Conditions for the implementation of the advanced training program. Advanced training courses: where is the best place to get additional education?

Organization All MCRKPO. Department of Geographical Education, Innovative and Space Technologies MCRKPO. Department of Management and Project Management MCRKPO. Department of Psychology of Leadership MCRKPO. Department for analysis of the effectiveness of educational policy MCRKPO. Department for the implementation of interactive educational technologies MCRKPO. Department for the Introduction of Digital Educational Technologies of the Moscow Center for Education and Training. Department of additional education and training MCRKPO. Department of Additional Education and Upbringing of the Department of Meta-Subject Training and Educational Technologies of the ICRPE. Department of Preschool and Primary Education MCRKPO. Department of Natural Science Education MCRKPO. Department of Inclusive Education MCRKPO. Department for coordination and support of projects for the development of human resources potential of ICRKPO. Department of Educational Technologies MCRKPO. Department for the training of pedagogical personnel of the artistic and aesthetic cycle of the Moscow Center for Education and Culture. Department for support of the implementation of the concept of mathematical education of the Moscow Center for Education and Training. Department of Management Training and Development of Leadership Potential of MCRKPO. Department of Public Communications MCRKPO. Department for the development and testing of meta-subject and interdisciplinary programs of the Directorate of Interdisciplinary Training and Educational Technologies of the Moscow Center for Education and Training. Department for the development and support of additional professional programs of the ICRPE. Department of Regional Cooperation MCRKPO. Department of modern technologies for the development of human resources of educational workers of the ICRPE. Support department of the State Civil Aviation Inspectorate MCRKPO. Department of Social and Humanitarian Education MCRKPO. Sector foreign languages MCRKPO. Sector of multicultural education MCRKPO. Sector physical education MCRKPO. Continuous management art education MCRKPO. Directorate for training and professional development of management personnel of the ICRKPO. Department of Teacher Training educational fields MCRKPO. Directorate for Professional Development of Teaching Staff of the Moscow Center for Education and Training. Directorate for the Development of Digital, Interactive and Distance Education Technologies of the ICRPE. Educational department of MCRKPO MCRKPO. Center for Career Development of Managerial Personnel of the ICRKPO. Center for consulting, design and implementation of educational products MCRKPO. Center for meta-subject training and convergent programs of the ICRPE. Center for General Cultural Competencies of Teachers of the Moscow Center for Educational and Cultural Education. Center for assessing the competencies of teaching staff MCRKPO. Center for Instructional Design and Digital Pedagogy "Business Center" APKiPPRO ANO "Institute of Applied Behavior Analysis and Psychosocial Technologies" ANO "Scientific and Methodological Center for Mediation and Law" ANO "National Research Institute of Additional vocational education» ANO "Creative Educational Technologies" ANO " National Center Innovations in Education" ANO VO " International Institute management LINK" ANO VO "University of Russian Innovative Education" ANO VO "MPI of St. John the Evangelist" ANO DPO "Institute for Problems of Educational Policy "EUREKA" ANO DPO "Cultural and Educational Center "Global World" ANO DPO "MASPK" ANO DPO "Multidisciplinary" innovation center» ANO DPO "Moscow Academy" National economy And civil service» (MANHiGS) ANO DPO "OBRAZOVANIE-RS" ANO DPO "Prosveshcheniye-Stolitsa" ANO DPO "SoftLine Education" ANO DPO "TsRMK-educational programs" ANO DPO "Center for Effective Education" ANO DPO "Kitaygorodskaya School" ANO DPO "Higher School" Competencies" ANO DPO "Institute of Personnel Development" ANO DPO "Educational Center for the Municipal Sphere Kamenny Gorod" ANO DPO "SNTA" ANO DPO "UMC RSA "Intercon-Intellect" ANO DPO Open Institute "Developmental Education" ANO DPO CPSO "Center for Psychological Support" Education "POINT PSI" ANO Center for Legal Support "Profzaschita" ANOVO "International University in Moscow" ANODO "International Sports Academy of Irina Viner" JSC "Academy "Prosveshchenie" JSC "ELTI-KUDITS" State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Leningradsky" State University them. A.S. Pushkin" (Moscow branch) State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow City Pedagogical University" State Autonomous Educational Institution of Further Professional Education "Moscow Center for the Quality of Education" State Autonomous Institution of Additional Professional Education "Moscow Center for the Development of Human Resources Potential of Education" (MCRKPO) State Autonomous Educational Institution of Further Professional Education "Moscow Center for Technological Modernization of Education" (Temocenter) State Autonomous Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education " Center for Pedagogical Excellence" GAPOU "Technological College No. 24" (GAPOU TK No. 24) State Institution "Moscow Zoo" GBOU City Organizational and Methodological Center "School Book" GBOU DPO "Center for Patriotic Education and School Sports" GBOU DPO GMC DOGM (City Methodological Center ) GBOUDO "Palace of Creativity of Children and Youth named after A.P. Gaidar" GBOU "Sparrow Hills" GBOU "Moscow State College of Electromechanics and information technologies» GBPOU "First Moscow Educational Complex" GBPOU "College of Communications No. 54" named after P.M. Vostrukhina GBPOU "Polytechnic College No. 47 named after V.G. Fedorov" State Budgetary Institution "City Psychological and Pedagogical Center" State Budgetary Institution of Additional Professional Education "Moscow Educational and Sports Center" of the Department of Sports and Tourism of the City of Moscow State Budgetary Institution of Additional Professional Education of Moscow "Directorate of Educational Programs in the Field of Culture and art" City Methodological Center and MIOO State budgetary educational institution higher education"Moscow City Pedagogical University" Institute of Further Education Institute of Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Workers Financial University under the Government Russian Federation Institute of Tourism and Hospitality Department of IT&OS. Order DO 732 Department of Life Safety Department of Valeology Department of Health-Saving Content of Educational Technologies Department of Mathematics (state contract) Department of International Integration of Linguistic Education Department German language Department of Labor Safety Department of Psychological Innovations in Education Department of Social and Humanitarian Education Department of Tutor Support educational activities Department of Personnel Management Department of Physics Department of Linguistics Laboratory of Informatics MSTU ISOT MIOO. Department of Preschool Education MIOO. Department of Foreign Languages, MIOO. Department of Information Technologies of Education MIOO. Department of History and Culture of Religions of the Peoples of Russia MIOO. Department of Correctional Pedagogy, MIOO. Department of international (multicultural) education and integration of migrant children at the MIOO school. Department of Biology Teaching Methods, MIOO. Department of Methods of Teaching Informatics, MIOO. Department of Methods of Teaching Physics, MIOO. Department of teaching methods of chemistry, ecology and natural science of MIOO. Department of Competence Modeling and Teacher Personality Development of MIOO. Department of Primary Education MIOO. Department of General Pedagogy, MIOO. Department of Pedagogy of Extracurricular Activities of MIOO. Department practical psychology MIOO. Department of Professional Education MIOO. Department of Educational Psychology, MIOO. Department of Social and Humanitarian Education MIOO. Department of Technology MIOO. Department of Development Management educational systems MIOO. Department of Philosophy of Education MIOO. Department of Environmental Education and sustainable development MIOO. Department of Economics MIOO. Department of Economics of Education MIOO. Department of Aesthetic Education and Cultural Studies MIOO. Office of Professional Pedagogical Support and Support of the State Academy of Pedagogical University, Moscow State Pedagogical University Office of Continuing Additional Education MC Green Educational Institution MCONMO Research Institute of Preschool Education named after A.V. Zaporozhets National Research University Higher School of Economics "Federal Methodological Center for financial literacy systems of general and secondary vocational education" National Research University Higher School of Economics "Center for Finance social sphere Institute social policy" NOU "Institute of Pedagogical Systems" NOU VO "Moscow Socio-Pedagogical Institute" NOU DPO "Institute of New Technologies" NOU DPO "Institute of System-Activity Pedagogy" NOU DPO "National Institute modern education» NIGHT VO "MFPU "Synergy" Non-profit educational institution "School for kids" JSC VO "Moscow Psychological social university" ODO CHOU "Center for Continuing Education "Sneil" OMC VOUO OMC SAO OMC SVAO OMC SZAO OMC TsOUO DO OMC SWAO LLC "Children's Science City" LLC "Institute of Organizational Psychology" LLC "Infourok" LLC "International Center "Creative Technologies of Consulting" LLC "Scientific -Educational Center for the Development of Continuing Education" LLC "National Technological University" LLC "SiSiN" LLC "Federation of Fitness Aerobics of Russia" LLC "Center for the Development of Education named after I.G. Pestalozzi" LLC "BELOV PRODUCTION" ( graduate School sanogenic correctional pedagogy) LLC Institute of Consulting and Development of Education LLC Laboratory of Intellectual Technologies LINTECH LLC International Association of Supplementary Education LLC International Educational Projects LLC "Methods of Intellectual Development" LLC "Practice" Project Management" LLC "RELOD" LLC "Modern educational technologies" LLC "Capital Institute of Foreign Languages" LLC Multidisciplinary training center for additional professional education "Educational standard" LLC Training Center "PROFATTESTATION" LLC The educational center"PROFACADEMY" OU Pedagogical University "First of September" OCHU VO "Moscow International Academy" RBOO "Center for Curative Pedagogy" RSU named after. A.N. Kosygina Resource center for the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard LLC Joint courses MIOO ShNT (School of New Technologies) Joint programs MIOO-MCKO Union “Young Professionals” (WorldSkills Russia) Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology” Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “National Research Technological University “MISiS” Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National research university "MIET" Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research University "Higher School of Economics" Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research University "Higher School of Economics". Department of Foreign Languages, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Institute of Practical Psychology, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics named after. A.N. Tikhonov Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University) named after I.M. Gubkin" Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education First Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov Ministry of Health of Russia (Sechenov University) FSAOU DPO "Academy for Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Education Workers" FGAU "Federal Institute for Educational Development" FGBNU "Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education of the Russian Academy of Education" FGBNU "Institute of Education Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education" FGBNU "Institute of Educational Management of the Russian Academy of Education" FGBNU "Institute of Art Education and Cultural Studies of the Russian Academy of Education" FGBOU "Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation" FGBOU "Russian Peoples' Friendship University" FGBOU HE "Academy of Watercolor and Fine Arts of Sergei Andriyaka » Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "State Institute of Russian Language named after. A.S. Pushkin" Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "State University of Management" Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow Aviation Institute" Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow Architectural Institute" Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State Engineering University" Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State Technological University "STANKIN" FGBOU of Higher Education "Moscow State University named after M. IN. Lomonosov" FSBEI HE "Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K.G. Razumovsky" FSBEI HE "Moscow Pedagogical State University" FSBEI HE "Moscow Polytechnic University" FSBEI HE "Russian State Humanitarian University" FSBEI HE "Russian State Social University" FSBEI HE "Russian Chemical-Technological University named after D.I. Mendeleev" FSBEI HE "Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov" Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State Linguistic University" Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University" Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State Technical University named after N. E. Bauman" FSBEI HE "Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman". Technopark "Engineerium" Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman". Center for Pre-University Training (department of interaction with specialized schools) FSBEI HE "National Research Moscow State Construction University" FSBEI HE "National Research Moscow State Construction University". Institute of Distance Education FSBEI HE "National Research Moscow State Construction University". Youth Department and information policy of the FSBEI HE "National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering". Center for pre-university training "Entrant" FSBEI HE "Russian University of Transport (MIIT)" FSBEI HE RNRMU named after N.I. Pirogov of the Ministry of Health of Russia FSBEI HPE "Moscow State Technical University of Radio Engineering , electronics and automation" FSBEI HPE MGUESI (MESI) FSBEI HPE RGAIS FSBEI DPO "Institute for the Development of Additional Professional Education" FSBI "Federal Scientific Center for Physical Culture and Sports" FSBI "Russian Academy of Education" FSBI "Russian Academy of Education". Prospective Department scientific research Faculty of Advanced Studies Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education" Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov at the Russian Academy of Arts" Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow Technological University" Support Fund social projects"Education for Society" CPPRiK "Yasenevo" Center for Pedagogical Excellence POU VO "Moscow University named after S.Yu. Witte" POU DPO "Fractal" POU ODPO "Endemic" POU DPO "Business School "Capital" Department of DPO OMC SEUO

True professionals learn throughout their lives. Technology is developing very quickly, and new methods are constantly emerging in almost any field of activity. To remain in demand in the labor market, you must regularly take advanced training courses. We will tell you about the available forms of training, programs and costs of courses, as well as the features of choosing a center for additional professional education.

Who needs to improve their qualifications and why?

First of all, it is worth mentioning that advanced training courses and professional retraining are different things, although many people confuse these concepts. Professional retraining involves mastering new profession, often adjacent to the main one. Such courses are usually long-term (up to 6 months or more) and culminate in the issuance of a diploma state standard.

Unlike retraining, advanced training courses are not taken to acquire a new profession, but to expand and improve existing knowledge and skills. Advanced training takes less time than retraining (from several days), and after completing the course, you are issued not a diploma, but a certificate or certificate.

In most cases, advanced training courses are voluntary. They increase the value of employees in the labor market, allow them to master modern techniques and work more efficiently, which is why many employers send employees to such courses - this benefits both the employee and the company.

However, it should be remembered that in some areas advanced training is a mandatory measure, which is prescribed in the legislation of the Russian Federation. Employees of internal affairs bodies, doctors, pharmacists, civil servants, lawyers, auditors, chief accountants, teachers, workers are required to regularly take advanced training courses railway transport, urban transport drivers, crews aircraft, workers engaged in underground work and in the production of chemical weapons, judges, etc. These professionals need to take advanced training courses at a certain frequency: teachers - once every three years, chief accountants - once every 5 years, etc.

It is not necessary, but it is advisable to take such courses after a long break from work, as well as in cases where an employee wants to increase his category or rank, occupy a position of a higher rank, master a new technology or learn to work with the most modern equipment.

It's obvious that additional courses advanced training opens up excellent career prospects for an employee - they provide an opportunity to expand and deepen their knowledge, increase the chances of rapid advancement up the career ladder and allow them to qualify for a higher salary.

Forms of training

Since advanced training courses are designed for employed people, as a rule, they are conducted without interruption from work. Although in some cases the employer may send an employee for training in work time- of course, with the preservation of wages for the entire duration of the educational process.

However, most often advanced training courses are conducted on weekends, in the evenings, or even remotely.

Full-time advanced training courses - an option that takes time. In-person courses allow you to interact directly with teachers and clarify all difficult points, make new professional acquaintances and exchange experiences. In addition, full-time training involves a more systematic approach to professional development. However, face-to-face courses are expensive and require careful planning of your schedule. For achievement best results It is advisable not to combine them with professional activities, otherwise either work or study may suffer.

Part-time form involves a combination of self-study and expert-led training. You will also meet teachers and colleagues, although less frequently than when studying at full-time. The cost of such courses, as a rule, is slightly lower than full-time courses and they are a good option for those who want to undergo training without a significant break from the work process.

Distance learning on full-time, part-time, part-time, part-time basis requires maximum responsibility and organization, since you will study mainly according to an individual curriculum. After paying for the course you will have access to Personal Area on the organization’s website and that’s it necessary materials V in electronic format. However, this also means a certain level of comfort. The convenience of distance learning is that you can regulate the intensity of your classes and choose a schedule that suits you. Distance learning can be used in any form of courses, including face-to-face, when videoconferencing provides direct interaction between the student and the teacher. This is also its great advantage. The disadvantages include the need to maintain the selected tempo, which requires high level self-discipline. Nevertheless, for busy people who know how to plan their time, distance learning courses will be very convenient.

Advanced training course programs

There are three main types of advanced training course programs - short-term programs, long-term programs and thematic seminars.

Short-term programs. The duration of such courses is usually 72 hours, at the end of which students receive a certificate of short-term professional development.

Long-term programs. Their duration is 100–500 hours; after the course, students receive a certificate of long-term professional development.

Thematic seminars. Usually they are devoted to a specific narrow topic. The duration of the seminars is 72–100 hours; based on the results, a certificate of short-term professional development is issued.

At the end of any advanced training courses, certification is carried out - this can be either a written or oral exam or test. Long-term courses also require intermediate certification - for example, tests at the end of each training block.

When choosing advanced training courses, you need to understand exactly what you need them for, what skills and knowledge you expect to gain in the end, how much time and money you are willing to spend on them.

A clear and specific goal will allow you to choose a course with specific disciplines and not waste time studying something that you will not need. No less important are clear-headed ideas about the form and duration of the course; this will allow you to plan your time wisely and avoid conflict between work and study. And finally, the price of the issue matters: you should not trust organizations that offer advanced training courses very cheaply. The work of experienced professionals and teachers is worth a lot. And if the cost is below the market average, this is a sign that the courses are conducted by people who are willing to work for very little money. Think for yourself whether you should trust their competence.

Advanced training courses are a profitable investment in your career and in the potential of the company. The main thing in this matter is to choose the right center that provides truly high-quality educational services.

How to choose a retraining and advanced training center?

“Immediately determine the level educational services which one or another training center offers can be difficult, - says the rector of the modern scientific and technical academy ANO DPO SNTA. - All that remains is to pay attention to the key signs that speak about the organization better than any laudatory speeches. The first and most important thing is the availability of a license, which gives the center the right to conduct educational activities. This document is often falsified, so check the license number on the official website of Rosobrnadzor. Only a valid license allows the issuance of government-issued documents. We publish all our licenses on our website. You can familiarize yourself with them at any time - this is open information.

The website can generally say a lot about the level of the center. You should not trust organizations that provide too little information about programs, sometimes limiting themselves only to their names and offering to clarify everything by phone or e-mail. What is the point of such a trick? There is a high probability that you will be “processed” during telephone conversation. Therefore, we made our website as informative as possible so that a person can decide for himself what courses he needs and why. On our website you can find out everything about the programs - their duration, short description, full syllabus. You can also immediately familiarize yourself with sample documents that you will receive as a result.

Another reason for minimalism in information terms may be the fact that you ended up on a scam site - this is not uncommon these days. Check the site using the Whois service - this way you can definitely find out the date of creation of the domain and the name of the organization to which it belongs.

Of course, the reputation of the center is very important. Take the time to find reviews about the courses, information about the specialists of this educational institution (for example, leading teachers from Lomonosov Moscow State University and recognized experts from various fields work with us), the period of work on the market, as well as a list of companies cooperating with it.”

P.S. Autonomous non-profit organization additional professional education is one of the largest Moscow organizations engaged in distance professional retraining and advanced training.

License No. 034268 dated October 23, 2013 for educational activities was issued by the Moscow Department of Education.

Editorial opinion

When choosing an organization of additional professional education, find out whether the advanced training center has been certified according to European ISO quality standards. The presence of such a certificate means that the courses correspond to the international level. And when signing an agreement with the center, be careful - carefully study everything written: from the subject of the agreement to the terms of termination.


advanced training for teachers

Municipal educational institution "Tolmachevskaya" high school»

Implementation period: 5 years

2015 – 2020

Tolmachevo village


Program implementation technology. What? For what? For what?

For whom? How?

Description of the effects achieved when using the product


Key ideas and provisions:

One of the priority areas for the modernization of Russian education, identified in the Scientific Research Institute “Nasha” new school”, is the renewal and improvement of the teaching corps. The procedure for the phased implementation of the new generation Federal State Educational Standards is also connected with this direction, in which, among the requirements for the conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs, the requirement is given first place staffing educational process up toattracting teachers to the school who do not have basic pedagogical education, who will be able to demonstrate to schoolchildren their rich professional experience in various fields of activity. A professional standard for a teacher has been developed - emu must be met. The need to create conditions for continuous education and self-education of Russians is also mentioned in the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of Russia until 2020, and one of such conditions is the creation of certification centers and the assignment of professional qualifications.It is expected to “form innovative pedagogical complexes that unite pedagogical communities, science, effective pedagogical practices, which will compete with existing forms of advanced training or will be integrated into modernized forms.”

Regional documents call for disseminating the experience of the best teachers in the system of teacher education, retraining and advanced training, and suggests changing the forms and methods of advanced training, in particular distribute forms of corporate and team training for teaching staff. Summarizing the above, it can be argued that it is the human resources of the education system that are the key link in the modernization of the education system.

The main idea of ​​the program– maintaining the existing human resources potential subject to changing and updating its quality characteristics, giving a systematic nature to the processes of advanced training at the school level, ensuring the availability of high-quality postgraduate education through increasing the professional competence of teachers on-the-job, creating a system for stimulating the quality and effectiveness of teaching work, taking into account indicators of teacher self-development.

is an individualized, criterion-oriented system of work to improve teaching staff, which is based on a systemic and activity-based approach to improving the qualifications of teachers

The program involves the possibility of distance education for teachers at Educational portal"MY UNIVERSITY" , SEPTEMBER 1 www offering enough wide range educational services for all categories of teaching staff. Used coaching(post-graduate consulting and practical support for students) and outsourcing(training provided by third party specialists) educational institutions). Our traditional partners have become the IMC of the Education Committee of the Luga Municipal District, GBOU DO LOIRO.

Professional periodicals and the Internet are a good help in the self-education of teaching staff.

The Program deals with adjusting the training of teaching staff, and each school must decide how to modernize existing human capital, give it new features, qualities and properties.

Addressability: Every teacher working in a school receives exactly the knowledge and skills that he needs here and now to solve specific problems and overcome difficulties in his immediate environment. professional activity.

Efficiency: monitoring of specific educational requests of teachers, on the basis of which educational routes are adjusted, is carried out at least three times during the academic year.

Post-educational support teachers (targeted coaching) at their workplace, eliminating inconsistencies.

Reducing information load: the amount of information offered to teachers in the process of in-school teaching is optimal, and the preparation is practice-oriented in nature.

Direct connection between theory and practice: teachers are trained by practicing teachers who have extensive experience in implementing the proposed methods, technologies, techniques, who are able not only to tell, but also to show in practice “how it’s done,” even in the context of one school, but this is “living experience”, and at the level virtual network interaction is a colossal resource for self-improvement and development Launched continuous process of improving skills in the field of ICT.

Connection advanced training in the field of ICT with the process of school informatization, elimination of contradictions such as “I know how, but I don’t have the opportunity to use it,” “I have it, but I don’t know how to use it.”

The advantage of the program is its complex nature. The problem is so acute and multifaceted that we must use all possible and available means to achieve results.

The practical implementation of the program is based on application of a system-activity approach to the education of a teacher who is already motivated to acquire certain knowledge and practical skills.

As part of the program implementation a system is being created and a block of local regulations on stimulating quality and efficiency pedagogical work, allowing to develop competitive environment and significantly increase wages successful teachers.

The administration supervises the areas of the development program for advanced training of teachers and conducts in-school theoretical and practical seminars in their area, so the work is planned in terms of work for the year, and its implementation is analyzed in the in-school control.

Required resources when working with the program

This program is intended to be implemented in public organizations since there are minimal regulatory, organizational, methodological, information and communication, personnel, administrative, and material and technical resources available that can help in its implementation.

Human resources:

it could be a creative group of teachers ready to share their experience. If necessary, you can use outsourcing, inviting professional partners of the district IMC, resource centers, LOIRO specialists, and teachers from other schools to conduct the necessary classes at the school.


the presence in the teaching staff of administrators capable of leading this area of ​​the school’s activities. These are deputy directors, heads of educational organizations, who formulate the development strategy of public organizations.


multimedia technology for presentations, project work and the use of information and communication pedagogical technologies during training sessions, computer class, duplicating equipment - copier, printer.

Organizational resources:

    Development of a model of innovation activity with the aim of introducing an innovative product.

    Designing a program for conducting a single methodological day during the holidays, based on the wishes of the school teachers and the current tasks being solved by the educational institution.

    Determining a lesson plan with seminar leaders and developing handouts for participants.

    Organization of thematic teacher councils, information and methodological meetings, round tables, competitions, festivals, and other events where teachers can demonstrate their experience.

    Systematic monitoring of human resources for possible participation in seminars and the emergence of new successful teaching practices.

    Information, methodological and technical support for teaching teachers.

Financial resources:

To encourage teachers-mentors and heads of training seminars, funds from the above-tariff fund can be used to encourage teachers for the quality and effectiveness of their professional activities; it is enough to determine the number of points awarded for conducting training and consulting events; also, heads of institutions can use the bonus fund to encourage employees .

Methodological resources:

For conducting classes with teachers and consultations, methodological resources posted on the Internet can be used. Materials of professional pedagogical periodicals, electronic methodological resources.

Information and communication:

creating presentation materials, posting them on the school website or in the electronic methodological collection of an educational institution, registering electronic mailboxes for all school employees. Carrying out information exchange using

e-mail. Create or update job descriptions for administrative personnel, introducing new requirements for intra-company interaction.

Motivational conditions:

carrying out a number of events aimed at developing a positive attitude of the team towards the proposed innovations. It is necessary to widely promote the benefits that every teacher, teaching staff and school that takes the path will receive innovative development, and point out the risks of delay and delay in the development of innovation processes.

Program implementation technology

School Human Resources Modernization Program is an individualized criterion-oriented system, which is based on a system-activity approach to improving the qualifications of teaching staff. The educational process is designed taking into account the results of a comprehensive analysis and self-analysis of the school’s personnel potential and its educational environment. In our case this is the usual comprehensive school, which are the majority in the region. The program is attractive in that it can be used in a teaching staff in which many typical problems of teaching staff are focused (aging, high qualifications of teachers and low performance of students’ participation in subject and alternative Olympiads and competitions, gender bias in favor of women, weak influx of young specialists and their insufficient qualifications, insufficient awareness of teachers in the field of application of modern educational technologies and especially ICT, lack of psychological knowledge in the field of developmental psychology, ethnopsychology and conflictology, low professional mobility, etc.) To these problems we can add the problems of a weak socio-cultural environment.

FOR WHAT AND WHY? To start the process of teacher self-development, since it is the teacher who is the key link in modernizing the education system in the country. To achieve this, it is not enough to create concepts, strategies, plans and programs. We need specific mechanisms for their implementation, diagnostic complexes for assessing the results achieved, comparative analysis indicators of the effectiveness of technologies used to solve certain educational problems. This is the only way to design best option from available local options. Only a “new teacher” can act effectively and professionally in the conditions of a “new school.” But each school has its own concept of “new school”. To encourage the school's teaching staff to engage in creative, productive work, change the psychological microclimate, and increase competitive activity outside the school, we have chosen as our main priority the creation of a system of in-school postgraduate training for teachers. Young teachers are interested in more quick adaptation to school conditions, mastering practical skills, mature personnel - in mastering modern ICT. The skillful combination of the interests of both within the framework of an educational institution leads to the appearance of the effect. The human resource modernization program is an integral part of the school development program, its key link.


Consumers of the program are heads of public organizations, deputy heads, methodological services, heads of educational institutions, teachers, and other interested parties.

The developed program is aimed at overcoming existing negative trends in the development of human potential of employees of educational institutions, providing conditions for the self-expression of talented teachers, their growth professional excellence, providing equal opportunities for advanced training and improvement of the educational and methodological base to everyone teaching staff, expanding the field of independent activity, ensuring professional and career growth, retaining personnel, provided that their training complies with modern qualification requirements.

HOW? The organization of the process of improving the school’s human resources is presented in the following table 1.

Table 1.

Organizing the process of improving the school’s human resources potential

on the basis of the school by LOIRO specialists

Distance learning

without interruption from production

Advanced training for innovative teachers and managers

Video conferencing and webinars

without interruption from production

Advanced training for subject teachers and managers

Short-term full-time training courses

on-the-job (do not disrupt the natural course of the educational process)

Advanced training for all teachers according to schedule.

Retraining and advanced training courses on the basis of postgraduate education institutions for teachers

with a break from production for the duration of the session

Improving the qualifications of the personnel reserve and teachers seeking to master related specialties

Mechanism of in-school postgraduate training of teaching staff

It is fundamental to preserve the usual forms of interaction between teachers, which are filled with new content and carried out using new educational technologies and technical means. This removes the psychological barrier to proposed innovations. They organically enter the consciousness of teachers, becoming part of their experience. Various forms of intra-school interaction have become firmly established in work practice, a list of which is presented in the table.

Forms of intra-school interaction twiya



Round tables;

Master classes;

Open classes;

Distance courses;

Business games and trainings;

Mentoring and coaching;

    Self-training and self-education;

    Scientific and practical conferences;

    Subject methodological associations;

    In-house practice-oriented seminars;

    Video conferencing, webinars, virtual interaction;

    Short-term training courses on the basis of the school;

    Joint creative activity in interdisciplinary creative groups

Description of the effects achieved when using the program

The proposed program will significantly optimize the process of updating the quality of education, taking into account the implementation of federal government educational standards

Armed with new knowledge and having mastered new professional skills, the teacher will be able to optimize the organization of the support system for gifted children. Many school teachers, after a training seminar on the problems of gifted children in public schools, chose individual methodological topics related to supporting giftedness.

The implementation of the program will significantly optimize the modern educational infrastructure.

It is possible to optimize the system of health-preserving activities of the teaching staff only if teachers know how this is done in practice. Within the framework of the project, competitive activities of teachers are implemented - these are annual thematic festivals open lessons.

Promoting the work of teachers for a specific tangible socially and personally significant result. It is very important to change the mental attitudes of school employees, to show that the wolf is not as terrible as it is painted. And incomprehensible ICTs become new opportunity communication with family and friends, solve the problem of falling behind sick students, and provide an opportunity to communicate with colleagues from other regions. This is the only way, step by step, it is possible to resolve personnel issues, to reconcile traditions with innovations, instead of opposing them.

Transforming an “age-related blood clot” into a “golden fund.” When our experienced teachers get acquainted with new pedagogical technologies, they will see familiar didactic elements and features, and most importantly, they will realize that mastering innovations allows them to save time, and for them, time is days, hours, minutes of life, and not just lessons learned. Moreover, the innovative activity of the teacher will prevent the emergence of professional burnout syndrome; teachers will open web pages on school websites.

Interdisciplinary integration. The system of in-school education contributes to the emergence of new interdisciplinary creative ideas and projects; it will revive professional contacts within the school, giving them new impulse. The in-school education system has become a universal integrator professional knowledge skills and abilities, transforming them into basic professional competencies.

Changing the vector of corporate culture formation. The transition from an organizational mechanism to self-organization and self-presentation in the process of team interaction when attending seminars, games, trainings, and workshops will appear in the near future. Public presentation of successful experiences will be the norm. Seeing the experience of their colleagues, teachers reflect on their professional findings and will no longer keep them as dead capital in a drawer, but strive to put out the best methodological developments to school websites or your own professional websites.

Updating the intra-school educational environment. Armed with new knowledge and skills, school teachers are gradually changing the surrounding reality. Handwritten documents are disappearing from view, and a system is gradually being formed electronic document management. Speeches at round tables, teacher councils and conferences are accompanied by electronic presentations. Useful reminders and algorithms for students are developed by the leaders of practice-oriented seminars in order to consolidate useful skills. Now teachers can develop their own test tasks and conduct testing in real time, will be able to create websites, invent interactive tasks, and keep records of student achievements using a rating-cumulative system.

Lifelong learning. The in-school education system will also launch this mechanism. The teacher now understands that knowledge can become a commodity if it is packaged into a project product and tries to create such products.

Advanced development. Many competencies that teachers master in the process of in-school training will give them the opportunity to quickly adapt to other educational institutions, in real and virtual communication with colleagues, in a new everyday and social environment.

Improvement of teachers' qualifications. New qualification characteristics for employees of the education system and new order certification of teaching staff will not cause rejection in the teaching staff, since the professional skills of teachers will be an order of magnitude higher than the requirements for a teacher set out in these documents.

Thus, we can say with confidence that it is the work to develop the human resources potential of educational institutions that is the key to the successful implementation of the intended goals of the country’s socio-economic development, since the quality human capital assessed by his competencies and qualifications. And the development of competencies and qualifications of teaching staff required to solve problems in a particular educational institution is one of the primary tasks of the management of this particular institution.

The practical result of the program will be:

    increasing the number of teaching staff involved in the innovation process, experimental, research and diagnostic activities;

    increasing the number of methodological products, didactic materials and teaching aids;

    increasing the number of teachers giving open classes, master classes and workshops;

    effective participation of teachers in professional skills competitions at various levels;

    increasing the level of competitive activity of teachers and their students;

    effective network interaction of teachers in real (cluster, district, region) and virtual educational space (Russia, international pedagogical community);

    initiation by teachers of organizing and conducting various events at the school level;

    increasing the number of publications on best teaching practices.

Since the program is part of the school development program, it is appropriate to indicate specific intermediate and final target indicators at which it is aimed at achieving.

Target indicators(results) Programs

Starting conditions


Number of teachers with higher and first categories

Primary School

basic school

high school

Number of teachers trained to work with IT

Number of teachers using IT as a means of teaching and education

Advanced training of teaching staff in institutions of additional professional education

Number of teachers included in innovative activity

Proportion of teachers who have personal professional websites

Proportion of teachers participating in teaching competitions outside of school

1 8%

2 2%

2 5%

Proportion of teachers participating in distance projects

Expected result of advanced training

security optimal integration of education workers into the value system of modern education;

Adoption ideologies of Federal State Educational Standards LLC and SOO;

development a new system of requirements for the structure of the main educational program, the results of its development and the conditions for implementation, as well as a system for assessing the results of students’ educational activities;

mastery educational and methodological and information and methodological resources necessary for the successful solution of the tasks of the Federal State Educational Standard.

One of the conditions for the readiness of an educational institution to introduce the Federal State Educational Standard general education and secondary general education is the creation of a system of methodological work that provides support for the activities of teachers at all stages of the implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

However, the key feature of a modern school should be a teacher who “determines what, when and in what form he should do in order to change himself and influence the results of his work” (M.M. Potashnik, “Management professional growth teachers in a modern school"). With this approach, the professional and personal growth of the teacher becomes the main thing, and methodological work becomes one of the means of ensuring this growth.

Organization of methodological work


1. Seminars on the content and key features Federal State Educational Standard.

2. Trainings for teachers in order to identify and correlate their own professional position with the goals and objectives of the Federal State Educational Standard.

3. Meetings of methodological associations of teachers on the problems of introducing the Federal State Educational Standard.

4. Conferences of participants in the educational process and social partners of public organizations based on the results of the development of the main educational program, its individual sections, problems of testing and introducing the Federal State Educational Standard.

5. Participation of teachers in the development of sections and components of the main educational program of an educational institution.

6. Participation of teachers in the development and testing of performance assessment in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard and New system wages.

7. Participation of teachers in conducting master classes, round tables, internship sites, “open” lessons, extracurricular activities and events in certain areas of the introduction and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Long-term plan for advanced training of teaching staff. In this case, various educational institutions that have the appropriate license, formed on the basis of educational institutions of general, vocational and additional education, as well as distance educational resources, are used.

List of used literature

1. Certification of teaching and management employees of educational institutions. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 2014.

2. Diagnosis of teacher success: Sat. method, materials for school leaders / Comp. T.V. Morozova - M., 2007.

3. The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period until 2020.

4. National educational initiative “Our New School”, Moscow, 2010.

5. Articles of the scientific and practical journal “Management” modern school", Moscow, 2014.

6. Materials from Internet sites.

Training center "Specialist" at MSTU named after N.E. Bauman has been training certified specialists since 1991. Every year thousands of representatives of different specialties contact us: accountants, programmers, system administrators and engineers, designers, 3D artists, managers, etc.

Our students receive not only a good theoretical basis, but also valuable recommendations based on the practical experience of experts - university teachers, famous business consultants, managers and leading specialists of successful companies. We guarantee 100% quality of education, which is achieved by a combination of the Bauman teaching methods and a unique teaching staff.

Advanced training programs will allow you to gain new knowledge and skills necessary for your career development in a short time and at minimal cost. We offer a wide range of professional development programs for employees and managers. In addition, within corporate order we can implement any custom educational project. All programs are specially adapted to meet customer requirements. More than 35,000 Russian and international companies trust the Specialist Center to improve the qualifications of their personnel!

According to clause 12 of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for additional professional programs, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 1, 2013 No. 499, the duration of the advanced training program is from 16 ac. h.

You can undergo training in advanced training programs in a traditional full-time, online or part-time format. The order of courses in the program can be any, minor breaks in training are allowed. Advanced training courses are available not only to Moscow residents. If you live in another city or country, online training via broadcast will be the ideal solution for you. Thanks to modern technologies You will study at your own pace educational materials remotely. Patented inClass® technology will provide you with a connection to a real lesson and the ability to freely communicate with your teacher.

Our programs are developed based on professional standards Ministry of Labor and social protection, and also taking into account the new Russian system of qualification levels.

Important! Since July 1, 2016, professional standards have become mandatory for use by most employers. We recommend that you take advanced training programs to meet the new requirements. This is your additional bonus for successful employment or passing certification in the workplace!

What is the advanced training program in the “Specialist”:

  1. Full-time or part-time education format.
  2. Innovative methodology using modern technologies.
  3. For full-time and distance learning - distance learning at a convenient pace according to online learning records, 1 face-to-face consultation per week according to the schedule (at least 1/3 of the total training time).
  4. Payment in installments: down payment - 25% from the cost of the advanced training program.
  5. Prestigious completion documents: certificate of advanced training at the end of the entire program, certificate of an international center (if provided), international vendor certificate after each authorized course.