State of measurement techniques, form 7. Assessment of the state of measurements in testing and measurement laboratories. Terms and Definitions

GOST R 8.563-2009


State system ensuring uniformity of measurements


State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Procedures of measurements

Date of introduction 2010-04-15



1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "All-Russian Research Institute of Metrological Service" (FSUE "VNIIMS")

2 INTRODUCED by the Metrology Department Federal agency on technical regulation and metrology

3 APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated December 15, 2009 N 1253-st

4 INSTEAD GOST R 8.563-96

5 REPUBLICATION. February 2019

The rules for the application of this standard are established in Article 26 of the Federal Law of June 29, 2015 N 162-FZ "On Standardization in the Russian Federation" . Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual (as of January 1 of the current year) information index "National Standards", and the official text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the next issue of the monthly information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notices and texts are also posted in information system common use- on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet (


Requirements for measurement techniques (methods) in Russian Federation established by Article 5 of the Federal Law of June 26, 2008 N 102-FZ “On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements” (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law “On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements”), according to which measurement techniques (methods) used in the field of government regulation ensuring uniformity of measurements.

The scope of state regulation of ensuring the uniformity of measurements in accordance with the provisions of parts 3 and 4 of Article 1 of the Federal Law "On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements" extends to measurements for which mandatory requirements are established, and measurements provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation.

Lists of measurements with their associated mandatory requirements are formed in accordance with Part 2 of Article 27 of the Federal Law "On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements".

This standard has been developed to provide recommendations for the implementation of the requirements for measurement techniques (methods) established by Article 5 of the Federal Law “On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements”.

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to measurement techniques and methods (hereinafter referred to as measurement techniques), including methods of quantitative chemical analysis (hereinafter referred to as MCCA), and establishes general provisions and requirements related to the development, certification, standardization, application of measurement techniques and metrological supervision of them.

The standard does not apply to measurement techniques intended to perform direct measurements, i.e. techniques according to which the desired value of a quantity is obtained directly from the measuring instrument. Such measurement techniques are included in the operational documentation for measuring instruments. Confirmation of compliance of these methods with mandatory metrological requirements is carried out in the process of approving the types of these measuring instruments.

2 Normative references

This standard uses Normative references to the following standards:

GOST 1.5-2001 Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. General requirements to the construction, presentation, design, content and designation

GOST 10160 Precision soft magnetic alloys. Specifications

GOST R ISO 5725-1 Accuracy (correctness and precision) of measurement methods and results. Part 1. Basic provisions and definitions

GOST R ISO 5725-2 Accuracy (correctness and precision) of measurement methods and results. Part 2: Basic method for determining repeatability and reproducibility of a standard measurement method

GOST R ISO 5725-3 Accuracy (correctness and precision) of measurement methods and results. Part 3. Intermediate indicators of precision of a standard measurement method

GOST R ISO 5725-4 Accuracy (correctness and precision) of measurement methods and results. Part 4. Basic methods for determining the correctness of a standard measurement method

GOST R ISO 5725-5 Accuracy (correctness and precision) of measurement methods and results. Part 5: Alternative methods for determining the precision of a standard measurement method

GOST R ISO 5725-6 Accuracy (correctness and precision) of measurement methods and results. Part 6: Using Accuracy Values ​​in Practice

GOST R ISO 9000 Quality management systems. Fundamentals and Vocabulary

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or using the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on issues of the monthly information index "National Standards" for this year. If an undated reference standard is replaced, it is recommended that the current version of that standard be used, taking into account any changes made to that version. If a dated reference standard is replaced, it is recommended that the current version of that standard be used, taking into account any changes made to that version. If a dated reference standard is replaced, it is recommended to use the version of that standard with the year of approval (adoption) indicated above. If, after the approval of this standard, a change is made to the referenced standard to which a dated reference is made affecting the referenced provision, it is recommended that that provision be applied without regard to this change. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference to it is given is recommended to be applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3 Terms and definitions

This standard uses terms according to GOST R ISO 9000, GOST R ISO 5725-1, , , *, *, as well as the following terms with corresponding definitions:
* Pos. - see the Bibliography section, hereinafter. - Database manufacturer's note.

3.2 certification of measurement methods: Research and confirmation of compliance of measurement methods with established metrological requirements for measurements.

3.3 metrological examination of measurement methods: Analysis and assessment of the choice of methods and measuring instruments, operations and rules for carrying out measurements, as well as processing their results in order to establish the compliance of the measurement technique with the metrological requirements imposed on it.

3.4 measurement accuracy indicator: An established characteristic of the accuracy of any measurement result obtained in compliance with the requirements and rules of a given measurement technique.

Note - As an indicator of the accuracy of the measurement technique, measurement error characteristics can be used in accordance with , measurement uncertainty indicators in accordance with and , accuracy indicators in accordance with GOST R ISO 5725-1.

3.5 arbitration measurement technique: A measurement technique used when there is disagreement regarding measurement results obtained using several certified measurement techniques for the same quantity under the same conditions, established by a competent federal body executive power or agreement of interested parties.

4 General provisions

4.1 Measurement techniques are developed and applied to ensure that measurements are performed with the required accuracy.

4.2 Measurement techniques, depending on the complexity and scope of application, are set out:

- in a separate document (normative legal document, document in the field of standardization, instructions, etc.);

- in a section or part of a document (section of a document in the field of standardization, technical specifications, design or technological document, etc.).

4.3 Documents intended for use in the field of state regulation of ensuring the uniformity of measurements and containing measurement techniques (standards, technical specifications, design, technological documents, etc.) must include information on the certification of measurement techniques, as well as information on their availability in the Federal Information Foundation for Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements.

Methods included in draft regulatory legal acts and documents in the field of standardization are subject to mandatory metrological examination, which is carried out by state scientific metrological institutes.

4.4 Certification of measurement methods used outside the scope of state regulation to ensure the uniformity of measurements can be carried out voluntarily in accordance with this standard.

5 Development of measurement techniques

5.1 The development of measurement techniques is carried out on the basis of initial data, which can be given in the technical specifications, technical conditions and other documents.

5.1.1 The initial data includes the following:

- scope of application (object of measurement, including the name of the product and monitored parameters, as well as the scope of use - for one enterprise, for a network of laboratories, etc.);

- if a measurement technique can be used to assess compliance with the requirements established by a technical regulation, then the document on the measurement technique indicates the name of the technical regulation, the number of the paragraph establishing the requirements (if necessary, the name of the national standard or set of rules), and also indicates whether it will be included a document that sets out the measurement methodology, in the list of national standards containing the rules and methods of research (tests) and measurements [or in the composition of the rules and methods of research (tests) and measurements], including the rules for sampling necessary for application and execution technical regulations and conformity assessment;

- name of the measured quantity in units of quantities approved for use in the Russian Federation;

- requirements for measurement conditions;

- characteristics of the measurement object, if they can affect the accuracy of measurements (output resistance, rigidity at the point of contact with the sensor, sample composition, etc.);

- if necessary, other requirements for the measurement technique.

5.1.2 Requirements for measurement accuracy are given by specifying accuracy indicators and referring to documents in which these values ​​are established.

When describing the requirements for expressing the error and uncertainty of measurements made using the theory of scales, the provisions of the recommendations are applied, taking into account the features of specific measurement scales.

5.1.3 Measurement methods must ensure the required accuracy of assessment of indicators subject to tolerance control, taking into account the tolerances for these indicators established in standardization documents or other regulatory documents, as well as acceptable characteristics of the reliability of control and the nature of the distribution of controlled indicators.

5.1.4 Measurement conditions are specified in the form of nominal values ​​with permissible deviations and (or) boundaries of the ranges of possible values ​​of influencing quantities. If necessary, indicate the maximum rates of change or other characteristics of influencing quantities, as well as restrictions on the duration of measurements, the number of parallel determinations, etc. data.

5.1.5 If measurements are supposed to be performed using measuring systems for which the measuring instruments included in the measuring channels are spatially distant from each other, then the measurement conditions are indicated for the locations of all measuring instruments included in the measuring system.

If software is used as part of the measurement technique, which may affect the accuracy of the measurement results, they are guided by the provisions of the recommendations, , .

5.2 Development of measurement procedures typically includes the following:

- formulation of the measurement task and description of the measured value; preliminary selection of possible methods for solving the measurement problem;

- selection of method and measuring instruments (including standard samples), auxiliary devices, materials and reagents;

- establishing the sequence and content of operations during the preparation and performance of measurements, including requirements for ensuring occupational safety and environmental safety and requirements for the qualifications of operators;

- organizing and conducting theoretical and experimental studies to assess the accuracy indicators of the developed measurement technique; experimental testing of measurement techniques; analysis of compliance of accuracy indicators with initial requirements;

- processing of intermediate measurement results and calculation of the final results obtained using this measurement technique;

- development of procedures and establishment of standards for monitoring the accuracy of the obtained measurement results;

- development of a draft document on the measurement methodology;

- certification of measurement methods;

- approval and registration of the document on the measurement methodology, execution of the certification certificate;

- transfer of information about certified measurement techniques to the Federal information fund to ensure uniformity of measurements.

5.2.1 Methods and measuring instruments are selected in accordance with documents related to the selection of methods and measuring instruments of this type, and in the absence of such documents - in accordance with general recommendations.

If the measurement methodology is intended for use in the field of state regulation of ensuring the uniformity of measurements, then measuring instruments, standard samples, and testing equipment must be metrologically provided in the measurement system of the Russian Federation.

Requirements for measurement accuracy are established taking into account all components of error (methodological, instrumental, introduced by the operator, arising during sampling and preparation of the sample). Typical components of measurement error are given in Appendix A. Methods for estimating the characteristics of measurement error for MCCA are given in the recommendations.

If the obtained measurement error value is outside the specified limits, then the measurement error can be reduced in accordance with the recommendations.

Measurement accuracy indicators must correspond to the initial data for the development of measurement techniques. When assessing the characteristics of the error, one should be guided by the recommendations, uncertainty - recommendations and guidance, assigned characteristics for measurements of the composition and properties of substances and materials - GOST R ISO 5725-1 - GOST R ISO 5725-6.

Planning of experiments to assess the error characteristics of methods for measuring the composition and properties of substances and materials and the choice of methods for experimental evaluation of these characteristics is carried out in accordance with GOST R ISO 5725-1 - GOST R ISO 5725-6, uncertainties - in accordance with the manual.

5.2.2 The document regulating the measurement methodology indicates:

- name of the measurement technique;

- purpose of measurement methodology;

- application area;

- conditions for performing measurements;

- measurement method(s);

- permissible and (or) assigned measurement uncertainty or standard of error and (or) assigned measurement error characteristics;

- the measuring instruments used, standard samples, their metrological characteristics and information on the approval of their types.

In the case of using certified mixtures according to recommendations, the document on the measurement methodology must contain methods for their preparation, requirements for auxiliary devices, materials and reagents (give them specifications and the designation of the documents in accordance with which they are issued);

- operations in preparation for performing measurements, including sampling;

- operations when performing measurements;

- operations for processing measurement results;

- requirements for recording measurement results;

- procedures and frequency of monitoring the accuracy of the obtained measurement results;

- requirements for ensuring the safety of work performed;

- requirements for ensuring environmental safety;

- other requirements and operations (if necessary).


1 In documents on measurement methods, which provide for the use of specific copies of measuring instruments and other technical means, the factory (inventory, etc.) numbers of copies of measuring instruments and other technical means are additionally indicated.

2 The document on measurement techniques may contain references to officially published documents containing requirements or information necessary for the implementation of the technique.

6 Certification of measurement methods

6.1 Measurement methods used in the field of state regulation to ensure the uniformity of measurements and regulated in accordance with 5.2.2 are subject to mandatory certification.

6.2 Criteria for certification of measurement methods:

- completeness of presentation of requirements and operations in the document on measurement methods;

- availability and validity of accuracy indicators;

- compliance with the requirements of regulatory legal documents in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements.

6.3 Certification of measurement methods used in the field of state regulation of ensuring the uniformity of measurements is carried out by those accredited in the prescribed manner in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, including state scientific metrology institutes and state regional metrology centers.

Certification of measurement methods includes a metrological examination of a set of documents in accordance with 6.5 using recommendations, as well as theoretical and experimental studies confirming the compliance of the certified measurement method with the requirements of regulatory legal documents in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements.

6.4 When certifying measurement methods, the following is examined and confirmed:

- measurement techniques - their intended purpose, i.e. compliance of the proposed methodology with the properties of the measurement object and the nature of the measured quantities;

- conditions for performing measurements - requirements for the use of this measurement technique;

- indicators of the accuracy of measurement results and methods for ensuring the reliability of measurements - established metrological requirements;

- used as part of the measurement methodology for measuring instruments, standard samples - the conditions for ensuring traceability of measurement results to state primary standards of units of quantities, and in the absence of corresponding state primary standards of units of quantities - to national standards of units of quantities of foreign countries;

- records of measurement results - requirements for units of quantities approved for use in the Russian Federation;

- forms of presentation of measurement results - metrological requirements.

6.5 The following documents are submitted for certification of measurement methods:

- initial data for the development of measurement techniques;

- draft document regulating the measurement methodology;

- program and results of assessing the accuracy of the technique, including materials from theoretical and experimental studies of the measurement technique.

6.6 If the certification results are positive:

- draw up a conclusion on the compliance of the measurement technique with the established metrological requirements, attaching the results of theoretical and experimental studies;

- issue a certificate of certification;

- approve the document regulating the measurement methodology.

If the results are negative, the certifying organization issues a conclusion on the non-compliance of the measurement methodology with the requirements terms of reference for the development of this measurement methodology or regulatory legal documents in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements.

6.7 The certificate of certification of the measurement technique is signed by the head of the legal entity or individual entrepreneur who certified the measurement technique and certified with a stamp indicating the date. The certification certificate is subject to registration by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur who gave him away.

The certificate of certification of the measurement technique (method) must contain the following information:

- name and address of the legal entity or individual entrepreneur who certified the measurement methodology;

- name of the document: “Certificate of certification of measurement technique (method)”;

- registration number of the certificate, consisting of the serial number of the certified measurement technique, the number of the accreditation certificate of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur and the year of approval;

- name and purpose of the measurement technique, including an indication of the quantity being measured, and, if necessary, the name of the measurement object and its additional parameters, as well as the measurement method being implemented;

- name and address of the developer of the measurement technique;

- designation and name of the document containing the measurement methodology, the year of its approval and the number of pages;

- designation and name of the normative legal document, for compliance with the requirements of which the measurement methodology has been certified (if there is a corresponding regulatory legal document);

- indication of the method of confirming the compliance of the measurement technique with the established requirements (theoretical or experimental studies);

- conclusion that as a result of certification of the measurement technique, it was established that the measurement technique meets the requirements for it.

The certificate may be accompanied by a measurement uncertainty budget or a structure for the formation of the total measurement error with an assessment of the contribution of each component of the error.

6.8 The document regulating the measurement methodology is approved, after its certification, by the technical manager of the development organization, the approval date is affixed, and the manager’s signature is sealed. The measurement procedure includes the date of registration in accordance with 6.7 and the number of the certification certificate. The pages of the document must be identified. After approval, a duplicate of the document is sent to the certifying organization. Changes to measurement methods must be formalized in accordance with the requirements of this standard for the development and certification of measurement methods.

Measurement methods are recorded in unified register measurement techniques. The developer transfers information about certified measurement methods to the Federal Information Foundation for Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements.

6.9 Changes may be made to the measurement methodology. Changes are made by the developer. Measurement methods with changes made to them are submitted for certification carried out in accordance with this standard.

7 Standardization of measurement techniques

7.1 National standards and other documents in the field of standardization, including rules and methods of research (testing) and measurements, as well as rules for sampling samples for the application of technical regulations, must contain only certified measurement techniques in accordance with the procedure for developing a list of national standards.

7.2 The development of standards that set out measurement techniques is carried out in accordance with GOST 1.5 and the requirements of sections 5 and 6 of this standard.

Note - In the scope of application of standards for control methods (tests, determinations, measurements, analysis), technical regulations, rules and methods of research (tests) and measurements, as well as rules for sampling samples for the application of technical regulations, a standard or other regulatory document, should be indicated. which establishes requirements for indicators controlled using a standardized measurement technique, and the measurement ranges of controlled indicators (measured characteristics) corresponding to these requirements.

7.3 The standard for control methods (tests, determinations, measurements, analysis) of the same indicator may provide for two or more alternative measurement methods, and one of them must be defined by the developer of the standard as arbitration (see 7.9.4 GOST 1.5). In this case, in order to confirm the possibility of using several alternative measurement techniques to determine this indicator, during the development of the standard, procedures for assessing and comparing the accuracy indicators of these measurement techniques must be performed. For them, norms of permissible biases (systematic deviations) of the measurement results of the controlled indicator obtained using each of the alternative measurement methods from the measurement results of the same indicator using the arbitration method must be established.

7.4 Measurement reproducibility indicators are established in standards based on the results of interlaboratory experiments conducted in accordance with GOST R ISO 5725-2, GOST R ISO 5725-3, GOST R ISO 5725-5 and GOST R ISO 5725-6.

7.5 Explanatory note to the set of documents submitted for approval of the standard that regulates measurement techniques, must contain conclusions based on the results of studies carried out during certification of the measurement technique, allowing to assess the compliance of the measurement technique with the established metrological requirements.

8 Procedure for applying measurement techniques

8.1 Certified measurement methods are implemented in strict accordance with the document in which they are set out, including control of measurement accuracy.

8.2 In the field of state regulation of ensuring the uniformity of measurements, only certified measurement techniques are used.

8.3 Before introducing a certified measurement technique into practice, each laboratory in which it is intended to use this technique shall confirm its feasibility in the conditions of this laboratory with established indicators accuracy.

8.4 Laboratories using certified measurement techniques are required to continuously monitor the quality of measurements in accordance with the procedures set out in the documents for this measurement technique.

8.5 If any controversial situations in the presence of two or more certified methods for measuring the same quantity under the same conditions:

- for measurement techniques regulated by officially published documents, an arbitration technique must be determined. This measurement methodology must be established by the federal executive body, which determines, within its competence, measurements related to the scope of state regulation of ensuring the uniformity of measurements, and establishes mandatory metrological requirements for them, including requirements for measurement accuracy indicators;

- for methods not regulated by officially published documents, the arbitration measurement methodology is determined by agreement of the interested legal entities.

8.6 User claims to certified measurement methods that arise during their application must be sent to the developers of the methods with the necessary justification.

9 Metrological supervision of certified measurement methods

9.1 State metrological supervision is carried out over the availability and compliance with certified measurement techniques used in the field of state regulation of ensuring the uniformity of measurements.

Certificates of certification of measurement methods that do not contain information according to 6.7 must be declared invalid by supervisory authorities.

9.2 Metrological services of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carry out metrological supervision over the availability and compliance with certified measurement methods used in the implementation of their activities. When carrying out metrological supervision, recommendations can be used.

9.3 When carrying out state metrological supervision or metrological supervision performed by metrological services of legal entities or individual entrepreneurs, the following is checked:

- availability of a list of all measurement methods used by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur in the implementation of its activities, including standardized ones, highlighting measurement methods used in the field of state regulation to ensure the uniformity of measurements;

- availability of documents regulating measurement methods, with certification certificates (in accordance with the list);

- availability of information on the transfer of information on certified measurement techniques to the Federal Information Fund for Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements;

- compliance of the measuring instruments and other technical means used, measurement conditions, the procedure for preparing and performing measurements, processing and registration of measurement results - specified in the document regulating the measurement methodology;

- compliance with the requirements for the procedure for monitoring the accuracy of measurement results according to the measurement methodology;

- compliance of the qualifications of operators performing measurements with the requirements established in the document on the measurement methodology;

- compliance with the requirements for ensuring occupational safety and environmental safety, regulated by the measurement methodology.

Appendix A (for reference). Typical components of measurement error

Appendix A

A.1 Methodological components of measurement error

A.1.1 Inadequacy of the model, the parameters of which are taken as measured values, to the controlled object.

A.1.2 Deviations from the accepted values ​​of the arguments of the function connecting the measured quantity with the value at the “input” of the measuring instrument (primary measuring transducer).

A.1.3 Deviations from the accepted values ​​of the difference between the values ​​of the measured quantity at the input of the measuring instrument and at the sampling point.

A.1.4 Uncertainty due to quantization effects.

A.1.5 The difference between a calculation algorithm and a function that strictly connects the results of observations with the measured value.

A.1.6 Errors arising during sampling and preparation of samples.

A.1.7 Errors caused by the interfering influence of sample factors (interfering sample components, dispersity, porosity, etc.).

A.2 Instrumental components of measurement error

A.2.1 Basic errors and additional static errors of measuring instruments caused by slowly changing external influencing quantities.

A.2.2 Errors caused by the limited resolution of measuring instruments.

A.2.3 Dynamic errors of measuring instruments (errors caused by the inertial properties of measuring instruments).

A.2.4 Errors caused by the interaction of the measuring instrument with the measurement object.

A.2.5 Errors in transmitting measurement information.

A.3 Errors introduced by the operator (subjective errors)

A.3.1 Errors in reading the values ​​of the measured quantity from scales and diagrams.

A.3.2 Errors in processing diagrams without the use of technical means (when averaging, summing measured values, etc.).

A.3.3 Errors caused by the operator’s influence on the object and measuring instruments (temperature field distortions, mechanical influences and so on.).

Appendix B (recommended). Construction and presentation of documents on measurement techniques

B.1 The name of the document on measurement methods must comply with the requirements of the national standardization system. It is allowed to reflect in the name the specifics of the measurement of a quantity. For example: "State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. The mass of goods transported by railway. Methodology for measurements using heavy-duty platform scales."

When there are a large number of measured quantities, their general name is used, for example: “Parameters of the electromagnetic field in the aperture of highly directional antennas.”

B.2 The document on the measurement methodology must include an introductory part and the following sections:

- requirements for measurement accuracy indicators;

- requirements for measuring instruments, auxiliary devices, materials, reagents;

- measurement method(s);

- safety and security requirements environment;

- requirements for operator qualifications;

- requirements for measurement conditions;

- preparation for measurements, including sampling requirements;

- procedure for performing measurements;

- processing of measurement results;

- registration of measurement results;

- control of the accuracy of measurement results.

It is allowed to exclude or combine the specified sections or change their names, as well as introduce additional sections taking into account the specifics of measurements.

B.3 The introductory part establishes the purpose and scope of the document on the measurement technique.

B.3.1 The introductory part is stated as follows: “This document (indicate the type of document being developed) establishes a measurement methodology (indicate the name of the measured quantity, if necessary, its specificity and the specifics of the measurements).” Below are the measurement ranges and the area of ​​use of the measurement technique.

B.3.2 If a measurement technique can be used to assess compliance with the requirements established by a technical regulation, then in the document on the measurement technique indicate the name of the technical regulation, the number of the paragraph establishing the requirements (if necessary, then the name of the standard or set of rules), and also indicate whether it is included in the list of national standards containing rules and methods of research (testing) and measurements, including rules for sampling, necessary for the application and implementation of technical regulations and conformity assessment.

B.3.3 When referring to a specific product, in the introductory part indicate the designation of the regulatory document that applies to this product, for example: “This document (indicate the specific type of document on the measurement methodology) establishes measurement methods for determining the characteristics of soft magnetic alloys according to GOST 10160 in any point of the hysteresis loop.The characteristics of soft magnetic alloys include:

- coercive force by induction;

- coefficient of squareness of the hysteresis loop;

- coercive force by magnetization;

- temperature coefficients of the above characteristics."

B.4 Section "Requirements for measurement accuracy indicators" contains numerical values ​​of measurement accuracy indicators and a link to the document in which they are given.

B.4.1 The first paragraph of the section of requirements for accuracy indicators is stated in the edition: “The permissible expanded uncertainty of measurements using this technique is 10 μg/m (with a coverage factor of 2)” or “The limits of the permissible relative error of measurements using this technique are ±1.5% (provide a link to the regulatory document)." When indicating the assigned measurement uncertainty, the word “permissible” is excluded.

When indicating the assigned measurement error characteristics, instead of “Limits of permissible error...” they state “Limits of error...”, instead of “The measurement error must meet the requirements specified in...” they state “The measurement error corresponds to the characteristics given in ... ".

If a significant random component of the measurement error is assumed, then instead of “limits,” “limits” are indicated, which are accompanied by a probability value (for example, 0.95).

Indicators of accuracy and precision of measurements are expressed according to GOST R ISO 5725-1 - GOST R ISO 5725-5. The measurement reproducibility indicator is accompanied by information about the interlaboratory experiment on the basis of which the value of the indicator was established.

B.4.2 Requirements for measurement accuracy indicators of the same quantity may be different for different measurement ranges, different products, and different measurement conditions. In this case, as well as for several measured quantities, the requirements for measurement accuracy indicators are given in the form of tables, graphs or equations.

B.5 Section "Requirements for measuring instruments, auxiliary devices, materials, reagents" contains a list of all measuring instruments, auxiliary devices, materials, reagents used when performing measurements. The section provides metrological characteristics of measuring instruments and reference materials, technical characteristics of auxiliary devices and quality characteristics of materials and reagents with the designation of documents in accordance with which they are produced (for measurement methods in the field of state regulation of ensuring the uniformity of measurements, the types of measuring instruments and reference materials are indicated) .

Metrological, technical and other characteristics for large volumes can be given in the appendix.

B.5.1 The appendix may contain drawings, technical characteristics and descriptions of measuring instruments and auxiliary devices of one-time production.

B.5.2 The first paragraph of the section is stated as follows: “When performing measurements, use the following measuring instruments, auxiliary devices, materials and reagents: ...” or “When performing measurements, use the measuring instruments, auxiliary devices, materials and reagents given in Table B .1".

Table B.1

Serial number and name of measuring instruments, auxiliary devices, materials and reagents

Designation and name of documents in accordance with which measuring instruments, auxiliary devices, materials and reagents are produced

Metrological, technical characteristics or reference to drawing. Reagent quality requirements

The section may indicate the possibility of using other measuring instruments, auxiliary devices, materials and reagents with similar or better metrological and technical characteristics.

B.6 Section "Measurement method(s)" contains a description of methods for comparing the measured physical quantity with its unit in accordance with the principle underlying the method.

If several methods are used to measure one quantity or the document establishes methods for measuring two or more quantities, then a description of each method is given in a separate subsection.

B.6.1 The first paragraph of the section (subsection) is stated as follows: “Measurements (give the name of the measured value) are performed by the method (give a description of the method).”

B.7 Section “Safety and environmental protection requirements” contains requirements, the fulfillment of which ensures, when performing measurements, labor safety, compliance with industrial sanitation standards and environmental protection.

B.7.1 If available regulatory documents regulating safety requirements, industrial sanitation and environmental protection, the section provides a link to these documents.

B.7.2 The first paragraph of the section is stated as follows: “When performing measurements (give the name of the measured quantity), the following requirements are observed: (list the requirements for safety, industrial sanitation, environmental protection).”

B.8 Section “Requirements for operator qualifications” contains information about the level of qualifications (profession, education, practical experience, etc.) of persons allowed to perform measurements. This section is included in the document on measurement techniques when using complex non-automated measurement methods and procedures for processing their results.

B.8.1 The first paragraph of the section is stated as follows: “Persons are allowed to perform measurements and (or) process their results (provide information about the level of qualifications).”

B.9 Section "Requirements for measurement conditions" contains a list of influencing quantities, their nominal values ​​and (or) boundaries of ranges of possible values, as well as other characteristics of influencing quantities, requirements for the measurement object. The influencing quantities include the parameters of the media (samples), voltage and frequency of the supply current, internal impedances of the measurement objects and other characteristics.

It is allowed to present lists of influencing quantities in table form.

B.9.1 The first paragraph of the section is stated as follows: “When performing measurements, the following conditions are observed: …” or “When performing measurements, the conditions given in Table B.2 are observed.”

Table B.2

B.10 Section "Preparation for performing measurements" contains a description of the preparatory work that is carried out before performing the actual measurements. These works include preliminary determination of the values ​​of influencing quantities, assembly of circuits (for this purpose, circuit diagrams are provided in the section or appendix), preparation and testing of operating modes of measuring instruments and other technical means (zero setting, holding time in the on state, testing, etc.) , preparing samples for measurements.

B.10.1 If, when performing a quantitative chemical analysis, the establishment of a calibration characteristic is provided, then the section provides methods for its establishment and control, as well as the procedure for preparing and using samples for calibration.

B.10.2 If the procedure for preparatory work is established in the documents for measuring instruments and other technical means, then the section provides links to these documents.

B.10.3 The first paragraph of the section is stated as follows: “When preparing to perform measurements, carry out following works: (provide a list and description of the preparatory work)."

B.11 Section "Procedure for performing measurements" contains the list, volume, sequence of operations, frequency and number of measurements, description of operations, criteria for acceptance of the results of intermediate measurements, requirements for the presentation of intermediate and final results (number of significant figures, etc.).

For MKHA, the section also provides requirements for the mass and number of sample portions, and, if necessary, instructions for conducting a “control (blank) experiment” and a description of operations to eliminate the influence of interfering components of the sample.

B.11.1 If the procedure for performing operations is established in the documents for the measuring instruments and other technical means used, then the section provides links to these documents.

B.11.2 If several methods are used to measure one quantity or the document establishes a method for measuring two or more quantities, then a description of each operation is given in a separate subsection.

B.11.3 The section (subsection) contains the requirement for mandatory registration of the results of intermediate measurements and values ​​of influencing quantities. If necessary, indicate forms for registering intermediate measurement results and values ​​of influencing quantities.

B.11.4 The first paragraph of the section is stated as follows: “When performing measurements (give the name of the measured value), the following operations are performed: (give descriptions of the operations).”

B.12 Section "Processing of measurement results" contains a description of methods for processing and obtaining measurement results. If methods for processing measurement results are established in other documents, the section provides links to these documents.

B.12.1 In the section, if necessary, indicate the data required to obtain measurement results (constants, tables, graphs, equations, etc.). If there is a large amount of data, they are provided in the appendix.

B.12.2 The section provides a requirement for mandatory registration of processing of intermediate measurement results, indicating, if necessary, the form of such registration (in in electronic format or on paper).

B.12.3 The first paragraph of the section is stated as follows: “The processing of measurement results is carried out using the method (a description of the method is provided).”

B.13 Section “Registration of measurement results” contains requirements for the form of presentation of measurement results. This section may provide instructions for rounding measurement results. The forms for presenting measurement results in the document on the measurement procedure must correspond to the forms for presenting measurement results given in the certification certificate.

B.14 Section “Monitoring the accuracy of measurement results” contains instructions on monitored parameters, means, procedures, control standards, as well as instructions (recommendations) on the frequency of control. Certain procedures, such as preparing samples for accuracy control, may be described in an appendix to the measurement procedure document.


State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Measurement results and measurement error characteristics. Forms of presentation. Methods of use when testing product samples and monitoring their parameters

State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Application of the "Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty of Measurement"

EURACHIM/SITAK manual "Quantitative description of uncertainty in analytical measurements" (2nd ed., 2000) - Trans. from English - St. Petersburg: VNIIM im. D.I.Mendeleeva, 2002

State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Measurement scales. Terms and Definitions

State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Certification of algorithms and programs for data processing during measurements. Basic provisions

State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Standard certification methodology software measuring instruments and the procedure for its implementation

State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. The choice of methods and measuring instruments when developing measurement techniques. General provisions

State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Indicators of accuracy, correctness, precision of methods of quantitative chemical analysis. Assessment methods

State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Ensuring the effectiveness of measurements in process control. Estimation of measurement error with limited initial information

Guidance Document

State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Certified mixtures. General development requirements

State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Methods of quantitative chemical analysis. Contents and procedure for metrological examination

State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Ensuring the effectiveness of measurements in process control. Metrological examination of technical documentation

State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Metrological supervision carried out by metrological services of legal entities

UDC 389.14:006.354

Key words: measurement technique (method), quantitative chemical analysis technique, certification, metrological examination

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
M.: Standartinform, 2019

Description of service

The basis for assessing the state of measurements is the application of the organization, which includes the laboratory, submitted to the Federal Budgetary Institution "Krasnoyarsk Center for Medical Monitoring" with an attached list of objects and indicators controlled in them. Application form for assessing the state of measurements in the laboratory.

Assessment of the state of measurements is carried out on a contractual basis. Agreement for assessing the state of measurements in the laboratory.

To assess the state of measurements, the laboratory prepares the following materials:

1. Documents ensuring the functioning of the quality management system in the laboratory.

2. Laboratory metrological support passport (Forms 1-11) in the form of completed forms:

  • Laboratory information (form 1);
  • ND for objects, measurement techniques and test methods, used in the laboratory (SI) (form 2);
  • List of measuring instruments used (form 3);
  • List of test equipment used (form 4);
  • Information about auxiliary equipment (form 5);
  • List of applied standard samples (form 6);
  • Status of measurement techniques (methods) (form 7);
  • Composition and qualifications of personnel (form 8);
  • Information about the laboratory’s equipment with chemical reagents (form 9);
  • List of regulatory documentation necessary for the functioning of the laboratory (form 10);
  • Condition of the main laboratory premises (Form 11).

Work to assess the state of measurements in the laboratory is carried out in three stages:

  • 1. Metrological examination of submitted documents and information about the laboratory’s activities;
  • 2. Inspection of the laboratory at the place of activity (on-site examination);
  • 3. Registration of work results (Act of assessment of the state of measurements in the laboratory, Conclusion confirming the presence in the laboratory of conditions for performing measurements in the declared field of activity).

When examining a laboratory at its place of activity, the commission checks:


  • Regulations on the laboratory, defining its functions, rights, duties, responsibilities, interaction with other divisions of the organization and other organizations;
  • Quality manual or document that performs its function and regulates the quality management system of work performed by the laboratory in the declared field of activity;
  • updated and registered in the laboratory fund of RD necessary for the functioning of the laboratory, including guidelines for the selection and storage of samples for testing (measurement) samples, regulating the procedures for obtaining representative samples and the invariability of their composition and properties (for laboratories whose scope of activities includes the selection samples);
  • plans (schedules) for the cancellation or revision of documents for measurement techniques (methods) that do not meet the requirements of GOST R 8.563-2009, and certification of measurement techniques (if necessary) or assessment of their suitability;
  • job descriptions approved in accordance with the established procedure;
  • requirements for the qualifications of personnel and the procedure for their admission to performing measurements in the declared area;
  • necessary, provided for in the ND SI, including standard samples of all categories, ensuring measurements and quality control (accuracy) of the measurements performed;
  • testing and auxiliary equipment, reagents and materials of the required quality;
  • laboratory premises with the requirements established for them to ensure safe conditions labor and environmental safety.

When recording in the act the existence of conditions for performing measurements in the area of ​​activity assigned to the laboratory, the Federal Budgetary Institution "Krasnoyarsk Center of Medical Sciences" draws up a Conclusion on assessing the state of measurements in the laboratory.



MI 2427-2016

(with changes No. 1)





Performers: Bessonov Yu.S., Medvedevskikh M.Yu., Ponomareva O.B.


Performers: Pashaev B.M., Lukashov Yu.E.



1.1. This recommendation establishes the goals, objectives, procedure for organizing and conducting assessment of the state of measurements in test, measurement laboratories(centers), laboratories carrying out production, analytical control, research and other tests and measurements (hereinafter referred to as laboratories).

Analytical control can be part of other types of control (environmental, sanitary, technological control; internal quality control of products and raw materials, etc.).

Providing guarantees of control over the stability of production technological processes(certification, declaration);

Production control, including industrial environmental monitoring at the enterprise and internal control quality of products and raw materials;

Presentation of the results of monitoring environmental indicators (in particular, analysis of wastewater and industrial emissions in the Centers for Laboratory Analysis and Technical Measurements (for sanitary and industrial laboratories);

Entry of a legal entity or its laboratory into self-regulatory organizations (for construction, soil laboratories, etc.).


5.1. The assessment of the state of measurements is carried out on the basis of an application from an organization that includes a laboratory with an attached list of objects and indicators controlled in them.

5.2. To assess the state of measurements, the head of an organization subordinate to Gosstandart, who has received the corresponding application, appoints persons responsible for carrying out this work, who form the composition of the commission,, if necessary, coordinate it with the applicant and draw up a draft contract for the work.

The composition of the commission depends on the specifics, volume and complexity of the work.

5.3. To assess the state of measurements, the laboratory prepares materials in the form of completed forms (Metrological Support Certificate) in accordance with this recommendation.

The prepared materials should reflect the following information:

List of documents on standardization and other normative documents (ND) regulating the requirements for:

Types of work performed in the laboratory;

Tested (analyzed) objects;

The measured (controlled) parameters of these objects;

Data on the standards used in the laboratory, measuring instruments (MI) and their metrological confirmation (verification, calibration);

Data on the testing equipment (TE) used and its certification;

Data on the auxiliary equipment used;

Equipping the laboratory with the required standard samples;

List of RD for measurement techniques (methods) and test methods (including national and interstate standards), data on the applied measurement techniques (methods) and test methods:

Data on the composition and qualifications of personnel, including current documents on advanced training;

Information about the availability and condition of laboratory premises;

List of chemical reagents (if available), indicating the date of their manufacture, expiration date and qualifications;

A list of updated and taken into account regulatory documentation necessary for the functioning of the laboratory in the declared field of activity, including documents regulating the procedures for the collection and storage of samples (test samples).

Information about laboratory premises may be accompanied by certificates, conclusions on the compliance of the premises with safety requirements (fire, biological, electromagnetic, radiation), labor protection, etc., which can be drawn up in any form or be conclusions of competent authorities, as well as protocols measurements of physical and chemical factors of the production environment.

5.4. To carry out work to assess the state of measurements, a program for assessing the state of measurements can be developed. An example of a typical program for assessing the state of measurements in a laboratory is given in the Appendix.

A specific Measurement Status Assessment Program can be developed taking into account the requirements of the applicant and the specifics of the measurements performed in the laboratory, and previously sent to the applicant.

5.5. The commission conducts an inspection of the laboratory to verify the actual state of measurements, including the conditions for their implementation and confirmation of the information stated in the documents, directly at the place where the laboratory operates.

5.6. The management of the laboratory (enterprise) provides the conditions necessary for the work of the commission, including allocating premises for work, representing Required documents and materials, provides duplication services, and also allocates an official with the right to sign documents.


6.1. Work to assess the state of measurements is carried out in 3 stages:

The first stage is studying documents;

The second stage is an inspection of the laboratory at the place of activity;

The third stage is the presentation of the results of the work.

6.2. Work at stage 1 includes an examination of the documents and information submitted by the applicant about the activities of the laboratory in terms of compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements and in the field of technical regulation, regulatory legal acts and standardization documents related to the performance of the functions assigned to the laboratory.

6.3. Work on stage 2 includes checking compliance with the information presented in the forms - Passports actual state cases in the laboratory on site production activities taking into account the requirements imposed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.4. Stage 3 work includes:

Drawing up a Certificate of Assessment of the State of Measurements in the Laboratory, containing a conclusion on the compliance or non-compliance of the conditions for performing measurements in the declared field of activity with the metrological requirements for measurements;

Drawing up a Conclusion confirming the availability in the laboratory of conditions for performing measurements in the declared field of activity in relation to specific measurement objects, taking into account the metrological requirements imposed by the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements (if the conclusions of the Certificate of Assessment of the State of Measurements in the Laboratory are positive).

6.5. The examination of the information submitted by the applicant in the forms involves their analysis and assessment, including from the point of view of the sufficiency of the information provided in terms of:

Availability in the laboratory of the necessary documents establishing the requirements for the declared measurement objects, the indicators (parameters) measured in them and the measurement (testing) techniques (methods), taking into account the possible belonging of the objects to the scope of technical regulations, and the measurements and measured indicators to the scope of state regulation ensuring uniformity of measurements;

Availability of the necessary nomenclature of measuring instruments and measurement methods, taking into account the scope of their application and metrological confirmation;

Equipping the laboratory with the necessary testing and auxiliary equipment;

Nomenclatures of reference materials various types, used for calibration and control of the accuracy of measurement results, taking into account:

Referring measurements to the scope of state regulation to ensure the uniformity of measurements;

Correspondence of the metrological characteristics of the reference material to the measurement range of the applied measurement techniques;

Shelf life of RMs and their use in accordance with established requirements;

Application of measurement (testing) techniques (methods) in terms of the presence in them of metrological characteristics corresponding to GOST R ISO 5725-1 and RMG 61 and procedures for monitoring the accuracy of measurement results in accordance with GOST R ISO 5725-6 and RMG 76, allowing to ensure the reliability of measurement results;

Methodology (methods) of measurements (tests) used in the control of declared objects and indicators for which certification or suitability assessment (validation) is required in accordance with R 50.2.090;

The personnel performing the measurements in relation to their competence (if this is provided for by the established requirements for the measurements performed);

Laboratory premises necessary for carrying out measurements (tests) that have documentary evidence of compliance with their safety requirements, including safe working conditions in the declared field of activity;

A fund of regulatory and technical documents necessary for the implementation of laboratory activities in the declared area of ​​measurements.

6.6. When examining a laboratory at its place of activity, the following is carried out:

Checking the following documents:

■ Regulations on the laboratory, defining its functions, rights, duties, responsibilities, interaction with other divisions of the organization (if it is not a legal entity) and other organizations;

■ Quality manual or document performing its function and regulating the quality management system of work performed by the laboratory in the declared field of activity;

■ an updated and registered fund of RD necessary for the functioning of the laboratory, including guidelines for the selection and storage of samples for testing (measurement) samples, regulating the procedures for obtaining representative samples and the invariability of their composition and properties (for laboratories whose area of ​​activity includes Sample selection);

■ plans (schedules) for canceling or revising documents on measurement techniques (methods) that do not meet the requirements of GOST R 8.563, and conducting certification of measurement techniques (if necessary) or assessing their suitability:

■ job descriptions approved in accordance with the established procedure;

■ requirements for the qualifications of personnel and the procedure for their admission to performing measurements in the declared area;

Analysis and assessment of the compliance of the laboratory’s activities according to the submitted documents in terms of:

■ compliance of the measuring instruments used, standard samples and testing equipment with the requirements stipulated in the RD for measurement and testing techniques (methods), taking into account whether the measurements performed are within the scope of state regulation of ensuring the uniformity of measurements or outside it;

■ compliance of the measuring instruments and reference materials used with their purpose and conditions of use provided for in the technical and (or) operational documentation for measuring instruments and documents for reference materials;

■ compliance of the applied documents on measurement techniques (methods) and test methods with the nomenclature and range of indicators provided for by regulatory legal acts and regulatory documents establishing requirements for the parameters of controlled objects, as well as compliance of documents regulating measurement techniques (methods) with the requirements of the order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade dated December 15 2015 No., GOST R 8.563 or GOST 8.010 (for methods intended for use in the CIS);

■ the presence and functioning of procedures to ensure the quality of measurements performed by the laboratory, including:

○ availability and compliance with schedules for metrological confirmation of used measuring instruments and measuring instruments, as well as Maintenance auxiliary equipment;

○ availability and application of certified and (or) validated measurement techniques (methods) in the practice of analytical control;

○ availability and application of procedures for quality control of measurement results (operational, statistical control of accuracy, control of the stability of the calibration characteristic, assessment of the acceptability of measurement results);

○ implementation of procedures for assessing the suitability of chemical reagents (if used);

○ compliance with schedules for advanced training and certification of personnel (if any);

○ participation in testing the qualifications of the laboratory through interlaboratory comparison tests (ICT);

○ systems for monitoring and recording the measurement conditions provided for in the measurement procedures and in the operational documentation for measuring instruments;

■ compliance of methods for preparing certified mixtures (AC) with the requirements of RMG 60 (if the laboratory has independently developed methods for preparing AC);

■ compliance of laboratory premises with the requirements established for them to ensure safe working conditions and environmental safety;

■ compliance of the laboratory with other requirements (for example, ensuring safety from radiation; electrical, fire, explosion safety, etc.) established in regulatory legal acts Federal executive authorities, standardization documents or in the applicant’s ND (if any).


7.1. An act based on the results of assessing the state of measurements in the laboratory is drawn up in the form of an appendix, which is signed by the members of the commission and brought to the attention of the head of the laboratory and a representative of the applicant’s administration.

7.1.1. Depending on the results of the work carried out by the commission to assess the state of measurements, the act makes a conclusion about the presence (absence) of conditions for performing measurements in the area of ​​activity assigned to the laboratory in accordance with the metrological requirements.


1. Name of the laboratory:

2. Laboratory address:

3. Phone _____________ fax _____________ e-mail _____________

4. Full name of the head of the laboratory:

5. Organization, the structure of which includes the laboratory

(if it is not a legal entity), legal and actual address

6. Full name of the head of the organization:

7. Telephone

8. Registration number of the certificate (conclusion) on the assessment of the state of measurements, its validity period (if any)

ND on objects, measurement techniques and test methods used in
as of "__" ________ 20__

— in the column “main technical characteristics (measurement range, error, characteristics that may affect the test results)” the information given in the technical data sheet or operating manual is indicated. If the testing equipment is intended for control tests and the value of the controlled characteristic is not subject to evaluation, this is reflected in the “note” column.

Form 5. Information about auxiliary equipment.

— name, type (model), manufacturer;

- purpose;

— carrying out maintenance (when installed in the ED).

— note.

This new form, introduced in MI 2427-2016, and filling it out can cause certain problems. Therefore, here are some recommendations:

— the name of the auxiliary equipment should also be indicated in accordance with the technical documentation accompanying it;

— the purpose of the auxiliary equipment is indicated in accordance with those functions, the implementation of which requires its use under the conditions of the measurement or testing technique used;

— auxiliary equipment, like any equipment, requires periodic maintenance. The procedure for the development and approval of documents containing instructions on the timing and content of such maintenance work provided for in the operational documentation must be contained in the Quality Manual. Notes on its implementation are usually contained in forms or other documents for recording auxiliary equipment. It is these records that serve as the basis for filling out the corresponding column of Form 5.

Often laboratories are limited to entering in Form 5 only electrical equipment. The absence of the necessary material and technical support corresponding to the chosen measurement technique (method) is the basis for a decision on the absence of conditions for carrying out measurements. Therefore, it is recommended to include in the form all the equipment necessary to implement the measurement or testing technique (method): equipment, inventory, etc.

There are situations when technical documentation equipment (measuring instruments, testing or auxiliary equipment) is lost. In this case, it is extremely necessary to restore it, since it contains basic information about the equipment, without which full operation is impossible (name, technical characteristics, safety requirements, operating rules, maintenance regulations, etc.). This is possible by issuing duplicates and copies of documents, which can be requested from the manufacturer.

Form 6. List of applied reference materials.

This form must contain the following information:

— developer (manufacturer) of a standard sample;

— purpose (graduation, accuracy control, etc.);

— metrological characteristics:

. name and certified value;

. error of the certified value;

. additional information;

— ND on the procedure and conditions of use;

— date of issue of a copy of the standard sample;

— shelf life of a standard sample copy;

— note.

This form is not new and, as a rule, there are no questions asked when filling it out. However, it is worth pointing out that in the absence of standard samples, it is advisable to indicate in the first line of the form: “not applicable.” The same can be done, if this position is justified, with forms 3, 4 and 5.

Form 7. Status of measurement techniques (methods).

This form must contain the following information:

Certification of measurement techniques (methods)– research and confirmation of compliance of measurement techniques (methods) with established metrological requirements for measurements.

Metrological requirements– requirements for the characteristics (parameters) of measurements influencing the results and accuracy indicators of measurements, standards of units of quantities, SD, SI, as well as for the conditions under which these characteristics (parameters) must be ensured. Federal Law“On ensuring the uniformity of measurements” highlights mandatory metrological requirements– metrological requirements established normative legal acts of the Russian Federation and mandatory for compliance on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Measurement technique (method)– a set of specifically described operations, the implementation of which ensures obtaining measurement results with established accuracy indicators.

Previously in the practice of domestic metrology concepts measurement technique And Method of measurement were considered separately. Methodology performing measurements(MVI) – an established set of operations and rules during measurement, the implementation of which ensures the receipt of measurement results with guaranteed accuracy in accordance with accepted measurement method. MVI implies a detailed description of the measurement process (measurement technology) in order to obtain the required accuracy and is of decisive importance, for example, for single measurements. Measurement method– a technique or a set of techniques for comparing a measured quantity with its unit in accordance with the implemented principle of measurement. Since the purpose of the measurement methodology and measurement method is to ensure the measurement result with the required accuracy, their legal status is currently in the Federal Law " On ensuring the uniformity of measurements» combined.

It is necessary to distinguish between the procedure for confirming measurement techniques (methods) for direct and other types of measurements.

Measurement techniques (methods) intended for performing direct measurements are included in the operational documentation on the measuring instrument. Confirmation of compliance with mandatory metrological requirements for measurements is carried out in the process of approval of the SI data type. In other cases confirmation of compliance measurement techniques (methods) and mandatory metrological requirements for measurements are carried out through their certification. Information about certified measurement techniques (methods) is transferred to the Federal Information Fund for OEI.

Certification of measurement techniques (methods) related to the scope of state regulation of OEI is carried out by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs accredited in the field of OEI. The procedure for certification of measurement techniques (methods) and their application are established by government authorities.

General requirements for the development, design, certification, standardization of MVIs and their metrological support are regulated by GOST R 8.563-2009 “ GSI. Measurement techniques" And guidelines MI 2377-98 " GSI. Development and certification of measurement techniques", and .

MVIs used in the field of state regulation of OIE are subject to mandatory certification.

For example, the main metrological organization of the Rosatom State Corporation (VNIINM) has developed and certified a number of measurement techniques based on digital processing of MVI images:

Tablet porosity parameters;

Parameters of grain size in fuel pellets;

Phase composition of U-Gd fuel pellets;

Welded joints in fuel rods;

Parameters of porosity of rods made of zirconium alloys, etc.;

The most difficult work is to certify methods of quantitative chemical analysis. For example, Giredmet's analytical service covers wide range activity, allowing to determine the elements of the Periodic Table from lithium to uranium with their content from 100% to 10 -8% wt. For this purpose, mass spectrometry, atomic emission and atomic absorption spectrometry, X-ray fluorescence analysis, etc. are used. When developing methods for quantitative chemical analysis, RMs of inorganic nanomaterials based on high-purity materials are developed.

The development of methods for quantitative chemical analysis is of great importance in accounting and monitoring the content of nuclear materials at various stages of handling products containing these materials (plutonium, uranium, neptunium, americium, thorium, californium, tritium).