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Sergei serves in the Lipetsk riot police. Along with other units, he is sent to business trip, to the place of hostilities - the Chechen Republic. While sometimes enduring the impossible and losing his comrades, Sergei does not lose faith in unshakable truths. Believe in your principle. Book by Alexander Pon...


Anatol Lieven's book is dedicated to the so-called First Chechen War of 1994–1996 - an attempt to suppress Russian Federation separatist rebellion in the North Caucasus. It appeared in the fresh wake of events (it was first published in 1998) and was written by an eyewitness: the author describes...


Every time on a red day of the calendar associated with military history Russia, we remember the veterans of various wars, thank them for their service and defense of the borders of our Motherland. But do we ever think about whom we congratulate? But it turns out that it’s not so difficult to deceive us...Contains obscene language...

And again the battle continues... for survival. Thoughts about the past aside... let’s deal with the present... and life is becoming more eventful and dangerous, but also more interesting. Affairs in the home world are almost completed... preparations for the disappearance of the Earth's world during the winter season are at the final stage...


The book tells about the mother of the martyr warrior, soldier Yevgeny Rodionov. About the cross that she bore and bears, about the faith and spirit by which only Russia can be saved...


A story about how a festive day gave way to a tragic night! What happened and how the heroes of the work got out of this situation, you will find out by reading this story.…

A collection of stories and short stories about three wars. The story "The German Girl" shows the quiet horror of devastated territories. The state of war is not only outside, but also in the soul of every person. The short stories that make up the work are written modern language allowing you to feel the real...


“Morning of Love” is a kind of cross-section of the life of the main characters of the novel in the late 90s of the past and in the early 2000s of the 21st century. When their difficult destinies took shape and sometimes ended tragically. This is not only a sincere story about the love of young heroes, but also the truth about that time, the relationships between people,...


The book is a frank confession about the war, telling how war breaks a person, how it changes his worldview and character, how a person confronts fears, deprivation and pain. The main character of the book is Oleg Nartov, a graduate of MGIMO, who, by the will of fate, ended up as a translator in a special detachment...


This story shows the destinies of people belonging to the Combat Brotherhood after the Caucasian War. A chance meeting of military comrades many years later and to this day evokes ambiguous feelings from that war, the loss of military friends, the exorbitant price paid for life after the war and...


They studied at the same military school, in the same company. However, fate scattered them across different sides front lines. Now they are enemies: a Russian officer and a Chechen field commander. Contains obscene language...


Continuation of the first book. This time the confrontation between a Russian officer and a Chechen field commander is transferred to Siberia. Contains obscene language...

1990s The mighty Soviet Union is in ruins. In search of work, young people go abroad and are recruited into foreign armies to participate in conflicts in “hot spots.” Some young people get there by deception. Ukrainian girls are the heroines of the new book by the famous master of action-packed literature Boris...


Second Chechen war. The army commander comes to the location of the brigade conducting combat operations for an inspection. He is pleased with the results of the check and is about to leave. But then the general saw something that literally enraged him......

“My truth,” writes the author of the book, Polina Zherebtsova, “is the truth of a civilian, an observer, a historian, a journalist, a person who, from the age of nine, recorded what was happening by hours and dates, a documentary writer.” Polina Zherebtsova was born in 1985 in the city of Grozny and lived there until almost twenty...


They studied at the same military school, in the same company. However, fate scattered them on opposite sides of the front line. Now they are enemies: a Russian officer and a Chechen field commander. The collection includes books: Evil Memory Book One Caucasus Evil Memory Book Two Siberia as well as the first chapters Evil Memory Book three...


When an ordinary girl goes looking for her friend, she doesn't think that she will have to stand up for own life. Terrorists, intelligence services, spies and psychopaths do not take it into account either. But in vain. Contains obscene language.…

Two security guards are killed during a jewelry store robbery. According to the witness, one of them, former paratrooper Evgeniy, at the last moment recognized the leader of the attackers and called him by name... Evgeniy’s brother, GRU special forces captain Dmitry Dovgopolov, joined the search for the raiders. At the risk of life...


In the new book of the St. Petersburg writer, eternal themes are reflected - love and war. The main character of the novel, Robert Streltsov, is our contemporary. He suffered the harshest trials of the Chechen campaign. He fulfilled his duty with honor and returned. But it turned out that peaceful life is full of difficulties, overcome...

Books one and two of the famous TV journalist Vyacheslav Nemyshev’s trilogy about the Chechen war. “Bucha” is the story of soldier Ivan Znamov, who, by the will of fate and oath, found himself in the millstone of the 1995 Caucasian war. He was lucky to be alive, but the war pulled him back. And there is no end to this war...

The plot of this book centers on the fates of friends - Thomas, Pooh, Grief and Starling. They are former colleagues, they fought in Chechnya, but after the war in peaceful life It is sometimes not so easy for majors and officers to find their place. The wives get tired of enduring the military syndrome, others achieve success at work, and Foma finds his...


Documentary chronicle novel covering the period of the 2nd Chechen War. Its events are shown through the prism of the destinies of several Russian officers, who had to go through not only the crucible of war, but also a much worse test - betrayal...


“The captive “spirit” was called Arbi. He looked pitiful and humiliated. Not at all like half an hour ago. Back then Arby was proud and arrogant. With a long, blunt dagger made from a spring, he sawed through the throats of young soldiers captured at a checkpoint. Arbi and his accomplices felt like masters of life, mocked...

The trench truth about the participation of special forces in the First Chechen War. When in December 1994, Lieutenant Andrei Zagortsev was sent to the republic to participate in “measures to maintain constitutional order,” he dreamed of how, after arriving in Vladikovkaz, he would be appointed to command a group...


A young girl writes a letter to an officer taking part in the Russian military operation in Syria. Addressing him to you, she addresses all military personnel. Her words are the words of a spell...

Igor Prokopenko in his book cites previously unknown documentary facts and testimonies of participants and eyewitnesses of the Chechen War. The author makes you take a fresh look at the tragic events of that war. Why did such a terrible tragedy happen to our country? Why did the state make art...


Having gone through the entire Afghan war, Alisher could have died many times, but the main danger was ahead: perestroika began in the country, and civil war began in Tajikistan. It seemed as if the air itself was filled with hatred and fear. He managed to send his mother to Russia. And he himself... Well, journalism is also a battlefield. ...

“We called him Larik,” continued the sergeant. – Larik’s jump count was, to be honest, about three thousand for sure. He loved to show off in front of us newbies. During the jumps he demonstrated such a thing. He opened the parachute and cut the lines, then opened the “reserve” and landed safely...

In the book of the St. Petersburg writer Evgeny Lukin there are two stories - “Tanks on Moscow” and “The Chechen Wolf” - dedicated to the first Chechen General Dzhokhar Dudayev and the First Chechen War. Dudayev's personality was woven from many contradictions. Some considered him the evil genius of their people, others - almost...


Special forces can do anything! Major Taranov's detachment decisively enters into confrontation with a brutal enemy nicknamed Executioner. His gang is not entirely ordinary, although it commits atrocities in Chechnya in the manner of Raduev or Basayev. The fact is that the mercenaries from Moscow are led by a powerful criminal group, which includes...


Acts of terror always have their own standard. The moves of the special services, the reaction of the population, and the general situation are predicted. What is the first thing a terrorist who takes hostages expects? To panic, to psychological pressure, to respond. According to these canons, the famous militant carried out his operation...


Even if a special forces soldier leaves service, he is still a fighter at heart. The former commander of the detachment, Lieutenant Colonel Astafiev, is again, as in the old days, ready to fight. It just so happened that he had to free the hostage from the hands of Chechen bandits. Once in the Caucasus, Astafiev is looking for his fellow soldiers and...

“Officer’s Gambit” is the second novel in the “Eastern Strategy” dilogy, which began with the novel “Born from the Airborne Forces.” This is the first work of art by Valentin Badrak, dedicated to the cadets of the Ryazan Airborne Forces. Old friends, graduates of the Ryazan Airborne School, are again on the warpath. Colonel GRU A...

It is very bitter, the truth about the army and war. The cycle “Puppies and Dogs of War” is about soldiers and officers who saw all the abomination, blood and dirt of the second Chechen war. They went through this absolute hell, showing real courage, perseverance, devotion, giving their hearts and not demanding rewards in return. And everyone...

It is very bitter, the truth about the army and war. The cycle “Puppies and Dogs of War” is about soldiers and officers who saw all the abomination, blood and dirt of the second Chechen war. They went through this absolute hell, showing real courage, perseverance, devotion, giving their hearts and not demanding rewards in return. And everyone...

It is very bitter, the truth about the army and war. The cycle “Puppies and Dogs of War” is about soldiers and officers who saw all the abomination, blood and dirt of the second Chechen war. They went through this absolute hell, showing real courage, perseverance, devotion, giving their hearts and not demanding rewards in return. And everyone...

It is very bitter, the truth about the army and war. The cycle “Puppies and Dogs of War” is about soldiers and officers who saw all the abomination, blood and dirt of the second Chechen war. They went through this absolute hell, showing real courage, perseverance, devotion, giving their hearts and not demanding rewards in return. And everyone...

It is very bitter, the truth about the army and war. The cycle “Puppies and Dogs of War” is about soldiers and officers who saw all the abomination, blood and dirt of the second Chechen war. They went through this absolute hell, showing real courage, perseverance, devotion, giving their hearts and not demanding rewards in return. And everyone...


It is very bitter, the truth about the army and war. A story from the series “Puppies and Dogs of War.” The cycle “Puppies and Dogs of War” is about soldiers and officers who saw all the abomination, blood and dirt of the second Chechen war. They went through this absolute hell, showing real courage, perseverance, devotion, giving their hearts...


Early 2000s. The second Chechen war is in full swing. A cynical “vulture” TV reporter goes on another business trip to Chechnya, not knowing that this trip will change his life forever. A chance meeting there, in the war, will force the journalist to abandon his main professional rules

It is very bitter, the truth about the army and war. The cycle “Puppies and Dogs of War” is about soldiers and officers who saw all the abomination, blood and dirt of the second Chechen war. They went through this absolute hell, showing real courage, perseverance, devotion, giving their hearts and not demanding rewards in return. And everyone...


The Chechen Republic at the beginning of the 2000s. Artillery salvoes and air strikes have died down, but bandit land mines are exploding and machine gun fire is breaking the silence. During the Caucasus mission, Vologda operatives sometimes had to solve crimes in the most difficult conditions. Nobody knew that this...

The first week of the new year 1995 in Grozny turned out to be terrible. A motorized rifle brigade, which was thoughtlessly sent to storm the city on December 31, has just been practically destroyed. The Dudayevites are already trumpeting victory and publicly declaring the mass surrender of Russian military personnel... But this is only good...


It is very bitter, the truth about the army and war. This book is about soldiers and officers who saw all the abomination, blood and dirt of the second Chechen war. They went through this absolute hell, showing real courage, perseverance, devotion, giving their hearts and not demanding rewards in return. And each of them dreamed of...


It is very bitter, the truth about the army and war. The cycle “Puppies and Dogs of War” is about soldiers and officers who saw all the abomination, blood and dirt of the second Chechen war. They went through this absolute hell, showing real courage, perseverance, devotion, giving their hearts and not demanding rewards in return. And everyone...

It is very bitter, the truth about the army and war. The cycle “Puppies and Dogs of War” is about soldiers and officers who saw all the abomination, blood and dirt of the second Chechen war. They went through this absolute hell, showing real courage, perseverance, devotion, giving their hearts and not demanding rewards in return. And everyone...

It is very bitter, the truth about the army and war. The cycle “Puppies and Dogs of War” is about soldiers and officers who saw all the abomination, blood and dirt of the second Chechen war. They went through this absolute hell, showing real courage, perseverance, devotion, giving their hearts and not demanding rewards in return. And everyone...


A book-report by Goncourt laureate, author of the novel “Benefactors,” writer and journalist Jonathan Littell about his trip to Chechnya in May 2009. Littell first found himself there as a staff member for Amnesty International during the Second Chechen War. Now the writer is going to “peaceful” Chechnya, built...

“...Over there, behind those ruins, the Maikop brigade was killed; and in that house, crippled by an airstrike, on the third floor, today the “cleaners” discovered a sniper’s “bed.” And they removed two skillfully camouflaged tripwires when they were working on the approaches to the stairs leading up. Some of the “spirits”, apparently,...


The militants planned to waylay our convoy on the mountain road. After all, they only know how to act decisively from around the corner. But this time the Chechens were unlucky - the bandits ran into special forces. And they ran away, throwing away their weapons in horror... The leader Aslan Kulaev ordered to cut off the head of one of his henchmen, wrapping...


The death of every person in a war, whatever this war may be, is a violent end to life. The death of everyone who became a victim of war is partly the death of us all. For everything in our world is one. 1 + 1 = 1 ...

Three Sobrov members - Mokry, Gnome and Bullet, together with Organized Crime Control operative Ruslan, find a new ally in the person of a state security officer. Now you can “come out of the shadows” so that, as part of a more powerful organization that has covered the entire country, you can enter into a new battle with organized crime. Captured...


The theater building in Moscow was captured by Chechen terrorists. Three days of being held hostage turned out to be tragic for many victims. In an instant, the lives of hundreds of spectators turned into a real nightmare. The main character of the novel, Olga, finds herself in a difficult situation, the way out of which borders on life and death. While…

It is very bitter, the truth about the army and war. The cycle “Puppies and Dogs of War” is about soldiers and officers who saw all the abomination, blood and dirt of the second Chechen war. They went through this absolute hell, showing real courage, perseverance, devotion, giving their hearts and not demanding rewards in return. And everyone...


A group of military reconnaissance officers receives the task of observing a mountain village. Arriving at the scene, the squad a short time divided. Some of the fighters remained at the observation point. The other part decided to “walk” through the mountains. Returning to the place, the scouts find their comrades killed. Desire for an otoms...

“The Diary of Colonel Makogonov” is the final, third book (the first and second books are “Butch” and “Korsakov Syndrome”) of the epic about the Chechen events of the famous television journalist Vyacheslav Nemyshev. 2002–2004. A counter-terrorist operation is underway in the North Caucasus - the fight against the gangster underground. ...


It is very bitter, the truth about the army and war. The cycle “Puppies and Dogs of War” is about soldiers and officers who saw all the abomination, blood and dirt of the second Chechen war. They went through this absolute hell, showing real courage, perseverance, devotion, giving their hearts and not demanding rewards in return. And everyone...

Murakha at the sklyaniy bantsi. Chechen schodenniks 1994-2004.

Spring 1941. There is a distinct smell of big war in the air. Enemy agents are sharply intensifying, hunting for military secrets of the USSR and planning terrorist attacks against the Soviet leadership. While investigating the case of the theft of top-secret telegraph codes, Major Pronin receives operational information that enemies of the people are preparing to blow up the General Staff building. All the threads are drawn to the German intelligence services, but an experienced security officer understands that behind the scenes of the conspiracy is hiding an even more dangerous enemy, a top-class spy, tasked with provoking Stalin...

I was in this war (Chechnya-95, part 1) Vyacheslav Mironov

Vyacheslav Mironov’s novel “I was in this war.” The action takes place in January 1995 in Grozny. The author was an eyewitness and participant in most of the events described. Vyacheslav Mironov was born in 1966 in the city of Kemerovo in the family of a military man. He entered the Mari Polytechnic Institute and graduated from the Kemerovo Military Command School of Communications. He served in Chisinau, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, and is currently serving (but not in the Armed Forces) in Krasnoyarsk. In various positions he was on business trips to Baku, Tskhinvali, Kutaisi, Transnistria,…

Caucasian War. Volume 5. The Time of Paskevich, or... Vasily Potto

The fundamental work of the outstanding military historian, General of the Russian Army V. A. Potto covers the period of the Caucasian War from the beginning of the 16th century to 1831. For many years, in different places, the author collected scattered documents with one goal - to extract from oblivion and connect into one coherent narrative the dramatic and heroic events that, developing and intensifying, determined the very special role of the Caucasian War in our history. The fifth volume contains descriptions of the events of the period 1826-1831.

Unfinished war. History of the armed... Nikolai Grodnensky

This book is one of the first works to examine all aspects of the current armed conflict in Chechnya - not only military, but also historical, political, economic and socio-psychological. The author described in detail the course of the first, second and third military campaigns in Chechnya, analyzed the causes and consequences of the successes and defeats of both warring sides. The book is addressed to Russian politicians, journalists, military personnel, intelligence officers, as well as a wide range of readers in the CIS and Baltic countries.

Yugoslav War Oleg Valetsky

This book was written by a man whose hands were more accustomed to a machine gun than to a pen or pen. typewriter. It is about the war in Yugoslavia, as a result of which Yugoslavia disappeared. Reading this book, it is impossible to get rid of the feeling of “déjà vu”; all this happened in our country - enraged nationalists in the republics, and a helpless army, and betrayal at the highest levels of state power, and zealous patriots beyond reason, and human rights activists , whose diligence was paid for by foreign intelligence services... Yes, all this happened.

War from the East. Book about the Afghan campaign Alexander Prokhanov

In the old days, churches were erected on battlefields in memory of heroes and martyrs who gave their lives for their homeland. On Kulikovo, on Borodino, on Prokhorovsky, Russian military churches turn white. This book is a temple erected to the glory of the Russian troops who went through the Afghan campaign and fought the war in Chechnya. I wrote pages and chapters, like frescoes are written, where instead of saints and angels there are officers and soldiers of Russia, and instead of horses and halos there are armored personnel carriers, and tanks, and the bloody glow of burning Kabul and Grozny.

Love is like war Daria Aslamova

Previously, the book “Love is like War” was published under the title “Mean Girl. The Adventure Continues.” Mean Girl remains true to herself. Adventurer, femme fatale, tenderest lover, idealist, bitch, slave of Eros, incorrigible sinner, guardian of love... She escaped from the straitjacket family life. The beating of blood is the motive of her adventures, the salty wind of freedom is her element, love is her goal. In Belgrade she walks under bombs, in Chechnya she is proud of her toilet, in Hong Kong she seduces visiting millionaires, in Moscow she allows them to be nominated...

Land of War Yulia Latynina

The hero of this book fought in all Russian wars. He fought in Abkhazia and rescued prisoners from Chechnya, and ever since a maternity hospital was blown up in his hometown, he has been hunting those terrorists who survived. But he’s not a special forces soldier or a federal officer. The ancestors of Jamaludin Kemirov descend from the Khunzakh khans. His grandfather fought in the Caucasus Mountains under the banner of the 1st Red Sharia Division. Where will the search for those behind the bloody terrorist attack lead? How will the revenge of a man who too often confuses his own unbridled pride with will end...

War in the Skies David Zindell

So, before you is a grandiose, fascinating and amazingly poetic “opera” - but the “opera” is not “cosmic”, but “cosmological”. Listen. Listen... Listen to the arrogant, proud, chased saga of the Future... The Future, when our Earth has turned into a long-forgotten myth - the truth about which only a few, members of the almost knightly order of Space Pilots, know. The future of the great city of Nevernes - and the Elder Race of Eldria that populated the Universe, disappeared and left behind countless mysteries... Read the final book of the “Requiem” series...

World War II Henry Liddell

Before you is a book with an amazing destiny. Quite unexpectedly for the author, who conceived a military-analytical essay, it turned into the official British version of the history of the Second World War. Do not look in these pages for tactical details of defunct battles, statistical tables or diplomatic documents - all this is not in the book. The greatest English military historian B.G. Liddell Hart, author of the excellent Strategy of Indirect Action, analyzes the principles of military operations. The book is a “ceremonial portrait”...

WORLD WAR II Basil Garth

Before you is a book with an amazing destiny. Quite unexpectedly for the author, who conceived a military-analytical essay, it turned into the official British version of the history of the Second World War. Do not look in these pages for tactical details of battles that died down, statistical tables or diplomatic documents - all this is not in the book. The greatest English military historian B.G. Liddell Hart, author of the excellent Strategy of Indirect Action, analyzes the principles of military operations. The book is a “ceremonial portrait”...

Chechnya non-television Alexey Borzenko

The first and second Chechen wars, as they are. By hook or by crook. Without high and beautiful words, without embellishment and unnecessary pathos. You will never see this on TV. The author is a journalist, special correspondent for the TV Center channel. As a correspondent, he visited many “hot spots” of the planet. Author of a number of stories about Chechnya. And also the author of the documentary film “Russian Tanks in Pristina” about the participation of our peacekeepers in Kosovo. He was awarded the national prize named after Thomas Kolisnichenko “For Journalistic Courage.”

The trench truth of the Chechen war Alexey Volynets

The majority of the authors of this book are terribly far from professional journalism. These are privates and lieutenants, adventurers and militants, random fellow travelers and prisoners - witnesses, participants, accomplices, heroes and victims of the war in Chechnya. Fights in the mountains and conversations in compartments, conversations on bunks and in zindans, skirmishes on roads and markets, in forests and cities. Unprofessional, unvarnished, trench truth... The book covers the entire period and entire geography of the Chechen war - from the New Year's assault on Grozny in 1995 to the battles with the Wahhabi underground in Dagestan in the summer of 2007.

Like the War of Faith Leland Modesitt

Distant future. A future in which humanity has colonized many planets - but the colonies have long been suffocating from overpopulation. A future in which there is an ENDLESS WAR between two civilizations - the democratic EcoTech Coalition and the theocratic Revenant. A war for EVERY planet - even the smallest, almost uninhabitable... A war in which the odds are now leaning towards Revenant. EcoTech Coalition is on the verge of death. But where armies lose, lone heroes begin to act... Read an exciting science fiction Leland's saga...

War on the threshold (the Gilbert Desert) Sergei Pereslegin

year 2012. An ancient Chinese curse has come true: “May you live in an era of change!” - and, at the end of the “Putin era”, after a short period of stabilization, the world is again on the threshold of a big war. year 2012. Just like at the beginning of the last century, Far East destined to become a “hot spot” again. And again, like more than a hundred years ago, Russia cannot avoid a collision with Japan, which dreams of revenge. “Historical stories tend to repeat themselves, and the Russo-Japanese War is no exception...” 2012. Despite all the warnings, Russia again misses the first blow. “Muscovites...

After the tragedy of the First World War, it seemed that Europe, having washed itself with blood, had developed reliable immunity from militarism, aggression and military adventures. However, only two decades passed - and humanity was plunged into hell by the even more terrible and bloody Second World War. How could this happen? Why has Europe “stepped on the same rake” again? Why was the truce so short? And can the period of the 1920–1930s be called peaceful - an era of severe economic crisis, civil wars and mass unrest? Or was it a long time...

Wars of blood. Black Flood Boris Orlov

He was trained in a secret monastery, where professional hunters of Evil and Undead are trained. He received a baptism of fire in Chechnya, destroying the multi-headed monster-vampala. He miraculously returned alive from the American South, together with Ku Klux Klan fighters, tracking down a voodoo sorcerer and killing a demon created by black magic. But in his homeland, a treacherous stab in the back awaited him - one of his own surrendered a secret training camp to the enemy, where his bride died in an unequal battle with the Inhuman. Will the Hunter be able to find Judas and avenge the death of his beloved? Will stop...

Wars on the ruins of the USSR Dmitry Zhukov

When President Putin called the collapse of the USSR “the largest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century,” liberal circles threw a tantrum, accusing the Russian leadership of almost “Stalinism” and “the intention to revive the Soviet Empire.” At the same time, none of the professional “humanists” wants to remember the monstrous cost , paid by the peoples of the USSR for the vaunted “democracy”, - about the chain reaction of interethnic conflicts and wars that burned for many years in the ruins of a great country, about the rampant chauvinism and terrorism, ethnic cleansing and massacres,...

The majority of the authors of this book are terribly far from professional journalism. These are privates and lieutenants, adventurers and militants, random fellow travelers and prisoners - witnesses, participants, accomplices, heroes and victims of the war in Chechnya. Fights in the mountains and conversations in compartments, conversations on bunks and in zindans, skirmishes on roads and markets, in forests and cities. Unprofessional, unvarnished, trench truth... The book covers the entire period and entire geography of the Chechen war - from the New Year's assault on Grozny in 1995 to the battles with the Wahhabi underground in Dagestan in the summer of 2007.

Purgatory of the Chechen war Valentin Runov

North Caucasus over the past few centuries, it has been the most painful point on the body of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union. The “perestroika” processes of the late 80s, the collapse of the USSR and the years of formation of the new Russian state once again strained relations between Moscow and the southern outskirts of Russia. Parochial interests, nationalist sentiments, and most importantly, economic goals, often covered by religious slogans, ultimately led to large-scale armed clashes, the epicenter of which was...

Soldiers of failure Pavel Zyabkin

I present to the attention of the respected reader notes on the first Chechen war of 1994 - 1996. Events and people are authentic. For well-known reasons, I do not name the names of the characters. I deliberately did not build any outline of the narrative, as this would deprive the notes of their authenticity. I tried to describe the war, as I saw it myself, as a contract soldier, in a chaotic and stupid way. Hence the confusion, stupidity and lack of plot. Not finding anything better, I simply decided to talk about the vivid, memorable episodes of those days, about personal impressions.

Chechen corner Olga Tarasevich

Journalist and writer Lika Vronskaya is organizing her trip to Chechnya together with SOBR soldiers. An ordinary business trip to a seemingly peaceful republic turns into hell. The militants planned a series of sabotage acts against the federals, as a result of which army commanders, privates, and civilians were killed. However, in the kaleidoscope of bloody events, Lika is alarmed by one circumstance... Returning to Moscow, with the help of her friend, investigator Vladimir Sedov, she finds out: someone is using difficult situations for cold-blooded murders of Russian...

Double basses or Wild geese of war Sergei German

This entire story is made up from beginning to end. In fact, none of this happened. There was no Chechen war, there were no thousands of dead, wounded, or people who went crazy during this war and after it. There were no corpses gnawed by dogs and rats, no human bodies dumped in dirty pits like garbage. There were no Russian cities and villages destroyed by Russian missiles and shells. And there was a lot more that didn’t happen. Just as I never was and never will be. It is recommended to consider all coincidences with real-life people and real-life events as completely random, and...

Tomb for 500,000 soldiers Pierre Guyotat

For the first time in Russian, one of the most scandalous novels of the 20th century is the story “The Grave for Five Hundred Thousand Soldiers,” dedicated to the Algerian war, the passions around which had not yet subsided in French society, which was painfully experiencing the fall of the empire. A novel replete with frank descriptions of scenes of sexual violence and murder. Today this book, published for the first time in Russian translation by Mikhail Ivanov, is recognized as the greatest and most brilliant French novel of our time, and Guyotat himself is considered the only living writer equal to such...

SECOND CHECHEN Anna Politkovskaya

Who am I? And why am I writing about the second Chechen war? I'm a journalist. I work as a special correspondent for the capital " Novaya Gazeta“, and this is the only reason why I saw the war - I was sent to cover it. But not because I am a war correspondent and know this subject well. On the contrary: because he is a purely civilian person. The editor-in-chief's idea was simple: it was for me, a purely civilian person, that the experiences of other purely civilian people - residents of Chechen villages and towns on whose heads the war fell - were much more understandable. That's all. That's why I'm going...

1945. Berlin "Dance of Death". Scary... Helmut Altner

In the spring of 1945, the dying Third Reich lay in ruins. The Wehrmacht tried with all its might to hold on to the collapsing front. There was not enough fuel and ammunition. Even old men and teenagers were put under arms. The author of this book, Helmut Altner, was only 17 years old when he and his peers were drafted into the army. On April 16, 1945, young soldiers who did not have time to undergo military training came under a crushing blow from the Red Army, which began the assault on Berlin. Untrained recruits died in the first battle - Altner was the only one among them who...

Bread with gunpowder Boris Tsekhanovich

The bitter army truth: war is not only valor, courage and bravery. This is blood, pain, dirt, bitterness from the loss of fighting friends. The main character of the novel, Major Boris Kopytov, had a chance to drink this bitter cup of war in full. Through the eyes of a forty-year-old officer, we see the most brutal and dramatic episodes of the Chechen war, described vividly and truthfully, without censorship or embellishment. And in the center of this bloody whirlwind, ordinary Russian soldiers, sons of a great country, forgotten and betrayed by this great country, perform their military duty...

Military boys (collection) Andrey Efremov

Fate threw ordinary Russian guys into the thick of the Chechen war: survive as best you can. And they drank this bitter cup to the very bottom. And on the bottom there is blood and dirt; drink, don't choke. And the soldiers also realized that there was no point in this war. Neither for themselves, nor for their enemies. Both of them were terribly tired of the absurdity of what was happening. After all, just recently we were friends, we went to visit each other, but now they are trying to cut each other’s throats. And it seems to the fighters that this cruel absurdity will never end...

Have time to survive Andrey Tamantsev

Once again, the reader is expected to meet a team of super-professionals who went through the Chechen war, ready to carry out the most incredible task... This time, the “soldiers of fortune” find themselves involved in a complex international intrigue, woven by a certain high-ranking official. Slandered, persecuted, deprived of support and help, they fearlessly enter into battle with evil - and win.

And death will wait Valery Barabashov

1995 The first Chechen war. Junior police lieutenant dog handler Oleg Alexandrov is heading to Gudermes as part of the task force. His combat friend, a Labrador named Linda, actively helps the operatives in searching for weapons, explosives, and militants of the field commander Ramzan Gaduev. In retaliation, the militants ambush the car in which the task force is going on a mission... A seriously wounded officer, who has become disabled, does not surrender to fate, does not leave his favorite job, and strives to remain in the service in the internal affairs bodies.

Don't rush to bury us Ryan Farukshin

They are not like us. They have different values, different concepts of good and evil. For example, happiness for them is when you were not killed or injured, when you had the opportunity to sleep a little or eat your fill. When you receive a letter from home, this is also happiness. And if you find a dry basement that reliably protects you from bullets and shrapnel, and in it you finally warm up, happiness also sets in... These people were forced out of normal life against their will, thrown into the meat grinder of the first Chechen war. Storm of Grozny. A merciless and senseless slaughter. On those terrible New Year's...