Ship lift of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric station. Ship lift of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station

The ship lift of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric complex is the only ship lift in Russia, built in 1976 (officially put into operation in 1982) at the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station on the Yenisei River. It is located at the junction of a hydroelectric dam, the height of which exceeds 100 meters, to the left bank of the river. Yenisei. The ship lift consists of an outport, a lower approach channel, the lift itself and a turntable. The lift is a platform moving along a rail track with a track width of 9 m and having gearing. Each of the track rails rests on a separate overpass. The movement is carried out by electric traction.

In 2011, JSC RusHydro began implementation of the second stage of restoration Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP, during which ten new hydraulic units will be installed in the station’s turbine room. On June 17, 2011, the first batch of heavy, large-sized units for hydraulic units of the SShHPP was loaded in St. Petersburg. These are three hydraulic turbine impellers, three bearing oil pans and rotor frames. A total of 537 tons.

The cargo proceeded along Lakes Ladoga and Onega, through the White Sea-Baltic Canal it entered the White Sea, and then, having overcome the Northern Sea Route, it reached the Yenisei. Having reached Krasnoyarsk, at the city river port the equipment was loaded onto a river barge, which needed to overcome the ship lift of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station.

Construction of the Krasnoyarsk ship lift began in 1963. It was caused by the need to restore navigation along the Yenisei, which was stopped with the construction of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station dam in the riverbed.
The ship lift was officially put into operation in 1982.

The developer of the ship lift is Lenhydroproekt, the manufacturer is Lenhydrostal.
The ship lift is a platform moving along a rail track with a track width of 9 meters (this is the widest track on the planet) and has gearing.

The movement is carried out by electric traction.

It costs 120 thousand rubles to transport cargo on the Krasnoyarsk ship lift.

To load the vessel into the lift, the platform is lowered below the water level.

The shipping chamber transports vessels with a carrying capacity of up to 1,500 tons, with dimensions of 78x15 m and a draft of 1.9 m.

The airlock chamber itself measures 88x17 meters.

A tug brings a barge with cargo into the lock of the ship's chamber.
The airlock chamber closes.

And the platform begins to move up the overpass. The barge inside is transported "afloat".

Downstream shipping route


The movements and systems of the ship-carrying chamber are controlled from the control panel located in the end superstructure.

Traction forces for moving the camera along shipping routes are created using 156 radial piston ship engines with a power of up to 75 kW with a flow rate of 16 liters per revolution.

The speed of movement along inclined shipways is 20m/min or 1.2 km/h

The weight of the ship-carrying chamber with a water level in the receiving basin of 2.2 m is 8100 tons.

The rotating device is designed to transfer the ship-carrying chamber from one pool to another or to a repair and installation site.

The rotating device is controlled from the control panel located inside the beam.

The length of the rotating device is 104.6 m.
Circumferential turning speed along the radius of circular tracks - 20m/min

The barge with equipment for the SSHHPP was safely delivered to the waters of the Krasnoyarsk reservoir, where it was received by two river tugs - BT-312 and Chunoyar. From here they took it up the river to the Mainskaya hydroelectric station. There, the equipment will be loaded onto special vehicles, which will deliver the hydraulic unit units to the installation site of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP.

Thanks to JSC RusHydro for organizing the Press Tour!
Look soon for a photo report from the Krasnoyarsk Hydroelectric Power Station

And I’ll start the story about the trip to Ensiya with... a megadevice!

First, to assess the full scale, let’s look at the hydroelectric station from the bridge over the Yenisei.

From there, from the middle of the bridge, an impressive panorama opens up...

Like this:

The Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station is the second largest in Russia after Sayano-Shushenskaya (6100 MW). It is located 40 kilometers from the city of Krasnoyarsk upstream of the Yenisei. The height of the hydroelectric dam is 124 meters, the length of the pressure front of the hydroelectric complex is 1175 meters, the maximum water pressure is 101 meters...

On August 8, 1959, a stone with the symbolic inscription “Submit, Yenisei” was dropped to the bottom of the river, the first concrete was laid at the base of the dam by Yu. Gagarin, and in 1971 the final, 12th unit was connected to the network...

If you look at the dam from the downstream side, then from left to right you will see:

On the right bank there are administrative and utility buildings:

A small but interesting object is visible - a loading rack.
During the construction of the hydroelectric power station, it was used to reload parts of hydraulic units delivered by water on barges - primarily impellers (turbines) - onto railway conveyors for further movement to the turbine room.

Actually, the machine room where the hydraulic units (generators) are located:

Spillway. If it is necessary to release “excess” water from the reservoir into a flood, these gates are raised - and huge flows fly down... Unfortunately, no water was released this year.

Experimental complex for conducting experiments with models of hydraulic structures:

The concrete body of the dam holds back 73 cubic kilometers of water...

The length of this artificial sea is 334 km.

Yes, this is Big Energy!

Well, now... Him!

The ship lift of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station is unique in its scale.
With the help of this gigantic mega-device, a vessel up to 90 meters long and up to 18 meters wide, with a cargo of up to one and a half thousand tons, can be “transferred” from the lower tail of the dam to the upper tail and back.

At the same time, the ship is transported afloat - that is, along with the “payload”, the ship lift also “carries” a considerable volume of water...

Control tower: to match the entire structure!

I think we need to explain a little bit about “how it all works”...
Here is a schematic "cross section"

The ship lift chamber rolls down the rail track into the lower pool, is immersed in the water and receives the vessel. After that, together with the ship and water, the lift (with a total mass of more than 8 thousand tons!) climbs to the crest of the dam, and there, at the highest point, it turns 140 degrees on a turntable, so that, then descending to the level of the upper pool, " release the ship into the reservoir...

This photo shows the design of the turntable:

The lifting chamber itself is now “parked” on a special platform, also accessible from the turntable:

Cyclopean unit!

Meanwhile, you can notice that in addition to the ship-carrying chamber itself, there is also a small technological cart, “parked” opposite:

Yes, the rail gauge of the Krasnoyarsk ship lift is 9 meters. This is the widest rail track in the world!

And thus, there are two units of rolling stock with the widest gauge in the world! :-)

Let us now take a closer look at the path along which this giant moves.

Here - "Verkhniy Beef" station"

And over there, behind the trees, is the path to the “Nizhniy Beef” station.”

There is also a bridge on the way of the world's widest track!

The scale is appropriate...

By the way, the ship lift is essentially, one might say, an electric locomotive!
Here are the contact line supports... of equally impressive dimensions

Well, also on the widest in the world railway there is a car crossing!

This is how one of the technological roads of the hydroelectric power station crosses the lift route:

True, this is more of a drawbridge than a crossing...

Therefore, there is some limitation!

And here is a rail equipped with a rack.
The lifting chamber moves on 78 trolleys, and is driven by 156 electric-hydraulic gear drives. Movement speed is about 20 meters per minute.

View from the "crossing" up to the turntable area

And down - towards the tailwater

Well, in conclusion - the ski lift route and the "Lower Beef" station

This is what it is - a real megadevice

You need to watch this to get the final impression and complete balance!

Surely many have seen how ships move from rivers to reservoirs using a lock - a special structure located between reservoirs with different levels. But a lock is not the only option for ships.

There are also ship lifts - complex mechanisms that allow you to raise and lower huge ships from one level of the waterway to another. Their cost is much higher than the cost of organizing a gateway, so there are only about four dozen of them in the world. One of them is located. This is the only ship lift in Russia.

The ship lift in action is an incredible sight. Especially when you are standing under an overpass, and an eight thousand ton giant floats majestically above your head, pouring water from the Yenisei.

The ship lift of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric complex on the Yenisei River was built in 1976 and put into operation in 1982. It is located at the junction of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station dam (the height of which exceeds 100 meters) to the left bank of the Yenisei River.

For information: the hydroelectric power station is the second largest in Russia. Its concrete gravity dam is impressive - 1065 meters long and 124 meters high:

The ship lift consists of an outport, a lower approach channel, the lift itself and a turntable. The lift is a platform moving along a rail track with a track width of 9 m and having gearing:

Each of the track rails rests on a separate overpass. The movement is carried out by electric traction (850 tons):

The difference in levels between the lower and upper reaches is 104 meters (more than a 30-story building)!

The speed of the lift is 20 meters per minute or 1.2 km/h. For scale, workers are standing below, on which 4,500 tons are slowly moving down - this is the weight of the chamber without water:

To load the vessel into the lift, the platform is lowered below the water level. If you want to transport your boat across the dam of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric station, prepare 120 thousand rubles.

Traction forces for moving the camera along shipping routes are created using 156 radial piston ship motors:

Filling the ship's chamber with water. The ship lift transports vessels with a lifting capacity of up to 1,500 tons, with dimensions of 78×15 meters and a draft of 1.9 meters:

On the day of our shooting, this barge was moving on the only ship lift in Russia:

The total operational length including underwater sections is 1510 meters. The tug brings the barge into the lock of the ship's chamber:

The barge enters the chamber and rises along with the water, afloat:

Barge in a chamber. Everything is ready to go. It feels like the pantographs were removed from the carriage:

View of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station. Station power - 6,000 MW:

Railroad crossing. A loaded lift slowly crawls from below. (Clickable, 2000×832 px):

Below the overpass:

I decided to hide from the rain under the lift, but I was filled with even more water:

And again jogging back to the crossing. Only there you can get close to the lift:

A rotating device, which is designed to transfer the ship-carrying chamber from one tail to another or to a repair and installation site:

The length of the turning device is 104.6 m. The peripheral turning speed along the radius of the circular tracks is 20 meters per minute. (Clickable, 1500×774 px):

A short video of the Krasnoyarsk ship lift for technology lovers:

It was a report about the work of the only ship lift in Russia.

Allowing ships to overcome the difference in water levels below and above the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric station. It has no analogues in Russia: all other hydroelectric power plants use sluice gates to overcome the dam.

Ship lifts are complex and sometimes unique mechanisms that allow you to raise and lower huge ships from one level of the waterway to another; their cost is much higher than the cost of organizing a lock, so there are only about 60 ship lifts of various designs in the world: Falkirk Villa (Glasgow - Edinburgh Canal, Scotland, 2002; the only ship lift of a rotating type in the world), Strepie-Thieu (Central Canal, Belgium , 2002; the highest paired ship lift in the world), Saint-Louis - Arzvillers (Marne-Rhine canal, France; inclined ship lift, replacing 17 locks), ship lift as part of the Three Gorges hydroelectric complex (China, under construction; after commissioning it will become largest in the world) and others.

The design of the ship lift as part of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric complex was developed at the Lenhydroproekt Institute, working documentation for unique mechanisms of a self-propelled ship lift - in the Lenhydrostal design bureau.

Construction of the Krasnoyarsk ship lift began in 1963 and lasted more than 10 years. Construction was caused by the need to restore navigation and intensive cargo flow along the Yenisei, which had been interrupted due to the construction of the Krasnoyarsk Hydroelectric Power Station dam in the riverbed. In addition, it was necessary to ensure the delivery by water transport of various cargoes for the construction of the Sayano-Shushenskoye hydroelectric complex upstream - primarily hydraulic turbine impellers for the largest domestic hydroelectric power station.

Trial operation of the Krasnoyarsk ship lift began in 1976. After completion of finishing work and acceptance of all systems by the State Commission, the Krasnoyarsk ship lift has been in constant operation since 1982. The ship lift is located at the junction of the dam of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station with a height of 124 m to the left bank of the Yenisei.

The Krasnoyarsk ship lift is a special type of navigation device, fundamentally different from well-known shipping structures (for example, locks), and belongs to the type of longitudinally inclined, double-slope ship lifts with a rotating device and a self-propelled ship-carrying (ship-lifting) chamber that enters the water of both tails. The method of transporting vessels is afloat, with water depths in the chamber up to 2.2 m and a maximum pressure of 98.0 m.

The ship lift consists of an outport, a lower approach channel, the lift itself and a turntable. The lift is a platform with a ship-carrying chamber moving along a rail track with a track width of 9 m and having gearing. Each of the track rails rests on a separate overpass. The movement is carried out by electric traction. The difference in levels between the lower and upper pools is 104 m; lift speed 20 m/min, or 1.2 km/h. The weight of the ship-lifting chamber without water is 4,500 tons. Traction forces for moving the chamber along ship-carrying routes are created using 156 radial piston ship engines. The ship lift transports vessels with a lifting capacity of up to 1500 tons, dimensions 78×15 m and a draft of 1.9 m. The total operational length with underwater sections is 1510 m. The transfer of the ship-carrying chamber from one tail to another or to the repair and installation site is carried out by a rotating device with a length of 104, 6 m. Circumferential turning speed along the radius of circular tracks 20 m/min.

One of the defining principles of the structure is the entry of the ship-carrying chamber along inclined tracks directly into the water, due to which navigation is carried out with significant fluctuations in the water level in the pools: in the upper 13.0 m, in the lower - 6.5 m. With a slope of the ship-carrying tracks of 1:10 the lifting height of the chamber along the lower inclined path is up to 118 m, along the upper one up to 30 m. To load the vessel into the lift, the platform is lowered below the water level, the vessel enters the lift, after which the platform begins to move up the overpass; the vessel is transported “afloat”. At the top point, the platform, together with the vessel, enters a turntable, which moves it to another track, along which the platform is lowered into the upper pool below the water level, after which the vessel can leave the lift.

The ship lift is built on a rocky foundation. The shipping tracks are located in reinforced concrete beams and overpasses, the load-bearing structures of the shipping chamber are steel; auxiliary ones - made of aluminum alloys. The boat lift is equipped automated systems control, alarm, television installations.

In Soviet times, the lift operated throughout the entire navigation period on the Yenisei. Great hopes were placed on the self-propelled ship lift, but shipping in the upper reaches of the Yenisei has declined, and at present this mechanism is almost not used. Nowadays, the official navigation period, during which any ships can be transported by a ship lift across the dam of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station, lasts, as a rule, from September 1 to October 1, when agricultural products are exported from the upper reaches of the Yenisei, from Khakassia, and ships are allowed to pass to winter lay-up areas. But in fact, the operation of the ship lift begins in mid-May (depending on weather conditions) and ends at the end of September; During this period, paid transportation of ships (one-time passes) takes place on a contractual basis.

Of all the shipowners on the Yenisei, and there are about 450 of them, only the Yenisei River Shipping Company (for transporting goods) and private owners of high-speed yachts and boats (for transferring them to the Krasnoyarsk reservoir) regularly use the Krasnoyarsk ship lift.

The Krasnoyarsk ship lift was actively involved in the restoration of the building of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, which was damaged as a result of an accident in August 2009. JSC RusHydro in 2011 as part of the implementation of the second stage of restoration of the hydroelectric power station, during which it was necessary to install new hydraulic units, transported the first batch of heavy, large-sized units with a total weight of 537 tons from St. Petersburg. Transportation of the equipment was carried out in the only possible way - by water. The cargo traveled from St. Petersburg from a pier belonging to the Leningrad Metal Plant, further along Lakes Ladoga and Onega; through the White Sea-Baltic Canal it entered the White Sea, and then, having overcome the Northern Sea Route, reached the Yenisei. The total length of this route is about 6500 km. In the Krasnoyarsk river port, the equipment was loaded onto a river barge, which needed to overcome the ship lift of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station, which was successfully accomplished in August 2011.

Technical parameters of the ship lift: design lifting capacity of the vessel up to 1500 tons; useful dimensions of the ship's chamber: length 90 m, width 18 m, depth 2.2 m; general dimensions of the ship's chamber: length 113 m, width 26 m, maximum height 20 m; weight of the chamber without water is 4500 tons, with water and a ship 8100 tons; level difference between the lower and upper pools is 104 m; dry track length 1180 m; total operational length with underwater sections 1510 m, speed 1 m/s, thrust 850 t; the maximum dimensions of the transported vessel are length 80 m, width 17 m, draft 1.86 m.

D.V. Kozlov. K.D. Kozlov

The ship lift of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric complex on the Yenisei River was built in 1976 and put into operation in 1982. This is the only ship lift in Russia. It is located at the junction of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station dam (the height of which exceeds 100 meters) to the left bank of the Yenisei River.
The ship lift in action is an incredible sight. Especially when you are standing under an overpass, and an eight thousand ton giant floats majestically above your head, pouring water from the Yenisei.

1. Construction of the Krasnoyarsk ship lift began in 1963 and lasted almost ten years.

2. Construction was caused by the need to restore navigation along the Yenisei, which was stopped with the construction of the Krasnoyarsk Hydroelectric Power Station dam in the riverbed.

3. Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station is the second largest in Russia. Its concrete gravity dam is impressive - 1065 meters long and 124 meters high.

4. The ship lift consists of an outport, a lower approach channel, the lift itself and a turntable in the upper tail. Below is a barge with the first batch of heavy, large-sized components for hydraulic units of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, which is located higher along the Yenisei.

5. The lift is a platform moving along a rail track with a track width of 9 m and having gearing.

6. Each of the track rails rests on a separate overpass. The movement is carried out by electric traction (850 tons).

8. The difference in levels between the lower and upper reaches is 104 meters (more than a 30-story building).

9. The speed of the lift is 20 meters per minute or 1.2 km/h. For scale, workers stand below, on which 4500 tons are slowly moving down - this is the weight of the chamber without water.

10. To load the vessel into the lift, the platform is lowered below the water level. If you want to transport your boat across the dam of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric station, prepare 120 thousand rubles.

11. Traction forces for moving the camera along shipping routes are created using 156 radial piston ship engines with a power of up to 75 kW with a flow rate of 16 liters per revolution.

12. Filling the ship's chamber with water. The ship lift transports vessels with a lifting capacity of up to 1,500 tons, with dimensions of 78x15 meters and a draft of 1.9 meters.

13. Full operational length including underwater sections - 1510 meters. A tug brings a barge with hydraulic turbine impellers into the airlock of the ship's carrier chamber.

14. The barge enters the chamber and rises along with the water, afloat.

16. Barge in a chamber. Everything is ready to go.
It feels like the pantographs were removed from the train car)

17. View of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station. The power of the station is 6000 MW. Average annual electricity production is 20.4 billion kWh. The building of the hydroelectric power station has 12 radial-axial hydraulic units with a capacity of 500 MW each, operating at a design head of 93 m. There will be a separate report about the station.

18. Railway crossing. A loaded lift slowly crawls from below. Me and Glory , out of breath and sweating, we run and run to change locations for shooting. I haven’t run like this for a long time, especially uphill.

Enlarge image

19. Run down to the overpass again. Rain is coming.

20. I decided to hide from the rain under the lift, but I was filled with even more water.

21. And again jogging back to the crossing. Only there you can get close to the lift and no one will swear.

22. Glory and 8000 tons.

24. The weather changed rapidly.

25. Overpass.

26. And again up to the rotating device, which is designed to transfer the ship-carrying chamber from one tail to another or to the repair and installation site.

27. The length of the turning device is 104.6 m. The peripheral turning speed along the radius of the circular tracks is 20 meters per minute.

Enlarge image

A short video:

28. In 2011, JSC RusHydro began the second stage of restoration of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP, during which ten new hydraulic units will be installed in the station’s turbine room. On June 17, 2011, the first batch of heavy, large-sized units for hydraulic units of the SShHPP was loaded in St. Petersburg. These are three hydraulic turbine impellers, three bearing oil pans and rotor frames. The total weight of the cargo is 537 tons.

29. The cargo proceeded along Lakes Ladoga and Onega, through the White Sea-Baltic Canal into the White Sea, and then, having overcome the Northern Sea Route, reached the Yenisei. In the Krasnoyarsk river port, the equipment was reloaded onto a river barge, which needed to overcome the ship lift of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station. Which was successfully accomplished on the day of our shooting!

Thanks to JSC RusHydro for organizing the trip!

Reportage Glory :

My other reports on the topic of hydroelectric power stations: