All the chicks that fell out of the nest. Rescue the chick. What not to give to found chicks

With the arrival of the long-awaited spring, parks, forests and gardens are filled with bird songs, eventually giving way to the squeaks of their offspring. While walking through city parks, people quite often find newly fledged chicks and, feeling sorry for the babies with all their hearts, begin to figure out how to help them.

However, this matter is not as simple as it might seem at first glance (and, as experts say, it is not always necessary, but rather harmful).

In order not to cause more irreparable harm to the birds than any real help, let's first figure out how we can help a small bird that has fallen out of the nest and in what case it is possible to save the fallen chicks.

Is it worth saving a lost chick?

If, while walking through the forest or park, you find a chick that has fallen from its nest, do not rush to help it; experts do not advise doing this. The person who finds the chick immediately decides that the baby fell out of the nest by accident, got lost, or was abandoned to the mercy of fate by cruel parents and is certainly in danger of life.

A baby who screams and is clearly completely unable to fly evokes deep sympathy in our hearts. It seems that if help is not provided urgently, he will immediately become an easy meal for a predator or die from lack of food and hypothermia.

However, this is not always the case. Many chicks, especially passerines, leave the nest as soon as they have feathers. They are not yet capable of full flight, but they can flutter from bush to bush. It is these babies that are most often mistaken for lost chicks, but human help can cause them a severe shock.

The fact is that if the chick is really lost, then the parents are looking for it, but they are afraid to fly up to it because of the person, since they perceive it as a threat.

Important! If you stay close to the chick for a long time or, worse, pick it up, then in this case the parents can actually abandon it due to the stress they have experienced. Moreover, some species of birds build their nests not in trees, but on the ground, and such chicks should not be surprising.

What to feed a chick that has fallen out of the nest

If you do take the chick home, then get ready to solve a number of significant problems. A chick is not a puppy or a kitten, it needs special care and the main serious problem is nutrition. For adequate nutrition, small chicks need high-calorie protein food.

Important! Their diet should include insect larvae, caterpillars and various midges, and parents give grains to the chicks only after they have been previously soaked in the crop. At home, they can be prepared by long boiling or soaking.

As you can see, feeding chicks is not an easy task. And for those people who spend a lot of time at work, such a task becomes completely impossible. Therefore, think again - is it worth “saving” the chick?

How to properly feed a found chick

If it’s clear what to feed the chicks, then no less important question- how to feed them. You must understand that metabolic processes in a young body occur instantly, and this means that the chicks digest food very quickly and soon experience severe hunger again.

It's hard to believe, but in nature, winged parents feed their offspring up to 100-200 times a day. Restless and hardworking birds need to throw something into the chick’s voracious beak every 15-20 minutes. Therefore, a few hours of starvation are enough for the chick to weaken and die.

If you brought home a chick, then you will have to become caring parents for it and feed it every 15-20 minutes, and when it gets a little older, you need to gradually increase the intervals between meals to 30-40 minutes.

At night, you can feed the chick less often, but it is important to follow one rule: the last feeding should be no earlier than 10 p.m., and the first no later than 6 a.m. Give food to the chicks using tweezers. This will remind the chick of its parents' beak and will not frighten it.

What not to give to found chicks

Many people think that chicks can be given grains, seeds or bread crumbs - this is not true, such food can kill the baby. If we talk about plant foods and specifically cereals, then they need to be boiled until they become paste-like, after which they need to be cooled. It is in this semi-digested form that birds give grain to their chicks.

Is it necessary to give water to a chick?

IN natural conditions chicks drink very little, as they receive the necessary moisture from food. If you can provide your pet with wet food in the form of worms or insect larvae, the bird does not need to be given water. When the food is based on cockroaches or crickets, then it is considered dry, so your pet needs to be watered from a pipette 3-4 times a day. Each breed of bird has its own characteristics, you can find out more from your veterinarian. There are some birds that don’t need to be watered at all.

Where to place a chick that has fallen out of the nest

If you brought the chick home, then it needs to be equipped with a separate place where it will feel comfortable. You can take a bowl with high sides or a box at least 10-12 cm high.

Important! In the resulting nest you need to put sawdust, straw, a piece of fabric, and you need to make a small depression in the center. A couple of napkins should be placed in the hole to provide the chick with a toilet.

Under natural conditions, both parents clean the nest, but you will have to clean the nest yourself after you have fed your new pet.

You should not use fresh grass, as your baby may get hypothermia from the dampness, because there is no one to warm him - there are no parents nearby. It is not recommended to use synthetic materials as bedding. on them little chick allergies may occur and he may get sick.

You should also not use gauze, as the baby may get tangled in the threads and get hurt or even die.. The baby's nest must be kept in an inaccessible place so that a cat or dog, if they live in your home, cannot reach it.

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Analysis of the final test work by Gerasimov N.A. teacher of Russian language and literature

8. Identify the word in which the untestable unstressed vowel of the root is missing. t.. theoretician.. ripe meaning.. spoiled.. so caught.. lali (bed) Answer: Theorist

Identify the word in which the unstressed vowel of the root is missing, verified by stress. wine..greet re..listical'll break Answer: realistic

10. Write down the word in which the letter I is written in the blank space. .. uncontrolled.. completed.. dependent.. quivering (needle) stabbing.. stuttering.. sew

10. Write down the word in which the letter E is written in place of the gap. 11. Write down the word in which the letter E is written in place of the blank.

Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. The puppy, who had NOT yet LEARNED how to bark, whined pitifully. Ivan was a (NOT)DISTANT man, but extremely self-confident. Tatyana reacted to the latest news (NOT) JOYFULLY, as we expected, but with sadness and longing. (HAVING NOT MANAGED to take a proper rest from one job, the master immediately set to work on another. During excavations, archaeologists discovered (NOT) ANYTHING other than a food storage warehouse.

Determine the sentence in which NOT with the word is written COLLECTIVELY The boy, (NOT) NOTICED anything around, continued to build his sand castles. Lucy answered her father's questions incoherently, (IN)INTELLIGIBLY. Among the gloomy trees still (NOT) DRESSED with foliage, this bush with green leaves seemed like a miracle. Although the chick was (NOT) VERY strong, it was already trying to fly. It was not at all (UN)INTERESTING for me to listen to the same story again, so I wished everyone good night and went to my room.

Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. On next year The actress, beloved by the audience, plans to star in a CONTINUATION of the series, and ALSO in a new film by an Italian director. (DUE to) her age, my grandmother was used to not being surprised and therefore interpreted everything, WHATEVER happened, in her own way. (DURING) DURING the long winter, the living quarters on the shore of Lake Taimyr were heated with coal, which was (B) TWO carried by the winterers on dogs. (B) DUE to the severe drought that occurred in July, the river became shallow, (THUS) the pasture was moved to a distant lake. (C) TO THE RIGHT of the front door there was a large box with SOME tools.

Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. (C) FOR three hours, Mishka and Borka argued heatedly about (WHY) the numbers were drawn on the telegraph poles and what they meant. The sun does not shine in the north, but BUD(TO) (C) EASILY shines through the translucent thick glass. It is difficult to explain (FROM) WHERE SOME habits come from. Levitan, just like Pushkin, Tyutchev and many others, was waiting for autumn - the most expensive and (PASS) FLIGHTING time of the year. At the tables, on which there were dozens of cutlery and containers (LIKE) jugs, only (AP) TWO sat down.

Indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) NN is written. The owners of the house were clearly in a hurry to leave their home: there were (1) left (2) things scattered everywhere, an overturned old (3) wicker (4) chest lay on the floor. Answer: _23____________________.

Indicate the number(s), in the place of which NN is written. Din was greeted by a happy (1) April day - with remnants of snow on the sides of the road, with cars covered in (2) road slush, with blue, in the ditch (3 ) in the clouds in the sky: an ordinary St. Petersburg April windy day (4). Answer: _____12______________________.

List two sentences that require ONE comma. 1) I left unnoticed and on the way I thought about little Sasha and his mother. 2) It began to get dark and soon Grandma Nastya appeared in the house and made us tea. 3) The river kept turning sharply in one direction and then in the other. 4) Mitka was not so much scared as he was discouraged and shocked by what happened. 5) We donated grandfather’s books and grandmother’s tablecloths and our porcelain set to the museum.

1) Through the open window one could hear the whistles of steam locomotives or the barking of dogs. 2) Misha did not hear the question or did not want to answer it. 3) Writers and journalists widely use proverbs and sayings in their works. 4) Aivazovsky’s brush was driven by an irrepressible desire to give the world new poems about the majestic struggle of man with the elements and about the unknown beauty of the radiant sea, about his native expanses and about distant coasts. 5) The spring turned out to be dry and warm and there were only occasional short rains.

Place punctuation marks. Indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence. We caught all the chicks (1) that fell out of the nest (2) and (3) placing a ladder (4) carefully put them back into the nest. Answer 1234

As soon as (1) the sun (3) rose above the horizon (2), breaking through the thick curtain of clouds (4), it pierced the sea waves with a golden radiance. Answer: ____34_______________________.

The catch (1) to the delight of everyone (2) was very rich; at times (3) it seemed (4) that the hook with bait barely had time to touch the water, and another fish was already shimmering on it. Answer: ___124_____________________

I (1) admit (2) I am always very nervous when I go on stage (3), however (4) I try to hide it carefully. Answer: 123

The letter (1) under the influence of (2) which (3) I was going to visit Marusya again (4) was long and disorderly. Answer 14

A large steamer (1) waiting (2) for which (3) the children had been crowding on the pier since early morning (4) moored to the shore to the sound of a loud whistle and enthusiastic cries of those who greeted it. Answer 14

As soon as all the urgent matters were completed (1) we met with Natasha in a small restaurant (2) and (3) while we were drinking coffee (4) Natasha told us (5) how to get to the publishing house. Answer: _____12345_________________

Vasily entered a crowded park (1) and (2) although he understood (3) that not everything in his life today was going smoothly (4) but today he wanted to smile (5) and think only about good things. Answer: ___134___________________________.

Which of the following statements are true? Please provide answer numbers. 1) Sentences 1–2 present the reasoning. 2) The content of sentence 3 is contrasted in meaning to the content of sentence 2. 3) Sentences 9–10 present a narrative. 4) Sentences 12–13 provide a description. 5) Sentences 5–6 present the reasoning.

Which of the following statements are true? 1) Sentence 3 is contrasted in meaning to sentence 2. 2) Sentences 5–6 present reasoning. 3) Sentences 9–11 present a narrative. 4) Sentences 12–13 provide a description. 5) Sentences 17–18 present the narrative.

This is the baby's first day with us. My brother found her on the sidewalk while jogging. She had just hatched and pieces of the shell were still on her. The nest collapsed completely, so we were unable to place it in nearby trees.

Despite their not particularly attractive appearance, the little chicks are cute in their own way. We kept the bird in an incubator, controlling the temperature and humidity. We decided that it was a girl (although, to be honest, I had no idea how to determine the sex of the chick), and named her Klyotska.

Little birds eat a lot! We fed Dumpling with crickets, worms, caught insects and a special inexpensive essence for chicks. We gave her food every 30 minutes, 14 hours a day. Just imagine how many insects the parents of a chick need to catch in the natural environment to feed their offspring!

Here you can see the remarkable transformation of the feathers on the wings. She also has a funny fluffy mohawk on her head.

Dumpling learned to sit confidently. Look how her feathers have changed in just 24 hours! And her eyes began to open!

Here's a nice shot of how well her feathers are developing. You can see them in the cornea. When the wings grow to required sizes, this shell will collapse and give them the opportunity to straighten out.

Overnight the whole shell fell off, and here it is, our bird! You can also see a bent toe here, but don't worry, it didn't bother her in any way.

We stopped using the incubator because the bird was already covered in feathers and had learned to regulate its body temperature. However, this didn't make her any less funny.

We gave her a new cage. She was happy, despite the expression on her face.

We found a larger cage for her and placed many different branches in it. Who would have thought, she flies and jumps from branch to branch like a true professional!

This is one of my favorite photos of Kloecki. Here you can see how her feathers have changed. We decided that it most likely belongs to the species White-headed Zonotrichia or Common Sparrow Bunting. Both species are migratory, and we hoped that our bird would be able to adapt.

She was delighted when we placed some branches with leaves in the cage! Birds of her species love tree buds, so she immediately began looking for them.

Here it is - Freedom Day! All conditions were perfect for releasing our little Dumpling, so we decided that this was the perfect day for such an event. Goodbye, Dumpling! We opened the cage, stepped back, and the bird instantly flew out and sat on the nearest branch. She didn’t doubt it for a second and immediately began to explore the world around her. We soon lost sight of her. Of course, nature didn’t come up with natural selection for nothing, but sometimes it’s so nice to help a helpless creature!

Falling out of the nest, newborn chicks usually die. Luckily, this newborn songbird was miraculously discovered by the veterinarian's brother, who was just out for a run.
The veterinarian himself recorded every step of the bird's amazing recovery.

Day 1
This is the baby's first day with us. My brother found her on the sidewalk while jogging. She had just hatched and pieces of the shell were still on her. The nest collapsed completely, so we were unable to place it in nearby trees.

Day 2
Despite their not particularly attractive appearance, the little chicks are cute in their own way. We kept the bird in an incubator, controlling the temperature and humidity. We decided that it was a girl (although, to be honest, I had no idea how to determine the sex of the chick), and named her Klyotska.

Day 3
Little birds eat a lot! We fed Dumpling with crickets, worms, caught insects and a special inexpensive essence for chicks. We gave her food every 30 minutes, 14 hours a day. Just imagine how many insects the parents of a chick need to catch in the natural environment to feed their offspring!

Day 4
Today you can see the remarkable transformation of the feathers on the wings. She also has a funny fluffy mohawk on her head.

Day 5
Dumpling learned to sit confidently. Look how her feathers have changed in just 24 hours! And her eyes began to open!

Day 6
Here's a nice shot of how well her feathers are developing. You can see them in the cornea. When the wings grow to the required size, this shell will collapse and give them the opportunity to expand.

Day 7
Overnight the whole shell fell off, and here it is, our bird! You can also see a bent toe here, but don't worry, it didn't bother her in any way.

Day 8
"Feed me!!!"

Day 9
We stopped using the incubator because the bird was already covered in feathers and had learned to regulate its body temperature. However, this didn't make her any less funny.

Day 10
We gave her a new cage. She was happy, despite the expression on her face.

Day 17
We found a larger cage for her and placed many different branches in it. Who would have thought, she flies and jumps from branch to branch like a true professional!

Day 23
This is one of my favorite photos of Kloecki. Here you can see how her feathers have changed. We decided that it most likely belongs to the species White-headed Zonotrichia or Common Sparrow Bunting. Both species are migratory, and we hoped that our bird would be able to adapt.

Day 29
She was delighted when we placed some branches with leaves in the cage! Birds of her species love tree buds, so she immediately began looking for them.

Day 36
Here it is - Freedom Day! All the conditions were perfect for releasing our little Dumpling, so we decided that this day was perfect for such an event.

Goodbye, Dumpling! We opened the cage, stepped back, and the bird instantly flew out and sat on the nearest branch. She didn’t doubt it for a second and immediately began to explore the world around her. We soon lost sight of her.

Option 1.

Task A.

On the tower stood (1) shivering from the coolness of the night (2) a guard in an overcoat (3) thrown over his shoulders (4) over his overcoat. (I. Chesnokov)
1) 1,3,4 2) 2,3 3) 1,2,3 4) 1,2,3,4
Usually running ahead was (1) hanging to one side (2) a long pink tongue (3) a white poodle Artaud (4) shorn like a lion. (A. Kuprin)
1) 1,2,4 2) 1,3,4 3) 1,2,3,4 4) 1,2,3
Moving away from the parking lot (1) two (2) versts, Ustin climbed a clay slope (3) to a forested (4) hillock. (I. Chesnokov)
1) 2,3,4 2) 1,2 3) 2,3 4) 2
Since ancient times, Tyumen foresters (1) who went to hunt a bear (2) left at home (3) a knotted (4) shirt. (A. Ananyev)
1) 1,2 2) 1,3 3) 1,2,4 4) 1,2,3
The crevasse (1) resembled (2) a deep crooked corridor (3) gradually narrowing (4) led and led them upward. (V. Bykov)
1) 1,2,3 2) 2,3 3) 1,3,4 4) 1,3

Task B.
1. Write down the numbers of sentences that are complicated by separate definitions. There are no punctuation marks.
1) I waited, grabbing the horned branch, for a minute of the battle...
2) And the horse sometimes reared up and jumped like a leopard struck by an arrow...
3) Only a cloud was creeping behind her with its greedy arms open.
4) From the golden scabbard you won’t tear out your blade covered with the rust of contempt?..
2. Write down the numbers of sentences that are complicated by isolated circumstances. There are no punctuation marks.

  1. In vain, in a rage, sometimes I tore with a desperate hand the thorns tangled with ivy.
  2. And the curls of the vines curled, flaunting the transparent green leaves between the trees...
  3. Who could see? Only a dark forest and a moon floating among the skies!
  4. Meanwhile, I kept galloping, pushing the horse mercilessly.

Task C.

Replace sentences with homogeneous members with sentences with isolated circumstances.

1) The snake glistened with smooth scales and slid between the stones.
2) The sparks sparkled quickly in the heights and swirled.
3) Below, Aragva and Kura wrapped a border of silver around the soles of the fresh islands and ran together and easily.

4) Sometimes she slipped between the stones and laughed at her awkwardness.

Test on the topic “Proposals with separate definitions and circumstances.” 8th grade

Option 2.

Task A.
1. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?
Climbing the ladder to the upper deck (1), Lyosha stepped aside (2) to make way for (3) a dark, black-haired girl quickly running down from above (4). (L. Knyazev)
1) 2,3 2) 1,2,3 3) 1,2,3,4 4) 1,2
2. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?
Our train (1), assembled from freight trains (2), having wandered for about a week (3) through the snowy expanses of Russia (4), finally found refuge on a blizzard night in February in the Serpukhov dead end. (E. Nosov)
1) 1,2 2) 1,2,4 3) 1,3,4 4) 1,2,3
3. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?
Tommy stretched out his muzzle (1) framed by brown curls (2) and (3) leaned forward (4)

trembling all over (V. Svintsov)
1) 1,2 2) 1,2,3,4 3) 1,2,4 4) 3,4
4. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?
Three men (1) with their heads raised (2) sat on a pile of sacks (3) dumped on the deck (4) and waited for orders. (I. Chesnokov)
1) 1,2,3,4 2) 2,3 3) 3,4 4) 1,3,4
5. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?
In the squares, carpenters (1) chuckle (2) saw (3) boards that smell of resin and forest dampness (4). (V. Grossman)
1) 1,2,3 2) 2,3 3) 1,3,4 4) 1,2

Task B.

1. Write down the numbers of sentences that are complicated by isolated circumstances. Punctuation marks are not placed.
1) Then, without wasting empty tears in my soul, I swore an oath...
2) I love the smoke of burnt stubble in the steppe when a convoy train spends the night...
3) Sparks sparkled quickly in the heights...
4) Below, deep below me, the stream, intensified by the thunderstorm, was noisy.

2. Write down the numbers of sentences that are complicated by separate definitions. There are no punctuation marks.

  1. And we, entwined like a pair of snakes, hugged tighter than two friends and fell at once...
  2. Voluptuous and crafty, he entangled the heart of a young maiden in a fatal net.
  3. Humming and jumping then he was swallowed up by a wave...
  4. Oh, how I want to confuse their gaiety and boldly throw into their eyes an iron verse drenched in bitterness and anger!..

Task C. Replace the dependent (clause) part of a complex sentence with sentences with separate definitions.

  1. They put a crown of thorns, entwined with laurel, on him.
  2. I love the creature of my dreams with eyes that are full of azure fire.
  3. With a joy that is unfamiliar to many, I see a complete threshing floor.
  4. The stone that fell from under my feet rolled down.