Set-top box Rostelecom interactive TV. Connecting and setting up a Rostelecom TV set-top box - step-by-step instructions. Connecting a TV set-top box via Wi-Fi

There is still debate whether the Internet can become more popular than television and replace it, if not completely, then at least partially. The development of IT technologies allows us to say that it can. Especially considering the fact that today the service market provides users with New Product– interactive television. It includes both the Internet and television at the same time, while providers note the high quality and reliability of the service provided.

Another advantage is the ease and simplicity of connection. To do this, you need a set-top box and the accessories supplied with it. By setting up the device according to simple instructions from Rostelecom, the user gets the opportunity to enjoy various channels in excellent quality.

Rostelecom is one of the leading providers of telecommunications services in Russia. She was one of the first to offer the service digital television. According to the most conservative estimates, several million Russians use the company’s services.

Rostelecom clients were among the first to have the opportunity to watch their favorite films and TV shows in high quality. Interactive television allows you to record a program, pause the show, scroll the program forward or backward, and even view files that are archived by the provider.

All this became possible thanks to the use of an IP set-top box. Today the market offers dozens of different models, both domestic and foreign. One of the best today is the SML-482 HD set-top box, produced by Smartlabs.

Regardless of the reviews you may read about the equipment you purchase, we strongly recommend that you check the components when purchasing. If there is no wire or adapter or remote control, you will not be able to even install the equipment, let alone configure it.

Standard kit includes:

  1. STB set-top box.
  2. Power supply or, alternatively, a 12V and 1.2A adapter. A regular power cable for the set-top box will not work.
  3. Remote control.
  4. AAA battery for the remote control. May not always be present.
  5. Wires:
  • AV or “tulip”, 1.5 meters long;
  • Ethernet, 3m long;

Note! Some configurations do not include an HDMI cable, which is used to connect to LED and LCD screens. You need to purchase it in addition, otherwise the image will be unclear and blurry.

  1. Adapter 3xRCA - SCART.
  2. Rostelecom instructions for operating the device and installing it.
  3. A package of papers that includes a warranty card, a manual for the remote control, including a reference book with the necessary codes.

Additionally, you will need a router with a LAN port (using the port the set-top box will connect to the Internet) and a TV receiver. If the distance between the devices is more than 3 meters, you need to purchase an extension cord or, as an option, a patch cord. It is sold in any computer store or market.

As soon as you have all the necessary components on hand, you can begin connecting the set-top box and further configuring it.

Connection features

When purchasing a device, the basic documentation package includes an instruction manual, which indicates how to properly install and configure the device. The STB set-top box is connected in several ways. We will consider all available options so that you can choose the most convenient one.

You can connect the set-top box in three main ways:

  1. Using Wi-Fi. This method little popular, but, nevertheless, it has a place. The equipment is connected using a Motorola wireless media bridge. The advantage of this method is that the rarely used 5 GHz band is used for connection. Its range is much wider than that of the 2.4 GHz band. If we talk about the disadvantages, a media bridge is not a cheap pleasure. A simpler solution is a Wi-Fi adapter. But it’s not a fact that the purchased adapter can be connected to the set-top box. In addition, the router program must distinguish between where the adapter is and where the LAN port is.
  2. The second option is connecting interactive television via the power grid. In this case, PLC adapters are used. To connect using this method, you will need additional equipment that is pre-configured for collaboration. The only advantage of this method is the reliability of signal transmission. The disadvantages include the risk of equipment breakdown due to power surges.
  3. The third and main connection method is using a serial connection of an Ethernet cable to the modem and set-top box. After which a series of simple settings are performed. The disadvantage of this method is the abundance of wires that need to be hidden or compactly laid out.

Note! Connecting the set-top box to the TV using an Ethernet cable is considered the best option. In this case, connection reliability and minimal losses during data transmission are guaranteed. In addition, with this method there is a low level of interference and picture quality.


After checking the availability of the Internet, the set-top box is connected to the TV and then configured. All the necessary wires, as noted earlier, are included with the purchased equipment. It is necessary to connect devices strictly in the off state, since a difference in potential is possible, which can lead to damage to one of the devices.

Setting up interactive television provided by Rostelecom is quite simple. For this necessary:

  1. Switch the TV receiver to AV mode using the TV remote control. If you are using an HDMI cable to connect to the screen, then you should select HDMI rather than AV.
  2. If you have correctly selected the source of information, a branded splash screen will appear on the screen. Consequently, digital television is loaded. This process takes on average no more than a minute.
  3. Once the download is complete, enter the username and password specified in the service agreement. The data has purely digital meaning. They can be entered using the remote control.
  4. If the data is entered correctly and the user identification is completed, a list of television settings will appear on the screen. Therefore, the connection was completed successfully. All you have to do is configure the channels and perform additional settings, which include setting up the remote control and its subsequent synchronization for full operation with the set-top box.

Setting up the remote control and synchronizing it

After installing and configuring the equipment, you need to check whether the remote control is synchronized. It allows you to perform basic actions and control the TV - adjust the sound, brightness and contrast, change channels. Otherwise, you will have to use the TV remote control. In some cases, this is inconvenient, since you have to use two remote controls at once.

The remote control is synchronized in two modes:

  1. Manual, when the configuration is performed directly by a person;
  2. Automatic, when all codes are entered by the receiver.

IN manual mode The synchronization code is entered manually. It is used mainly for older TV models. Codes are provided on the Rostelecom website.

The automatic setup mode on the IPTV set-top box starts after successively pressing the TV and OK buttons. As soon as the codes match, the TV will turn off. For further work, you need to save the settings by clicking on the OK button again.

The most common problems when setting up and operating IPTV

In some cases, even properly installed equipment may not work properly. This happens with any device. What problems may a Rostelecom client encounter:

  • If the code of the set-top box and the TV matches, a conflict will occur with the set-top box receiver. In this case, the screen will not display the channels available according to the connected service, but regular television. The solution to the problem may be to change the set-top box code. To do this, the setup mode starts on the set-top box. You can call it by holding the OK button for a few seconds. Next, a code is selected in the range from 3020 to 3024.
  • Another possible problem is outdated firmware. In this case, a screensaver with a rabbit appears on the screen.
  • A blue screen appears if the video input is selected incorrectly.
  • If you forget to pay your subscription fee on time, most channels will be disabled. You will have access to only five to ten channels, instead of the usual hundred or more.

A few words in conclusion

To summarize, it can be noted that installing a set-top box and other equipment to receive the Interactive Television service from Rostelecom is a fairly simple matter. Even schoolchildren can install and configure. Difficulties can arise only if the manufacturer for some reason has violated the package, but this problem can be avoided by checking the presence of all wires, batteries, power supplies, and the package of necessary papers when purchasing.

When setting up your television, use the instruction manual that comes with the set-top box. If you have any questions during setup, you can always contact the company’s technical support service. Rostelecom specialists will answer all your questions and help with installation.

If you were unable to cope with the task and do not know how to properly configure the equipment, invite the company’s specialists, having previously agreed on a time. They will solve your problem in a matter of minutes.

There is much debate as to whether the Internet will be able to surpass television in popularity, as it has done with print media. mass media. Thanks to modern IT technologies, this topic has become irrelevant, especially after users were offered a new product - interactive television. By combining the Internet and TV, service providers offer a different type of television - high-quality and reliable. In addition, it is easy to connect, and for this you only need a Rostelecom TV set-top box and the necessary components for it. By making the correct settings for the Rostelecom set-top box, and anyone can do this, you get a lot of benefits.


  • 1 Components for digital TV
  • 2 How to connect the set-top box
  • 3 How to set up a Rostelecom set-top box
  • 4 Synchronizing the remote control with the set-top box
  • 5 Frequent problems with setting up and operating IPTV
  • 6 Conclusion

Accessories for digital TV

Rostelecom is the largest provider of telecommunications services on the Russian market, one of the first to offer a digital television service, which today Rostelecom TV set-top boxes are used by millions of Russians. This means that they have the opportunity to watch their favorite programs in HD and 3D format, use RTK resources independently - they can start recording or pause, rewind the broadcast or get a file from the provider’s archive.

All this is possible thanks to an IP set-top box, and manufacturers today offer at least a dozen devices, including Ukrainian-made products from the Infomir company, but the most “advanced” TV set-top box SML-482 HD from Smartlabs is considered. Despite the fact that no particular problems with the device were identified, and the return rate is negligible, when purchasing it is worth looking at the availability of components, without which even connecting the set-top box will be problematic. The standard configuration is as follows:

  • Direct STB set-top box.

  • Power supply from Rostelecom, or adapter for 12V and 1.2A.

  • Battery: AAA battery.

  • Universal remote control.

  • A set of cables, including a one and a half meter AV cable, known as a “tulip”, a 3-meter Ethernet cable for connecting to the router, an HDMI cable, without which it is difficult to connect the device to modern LED and LCD TVs.

Important! Exactly hdmi cable quite often it is not included with the set-top box, so you will have to spend extra money to purchase it, otherwise there is no way to talk about a clear image.

  • Adapter 3xRCA - SCART.

  • Rostelecom operating manual with clear instructions on how to connect the set-top box to your TV and router.

  • Plastic bag necessary documents, including a warranty card, a remote control setup guide and a remote control code book.

Naturally, you will need a TV receiver, as well as a router equipped with LAN ports to connect the receiver to the Internet. If the distance from the TV set-top box to the router exceeds 3 meters, you will have to purchase a patch cord or extension cord. There shouldn’t be any special problems, since they will sell it to you already crimped in any store. computer equipment and even in the market. After making sure that all the listed elements are present, and having understood the configuration of the receiver and TV set-top box, you can begin connecting the receiver.

How to connect the set-top box

When purchasing a new device, we open the instruction manual, which describes the procedure for connecting and setting up. In the case of an STB set-top box, there are several possible options connection, and, despite the fact that the vast majority uses one method, it is worth considering other possibilities. According to the instructions, you can connect the receiver:

Remember! If you want to get the most reliable connection of the Rostelecom set-top box via a router to the TV, the option of connecting via an Ethernet cable is The best decision. In addition, it has a high sensitivity to electromagnetic interference.

How to set up a Rostelecom set-top box

After the connection to the Internet is established, all that remains is to connect the STB set-top box to the TV and make the necessary settings. For this, as already mentioned, the necessary cables are included with the device. It is better to make connections with the devices turned off, since due to a possible potential difference, one of the devices may fail. Setting up Rostelecom television does not require much skill or special knowledge; all you need is:

  • Setting up Rostelecom on a TV begins with switching the TV receiver to AV mode using the TV's remote control. If you are using an HDMI cable, you must select the appropriate remote control on the screen.

  • If everything is done correctly, a splash screen will appear on the screen, indicating that the download of digital television has begun, and the process usually lasts no more than a minute.

  • After the download is complete, you will have to enter your username and password, and you can find them in the contract. Considering that these data are entered not from a computer, but from a remote control, they have exclusively digital values.

After identification has been successfully completed, a whole set of television settings from Rostelecom will appear on the screen. This means that the connection was successful and all that remains is to configure the channels, make additional settings (at your request), including the mandatory configuration of the remote control and its synchronization with the STB set-top box.

Synchronizing the remote control with the set-top box

After connecting the set-top box to the router and TV receiver has been successfully completed, you need to check the synchronization of the remote control with the TV, because without this you will not be able to perform basic actions - adjust the sound and change channels. To configure the Rostelecom TV set-top box, you will have to use the remote control of the TV receiver, and this, according to many users, is not very convenient. Setting up the synchronization of the set-top box remote control with the TV can be done either manually or automatically. In the first case, you will have to enter the synchronization codes manually, but in the second, the receiver will do this for you. To do this, you need to press the TV and OK buttons on the remote control of the IPTV set-top box, and the TV will turn off as evidence that the code has been selected. All you have to do is save the settings by pressing OK again. As for manually entering the code (this will have to be done on outdated TV models), it should be provided by Rostelecom, and it is also available on the company’s official website.

Frequent problems with setting up and operating IPTV

Even if you made all the settings correctly, the equipment may malfunction, and this is a problem with any device, unfortunately. There may also be a conflict between the set-top box and the TV receiver, and this can happen if the codes of the TV and receiver match. In this case, it is not the channels available for viewing with the Rostelecom set-top box that appear, but regular television. The way out of the situation is simple - you need to change the code of the set-top box, for which you will have to switch the equipment to program mode by holding the OK button for several seconds. Next you need to select a code in the range 3020-3024. Possible troubles may also include outdated firmware, as evidenced by the screensaver with a rabbit, as well as an incorrectly selected video input, as indicated by a blue screen. Don’t forget to pay your subscription fee on time, and it’s not difficult to understand that you’re overdue for another payment - instead of hundreds of channels, no more than ten, for example, will be available.


In conclusion, I would like to say that connecting the Rostelecom provider’s set-top box is a simple task, and even children can cope with it. Difficulties will arise if the manufacturer has violated the package, so when purchasing equipment, you must first check the presence of all cables, batteries, power supply and necessary documentation. The operating manual will help you set up Rostelecom television, and if problems arise, feel free to contact the provider’s technical support service, where you will definitely be given professional advice and help with connection and setup. In case of emergency, you can order a specialist to your home or office.

1. General Provisions

This personal data processing policy has been drawn up in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law dated July 27, 2006. No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” and determines the procedure for processing personal data and measures to ensure the security of personal data of individual entrepreneur D.V. Shirokov. (hereinafter referred to as the Operator).
The operator sets as its most important goal and condition for carrying out its activities the observance of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen when processing his personal data, including the protection of the rights to privacy, personal and family secrets.
This Operator’s policy regarding the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Policy) applies to all information that the Operator can obtain about visitors to the website

2. Basic concepts used in the Policy

Automated processing of personal data - processing of personal data using computer technology;
Blocking of personal data - temporary cessation of processing of personal data (except for cases where processing is necessary to clarify personal data);
Website - a collection of graphic and information materials, as well as computer programs and databases that ensure their availability on the Internet at the network address;
Personal data information system - a set of personal data contained in databases and ensuring their processing information technologies and technical means;
Depersonalization of personal data - actions as a result of which it is impossible to determine without the use of additional information the ownership of personal data to a specific User or other subject of personal data;
Processing of personal data - any action (operation) or set of actions (operations) performed using automation tools or without the use of such means with personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data;
Operator - government agency, municipal body, legal or individual, independently or jointly with other persons organizing and (or) carrying out the processing of personal data, as well as determining the purposes of processing personal data, the composition of personal data to be processed, actions (operations) performed with personal data;
Personal data - any information relating directly or indirectly to a specific or identified User of the website;
User - any visitor to the website;
Providing personal data - actions aimed at disclosing personal data to a certain person or a certain circle of persons;
Dissemination of personal data - any actions aimed at disclosing personal data to an indefinite number of persons (transfer of personal data) or familiarizing with personal data to an unlimited number of persons, including the publication of personal data in the media, posting in information and telecommunication networks or providing access to personal data in any other way;
Cross-border transfer of personal data - transfer of personal data to the territory of a foreign state to an authority of a foreign state, a foreign individual or a foreign legal entity;
Destruction of personal data - any action as a result of which personal data is destroyed irretrievably with the impossibility of further restoration of the content of personal data in information system personal data and (or) as a result of which material media of personal data are destroyed.

3. The Operator may process the following personal data of the User

Full Name;
Phone numbers;
The site also collects and processes anonymized data about visitors (including cookies) using Internet statistics services (Yandex Metrica and Google Analytics and others).
The above data below in the text of the Policy are combined general concept Personal Information.

4. Purposes of processing personal data

The purpose of processing the User’s personal data is to provide the User with access to services, information and/or materials contained on the website.
The Operator also has the right to send notifications to the User about new products and services, special offers and various events. The User can always refuse to receive information messages by sending a letter to the Operator to Email [email protected] marked “Opt-out of notifications of new products and services and special offers.”
Anonymized data of Users, collected using Internet statistics services, serves to collect information about the actions of Users on the site, improve the quality of the site and its content.

5. Legal grounds for processing personal data

The Operator processes the User’s personal data only if it is filled out and/or sent by the User independently through special forms located on the website By filling out the appropriate forms and/or sending his personal data to the Operator, the User expresses his consent to this Policy.
The Operator processes anonymized data about the User if this is allowed in the User's browser settings (saving cookies and using JavaScript technology are enabled).

6. The procedure for collecting, storing, transferring and other types of processing of personal data

The security of personal data processed by the Operator is ensured by implementing legal, organizational and technical measures necessary to fully comply with the requirements current legislation in the field of personal data protection.
The operator ensures the safety of personal data and takes all possible measures to prevent access to personal data by unauthorized persons.
The User's personal data will never, under any circumstances, be transferred to third parties, except in cases related to the implementation of current legislation.
If inaccuracies in personal data are identified, the User can update them independently by sending a notification to the Operator to the Operator's email address [email protected] marked “Updating personal data”.
The period for processing personal data is unlimited. The User may at any time withdraw his consent to the processing of personal data by sending a notification to the Operator via email to the Operator's email address [email protected] marked “Withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data.”

7. Cross-border transfer of personal data

Before the start of cross-border transfer of personal data, the operator is obliged to ensure that the foreign state into whose territory it is intended to transfer personal data provides reliable protection of the rights of personal data subjects.
Cross-border transfer of personal data to the territory of foreign states that do not meet the above requirements can only be carried out if there is written consent of the subject of personal data to the cross-border transfer of his personal data and/or execution of an agreement to which the subject of personal data is a party.

8. Final provisions

The User can receive any clarification on issues of interest regarding the processing of his personal data by contacting the Operator via email [email protected].
This document will reflect any changes to the Operator’s personal data processing policy. The policy is valid indefinitely until it is replaced by a new version.
The current version of the Policy is freely available on the Internet at

Having concluded an agreement for the Interactive Television service, Rostelecom subscribers most often immediately receive a set of equipment. But the company usually schedules a technician to come out for initial setup in a day or two, while suburban residents sometimes have to wait a whole week. Don't want to waste so much time? We will tell you how to connect digital television from Rostelecom, and whether it can be done without the help of specialists. Knowledge of connection diagrams and configuration technologies will also be useful for experienced subscribers, for example, when buying a new TV or moving equipment to another room.

What is included in the digital television package from Rostelecom

Rostelecom provides its subscribers with two options for digital television services - “” and “Interactive TV 2.0”. The main difference between them is that version 2.0 can work in conjunction with the Internet from any provider. The earlier package requires that the router for digital television and broadband access belongs to Rostelecom. To connect version 2.0, we recommend that you wait for the company’s technicians to avoid problems with possible incompatibility of equipment settings from different providers. It is also better to wait for the technicians if you connect the Internet and interactive TV at the same time.

If you already have a router from RTK installed and working, you can configure Rostelecom digital television equipment yourself. The basic kit includes a set-top box, a network cable and a universal remote control. If desired, the cable can be replaced with a video sender or Wi-Fi adapter, but the initial setup must still be carried out with a corded connection.

Rostelecom offers set-top boxes for digital television in two versions - “Standard” and “Premium”. Any of them can be used with both versions of interactive TV, and they are configured in exactly the same way. The only difference is that premium category equipment is complemented by a built-in 500GB hard drive and supports 3D technologies. Well and in cost, of course. But no matter what set of equipment you choose, the connection algorithm will be the same.

Connecting a Rostelecom digital television set-top box

You should not try to install an STB set-top box on the day of concluding an agreement with Rostelecom. To process your documents, interior work with equipment and joining your personal account new service the provider needs time. Typically, these operations take about 24 working hours, and until they are completed, your digital TV will not work, even if you have made all the settings correctly. You can find out whether the service has been linked by calling the Rostelecom contact center at 8-800-1000-800.

If the CC operator has confirmed the availability of interactive TV for you, you can begin installing the set-top box. The connection diagram for Rostelecom digital television will generally look like in the picture.

After this, connect the STB to the TV using tulips or an HDMI cable. The latter is not always included in the package provided by the provider. But if your TV model supports this technology, it is better to purchase this cable additionally to ensure a clear picture and maximum sound quality when using the service. When all the cord connections are installed, you can plug the power plug of the set-top box into the outlet.

How to set up digital television from Rostelecom

The next stage is setting up digital television. Turn on the set-top box and TV, and use the remote control to switch the latter to AV mode. If you used an HDMI cable, then select this particular signal source in the menu that appears.

A splash screen will appear on the TV screen, indicating that the Rostelecom digital television set-top box has started loading. This process takes about a minute. After its completion, the equipment will ask you to enter your login and password to use the service. You can take this data from the contract concluded with the provider. The login and password will necessarily be completely digital, since they are entered using

After identification, the settings menu (or channel list, depending on the model of the set-top box) will appear on the screen. This will mean that the connection was completed successfully. At this stage, you can already use all the functions of interactive TV. But for ease of use, we recommend additional settings remote control

Setting up a remote control for interactive TV

After connecting the Rostelecom digital TV set-top box, you need to check whether the remote control attached to it is synchronized with your TV. Without synchronization, even simple actions such as turning on and off the TV or adjusting the sound from the set-top box will be impossible. For them you will have to use the TV remote control, which is not always convenient.

There are two ways to synchronize the remote control for a Rostelecom digital television set-top box with a TV of any model - enter synchronization codes manually or trust the automation. First, we will describe the easiest, automatic option.

Plug in the equipment, after loading it, press the TV and OK buttons on the STB remote control. As soon as the diode on the first button lights up and goes out twice, you can make settings, the remote control is switched to programmable mode. Enter the combination 991 on the numeric keypad and press the key that scrolls through channels.

With each subsequent press of this button on the remote control issued by Rostelecom, digital television codes will be configured. The device will begin to cycle through the synchronization codes embedded in it, sending the TV a signal to turn off.

If the TV turns off, this will mean that the code has been selected. To save it, press OK on your remote. The diode under the TV button should go out twice and light up again, signaling that the parameters have been saved. After this, you can turn on the equipment again and try to control the sound on the TV using the remote control from the Rostelecom set-top box. If it works, it means the synchronization was carried out correctly.

Owners of rare or outdated TV models may need to manually configure the remote control when connecting to Rostelecom digital TV. To do this you will need the hardware synchronization code. You can find out the meaning of the code on the Rostelecom website.

Go to the “For Yourself” section, then the “Support” menu, the “Interactive Television” submenu. Find the “Equipment” link on the page and follow it. In the new window, scroll down the page until you see the image of the remote control. A list of codes will be attached below it. Find your TV model in it and remember the numbers next to it.

If for some reason you cannot access the site, contact the company's support service. The operator will prompt you with the necessary numbers. After this, put the remote control into settings mode, as described above. But after the TV button blinks twice, do not press the channel switching key, but enter the code you saw in the list using the numeric keypad. The TV should turn off.

Attention: Each TV model has several synchronization codes. If one of them does not work, try the remaining combinations.

Common IPTV Errors

Even when configured correctly, equipment may still experience problems from time to time. Most often, complaints that Rostelecom digital television does not work come from new subscribers who are not familiar with the procedure for providing the service. So, if you see that only 10 channels are available for you to watch, and the rest for some reason do not work, in 99% of cases this means that you are overdue for payment.

Check your TV service balance, pay off the debt, and within 24 hours broadcasting will resume in full.

If the “No IP address” message appears on the screen when you turn on the TV, try rebooting the power supply. To do this, unplug the TV, then the set-top box, and then the router. After a couple of minutes, turn on the router to the network. Wait until all the lights on it turn green, then turn on the set-top box and TV. Be sure to follow the power-off sequence!

If, after turning on, you notice that some indicator is missing on the router, or it is lit in red/orange, call technical support.

Another common mistake: “No signal”. It occurs when turned on and most often indicates an incorrectly selected signal source. Another option is a broken cord connection. Check the integrity of the cable, try to reconnect all the plugs connecting the set-top box, TV and router. The rarest reason for such an error is the failure of the console. But only a specialist can diagnose it, so you can’t do it without calling technical support.

If the problem is with the company’s equipment, it will be taken away for repair. But, since digital television cannot work on a TV without a Rostelecom set-top box, you will be given a working STB during the repair. You already know how to connect it.

Digital TV without wires

Many subscribers are interested in how to connect Rostelecom digital television via Wi-Fi. There is such a possibility, but to implement it you will need a set-top box with a special port for a Wi-Fi adapter. In this case, it is better to entrust the router settings to specialists (note that this service is most likely paid for at Rostelecom). But most importantly, the quality of broadcasting with such a connection will be unsatisfactory.

Television involves transmitting a very large data stream that a wireless network may simply not be able to handle. And if you are connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi, be prepared for the fact that the image on the TV will constantly slow down and crumble. If you don’t want to run wires around your apartment, the best option would be to purchase devices called “video senders” from Rostelecom. Belonging to the category of PowerLine adapters, they will allow you to establish a reliable wireless connection and transmit up to five video streams.