The company's top manager was suspected of obstructing the investigation. an old friend is better than two new ones

The K55 company, which is conducting a scandalous construction project on Mira Street, turned out to be connected with the notorious Tavrichesky bank and the Dialog news agency. Previously, the Baltic Media Group laid claim to the same site, which is now being reformed by Aram Gabrelyanov.

These days in St. Petersburg, the demolition of a dilapidated house on Mira Street, 36, begins. An inconspicuous construction site on a small plot has become perhaps the most scandalous object in the city this year. As the site found out, the reason for this is not only the protests of city defenders, but also the interests of investors associated with big business and media structures.

In the circle of scandals

The disputed area belongs to ("K55"). There is a historic building and an annex on it, which stands close to the building.

A historic house cannot be demolished. "K55" has investment obligations for its reconstruction..

The construction site at 36 Mira Street is surrounded by scandals. Firstly, city defenders are categorically against it and are trying to stop the work: they hold rallies and appeal to Smolny and the courts. Secondly, (GATI) has questions about the fence that the developer placed on the sidewalk without a warrant. The fence must be dismantled within two weeks. But then the supervisory authorities will have complaints, because such work cannot be carried out without fencing.

Finally, thirdly, K55 is being sued, which held auctions for the site in 2011. "K55" won them, raising the price from 31.5 million rubles to 75.1 million rubles, that is, almost doubling. Now the cost of this site in NAI Becar is estimated at 90 million rubles. It was planned that the developer would build a residential building with 47 apartments up to eight floors high.

According to the investment agreement, K55 was supposed to reconstruct the historical building by the end of 2015. As the Property Fund website explained, instead the company is creating a subsidiary LLC, which will build a house at 36 Mira Street. So now “K55” requires the Fund to agree on the assignment for the new LLC, but it does not consider it necessary to do this. “It was K55 that had to implement the investment agreement, and it also had to comply with specified deadlines", the Foundation concludes.

Probably, a new LLC is being created to simplify, from a legal point of view, the future sale of residential premises under 214-FZ (the law on shareholders). The next court hearings in this case are scheduled for April.

Only Smolny has no complaints about the K55. Last week, the press service of the “construction” vice-governor of St. Petersburg sent a message to the editorial office that the company had a construction permit and all the documents were in perfect order.

Expansion and optimization

BMG recently appeared among the contenders for this site, sources close to the situation told the site. On the neighboring site at 34 Mira Street, there is one of the BMG buildings. It operates the news agency "Baltinfo", the newspapers "Evening Petersburg" and "Smena" and several divisions of the group. After increasing the space, it was planned to move part of the editorial office of the 100TV channel here.

BMG did not participate in the auction, but tried to buy the land at 36 Mira Street from the new owner. At that time, the media group was run by the now deceased. However, he was unable to agree on a price. It is interesting that after this, the media included in the BMG began to support the protests of city defenders against the construction on Mira, 36.

Now, after the death of Oleg Rudnov, BMG is under the control of the owner and. His assistants have not yet responded to the site’s questions about plans for this site and for the management of other BMG property. It is likely that the new management will resume attempts to acquire the site at 36 Mira Street, or, conversely, get rid of its site at 34 Mira Street.

Meanwhile, this week part of the structures of the 100TV channel moved to a building on Mira Street. They were placed in the dining room. The TV channel's premises on Petrogradskaya Embankment are being renovated: a large common studio is being built for BMG's television, radio and Internet resources. A transition phase has begun in the media group. New managers from Aram Gabrelyanov are optimizing the work of all media. The goal is to reduce costs and increase revenue. As part of the optimization, lawyers and personnel officers have already been laid off. The work of employees is being studied and their effectiveness is being assessed. As a result, a new personnel schedule will be drawn up.

According to the site, managers from the management team of Moscow Lifenews are starting to organize the work of the Baltinfo news agency. They plan to concentrate the management of the 100TV channel in Moscow and reformat television into news and information. The fate of the radio stations Radio Baltika and NevaFM, part of the BMG, has not been decided. Perhaps the station will merge with the TV channel and lease out one of the frequencies, probably the NevaFM frequency. So far, the new management is satisfied only with television and radio broadcasts on sports topics, and even then not with all of the formats. Three newspapers included in the BMG - "Nevskoe Vremya", "Evening Petersburg" and "Smena" - are also awaiting optimization. Perhaps they will be reformatted with a focus on online journalism.

In this situation best option- concentrate all structures in one complex. In any case, work in the updated mode will start no earlier than the fall. During this time, BMG will be able to resolve all property issues. It was more difficult for the old-style media group to do this due to Oleg Rudnov’s not the warmest relations with Smolny.

an old friend is better than two new ones

The owner of the site at 36 Mira Street, the K-55 company, is also close to the media business. The daughter of the general director of the company, Maria Rankova (in 2010 she changed her last name to Varzegova), owns Media Dialog LLC. The information agency "Dialogue" operates under this legal entity. By the way, it is a direct competitor news agency"Baltinfo" from the Baltic Media Group, located in a building on a neighboring site..

The profit of Media Dialogue, among other things, is provided by government orders from Smolny. Thus, in previous years, the company received almost 6 million rubles from the Administration of the Governor of St. Petersburg, having won tenders “for posting information about the activities of government bodies,” according to the government procurement portal.

Against this background, until now the city has clearly been accommodating to the K55 developer: the construction period was extended, all documents were approved, and the governor’s recent proposals to build a park on the site were rejected. Even the court case with the Property Fund about the timing of the work did not bother the government. However, they note that legally one is not connected with the other and does not interfere with the issuance of construction permits.

Now the site is intended specifically for residential development, according to. However, non-residential commercial premises are planned on the ground floor of the project. Nothing prevents us from placing there, for example, the editorial office and press center of the Dialog agency in the future. However, K55 claims that Alexander Rankov and his daughter’s family are connected exclusively by family relations, and not by business partnership.

Profitable land

The area of ​​the land plot on Mira Street is 1477 m2. Experts call it attractive for investment. “The most promising would be the construction of an elite residential building with an area of ​​7 thousand m2. Investments in construction will be about 45 thousand rubles per 1 m2, plus expenses for documentation. The investor’s profitability will be 25-30%. The same cost of construction will be for the construction of a business building. center, but the profitability will be 10-15%,” notes Alexandra Smirnova, director of investment brokerage at NAI Becar.

Among the business interests of Alexander Rankov are not only his daughter’s media structures. He owns an entire business empire with assets in the fields of construction, finance, energy, industry and pharmaceuticals. The construction on Mira Street looks like only a small component in this mass of projects.

Thus, Alexander Rankov is closely connected with the bank "", and is one of its shareholders, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. General businesses He is also closely associated with the businessmen who control this notorious bank awaiting reorganization - Dmitry Garkusha, Sergei Somov and Oleg Zakharzhevsky. By the way, according to the site, Maria Rankova’s media companies also had accounts opened at the bank. For example, joint business Alexander Rankov, Oleg Zakharzhevsky and Sergei Somov - St. Petersburg Precision Machine Tool Plant.

Also, Alexander Rankov is the general director of the investment and construction company "Sfera", the co-founders of which are all the same people, that is, his daughter Maria Rankova (47.3%), Dmitry Garkusha (2.5%) and Sergey Somov (50.1% ). "Sfera" is known for many development projects, such as "Edelweiss" on 1st Nikitinskaya Street, "Aquamarine" on Leninsky Prospekt, a residential microdistrict in Pushkin, a business center on Sinopskaya Embankment and others. A division of the company, Sfera LLC, is registered at the same address as K55 in Lisiy Nos. Actually, the name of the company "Konnolahtinsky, 55" comes from the avenue in Olgino, on the shore of the Gulf of Finland.

In addition, Alexander Rankov develops and own businesses. For example, his energy company Elektromontazh-110 is a permanent contractor of IDGC North-West, Gravity+ LLC successfully trades in pharmaceuticals, Wendelin LLC is engaged in construction and in 2013 showed revenue of almost 850 million rubles. The entrepreneur’s business interests probably also include the company of his daughter’s husband, Mikhail Varzegov, RFPS-Group, which works with IT and integrated security systems. Typically, the main information partner of the company is the Dialogue news agency, according to its official website. Only total revenues of all Alexander Rankov's companies owned 100% by him amounts to more than a billion rubles, not to mention his shares in other businesses.

Another well-known top manager in the business environment, Andrei Gomon, who comes from the structures of billionaire Gennady Timchenko, is also participating in the K55 project on Mira Street. At the moment he is the owner of the company, and Alexander Rankov is the general director. Although previously they owned shares in half. Until 2012, for seven years, Andrei Gomon worked as the general director of "", and after that he was an adviser to the general director of OJSC "" (PGK).

As reported by the site in "K55", Alexander Rankov and Andrei Gomon have a long-standing relationship business relationship and several joint projects with varying degrees of participation. Their details joint activities, as well as the conditions under which the transfer of K55 shares to Andrei Gomon took place, were not specified. Also, K55 assured that their project on Mira Street is in no way connected with the activities of Sfera and does not depend on the situation with the Tavrichesky bank.

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In St. Petersburg, ICR officers, together with operatives from the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, once again conducted searches at the central office of Lenenergo. This time, the detectives were not interested in the financial scams of the ex-leadership of this organization, but in the Deputy General Director for Security, Alexander Nikonov, who became involved in a criminal case of obstruction of justice and the conduct of a preliminary investigation. According to investigators, the security guard prevented detectives from investigating the machinations of his former superiors.

Security forces raided the office of PJSC Lenenergo on Constitution Square early in the morning of September 7. Employees of the Investigative Committee and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation were interested in the office of Deputy Director for Security Alexander Nikonov. While the detectives were studying official documentation kept by Mr. Nikonov, their colleagues were doing the same work in country house top manager in the village of Lebyazhye.

According to unofficial data, investigative actions were carried out as part of a criminal case initiated on August 31 by the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee for St. Petersburg under Art. 294 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (obstruction of justice and preliminary investigation). Retired Alexander Nikonov, who previously served in the KGB and then in the FSB, began working at Lenenergo in 2013. In 2015, after Andrei Sorochinsky left the position of the company’s general director with a scandal, the new management organized an audit of the implementation of the targeted investment program. It turned out that the company's money was often used to pay fictitious multimillion-dollar invoices for work carried out by contractors only on paper. Among other things, financial irregularities were revealed during the reconstruction of several electrical substations. In agreement with the management, Mr. Nikonov sent a corresponding statement to the police.

Main investigative department The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region opened a criminal case under Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud). But investigators soon encountered opposition from Lenenergo employees. The documents needed by the detectives were allegedly accidentally lost, and the energy workers needed by the investigation were suddenly sent on vacation or found themselves on sick leave. The police felt that the investigation of the case was being slowed down by the head of the security service, who initially initiated the initiation of a criminal case, and then, apparently, received the order to release everything on the brakes. As a result, an investigation was launched.

The regional department of the Investigative Committee confirmed the fact of investigative actions at the Lenenergo office, but refused any additional comments. In turn, the Lenenergo press service limited itself to reporting that the energy organization “received a request from law enforcement in the case of the events of 2013. The company is providing full cooperation to the investigation.”

A source close to the company told Kommersant that we are talking about the case of Wendelin LLC. As part of his investigation, the director of the St. Petersburg High-Voltage Branch was detained in December last year. Electricity of the net» Dmitry Koryakin, who, according to investigators, entered into a contract with Wendelin for the purpose of carrying out fraudulent activities. As a result, 46 million rubles were stolen, which were allocated to the company for construction and installation work at the substation located on Levashovsky Prospekt and responsible for supplying electricity to the St. Petersburg television tower. In fact, no work was carried out, but according to the documents, Mr. Koryakin accepted it.

By the way, despite the fact that “Wendelin” (according to, is now in the process of liquidation) is under close attention of law enforcement agencies, Kommersant discovered that among former leaders There are companies that are still actively working on Lenenergo contracts. It's about about Alexander Rankov, who, as follows from the information about Wendelin in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, owned 100% of the company’s shares as of May 2014. Mr. Rankov is the former director of logistics at Lenenergo, a minority shareholder of Tavrichesky Bank (according to the bank’s list of affiliates for 2014, he owned 0.06% of the shares). Also, Mr. Rankov, owning 47% of shares in ISK Sfera LLC, conducted a joint business with the now arrested main shareholders of the bank, Sergei Somov and Dmitry Garkusha. At the same time, Mr. Rankov now owns 100% of the shares in Gazavtomatika LLC, which, according to the b2b-center website, in June of this year Lenenergo was recognized as the winner among other organizations for the right to conclude framework agreements worth 5 billion rubles. The agreements concern the implementation of a full range of construction and installation works at Lenenergo power grid facilities in various areas of St. Petersburg and the supply of power equipment.

The head of the tender and contract department of Gazavtomatika, Anna Kulikova, confirmed to Kommersant that from May to the present, the company has received contracts worth about 370 million rubles from Lenenergo, while framework agreements, according to her, are still being played out. “We have a limitation (under framework agreements.- “Kommersant”) no more than 500 million rubles. The rest will go to other contractors,” notes Ms. Kulikova. Kommersant was unable to contact Mr. Rankov himself and the director of Gazavtomatika, Evgeny Baranov.

Let us remind you that PJSC Lenenergo appears in several scandalous criminal cases. So, former management The company is suspected of implementing a fraudulent scheme to withdraw the organization’s funds abroad with the help of Tavrichesky Bank. And last fall, the investigation uncovered a scam involving the theft of 380 million rubles, allegedly spent on laying a cable line along the bottom of the Gulf of Finland from St. Petersburg to Kronstadt. Payment was made in full, but the work was completed only on paper.

Vladislav Litovchenko; Alexey Kirichenko, Boris Gorlin, St. Petersburg

What tasks are facing the logistics and logistics unit of JSC Lenenergo, how contractors are chosen and why professionalism is also a creative approach - said the Director for Logistics and Materials and Materials - Head of the Department of Logistics and Materials and Materials of JSC Lenenergo Alexander Rankov.

Alexander Yuryevich, tell us what tasks are facing your logistics and logistics unit in 2011?

The main priorities are reducing the cost of purchasing equipment and carrying out procurement procedures on time, that is, according to the GKPZ procurement plan. This process needs to be made more open - more electronic trading should be carried out on b2b.

The Materials and Logistics Department has three main tasks: economic efficiency, the efficiency of bidding and increasing the openness of bidding that takes place on the electronic platform.

We are also improving the logistics process. Previously, we had an agent company that was responsible for the delivery of material and technical resources from the warehouse to our branches. This year we refused an agent. Now we carry out delivery on our own, and thanks to our logisticians we can really improve the supply of all branches with everything they need on time. True, we still rent a warehouse at the Izhora plant. Therefore, this year we will have to complete the construction of a warehouse on the basis of the Suburban Electric Networks branch in Pushkin.

The purchase of a particular product requires market analysis so that the price-quality ratio is optimal. What are the challenges in marketing?

During the year, Lenenergo processes about 5,000 positions on materials. In this regard, marketers are now doing market research on pricing. Since there are many manufacturers, the task of our marketers is to coordinate the most low prices, but so that the quality of the products meets our requirements. Complied with the quality standard ISO 9001:2008, according to which Lenenergo operates.

In 2010 CEO JSC Lenenergo Andrey Sorochinsky said that work with contractors will be tightened...

Of course, we prioritize the quality selection of the winners of our competitions. We sift “unscrupulous” companies through the sieve of our regulatory procedures and cut them off. For example, contractors who have large accounts payable to Lenenergo are not allowed to participate in the tender. The second point is the reputation of companies in St. Petersburg. After all, our contractors perform work not only for Lenenergo. We are conducting our own internal research - analyzing the work that these companies carried out in the city, how they have proven themselves, what their name is... We also take into account the presence of so-called certificates of merit. Naturally, the level of work of contractors must correspond to the level set by Lenenergo. There are companies that have been working with us for more than one year. There are those who are working with us for the first time, but they have some conclusions from other organizations, for example, Russian Railways. The contractor must comply with our standards and requirements, because Lenenergo’s work must be done efficiently and on time, and most importantly, without accidents.

- If, nevertheless, the selected contractor does not fully fulfill its duties, what measures are taken?

If the contractor fails to meet deadlines, it may even lead to the termination of the contract and the selection of the next contractor. The next organization is selected by ranking. After all, several companies must participate in the competition, at least 2-3. But such extreme measures as termination of the contract are not used very often.

- You said that one of the priorities is to make the bidding procedure more open...

All electronic trading via b2b is open. But there are still some tenders that we cannot conduct in electronic format. We keep ours economic security. There are procedures that, for example, are initiated by the Security Service. And we cannot “play” such tenders openly, otherwise we will violate security. In this case, competitive negotiations take place. We call company leaders. They offer their services, and we choose who suits us best.

Alexander Yurievich, you have a large team of employees - almost 40 people. What is the principle of successful management, in your opinion?

The team must work as a single mechanism, like a clock. The key to a team's success is trust. We “play out” a lot of tenders, sometimes people work for 12-13 hours in order to post documents on time at the sites and “play out” the procedure. In May we are planning our Health Day. Some weekend we want to get together and go outdoors. Such events need to be done - they unite the team. And it’s easier to work in a close-knit team.

- What do you consider professionalism?

Unfortunately, there are very few such people who can be called true professionals. To be honest and frank, I think there are only a few of them. These are people who have devoted most of their lives to a specific type of activity and have gone through the ranks from bottom to top. Naturally, if we talk about our direction, then trading is a young, new matter. In Russia, trading began only after 1998. Grow in 10 years good professionals It’s very difficult in our field. But they still develop differently: some grasp it quickly, others slowly.

Professionalism is also a creative approach. It would seem that doing procurement - what’s easier? They brought it to me questionnaires and one-step request documentation tasks. My task is to sign and post all the documentation on the website, and then sum up the results... In fact, Lenenergo as an organism is quite complex. When you just come up and post it and that’s the end of your work, that’s not professionalism. Professionalism is when specialists - procurement initiators, from the Repair and Connection Service, together with contractors, come to you to discuss some technical issue, and you speak the same language with them and can explain any point regarding the technical specifications.

- What qualities do you value in people?

First of all, ability to work, hard work, taste for work. The desire to work is a problem for Russia, the second problem is the reluctance to learn something new. I respect people who take a creative approach to a task. Creative people- they will be creative in life too. It is easier to live with such people, easier to work with them. Such people actually “move” life in the country.