Tyrtyshov Yuri Pavlovich where he works now. New appointments: Yuri Tyrtyshov has been appointed General Director of the Grand Prix Hippodrome Project Office. The new microdistrict in Tver will be called “Rainbow”

Yuri Pavlovich Tyrtyshov, member of the Board of the Stavropol community, senior vice-president of the Olimp-Stroy State Corporation.

Yuri Pavlovich Tyrtyshov was born on July 27, 1967 in the village of Zimnyaya Stavka, Neftekumsky district, Stavropol Territory, where he entered secondary school No. 1. In 1974 he moved to the village. Shpakovskoye, Stavropol Territory. In 1982, he entered and graduated with honors from the Stavropol Construction College, receiving the specialty “construction technician of industrial and civil construction.” From February to August 1986 he worked in the Stavropol Drilling Operations Department as a rig-rigger, then as a foreman.

In June 1986 he married Natalya Mikhailovna Kuznetsova.

Since 1987 he lived in Stavropol.

In August 1986, he entered the Stavropol Polytechnic Institute at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, specializing in the construction of industrial and civil buildings and structures. In 1989 he was transferred to the headquarters of student construction teams of the regional committee of the Komsomol. In November, he was transferred to head of the construction site in Anapa of the Stavropoltruboprovodstroy trust. In 1990, after the reorganization of the Ministry of Construction of Oil and Gas Industry Enterprises, he was appointed director of the Anapa branch of Stroyneftegaz JSC. In 1993, after reorganization, he was appointed general director of the Sevkavneftegazstroy trust (Stroyneftegaz JSC) in Anapa.

In 1994, as a result of a reorganization of the structure, he became president of Sevkavneftegazstroy JSC in Anapa. In February 1997, he was appointed deputy head of the construction, housing and communal services department of the Government of the Stavropol Territory. In April 1997, he was appointed head of the housing and communal services department of the government of the Stavropol Territory. In November 1997, in connection with the reorganization of management, he was appointed Minister of Housing and Communal Services and Construction of the Stavropol Territory. In August 1998, he was appointed Minister of Housing and Communal Services of the Government of the Stavropol Territory. From 2001 to 2003 worked as Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Stavropol Territory, Minister of Housing and Communal Services, Construction and Architecture of the Stavropol Territory, supervised issues of construction, housing and communal services, architecture, fire safety, emergency situations and a number of other issues. He was the chairman of the commission for emergency situations in the Stavropol Territory. In March 2003, he was transferred to the position of head of the Department of Investment and Operation of Fixed Assets of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. Since April 2004, he held the position of deputy head Federal agency on construction and housing and communal services. In November 2004, he was elected secretary of the Political Council of the Stavropol regional branch of the United Russia Partnership Party. From September 2006 to 2007 worked as Deputy Minister of Regional Development Russian Federation. Since February 2008, he has held the position of Advisor to the President on investment risks FC Uralsib, Deputy Governor of the Tver Region, then General Director of OJSC OboronStroy, Senior Vice President of the State Corporation OlimpStroy. Defended his dissertation on the topic “Structural levels of the reformed management system of housing and communal services in the region (institutional organizational aspects)" and received the academic degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Yu. P. Tyrtyshov - Honorary Builder of the Russian Federation, Honorary Worker of the Communal Services of the Russian Federation, Actual State Advisor of the Russian Federation 3rd class. Member of the General Council of the All-Russian political party"United Russia".

Awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 2nd class.

Person liable for military service - lieutenant colonel.

He is married and has three children: son Artem, daughter Olga and son Daniil.

During his 10 months in office as governor of Stavropol, Valery Zerenkov managed to shuffle the government he had assembled several times. And now - a new sensation: Prime Minister Yuri Tyrtyshov, who had not worked even a year, suddenly left his post for everyone.

A series of resignations

Personnel changes began at the end of last year. Thus, on December 17, two high-ranking officials were dismissed at once - the Minister of Road Facilities of the Stavropol Territory Vasily Doroshev and the Minister of Construction and Architecture of the Stavropol Territory Alexander Semyonov, who literally two weeks earlier replaced the dismissed Yuri Kornet.

A comment:

Vasily KRASULYA, publicist, chairman of the council public organization"Congress of the Stavropol Intelligentsia" :

Absolutely all personnel decisions of Governor Zerenkov are made autocratically, behind the scenes, secretly, based on his own ideas. Therefore, it is impossible to talk about the true reasons for certain appointments and resignations. However, if you look at what is happening from the outside, we can conclude that all the resignations are in no way connected with professional qualities leaders or their failures in their positions. Moreover, for such short term They didn’t even have time to do anything. We know practically nothing at all about Ivan Kovalev, because during his entire work in the government he was not noticed in matters in which the scale of his personality could be revealed.

At the beginning of 2013, the personnel purge continued with renewed vigor.

On February 7, the regional education minister, Irina Kuvaldina, lost her job. Less than two weeks later new decisions followed. The portfolio of Deputy Prime Minister of the region was given to the Minister of Finance of the region Larisa Kalinchenko. At the same time, it became known about the resignation of Vice-Governor Yuri Tyrtyshov. As in previous cases, there is not a word in official communications about the reasons for the personnel decision. This gave rise to many rumors and speculations.

Gone? Or “gone”?

The governor's press service insists that the dismissal was initiated by Tyrtyshov himself. However, according to a number of experts, the sudden resignation of the prime minister is a consequence of the recent embezzlement scandal at the Olympic construction site, after which he lost his post former boss Yuri Tyrtyshova, head of OJSC Resorts North Caucasus» Akhmed Bilalov. There are also those who believe that the matter is due to internal disagreements between the governor and the prime minister. This was partly confirmed by Yuri Tyrtyshov himself in telephone conversation with an AiF-SK correspondent.

The head of the region and I have too different ideas on many issues, so further collaboration didn't seem possible.

Did the governor let you off easy?

Yes, I would even say that the initiative belonged to him. So it's his sin, not mine.

Currently, the duties of prime minister are performed by the deputy chairman of the regional government, Ivan Kovalev. Whether he will remain in this post or will be replaced by someone else is still unknown. Nobody dares to make any forecasts on the sidelines of power anymore.

To be honest, I thought that Tyrtyshov would still work. I still don’t understand why he suddenly resigned. I would like to hear a response from officials. But, I believe, the reason is that Churchill called a fight of bulldogs under the carpet, says Sergei GORLO, deputy of the Stavropol Regional Duma. - I can’t even imagine who will replace Tyrtyshov. But Kovalev is absolutely a temporary figure in the post of prime minister. As for the appointment of Larisa Kalinchenko, this is a well-deserved and logical promotion. She is a very competent specialist and could even take the place of the chairman of the government.

Photo from the site vmeste.ru

04.07.2012 | 13:55

Our colleagues from the Stringer publication published interesting material covering the topic of unusual appointments in the Stavropol Territory. According to journalists, the appointment of Yuri Tyrtyshov to the post of vice-governor is not only strange from the “official” point of view, but also contradicts the will of the federal administration. We publish the material in full.

Material on the Stringer website: http://stringer.ru/publication.mhtml?Part=48&PubID=21584


Governor of the Stavropol Territory Valery Zerenkov appointed acting vice-governor - Chairman of the Government of the Stavropol Territory former first Deputy General Director of OJSC "Resorts of the North Caucasus" Yuri Tyrtyshov.

This appointment became the next link in the political reform of the Stavropol Territory, initiated by the governor, as is clear from some not very authoritative media, on behalf of the presidential envoy to the North Caucasian Federal District Alexander Khloponin, who considered that the model of governance of the region should be changed. And, allegedly in accordance with the instructions of the plenipotentiary, on June 20, amendments were adopted to the charter of the region, introducing the post of vice-governor, who simultaneously exercises the functions of the chairman of the government.

At the same time, it must be said that Yuri Tyrtyshov, whose candidacy will soon be submitted to the regional Duma, is, to put it mildly, a controversial figure.

Perhaps, the only thing that speaks in favor of such a personnel decision by Governor Zerenkov is the geographical origin of the potential regional prime minister - Yuri Tyrtyshov, indeed, was born in the Neftekumsky district of the Stavropol Territory. But his further career, and especially his reputation, raise a lot of questions among all more or less knowledgeable observers.

In his lifetime, Yuri Pavlovich has worked in many different places, however, without staying for long. And I had the opportunity to be a Komsomol instructor and manage the Anapa "Sevkavneftegazstroy" with very dubious consequences for the company, and to make a rapid career in the Stavropol regional administration in the area of ​​construction and housing and communal services, reaching the career vertical to the deputy of the then governor of Stavropol Alexander Chernogorov, and to work as a deputy minister of the regional development, having failed the ministerial program to help defrauded shareholders (this can be confirmed by tens of thousands of officials and builders who suffered from arbitrariness in the same Stavropol Territory) and, finally, “toil” in the notorious Sochi “Olympstroy” (not without the assistance of its current patron Alexander Khloponin) . In general, I worked everywhere a little, and everywhere I left the “best” memory of myself.

With all the outward brilliance of his career, Tyrtyshov, over the many years of “sovereign service”, showed himself to be an extremely conflicted person. As a federal official and at the same time the head of the Stavropol " United Russia“He managed to turn against himself both the then political “demiurge” of the presidential administration Vladislav Surkov, and his then subordinate, and now the Minister of Regional Development Oleg Govorun, and, what is most surprising, given the current turn of the career of Yuri Tyrtyshov, the current curator of the entire domestic policy Russia Vyacheslav Volodin.

It is reasonable to ask: how, in the presence of such a negative “trail” in the Kremlin and the White House, did Tyrtyshov manage to “charm” Valery Zerenkov and head the regional government? It is no secret that today employees of the presidential administration and Vyacheslav Volodin personally are extremely sensitive to all personnel appointed to responsible positions in the constituent entities of the federation.

In general, one thing is obvious. The work ahead of Yuri Tyrtyshov will be interesting, but the region, given the attitude towards his figure from the federal center, will not have it easy.

The state of affairs in Russia's housing and communal services sector today is such that about two trillion rubles are required to bring it to a more or less normal state. Naturally, not a single budget - neither federal, nor even municipal - can bear utility costs comparable to the annual budget of the entire state.

Making a struggling industry profitable is difficult, but it is possible. Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Public Utilities Yuriy Tyrtyshov talks about how the federal subprogram “Reform and modernization of the housing and communal services complex of the Russian Federation” is being implemented. – Yuri Pavlovich, in one of your speeches you reported that investments in housing and communal services in 2003 amounted to 15% of all investments in the country’s economy. Will this level be maintained in the current year? – This year the volume of investments in housing and communal services should increase significantly. This is due to the fact that large private companies are entering the industry. First of all, these are investors who will ensure the implementation of projects for the modernization and renewal of fixed assets of housing and communal services. Over the past two months, the Federal Agency has entered into agreements with the Regional Development Assistance Fund, Mezhregiongaz LLC, Russian Utility Investments OJSC, and the Interregional Investment Construction Utility Company. In addition, an agreement “On long-term investment cooperation” was signed with the commercial bank “Agropromcredit”. In the next three years, the bank plans to invest more than $100 million in infrastructure projects. Several more similar agreements are being prepared for signing. – The wear and tear of Russia’s municipal infrastructure is 60%. How can you make housing and communal services profitable? Besides avoiding cross-subsidization, is there anything else that can be done here? How much will the widespread introduction of meters and energy saving technologies? – Indeed, today we have to talk about excessive wear and tear of fixed assets in housing and communal services, and, consequently, that the operation of worn-out equipment and networks is much more expensive. In 2003, 65% of enterprises were unprofitable. However, this does not mean that the housing and communal services sector is hopeless. It should be noted that the planned profitability, although insignificant, is now included in the tariffs. It would be more accurate to say that the problem is not that enterprises are unprofitable, but that funds from some sources of financing (primarily budgets) are not allocated in full. The profitability of the industry is not a myth, but a reality with examples all over the world. During the reform, only the first ones were made in our country important steps towards ensuring self-sufficiency of housing and communal services: tariffs are close to economically justified. There are two ways to make the transition of public utility enterprises to payback at the expense of consumer payments and completely abandon budget subsidies: by once again increasing tariffs or by actually reducing the costs of providing services. As the main one, we choose the second path. AND main method In this process, of course, energy and resource conservation and the introduction of more efficient and economical technological solutions. Unfortunately, such a solution to the issue was several years late... - How will the declaration on interaction between government, private business and consumers in the utilities sector, signed following the results of the interregional industry forum held in Vladimir, contribute to the introduction of business in housing and communal services? – This declaration is the first public document stipulating the goals and principles on which the process of commercialization of housing and communal services will be based. As an example, I will quote one of the provisions of the declaration. "To private business began to work effectively in the utility sector, it is necessary to form a full-fledged system of relationships in the industry, when municipalities will determine the demand for services for managing public infrastructure facilities, and private operators will offer a competitive product that meets the needs of municipalities and the population.” The adoption of the declaration assumes that fair competition will reign in the housing and communal services market, and not the wild arbitrariness of one monopolist. And this is precisely what will contribute to the speedy and successful introduction of business into the industry. – Some experts speak without much optimism about the future of Russian Utility Systems OJSC. What is your opinion on this matter? – RKS OJSC appeared on the housing and communal services market only last year, but is already announcing an increase in the flow of investment. For example, in Kirov it is planned to invest about 600 million rubles in the city’s water supply; a long-term contract has been signed with them for 15 years. True, the company is now mainly solving organizational and legal issues... It is important here to establish control over real investment funds so that investments do not end up just on paper. – Is it possible for Western penetration big business in housing and communal services in Russia?– Yes, of course, we have examples of supplying equipment on lease. I recently met with a representative of one of the companies, I will not name it for now, whose owners are ready to invest funds in public utilities on a credit and leasing basis. German companies already have their first experience in rehabilitating the housing stock in Russia. One of them is involved in infrastructure projects in Belgorod. The Russian housing and communal services sector has been receiving a flow of foreign investment. In particular, loans from the International Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) were provided in the amount of $210 million. – The initial investments in housing and communal services that private businesses will have to make are huge, and the real return on investment will not happen in a year or two. So why is this “piece of the pie” so attractive to businessmen? In a couple of years, won’t residents receive skyrocketing tariffs instead of high-quality and inexpensive service? – The economic attractiveness of resource-saving projects lies in the fact that saved funds (as a result of cost reduction) can be used as a source of repayment of borrowed funds taken for the implementation of the project utilities). In addition, housing and communal services are an area where the sale of services is completely guaranteed, like in no other business. And this adds to its investment attractiveness. The guarantor of tariff policy in the new conditions should be the law “On general principles regulation of tariffs of public utility organizations”, which was submitted to the State Duma for consideration in the general package of housing bills. In addition, real competition in the housing and communal services market will push companies to naturally reduce prices for services. But I would like to emphasize: the Federal Agency insists that housing and communal property remain in municipal or state ownership. Because if the state completely leaves this industry, a monopoly of private capital will come. ABOUT OUR INTERLOCTOR: Yuri Pavlovich TYRTYSHOV was born on July 27, 1967. He graduated from the Stavropol Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Construction of Industrial and Civil Buildings and Structures. Since 1997, he led the housing and communal services complex of the Stavropol Territory, first as head of department, then as minister. In 2003, he headed the Department of Investment and Operation of Fixed Assets of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. Since April 2004 - Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services. Candidate of Economic Sciences. Awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 2nd class. Acting State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 3rd class. Married, has three children.

The conversation was conducted by Polina Kozlova

Governor of the Stavropol Territory Valery Zerenkov appointed Yuri Tyrtyshov, former first deputy general director of North Caucasus Resorts OJSC, as acting vice-governor - Chairman of the Government of the Stavropol Territory.

This appointment became the next link in the political reform of the Stavropol Territory, initiated by the governor, as is clear from some not very authoritative media, on behalf of the presidential envoy to the North Caucasian Federal District Alexander Khloponin, who considered that the model of governance of the region should be changed. And, allegedly in accordance with the instructions of the plenipotentiary, on June 20, amendments were adopted to the charter of the region, introducing the post of vice-governor, who simultaneously exercises the functions of the chairman of the government.

At the same time, it must be said that Yuri Tyrtyshov, whose candidacy will soon be submitted to the regional Duma, is, to put it mildly, a controversial figure.

Perhaps, the only thing that speaks in favor of such a personnel decision by Governor Zerenkov is the geographical origin of the potential regional prime minister - Yuri Tyrtyshov, indeed, was born in the Neftekumsky district of the Stavropol Territory. But his further career, and especially his reputation, raise a lot of questions among all more or less knowledgeable observers.

In his lifetime, Yuri Pavlovich has worked in many different places, however, without staying for long. And I had the opportunity to be a Komsomol instructor and manage the Anapa "Sevkavneftegazstroy" with very dubious consequences for the company, and to make a rapid career in the Stavropol regional administration in the area of ​​construction and housing and communal services, reaching the career vertical to the deputy of the then governor of Stavropol Alexander Chernogorov, and to work as a deputy minister of the regional development, having failed the ministerial program to help defrauded shareholders (this can be confirmed by tens of thousands of officials and builders who suffered from arbitrariness in the same Stavropol Territory) and, finally, “toil” in the notorious Sochi “Olympstroy” (not without the assistance of its current patron Alexander Khloponin) . In general, I worked everywhere a little, and everywhere I left the “best” memory of myself.

With all the outward brilliance of his career, Tyrtyshov, over the many years of “sovereign service”, showed himself to be an extremely conflicted person. As a federal official and at the same time the head of the Stavropol United Russia, he managed to turn against himself both the then political “demiurge” of the presidential administration Vladislav Surkov, and his then subordinate, and now the Minister of Regional Development Oleg Govorun, and, what is most surprising, given the current turn the career of Yuri Tyrtyshov, the current curator of all domestic policies of Russia, Vyacheslav Volodin.

It is reasonable to ask: how, in the presence of such a negative “trail” in the Kremlin and the White House, did Tyrtyshov manage to “charm” Valery Zerenkov and head the regional government? It is no secret that today employees of the presidential administration and Vyacheslav Volodin personally are extremely sensitive to all personnel appointed to responsible positions in the constituent entities of the federation.

In general, one thing is obvious. The work ahead of Yuri Tyrtyshov will be interesting, but the region, given the attitude towards his figure from the federal center, will not have it easy.