Technological map for the production of wood products. Technological process of manufacturing wood products. Routing. Making a pin product

Pedagogical rationale for the lesson:

In this lesson, students begin a new creative project, which involves students performing independent, consistent actions in implementing a specific plan. Since any creative work- this is a certain sequence of actions in the implementation of a certain plan, then the correct sequence of actions is necessary for this. Teaching students to master these research methods is one of the most important tasks of all educational field, including this lesson.

Lesson time: 90 minutes

Lesson Objectives:


  • teach students to independently plan activities based on acquired knowledge and developed skills,
  • reveal the essence of the stool manufacturing process from the point of view of the technological process;
  • implementation of acquired knowledge on the production of technological maps when solving a new problem;


  • develop students’ labor skills and ability to draw up technological maps
  • develop imagination, a creative approach to doing work
  • develop the ability to break a task into subtasks;


  • cultivate a conscientious attitude towards the tasks performed;
  • foster respect for equipment and tools

Tools and equipment:

  • Workbench,
  • ruler,
  • compass,
  • album sheet,
  • pencil

Visual aids:

Form of study:

  • individual,
  • group

Brief Lesson Plan

I. Organizing time

II. Updating knowledge

III. Explanation of a new topic.

IV. Practical part of the lesson.

V. Analysis of student work, summing up

VI. Homework


I. Organizational moment

Checking the list of students, reporting the topic, goals and content of the lesson

Checking students' readiness for the lesson (condition of work stations, availability of notebooks, pens)

Determines the topic of the lesson, motivates for the final result

II. Updating knowledge

  1. What is a technological process? ( Technological process- this is part production process, containing targeted actions to change the shape, size and properties of materials during the manufacture of products from them. The technological process is carried out using various technological equipment: machines, fixtures, tools).
  2. What is a technological map? ( A technological map is a document in which the entire process of processing product parts is recorded, indicating technological operations)

III. Explanation of new material

From today's lesson we will start making a stool.

Demonstration of finished products (stools)

Which stool do you want to make?

When the idea is determined, students move on to the next, most important stage in creative activity - translating the idea into sketches.

IV. Practical part of the lesson

Students create a technological map for making a stool

Sequence of operations

Graphic image

Tools, devices

Select workpieces, mark, cut the workpiece

ruler, pencil, hacksaw

Process workpieces on the machine

jointing machine FSSH-2

Plan and saw to size. Diagonally find the center for turning on lathe

workbench, ruler, pencil, hacksaw, hammer, crank

Marking and installing the workpiece on a lathe

machine STD-120M, calipers, cutters, ruler, pencil

Turning the workpiece to size and shape

machine STD-120M, template, reyer, Maisel

Sanding stool legs

sanding paper

Marking and making tenon nests

Drilling and slotting machine

Marking, sawing, planing inserts

Pencil, ruler, plane, hacksaw, square

Making a tenon joint

Workbench, ruler, square, hacksaw, chisel, knife

Assembling the stool frame (connecting the legs to the inserts)

Wood glue, mallet

Making a tabletop: marking, sawing, grinding

Workbench, ruler, pencil, hacksaw, wood file, sanding paper

Product assembly

Workbench, wood glue, dowel, mallet

V. Analysis of student work, summing up

When assessing students' work, the teacher takes into account the consistency and correctness of the work.

VI. Homework

Draw up technological maps for different types stools, indicate their purpose (children’s, kitchen, for work, household needs, etc.).

The creation of any product takes place in several stages, and the first of them is the design of the future product.

Don't rush to start making it right away. You can make a mistake, do something wrong, and all the work will have to be redone. No wonder there is a saying: “Measure twice, cut once.”

First you need to make sketches, or outlines, of various options for the future product. Then they analyze in writing the advantages and disadvantages of each option, which allows you to choose the best one.

For the selected product option, technical documentation is developed: a sketch, technical drawing or drawing indicating dimensions.

After preparing the technical documentation, they begin to select high-quality workpieces and mark them. A blank is a material of certain dimensions from which a part will be made (the dimensions of the blank for any part are always larger than the part itself). One or more parts are obtained from the workpiece.

The connection of parts into a product is called assembly.

The transformation of a workpiece into a part or product must strictly comply with the technological process, i.e., a certain sequence of actions.

The technological process of manufacturing a product consists of a number of technological operations. For example, technological operations are sawing out a workpiece on a carpentry bench, drilling holes on a drilling machine, painting the product in a special room, etc.

The sequence of operations for processing a workpiece and making a part from it is recorded in special technological or route maps.

The technological map (Table 6) describes in detail the sequence of technological operations, provides a graphic representation of the workpiece corresponding to each operation, and indicates the tools and devices used.

Table 6
Routing making a cutting board


Sequence of operations

Graphic image

Tools and accessories

Select a blank from a board or plywood with a thickness of 10-12 mm and mark the outline of the product according to the template

Template, pencil, workbench

Cut the product along the contour

Hacksaw, carpentry workbench

Prick the center of the hole with an awl. Drill a hole

Awl, drill, brace or drill, workbench

Clean the product, round sharp edges and corners

Workbench, sanding block

Route maps indicate only the sequence of operations (Table 7).

Table 7
Route map for making a cutting board

Practical work No. 25
Drawing up a simple technological map

Work order

  1. Select one of the product parts in your project.
  2. Carefully study the part to be manufactured or its graphical representation.
  3. Using Table 6, develop a technological map for the manufacture of this part.
  4. Check the correctness of the technological map yourself, and then give it to the teacher for checking.

New concepts

Stages of product creation, design, procurement, part, assembly, technological process, operation, technological map, route map.

Control questions

  1. List the steps involved in making your project wood product.
  2. What is the difference between a workpiece and a part?
  3. Why are technological maps needed?
  4. Why are the dimensions of the workpiece larger than the dimensions of the part?

Publication date: 13.09.2015

Short description:

material preview

Lesson plan - lesson plan

Lesson No. 4 " Workplace and tools for manual woodworking.

Sequence of manufacturing wood parts"

Target lesson: to familiarize students with the structure of a carpentry workbench, techniques for working on a workbench, rules safe work at the workbench and tools for woodworking; give information about working profession carpenter, introduce the concepts of “production process”, “technological process”, types of technological operations, examples of technological processes; teach to formulate and write down the sequence of the technological process of manufacturing a simple part from wood; develop technical thinking, planning skills labor activity taking into account available resources and conditions.

Educational: familiarize yourself with the structure of tools and a carpentry workbench. Get an idea of ​​the sequence of manufacturing wood products. Learn to organize your workplace and follow the rules safe work.

Developmental: develop technical thinking, skills in planning work activities, taking into account available resources and conditions.

Educational: cultivate accuracy and precision.

TYPE OF LESSON: Combined lesson (UC)

Methods: story, conversation, demonstration of visual aids, tools, instruction on safe work rules, practical work .

Formed universal educational actions: personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative.

Basic concepts: carpentry workbench (lid, front and rear clamps, holes (sockets), wedges, tray), carpenter, production process, technological process, technological operation, technological map, technologist.

Planned learning outcomes.







Have motivation for learning activities

ability, show interest in subject-related practical activities.

Get acquainted with the structure of tools and a carpentry workbench. Get an idea of ​​the sequence of manufacturing wood products. They will learn how to organize a workplace and follow safe work rules.

Cognitive UUD: be able to extract information presented in different forms (story, product, illustration, etc.); independently draw conclusions, process information, transform it.

Regulatory UUD: be able to plan an algorithm

actions to organize your workplace with a focus on functionality and convenience.

Communicative UUD: be able to listen to the teacher and classmates, engage in educational

collaboration, formulating answers to questions.

Technological map with methodological structure of the lesson 80 min

Purpose of the stage

Teacher activities

Student activities

1.Organizational stage 2 min.

Student activation

Greetings to the class. Checking the readiness of the class for the lesson

Greeting the teacher, checking your readiness for the upcoming lesson.

Personal: mobilization of attention, respect for others

Regulatory: lesson planning

Cognitive: procedure and organization of technology lessons

Communication: mutual cooperation between teacher and students in the lesson

2. Updating knowledge -5 min

Determine the level of knowledge and the degree of readiness to learn new material.

Analyze the knowledge gained:

Types of graphics

Drawing lines
- scale

Reading the drawing

Carry out a task that causes cognitive difficulty: where is the work of making the product performed?

They participate in dialogue and discussion of problematic issues, formulate their own opinions and give reasons for them.

Students must understand why and why they need to study this topic.

Personal: awareness of your capabilities.

Regulatory: ability to plan your work.

Cognitive: the ability to work with information, analyze, compare, highlight the main thing.

Communication: cooperation and communication between teacher and students.

3. Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson. Motivation educational activities students -3 min.

Create conditions for the emergence of an internal need for inclusion in educational activities.

Inform students about the lesson:

The lesson consists of 2 parts

1. topic “Workplace and tools for manual wood processing.” 2. second part of the lesson “Sequence of making wood parts.”

After each topic there is practical work.

Teachers answer questions and discuss them. Formulate the purpose of the lesson by defining the boundaries of knowledge and ignorance. They draw up a plan to achieve the lesson goal and determine the algorithm of their actions.

Personal: mobilization of attention, desire to learn new things

Regulatory: goal setting, activity planning

Cognitive: ability to work with information, analyze, compare, highlight the main thing

Communication: proactive cooperation in searching, selecting and analyzing information.

4. Primary assimilation of new knowledge 10 min.

Provides an explanation of the new material of the first topic “Workplace and tools for manual woodworking”, helps to sort out the information:

Explains the structure of a carpentry workbench, dwelling in detail on all its main elements, and focusing students’ attention on the rules for safe work at the workbench;

Demonstrates tools for carpentry.

Personal: awareness of one's capabilities;

Regulatory: ability to plan the stages of a future project.

Cognitive: extract the necessary information from what you listen to, structure knowledge.

Communication: enter into dialogue with confidence in the completeness and accuracy of expression of your thoughts.

5. Initial check of understanding 5 min

Promote emotional mood and development of cognitive interest in the topic

Asking questions:

Workplace for wood processing

Main parts of the workbench

Woodworking tool

Safety rules when working on a workbench

They answer the teacher’s questions, participate in the discussion, defend their point of view, give examples, and analyze the presentation they watched.


Regulatory: analyze and establish a logical sequence in answering questions.

Communication: listen, hear and analyze the opinions of your interlocutors

Cognitive: apply the acquired knowledge when choosing a topic for your creative project.

6. Primary fixation 15 min

Practical work No. 3. Organization of a workplace for carpentry work.

To secure educational material Schoolchildren are asked to complete steps 1 and 2 of task 3 from the workbook.

Places students at work stations, adjusts the workbench to the height of each student, and distributes wood blanks.

Corrects errors when securing workpieces. Monitors compliance with safety regulations.

Students do:

Items 1 and 2 of task 3 from the workbook;

They study the structure of a carpentry workbench and the purpose of its elements;

The workpieces are secured in the front and rear clamping boxes.

Personal: awareness of one's educational capabilities;


7. Primary assimilation of new knowledge 10 min

Organize meaningful perception of new information.

Explains the new material of the second topic “The sequence of manufacturing parts from wood.”

First, he conveys information that the creation of cars, furniture, household items and other products is a complex and lengthy process, including design, construction, technological preparation and manufacturing.

Before any product can be manufactured, it must be designed and constructed.

Design This is the development of the design of the product as a whole, and design- creation of products in drawings. The documentation obtained as a result of design and construction bears a single name - project.

Then comes the stage sketch design, where the designer makes sketches of all the main parts of the product, selects the best of them and draws drawings to scale.

After this they develop technical project products. Often it involves making a model on a certain scale or in full size. Layout allows you to identify errors made in the drawings, clarify the proportions and color design of the product. At this stage, the cost of the parts that make up the product and the cost of the entire product are calculated. If necessary, amendments are made to the design being created and refined ones are developed. working drawings products.

At the stage technological training The sequence of operations for manufacturing the product is determined, and technological maps (technological processes) are drawn up.

The final stage of creating a product is manufacturing prototype, which is tested in real conditions to identify design flaws. After this, changes are made to technical documentation and produce the required number of products from it.

As a rule, creative teams of various specialists participate in the creation of machines, furniture, and various devices: design engineers, design artists (designers), technologists, economists, and workers of various specialties.

Introduce concepts:

The production process is the transformation of materials into a finished product using tools;

Technological process - part of the production process with a sequence of actions for processing a workpiece to obtain a separate part of a product or assembling a product from parts;

A technological operation is a part of a technological process performed at one workplace.

Let's look at the example shown in Figure 18 from the textbook (general view p. 182). In the workshops, students work using technological maps that show the process of manufacturing a part in a simplified form. It is better to use a computer to compile them.

Participate in conversation; formulate conclusions and make notes in a workbook.

Let's look at the example in Fig. 18. determine the tool for each operation.


Regulatory: control, correction, highlighting and awareness of what still needs to be learned, awareness of the quality and level of mastery of educational material;


Communicative: be able to listen to the teacher and classmates, enter into educational cooperation, and formulate answers to questions.

8. Primary fixation 20 min

Ensure meaningful assimilation and consolidation of knowledge on the topic of the lesson

Practical work No. 4. Development of the sequence of manufacturing a part from wood.

Offers to write it down yourself workbook stages of the technological process of manufacturing the part proposed by the teacher. To do this, the teacher must prepare in advance required amount parts drawings. The choice of parts should be determined by the fact that their technological maps (technological process) contain no more than 5-6 positions (operations). There is no need to draw processing sketches. The student can also develop a technological process for manufacturing a part of his creative project, if the choice of project topic has already been determined.

Students complete the task:

Examine a drawing or sketch of a part;

Writes down the production sequence in a workbook

Identifies the tools to make the part and writes the name in the workbook.

Personal: awareness of one's educational capabilities;

Regulatory: plan an algorithm of actions for organizing your workplace.

Cognitive: ability to structure knowledge, choose the most effective ways in answering questions, the ability to consciously and competently construct answers that include technological terminology, and transform information.

Communicative: organize educational interaction with each other, and in the team as a whole, formulate answers to questions.

9. Control of assimilation, discussion of mistakes made and their correction 6 min

Identify common mistakes and possible gaps in knowledge and skills by eliminating, correcting and improving them

Analyzes the work of students during the lesson, advises on issues that arise during the discussion, advises, and helps.

Teaches methods of monitoring and self-assessment of activities.

Develops students’ ability to independently find and correct errors and determine the degree of success.

The teacher formulates conclusions, sums up the joint and individual activities, gives grades for the lesson

When grading for mastering this lesson topic, take into account the correct completion of paragraphs 1 and 2 of task 3 from the workbook

Correct answers to the task “Test yourself” on the topic “Workplace and tools for manual woodworking”


Summing up the results of studying the second topic of the lesson “The sequence of manufacturing parts made of wood” is carried out based on the results of developing a technological map according to the criteria:

    correct choice of part material;

    selection of workpiece dimensions taking into account allowances;

    accuracy of presentation of the content of operations;

    completeness of the list of tools;

    completeness of the list of devices;

    literacy of the presented text;

    correct statement of the sequence of operations;

    all necessary operations are indicated in the technological process;

    accuracy of filling out the technological map;

10) task completion time.

Present the results of mastering the material in class and individually, exercise control (with the help of the teacher, forms of self-control and mutual control are used), formulate difficulties and carry out corrections of possible mistakes made.

Formulate conclusions based on the studied material.

Personal: awareness of the importance of teaching the subject;

Regulatory: control, correction, highlighting and awareness of what still needs to be learned, awareness of the quality and level of mastery of educational material;

Cognitive: the ability to structure knowledge, choose the most effective ways to answer questions;

Communicative: managing your partner’s behavior - monitoring, correction, evaluating your partner’s actions, being able to listen to the teacher and classmates

10.Information about homework, instructions on how to complete it 2 min

Homework information

The teacher advises.

Three levels homework:

Standard minimum

(reproductive level)


- Creative

1. Answer the questions given at the end of § 5 and 6 of the textbook.

2. Solve the crossword puzzle from the workbook.

3. Find information on the Internet and other sources about what other tools exist for carpentry work, besides those discussed in the textbook.

4. If a student wants to make a part, the image of which is not in the textbook, then it is necessary to search on the Internet and write down the sequence of technological operations for the selected part.

Crossword answers. Horizontally: 1 - carpenter, 5 - designer. Vertical: 2 - technologist, 3 - drawing, 4 - workbench.

They realize the variability of homework, choose a feasible option for completing it and working on it.

Personal: awareness of the importance of teaching the subject;

11. Reflection (summarizing the lesson) 2 min

Provide qualitative assessments of class and individual student performance.

Initiate reflection by students about their psycho-emotional state, motivation for their activities and interaction with the teacher and classmates in the last lesson.

The teacher organizes reflection on learning activities in the lesson.

What new did you learn in the lesson?

What new concepts did you learn today?

Where can you apply the acquired knowledge in practical activities?

Why do you need to know this material?

What difficulties did you encounter?

Give an analysis of your activities in class.

Invites students to formulate their answer in the form of a telegram, SMS message, or complete sentence.

You can ask students to justify their answer.

1. During the lesson I worked actively / passively

2. I am satisfied / not satisfied with my work in class

3.The lesson seemed short/long for me

4. I wasn’t tired / tired during the lesson

5.My mood has become better / has become worse

6.The lesson material was clear / not clear to me


interesting / boring

7.Homework seems easy/difficult to me

interesting / not interesting

Teachers answer questions, analyze the work they have done in class, perform self-assessment, discuss it, and draw conclusions.

Personal: awareness of the interest and importance of studying the subject;

Regulatory: self-assessment of activities in the lesson;

Cognitive: development of cognitive interest in the subject;

Communicative: ability to listen and conduct dialogue;

If the material does not suit you, use the search

Lesson outline plan No. 7-8
Class 5
Topic: Sequence of manufacturing wood parts. Routing
Goal: to study with students the main stages of the technological process; teach students to draw up technological maps.
During the classes
I. Organizational moment: Preparing the workplace for the lesson, checking the working condition of the transfer, completing the rack and tool box.
II.Repetition of the covered material.
I. Discussion on the questions: What is the difference between a sketch, technical drawing, drawing
What types of products do you know? What is the scale? - What does it mean to read a drawing? Performance practical task in pairs.
Read the drawing provided by the teacher, working in pairs. "1|M1-ts, those shortcomings that each of you made in reading |Ts |chgzha, discuss them together, analyze them.
3. Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.
III. Presentation of program material.
I. Illustrative story.V h i t s l. Before starting to manufacture the product, p|i | You just need to go through a number of stages:
I) select the necessary materials that correspond to the product; ") select suitable tools and technological equipment
And depict the product in the form of a technical drawing, sketch, and 1";
I) select a high-quality blank for the future product;
:^) mark the workpiece;
"-) check markup;
/) perform the necessary processing: planing, sawing, etc.; X) clean and carry out Finishing work with the workpiece.
And the policy may consist of one or more assembly or 15
TsyIf a product consists of several parts, then after manufacturing they must be adjusted to each other, that is, connected to each other - this is an assembly.
If deficiencies are discovered during assembly, you must:
find the reason;
outline ways to eliminate shortcomings;
eliminate them.
2. Familiarization with the technological map.
Teacher. The processing and assembly sequence is described in technological maps.
I suggest you familiarize yourself with a sample of such a map in the table on p. 27 textbooks.
table 2
TECHNOLOGICAL CARD Making a kitchen cutting board

No. Sequence of operation Graphic representation Tools and devices
I 2 3 4
1 Select a blank from a board or plywood with a thickness of 10-12 mm and size - Template, pencil
mark the outline of the product according to the template 2 Cut out the outline of the product - Hacksaw,
Leah carpenter
3 Prick the center of the hole with an awl. I 2 3 Prick the center of the hole with an awl. Drill a hole 4 Grind the product, round off sharp edges and grinding corners
Each part of the product is manufactured according to its own technological process, which, in turn, consists of technological operations. The operation is performed at one workplace or on one machine, for example sawing, drilling.
Find and read in the textbook on p. 28 definition of operation.
The operation consists of transitions and parts installations.
How are transitions made? (Transitions are performed at one workplace or machine with one tool.)
3. Detailed analysis students under the guidance of a teacher content of several technological maps.
IV. Practical work.
Completing tasks:
1. Study the drawing of parts proposed by the teacher.
2.Using the table, develop a technological map
V. Lesson summary. Evaluation practical work students, analysis of mistakes made.
Answers on questions:
What information is contained in the technological map?
Why do you need a technological map?

Attached files

After Assembly drawing The product has been developed and its detailing has been completed (drawings of all parts included in the product have been made), moving on to the next stage of the technological stage of work on the project: the development of technological documentation.

A route map is used as technological documentation, which indicates the route for workpieces and operations. The operating card contains detailed description technological operation. The flow chart contains the sequence of operations, their graphical representation, as well as a list of tools and devices required for each operation. That is, the technological map describes the technological process of manufacturing a part or product. In training workshops you will work according to technological maps.

The manufacture of wood products begins with a careful study of drawings (sketches) of parts. Then, blanks of appropriate sizes are selected, the contours of future parts are marked, the blanks are processed in compliance with the drawing dimensions, and the finished parts are cleaned and finished. If the product consists of several parts, then before final finishing they are connected to each other.

As an example, tables 2 and 3 show technological maps for the manufacture of wood parts. The part described in Table 2 has a prismatic shape (bar shape), in Table 3 it has a cylindrical and conical shape.

table 2

Making the top bar (product “pencil case”, see Fig. 6, d)

Table 3

Making a pin product

When drawing up a technological map, you should not assign large allowances for processing the workpiece. This leads to unnecessary consumption of wood, and it must be used sparingly.

Practical work No. 6

Development of a technological map for the manufacture of wood parts

  1. Review and read the teacher-provided drawing of a wood part or a sketch of a part from your creative project.
  2. Develop a production flow chart for this part.
  3. Determine what tools you will need to make this part or part of the project product, write their names in your workbook.

Using a computer, draw up a technological map for manufacturing a part of your design product and fill it out.

New words and concepts

Route map, transaction card, routing.

Testing your knowledge

  1. What is detailing?
  2. What is indicated in the technological map?
  3. What are the stages of the technological process of manufacturing a part from wood?
  4. Remember what kind of specialist is called a technologist.