Territorial department of Rospotrebnadzor Bolshaya Filevskaya 33. SES in ZAO (Sanitary and Epidemiological Station). Analysis of water and air at SES ZAO

Department of the Rospotrebnadzor Office for the Western Administrative District of Moscow

Chief State Sanitary Doctor: Shusherina Tatyana Fedorovna

Address: Moscow, Bolshaya Filevskaya street, building 33

head physician

supervision in the field of consumer protection

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one stop shop

epidemiological surveillance

supervision of working conditions

social and hygienic monitoring

Monday to Thursday 9:30

Friday 9:30

Break 13::45

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Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology of the SES for ZAO

Address: Moscow, Bolshaya Filevskaya street, building 33

SES telephone numbers: ,

Monday to Thursday 9:00

Friday 9:00

Free legal advice:

Department of medical examinations for issuing a medical record from 9:00 to 13:00, telephone, office No. 131

Sanitary and epidemiological station of SES CJSC

The task of the sanitary and epidemiological service of the SES ZAO is to ensure the safe stay of residents of the west of Moscow in their apartments and at work.

Activities carried out by the sanitary and epidemiological station of SES ZAO

Ensuring the preservation of public health is achieved through such measures as:

  • checking the sanitary conditions of apartments;
  • measurement of noise, electromagnetic and radiation radiation;
  • laboratory testing of water;
  • deratization (getting rid of rodents);
  • disinsection (getting rid of harmful insects);
  • deodorization.

Additional services of SES ZAO Moscow are available to legal entities:

  • development of PPK;
  • checking compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards by state and commercial enterprises;
  • monitoring the process of production and sale of food products;
  • control of the number of harmful insects (Pest control service);
  • registration of a log of disinfectants and other sanitary documents.

Services are provided by qualified masters of the sanitary and epidemiological station of SES ZAO. The disinfectants used for treatment are not dangerous for people and animals, as they belong to class 4. A guarantee is given for the work performed.

Free legal advice:

On all questions regarding sanitary safety, you can get advice by ordering a call from an operator on the official website of SES ZAO Moscow.

Contacts SES ZAO Moscow

Residents of the west of Moscow can contact the address of SES ZAO: st. Bolshaya Filevskaya, 33.

SES CJSC opening hours: Mon. – Thu, 9:00 – 17:00; Fri., 9:00 – 16:00.

Serviced territories of SES ZAO Moscow:

  • Krylatskoe
  • Ochakovo-Matveevskoe
  • Vnukovo
  • Filevsky Park
  • Ramenki
  • Solntsevo
  • Vernadsky avenue
  • Kuntsevo
  • Dorogomilovo
  • Novo-Peredelkino

8 messages on “Sanitary and Epidemiological Station SES ZAO”

Neighbors from the top floor arbitrarily combined a balcony with a room. Leaks formed on the floor slab. Black mold appeared on my walls Address: Moscow Veernaya Street, Neighbors' Apartment 106. Our HOA "Three Houses" knows about the problem, but cannot help. What do?

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Hello. An apartment is for rent in a residential building on Leninsky Prospekt no. 156, apt. 25 charitable foundation where sick people are constantly located, incl. with oncology. How safe is this for residents of the entrance? After all, we are not a clinic or a hospital, but they still remain common door handles, elevator buttons and handrails. Our children live and walk here. Is it allowed according to sanitary and epidemiological standards to rent out apartments for health-improving activities such as dressing and housing patients and where should we go?

Hello! How? and who can I contact? on the subject of communication with a SES specialist about one state budgetary institution in a closed joint-stock company and a cafe at the same state budgetary institution! where a number of violations related to serving the population were discovered purely visually with the naked eye!

In the 5th floor at 36 Kremenchugskaya Street, basement entrance 2, a sewer system burst a month and a half ago. There is an unbearable smell of feces from the basement, the entire entrance stinks. When contacting the management company: The housing manager pretends that you are all from the village (sniff). Moreover, they admit that a sewer pipe burst and feces spilled into the basement.

In a 5-storey residential building on the street. Artamonova, 8-2 fleas. There are rats and stray cats in the basement. Help get rid of fleas.

I want to do an examination of the water from the well to determine its suitability and select filters.

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Is it possible to bring water for analysis yourself?

How much does a water test cost?

Cost of work on deratization of an apartment?

For questions about ordering paid services, please contact the online chat in the lower right part of the site. Cancel reply

Official website of the sanitary and epidemiological service of Moscow and the region

Scheme, opening hours, addresses, telephone numbers of SES and all branches of the sanitary and epidemiological station 2016

Free legal advice:

Ses zao Bolshaya Filevskaya 33

Moscow, Bolshaya Filevskaya, 33.

Full Name

Head of the territorial department, Chief State Sanitary Doctor for the Western Administrative District of Moscow

Free legal advice:

Deputy Chief State Sanitary Doctor for the Western Administrative District of Moscow

Deputy Head of the Territorial Department, Deputy Chief State Sanitary Doctor for the Western Administrative District of Moscow

Supervision of working conditions and radiation safety of the population

Deputy Head of Territorial Department

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Supervision of public utility facilities and habitats

Deputy Head of Territorial Department

Klimova Svetlana Vladimirovna

Supervision of population nutrition

Deputy Head of Territorial Department

Free legal advice:

Deputy Head of Territorial Department

Chepurok Natalia Borisovna

Supervision of health care institutions

Deputy Head of Territorial Department

Mironenko Lyudmila Viktorovna

Supervision of services and goods for children and adolescents

Free legal advice:

Deputy Head of Territorial Department

Andrianova Natalya Yurievna

Supervision in the field of consumer protection

Deputy Head of Territorial Department

Krainova Olga Nikolaevna

Free legal advice:

Department information support and document flow

(c) Management Federal service on supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being in the city of Moscow, 2011.

Address: Moscow, Grafsky lane, 4, building 2, Tel.:

SES in JSC (Sanitary and Epidemiological Station)

Only A complex approach, used in the work of SES ZAO, is capable of truly destroying viruses and bacteria, insects and rodents. We offer disinfection, disinfestation, deratization, fumigation services, and a range of laboratory tests.

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We work with the following districts of the Western Administrative District

In our work we use professional, certified, odorless and colorless preparations. We visit sites around the clock, without breaks or weekends.

The Sanitary Service of the CJSC provides services in the following areas:


A number of human life processes are inextricably linked with the spread of bacteria and microbes. It is impossible to get rid of them using household cleaning. Colonies of malignant microorganisms inevitably grow and can harm others. The Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the JSC carries out professional disinfection of premises of various types and purposes, as well as treatment of transport. Modern drugs make it possible to reduce viruses, bacteria, fungi and mold to a safe level and even completely destroy them.

Pest control

Flies, mosquitoes, wasps - only at first glance seem to be cute and harmless creatures. In addition to being annoying, they are capable of carrying dangerous diseases on their paws. What can we say about the appearance of cockroaches, bedbugs, and woodlice? A number of establishments, having acquired such a neighborhood, risk being closed. That is why it is important to use the services of SES in time to prevent the development of the problem on a global scale.


Mice and rats are only good if they are decorative. In urban conditions, these rodents are capable of causing serious damage to enterprises, the warehouse industry, farms, private houses. Fighting them on your own is usually ineffective. Mice, rats, moles, at best, temporarily disappear. Therefore, it is so important to take an integrated approach here.

Additional services of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station

The quality of the services provided is guaranteed by highly qualified specialists of SES ZAO. The products used for treatment do not pose a direct danger to humans and domestic animals, and also have a prolonged effect, since the substances included in their composition belong to 4 hazard classes and are colorless and odorless.

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Driving directions

Our address: Moscow, B. Filevskaya st., 33.

The branch is located at the Filyovsky Park metro station. The last car from the center. When exiting the metro, turn right. Walk 5-7 minutes towards the street. B. Filevskaya. Before reaching the Lukoil gas station, turn right and go through the gate.

The testing laboratory center is located at: st. Veresaeva, 15.

Travel from the center along the Mozhaiskoe highway to the stop "Ulitsa Veresaeva", cross the underground passage and walk along the street. Veresaeva is about 300 meters to a 14-story high-rise building.




Grafsky lane, 4 bldg. 2,3,4, Moscow, Russia,

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Fax: (office)

Helpful information

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The sanitary and epidemiological station “4 Seasons” exterminates bedbugs, cockroaches, rats and mice, as well as other insects and rodents in the following territorial divisions: Our SES in the districts and nearby metro stations:

Sanitary Environmental Service "4 Seasons"

Destruction of bedbugs, cockroaches, rodents and other insects in one treatment!

We work 24 hours / 7 days a week

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Pest sanitation in the following areas and metro stations:

The sanitary and epidemiological station “4 Seasons” carries out disinsection, deratization, and disinfection work in the areas:

Official center of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance of the South-Western Administrative District,

Sanitary and epidemiological station in the closed joint-stock company. SES in JSC

West administrative District includes the following areas:

  • Vnukovo
  • Dorogomilovo
  • Krylatskoe
  • Kuntsevo
  • Mozhaisky
  • Novo-Peredelkino
  • Ochakovo-Matveevskoe
  • Vernadsky avenue
  • Ramenki
  • Solntsevo
  • Troparevo-Nikulino
  • Filevsky Park
  • Fili-Davydkovo

Disinfection at SES ZAO

Disinfection services allow you to maintain a healthy microclimate and successfully fight pathogenic microbes and bacteria. Do you think that disinfection should be carried out only in medical, educational and municipal institutions during a high epidemiological period - this opinion is fundamentally wrong. Destruction of viruses, bacteria, fungi and mold is the daily work of our specialists. In addition to eliminating pathogenic microorganisms, modern technologies allow you to install a protective barrier that prevents the re-entry of pathogens of dangerous diseases.

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If you start sneezing for no reason or have allergy symptoms, this is a cause for concern. Perhaps invisible enemies have appeared in your home. To prevent allergies from developing into asthma, it is worth getting rid of its root cause in time. And only disinfectants can do this. To this end, responsible companies regularly carry out professional treatment of air conditioners. Even if mold appears in the house, you cannot do without special equipment. Household preparations have a temporary effect and often only remove its outer layer. Specialized chemicals used by SES ZAO specialists are able to penetrate into the material and effectively combat fungus and mold (including black mold).

  • Disinfection is carried out by qualified specialists who undergo regular training
  • For disinfection, only certified preparations that are safe for children and pets are used.
  • If you are expecting a new addition to your family, use the disinfection service before bringing your baby into the house.

Pest control at SES ZAO

Disinfestation, or in simple language the destruction of unwanted insects is one of the most popular services of the sanitary and epidemiological station in the JSC, both among individuals, and among legal ones. Our specialists often encounter the fact that having identified “unauthorized residents” in their home or workplace, people begin an independent fight against them and, as a rule, lose in it. Then, SES employees get cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas with high immunity and resistant to a number of drugs. Household products that are used to eliminate them are not able to kill the colony completely; moreover, most insects adapt well to chemicals. And given their ability to reproduce the population, in a few weeks they will completely restore their numbers.

Professional exterminators accurately calculate required amount drug. Properly done work allows specialists to defeat up to 99% of unwanted insects. For the rest, the chemicals used by the ZAS sanitary and epidemiological station deprive them of reproductive function. The preparations are safe for humans and pets, but have a reliable effect not only on adult insects, but also on their eggs, larvae and pupae.

Control and prevention measures against the spread of insects have been shown to be highly effective not only in enclosed spaces, but also in open spaces. In gardens and parks, we successfully fight aphids, bark beetles, ants, centipedes, hornets and other living creatures, the proximity of which has an extremely negative impact on people and plants.

  • Disinsection using hot and cold fog technology allows the substance to penetrate wallpaper, upholstery, under baseboards and kill all insects
  • Disinsection is a mandatory procedure for hotels, cafes and restaurants
  • You can spend the night in the apartment after disinfestation within 3 hours

Deratization at SES ZAO

Deratization is a set of measures aimed at combating mice, rats and moles. The difficulty of independent control of rodents lies in the vast territory of their destruction and complex migration routes. Infestation of mice and rats in warehouses, manufacturing enterprises, food shops leads not only to financial losses, but also to an increase in the epidemiological threshold. Rodents are carriers of serious diseases that are dangerous to humans. Only an integrated approach to eliminating them is highly effective. Specialists from SES ZAO go to the site, study the affected area, and only after that begin to determine measures to exterminate rodents. Often, they combine both chemical and mechanical methods.

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  • Rodents are carriers of dangerous diseases
  • Independent control of rodents is ineffective due to their wide distribution and ability to quickly change habitats
  • Professional deratization allows you to get rid of all rodents in one go

Analysis of water and air at SES ZAO

We are what we drink and what we breathe. That is why we pay special attention to water and air analysis. Unlike government laboratories, we are ready to act quickly. Our specialists take samples and conduct research in a high-tech laboratory. Their result is a professional expert opinion, based not only on the data we received, but also on consultations with ecologists. These documents provide recommendations for troubleshooting and are official. The package of documents issued by SES ZAO is evidence in court. Protect yourself and your loved ones. Our analysis allows us to short time detect the problem and take all measures to eliminate it.

  • Water and air analyzes are carried out using high-tech equipment in a professional laboratory
  • We guarantee the reliability of the results with high efficiency
  • Water and air tests help prevent environmental problems

Sanitary and Epidemiological Station of the Western Administrative District (SES ZAO)

Moscow, Bolshaya Filevskaya, 33

SES South-East Administrative Okrug telephone number:

The sanitary and epidemiological station in the joint-stock company provides disinfection, disinsection and deratization services for individuals and legal entities around the clock.

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Additional Information

SanEpidemStation (SES) in Moscow and the Moscow region

SES in JSC (Sanitary and Epidemiological Station)

Only an integrated approach used in the work of the JSC can truly destroy viruses and bacteria, insects and rodents. We offer disinfection, disinfestation, deratization, fumigation services, and a range of laboratory tests.

According to information from the SES of ZAO for 2017-2018, it was recorded in the Western Administrative District 296 cases appearance of insects: And in the houses closest to the metro stations: Slavyansky Boulevard, Yugo-Zapadnaya, Kyiv, Solntsevo, Molodezhnaya, Studencheskaya, Novoperedelkino.

We work with the following districts of the Western Administrative District

For all questions related to medical records: renewal, registration of a new medical record, affixing stamps and holograms, please contact: Moscow, Bolshaya Filevskaya street, building 33 Working hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Fri. from 9 to 16, Sat. and all - weekend.

In our work we use professional, certified, odorless and colorless preparations. We visit sites around the clock, without breaks or weekends.

The Sanitary Service of the CJSC provides services in the following areas:


A number of human life processes are inextricably linked with the spread of bacteria and microbes. It is impossible to get rid of them using household cleaning. Colonies of malignant microorganisms inevitably grow and can harm others. The Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the JSC carries out professional disinfection of premises of various types and purposes, as well as treatment of transport. Modern drugs make it possible to reduce viruses, bacteria, fungi and mold to a safe level and even completely destroy them.

Pest control

Flies, mosquitoes, wasps - only at first glance seem to be cute and harmless creatures. In addition to being annoying, they are capable of carrying dangerous diseases on their paws. What can we say about the appearance of cockroaches, bedbugs, and woodlice? A number of establishments, having acquired such a neighborhood, risk being closed. That is why it is important to use the services of SES in time to prevent the development of the problem on a global scale.
