Technical specifications for the design of automation and dispatch. Terms of reference for the development of working documentation

Walk-throughs were created for convenient lighting control in long corridors, staircases, walk-through rooms and other places. They are installed between floors, when going down to the basement, near the doors of rooms that have several entrances. While in your home, it is convenient to switch utility rooms. Or control lights on the porch and garden. The walk-through switch makes it possible to control lighting from different places, saving people from inconvenience. This also saves electricity.

A conventional switch contains a two-position key and a pair of contacts. Wires are connected to them. In contrast, the built-in pass-through switch consists of three contacts: one common and two changeover. Each of them is also connected to a wire. To control lighting from several places, for example from two, a 4-pin switching device is required. In addition, there must be one wire connection to each. Thus, you can control not only lighting, but also any other electrical appliances, although installation of the circuit becomes more complicated.

How does a single key switch work?

The principle of operation is that a changeover contact opens one circuit, and at the same time closes another. The connection diagram for the pass-through switch is always on its reverse side. One of the contacts is common (1), and the other two are changeover (2, 3). From two such devices located in different places, you can assemble the simplest and most common scheme for controlling a lamp from two different points.

Terminals 2 and 3 of switches PV1 and PV2 matching in number are connected to each other by wiring. Input part 1 from PV1 is connected to the phase, and PV2 is connected to the lamp. The other end of the lamp is connected to the neutral power wire. How the pass-through switch circuit works is tested by turning it on. To begin with, voltage is applied. In this case, the lamp sequentially lights up or goes out when any of the switches is switched independently. If the circuit of one of them is broken, the circuit stops working. But at the same time, another line is being prepared to turn on.

How to connect a simple pass-through switch?

Before installation, you should draw a diagram of all connections.

First, (RK) is installed. All wires will be collected and connected in it. Power is supplied here from the control panel. To do this, a three-core cable 3 x 1.5 mm is laid. It is the most common for all connection schemes. Here, two wires are power supply, and the third is for grounding electrical appliances. In addition, 2 socket boxes are installed in which the switches will be placed. Three-core cables are laid from each glass and from the lamp to the RK.

Once all the wires and cables are in place, connections are made. First, the phase L wire is connected between the output of the machine and the input of PV1 (No. 1). Then the corresponding output contacts (2-2, 3-3) of the switches are connected to each other. Next, they are installed in the socket box. Two cartridge terminals to input PV2 (No. 1) and to the blue neutral wire from the control panel. If it is supplied from its output contact, if single-pole - from the zero bus. The end of the grounding conductor is insulated. Or it is connected to the lamp body if it is metal.

When all connections are completed, the light bulb is screwed into the socket. Then the circuit of the pass-through switch is checked by turning on the machine in the panel. The lamp may light up immediately. Or after turning on PV1 or PV2. You can turn it off by pressing the key of any of the switches. Important! The switches do not have fixed “on” and “off” positions.

Cross switch

Connecting pass-through switches in three places requires additional installation devices with cross-connection contacts. It consists of 2 single-key devices with internal jumpers, assembled in one housing.

A cross switch (CS) is installed between two conventional ones. It only applies to them. His distinctive feature is the presence of four terminals (2 inputs and 2 outputs). To control from four points, you need to add another such device to the circuit. The PP should be connected to the changeover contacts of the pass-through switches in such a way that a working power supply circuit for the lamp is created.

Complex contact groups require large quantity wires and connections. It is preferable to assemble several simple circuits. They work reliably and are easy to use. Pay attention! All main connections are made in junction boxes. No twists should be made on the supply wires.

Which model should you choose?

Which pass-through switch to use depends primarily on the type of wiring. For open ones, overhead models are selected. Under the hidden you will need socket boxes. Suitable sizes should be selected so that they can be connected to each other. It is important to install the regular and crossover switches with the same appearance. Devices can be rotary, keyboard, lever, touch. Contacts are selected for the appropriate load. Switching should be easy. The devices must be securely fastened.

Installation of a three-point switching system

To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Draw a wiring diagram.
  2. Mark and drill grooves and recesses for wiring and boxes.
  3. Install distribution parts. They are selected in large sizes so that 12 connections can be made inside.
  4. Install socket boxes.
  5. Lay the cable from the panel to the connection points.
  6. Connect the wires to the switches and terminals in the boxes. Label the wires. Assemble the circuit sequentially, checking the correct connections.
  7. Place the switches in their places.

Connecting pass-through two-key switches

The device consists of 2 single-key independent switches. They are collected in one building. They work on the same principle of transferring contacts. But at the same time, the number of inputs is 2, and the number of outputs is 4. The difference is that the 2 switches are located at different points. Their keys work for different lamps.

Installation of two-key switches for control from two places

The sequence of actions should be like this:

  1. A diagram is drawn up, without which it is difficult to make connections.
  2. Distribution boxes and socket boxes are installed.
  3. 2 lighting groups are installed.
  4. Three-core cables are laid based on connection to the 6 contacts of each switch and to the lamps.
  5. According to the drawn up diagram, the cable cores are connected in the junction box, to the lamp sockets and to the switches.

The two-key pass-through switch can be replaced with a circuit of four single-key switches. But it will be irrational. Since more junction boxes will be required and cable consumption will increase.

Control of two lighting systems from three places

A two-key pass-through switch can be a cross switch. It is installed as a kit. That is, it also includes two two-key limit switches if you need to control the lighting from three points. It will have 4 inputs and 4 outputs.

Installation is carried out as follows:

  1. To install the circuit, a standard box with a diameter of 60 mm is not enough. Therefore, its size should be larger. Or you need to install 2-3 pieces in series. ordinary.
  2. There are 12 wire connections for connection. To do this, you will need to lay 4 three-core cables. Here you should correctly mark the cores. Two limit switches have 6 contacts each, and the cross switch has 8 contacts.
  3. A phase is connected to PV1. Then you need to make the necessary connections. On the back of the device there is a diagram of a two-key pass-through switch. It must be properly combined with external connections.
  4. PV2 is connected from lamps.
  5. The four outputs of PV1 are connected to the inputs of the cross switch, and then its outputs are connected to the 4 inputs of PV2.


The pass-through switch is convenient. No extra walking up stairs or long corridors is required to turn a light bulb on or off. Sometimes it is simply necessary. In addition, energy is saved due to fast switching. It is important to choose the right devices and correctly install electrical connections.

Light switches are one of the most common electrical installation products. Every apartment, house, office has at least a few of them. To save space and reduce the amount of work, switches can have not one key, but two or even three. But double ones are still more popular. That’s why we’ll talk further about double (with two buttons) switches. They are also called two-key, two-button, double, etc. Connecting a double switch is quite possible for a novice electrician. Even without special skills, you can handle this yourself.

If you need to connect two light bulbs or two groups of lamps, and it is necessary for them to turn on independently of each other, you need a two-key switch. They are very easy to distinguish - two buttons are installed in one housing. By the way, the presence or absence of backlight does not affect the connection in any way. Neither the schemes nor the principles change.

The circuit of a two-key switch is simple: these are two normally open contacts, each of which is controlled by its own button. This means that in the initial state no current flows through the switch, since the contacts are open. By pressing the key, we close the contacts, the lights light up. This is the operating principle of any switch. The two-key one differs only in that it has two groups of contacts.

If you look at the design of a two-button switch, we see that it has one input and two outputs. The phase is connected to the input of the switch, and the wires that go to the light bulbs/chandelier are connected to the output.

Safety precautions - be careful

Connecting a double switch yourself is not difficult. You can cope even without special knowledge and skills. But you have to be extremely careful - it's still electricity. We must follow safety precautions. Things to remember:

The easiest way to check is to use an indicator screwdriver. If you touch a live wire with it, the signal light on it will light up. This is how the phase is determined. If the light does not light, it is the neutral or the wires coming from the light bulbs/chandelier. Only after understanding all the wires can you begin to connect the two-key switch.

Connection diagrams for a two-key switch

When connecting the switch, remember that the phase that comes from the panel is supplied to its input. This is the basic rule. This is the only way the connection will be correct. The phase is taken in the distribution box, which is usually located above the switch (sometimes, with lower wiring, below it) in the distribution box.

Please note that work is carried out with the voltage turned off. If there is a circuit breaker through which the lighting is powered, turn it off. If the wiring is old, unscrew the plugs. Before work, make sure that there is no voltage on the wires (touch all with an indicator screwdriver).

To two light bulbs

Most often, two loads are connected to a two-key switch - one light bulb or a group of lamps. In any case, the scheme will be the same.

A phase wire is connected to the input of the switch. The contact at the top of the switch is loosened (turn the bolt a couple of turns counterclockwise), the wire stripped of insulation is inserted along the plate (stripping 4-6 mm), the fastening screw is tightened. When tightening the bolt, apply considerable force. You can check whether the wire is securely fastened by tugging it well a couple of times. If you can’t get it, everything is fine.

In the same way, connect two wires that were sewn from light bulbs/chandeliers. The contacts to which you need to connect are located below. The principle is the same - loosen the screw, insert the wire, tighten it, pull it.

It doesn’t matter where to connect which wire (to the right or left contact). It just depends on which key will turn on which light bulb. If desired, they can be swapped later.

After the connection is completed, install the keys, turn on the power, and check the operation of the switch. If everything is done correctly, there should be no problems.

In addition to just switches with two keys, there are blocks with a socket. In this case, the connection of the double switch does not change, but a zero and grounding must be added to the socket.

So, we supply a phase to the block of switches, and from the output of the switches the phase goes to the light bulbs. We supply a phase to the socket block (you can take it from the entrance to the switch block), set “zero” to the second contact - from the corresponding bus on the panel. We connect the ground to a special ground contact.

What to do if there are more wires

In the double switch connection diagram described above, three wires are needed - a phase from the distribution cabinet and two wires from the light bulbs. But sometimes four or more come. What to do then?

  • Find the phase and mark it. It is advisable to bend it so as not to touch it in the future.
  • Find two wires that go to the light bulbs. This can be done using dialing mode.
  • The remaining wire is most likely ground. According to the new standard, it is required even when connecting light bulbs. If you have a ground wire on your chandelier/light bulbs and it is connected to the switch, then we simply twist both wires. If the light bulbs or chandelier do not have an “earth” wire, we simply insulate the wire and leave it. There is no need to cut it off - maybe later buy a chandelier with an “earth” wire.

There is a weak point in the specified algorithm - we assumed that the remaining wire is ground. Logically, this is correct. But, unfortunately, there are exceptions. Therefore, before manipulation, you should decide whether this is really “earth” in front of you. To do this, you can measure the voltage using a multimeter (set the measurement limit to 1000 V - just in case, then you can reduce it). We touch the phase one with one probe, and the nameless one with the second. If it shows 220 V or a figure close to it, this means “zero” and not “ground”. If the readings are lower than 220 V, this is “ground”.

This “measuring device” can determine the “zero” or “ground” of your unknown wire

If you don’t have a multimeter, you can use a light bulb to which you connect two wires (you can take a table lamp and wrap two wires around the plug). Take single-core wires, rigid, of sufficient diameter. Their ends need to be cleaned, but you will only hold on to the insulation. We touch the phase wire with one end, and the “unknown” wire with the other. If it’s on, it’s “zero”; if it’s off and the machine is knocked out, it’s “zero.” This method is dangerous to health, so we proceed very carefully.

If the connection is incorrect

If you decide to replace the old switch with a new one, and not a phase, but a zero is connected to the old one, this is wrong and you need to fix everything urgently. The light bulbs will work, but with this connection they are always energized. In this case, even replacing a burnt-out lamp is a deadly undertaking. This is not a joke. This is true. Therefore, if the switch is connected incorrectly (if zero comes to it), everything must be corrected. There are two options here:

If you are connecting a double switch with your own hands for the first time, it is better to double-check your actions several times and work very carefully.

Switch installation

Finally, let's talk about how to install switches. It doesn’t matter how many keys they are. The sequence of work is the same:

  • From the junction box, lower vertically downwards (or upwards with lower wiring).
  • At the selected height, a hole is made in the wall for the socket box. Typically, a drill attachment is used - a crown.
  • A socket box is installed in the hole. The voids between the socket box and the wall are filled with a solution, preferably with good adhesion to concrete and plastic.
  • A small diameter corrugated hose is laid from the distribution box to the entrance to the socket box. Wires are then passed into it. With this installation method, it is always possible to replace damaged wiring.
  • The switch is disassembled (the keys and decorative frame are removed) and the wires are connected.
  • Installed in the socket box, secured with spacer tabs, tightening the fixing bolts.
  • Install the frame, then the keys.

This completes the installation and connection of the double switch. You can check your work.

One of the most common tasks faced by a residential electrician is the installation of one or more lamps. Usually this does not create any problem, because connecting one switch is quite simple. But often you need to make sure that the light bulb turns on from several places, for example, from two, more - less often. In this article we will look at lighting control schemes using multiple switches.

Light control from two places

This task is often found in private houses in the backyard, for example, near the front door and gate, at the entrance to the yard, as well as in houses with several floors, so that it is possible to turn on the light from any of the floors and safely go down the stairs.

The main problem is that if you install two regular switches on one lamp, then no matter how you connect them, either they must both be on, or both must be off. Therefore, it will not be possible to fully control lighting from several places using this scheme.

In order to solve this problem use . It would be more correct to call such a device a switch. Let's look at the circuit and features of the pass-through switch.

Here we see that the internal circuit of the switch differs from the usual one. If in the standard version the contact is either closed or not, then here the moving contact closes either to one line or to the other, which is why I called it a switch.

If you still don’t understand how this circuit works, let’s look at its states:

1. On both switches, the key is pressed to the “UP” position - the light is on, the current flows through the “upper” wire (if you look at the diagram above).

2. The first switch is in the “DOWN” position, and the second is “UP” (or vice versa) - no current flows through the circuit, the lamp does not light.

3. Both switches are in the “down” position - current flows through the “bottom” wire and the lamp lights up.

The circuit is quite simple to assemble:

1. We directly connect the zero from the junction box to the lamp or in another way, depending on the circumstances

2. A three-core cable is pulled to the switch closest to the power source (let’s say a 220V network). We connect the first core to the phase and the middle moving contact of the switch. Below we present the switch terminals and its diagram again.

3. We connect the two remaining wires to a pair of output fixed contacts and a second switch.

4. From the middle moving contact of the second switch we take the outgoing phase and connect it to the lamp.

A pass-through switch differs from a regular switch in that it has a switching contact; in total, it has three terminals for connection instead of two. They also come in one, two and three key versions. Then this circuit is simply duplicated in accordance with the number of keys and groups of lamps as shown in the figure below.

Interesting: If you have the opportunity to connect the neutral phase to each of the switches with minimal cable waste from different distribution boxes, you can use an alternative version of this circuit. It differs in that the light bulb is connected to the moving contact, and the phase with zero is connected to the stationary ones and, as it were, is mirrored.

How to mount

For ease of installation, you need to imagine in advance how you will lay the cables, what is closer to the first switch and what is closer to the second - a distribution box with an incoming phase or a lamp, or maybe both... But in most cases you need a simple three-core wire or cable, Depending on the operating and installation conditions, the following are suitable:

  • PVA 3x0.75…3x1.5;

    ShVVP 3x0.75…3x1.5;

    Or a foreign analogue of NYM with similar sections.

You can use the cores from these wires separately, or you can also buy a single-core wire of the PV brand, the appropriate flexibility class, for example, PV-1 - this is a rigid monolithic version. In this case, the likelihood of error will be reduced, especially if you choose multi-colored cores. The picture below shows one of the installation options in a more visual form:

Control from three or more places

If you need a lamp to be switched on from three or more places, cross switches come into play; they are sometimes called intermediate switches. The diagram is shown below.

Beginners may be intimidated by the three-place light control scheme, but let's understand it. A crossover switch is the same pass-through switch with only one key that simultaneously switches two groups of contacts. The only difference on the visible part is that the cross has 4 terminals for connecting wires, and the through has 3.

Why is a cross switch needed? Then, in the lighting control circuit from two places, the pass-through switches are connected by two wires, and due to this, selective connection occurs desired line lamp power supply. Here you also need to switch this pair of wires with each other; for this, use a cross switch.

The logic of the circuit is simple, let's figure it out, just for brevity let's designate the switches as A, B and C, from left to right according to the circuit.

1. All three switches are in the “up” position - current flows along the red line and the lamp is on.

2. Switch “A” is in the “down” position, the rest are “up”. Then the phase is applied to the blue line, and the lamp is connected to the red line - no current flows. If you switch the switch “B” - “down”, the lamp will light up, because the current will flow along the red line in the diagram, the same thing will happen if you switch “C”, only the current will flow along the blue line on the diagram.

The remaining provisions are similar.

Assembling a switching circuit from three places is quite simple. We connect the phase to the middle contact of one of the outer pass-through switches, and from the second pass-through switch, from its middle contact, lay a wire to the lamp.

From the first pass-through, in any sequence and to any terminals, we connect to the cross-connect, and, from its second pair of terminals, two wires to the other pass-through. This connection is shown more clearly in the figure below.

Further increase in the number of switches to control one lamp occurs simply by adding cross switches to the gap. Below is a diagram of light control from 4 places.

The same scheme, but for control from 5 places:


The pass-through switch significantly expands the user's ability to control lighting devices. The design and connection diagram of the pass-through switch allows you to control one lighting device or a group of lamps from several places. This is widely used in buildings, individual rooms and structures for various purposes with large areas.

Using pass-through switches in the house

By having walk-through switches at different ends of a stadium, concert hall or other large venue, you can turn on all the lighting at the entrance. If you need to exit the structure on the opposite side, you do not need to return to the switch that turned on the light - there is the same pass-through switch at the other exit. Electrical diagrams with pass-through switches allow you to control lighting from several different places.

It is very convenient to use such electrical circuits in underground passages and tunnels; circuits with walk-through switches are increasingly used in private houses and on flights of stairs in the entrances of multi-storey buildings.

Design and operating principle

Pass-through switch appearance no different from ordinary products. The significant difference is in the design of the contact group, which is hidden inside the housing. A simple switch closes and opens an electrical circuit on a single wire. The connection diagram for a pass-through switch, when the position of the keys changes, opens one circuit and immediately closes another. The principle of switching the contacts of the circuit ensures that the switches operate in pairs to control the same light source. By technical solution It would be correct to call such an element in the circuit not a pass-through switch, but a switch. Professional terminology has already been formed, and changes can only create more confusion, so everything remains as it is.

When the contacts of the pass-through switch are switched, one section of the lighting circuit opens and another section closes. The connection diagram of the pass-through switch is changed so that any of the switches is ready to turn the light on or off. A pass-through switch can only be used in conjunction with another. In practice, it is possible to connect a pass-through switch to the circuit so that it works as a simple one, but then the meaning of all the elements of its design is lost.


Like regular switches, pass-through switches are divided depending on the type of wiring: for external wiring, for hidden wiring.

According to the design of the contact terminals: terminals with screw clamps, spring clamp terminals.

By number of keys:

  • single-key;
  • two-key;
  • three-key.

They have everything like conventional switches, the difference is in the design and operation of the contact group. The principle of a single-key pass-through switch is to switch the input contact to one of two output contacts. Two-key pass-through switches, like three-key switches, in their housing contain 2 or 3 designs of a contact group of a single-key switch.

Connecting a pass-through switch is simple; you can do everything yourself. The number of contacts, keys, and switch sizes change, but the operating principle remains the same.

Scheme of the structure of one-, two-, and three-key switches

  • a single-key switch has one input terminal and two output terminals;
  • two-key switch - two input terminals and four output terminals;
  • three-key switch - three input terminals and six output terminals.

Lighting control from 2 places

One lighting fixture or group of fixtures can be controlled from two places: sconces in the hallway or lampposts along the garden path. You will need a regular circuit for connecting a pass-through switch, more precisely with two pass-through single-key switches, because they only work in pairs. Using this example, it is easiest to understand how pass-through switches work. The figure below shows how to connect a pass-through switch to the circuit.

Connection diagram for pass-through switches

The phase from the 220 V network is connected to the input terminal of one of the pass-through switches, its output terminals are connected to the output of the second. The free input terminal of the second switch remains; it is connected to the lighting fixture. The second contact of the lighting device is connected to the neutral wire of the network. The diagram shows that the lamp is in the off state; when the position of the group of contacts of any switch changes, current is supplied to it. The next switch on one of the two switches breaks the circuit and the lamp goes out.

Closer to real conditions, the installation diagram is shown in the picture of the wiring of cables and wires in the junction box. According to the requirements of the PUE (Electrical Installation Rules), in this case a cable with three copper conductors is used:

  • red – phase;
  • blue – 0;
  • yellow-green – ground wire.

Connecting cables and wires in the junction box

The circuit is divided into four circuit sections:

  1. cable from the 220 V power supply: from the circuit breaker in the distribution board to the box;
  2. cable from one pass-through switch to the switch box;
  3. cable from another pass-through switch to the junction box;
  4. cable from the lighting fixture to the junction box.

Four cables are inserted into the box.

Requirements for the color of wires according to their functional purpose are fully met only in two areas. From the distribution board and lamp to the box, when disconnecting the contacts of pass-through switches, they are carried out partially. It is allowed to use wires of any color. If you are confused, check with a multimeter in continuity mode or another measuring device. The phase (red) wire must be connected to the input contacts of the switches.

To control two lighting groups, a two-key pass-through switch connection diagram is used. If a person understands how single-key pass-through switches are connected, he will figure out how to connect a triple switch.

Connection diagram for a two-key pass-through switch

Lighting control from 3 places

To control lighting from three places, you will need a cross-through switch. You can install it in any place convenient for use. In the circuit, a crossover switch is connected between conventional pass-through switches. They can be used on flights of stairs, for lighting courtyards and other objects, at the request of the customer.

It’s easy to make a cross switch with your own hands; to do this, you need to slightly modify the two-key pass-through switch. Two jumpers are placed on the output contacts, and the two keys are combined into one; you can simply glue one to the other. It is necessary to glue so that the mounting holes on the keys coincide with the pins on the switch. The gap between the keys can be compensated with a cardboard spacer, to which plastic strips must be glued on both sides.

There are ready-made products in stores; you don’t have to reinvent the wheel, just buy and deliver.

Lighting control circuit from 3 places

Diagrams A1 and A2 (below) show different options connections, but the functional purpose remains the same - the principle of pairwise transfer of contacts is observed.

Cross switch connection options

In cases where the lighting element is a large chandelier with two groups of light bulbs or just two rows of sconces along a long corridor, two-key pass-through and cross switches must be used. The circuit is a little more complicated, but it is clear that the same principle of switching contacts works. When the light source is turned off by one switch, the contacts close the circuits of the other switches.

The circuit is in such a state that when you press any key of this group of lamps, current flows to the contacts of the lamps. Based on these circuits, it is possible to control lighting from four or more places by inserting additional cross switches.

Connection diagram for four switches

Usage example

For a situation where you need to walk through a dark yard to the house, a circuit with pass-through switches in two places is ideal. In a private home it is easy to implement this project with your own hands. In the hallway next to the distribution board you need to install a distribution box and one pass-through switch. The second one needs to be placed on the inside of the fence near the gate; lamp posts installed along the path can be used as lighting fixtures. IN large stores There are many options for electrical goods with original decorative finishes.

The connection should be made according to the diagram described above. It is recommended to lay cables from the street switch and between poles underground in plastic pipes. There is no need to bury it deeply; 30-40 cm will be enough to protect against mechanical damage. There is no point in taking into account the depth of freezing in each region; this is not a water supply system; copper wires will not freeze.

How to connect. Video

You can learn how to connect a pass-through switch according to all the rules from this video.

Having studied the principles of operation of a circuit with two single-key switches and assembling it with your own hands, you can, without outside help, begin installing more complex circuits with two-key switches in three places or three-key switches in two places, if necessary.

Long gone are the days when all circuits for switching on electrical devices were adjusted to the switching that was available. However, sometimes switches and sockets were difficult to get. But today is a completely different time; there are many functional and technically advanced devices on sale. You can do the wiring in such a way that it will be as convenient as possible to turn on and off electrical appliances. In this article we will look at how to connect two switches to two light bulbs, and most importantly, we will decide in which cases it is reasonable to use such a circuit.

Advantages and uses of two-switch control circuits

Surely everyone knows the classic scheme by which one lamp is connected. To do this, you need one switch, which must be located in a convenient and accessible place. With its help, the lights in the rooms will turn on and off. This can be inconvenient at times as the room may be too long and you will be walking through the dark most of the way.

The article will look at how to connect two switches to two light bulbs and control them from two or even three places at the same time. The main use cases for control using two switches:

  1. In premises and equally in buildings with two entrances. This could be a barn, garages, outbuildings for animals or birds. If you install a switch at each entrance, you won't have to walk through the dark every time to turn the light on or off. After all, sometimes it happens that you enter one door and exit through the opposite one. Therefore, you need to consider how to connect two switches to two light bulbs and control them from different places.
  2. This scheme will be very useful if you have long galleries, corridors, alleys and paths in the garden. You can use lighting when moving in almost any direction. You can turn it off immediately after completing the section.
  3. Even in apartment buildings you can install such a wiring. For example, in the entrance between the floors of a two-story building. In this case, using two switches will be both economical and convenient. But before you make two switches, you need to consult with your neighbors.
  4. It will be very useful to use two switches in the bedroom. Place one switch at the entrance, and place the second near the bed. In this case, you will not need to get out of bed to turn on or off the light. This will be appreciated by home owners who have a fairly large bedroom.

Features of using two switches

As can be seen from the connection diagram of two switches given in the article, no matter what position they are in, power is supplied to the lighting fixtures, and it is possible to turn it off. It is impossible to implement this circuit using conventional switches. You will have to purchase gateways, which have appeared on the market relatively recently.

Cross switches

The regular switches found in most homes cannot be wired together to work the way we want them to. You can, of course, cheat the switch.

Cross switches exist, but they are much more complex and can be used in conjunction with pass-through switches to control electrical appliances from multiple points. They can be installed instead of a pass-through type switch, but they are more expensive.

Pass-through switches

It is not much different from ordinary ones in appearance. It has a housing, three terminals for connecting wires, 1 or 2 keys. As for the crossover switches, they have 4 terminals for connecting electrical wires. If you need to control two groups of lamps on one luminaire, use only pass-through switches with two keys.

Connecting a two-key switch to two light bulbs is not difficult. Such devices have 6 terminals for connecting wiring. As for conventional switches, they have only 3 terminals. Cross connectors have 8 terminals for connecting wires.

Regarding internal features design, then a circuit consisting of two lines is connected to the pass-through switch. Regardless of the position of the key, one line will always be closed and the other open. It turns out that when you connect a two-key switch to two light bulbs, the circuit that passes through it does not open. This can be seen in the diagram given in the article.

Connecting switches

There is only one way to connect two pass-through switches in order to switch two electrical devices, so you cannot make a mistake. But if you don’t know, it’s better to refer to the diagram - it has certain difficulties. Further in the article there is a diagram according to which you can connect one lamp.

This is a typical diagram, which shows that pass-through switches are connected in series to the power supply circuit break, and the pass-through switches are connected with one two-wire wire. If you look closely at the diagram, you can see that the power can be opened and closed at any position of the switches.

Circuit assembly

Assembling such circuits is not difficult. For switches, the input for 0 or phase is located on one side of the case, and the two outputs are on the other, so you can safely connect two outputs, the order does not matter. Having connected switches, it is necessary to connect the remaining electrical wiring and connect the lamp. It is imperative to use a device to automatically turn off the electricity - this will protect the circuits from short circuits.