Electronic document management systems use technology. Electronic document management as a way to optimize business processes. Do you need an ECM system?

Basic requirements that an electronic document management system must meet:

  • Reliable storage and easy search of documentation.
  • Support and perform clerical tasks.
  • Timely control over the execution of documents and their routing.
  • Creation of analytical reports.
  • Ensuring information security.

Modern EDMS also have functions for interacting with clients, processing their requests and additional useful tools, allowing you to solve many applied problems.

Types of electronic document management systems

There are various types of classification of electronic document management systems, but the most indicative classification is the division of EDMS according to title functionality. Any EDMS is positioned by its developer as intended primarily for performing a certain type of task. This does not mean that it does not provide any additional technologies inherent in most of its “brothers”. It’s just that the set of tools of each electronic document management system has its own strengths and weaknesses. The classification according to title functionality takes into account strengths SEDs.

So, it looks like this:

  • EDMS designed for creating and working with electronic documentation, as well as digital analogues of paper documents.
  • Accounting systems that automate the registration of events and documents throughout their entire life cycle (electronic filing cabinets).
  • EDMS, the main task of which is to automate work with large repositories of corporate information.
  • Systems that manage electronic archives of documentation.
  • EDMS, the functionality of which specializes in extracting the necessary information from archives and other electronic sources.
  • Systems that manage corporate processes, document processing and the activities of organization employees who are involved in working with business documents.
  • Information EDMS that manage data storage devices.

There is also brief classification EDMS by country of origin, used only in Russia. According to it, electronic document management systems in our country are divided into domestic, imported and Russian, developed on the foreign Lotus/Domino platform. Our review includes examples of only two foreign EDMS - EMC Documentum and Lotus Domino.Doc. All other SEDs have Russian “citizenship”.

TOP 10 electronic document management systems

We assessed electronic document management systems based on a comparison of five parameters that are decisive when choosing an electronic document management system for automating document flow in an enterprise. The scale is ten points.

Place Program/service Price Easy to learn Functionality Accounting for Russian legislation Technical
Overall rating
1 Case 8 8 10 10 10 9,2
2-4 1C:Archive 9 7 10 10 9 9
2-4 CompanyMedia 9 9 9 10 8 9
4-6 EMC Documentum 9 10 8 8 8,8
4-6 Logics 9 10 9 10 6 8,8
4-6 EUPHRATES 9 10 9 10 6 8,8
7 DIRECTUM 10 8 8 10 7 8,6
8 Lotus Domino.Doc 8 8 9 9 8,5
9 OPTIMA-WorkFlow 10 8 8 9 7 8.4
10 LanDocs 8 7 7 10 8 8

Note: the final assessment of the system in the table does not claim to be 100% objective and reflects the opinion of the author, based on an in-depth analysis of this topic. This review of electronic document management systems is made only among high-quality software products that can be safely chosen for use in various types of business.


This electronic document management system is a recognized leader in its segment throughout the entire post-Soviet space. Both the largest holdings and corporations, as well as small businesses, successfully carry out document flow and office work in it. In relation to this system, it is appropriate to apply a tautology: “BUSINESS” knows its business. Indeed, this software is ideal for deep automation of office work and document flow.


  • The ability to track all stages of the movement of any electronic document.
  • Simplicity and convenience in creating documentation projects.
  • General smoothness and functionality of the system.


  • The “tight” disadvantages include a somewhat archaic interface and a certain difficulty in mastering.

What is the price?

The price of a license to use the "DELO" system within one workplace (DBMS - Oracle) depends on the planned total number of these seats and varies from 11,000 rubles (201-500 rubles) to 13,400 rubles (1-5 rubles /m). If your organization uses a Microsoft DBMS SQL Server, then the license is for one workplace will cost from 7200 to 9500 rubles, respectively.


Until 2012, the “EDMS Logic” program was called “Boss-Referent” and was one of the most popular Russian electronic document management systems, a serious competitor to the “Delo” EDMS. The name change did not in any way affect the quality of this software product, and it continues to be a reliable and functional system for office management in enterprises of any type and size.


  • Ability to build complex multi-level routes for document approval.
  • High degree of user data protection.
  • Relative ease of mastering the main components of the system.
  • Flexibly customizable and modifiable documentation processing processes.


  • Inconvenient differentiation of access rights during serious staff turnover.
  • Not the most conscientious technical support job.
  • Archaic interface.

What is the price?

The cost of one license to use this program depends on the number of employees connected to it. If their number does not exceed 49 people, then the price will be 5,900 for each workplace; from 50 to 199 connected employees – 5,200 rubles; and if there are more than 200 workplaces, then the price of one license will be minimal - 4900 rubles.


This electronic document management system was developed in full compliance with the requirements of the ISO 9000 quality standard and Russian GOSTs in the field of office work. “EUFRATES” differs from its “colleagues” in the presence of many of its own unique software developments that cannot be found in competing EDMS. Purely technologically, this system is one of the most “advanced” on the modern Russian market of EDMS.


  • The delivery package of this system includes a built-in DBMS "Nika", which automatically frees the user organization from purchasing additional software.
  • Friendly interface with a pleasant, memorable design.
  • Built-in role mechanism for managing access rights.


  • Quite slow speed, especially on weak computers.
  • Periodic malfunctions and slow technical support.

What is the price?

A standard license with installation of the system on the organization’s own server costs from 5,200 to 7,300 rubles per workstation, more users – lower price. However, there is also the option of placing the server component on the manufacturer’s equipment. In this case, a subscription fee system is used - four tariffs, costing from 10,000 to 95,000 rubles per month.


This is one of the best and certainly the most universal software for enterprise document management. "1C:Archive" provides reliable and, most importantly, centralized storage of business documents of various formats, with access to it by authorized personnel who can edit the files.


  • A well-debugged algorithm for quickly searching for the necessary data.
  • Possibility of storing documents of any type - from text and graphics, to audio and video files.
  • The widest possible scaling capabilities allow you to successfully use this software in both large and small enterprises.
  • The main advantage of 1C:Archive, which sets this program apart from its competitors, is the optimal combination of the product’s price and its functionality.
  • Supports integration with external applications.


  • Consumes a large amount of system resources.
  • Increased learning difficulty even for experienced users.

What is the price?

The price of “assembling” this program varies from 12,000 to 57,000 rubles, and the first amount will have to be paid exclusively for upgrading the previous version of 1C: Archive.


A simple and functional DIRECTUM EDMS will be an excellent solution for small and medium-sized businesses. Thanks to this system, electronic document management can be successfully combined with traditional paper ones, so that subsequently the organization can be completely “painlessly” transferred to working in DIRECTUM. Advanced Workflow technology provides effective automation of office processes.


  • Availability of specialized software tools that simplify the search and identification of documentation as much as possible.
  • Wide possibilities for independent modification of the system for specific tasks.
  • Expanded integration options with other programs.


  • The system is focused on the management of the enterprise - it is more difficult for ordinary clerks to work in it.
  • Somewhat confusing and non-transparent pricing policy.

What is the price?

Licenses to use this EDMS are purchased both individually and as part of package offers. The cheapest basic client license costs 7,800 rubles. The cost of license packages starts from 148,200 rubles (basic for 20 employees) and reaches 2,010,000 rubles (for 200 employees).


This electronic document management system is a strong middle peasant in its segment. It is in constant development and cannot yet compete on equal terms with the recognized mastodons of the market. However, OPTIMA-WorkFlow has a number of “aces up its sleeve” - unique technologies that make it stand out from the crowd.


  • Implementation of the function of serial input of identical types of documents and their registration information.
  • Scanning with an antivirus program.
  • Optional indexing of plain and encrypted documents.
  • Multilingual user interface.


  • Disadvantages of standard functionality that are permanently eliminated by upcoming updates.

What is the price?

Typical solutions based on this platform cost from 55,000 to 75,000 rubles.

EMC Documentum

This platform for automating document flow processes was developed by the world leader in the IT industry, EMC. Powerful functionality, coupled with flexible configuration of individual tools, makes EMC Documentum the best foreign EDMS available on the Russian market.


  • High degree of convenience in managing design and construction documents.
  • Implementation of a check-in/check-out mechanism that allows you to manage the distribution of access rights.
  • The presence of a function that allows you to implement the approval procedure at several levels.
  • Support for scanning and document recognition devices.


  • Works only with the Internet Explorer browser.
  • Lack of publicly available technical and practical documentation on the system.
  • Frequent “brakes” and lags when the system is heavily loaded.

What is the price?

There are no fixed prices for using this platform. The cost of its implementation is discussed individually with each customer.


Developed in 1997 by the domestic company LANIT, this platform for automating document management remains in demand by many enterprises and institutions to this day. LanDocs allows you to build a comfortable office work and document flow environment, providing all categories of users with the necessary set of tools to manage it.


  • Availability of integrated cryptographic protection tools.
  • Possibility of including employees from remote branches in the document flow process.
  • Availability of batch scanning function for paper documentation.


  • Performance issues are quite common.
  • Weak capabilities to expand functionality.
  • Difficulty in mastering the system from scratch.

What is the price?

The price of a server license varies from 30,000 to 216,000 rubles. User licenses can be purchased at prices ranging from 5,600 to 8,400 rubles.


CompanyMedia is a whole set software solutions, designed to automate business processes, document flow and office work. This EDMS differs from its competitors in its unsurpassed flexibility of settings and the presence of independent modules that can be installed separately.


  • Possibility of successful operation of the system in enterprises with complex corporate structure and territorial structure.
  • Unprecedented reliability of the system, which allows it to actively function around the clock, 365 days a year.
  • Automated support for working with several types of workplaces.
  • Differentiation of access rights according to the hierarchical structure of the organization.


  • The web interface has limited support for some browsers, in particular FireFox.
  • The system is focused primarily on medium and large businesses.

What is the price?

The final price of this software consists of many components, including personnel training, installation additional modules and transfer of rights to use the system. The upper limit of the total amount is 99,000 rubles. The cheapest thematic module will cost 4,000 rubles.

Lotus Domino.Doc

This EDMS is an application to the well-known Notes/Domino platform, which has a high-level data security system. Also Lotus Domino.Doc has an advanced Electronic archive, which allows you to implement a large storage of corporate documentation.


  • Availability of unique replication systems designed for comprehensive solution tasks for managing document flows in a distributed environment.
  • The ability to search for documents in individual parts of the information repository.
  • LDAP directories scale up to the enterprise level.


  • The disadvantages of this system mainly stem from its Western origin - there are certain questions regarding the interface and the implementation of some functions.

What is the price?

The cost of user and server licenses is calculated individually on the platform website.


Drawing a line under the review, I would like to note important nuance: the introduction of an electronic document management system into your business does not at all guarantee an immediate increase in its profitability, and, in some cases, it can cause harm. If your organization operates successfully and makes a profit, working without EDMS, then think a thousand times before deciding to implement them. There is no need to chase “progressive fashion” and install these systems without a serious need for them. However, as the business expands and employees are heavily loaded, an electronic document management system can become a kind of life preserver that will help the company emerge from the whirlpool of paperwork.

A mandatory element of the “digital” infrastructure of a modern enterprise or organization is a document management system. Work with external and internal documents is considered to be the most complex, labor-intensive and “problematic” area of ​​enterprise activity. Electronic solutions make it possible to significantly simplify and optimize it.

The use of specialized systems is relevant both for companies in the commercial sector and government agencies. For the first, they open up prospects for increasing profitability and return on work, and for the second, they will be an effective solution to the problems of optimizing the flow of information and papers, interdepartmental interaction and working with.

An electronic document management system (EDMS) is a necessity, not an option. Most of today's companies create office papers in digital form, but due to imperfect information exchange processes, employees are forced to print them, transfer them in “physical” form and waste time and energy on unnecessary routine. An ineffective format can be difficult to change; to do this, it is necessary to automate the company’s activities in a comprehensive manner, but the result will exceed all expectations. A well-organized EDMS or ECM system (organizational content management system) will help manage information and document flows at all levels and stages of existence.

General information about the elements and structure of the EDMS

Initially created as a tool for traditional office work and its automation, today EDMS have developed into multifunctional, complex products. An electronic document management system is a solution that:

  • provides the process of creating and moving internal company documentation into in electronic format;
  • processes incoming correspondence and external regulatory and administrative documents;
  • simplifies control over document flows;
  • helps to effectively manage relationships with partners, clients, and so on.

The company's EDMS ensures work with all documents in electronic form— any set of information saved or transferred to a PC. They must be accompanied by attributes on unique “cards” that identify the unit.

Document flow in electronic form is a way to centrally organize work with papers, where most registers and transactions are presented in electronic form. Accordingly, the system that manages it is a solution with tools for implementing all procedures for creating, changing, searching for documents and supporting interaction between company employees.

Sometimes it is called EDMS (Electronic Document Management System) or the aforementioned ECM, but these terms are somewhat broader than EDMS - to the latter it is necessary to add means for ensuring the safety of information, entering paper documents into the digital environment, processing multimedia content, and so on. The electronic document management system is based on work flows - Workflow, which are the actions of employees within the boundaries of a dedicated business process.

Advantages of EDMS

The existing basic structure of the EDMS has proven itself to be an effective, efficient mechanism that is convenient for enterprises and institutions of any size. The EDMS market is actively developing, as both the public sector (active consumer) and business structures are interested in software products that simplify document flow. The development of systems is also facilitated by the expansion of the scope of application of electronic signatures and increased attention to information security issues. They can be effectively solved with the help of high-quality and well-thought-out programs.

A modern document management system has many advantages - it:

  • ensures transparency of the document flow and all business processes of the company - all actions and movements of papers can be tracked and controlled;
  • increases work discipline and task execution - transparent systems convenient for recording results and the fact of response to a requirement;
  • reduces the time spent on everyday routine work - there is no need to search for a long time, coordinate papers, their turnover is accelerated;
  • protects information from leakage, ensuring data security and strict differentiation of access rights;
  • based on the principles specified in ISO quality standards;
  • easily implemented among employees - subject to a well-organized personnel training system;
  • gives the enterprise competitive advantages, helps maintain and develop internal corporate culture, and so on.

The electronic document management system (EDMS) includes, among other things, the management of regulatory registers. Therefore, its work must be organized in accordance with legal requirements.

Standards and legal framework for EDMS

There are few specific standards or laws for electronic business systems in the domestic legal field, and when developing an EDMS, its creators focus on a variety of regulations for “classic” office work. Among the main regulatory acts it is worth mentioning:

  • federal legislation on electronic digital signatures (1-FZ of January 10, 2002), on information and its protection (149-FZ), on personal data (152 and 363-FZ) and so on;
  • Federal and regional government regulations, industry rules and requirements;
  • GOST standards for office work, archives, administrative documentation systems - R 51141-98, R 6.30-2003 and others.

Sometimes regulations contradict each other, and the rules are advisory in nature, and developers try to make the company's EDMS as adaptive and flexible as possible. You also need to take into account the constantly changing rules for working with electronic signatures, the “compatibility” of the system with legally significant document flow. It is necessary that everything is official electronic papers organizations were legitimate, their credibility was easily determined. All this must be taken into account when choosing an EDMS for corporate use.

EDMS functionality

For an electronic document management system to be called complete, it must implement many functions. The main ones include:

  • Document management - input and registration, daily work, flow control;
  • connection with paper document flow;
  • organized search and retrieval of data and documents - fast, in accordance with the clearance level;
  • tracking the relevance of documentation (especially external, incoming) and archiving outdated documents;
  • maintaining the proper level of information security;
  • simple, transparent, intuitive connection between the program and end users.

The electronic document management system should be equipped with convenient tools for configuration, localization, and scale well. It is important that the developer provides for the possibility of organizing a single EDMS in geographically distant company divisions. In the system, it is necessary to organize an orderly electronic exchange of information between hierarchical levels, as well as to correctly implement it in a real enterprise.

Implementation of EDMS and assessment of its effectiveness

Docsvision company offers high-quality and modern software products for solving problems of organizing and supporting electronic document management. Our difference is an integrated approach: together with the product itself, we provide the full range of support for implementing solutions, staff training and service SED. The implementation of a system at an enterprise is an important stage; it is where the final “polishing” of the system and its customization to the needs of the customer takes place. Typically the implementation consists of:

  • researching the current situation in the company, creating an implementation plan;
  • transfer of the designed product to the company’s real capacities - the EDMS system adapts to them;
  • testing the performance of the configured product;
  • training of management and staff - using the “shock therapy” method or gradually;
  • operation and adjustments in its process, scaling, solving current problems.

The document management system must be effective and recoup the investment in it. To assess the effectiveness of EDMS, you can use calculation methods for IT projects and, in principle, any intangible assets. It is necessary to take into account how actively third-party experts were involved in the work, what is the return on their intervention, and what are the prospects for further profitability. You may encounter a situation where calculating efficiency will cost the customer more than the EDMS itself, but this must be done.

It is worth considering that traditional assessment methods do not accurately determine the result - attention is paid to the costs of purchase and implementation, without taking into account the optimization of the work of various departments, the acceleration of document turnover, and the simplification of decision making. It is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of the EDMS as a whole, some time after its implementation, and then the results will pleasantly please customers.

You can choose the optimal edition of Docsvision, view the cost of modules and licensing options on the page

Dear readers! Due to the fact that when collecting material for this study, the functionality of the MOTIV system presented in the review was incorrectly assessed, the editors, at their discretion, adjusted the diagrams to more accurately reflect the functionality of the specified product. The corrected diagrams indicate the functionality of the MOTIV system version 1.1, which existed at the time of selection of test participants (March 2010). It is possible that some parameters of other systems are also estimated incorrectly.

We also remind you that at the moment the material is very outdated and cannot be the basis for assessing the functionality of modern versions of these systems or the relationship between them.

IN modern organization Electronic document management systems (EDMS) are becoming a mandatory element of the IT infrastructure. With their help, they increase operational efficiency commercial companies And industrial enterprises, and in government agencies, on the basis of electronic document management technologies, the tasks of internal management, interdepartmental interaction and interaction with the population are solved. The generally accepted abbreviation is EDMS, although SAD (office automation system), EDMS (electronic document management system) and SADO (document automation system) are also used along with it.

Electronic document management system (EDMS) is an organizational and technical system that ensures the process of creating, access control and distribution of electronic documents in computer networks, as well as providing control over the flow of documents in the organization.

Initially, systems of this class were considered only as a tool for automating classical office work tasks, but over time they began to cover more and more wide range tasks. Today, EDMS developers focus their products on working not only with correspondence and ORD (organizational and administrative documents), but also with various internal documents (contracts, regulatory, reference and design documentation, documents on HR activities and etc.). EDMS are also used to solve applied problems in which an important component is working with electronic documents: managing interactions with clients, processing citizens' requests, automating the work of a service department, organizing project document flow, etc. In fact, an electronic document flow system is any information system that provides work with electronic documents.

EDMS market in last years is one of the most dynamically developing segments of the domestic IT industry. In 2009, according to IDC, against the backdrop of an almost 50% reduction in volumes common market software in Russia, this segment has shown high stability. Its decline according to data for 2009 amounted to no more than 20-25%. In numerical terms, the volume of the EDMS market today, according to CNews Analytics, is about 220-250 million dollars.

Consumers of electronic document management technologies are organizations of different sizes and specific activities. Traditionally, the key consumer of EDMS remains the public sector. According to experts, about 30% of projects to implement electronic document management technologies are carried out by government agencies. It is important that it was the interest on the part of the state that became the basis for the stability of the EDMS market, which, even during the crisis, received a significant impetus for development. Electronic document management was named a key element of the “electronic government” concept, the implementation of which should help eliminate bureaucratic obstacles in the interaction of the state, population and business, as well as reduce corruption. As a feature of the implementation of projects in government bodies and large government institutions, it is worth noting the increased requirements for information security. It's about on the construction (development) of secure electronic document management systems based on replicated software products.

About the EDMS developers

When choosing EDMS class solutions, the customer considers various options: a boxed solution, a platform-based solution or custom development. Russian developers mainly offer ready-made solutions, while Western ones act as suppliers of platforms on the basis of which design solutions and custom developments are implemented. According to statistics, in the market structure, Russian developers account for about 95% of the total number of projects for the implementation of EDMS. One explanation is that in Russia the specificity of working with documents, based on domestic management traditions, is still strong.

It is worth noting that a number of suppliers have begun to provide EDMS to customers in SaaS (Software as a Service) mode, but for now this approach, for a number of reasons (trust in the provider, quality and reliability of communication channels), is rather considered as a form of familiarization with the capabilities of the system, and not as a realistic approach to document automation.

One of the emerging trends is the use of ECM (Enterprise content management) class systems for working with documents.

Based on materials from the free encyclopedia (Wikipedia):
Enterprise content management (ECM) - management information resources enterprise or corporate information management.

Within the framework of the ECM concept, document flow is considered as one of the tasks of ensuring work with corporate information. Supporters of this approach are mainly Western developers. And although in Russia the demand for such technologies is still in the formative stage, many domestic EDMS have already implemented various ECM components: document management, document image management, long-term document storage, Workflow management, collective work with documents. Fundamentally, ECM technologies differ from EDMS in their deeper elaboration of web and multimedia content management issues.

State initiatives around the “Electronic document”

In 2009-2010, several global government initiatives began to be implemented in Russia related to the organization of official electronic interaction between the state, population and business, aimed at increasing the level of penetration information technologies into various aspects of state and public life. These should include approval of the list public services provided to the population via the Internet, and the approval of provisions on the interdepartmental document flow system, which became the first important steps towards the implementation of the concept of “electronic government”.

It is important to note that the question of the legal basis of the electronic document still remains open. Today, the activities of participants in electronic document management are regulated by laws and regulations on the use of electronic digital signatures (EDS), GOST and instructions on office work and archiving, laws and regulations on information technology. It turns out that at the state level the rules and procedure for working with documents have been defined, there are security requirements for information systems, but the legislation has not yet defined legal status electronic document.

Standards in the field of EDMS

Today, the activities of EDMS developers are practically not regulated. When developing software products and implementing implementation projects, developers and suppliers, to one degree or another, are guided by the following regulatory and legal documents:

  • GOST R 51141-98. Record keeping and archiving. Terms and definitions (approved by Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated February 27, 1998 No. 28);
  • Federal Law of January 10, 2002 No. 1-FZ “On Electronic Digital Signature” (as amended on November 8, 2007);
  • GOST R 6.30-2003. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for the preparation of documents (approved by Resolution of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated March 3, 2003 N 65-st);
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 22, 2009 No. 754 “On approval of the Regulations on the system of interdepartmental electronic document management”;
  • Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ “On information, information technologies and information protection.”

When implementing projects to implement an EDMS, in the case of working with personal data, it is necessary to be guided by the requirements of Federal Laws dated July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ “On Personal Data” and dated December 27, 2009 N 363-FZ “On Amendments to Articles 19 and 25 Federal Law“About personal data.”

Since GOSTs are advisory in nature, the developers include maximum flexibility in their solutions so that, depending on the customer, it is possible to implement various schemes for working with documents on the basis of the system. Often, the architecture and logic of the system must provide different and, at times, opposing approaches to document automation. The lack of generally accepted standards is a problem not only for developers, but also for customers, since choosing requirements for an EDMS becomes too subjective a task. Enterprises often cannot even focus on industry practices (this approach has worked well when choosing a supplier of IT systems such as ERP, CRM, HRM, etc.). Rules and regulations for working with documents may differ from enterprise to enterprise, not only within the same industry, but even within the same group of companies. Some simple examples: does the enterprise operate according to GOST standards or not? How clearly does the work with documents comply with GOST standards? Is top management ready to work in the system or will assistants and secretaries work for top management? Does the company use any Western management practices? What automation tools do employees use at work? And although in general the complex of tasks of electronic document management is quite clear, the methods of their implementation vary greatly. It turns out that one of the main requirements for developers of a modern EDMS is to offer a solution that is adequate in price, quality and implementation time, regardless of the specifics of the customer’s work (in other words, satisfying any specifics).

Technical capabilities of modern electronic document management systems

The review examines the nine most common EDMS in Russia: Directum (Directum), DocsVision (DocsVision), Globus Professional (Prominfosystems), PayDox (Paybot), 1C: Document Flow (1C), Boss-Referent (BOSS - Referent, IT Co. Group), CASE (EOS), EUFRATES (Cognitive Technologies), MOTIV (Motive). We deliberately did not include solutions from Russian developers based on the Documentum platform (EMC Documentum), since in this case we cannot talk about any specific functionality and replication. To prepare the review, information from open sources was used: information materials and demo versions of software products. The presented view of EDMS is an attempt to assess the capabilities and readiness of software products to solve current problems of organizing electronic document management in an enterprise.

The criteria highlighted in the review will help you analyze the capabilities of the solutions under consideration from the point of view of the technical implementation of certain EDMS tasks. All capabilities are divided into seven functional circuits:

  • registration and entry of documents;
  • work with documents;
  • Workflow management and control;
  • search and analysis of information;
  • Information Security;
  • support of paper document flow;
  • standard configuration tools.

The general characteristics of the systems were listed in a separate table.

The review provides a number of obvious criteria inherent in all systems under consideration (and all systems of the EDMS class, in principle), and criteria that make it possible to distinguish solutions from each other. Generally, functionality systems coincide, and only a detailed breakdown of some of the fundamental tasks of document flow and the features of their implementation make it possible to compare different solutions. It is worth noting that for all the systems presented in the review there is quite a lot of implementation practice. These systems are used by hundreds of organizations to automate document flow. In addition to these solutions, there are more than 50 software products on the market that are not widely used.

If we analyze new versions of systems that occupy leading positions on the market, it is worth noting that over the past three years their development has been aimed mainly at improving service capabilities, since the basic capabilities in one form or another have already been implemented earlier. If we talk about new technical capabilities, we can note the potential for the development of EDMS towards the management of various types of content (multimedia), the use of automatic processing technologies and analysis of document content. But so far such functionality is not mandatory for EDMS, and most importantly, the demand for it in Russia has not yet fully formed.

When comparing the functionality of the EDMS, the following notations are used:

  • “+” - the opportunity has been implemented;
  • “+/−” - the feature is available with limited functionality or requires the purchase of additional software;
  • “−” - the opportunity has not been implemented.

Table 1. General characteristics most popular EDMS

Rice. 1. General characteristics of the most popular EDMS

Table 2. Registration and entry of documents

Rice. 2. Registration and entry of documents

Table 3. Working with documents

Rice. 3. Working with documents

Table 4. Workflow management and control

Rice. 4. Workflow management and control

Table 5. Search and analysis of information

Rice. 5. Search and analysis of information

Table 6. Information security

Rice. 6. Information security

Table 7. Paper document support

Rice. 7. Support for paper document management

Table 8. Standard means settings

Rice. 8. Standard configuration tools

Table 9. Final assessment of the functionality of the EDMS

Rice. 9. Final assessment of the functionality of the EDMS

To conduct a comprehensive assessment, we will consider the presented EDMS according to the “price/functionality” ratio that is understandable to everyone. We do not consider the third important criterion - “Implementation time”, since it strongly depends not only on the configuration tools provided by the system, but also on qualifications and motivation project team. Below is shown the position of systems in terms of the “optimal price/functionality” ratio for small projects (for 20 users) and for fairly large projects (for 100 users).

Diagram 1. “Optimal price/functionality” of EDMS (20 users)

Rice. 10. “Optimal price/functionality” EDMS (20 users)

Diagram 2. “Optimal price/functionality” of EDMS (100 users)

Rice. 11. “Optimal price/functionality” EDMS (100 users)

These diagrams are built on the principle of the “Gartner Magic Quadrant”, in which systems located in Quadrant I have the optimal ratio according to the “optimal price/functionality” criterion. Quadrants II and IV of the diagram contain systems that do not have balanced indicators of price and functionality.

The criterion chosen for the study allows us to evaluate various EDMS from the point of view of their readiness to solve real problems of electronic document management on modern enterprise. The group of leaders both in the case of small projects (Diagram 1) and large projects (Diagram 2) included the Directum, DocsVision, MOTIV and EUFRAT systems. The remaining systems are located in the II and IV quadrants. The only exception was the DELO system, which also fell into the first quadrant of the diagram for EDMS for 20 users. The results obtained by EDMS Globus Professional, PayDox, 1C: Document Flow, Boss Referente, BUSINESS, show that these systems do not offer integrated approach to automate work with documents, but are niche offerings focused on solving only a certain class of electronic document management problems. The absence of systems in Quadrant III is explained by the fact that the review considered the most common EDMS in Russia, and not all systems currently offered to customers.

We hope that the presented review will be useful to you when choosing a system. I would like to note that by introducing an EDMS today, the organization not only increases the efficiency of its activities, but also, which is very important, gains valuable experience and practice in working in new conditions - in the conditions of electronic document management.

P.S. To prepare the review, only publicly available materials from the official websites of EDMS manufacturers were used. After the article was published, it turned out that due to incomplete product descriptions by Industrial Information Systems, information about their solution was inaccurate. We will study this issue in detail and describe the results in the following material.

In a modern organization, electronic document management systems (EDMS) are becoming an essential element of the IT infrastructure. With their help, commercial companies and industrial enterprises increase the efficiency of their activities, and in government agencies, on the basis of electronic document management technologies, the tasks of internal management, interdepartmental interaction and interaction with the population are solved. The generally accepted abbreviation is EDMS, although SAD (office automation system), EDMS (electronic document management system) and SADO (document automation system) are also used along with it.

Electronic document management system (EDMS) is an organizational and technical system that ensures the process of creating, access control and distribution of electronic documents in computer networks, as well as providing control over the flow of documents in the organization.

Initially, systems of this class were considered only as a tool for automating classical office work tasks, but over time they began to cover an increasingly wider range of tasks. Today, EDMS developers focus their products on working not only with correspondence and ORD (organizational and administrative documents), but also with various internal documents (contracts, regulatory, reference and project documentation, documents on personnel activities, etc.). EDMS are also used to solve applied problems in which an important component is working with electronic documents: managing interactions with clients, processing citizens' requests, automating the work of a service department, organizing project document flow, etc. In fact, an electronic document flow system is any information system that provides work with electronic documents.

In recent years, the EDMS market has been one of the most dynamically developing segments of the domestic IT industry. In 2009, according to IDC, against the background of an almost 50% reduction in the volume of the overall software market in Russia, this segment showed high stability. Its decline according to data for 2009 amounted to no more than 20-25%. In numerical terms, the volume of the EDMS market today, according to CNews Analytics, is about 220-250 million dollars.

Consumers of electronic document management technologies are organizations of different sizes and specific activities. Traditionally, the key consumer of EDMS remains the public sector. According to experts, about 30% of projects to implement electronic document management technologies are carried out by government agencies. It is important that it was the interest on the part of the state that became the basis for the stability of the EDMS market, which, even during the crisis, received a significant impetus for development. Electronic document management was named a key element of the “electronic government” concept, the implementation of which should help eliminate bureaucratic obstacles in the interaction of the state, population and business, as well as reduce corruption. As a feature of the implementation of projects in government bodies and large government institutions, it is worth noting the increased requirements for information security. We are talking about the construction (development) of secure electronic document management systems based on replicated software products.

Basic concepts and principles

Document flow is the movement of documents in an organization from the moment of their creation or receipt until completion of execution or dispatch; complex of work with documents: reception, registration, distribution, control of execution, formation of files, storage and reuse of documentation, reference work.

Electronic document management (EDF) is a unified mechanism for working with documents submitted in electronic form, with the implementation of the concept of “paperless office work”.

A machine-readable document is a document suitable for automatic reading of the information contained in it, recorded on magnetic, optical and other storage media.

Electronic document (ED) - a document created using computer information processing tools that can be signed electronic signature(EP) and saved on computer media in the form of a file of the appropriate format.

An electronic signature (ES) is an analogue of a handwritten signature, which is a means of protecting information that provides the ability to control the integrity and confirm the authenticity of electronic documents.

Basic principles of electronic document management:

· Single registration of a document, allowing you to uniquely identify the document.

· Possibility of parallel execution of operations, allowing to reduce the time of movement of documents and increase the efficiency of their execution

· Continuity of document movement, allowing to identify the person responsible for the execution of the document (task) at each moment in the life of the document (process).

· A unified (or coordinated distributed) database of document information, which eliminates the possibility of duplicating documents.

· An effectively organized document search system that allows you to find a document with minimal information about it.

· A developed reporting system for various statuses and attributes of documents, allowing you to control the movement of documents through document flow processes and accept management decisions, based on data from reports.

History of the development of electronic document management systems

Electronic document management systems, having appeared relatively recently, have now firmly taken their place in the information structure of the enterprise. Initially, their task included exclusively simple automation of document flow, that is, assistance to clerks, but in no way replacing the document flows circulating in the enterprise.

Much changed when EDMS manufacturers began not only to copy enterprise processes that ensure the movement of paper documents, but to take into account the tasks facing both these processes in particular and the entire document flow in general.

The understanding that the document flow of an enterprise is intended to support its management system did not come to the EDMS immediately. Moreover, many modern federal and municipal authorities still use the simplest EDMS, the tasks of which only include duplicating paper document flow, but not replacing it or optimizing and supporting the management structure.

Dividing chronologically the stages of the evolution of electronic document management systems, it is worth highlighting the first of them, which began in the 80s of the 20th century and continued virtually until its end. This period is characterized by fragmented solutions, which appeared due to the fact that enterprises whose management already understood the need to automate document flow did not yet have the unified tools necessary to solve problems of this kind.

Let's consider the reasons that initially led to the need to automate document flows. In the last quarter of the twentieth century, the volume of management documentation of enterprises had not yet reached critical indicators, however, the existing territorial fragmentation structural divisions led to the fact that approval procedures by managers at various levels could take weeks and, in some cases, even months. The introduction of ring mail services at such enterprises made it possible to optimize only sequential coordination mechanisms, while fan-based, or as it is now called, parallel coordination, required a very large amount of time, as a result of which its use was reduced to a minimum and, if possible, used exclusively within the same building.

When in many large industrial enterprises and government bodies the volume of document flow began to approach critical values, it became clear that the document flow processes needed to be subjected to radical reengineering, that is, restructuring, as a result of which, while maintaining general requirements to the results of the processes, the processes themselves had to be optimized and, as a result, their completion should have taken significantly less time.

Thus, the first EDMS were completely individualized, developed directly at the enterprises for which they were created using internal resources. The obvious advantages of this approach (clear compliance of the constructed EDMS with the actual regulated document flow processes, overall integration into the organization’s information infrastructure) were more than offset by one fundamental drawback: such a system, developed in the organization itself, was usually non-scalable, and it was almost impossible to change the structure of the automated processes, which made it impossible to develop such a system. And since the EDMS obtained in this way was inextricably linked with the management model of the organization, there came a moment when the development of the company completely stopped due to the fact that the electronic document management system used itself slowed down what it was supposed to improve: the effectiveness of the management system adopted in the organization began to quickly fall and the company was forced to make efforts to create an adequate EDS that could support management and make the company's development more efficient.

Several companies created in the mid-90s simultaneously took on the solution to these problems: they began to create universal EDMS that easily scaled to the needs of almost any customers, and the technology for creating the final EDMS solution became a two-stage process: at the first stage, the company created a unified core EDMS, at the second stage there was implementation - adjustment of processes to the needs of a specific customer. This approach made it possible to reduce the cost of final solutions, and being at the same time much more functional, it provided opportunities for organizational and functional scaling of the system.

Since the end of the 20th century, the approach to automation of document flow began to change qualitatively: new approaches to management came to Russia, which made it possible to increase its efficiency methodologically. This is how the concept of quality management came to us, and with it the process approach to management. Information systems almost immediately responded to these trends, and as a result, they came up with the concept WorkFlow - work flows, which were single instances of document-oriented business processes. Modern EDMS responded to their emergence with the implementation of process-oriented engines (WorkFlow-engines), which simultaneously became a new methodological step that allows modern EDMS to adapt even faster and more efficiently to the needs of fast-growing companies. The arrival of Western developers (IBM Lotus, Documentum) to the Russian market, who produced platforms for these systems, introduced the concept of ECM - enterprise content management. Methodologically, EDMS belonging to the ECM category differed from the rest in that a clear division appeared in them: the document itself, its information component (content). The ECM system worked with document content through its metadata - selected information that has a certain importance for the organization. Thus, for an outgoing letter, the metadata could be the addressee, date of signing and official signatory, registration number and information about dispatch and delivery.

The use of workflow allowed the specialists of companies operating electronic document management systems to ensure continuous changes in the automated process in order to ensure its maximum compliance with the processes of the enterprise. Of course, this was a huge leap forward.

The architecture of solutions also changed: if initially the EDMS was an example of a two-tier architecture (DBMS - application), then by 2005 the requirement of a three-tier architecture of the DBMS - application server - user interface became the de facto industry standard, and organizations conducting tenders for the supply of EDMS indicate exactly this requirement for the system architecture as preferable or mandatory.

The favorable economic situation of this time contributed to the rapid growth of enterprises in all industries, while simultaneously creating favorable conditions for introducing new EDMS product solutions to the market. At this time, a circle of EDMS manufacturers operating in the Russian market and markets of neighboring countries was finally formed.

Modern EDMS functionality

Corporate information systems and electronic document management systems in particular are solutions primarily intended for managing information resources of medium and large enterprises. The main reasons for this stratification are, first of all, sufficient high price“entrance ticket” to this market. Acquisition of complete, high-quality and secure system database management system (DBMS), providing it with modern means of cryptographic information protection, as well as the need to attract highly qualified personnel of analysts, consultants and implementers to implementation projects led to the fact that the company came to the need to obtain such a powerful management tool corporate content, as SED, was forced to incur quite large financial costs at one time, which they could not afford individual entrepreneurs and small businesses. Thus, EDMS became tools for improving management specifically in large companies, and geographically distributed commercial holding-type structures could ensure maximum return from implementation.

The development of EDMS functionality has led to the fact that more and more document-oriented management procedures have been automated and more and more areas of daily activities of companies have been covered by their functionality.

To date, the actual standard of modern EDMS are the following areas of activity:

· general office work - processing incoming correspondence and requests from citizens, preparing outgoing letters and documents, internal and organizational documentation, monitoring the execution of orders;

· HR records management is a strictly regulated area of ​​private document flow, which makes it possible to support procedures for hiring and dismissing employees, sending employees on business trips, providing planned vacations and other types of vacations. Such systems ensure that all approved forms HR records management: order to hire an employee (form T-1), order to terminate employment contract(form T-8, T-8a), order to transfer the employee to another job (form T-5), personal card of the employee (form T-2, T-2GS, T-2MS), staffing table (form T-3), vacation schedule (form T-7);

· archival records management is an area of ​​private records management that completes the life cycle of an organization’s documents and supports the following procedures: the formation of inventories according to approved forms, the transfer of files for archival storage, examination of the value of documents and files in general, the destruction of documents and files that are no longer of value to the organization, its employees, state and society, submission of individual files for storage to the structures of the federal archival agency (Rosarchive);

· collegial work - allows you to automate document support for the activities of collegial management bodies - meetings, meetings, boards of directors, shareholder meetings. It also allows for the preparation, coordination and approval of agendas (planning documentation) and protocols (resulting documentation);

· customer relationship management - CRM (customer relationship management) functionality is now implemented to one degree or another in all EDMS, excluding the oldest ones, for whose users, however, such functionality is not particularly in demand.

Characteristics of the Russian EDMS market

Russian market of electronic document management systems in in monetary terms currently estimated by experts at $170 million and characterized by high growth rates - from 25 to 40 percent per year, according to various estimates. This makes it very attractive, including for powerful foreign companies, so the situation in the industry can easily change. Of course, on the one hand, in an unsaturated market, all suppliers, having shown sufficient activity, in principle have great opportunities for development. But, on the other hand, we can now say that the pool of main players has practically formed.

Until now, foreign and Russian developers have divided the market approximately equally in monetary terms, but in terms of the number of implementations the ratio is clearly not in favor of foreign developments. Due to the high cost of licensing foreign programs, as well as expensive and labor-intensive adaptation to the requirements of Russian standards, they are used mainly in large companies and government agencies, for which the issue of price was not so pressing. SMB enterprises are more inclined to use domestic developments because of their flexibility and low cost, and the situation here is unlikely to change. However, large companies are increasingly turning to Russian EDMS. The further, the larger part of the market will likely be conquered by domestic systems: every year they become more and more functional, significantly less expensive to implement and, what is very important, are developed specifically for Russian realities.

Foreign developers of platforms and solutions account for more than 50% of the EDMS market. The largest share of the EDMS market (about a third) is occupied by solutions based on the Documentum platform. The companies that took part in the study, developing their systems based on the IBM Lotus Domino / Notes platform (BOSS-Referent, STC IRM, Interprokom Lan, InterTrust Company, ComputerAge), own 12–15% of the market. Among Russian companies significant positions in the market are occupied by: EOS, Lanit, Directum and Cognitive Technologies. The share of the system developed by each of these companies accounts for more than 5% of the EDMS market. Upscale Soft, Docsvision and Naumen also have fairly strong positions. The EDMS does not take into account other solutions created on the basis of IBM platforms used for the development of ECM solutions (Lotus Notes, Content Manager, etc.), as well as solutions on platforms for the development of ECM applications from Microsoft and Oracle companies and solutions from Russian developers, not who took part in the CNA study. This segment of the Russian EDMS market is estimated by experts at $45-55 million. However, given that IBM platforms used to create electronic document management systems are widely represented in Russia, the share of solutions based on IBM technologies may be significantly higher than the total share of those surveyed by CNA companies, including through their own developments. In general, three main areas of market growth can be identified, for which new and existing players can compete. First, we can expect an increase in demand from government agencies once the appropriate regulatory framework is developed. Since the public sector is the dominant consumer of electronic information systems in Russia, accounting for about 40% of the market, much depends on what path the state chooses when creating a developed interdepartmental information exchange structure. Secondly, large commercial structures, which have been actively using EDMS for quite a long time, but only in some divisions, are striving to unite distributed branches into a single information space and extend successful practice to the enterprise as a whole. And thirdly, medium and small businesses have been introducing more and more systems to improve the efficiency of organizing work processes over the past two or three years and have already realized the benefits this provides.

The market volume of electronic document management systems (EDMS) in Russia in 2008 was, according to preliminary estimates from CNews Analytics, about $210 million. The largest customer of EDMS in Russia remains the public sector, and hopes for further growth are also associated with government initiatives. Hopes for further development are still associated with the public sector, banks, telecoms and oil and gas, which initially “raised” this market in Russia. When assessing the size of the EDMS market in Russia, CNews Analytics experts, as well as respondents - development companies and integrators - take into account the cost of system components, consulting services, implementation and updating of the system, as well as training and technical support. If, according to the 2007 survey, the share of implementation services was approximately equal to the cost of the system (about 36%), then in 2008 respondents indicated that the share of implementation had increased slightly - 40% versus 35% (system cost). This change was partly due to the rapid growth of the domestic IT services sector as a whole, against the backdrop of which the cost of consultant work was noticeably and rapidly increasing. With the onset of crisis changes in the country, customers eagerly anticipated that prices for these services would soon fall. However, in fact, a sharp reduction in the cost of professional IT services has not yet occurred, despite the fact that this market is the first to fall into the risk zone.

Rice. 1. Cost structure for the implementation of EDMS.

Review of modern electronic document management systems

Let's look at the eight most common EDMS in Russia: Directum (Directum), DocsVision (DocsVision), Globus Professional (Prominfosystems), PayDox (Paybot), 1C: Document Flow (1C), Boss-Referent (BOSS - Referent, IT Co. Group), DELO ( EOS), EUFRATES (Cognitive Technologies). The presented view of EDMS is an attempt to assess the capabilities and readiness of software products to solve current problems of organizing electronic document management in an enterprise.

The criteria highlighted in the review will help analyze the capabilities of the solutions under consideration from the point of view of the technical implementation of certain EDMS tasks. All capabilities are divided into seven automation areas:

Office work;

General document flow;

Contract management;

Electronic archive;

Work with citizens' appeals;

Project management;

Working with QMS documentation.

Table 1 provides a number of obvious criteria inherent in all systems under consideration (and all systems of the EDMS class, in principle), and criteria that allow us to distinguish solutions from each other. In general, the functionality of the systems is the same, and only a detailed breakdown of some of the fundamental tasks of document flow and the features of their implementation make it possible to compare different solutions. It is worth noting that for all the systems presented in the review there is quite a lot of implementation practice. These systems are used by hundreds of organizations to automate document flow. In addition to these solutions, there are more than 50 software products on the market that are not widely used.

If we analyze new versions of systems that occupy leading positions on the market, it is worth noting that over the past three years their development has been aimed mainly at improving service capabilities, since the basic capabilities in one form or another have already been implemented earlier. If we talk about new technical capabilities, we can note the potential for the development of EDMS towards the management of various types of content (multimedia), the use of automatic processing technologies and analysis of document content. But so far such functionality is not mandatory for EDMS, and most importantly, the demand for it in Russia has not yet fully formed.

Table 1. General characteristics of the most popular EDMS

Let us consider the presented EDMS according to a ratio that is understandable to everyone« price / functionality" [ 12]:

Rice. 2. “Optimal price/functionality” of EDMS (diagram Gartner)

This diagram is built on the principle of the “magic quadrant” Gartner ", in which systems located in I quadrant. In II and IV The quadrants of the diagram contain systems that do not have balanced price and functionality indicators.

The criterion chosen for the study allows us to evaluate various EDMS from the point of view of their readiness to solve real problems of electronic document management in a modern enterprise. The group of leaders included systems Directum, DocsVision and EUPHRATES. The remaining systems are located in II and IV quadrants.

Legal regulation and standards in the field of EDMS

Today, the activities of EDMS developers are practically not regulated. When developing software products and implementing implementation projects, developers and suppliers, to one degree or another, are guided by the following regulatory and legal documents:

GOST R 51141-98. Record keeping and archiving. Terms and definitions (approved by Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated February 27, 1998 No. 28);

Federal Law of January 10, 2002 No. 1-FZ “On Electronic Digital Signature” (as amended on November 8, 2007);

GOST R 6.30-2003. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for the preparation of documents (approved by Resolution of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated March 3, 2003 N 65-st);

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 22, 2009 No. 754 “On approval of the Regulations on the system of interdepartmental electronic document management”;

Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ “On information, information technologies and information protection.”

When implementing projects to implement an EDMS, in the case of working with personal data, it is necessary to be guided by the requirements of Federal Laws dated July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ “On Personal Data” and dated December 27, 2009 N 363-FZ “On Amendments to Articles 19 and 25 of the Federal Law “On Personal Data”.

Since GOSTs are advisory in nature, the developers include maximum flexibility in their solutions so that, depending on the customer, it is possible to implement various schemes for working with documents on the basis of the system. Often, the architecture and logic of the system must provide different and, at times, opposing approaches to document automation. The lack of generally accepted standards is a problem not only for developers, but also for customers, since choosing requirements for an EDMS becomes too subjective a task. Rules and regulations for working with documents may differ from enterprise to enterprise, not only within the same industry, but even within the same group of companies. And although in general the complex of tasks of electronic document management is quite clear, the methods of their implementation vary greatly. It turns out that one of the main requirements for developers of a modern EDMS is to offer a solution that is adequate in price, quality and implementation time, regardless of the specifics of the customer’s work (in other words, satisfying any specifics).


1. Michael J. D. Sutton. “Corporate document flow. Principles, technologies, implementation methodology.” – St. Petersburg: Azbuka, 2002.

The book contains theoretical concepts and numerous practical recommendations on optimizing the architecture of the document management system, distributing responsibilities between managers and technical staff both at the stage of creation and during operation of the system, organizing cost-effective storage and highly efficient search of documents, and much more. All these tips are based on the rich practical experience of the author, a leading Canadian specialist in the field of document flow optimization, who has worked on orders from government agencies in his country and leading global corporations.The key idea is that a well-built document management system does not take up a lot of resources, but helps make effective decisions and increase the competitiveness of an enterprise due to the fact that the necessary information becomes easily accessible and always “at hand.” The technology for building an effective enterprise document management system is described in this book.

2. Methods and means of working with documents. Anthology. -Editorial URSS, 2000

The collection presents works on theoretical and applied aspects of document management and related tasks of text recognition, interaction with databases, and user interface.The collection is addressed to researchers and developers of document management systems.

3. Klimenko S.V., Krokhin I.V., Kushch V.M., Lagutin Yu.L. Electronic documents in corporate networks. – M.: Ankey-Ecotrends, 1999

The monograph outlines the basics and issues of increasing the efficiency of office automation of an institution, including specific problems associated with the transition to paperless technology. The principles of construction are considered modern systems electronic document management (EDM) and trends in their development. Descriptions of the most advanced foreign products in the field of forensic control are provided. Provides standards in the field of encoding, compression, exchange, integration various types information.

4. V. Zherebenkova. Document flow at the enterprise. - Summit, 2005

The book examines document flow from the perspective of accounting and tax accounting. The procedure for drawing up organizational and administrative documents is described. Samples of unified forms used in settlements with accountable persons, performing cash transactions, transactions on a current account, when accounting for tangible and intangible assets, fixed assets, labor and wages. Tax accounting registers developed by the author are presented.

5. Chernov V.N. Electronic document management systems. – M: RAGS, 2009. – 84 p.

The principles and features of creating automated systems are outlined documentation support management. A selection of criteria was carried out and a comparison of the characteristics of automated documentation support systems for management of development companies that have been working in the Russian market for a long time and have a large number of successful practical implementations. The issues of regulatory support of electronic document management systems are considered.

6. EDMS (Russian market)

http://www.tadviser.ru/index.php/%D0%A0%D1%8B%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%BA_%D0%A1%D0%AD%D0%94_%D0%B2_ %D0%A0%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%B8

Characteristics of the Russian market of electronic document management systems

7. Layna Fischer. Innovation and Excellence in Workflow Process and Knowledge Management. – Future Strategies Inc., 2000

A description of the most outstanding projects in the field of reorganization and management of business processes and the implementation of workflow systems is provided.Simplifying business processes using workflow technology and extranet solutions. Technologies for virtual enterprise. Workflow and groupware strategies. Modern business strategies and process support. Workflow market. Integration of workflow systems for processing invoices payable and graphic images of documents.

8. Sapkov V.V. Information technology and computerization of office work. – St. Petersburg: Academy, 2006. -288 p.

Information technologies used in computerization of office work are considered. To acquire practical skills, examples are given with an analysis of their implementation. The technology for creating a database management system is presented. Work with publishing systems is considered.

9. Glinskikh Alexander. Global market for electronic document management systems. - Jet Info No. 8 (2002)


Basic concepts about electronic document management systems. Analysis current state global EDMS market. Russian EDMS market. Examples of the use of EDMS in the world. Integration of EDMS with other applications: ERP systems and CRM systems. Features of the selection and implementation of EDMS. The main participants in the global EDMS market and the Russian EDMS market. The issues of optimization and control of document flow and control over information processing are of key importance for the enterprise.

10. Kunyaev N.N., Demushkin A.S., Fabrichnov A.G. Confidential office work and secure electronic document flow. – M: Logos, 2011. -452 p.

The essence and features of confidential office work are revealed. The issues of documenting confidential information, processing confidential documents, recording them, organizing confidential document flow, classifying and systematizing confidential documents, ensuring a permitting access system and confidential information regime, preparing confidential documents for transfer to the archive and destruction are covered. An analysis of modern regulatory legal acts in the field of restricted access information and confidential documented information is given: personal data; official, professional, commercial secrets; production secrets, etc.

11. GOST 34.602-89 " Technical task to create an automated system."

This standard applies to automated systems (AS) for automating various types of activities (management, design, research, etc.), including their combinations, and establishes the composition, content, rules for drawing up the document “Technical specifications for the creation (development or modernization) systems."

12. Leonid Reingold, Ph.D., Review of electronic document management systems


State initiatives around the “Electronic Document”, standards in the field of electronic document management, technical capabilities of modern electronic document management systems are considered, and their characteristics are compared.

13. GOST R 51141-98

Reflects the terminological system of concepts in the field of office work and archival affairs.

14. Alexey Nazarenko, History and development trends of modern EDMS


The history of the approach to development, the development of functionality, the positioning and modern functionality of the EDMS, and the future of the market for electronic document management systems are considered.

15. Electronic document and document flow: legal aspects. Anthology. – INION RAS, 2003

The collection analyzes the problems of documenting information and organizing document flow in the conditions of modern information technologies. The issues of classification of documents in social sphere, legal force electronic documents, their legal status and safety, role in legal relations, primarily in civil circulation and procedural legislation and practice, the role and place of the Federal Law “On Electronic Digital Signature” in the system of organizing document flow in the Russian Federation is explored, Foreign experience in the field of electronic document management.

16. Electronic document management systems: selection criteria


17. EDMS (Software technologies)

http://www.tadviser.ru/index.php/%D0%A1%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%8C%D1%8F:%D0%A1%D0%AD%D0% 94_(%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%BC%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B5_%D1%82 %D0%B5%D1%85%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%B8%D0%B8)

18. Kuznetsova, T.V. Office work (documentation support for management) - M.: Intel-Sintez, 2002.

19. Michael J. D. Sutton. Document Management for the Enterprise: Principles, Techniques, and Applications, 1996

20. Larry Bielawski, Jim Boyle. Electronic document management systems - Prentice Hall PTR, 1997