Scenario for the holiday "Visiting Moidodyr" class hour (2nd grade) on the topic. Scenario based on Chukovsky's work "Moidodyr" Interesting scenario of Moidodyr at school

Matinee “Friends of Moidodyr”

Goals and objectives: broaden children’s horizons about personal hygiene items, cleanliness and neatness; promote neatness and the need for personal hygiene.

Progress of the event

Leading: Once upon a time there were 1st graders and they had friends: Cleanliness and Order. All children came to school neat, cleanly washed, in neat clothes, prepared in the evening. (Music sounds)

Demonstration of schoolchildren's clothes.

Comments: 1) In the first grades, ironed trousers with sharp pleats, ironed white shirts, clean ironed jackets became fashionable among boys; girls have neat dark suits, sundresses, skirts, sparkling white elegant white blouses, matching tights. Polished shoes for boys and girls.

2)What outfit would be beautiful without a neat hairstyle? Look at the variety of hairstyles girls have: their hair is braided, styled in a “basket”, decorated with elegant hairpins and bows. What neat haircuts boys have.

3) Pay attention to the gait and posture of the guys. See how easily they move, hold their back straight, and don’t slouch.

1st: We have a law in the classroom: Sluts are prohibited from entering. I will clap my hands: One, two, three! Look at my assistants!

Soap: I'm small, I'm smooth,

Submissive, unarrogant,

And in the jump I spray foam,

Like a zealous wild horse.


Smooth, fragrant,

Washes clean.

Everyone needs to have... (Soap)

Toothbrush: The toothbrush was known even before our era. For a long time, only rich people had it. Instead of tooth powder and toothpaste, they used wood ash, chalk, and mint infusion. Now inventors have come up with various toothbrushes, but they are all needed for this purpose. To keep your teeth clean and healthy.


Bone back,

There are bristles on the abdomen,

Jumped cleanly

All the dirt was kicked out. (Toothbrush)


The comb is toothy, but does not bite,

What is it called?

In chorus: If a boy loves soap

And tooth powder

This boy is very cute

He's doing well.

2nd: Oh, who came to us?

The girls Grimy and Dirty come in and ask: Can I come to you?

Girls:- Oh, you dirty girl,
where did you get your hands so dirty?
Black palms;
there are tracks on the elbows.

Girl: - I was lying in the sun,
held her hands up.
Girls: - Oh, you dirty girl,
where did you get your nose so dirty?
The tip of the nose is black,
as if smoked.

Girl:-:- I was lying in the sun,
kept her nose up.

3rd: - Oh, really?
Was that really the case?
Let's wash everything down to the last drop.
Well, give me some soap.

(The girl runs away)

Dirty: The blanket ran away,
The sheet flew away
And a pillow
Like a frog
She galloped away from me.

What's happened? What's happened?
Why is everything going around?
Spun, spun
And it went head over heels?

4th: Why are you so dirty? Look at your hands. When was the last time you washed your face?

Dirty: Why wash? I'm already good and handsome. And generally speaking:

Never wash your handsNeck, ears and face.This is a stupid thing to doDoesn't lead to anything.Your hands will get dirty againNeck, ears and face,So why waste energy?Time to waste.It's also useless to get a haircut,There's no point.By old age by itselfyour head will go bald.

4th: No, guys, we can’t agree with bad advice naughty children. Let's call Moidodyr here.

Where is the Great Laver?

The famous Moidodyr,

Umybasnikov Head

And the Commander washcloths?

(The children in the hall call: “Moidodyr! Moidodyr!”)

"Oh you ugly one, oh you dirty one,
Unwashed pig!
You're blacker than a chimney sweep
Admire yourself:
There's polish on your neck,
There's a blot under your nose,
You have such hands
That even the trousers ran away,
Even pants, even pants
They ran away from you.

If I stamp my foot,
I'll call my soldiers
There's a crowd in this room
The washbasins will fly in,
And they will bark and howl,
And their feet will knock,
And a headache for you,
To the unwashed, they will give -
Straight to the Moika
Straight to Moika
They’ll plunge headlong into it!”

Beats in a copper basin
And he shouts: “Kara-baras!” A brush, soap, and washcloth run in and introduce Dirty:

"My, my chimney sweep
Clean, clean, clean, clean!
There will be, there will be a chimney sweep
Clean, clean, clean, clean!”

Nurse: Come on guys, give me the answer! Are any of you dirty?

All: No!

The nurse takes out the letter and reads it):

My dear children!

I am writing you a letter:

I ask you to wash more often

Your hands and face.

It doesn’t matter what kind of water:

Boiled, key.

From the river, or from the well,

Or just rainy!

You definitely need to wash

Morning, evening and afternoon -

Before every meal

After sleep and before bed!

Rub with a sponge and washcloth!

Be patient - no problem!

And ink and jam

Wash off with soap and water.

My dear children!

I really, really ask you:

Wash cleaner, wash more often -

I can't stand dirty people.

I won’t give my hand to dirty people,

I won't go visit them!

I wash myself very often.


Your Tuwim.

The Grimy Girl and the Dirty Girl return, already clean, washed, and Moidodyr:

Now I love you!

Now I praise you!

Finally, you are Dirty,

Moidodyr pleased!

Dirty: We must, we must wash ourselves
In the mornings and evenings,

And to unclean chimney sweeps -
Shame and disgrace!
Shame and disgrace!

Girl Grimy:

Long live scented soap,
And a fluffy towel,
And tooth powder
And a thick comb!

Anytime and anywhere -
Eternal glory to the water!

5th: Everyone has the right

There's no way in hell

Money can't buy it.

1st: Health is a priceless gift of nature.

2nd: Unfortunately, it is not given forever, it must be protected.

3rd: A person’s health depends on himself, on his lifestyle and habits.

4th: It’s not easy in this world.

And you can’t count human problems -

So that the children are healthy

It's up to us to decide them all.

5th: Be healthy, be beautiful,

But no to bad habits!

Then you will be happy

That's the whole secret.

12. Lesson summary.
- It's time to say goodbye. Moidodyr thanks you for your active participation in the matinee and is glad that you are friends with him true friends and assistants. Moidodyr suggests observing the secrets of longevity.
The first secret is a hardened body.The second secret is good character.The third secret is proper nutrition and daily routine.The fourth secret is daily physical labor.

Municipal budgetary general educational institution

city ​​of Novosibirsk

"Cadet school - boarding school "Siberian Cadet Corps"

Scenario extracurricular activity

"Visiting Moidodyr"

Completed by: teacher primary classes,

Classroom teacher 2 "B" class

Bandurko Natalya Vladimirovna


Goals: to form ideas about health as one of the main

values ​​of human life; highlight the components of a healthy

human condition; repeat the rules that help

Teacher: Good afternoon to everyone present at our holiday “Visiting MOIDODYR.”

Today we will summarize what we learned during the school year in the “Healthy Guy” classes. Moidodyr has prepared tasks for you to determine your level of knowledge on the main topic “how to maintain your health.”You will work in groups. To complete all tasks correctly, you need to listen carefully.For a correctly completed task, you will receive a token, and at the end of the event, everyone will receive a surprise.

Moidodyr enters:

Everyone has read Chukovsky,
They found out about me a long time ago!
I am the Great Laver,
The famous Moidodyr,
Umyvalnikov chief
And the commander of the washcloths!

Hello guys!

Here's your first task:

And who knows why my name is Moidodyr?

(In the old days in Rus' they said that to wash clean means to wipe away all the dirt so that a person glows. This means that Moidodyr really loves cleanliness and makes sure that all children follow the rules of personal hygiene (student’s story).

Moidodyr: You’re right, I like cleanliness, I don’t like dirty people, I think there are none of you like that.

(A cry is heard: LET ME GO, LET ME GO!



(The whole dirty boy runs, and behind him is soap)


Oh you, our grimy boy,
Where did you get your hands so dirty?
Black palms
There are tracks on the elbows.


I was lying in the sun
I held my hands up -
So they got tanned.


Oh you, our grimy boy,
Where are you like that
Did you smear your face?
tip of the nose
As if


I was lying in the sun
I kept my nose up -
So he got tanned!

2 - student:

Oh really?
Was that really the case?
Let's wash everything down to the last drop.
Come on, give me some soap!

( Suitable Moidodyr , Soap, boy.

The students wash the boy with a washcloth. The boy screams and fights back . )

2nd student.

Our boy shouted loudly,
When he saw the washcloth,
He started scratching like a cat.


Don't touch your palms
They won't be white -
They're tanned.

( The students continue to wash the boy’s hands with a washcloth.)

Students: And your palms were washed!

( The boy’s washed palms are raised up)

2nd student:

Scrubbed off
Sponge nose -
Got offended
To tears.


Oh my poor nose
Can't stand soap!
He won't be white -
He's tanned!


And my nose was also washed.

Guys, what was that?

Students:It was dirt.

Moidodyr: I wonder if there are any grimy girls and boys among you?( He walks through the rows with his assistants, examining his hands, neck, ears.)

Guys, you need to keep not only your hands, face, neck clean, but also your clothes.

Moidodyr andMthere was:

I need to wash my face
In the mornings and evenings.
And not clean
Chimney sweeps -
Shame and disgrace
Shame and disgrace!

Boy: I got it! You must always be clean and tidy!!!

I won't do this again! Take me to your lesson!

Okay, sit down at your desk!

Moidodyr: Cleanliness is the key to health!

Teacher:At MoidodyrThe tree of Health grows in the garden. Personal hygiene rules are written on the leaves. Every correct answer you give gives the tree the opportunity to grow and blossom. (For each correct answer, the group receives a token, and a new flower blooms on the tree. ). But there are extra leaves on the tree of Health. Let's read it all together now and remove the extra leaves.

Moidodyr: I ask you to go into my garden from a group of one participant at a time, find an extra leaf and tell me about the rules of hygiene

Teacher: everyone did it! Well done! We continue to work.Game "Magic Bag".( The bag contains hygiene items: soap, toothbrush. Comb, toothpaste, washcloth, sponge, cotton swab, toothpick ).

Children come out one by one (choose 1 student from each team and guess by touch and name the object).

Teacher: as everybodywhat are these items called? (personal hygiene items!) Guys, why do we need all these items? (We need them to take care of ourselves. We must look beautiful, neat .)

Moidodyr: here’s your next task- There are envelopes on your tables: make up proverbs and sayings about health: ( connect the beginning and ending of proverbs and sayings)

For 1 group:

Human disease

you will live longer.

Move more

spend the evening with a walk

a kind person

doesn't paint

Greet the morning with exercises,

his side hurts

Who lies a lot

It's a disaster for the sick.

Pure water -

healthier than evil

For 2 groups

Keep your head cold

health from a young age


he is gaining strength

Take care of the dress again

toughen up

Be kind

more valuable than wealth.

If you want to be healthy -

and your feet are warm.

Who plays sports?

- to live a long time.

For group 3 :

You don't get enough sleep

recovery is difficult.


lengthens a person's life.

It's easy to get sick

from seven ailments.


health foe

Garlic and onions

the disease won't catch up

Fast and dexterous

- you lose your health

For 4 groups :

Where is health?

always help us.

Give time to sports

there's beauty there

Sun, air and water

I wash myself up to my waist

Don't be afraid of the cold

in return you will receive health

Who sports is engaged,

more valuable than wealth


he is gaining strength.

Moidodyr: whoever plays sports gains strength! It's time for us to warm up.

I bring my hands to the tap

And I urinate them with water

I hold the soap tightly

And I put on the gloves

I wash every finger

I don't forget my elbows

I’ll wash off the foam - well done

And the warm-up is over.

Teacher: the sun, air and water are ours best friends! Let's remember the main helpers in maintaining health.

( One student from the group is told about each point. The correct answer is a group token, a flower on the Health tree)

Moidodyr: Absolutely right. And if you happen to get sick, the main thing is to see a doctor in time.

Who during illnesses
The most necessary and useful of all?

Moidodyr: meet my colleague Aibolit!


And if something hurts,
Don't waste your time,
Trust me with your pain!
And everyone knows me here
Animals and Kids!
And everyone goes to get treatment
Girls and boys!
I'll do an inspection
And I will help as much as I can!!!

YES. Are there any sick people among you?

Children: NO!!!

Teacher: Doctor Aibolit, today we are holding an event dedicated to health, a healthy lifestyle, summing up everything we have learned during the school year.

Aibolit: I also have tasks and questions for you.Here's the first question.

Why do some peopleoften are sick,

and others -No ? ( Problematic question . Work in groups. One person from the group performs)

Aibolit: And here is the next task for you: (presentation)


1. What does the word “vitamins” mean in Latin?




2. How can you strengthen the body’s protective properties?


Eat dry


3. What percentageDo we create health ourselves?

15 percent

80 percent

0 percent.

4. How many times a day is best to eat?

7 times

2 times

4 times

5. Name the hygiene rule.

Wash your hands with soap.

Nail biting

There are dirty vegetables and fruits.

6. How often should you change your toothbrush?

Once in a lifetime

Don't change at all

Every three months.

Moidodyr: Well done! Completed all tasks. The tree of health has blossomed.

( Let's summarize.)

Idolite: Well done! And I have for you for preventionvitamins!

(Distributes vitamins to all students)

Drink juices, eat fruits!
These are delicious products!
Take vitamins
And improve your health!
Wash yourself, toughen up!
Keep doing your exercises -
Contact me less often! (Sits down)

Teacher: Dear Moidodyr and Aibolit! We have prepared a musical and health performance for you. We bring to your attention ditties!


Moidodyr. You guys made me happy with your knowledge, and you also helped my tree. I also prepared gifts for you.(Gives each student a personal hygiene item - a comb)

Teacher: this concludes our event. We wish you to always be healthy, athletic and happy!


TREE with hygiene rules

Combs 24 pcs

Vitamins 24 pcs.

In a magic bag(hygiene items in the bag: soap, toothbrush, comb, toothpaste, washcloth, sponge, cotton swab, toothpick).

Envelopes with tasks


Municipal preschool educational institution of Sobinsky district

kindergarten No. 4 "Spikelet" Stavrovo


(valeological holiday for older children preschool age)

Developed by:

Kryukova O.V. - Head of Physical Education, MDOU Kindergarten No. 4 “Kolosok”

Filimonova M.A. - senior teacher at MDOU kindergarten No. 4 “Spikelet”

Target: create a positive attitude towards cultural and hygienic skills, correlate the child’s knowledge about body culture with his real actions to care for himself, strengthen his personal attitude towards the culture of body and soul.

Preliminary work:

    Conversations with children about cultural and hygienic skills.

    Inviting parents to a health day.

    Draw an image of Moidodyr, prepare attributes for the holiday.

    Conversations with children about the past Aibolit Day, remember his advice.

Celebration progress:

Host: Hello, guys!

We continue our journey through the country “Be Healthy!”

You and I already know a lot about what we need to do to be cheerful, happy, healthy, and how to take care of our health.

Let's play Interview. I will be a journalist, and you will answer my questions. Want to?

What should you do to be healthy?

(keep clean, toughen up, do exercises, have fun, laugh, play sports, walk more, wash your hands thoroughly and often, dress for the weather, eat vegetables and fruits)

What not to do to be healthy?(being lazy, moving little, eating a lot of sweets, walking without a hat in cold weather, being sad, despondent, sucking icicles, catching a cold)

(An unkempt, grimy girl enters. Children preparatory group show a skit).

    Oh, you dirty girl,

Where did you get your hands so dirty?

Black palms

Are there tracks on the elbows?

She held her hands up

So they got tanned.

    Oh, you dirty girl,

Where did you get your nose so dirty?

The tip of the nose is black,

As if smoked.

Girl: I was lying in the sun

She held her nose up,

So he got tanned!

    Oh, you grimy girl

She smeared her legs with stripes.

Not a girl, but a zebra

Legs like a black man.

Girl: I was lying in the sun,

She kept her heels up,

So they got tanned!

    Oh, is that so,

Was that really the case?

Host: Guys, have you guessed what’s going on here? (children's answers)

Let's tell the grimy girl how to take care of herself in order to feel good, confident, to please people, to be pleasant to everyone.

(you need to wash your face, get yourself in order, brush your teeth, do exercises, comb your hair, rub yourself with a cool towel, make your bed)

Host: That's right, guys! All living beings, not only people, but also animals, clean themselves up after sleep. Who can tell about this?

Children: cats wash themselves and lick themselves for a long, long time, dogs stretch, chickens preen their feathers and “wash themselves” with sand, ducks dive, swim, and sort through feathers with their beaks. Children perform movements imitating these actions.

Host: Listen to the riddles carefully and try to guess them.

    Lives in the North

Swimming in the sea

And he can roar loudly,

Dives, swims, eats fish,

And it’s called………..(polar bear)

2. There is a motley head in the cage

Cleans feathers so deftly

Guess what kind of bird it is?

That's right………..(parrot)

    Uses trunk like a shower

He washes his back and ears,

Guess who he is?

If it’s a trunk, it’s………(elephant)

    The gun washed his ears with his paw,

On the bench by the window.

The gun can be washed without soap,

Because Cannon is ……….(cat)

Host: Guys, let's wash the grimy girl. And will help us

Great Laver,

The famous Moidodyr,

Washbasin Chief and

Loofah Commander.

(Children walk around the hall behind the leading “snake”, jump over puddles with long strides, run at a mincing pace, jump from hummock to hummock)

Moidodyr comes out:

And shame on unclean chimney sweeps!

Shame and disgrace!

What a dirty girl!

What do we need to clean up such dirty stuff?

Didactic game “Find what you need for cleanliness”

(children must choose an item, bring it and say what it is for:

Soap is a means for washing hands and body.

Toothpaste is a means for cleaning teeth.

Shampoo is a product for washing hair.

Towel - for drying your face and body.

Loofah - helps to wash the body.

Scissors are a tool for cutting nails and hair.

A comb is an item for hair care.

A toothbrush is an item for dental care.

Moidodyr washes the grimy girl and says:

The girl screamed loudly when she saw the washbasin and scratched herself like a cat:

Girl: Don't touch your palms

They won't be white

They're tanned!

Moidodyr: And your palms were washed!

And my nose was washed too,

And my feet were washed!

Moidodyr: Now you are white,

Not tanned at all!

Moidodyr: Guess the riddle: Frequent, toothy. Beware, frizzy head!

That's right, it's a comb. Let's comb the disheveled girl's hair(combs his hair).

Now I love you, now I praise you,

Finally, you, dirty fellow, have pleased Moidodyr.

All children perform the "Duckling Dance"

Moidodyr: Now you’re all pretending, show me how you brush your teeth.(Children pretend)

Now let's do the experiment. Let this comb be next to our teeth, and the pieces of cotton wool between the teeth are pieces of food stuck in the teeth.

Now I’ll take a toothbrush and try to “brush” these teeth the way you showed: from left to right and from right to left. So how? What happened? (almost all the food remained in the teeth)

Now let’s move the brush up and down, up and down. What do you see?

Now do you understand how to properly brush your teeth? Not only from side to side, but you also need to move the toothbrush from top to bottom, 2 - 3 minutes, 2 times a day - morning and evening.

Guys, tell me, why do you need to keep your body clean and brush your teeth?

(to wash away dirt, so that the face is fresh, to smell nice, to be clean, beautiful, to wash away germs from the body, not to get sick)

What will happen if you don’t do this?

Now Seryozha M. will tell you about this.

(child reads a poem by M. Kotin)

Who does not brush his teeth, does not wash with soap,

He may grow up sickly and frail.

They are friends with dirty people, they only become dirty,

Who themselves drowned in the mud.

Nasty things grow out of them,

Angry dogs are chasing them.

The dirty ones are afraid of water and colds,

And sometimes they don’t grow at all!

Moidodyr: Guys, everyone stand in a circle, we are with youLet's play "When should you wash your hands with soap?" (children catch the ball and answer)

- When you come home from kindergarten, from a walk, from a store, from a clinic

- Hands should be washed before and after eating

- When you played with a cat or dog or other animals

- After the toilet

- Cut your nails more often

- Wash your feet before going to bed

- Clean clothes and shoes

Moidodyr says goodbye and invites the children to read a poem by K.I. Chukovsky in chorus:

It is necessary, it is necessary to wash your face in the mornings and evenings,

And the unclean ones, the chimney sweeps,

Shame and disgrace!

Shame and disgrace!

Long live scented soap!

And the towel is fluffy!

And tooth powder!

And a thick comb!

Valentina Vinskaya

Holiday of purity “Moidodyr’s Helpers”

Presenter: Hello, dear friends! I say “hello” to you, which means that I wish you all health. It is about health that we will talk today at the holiday. Guys, today we received a letter at kindergarten.

Reads the letter:

“Hello guys, I congratulate you on the holiday of Health and Cleanliness and invite you to visit me in a fairy tale, be clean and tidy! Signature: The head of the wash basins and the commander of the washcloths"

Can you guess who this letter is from? That's right from Moidodyr! Where should our day begin in order to be healthy, fit and tidy? (from exercise, from washing, from breakfast... options for children). Okay, then we’ll start with a wellness minute “Sit down and stand up.” Get up from your seats and listen to the task. When I name personal hygiene items, you will sit down, and when you hear the name of sports equipment, you will stand up.

Game "Sit down and stand up"

Ved: Wonderful!

To be healthy, strong

Wash your face and hands with... (soap)

Don't be lazy early in the morning

Get ready... (become)


It turns out to be a mess.

Zamarashka: stop making noise, stop jumping and galloping, you're disturbing my sleep!

Ved: Firstly, hello, and secondly, it’s high time to get up, do exercises, wash and go with us to visit Moidodyr!

Zamarashka: Oh, no, I won’t go to Moidodyr. Let's play better!

Ved: No one will even want to play with you, because you are dirty and unwashed, right guys? (Yes)

Zamarashka: Nonsense! Everyone loves to play, give us your hands, let's go and play. She wants to take the children’s hands, but the children hide their hands behind their backs (the teacher says: don’t give her your hand, hide them, otherwise you’ll get dirty), well then I’ll catch you by the elbow, or the heel, or the ear, the nose, the cheeks. (children hide what Zamarashka calls with their palms)

Game "Trap"

Zamarashka: But why doesn’t anyone want to play with me?

Ved: And now ___ will tell you why!

Early in the morning at dawn

Little mice wash themselves

And kittens and ducklings,

And bugs and spiders.

I need to wash my face

In the mornings and evenings,

And to the unclean Chimney Sweeps -

ALL together: Shame and disgrace! Shame and disgrace!

Zamorashka: But I don’t know how to wash my face, no one taught me this!

Ved: Now we will teach you, repeat after the guys.

DANCE “Washing”

Ved: Well, that’s another matter.

Zamarashka: Thank you very much, guys! Now it’s time for me to quickly run home and tidy everything up! Goodbye!

Ved: It’s time for us to go! We will go to the fairy tale to Moidodyr in magic basins.

Game "In the Basins"

Ved: (shows an illustration of the fairy tale “Fedorino’s Woe”) Guys, we found ourselves in the wrong fairy tale. Who knows what kind of fairy tale this is? What happened in this fairy tale? (children answer) Yes, all the dishes ran away from Fedora, and the children even saw how it happened and will now show it.

Dance game “I’ll run away from you”

Ved: Now let’s help Fedora wash and neatly fold the dishes.

Game "Put the dishes"

Steam locomotive "Tuki-Tuki"

Moidodyr comes out.

Hello guys,

I am the Great Laver,

The famous Moidodyr,

Umybasnikov Head

And washcloths Commander!

Ved: Hello, Mr. Moidodyr, our children are very neat and know many poems about cleanliness and health.

Poems about cleanliness and hygiene.

Moidodyr: Very good, well done. Now guess my riddles!

Riddles about cleanliness and hygiene.

Moidodyr: All children know! Now I'll ask the guys to help me. I need to draw some water, just not to spill a drop, I like neatness!

Game "Carry the Water"

Moidodyr: Great, thanks, guys! But today is a holiday, and what is a holiday without songs and fun?

Ved: The guys prepared a song,

Song "My, my"

Ved: Well, our holiday has come to an end, today you and I realized that in order to be healthy you need to wash your face, do exercises, eat right, and keep your surroundings clean!

Moidodyr: Today I saw that I have a lot of helpers! And now everyone will get gifts from me (gives hygiene products)

Goodbye guys, see you again!

Publications on the topic:

Lesson summary “Surprise from Moidodyr” Author of the development: Terekhova O.V. Title: “Surprise from Moidodyr.” Forms of working with children: integrated lesson. Topic (section) of the Program:.

Abstract of GCD on valeology “Moidodyr’s Advice” Goal: to form the concept of “healthy lifestyle”. Objectives: 1. Strengthen skills in maintaining body hygiene, caring for teeth, hair, nails.

In MDOU Kindergarten No. 2 passed open lesson“Visiting Moidodyr” on the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children of the middle group.

“Gifts from Moidodyr” - a scenario for activating communication for the NGO “Cognitive Development” Goal: to develop children’s interest in performing cultural and hygienic skills and their constant implementation. Program tasks: 1. Fasten.

Project “Visiting Moidodyr” (annual) State budgetary educational institution Child Development Center kindergarten No. 2662 North-Western Administrative District of Moscow Abstract directly.

Scenario for a healthy lifestyle holiday for children of senior preschool age “Visiting Moidodyr” Goal: Expand knowledge and basic skills in hygienic culture. Objectives: 1. To consolidate children's hygienic knowledge and skills. Shape.

Main hero: Blanket
Ran away
The sheet flew away
And a pillow
Like a frog
She galloped away from me.

I'm for a candle
The candle goes to the stove!
I'm for a book
Ta - run
And skipping
Under the bed!

I want to drink tea
I run to the samovar,
But pot-bellied from me
He ran away as if from fire.

God, God,
What's happened?
From what
Everything is all around
It started spinning
And the wheel went off?

Irons behind boots,
Boots for pies,
Pies behind the irons,
The poker behind the sash -
Everything is spinning
And it's spinning
And it goes head over heels.

Main hero: Suddenly from my mother’s bedroom,
Bowlegged and lame,
The washbasin runs out
And shakes his head:

Main hero: Yes, yes, yes. I know, I know.” Oh, you ugly one, oh you dirty one,
Unwashed pig!
You're blacker than a chimney sweep
Admire yourself:

Yes, dirty, but unwashed. So what? Is this bad for anyone?

Moidodyr: How can you not understand that, first of all, this makes you feel bad!!! Haven't you heard about healthy lifestyle?

Main hero: What other healthy lifestyle?

Moidodyr: Healthy lifestyle - healthy lifestyle! It includes: proper nutrition, lack of bad habits, sports, personal hygiene!

Main hero: Well, maybe I heard...

Moidodyr: So here is a person who does not lead a healthy lifestyle. may have health problems.

Main hero: Or maybe not!

Moidodyr: Okay, I realized that I can’t convince you, I’ll have to send you to the village of Budzdorovino

Ch. hero: How to send?? Where to send??? And I... No, I can’t... How can this be???

Moidodyr: No, no, stop it! You must go there and understand how important a healthy lifestyle is and until you understand this, you will not come back!!

Main hero: Nooooo.

A picture of a fairytale forest appears on the projector.

Ch. hero: Where did I end up? This is probably the same country and village that Moidodyr spoke about. Oh, who is this?

2 talking apple trees appear on his way.

1 apple tree: Hello, Masha Brusnichkina!

2 apple tree: Good afternoon, Maria!

Ch. hero: Z Z Hello, apple trees!

1 apple tree: Why are you surprised? This is a fairyland! And here anyone can talk, even apple trees!

2 apple tree: Will you eat our apple for the road?

Ch. hero: I don’t have time, I’m in a hurry. We need to quickly understand why this unfortunate Zozh is so important, and you are here with your apples. And anyway, an apple fell on one person’s head, and now high school students are tormented, trying to prove some laws!

1 apple tree: Haven’t you heard that fruits are a storehouse of vitamins?

1 and 2 apple trees together: Vitamins are vital for the body!

Main hero: Oh, come on!

K.S: Well, hello!

Ch. hero: Who are you?

K.S: Me???? No, have you seen this rudeness? Who am I? You haven't read fairy tales, have you? I am Riding Hood, Little Red Riding Hood!

Ch. hero: Ahh...

K.S: But who are you?

Main hero: I am Masha Brusnichkina.

K.Sh.mmmm, I see. Well, why did you come to us, Masha Brusnichkina, huh?

Masha: Yes, you understand, I need to quickly find out why a healthy lifestyle is needed.

KS: Oh, come on, why do you need this? You better eat the pie. Now is the right time - 8 pm.

Masha: Isn’t it harmful to eat dry milk at night?

KS: What are you talking about!! I bring pies to my grandmother every day and I can’t even tell them how delicious they are. Will you have some?

KS: Well, as you know, happily ever after!

Masha: Oh, how tired I am. They offered me apple trees and an apple for the road. I wouldn't mind a couple of apples right now.

Oh, what are those sounds?

The squeal of piglets from behind the scenes.

1 pig: Oh, oh, oh, my stomach hurts!!!

2 piggy: Oh, I think I'm dying!

3 little pig: Well, as I said. I warned you, wash your hands before eating. Maintain personal hygiene. What are you... Hey... Now the only hope is for Aibolit. Ah, here he is.

1 pig: Doctor, dear, dear, help!

2 piggy: Aibolit, save me!

Aibolit: Oh, you are my piglets! What have you done?

3 little pig: I told you, I told them a thousand times. But they... don’t listen and this is the result, doctor.

Aibolit: Yes, I see everything, so let’s treat it.

Masha: I understand everything! My god, I understand everything!

Masha returned back to her apartment.

Moidodyr: Well, Masha? How is your journey?

Masha: I understood everything. To be healthy, cheerful, strong, cheerful, you simply need to lead a healthy lifestyle!

Moidodyr: Well done! It’s not for nothing that I sent you to Be Healthy.

And finally, I would like to quote my friend Korney Chukovsky

Long live scented soap,
And a fluffy towel,
And tooth powder
And a thick comb!

Let's wash, splash,
Swim, dive, tumble
In the tub, in the trough, in the tub,
In the river, in the stream, in the ocean, -
And in the bath, and in the bathhouse,
Anytime and anywhere -
Eternal glory to the water!