected analogue - one point. If the participants did not figure it out and could not remember the analogue, the task word goes to their opponents. Whichever group gets the most points wins. For example:

DVD player – VCR or filmoscope

Parmesan – processed cheese “Druzhba”

MP3 player – bobinnik

Coca-Cola – lemonade “Buratino” or “Citro”

CD - gramophone record

Flash drive - audio cassette

Shrek - Crocodile Gena

Laptop – calculator, typewriter or “Electronics” game

ATM - savings bank

Dolphin on skis - Olympic bear

Colgate toothpaste – tooth powder

Barbie is a baby

Cosmopolitan magazine - “Working Woman” or “Peasant Woman”

Angelina Jolie - Sophia Loren (or, for example, Anastasia Vertinskaya)

Game "Abbreviations". This intellectual game is also played right at the table. The host hands out paper sheets with Soviet abbreviations to the guests. First, he asks the guests to decipher them, and then gives the task to come up with a new decoding - so that it will certainly be associated with the hero of the day. At the end, you can vote to determine the coolest decoding of the Soviet abbreviation in a new way.


  • CPSU(communist party of the soviet union)
  • GTO(ready for work and defense)
  • DOSAAF(Voluntary Society for the Promotion of the Army, Air Force and Navy)
  • Komsomol(All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union)
  • BAM(Baikal-Amur Mainline)
  • TASS(telegraph agency of the Soviet Union)
  • hydroelectric power station(hydroelectric power station)
  • GOELRO(State Commission for Electrification of Russia)
  • MTS(machine and tractor station)
  • PGT(Urban-type settlement)
  • ASSR(autonomous Soviet socialist republic)
  • research institute(Research Institute)

Example of a new decryption:

The hero of the day is Nikolai. Decoding the abbreviation CPSU: “Kolya is the sexiest guy!”

2. An entertainment and game block for the anniversary in the style of the USSR “We are ahead of the rest...”

The presenter reads lines from the work of Yuri Vizbor:

Once upon a time, brothers, I was sitting with an African,

And just imagine, he says to me:

In Russia, they say, it’s cold to swim,

That's why it looks unsightly here.

But, I say, we make rockets

And they blocked the Yenisei,

And also in the field of ballet

We are ahead, I say, of the entire planet,

We are ahead of the rest!

Leading:“The USSR was truly ahead of the rest in space exploration and ballet. What else?”(guests express their opinions).

The presenter summarizes: “According to the majority of people born and lived in the USSR, our country was ahead of the rest in such areas as space, ballet, sports and the army. This means that we, born in the USSR, are very well versed in these areas. Shall we check?.

Game "Soviet Space: Discoverers"

It is better to choose men to participate. Eyeliner: “Do you want to feel like Soviet cosmonauts? Your task is to discover a new planet, plant the Soviet flag on it and populate it with Soviet people. But time is strictly limited. The astronaut who populates the most people will win.”

Participants are given balloons (not inflated), threads and markers. The task for each player is to inflate the balloon as quickly as possible, tie it with a thread, draw a hammer and sickle on the balloon with a marker, put your initials, and then finish drawing as many simple figures as possible that schematically depict a person. There is not much time given at all: 5 minutes maximum. At the end, the presenter counts the number of “people” on each “planet”. Whoever has more receives the title “Honorary Gagarinets”.

Game "Soviet pop ballet" (or “Soviet Ballet: Swan Lake”). Choose the option that is most suitable for your company.

Pop ballet. As many participants as there are letters in the name of the hero of the day are invited (if it is a wedding anniversary, you can take as many participants as there are letters in the common surname of the “newlyweds”).

The presenter quietly explains the task to the participants and distributes the letters from the name among them. Participants, to the music from “Swan Lake,” go to the center, stand in a row in order (in accordance with the arrangement of the letters in the name) and begin to perform dance movements, “drawing” each letter in the air with a fifth point.

Competition "Swan Lake". Couples participate. The members of each couple stand next to each other and join hands, as in the dance of little swans. An inflated balloon (red, of course) is clamped between the thighs. The task is to “dance” to the other end of the room in the style of little swans, without missing or bursting the balloon. The goal is to “dance” to the finish line faster than other participating couples. If the length of the room is short, you can give the task to dance to the other end of the room and return to the start in the same way - the couple that returns to their place faster without losing the ball wins.

Game "Soviet sport: sprinters"

Summary: “You will have to cover a short distance as quickly as possible. Before you begin, remember the Soviet slogan that all world records should be ours. Don’t let your Motherland down – the most sporting nation!”

The number of participants (both men and women can play) is limited only by the amount of equipment. Equipment for one participant: a beer bottle with a long ribbon or rope tied to one end. Length – the longer the better (maybe five meters or more).

Participants stand on one line, holding bottles in their hands. The presenter and his assistant stretch the ribbons, fixed at one end to the bottles, along the room to its opposite end (forming a kind of treadmill for each participant). At the “Start” command, participants begin to wind the tape onto the bottle. Whoever does it faster wins, receiving the title “Soviet record holder”.

Game "Soviet Army: Shooting" (or "Soviet Army: Red Star"). Choose the option that suits you best, or play both games.

"Soviet Army: Shooting". A poster with a picture of, for example, a fat capitalist or a fascist and with a drawn target is hung on the wall.

Participants stand at the same distance from the target. The presenter gives them belts that need to be tied at the waist. The presenter puts a banana in the belt of each participant (the bananas should be approximately the same size). Disturbing military music sounds. Everyone is perplexed - will they really have to throw bananas at the target?

The presenter pauses and announces that, on command, the participants must pull out their “weapons” (bananas) and “shoot” (that is, eat). The leader commands “Fire!”, and the “soldiers” begin to eat their “pistols” at speed. Whoever is faster is awarded the title “The Most Accurate Soldier of the Red Army.”

"Soviet Army: Red Star". Conclusion: “Which Soviet military man didn’t dream of getting another star? Now each of you has the opportunity to earn a star in just a few minutes. Shall we get started? Give each participant a knife and a red apple. The task is to cut a red star out of an apple. There can be three winners: in the categories “Biggest star”, “Fastest”, “Jewelry work” (the neatest and most beautiful star).

It is advisable to prepare medals for each title and award them to the winners. Prizes at an anniversary party in the style of the USSR can be Soviet caps, flags, pennants. It would be better, of course, if they were made to order - then a commemorative inscription about the anniversary could be placed on these souvenirs.

After finishing the game block, it's time to open the dance block. The disco, of course, will be held to the music of the USSR.

Happy anniversary party in USSR style!

Invitation to an anniversary in the style of the USSR (created in the party designer Online

Scenario development: Ksana McPherson

©2010 Attention! This is original material. Reproduction is possible only with the written permission of the author.

“The indestructible union of free republics...” - thump-thump-thump and so on. Almost every resident of our country aged 15 years and older knows this melody. The era of that time is familiar to our parents and is faintly remembered by us.

But there is a chance to correct the situation, and a storehouse of ideas, a site for women, will help us with this. For your attention - a party in the style of the USSR, its features, program and other details.

Three reasons why you should choose this topic:

  1. Building “bridges” between generations. Who else but a beloved grandmother will take the October badge out of her chest and tell the story of how she had her first kiss?
  2. For modern youth, the times of the Union are unfamiliar, so such a party will be interesting and unusual.
  3. Where else can you try the delicacies of the Soviet era? 😉

To create an ambiance you will need to put in a lot of effort, but the result is worth it. Important features to consider historical period, thanks to which a party in the style of the USSR will become bright, creative and unique!


They will contribute to the formation of an appropriate mood. You can use the almighty Photoshop to create cool invitations.

For example, against the background of the poster “Man is man’s friend, comrade and brother,” you can write the time, place and date of the party, and even paste in photographs of the smiling faces of your friends (those who have seen the poster will understand what I’m talking about)!

Or just find old postcards, stick the invitation text on them and give them to your friends. You can also use by email, ICQ, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki. Tag your friends in the invitation picture, write an original text and welcome your guests!

Party in the spirit of the USSR - the beginning has been made!


There are countless options here. Build a Soviet honor board. You can make humorous collages from photographs of your friends and sign for what merits they received the honor of being “hung on the honor board.” The color scheme is predominantly white and red. But remember that too much red can be annoying.

You don’t want the holiday a la party from the USSR era to end cold war or a severance of diplomatic relations? 😀

For registration you can use flags, ribbons, bows, carnations, gramophone records, reel-to-reel or reel-to-reel tape recorders, red “plush” tablecloth, postcards as coasters, banknotes, Soviet-era posters.

By the way, about posters. The texts can be very, very suitable for a party, for example, “Healthy rest for workers”, “Know how to relax!”, “Life has become better, life has become more fun”, “Be vigilant” and so on.

Dress code

An evening in the style of the USSR implies a certain... What could it be? To be honest, the boundaries are very wide, because the era of the USSR means both the outfits of the 80s. You can exaggerate the dress code and ask guests to come in white shirts, shorts and caps, and at the same time have fun looking at each other.

School uniforms, jeans, checkered shirts and polka dot dresses are welcome.

Red armbands also have a place. Well, various ones will complement the image and help you look stylish!


It is not necessary to follow the theme and arrange for the issuance of rations using coupons 😉 Let the holiday be remembered by the guests with some bright dishes in the spirit of the USSR as an addition to the main menu.

So, write down: sprat in tomato sauce, sprats, processed cheese, Olivier salad (good, infectious!), pickled cucumbers, green peas, Alenka chocolate, Sovetskoye champagne, Bird's Milk cake. Most of the products are on our table even now. Complete this list with Buratino lemonade, herring, sauerkraut or Kiev cutlets.


Party in the style of the USSR will give odds to many others in terms of the amount of entertainment. So what can you do?

  • — Watch old Soviet films and get incredible pleasure.
  • - Remember the songs of past years and have a disco.
  • — You can please yourself and your guests with karaoke. Almost everyone knows songs from movies.
  • - Decipher the abbreviations NKVD, KGB, GTO, Komsomol, BAM, etc. You can come up with a new interpretation of abbreviations.
  • — Recall historical events in chronological order (task for intellectuals). Just don’t get carried away with the debate, otherwise the evening will turn into the program “To the Barrier” or even worse, “ChP” (“Emergencies”)!
  • - Solve a Rubik's cube. This task may become one of the popular ones.
  • - Take turns naming famous TV shows, films, books and magazines of the Soviet era. If samples have been preserved, great! You will be able to clearly demonstrate the magazines “Murzilka” and “Peasant”, and also select analogues in the Russian press.
  • — By the way, about analogues. Try to think more broadly and match up with gramophone records (CDs), the game “Electronic” (PlayStation), savings bank (ATM), Lev Leshchenko (Nikolai Baskov) and so on. A sea of ​​humor and pride in scientific and technological progress is guaranteed!

Organizing a party in the style of the USSR means giving yourself and your friends a boost of cheerfulness and good mood. Only Stylish Things can do this!