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TEZ TOUR is an international travel operator specializing in organizing group and individual tours for tourists from the Russian Federation, CIS countries and Eastern Europe.

TEZ TOUR dates back to 1994. Thus, we're talking about about one of the oldest tourist operators in Russia.

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The Turputevka company has been cooperating with the tour operator Tez Tour for a long time.

Do you want to buy a profitable tour from the Tez Tour operator? Feel free to contact us (sales offices).

Our phone 8-495-215-18-50 . Enter promotional code ( 888777 ) and get a discount 3% for any tour from this operator.

Our managers will select the most profitable option for your vacation, taking into account all your wishes.

TEZ TOUR offers its clients inexpensive holidays in the UAE, Andorra, Austria, Bulgaria, Greece, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Spain, Italy, China, Cyprus, Cuba, Maldives, Mexico, Thailand, France and Sri Lanka.

Tour operator Tez Tour cooperates with more than 20 national and international companies specializing in sending and receiving tourists, which allows us to provide a quality product to tourists from the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Kazakhstan and many other countries.

The main goal of the TEZ TOUR company is to provide high-quality service to travelers in the most famous destinations of foreign tourism.

Over the years of its work, TEZ TOUR has gained a reputation in the domestic market as one of the most reliable and high-tech companies. The work of Tez Tour offices, agents and partners is maximally automated and interconnected. A progressive and very easy-to-use system for selecting and online booking tours is always available to clients.

TEZ TOUR works only with the most reliable and trusted partners. The tour operator's air transportation is carried out by such major airlines in the world as QATAR AIRWAYS, Thai Airways, I Fly, Air Europa, Aeroflot, Emirates, Air Baltic and many others.

IN hotel industry TEZ TOUR partners are leading hotel chains, including Four Seasons, Iberostar, Hilton, Princess, Sol Melia, Le Meridien, Sheraton and Marriott.

The tourism operator pays the closest attention to the quality of the services provided, and this happens at each stage, from the development of a tourism product until the tourist returns home from a trip.

TEZ TOUR is a dynamically developing company, presenting new tourist destinations every year and constantly working to ensure that vacations are not only of the highest quality, but also affordable for all categories of Russian citizens. Last minute tours from Tez Tour are especially popular.

TEZ TOUR is a repeated winner of numerous competitions and winner of prestigious awards. Among the operator’s achievements, it is especially worth noting the victory in the “People’s Brand” competition in the “Best Tour Operator” category and first place in the “International Tour Operator” category at the 2008 Friends Thailand Awards.

  • Official website of the tour operator: www.tez-tour.ru

Here you can book tours from Tez Tour and buy last-minute tours at minimal prices online.

Tez Tour is a diversified large tour operator. It appeared on the tourism market in 1994.
The first and main destination was Turkey, then Egypt, and gradually the number of destinations increased to 30!
Many people have the feeling that Tez Tour is a tour operator with “Turkish roots”, but this is not so, the company was founded in Russia.
Tez Tour has been a leading company in Turkey for more than 20 years! At the airport and throughout the resort areas of Turkey you can see Tez Tour posters. Bright yellow buses and minibuses of the company run every minute on all roads in Turkey. In almost all Turkish hotels you can find guides in bright yellow shirts. The tour operator has long established a reputation as the main tour operator in Turkey.
The main central office is located in Moscow.
There are Tez Tour representative offices throughout Russia, Belarus, and the CIS countries.
The tour operator has its own fleet of vehicles, its own host companies in many directions, thousands of professional employees, thousands of exclusive contracts with hotels and airlines. But the most important thing is the principles of the tour operator: honesty with the client, reliability, professionalism.
. We are proud that over the years we have been able to learn from the operator everything that helps make the holiday for our clients the most comfortable, positive and memorable!

Review of the travel agency Tez Tour and bullying in Israel. On December 3, my sister and I returned from Israel, where we really hoped to relax and swim in the sea. But our dreams did not come true. I’ll tell you in order and I’ll be brief, although my emotions are running high. My sister and I bought tickets from the travel agency Tez Tour (on the Alekseevskaya metro station), the tour operator was Coral Travel, of the two hotels offered (both in the city of Eilat), we chose Prima Music, the girl wished us a great holiday and we joyfully galloped home, still not knowing what we signed up for, and what horror lay ahead of us. Well, let's go.... On December 2 at 16.30 local time we landed at Ovda airport in the Israeli city of Eilat. Everything was as usual, long lines lined up at the windows, BUT moving at an incredibly slow speed; each person was given 15-20 minutes of interrogation. About 2+ hours later it was our turn. And then questions followed: what is your name, what is your purpose for traveling, how much money are you bringing with you, what is your job. All this in a rude manner, in a raised tone, reaching the point of shouting, then they demanded a phone and dug through it for a very long time, looking at photographs, reading messages, contacts, and so on, without giving me my passport, they told me to go to a separate room and wait. It was not clear what to expect. There were already about 30 people in this room and everyone was at a loss. After about 30 minutes, a representative of Coral Travel approached us, checked us against the list and said that we must wait for you for 2 hours and we are leaving, and if they let you through, you must get to the hotel yourself, the cost of a taxi will be 100 dollars. All questions about the current situation were not answered, and the young man quickly left. I was called for interrogation to a specially designated room at around 10:00 pm with all my belongings. There I was met by 4 ladies of unpleasant appearance, and then it seemed to me that I was really being interrogated by the Nazis in 1941, only there weren’t enough needles under my nails. Severe pressure, rudeness, intimidation, threats, ridicule, shouting, phrases “you’re lying” to all my answers. Again they went through the whole phone, dumped all my things out of the suitcase onto the dirty floor, threw everything around, then they took a photo of me, took my fingerprints, threw me a paper that I had to sign (I refused), and said that admission to Israel was closed for me , refusing to give a reason. They shouted at me to pack my bags and get out. After me they called my sister, and everything happened again. So, one after another, they left this terrible room with papers about the ban, and this is not one or two people, but 30, only 16 people from our flight received a ban. And this situation is only with Russians, since passport control of flights from other countries is much faster and NOT ONE person was given an entry ban. All calls to the numbers indicated in the voucher (tour operator Coral Travel) either did not answer the phone, or immediately hung up after learning about the situation, or they said that there were no complaints against us. Gradually they took away people who had arrived on the morning flight, they took them away in small groups, where they were taken no one knew, the customs officers looked at us, laughed and filmed us on their phones. Our 16 people remained, the time was almost 12 o'clock at night local time. A Gestapo girl came in and told us all to go to the toilet and have a smoke, since now we were all being taken to Tel Aviv airport to be sent to Moscow, the drive would take 5 hours, and there would be no stops for the toilet. It was just terribly cold on the bus and the driver did not react to all requests to make it warmer, as well as to the request to stop to go to the toilet. Next, another surprise awaited us, in the form of a migration prison instead of an airport. We were met by several men, they listed us, took away our things, phones, without even allowing us to notify our loved ones; when asked how long we were here, we received an ambiguous answer. Then we were taken to cells, thank God our sisters put us in one. In the cell there were iron beds, bars on the windows, a stinking toilet that was simply dirty with tin, with used paper right on the floor, there were a lot of used brushes and pastes lying around the sink (we were also given these when we were placed in the cells) and it was just terribly cold and damp. My sister and I lay down on the same bed, huddled close to each other to somehow warm ourselves up, covered ourselves with jackets and, tired, hungry (15 hours had already passed since our last meal), still fell asleep. We woke up from a terrible roar, a man came in, listed everyone on the list, put a small carafe of tea and threw on the floor some unappetizing-looking rolls, we only had enough tea for 6 people, only half a cup each, accordingly, no one could eat the rolls, they were stale, rotten with an incomprehensible sourness inside . We didn’t receive any answers to our requests to call our family and when we would leave here. An eternity must have passed, we were hungry, without water, waiting for something. Finally, a man came in and read out the lists of who was following him, my sister was on this list, I was not. We sobbed and asked not to be divided, to which he rudely told my sister to move. So I was left alone and 3 other girls, where they took my sister and I didn’t know when they would take me. After some time, they finally took the four of us, while we were picking up our bags, I managed to quietly write an SMS to my sister and find out that everything was fine with her and she was at the airport. Next, we were forbidden to use phones, all our bags were placed in the trunk, phones were ordered and controlled so that we left them in our bags. They took us to the airport, thoroughly searched us, turned all our things over again and took us to the plane, leading us onto the plane like criminals. Imagine my happiness when, using SMS, I found out that my sister was also on this plane. And then on the plane we finally ate and drank, it seemed to us the most delicious food and water))) After 4 hours we were finally in Moscow, but the surprises did not end, upon arrival it turned out that my sister’s luggage was lost, it was simply not sent, and his fate is still unknown. Moving away from the shock, we did not understand why such cruel treatment of Russian tourists was taking place. And why didn’t Coral Travel or Tez Tour warn about this situation, but they know about it (the flight attendant said that there are 10-15 such deportees on each flight), why do they contribute to the fact that people felt such horror. Manager Olga of the travel agency Tez Tour (office of metro station Alekseevskaya) didn’t even say a word that there is now such a massive return from Israel, and that we might have problems, but we have been regular customers of this office, and by purchasing a ticket, you are automatically confident that you will be completely safe and nothing will happen to you. For authenticity, I am attaching the voucher and entry refusals.

According to the First TV channel, TEZ tour is the No. 1 tour operator in Russia. The year of creation of Tez tour is 1994. Then the main destination on the tour operator’s website was Turkey, then tours to Egypt were added. Several years ago, TEZ TOUR entered the Spanish and Greek markets, and since 2009, tourists with tez tour vouchers began to actively check into hotels in the Maldives, the Caribbean and the Austrian Alps.

Currently, the company includes more than 20 divisions in different countries of the world, and the international scope of TEZ TOUR activities includes: Maldives, Sri Lanka, Greece, Turkey, Spain, Egypt, Thailand, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Austria, Andorra, UAE, Brazil , Mexico.

Fierce competition with its main opponent in Russia, Natalie Tours, forces TEZ TOUR to constantly release last-minute offers from tez tour, develop new directions and use the most advanced technologies in its work. Last minute Tez tours regularly appear on our website
At the same time, service for arriving tourists Tez Tour is organized on the basis of Tez Tour Turkey, Tez Tour Egypt, Tez Tour Spain, Tez Tour Thailand, etc., which allows us to support high standards maintenance and monitor them regularly. Many Tez Tour hotels take a 100% guarantee and offer them exclusively in Russia. Therefore, the prices of the TEZ tour operator to Egypt or offers to Turkey are rarely higher than those of other tour operators.

Here you will find prices for basic hotels of the tour operator Tez Tour, last minute Tez Tour packages and the opportunity to receive discounts. Our company has many years of experience in cooperation with the tour operator TEZ Tour, sells current last-minute Tez tours, for which it has been repeatedly awarded Teztour diplomas. In our offices you can purchase TEZ tours with a discount to the tour operator’s price, and accumulate bonuses as Members of the Good Travel Club (receive a card in the upper right corner)!

If you have any questions, we are waiting for them at [email protected] or call our managers. 777travel employees are well aware of all the basic TEZ tour hotels, prices and the tour operator’s online booking system. And don’t forget to print out the 777 Club card to receive discounts from the official prices of the tour operator Tez-tour !


Ski tours to Austria.

Early booking, discounts up to 10% (promotion valid until November 2). AK I FLY flights on the route Moscow - Salzburg - Moscow.

Fulfillment dates: New Year's flights 01/02/2015 and 01/03/2015, then on Saturdays from 01/10/2015 to 03/28/2015. Duration of tours is from 7 to 14 nights.

Ski tours to Andora.

Early booking, discounts up to 20% (promotion valid until November 30).Flights of airline I FLY on the route Moscow - Barcelona - Moscow.

Completion dates: on 3 and 6 days of the week from 12/27/2014 to 03/28/2015. Duration of tours from 7 to 21 nights.

Spain. Tenerife

Early booking, discounts up to 15% (promotion valid until October 31). Flights of I FLY on the route Moscow - Tenerife - Moscow.

Completion dates: 5 days of the week from 10/31/2014 to 03/27/2015. Duration of tours from 7 to 21 nights.

Italy. Alpine skiing - the season is open!

Early booking, discounts up to 15% (promotion valid until 30.11.2014). Flights of the airline "I FLY" on the route Moscow - Verona - Moscow.

Completion dates: 6 days from 12/27/2014 to 03/21/2015. Duration 7 and 14 nights.

Italy. Adriatic Riviera and excursion tours

Early booking, discounts up to 10% (promotion valid until 03/01/2015).

Flights of the airline "I FLY" on the route Moscow - Rimini - Moscow. Completion dates: 3 and 6 days from 10/01/2014 to 03/25/2015. Duration from 3 to 14 nights.

Tours to Cyprus

Early booking, discounts up to 12% (promotion valid until October 31, 2014). Resorts: Larnaca, Agia Napa, Paphos, Limassol, Protaras.

Flights of Sibir airlines on the route Moscow - Larnaca - Moscow.Flight numbers: S7 603/604. Aircraft type: Boeing 737-800. Execution dates: on 3, 5 and 7 days of the week from 10/29/2014 to 03/27/2015.


Early booking, discounts up to 25%. Aeroflot flights (with business class) on the route Moscow - Bangkok - Moscow.

Execution dates: daily from 10/25/2014 to 05/13/2015.

TRANSAERO flights on the route Moscow - Bangkok - Moscow. Execution dates: 1, 3, 4, 6 and 7 days of the week from 10/26/2014 to 03/28/2015.

Aeroflot flights (with business class) on the route Moscow - Phuket - Moscow.Execution dates: 1, 3, 4, 6 and 7 days of the week from 10/26/2014 to 03/28/2015.

TRANSAERO flights on the route Moscow - Phuket - Moscow.Execution dates: on 2, 3, 5, 6 days of the week from 10/28/2014 to 03/28/2015.

Duration: from 5 to 28 nights.

France. Ski tours

Resorts: Val Thorens, Les Menuires, Meribel, Courchevel 1850, Courchevel Village, Val D'Isère, Megeve! Early booking, discounts up to 10% (promotion valid until November 21, 2014).