Implementation of 1C logistics. Software for transport, TMS Software for transport, TMS. Description of the functionality of the software product "1C:TMS Logistics. Transportation Management"

The industry solution "1C:Enterprise 8. TMS Logistics. Transportation Management" is intended for companies that, in the course of their activities, need to solve problems transport logistics. Such tasks include, among other things, the need for interconnection of participants in the transport logistics process in the following areas:

  • technical connectivity – consistency of parameters of various types is required Vehicle in the transportation chain;
  • technological connectivity - the use of a single transportation technology, adapted for all types of transport that are involved in the transportation chain;
  • economic connectivity - general construction technology tariff system in the transportation chain.

The use of the System is aimed at solving the following tasks:

  • creation of transportation chains, which may consist of links served different types transport (examples: delivery of goods from China to Russia - ocean transport, sea ​​transport, automobile transport; another option is ocean transport, rail transport, road transport);
  • planning a chain of transport logistics processes together with various departments of the company;
  • selection of the transportation contractor for each stage of transportation;
  • choice of type of transportation: in a separate vehicle or as part of a groupage cargo;
  • automatic planning of regional/local delivery for large quantity applications.

The functionality of the "1C:TMS Logistics. Transportation Management" configuration is determined by the list of subsystems that are part of it:

Depending on the structure of the company, functional workplaces can be configured in the configuration:

  • sales department manager;
  • purchasing department manager;
  • logistics department employee;
  • transport department employee.

Management of regulatory and reference information

The subsystem ensures the operation of all other functional subsystems. Within this framework, the following information is created, processed and stored:

  • currencies and exchange rates;
  • organization (own legal entities or individual entrepreneurs);
  • business partners of the company (agents, carriers, customers, etc.);
  • contact persons, addresses;
  • tariff rules depending on transportation parameters;
  • cargo classification rules;
  • nomenclature;
  • users;
  • tariff groups;
  • routes.

Manage your freight needs

The subsystem provides the user with the ability to register a preliminary need for cargo transportation and control its subsequent processing.

  • registration of Needs;
  • control of processing of Needs;
  • registration various types interactions based on current Need.

Management of cargo transportation tasks

The subsystem provides the user with the ability to register Tasks for the transportation of goods and control the execution of these tasks. The subsystem implements the following functions:

  • registration of Tasks for the transportation of goods, including multimodal transportation;
  • calculation of the planned cost of transportation for the client;
  • control over the execution of the task for cargo transportation;
  • registration of various types of interactions based on the current Task.

Flight formation

The subsystem provides the user with the ability to automatically and manually generate complete and prefabricated Flights, and:

  • One Flight may include links from various Tasks for the transportation of goods;
  • planning costs for flights;
  • control of flight execution.

You can create a package for your flight printed forms, complying with legal requirements for transportation various types TS in various directions.

Managing resources to support flights

The subsystem provides the user with the ability to process applications for the allocation or search of vehicles and employees to perform previously scheduled trips.

The subsystem implements the following functions:

  • monitoring the needs for the allocation of resources for flights and analyzing applications for the allocation of a vehicle;
  • processing applications: confirmation of the allocation of vehicles and personnel for the flight or refusal to satisfy the application;
  • the ability to use the business process “Approval of confirmation of an Application for a Vehicle”.

Flight control

The subsystem allows you to record the fact of passing route points and carry out general control over the process of carrying out Flights.

Management of the Company's tariff policy

The subsystem provides the user with the ability to record:

  • tariff policy for services provided by the Company;
  • rules for calculating own costs.

The subsystem implements the following functions:

  • fixing a list of calculation indicators that depend on one or two parameters;
  • formation of calculation rules;
  • setting service tariffs and costs by mode of transport and tariff groups.

Access Control

The subsystem allows you to configure user access rights to various objects using roles. A role determines what actions a user acting in this role can perform on what objects. Each user is assigned one or more roles. Configuration roles can:

  • correspond to the positions or activities of different users;
  • correlate with smaller user functions.

Receiving analytical reports

The subsystem provides the user with the opportunity to obtain information on assessing key performance indicators of completed transportation, and analyze statistical data collected in information base with varying degrees of detail.

The type of reporting can be different and is selected by the user.

Visualization of information on electronic maps

The subsystem for visualizing information on electronic maps makes it possible to increase the convenience of the dispatcher when drawing up the route for a specific vehicle. If there are no electronic cards, the functions of this subsystem are not active.

  • OpenStreetMap – WEB cartography, suitable for monitoring actual routes (GLONASS monitoring of product delivery), free cartography. Works under Windows and Linux OS.
  • CityGuide – cartography to control the formation of a flight. Vector maps of regions, functionality allows you to create routes according to traffic rules, takes into account traffic congestion (traffic jams). Must be purchased separately for specific region. Works under Windows and Linux OS (with Windows emulation).
  • ITOB: Cartography – WEB cartography to control the formation of a route, allows you to create routes according to traffic rules, suitable for all regions. Works under Windows and Linux OS.

The card data is not included in the software product delivery package. Working with CityGID and ITOB maps: Cartography is supported subject to the purchase of licenses for use from the relevant copyright holders. You can independently choose any of the proposed mapping services, based on the needs of your enterprise and the licensing policy of the map copyright holder. Linux systems have limitations when working with maps and using the automatic flight planning feature. Additionally, for advice on choosing a mapping service, the conditions for its purchase and the presence of restrictions on use, you can contact ITOB, at e-mail [email protected].

The subsystem provides the user with the ability to visualize on electronic maps:

  • geographical addresses;
  • geographical zones;
  • planned road routes;
  • actual car routes;

and also calculate the distance along the specified route.

Integration with the software product "1C:Vehicle Management PROF"

Combined use of "1C:TMS" with "will expand the functionality of the system and allow for comprehensive automation of transport companies with their own fleet of vehicles:

  • receiving orders for vehicles, issuing orders for the release of vehicles and generating route sheets, generating and processing waybills;
  • accounting for the production of vehicles and equipment, monitoring the timing of replacement of tires and batteries, planning Maintenance, recording of road accidents, monitoring the expiration of documents;
  • accounting for fuel and lubricant costs;
  • accounting of repairs and auto parts;
  • work accounting and wages drivers;
  • accounting for vehicle operating costs.

Integration with "1C: GLONASS/GPS Satellite Monitoring Center"

Sharing "1C:TMS" with will expand the functionality of the system and will additionally allow real-time monitoring and control of moving objects, vehicles or personnel:

  • monitoring the location and actual mileage of the object;
  • reports on actual fuel consumption, recording of fuel fillings and drains;
  • notifications when various events occur;
  • suppression of deviations from planned routes;
  • receiving a signal from an SOS panic button to ensure transportation safety;
  • control of speed limits, exceeding the permissible speed;
  • monitoring the work of walking employees.

Integration with mobile devices running Android OS

Drivers or couriers can be equipped with mobile devices controlled by the operating system Android systems. Planned deliveries from "1C:TMS" can be transferred to mobile devices employees who accept the task and reflect the status of its progress at each stage. Thus, the dispatcher and logistician can monitor the completion of tasks in real time, exchange text messages, receive photo reports and control the trajectory of the object. Various mobile applications. The first such running application is "ITOB:Mobile Client" – free application produced by ITOB.

Integration with messaging services

To promptly notify transport company personnel about various situations during cargo delivery, it is possible to receive Cell phones employees SMS, e-mail or Viber messages, for example, about going off route, being late to a client, delays in unloading goods, triggering an SOS panic button, change temperature regime delivery of products, etc.

You can also set up informing end customers about the time of receipt of goods.

Data exchange

To build complex information systems enterprises in "1C:TMS" implemented data exchange with "1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2", "1C: Integrated Automation 2", "1C: Trade Management". Currently, the exchange of regulatory and reference information and registration of transportation requirements for further processing in 1C:TMS have been implemented. It is planned to expand the functionality of the data exchange subsystem:

  • exchange with (performing warehouse operations to ensure the planned delivery of cargo);
  • uploading data to 1C: Accounting (maintaining regulated accounting).

Logistics is a process of managing human, information and cost minimization. To increase its efficiency, many enterprises use the software product" 1C: Enterprise 8. TMS Logistics. Transportation management". In the article we will look at its features.

general characteristics

Program "1C: Logistics. Transportation" used to automate flow control. The main goal is to increase the profitability of operations.

Software solution "1C: Enterprise. Transportation" created on the basis of international experience, based on the results of an analysis of the needs of domestic enterprises.

The system allows you to manage the transportation of inventory items from the supplier to the warehouse and to the end consumer.

Who can use the product?

Software solution " 1C: TMS Logistics. Transportation management" is aimed at companies that seek to optimize the process as much as possible.

The product can be used:

  1. Transport companies carrying out transportation of any vehicles, including mixed schemes. Enterprises can use not only their own fleet, but also use the services of other companies to transport cargo on certain sections of the route.
  2. Transport and logistics divisions of manufacturing, trading and other companies that deliver goods and materials from suppliers to the warehouse and to the final buyer. Divisions can also use vehicles from their own fleet or from third-party companies.
  3. Purchasing department in the process of planning and monitoring the delivery of goods by the supplier. System "1C: Enterprise 8.1c. Logistics. Transportation management" allows you to take into account all current and future deliveries and predict the company's trade and production activities.
  4. The sales department when planning and monitoring the shipment of products from the enterprise’s warehouse, if they are delivered to consumers.
  5. Divisions of the company responsible for moving goods between warehouses.

Software product objectives

System " 1C 8: Logistics. Transportation management" allows you to solve the most common problems of transport logistics. In particular:

  1. Ineffective use of vehicle types and models due to the lack of selection algorithms that take into account the maximum use of vehicle characteristics (load capacity, etc.).
  2. Increased mileage due to the lack of optimal routing schemes.
  3. Lack/lack of data exchange between enterprise departments involved in transportation.
  4. Lack of control over the location of the vehicle and the condition of the cargo en route.
  5. Lack of a reporting scheme to analyze the efficiency and quality of delivery for adoption management decisions.

Cost minimization

The intensive increase in cargo traffic and the need to improve the quality of service for partners and consumers are forcing enterprises to reconsider the composition of transportation costs.

Automated transportation system" allows:

  1. Increase the volume of transported cargo without expanding the vehicle fleet.
  2. Reduce the share of “idle” runs.
  3. Increase the accuracy and quality of order execution.
  4. Reduce personnel costs.
  5. Automatically generate travel and shipping documentation.
  6. Receive up-to-date information on various performance indicators.

Areas of application

The software product allows:

  1. Consider the transport and logistics department of the company as a financially responsible center. This, in turn, facilitates making informed decisions related to the involvement of third-party companies in the implementation of certain tasks during the transportation process. In addition, the division gets the opportunity to conduct internal cost accounting and set prices for services provided to other departments of the company.
  2. Use different types and types of vehicles in your work depending on the stage of delivery (air, Courier service etc.).
  3. Manage transportation carried out using both own and borrowed funds.
  4. Carry out cargo registration both in the form of goods (according to specifications) and as impersonal units (places, pallets, boxes, etc.).
  5. Control all stages of transportation.

"1C: Enterprise 8. transportation": description of delivery

A distinctive feature of the product is its simplicity. The software solution is easily implemented into the work of almost any enterprise, adapting to the specific organizational and technological requirements.

In the product "1C: Logistics. Transportation management"All the advantages of the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform are used: openness, ease of configuration, ease of administration, scalability, etc.

The software solution is compatible with Ingit electronic cards. Due to this, the work of the dispatcher in drawing up a route for a specific vehicle becomes much more convenient.

In product delivery "1C: Logistics. Transportation management"includes:

  • A complete set of documents.
  • Protection keys (licenses for using the system and configuration for one workstation).

To expand the number of users, an enterprise can purchase an unlimited number of additional licenses. The basic package also includes a six-month subscription to ITS (information and technical support). It can be considered self-instruction manual for "1C: Logistics. Transportation Management."


Software " 1C: Logistics. Transportation management" provides automation of control:

  1. Cargo transportation needs. By using software solution registration and control of tasks on orders from buyers and suppliers, on invoices (for internal movement) is carried out.
  2. Transportation tasks. In particular, accounting and control of order execution is provided.
  3. Cargo transportation. In an automated mode, routes are formed for the transportation of products specified in various tasks, and the execution of flights is monitored with tracking of vehicles en route.
  4. Resources. In an automated mode, accounting and control of the satisfaction of applications for the provision of vehicles for the implementation of formed flights is carried out.

In addition, the software product provides:

  1. Visualization of data on electronic maps.
  2. Obtaining analytical information for assessing the main parameters of the efficiency of completed orders depending on the type of vehicle, as well as for analyzing accumulated statistical information.

The software solution also allows you to organize functional work areas for purchasing/sales managers, dispatchers, logisticians, and department heads.

Managing cargo transportation needs

These needs may arise based on orders from the buyer, supplier, as well as the planned movement of inventory between the warehouses of the enterprise itself.

Registration is carried out by the manager of the purchasing or sales department or the employee accepting applications. This automates:

  • Filling out a request for transportation and indicating the information available at this time. It includes, in particular, information about the nomenclature of the cargo, the recipient, the sender and their addresses, the delivery time interval, and information about contact persons.
  • Cancellation of an order before execution begins.
  • Execution control: “refused”, “completed”, “executed”.

Job management

As part of this area, the following software is used to automate the design of:

  • assignments based on information from the application;
  • refusal to execute the application;
  • delivery tasks.

In the latter case, registration of the nomenclature composition, volume and weight parameters of the cargo and places, transportation conditions, delivery chain, information about the contractor at each stage is carried out.

In addition, the cancellation of a task before its execution begins is automated.


In the 1C: Logistics. Transportation Management system, tasks for multi- and unimodal transportation, consisting of several links in the chain, are registered. Both the enterprise directly accepting applications and a third-party transport organization can act as the executor of the delivery stage.

The software product allows you to create workplace an employee who analyzes transportation requests, creates assignments and develops the optimal delivery chain for each cargo.

Transportation Management Optimization

In automated mode the following is carried out:

  1. Supervision of arranged flights with the possibility of route cancellation.
  2. Control of delivery execution with tracking of vehicle movement en route.
  3. Cancellation of tasks included in the flight.
  4. Monitoring changes in the condition of cargo (registration of losses, shortages).
  5. Accounting for actual delivery costs.

Using the 1C: Logistics system, you can create a workplace for an employee who carries out the assembly and routing of flights.

Resource management

Using the program you can:

  1. Monitoring requests for the allocation of resources for flights and their analysis.
  2. Confirmation of applications and their execution.
  3. Registration of refusal to provide a vehicle for flights.

The program's functions allow you to create a work area for the head of a transport department or another employee authorized to distribute vehicles and personnel for specific flights.

Analytical reporting

The program can analyze:

  1. Fulfilling requests for cargo delivery.
  2. Execution of transportation tasks along the links of the logistics chains installed in them.
  3. Satisfying requests for the provision of vehicles.
  4. Flight operations.
  5. Delivery related costs.
  6. Job processing time.

Technological, technical, and qualitative indicators of the efficiency of vehicle use are analyzed in an automated mode. These include the coefficients:

  1. Use of lifting capacity. It is calculated by dividing the amount of cargo by the carrying capacity of the vehicle.
  2. Use of volume. It is determined by dividing the volume of cargo per trip by the volume of the vehicle.
  3. Specific costs for own/hired transport. It is calculated by dividing the total costs by the quantity of cargo delivered.
  4. Transportation efficiency. It is determined by dividing the amount of cargo transported by the number of machine hours (days).
  5. Completed tasks. It is calculated by dividing the number of completed tasks by their total number.
  6. Refusal to provide a vehicle. It is calculated by dividing the number of refusals by the total number of applications.

Visualization of information on electronic maps

This feature helps improve dispatcher routing efficiency. Maps are not included in the software package. At the same time, work with them will be supported if there are licenses purchased from the copyright holders.

The company independently selects the cards it will work with based on its needs.

"1C:Enterprise 8. TMS Logistics. Transportation Management" is a specialized solution designed for automated control business processes of the transport logistics department of the enterprise.

Depending on the structure of the company, functional workplaces can be configured in the configuration:

  • sales manager
  • purchasing department manager
  • logistics department employee
  • transport department employee.


The transportation management system "1C:Enterprise 8. TMS Logistics. Transportation Management" (hereinafter referred to as the system) is aimed primarily at Companies that, in the course of their activities, need to solve transport logistics problems. Such tasks include, among other things, the need for interconnection of participants in the transport logistics process in the following areas:

  • technical connectivity - consistency of parameters of various types of vehicles in the transportation chain is required
  • technological connectivity - the use of a unified transportation technology adapted for all types of transport that are involved in the transportation chain
  • economic connectivity - general technology for building a tariff system in the transportation chain

The use of the System is aimed at solving the following tasks:

  • creation of transportation chains, which may consist of links served by different modes of transport (examples: delivery of goods from China to Russia - ocean transport, sea transport, road transport; another option - ocean transport, railway transport, road transport)
  • planning a chain of transport logistics processes together with various departments of the company
  • selection of transportation contractor for each stage of transportation
  • choice of type of transportation: in a separate vehicle, or as part of a groupage cargo

The functionality of the "1C:TMS Logistics. Transportation Management" configuration is determined by the list of subsystems that are part of it:

Management of regulatory and reference information. Within this subsystem, the following information is created, processed and stored: currencies and exchange rates, organizations, business partners of the company, contact persons, addresses, tariff rules depending on transportation parameters, cargo classification rules, nomenclature, users, tariff groups, routes.

Manage your freight needs- the subsystem provides the user with the ability to register a preliminary need for the transportation of goods and control its subsequent processing.

Management of cargo transportation tasks- the subsystem provides the user with the ability to register Tasks for the transportation of goods and control the execution of these tasks.

Flight formation- the subsystem provides the user with the ability to create complete and prefabricated Flights.

Resource management to provide flights

Flight control- the subsystem provides the user with the ability to process requests for the allocation or search of vehicles and employees to perform previously scheduled flights.

Tariff policy management Company - the subsystem provides the user with the ability to fix the tariff policy for services provided by the Company and the rules for calculating their own costs.

Interaction Management- the subsystem allows you to plan, register, organize and work with the results of interaction (communication) of system users with someone regarding the subject of interaction.

Access Control- the subsystem allows you to configure user access rights to various objects using roles.

Receiving analytical reports- the subsystem provides the user with the opportunity to obtain information on assessing key performance indicators of completed transportation, and analyze statistical data collected in the information base with varying degrees of detail.

Information visualization on electronic cards.

All subsystems are interconnected and interact with each other.

Product " 1C:TMS Logistics. Transportation Management" was developed on the basis of the technology platform "1C:Enterprise 8.2".

Software product 1C:TMS Logistics. Transportation management, cost 62,000 rubles, minimum order- 1 piece, prepayment required.

Full description

1C:TMS Logistics. Transportation management

The solution "1C:Enterprise 8. TMS Logistics. Transportation Management", previously released under the name "1C-Logistics. Transportation Management", is intended for automated management of business processes of the transport logistics department of an enterprise. When developing the software product, the results of implementation and operation of the configuration at more than 80 enterprises in various sectors of the economy were taken into account.

The system provides the ability to manage the process of transporting inventory items along the “supplier – warehouse – client” chain. Distinctive feature The program is easy and simple to adapt to the operating conditions of almost any enterprise, the specifics of its technological and organizational requirements.

The new edition 2.0 works in the mode managed forms, the configuration code is completely open, map services are integrated.

Tasks solved using "1C:TMS Logistics. Transportation Management"

  • Increasing the volume of transported cargo with a constant number of vehicles involved
  • Reducing the unit cost of transported cargo due to more efficient configuration of vehicles
  • Reducing the share of idle runs in total vehicle mileage
  • Improving the quality and accuracy of fulfillment of transportation orders
  • Ensuring control over the location of the vehicle and the condition of the cargo during transportation
  • Organization of information exchange between company departments involved in the transportation process
  • Reduced personnel costs
  • Automatic generation of shipping and travel documentation
  • Obtaining up-to-date reporting on various performance indicators for making management decisions.

Advantages of working with "1C:TMS Logistics. Transportation Management"

The system provides the ability to:

  • Position the transport and logistics division of the enterprise as a center of financial responsibility, which allows you to make informed decisions about attracting third party organizations to perform certain works in the transportation chain. It also becomes possible to carry out internal cost accounting, reasonably forming prices for transport and logistics services provided to various divisions of the enterprise (sales department, supply department, etc.)
  • Use different types and types of vehicles (from air to courier) at different stages of the logistics chain
  • Manage the transportation process using your own or external forces
  • Register cargo both in the form of goods (in accordance with product specifications) and in the form of impersonal cargo units (boxes, pallets, pieces)
  • Take into account and control the transportation process at all its stages
  • Use integrated electronic maps, which allows you to increase the convenience of the dispatcher when drawing up the route of a specific vehicle.

Configuration functionality "1C:TMS Logistics. Transportation Management" , ed. 2.0 is defined by the list of subsystems that are part of it:

· management of regulatory and reference information;

· management of cargo transportation needs;

· management of cargo transportation tasks;

· formation of flights;

· provision of flights;

· control over flight operations;

· management of the company's tariff policy;

· issuing outgoing invoices and registering received ones;

· interaction management;

· obtaining analytical reports;

· visualization of information on electronic maps "Resident".

Configuration "1C:TMS Logistics. Transportation Management", ed. 2.0 was developed using the functionality of the standard configuration "1C: Library of Standard Subsystems", for its operation you must have the installed platform "1C: Enterprise 8.2" (version 8.2.15 and higher).

The configuration is completely open, does not contain protected code sections and does not use hardware or software protection.

Detailed video presentations:

The scope of application of the system in the logistics processes of trade and manufacturing enterprises can be schematically presented as follows:


From December 3, 2012, the licensing conditions and prices of the 1C software product are changing: TMS Logistics. Transportation management." Expansion of the number of automated workstations is carried out by purchasing client licenses only for the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform. Purchasing additional licenses for workstations of the 1C-Logistics: Transportation Management configuration is not required. Thus, the pricing scheme changes, the price of the main one increases supplies, but due to the lack of additional licensing of workplaces, the price of a delivery set for 3 or more workplaces is significantly reduced.





Permanent partner



1C:Enterprise 8. TMS Logistics. Transportation management

62 000

16 536

297 870

2 067

31 000

8 268

148 940

1 033

27 900

7 440

134 040

24 800

6 612

119 150


1C:TMS Logistics. NFR Transportation Management

3 000

15 000

2 700

13 500

For users from Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan, the solution is "1C:Enterprise 8. TMS Logistics. Transportation Management" is available for purchase through 1C partners at price list prices in the corresponding national currency. Partners from other countries can purchase the product for their clients at the dollar price list through 1C-Ukraine. In Russia, there is no VAT on these products charged, prices in hryvnia and tenge include VAT, prices in US dollars are given without VAT.

In connection with the release new edition"1C:TMS Logistics. Transportation Management" and changes in licensing conditionsAdditional licenses are removed from further sale:

- 4601546040978 1C-Logistics: Transportation Management, additional license for 1 workplace

- 4601546040985 1C-Logistics: Transportation Management, multi-user license for 5 workstations

- 4601546040992 1C-Logistics: Transportation Management, multi-user license for 10 workstations

The previous edition of the "1C-Logistics. Transportation Management" configuration, starting with release 1.2.4, is also subject to new licensing conditions. The release is released with a completely open source configuration without hardware or software protection.


The product "1C:Enterprise 8. TMS Logistics. Transportation Management" (article 4601546040961) includes:

· Distributions:

- platforms "1C:Enterprise 8";

- specialized configuration "1C:TMS Logistics. Transportation Management" based on the technology platform "1C:Enterprise 8.2"

· ITS disk of the current release;

· Set of documentation for the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform

· A set of documentation for the configuration "TMS Logistics. Transportation Management";

· Discount coupon Information - technological support "1 C: Enterprise";

· Envelope with PIN codes for the software license "1C:Enterprise 8.2";

· Licenses to use the 1C:Enterprise 8 system and the TMS Logistics. Transportation Management configuration on one workplace.

Configuration "TMS Logistics. Transportation Management" has no protection, no protected code fragments and is completely accessible for modification.

Expansion of the number of automated workstations is carried out by purchasing client licenses for the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform (for 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 300, 500 workstations).

The number of purchased licenses to use the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform is determined based on the need for the maximum number of concurrent users with the TMS Logistics. Transportation Management configuration on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform.

To work in the client-server version, you must additionally purchase a license to use the 1C:Enterprise 8 server.


The following documentation is included in the supply of products 4601546102775 "1C:Enterprise 8. TMS Logistics. Transportation Management":

· 1C:Enterprise 8.2. Administrator's Guide.

· 1C:Enterprise 8.2. User guide.

· 1C:Enterprise 8.2. Developer's Guide (in 2 parts).

· 1C:Enterprise 8. TMS Logistics. Transportation management. User guide.

The syntax of the built-in language and query language is presented in the book "1C:Enterprise 8.2. Developer's Guide" (in 2 parts). The description of the object model is fully included in the delivery in in electronic format(in the help sections of the Configurator and Syntax Assistant). Description of the object model in the form of a paper book "1C:Enterprise 8.2. Description of the built-in language" (in 5 parts) can be purchased separately:





Permanent partner



1C:Enterprise 8.2. Description of the built-in language

1 800

9 000

1 200

6 000

1 050

5 250


It is allowed to purchase no more than one copy per registration number.

For users of the software product 4601546102775 "1C:Enterprise 8. TMS Logistics. Transportation management " Additional books may be purchased:





Permanent partner



1C:Enterprise 8. Configuration "TMS Logistics. Transportation Management" Edition 2.0 Description

2 250

1 500

1 500

1 200


Description functionality software product "1C:TMS Logistics. Transportation Management"

The transportation management system "1C:Enterprise 8. TMS Logistics. Transportation Management" (hereinafter referred to as the system) is aimed primarily at Companies that, in the course of their activities, need to solve transport logistics problems. Such tasks include, among other things, the need for interconnection of participants in the transport logistics process in the following areas:

· technical connectivity - consistency of parameters of various types of vehicles in the transportation chain is required

· technological connectivity - the use of a unified transportation technology adapted for all types of transport that are involved in the transportation chain

· economic connectivity - general technology for building a tariff system in the transportation chain

The use of the System is aimed at solving the following tasks:

· creation of transportation chains, which may consist of links served by different modes of transport (examples: delivery of goods from China to Russia - ocean transport, sea transport, road transport; another option - ocean transport, railway transport, road transport)

· planning a chain of transport logistics processes together with various departments of the company

· selection of transportation contractor for each stage of transportation

· choice of type of transportation: in a separate vehicle, or as part of a groupage cargo

The functionality of the "1C:TMS Logistics. Transportation Management" configuration is determined by the list of subsystems that are part of it:

· management of regulatory and reference information

· cargo transportation needs management

· management of cargo transportation tasks

· formation of flights

· resource management to support flights

· flight control

· management of the Company's tariff policy

· interaction management

· access control

· receiving analytical reports

· visualization of information on electronic maps.

All subsystems are interconnected and interact with each other.

Depending on the structure of the Company, functional workplaces can be configured

· sales manager

· purchasing department manager

· logistics department employee

· transport department employee.

The software product "1C:Enterprise 8. TMS Logistics. Transportation Management" provides the following capabilities:

The subsystem ensures the operation of all other functional subsystems. Within this framework, the following information is created, processed and stored:

- currencies and exchange rates

- organizations (own legal entities or individual entrepreneurs)

- business partners of the company (agents, carriers, customers, etc.)

- contact faces

- addresses

- tariff rules depending on transportation parameters

- cargo classification rules

- nomenclature

- users

- tariff groups

- routes.

All regulatory and reference information is stored in the corresponding configuration directories.

The subsystem provides the user with the ability to register a preliminary need for cargo transportation and control its subsequent processing.

- Registration Needs

- processing control needs

- the ability to register various types of interactions based on the current Need.

The subsystem provides the user with the ability to register Tasks for the transportation of goods and control the execution of these tasks.

The subsystem implements the following functions:

- registration of assignments for the transportation of goods, including multimodal transportation

- calculation of the planned cost of transportation for the client

- control over the execution of cargo transportation tasks

- the ability to register various types of interactions based on the current Task.

The subsystem provides the user with the opportunity to create complete and prefabricated Flights, and:

- One Flight may include links from various Tasks for the transportation of goods

- planning costs for flights

- control of flight execution.

It is also possible to create a package of printed forms that comply with legal requirements when carrying out transportation by various types of vehicles in various directions.

The subsystem provides the user with the ability to process applications for the allocation or search of vehicles and employees to perform previously scheduled trips.

The subsystem implements the following functions:

- monitoring the need for resource allocation for flights and analyzing requests for the allocation of a vehicle

- processing of applications: confirmation of the allocation of vehicles and personnel for the flight or refusal to satisfy the application

- the ability to use the business process “Approval of confirmation of an Application for a Vehicle”.

The subsystem provides the user with the opportunity

- recording the fact of passing route points

- control over the process of flight execution.

The subsystem provides the user with fixation capabilities

- tariff policy for services provided by the Company

- rules for calculating own costs.

The subsystem implements the following functions:

- fixing a list of calculation indicators depending on one or two parameters

- formation of calculation rules

- setting service tariffs and costs by mode of transport and tariff groups.

The subsystem allows

- to plan

- register

- arrange

- work

with the results of interaction (communication) of system users with someone regarding the subject of interaction.

The subsystem allows you to configure user access rights to various objects using roles. Configuration roles can

- match the positions or activities of different users

- correlate with smaller user functions.

A role determines what actions a user acting in this role can perform on what objects. Each user is assigned one or more roles. The ability to maintain a list of information security users, as well as configure their access rights (assign roles) in 1C:Enterprise mode using the "Users" directory has been implemented.

The subsystem provides the user with the opportunity to obtain information on assessing key performance indicators of completed transportation, and analyze statistical data collected in the information base with varying degrees of detail.

The type of reporting can be different and is selected by the user:

Subsystem for visualizing information on electronic maps

- Resident

- CloudMade

allows you to increase the convenience of the dispatcher when drawing up the route for a specific vehicle. If there are no electronic cards, the functions of this subsystem are not active.

The subsystem provides the user with the ability to visualize on electronic maps

- geographical addresses

- geographical zones

- car routes

and also calculate the distance along the specified route.


There are a number of problems in the activities of many transport companies, the solution of which has a positive effect on profitability and operational efficiency. To increase the efficiency of using a vehicle, its carrying capacity should not significantly exceed the weight of the cargo being transported. Formation of routes in an optimal way will reduce vehicle mileage. Having control over the location of the vehicle and the condition of the cargo during transportation will allow you to comply with transportation deadlines and save a good relationship with clients, organizing a thoughtful exchange of necessary information between departments involved in the transportation process - to facilitate the decision-making process and increase productivity. Drawing up up-to-date management reporting - evaluates the effectiveness and quality of work performed and will facilitate the adoption of adequate management decisions.

The system provides for management of the process of transportation of inventory items (material assets) along the chain “supplier - warehouse - client”. Transportation can be carried out either by our own transport or by third-party transport. Accounting and control of the transportation process are carried out at all its stages. Implementation automated system allows you to make informed decisions about involving third parties in performing certain works in the transportation chain. You can also organize internal cost accounting, the basis of which is reasonable prices for transport and logistics services provided to various divisions of the enterprise - the sales department, the supply department, etc. At different stages of the logistics chain, the system provides for the use of a variety of delivery vehicles - from auto and railway transport to the courier. Cargo can be registered as a product in accordance with the product specification, as well as as an impersonal cargo unit - a box, piece, package, etc.

At enterprises that do not have transport departments, the system can be used not only to track and control complex logistics chains for transporting goods, but also to organize the movement of goods between their own warehouses.

Depending on the structure and needs of the enterprise, the system allows you to organize functional jobs for a sales department manager, a purchasing department manager, a logistics department employee, a transport department employee and a warehouse employee.

Let's look at some subsystems of the industry solution "1C:Enterprise 8. 1C-Logistics:Transportation Management".

Manage your freight needs
This subsystem is designed to register the need for cargo transportation and monitor its satisfaction. The need for transportation may arise as a result of a buyer’s order, a supplier’s order, or a planned transfer of inventory items between the enterprise’s own warehouses. The need for transportation is registered in the system by the manager of the sales/purchasing department or the dispatcher who accepts requests for the transportation of goods. During the registration process, information about the shipper and consignee, shipping and delivery addresses is entered, the delivery time interval and other data are indicated. It is possible to cancel the need for transportation before the start of work to satisfy it. The system implements control over the stages of satisfying transportation needs - “Refused”, “In Progress” or “Completed”.

Management of cargo transportation tasks
Using this subsystem, tasks for the transportation of goods are registered, and their execution is also monitored. Transportation tasks can be generated both in the presence of a registered need for transportation and in its absence. When registering a transportation task, data on the composition of the cargo, its volume and weight characteristics and the number of pieces is entered into the system. For each link in the chain, information about the consignor, consignee, as well as the performer of this link in the chain is entered. The executor of the supply chain link can be: transport company, accepting applications for the transportation of goods, and a third-party transport company.

The subsystem allows you to organize a workplace for a logistician who, with its help, analyzes the needs for cargo transportation, generates transportation tasks and develops an optimal chain of transportation for each cargo.

Cargo transportation management
The capabilities of this subsystem allow you to register flights to complete cargo transportation tasks and monitor their implementation. Flights can be generated based on a list of cargo transportation tasks to be completed. Registration of applications for the allocation of vehicles for scheduled flights and control of their execution are provided. The subsystem also allows you to control the execution of flights and track the vehicle’s route, register shortages and losses of cargo during transportation. Actual transportation costs are recorded.

Based on the subsystem, it is possible to organize a dispatcher’s workplace, which performs the functions of assembling and routing flights.

Resource management
The main task, which is solved with the help of this subsystem, is the processing of requests for vehicles and for enterprise employees to perform scheduled trips. At the same time, resource requirements for flights are monitored and requests for the allocation of vehicles are analyzed. It is planned to confirm the application with the subsequent allocation of vehicles and personnel for the flight, as well as to issue a refusal of the application.

The subsystem allows you to organize the workplace of a transport department manager, whose responsibilities include the distribution of vehicles and personnel to perform specific flights.

Analytical reports
The analytical reporting subsystem provides assessment of key performance indicators of completed transportation by type of vehicle and analysis of statistical data accumulated in the information base with varying degrees of detail.

It is possible to generate reports to analyze the satisfaction of needs for the transportation of goods, to analyze the fulfillment of tasks for the transportation of goods along the links of the transportation chain defined in the task, to analyze the fulfillment of flights, as well as to analyze the satisfaction of requests for the allocation of vehicles. The possibility of plan-fact analysis of costs associated with the transportation of goods has been implemented.

The “Transport Efficiency Analysis” report allows, based on the data accumulated in the information base, to analyze a total of nine technical, technological and qualitative efficiency ratios for transport for any period. Technological indicators include, for example, “KIG”, which is defined as the quotient of the weight of cargo transported during a flight to the carrying capacity of the vehicle, and other indicators. The qualitative indicator “KUZ” is calculated as the quotient of the number of completed tasks to the total number of transportation tasks.

Visualization of information on electronic maps
You can increase the convenience and productivity of a dispatcher when drawing up a route using a subsystem for visualizing information on electronic maps. This subsystem provides the user with the ability to visualize geographic addresses included in the logistics chain, as well as flight routes, on electronic maps.

The implementation of the automated system “1C:Enterprise 8. 1C-Logistics: Transportation Management” in combination with organizational measures helps to increase the profitability of the enterprise. Effective packaging ensures an increase in the volume of transported cargo with the same number of vehicles used. Due to routing, the share of idle runs in the total mileage of vehicles is reduced. The quality and accuracy of fulfillment of transportation orders increases. The generation of shipping and travel documents is performed automatically. The ability to receive up-to-date reporting on various performance indicators allows you to use it for making management decisions.

Note: To expand workplaces, in addition to additional licenses for using the configuration, it is also necessary to purchase client licenses for using the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform.